Saturday, December 26, 2020


AFTER THE HOLOCAUST Yes, it was after the "holocaust", of the Corona "virus", that I would have thought that the nations problems were over with. (As far as Corona went, atleast) Now, while most citizens were engaged in the process of working out re-payment, of both loans, and lines-of-credit, there was another group, of debtors. A group which, normally, even I would consider "trash". These were the people, whom the Republicans inbsisted be made the "face" of the second round, of stimulus payments. The people who used money, NOT to pay bills, but to get drunk, or doped up. The one-tenth of one percent, who were chronically homeless, and who enjoyed begging for money. These were the people who were willing to SELL me their stimulus payments, in return for booze, and drug, money. I would have thought that their desire, for cash, would "dry up" once the "crisis" was over with. The problem, that the feds had, with me, was that I never OFFERED my services. I only addressed those who came TO me. When the next, trap, question was "How much will you give me, for this?" My way out of the trap was too ask "How much do you want?" When told "I only want $500, to $1,000, I would say what other buyers would say: "Try someplace else." It was to those who would offer me their monthly payment, in return for just $150, to $200, whom I would do "business" with. This, and the way I would only suggest "All you have to do is sign it over, to me, and you get your money", that made the surveillance wring hands, over me. Since I left people options,which they could take, or leave, there was nothing illegal about my actions. This is how my pre-paid card went from $40,000, to $110,000. Now, of course, some of my "customers" were arrested, however, the fault was theirs. If only they had not gone around, telling people that they had SOLD benefits, for cash. A FELONY, for sure. Even I knew this. I, also, was not concerned, at all, when a reviewer checked each clients "benefits statement". This, because I kept only my benefits on this card. The time, when the reviewer questioned my support staff was when I turned out to be one, of the few, who were not regulars, at food pantries. I lived on my benefits. As for those, who wanted to sell food benefits, even I told them "Find someone else". This since there was more than enough "bad blood" between myself, and the food program. The most recent problem was over the fact of a telephone call. A call in which a womans voice (whom I did not recognize) called, asking to speak to me. All she would say was "Department of Human Services." While I had given her no less than five chances, to identify herself, she had refused. I had tried to be polite, saying that, if this tranger wanted to speak, she needed to identify herself, or that I was prepared to terminate the call. Still, the un-identified woman refused to identify herself. This is when I ended the call. Now, a woman, her "supervisor", a judge, my support staff, and myself, were in a conference room. A room where everyone would be equal. While the argument, over the woman saying "I will only identify myself, once I know I am speaking with..." the judge did not agree. The judge ordered the woman "Identify yourself, for this court, or be charged with perjury." This is when the "supervisor" would say "Your honor, it is NOT agency policy to identify ourselves, until AFTER we know whom we are addressing." When the judge had asked "Then, HOW can people know that you are the "real deal", and not just some con artist?" When the "supervisor" would say "We dont answer to clients, they answer to US." The judge would add "Without knowing WHO you are." The meeting had been tense, at best, with my supports staff saying "We, regularly, identify ourselves, to our clients. This way our clients know to whom they are speaking." The supervisor, and the unknown woman, would remain adamant, but only until the judge would rule "At this time, you will FULLY identify yourselves. That, or I will order some jail time." While the "supervisor" fumed, with RAGE, the worker did Identify herself, after saying "I dont want to go to jail, over anyone." In front of the judge, the woman read off the normal questions. That is, after the judge reminded me "You have been sworn to tell the truth, and nothing but, Understand?" I agreed, easily. The only snag, to the rest, of the meeting, was when the worker would say "Our records show that you own a house, and two pick-up trucks. Do you deny this?" I would smile as I said "Most Emhpahtically." When the worker turned to the judge, showing the judge the "record", I would tell the judge "I know what you next question will be, so I will save you the trouble. My Social Security information has been stolen, atleast three times, by hackers. I have reported this, to Social Security. All they will say is "Change your passwords." When I would add "The trucks, and the house, were purchased by others, using MY information." When the judge would say "Sir, you do realize that, with one phone call, I can deny your accusation." I told the judge "Go for it." When the judge DID call Social Security, then wrote some notes, saying "Thank you for the information", the judge would, then, turn to the state, saying "It is verified. His information was stolen." It was no surprise when the state workers marched out, of the conference room, full of rage. All of their "complaints", against me, "wiped away" by the judge. After that, I had been, fully re-instated. With a big, red "T" (For trouble). To me, it mattered little. After all, I had not broken any laws. The agencies clients, who were in trouble were those, who had been caught, trying to sell benefits to undercover units. Now, the people were furious that, as the economy was returning to normal, they had been placed back UNDER payee's. The agency even had to hire more than a dozen, new, workers, to handle the case-loads. It was a case of either: 1) Hiring more workers, at about $2,000, to $3,000, per month, to handle cleint finances OR 2) Place the clients back into controlled care, at a cost of about $30,000 per month, per client. Not much contest, there. I know that some of my "customers" tried to "finger" me, as their buyer, yet, when asked, I turned over my benefits card, and the people saw what they expected. Just my normal deposits, and withdrawals. Since no one asked me about "other cards", I just showed what I was asked for. Now, while I would "buy", I never sold. I was not one of the pawn shops. I never bought jewelry. There were plenty of those places, in town, already. I was thankful, when most of my clientelle evaporated. All being placed back under payee's. Like my deceased neighbor would have, and had, said "Its their own fault they are in trouble. If they had acted better, with their money, they would not have people to handle their cash." Yes, the Corona holocaust was behind us, and I had the money to prove it. I did not give it any thought, as to what I would spend the money on. To me, it was not an important issue. It was there, if I needed it.

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