Friday, February 17, 2017


HOW THE UNITED STATES EVOLVED INTO UNITED EARTH While no one would have believed that such events could happen, for a second time, in human history, such would turn out to be the case. The simple fact was that our world was growing tired of "endless" wars, and the rhetoric of "We MUST outlast the "terrorists". It was when the latest round of insanity, regarding the construction, of a wall, along the Texas/Mexico border, came into the news, that the public realized that America had enough of this deliberate WASTE, of public monies. After all, modern history had PROVED, via the Berlin Wall, that such walls do not, in ANY way, deter peoples actions. If anything, the Berlin Wall taught the world "Place an obstacle, in a persons path, and WATCH as the people overcome the obstacle." This is why Washington D.C., most reluctantly, began considering an alternative, for diffusing illegal entry, into the United States. Under this "new deal", Washington D.C. began having third-world nations place a VOTE, before their people. Since so many, of the peoples, of these nations, held the belief that America was the "Shining Torch of Hope", the U.S. government would offer these nations a deal. In return for state-hood, in the United States, the peoples would agree not just to become the latest, American, states, but these people would agree to become American taxpayers. This deal would be based upon the historical precident, of the thirteen colonies, then upon each territorial entry, all VOTING their way into the new nation. Now, the U.S.. government was offering this same deal, to any nation, which wanted to join the federal union. While a FEW Americans would be surprised, when Mexico, and Latin America, became the FIRST signators, of this, new agreement, other nations would fear a loss, of national identity, if they joined the expanding union. This was, especially, true of the Middle East, which Washington D.C. had been POUNDING, into the ground, for TWENTY YEARS. The concern was that, if a nation joined the federal union, that their people would be FORCED, at GUN-point, to change to the Christian religion. It would take close to a YEAR, after the first signatories, to the new deal, had joined the federal union, for the world to notice that the only thing, which, really, changed was the flag. Even so, by negotiated compromise, the local flags would continue to fly, just below "Old Glory." Since there were just not enough Social Security numbers, to go around, the decision would be made that, a new round, of Social Security numbers would be created. For each, new, citizen state, the Social Security numbers would begin with the three-letter prefix, of the persons country of origin. In truth, the only people, who, really complained, about this "new deal" would be the American corporations, which had been growing even richer, by having illegals give up every penny they had, for transport, into the United States. Now that the people were becoming American citizens, there was no more market, in trafficking illegals. The drug market would be the next, hardest, hit. This, since the F.D.A. took control, of local plantations (In order to ensure quality production). To the drug cartels, the idea, of being "muscled out", of business, brought a few reprisals, but the citizens stood by the deal. This was, especially, true, after U.S. Special Forces landed, and villages were "cleansed", of the criminal element. What no one would have expected was that, after just ten years, nearly ALL of South America, would become American states. While Europe was slow, to consider this move, the reason was obvious. So much destruction. That, and the rhetoric about "We must OUTLAST the TERRORISTS!". After TWENTY YEARS, the Europeans, as well as the American people, could not care LESS, about this war. Not when the only VISIBLE outcome, of this "war", was that American cemetaries were, still, filling up, with the children of the Smiths, and the Joneses. It would take the Papacy to bring Europe to the bargaining table. The negotiations would be to END the bombings, the killing, and the never-ending "enhanced interrogations", of the people of the Middle East. While Washington D.C. would howl "They MUST dis-arm, FIRST!", The Papacy would counter with "ALL sides will dis-arm, by (specified date). While England, France, Germany, and even Russia, were tired, of the "war", the problem would be bringing Washington D.C. into agreement. (This was especially burdensome, since the American people had given up support, for the "war", years before.) Now, as with Korea, and Vietnam, Washington D.C. stood, alone. It would not be until the American PEOPLE VOTED, to END this "war", that radical elements, within Washington D.C., would begin the process of the transfer of power, to a more moderate form of leaders. Of course, before the radicals left office, they would howl "The next time America is attacked, DONT come, crying, to us. We TRIED to "protect" this nation." Once the radicals were sent into retirement, and moderates began peace negotiations, several, more, nations would join the federal union. It would seem that the ONLY reason, why the white Russians held out, for an extended period, would be to verify that Russia would maintain her own identity. The white Russians wanted to make sure that Russian history remained intact. (NOT the version being taught, in American schools). It would, also, seem that the Papacy DID retain much power, over the Roman Catholic world. Once the Papacy translated, then studied, the rules, for applying for state-hood, the Vatican would decide that, as long as Roman Catholics, and other, religions, were allowed to retain their individual identities, the church was willing to "Give it a go". According to the modified copy, of the rules, for state-hood, the Vatican, like Washington D.C., would remain its own entity. The really TOUGH sell, would be the Chinese people. It would seem that the Asians were divided, about evenly, between state-hood, and independence. This is why common sense dictated that America send a response of "We are here, if you want to discuss the matter." While threats, and demands, had FAILED, miserably, in the past, Washington D.C. was, finally, beginning to learn that ASKING for cooperation was the best way to seek cooperation. Ofcourse, with a total, of 250 states, now part of the United States, tele-conferences became a new medium, for handling debates, and negotiations. Then, there was the "problem" of negotiations. With fifty states, it might take WEEKS, to reach a compromise. With two HUNDRED fifty states, compromise meant less posturing, and more "Just the facts". While the "road" was bumpy, it would seem that, now that 75% of the planet, had applied for state-hood, people were not only more willing to compromise. That, and the fact that, with South America now PART of the federal union, I.N.S. could shift its focus, from un-documented "illegals", to those, who had FINANCED the operations, for so many years. Would state-hood be expensive? You bet. Repairing nearly century-old roads, bridges, and so on, came at a very heavy price. In total, maybe three times what the "wall" would have cost. The REAL savings would come from no-longer having to deport the same people, time-after-time. Now, the border patrol could focus on one of the federals more important duties. That, of monitoring the border, for dangers to human, and animal, life. Finding the injured before situations became critical. Perhaps, the most important change, of all, overall, would be the pledge of allegiance. As Earth continued uniting under state-hood, the pledge, of Allegiance, would be altered, from: "I pledge allegiance, to the flag, of the United States of America, and to the Republic, for which it stands, one nation, under God, in-divisible, with Liberty, and Justice, for all" And into: "I pledge allegiance, to the flag, of the United States, and to the Republic, for which it stands, one nation, indivisible, with Liberty, and Justice, for all" The argument, for these changes, would include "America is, now, only a PORTION, of the nation. We need to recognize that times are changing." The argument, about leaving dieties OUT of the pledge, was based upon the fact that "God" went by MANY names, the world over. Since the agreement was made, that no one should have to memorize ALL of these names, the pledge was simplified. NO dieties would be named. Not "Allah", Not "Jehovah", Not "Ishmael", Not even "Christ". This way, no religion would feel "left out". While it might take another century, to bring younger generations, of very "old", and "traditional", nations, into state-hood, in time, as the old passed away, and the young were schooled, in more international ways, eventually, and with NO threats, of bombings, or embargoes, younger generations would vote on state-hood as well. As a result, another vote would take place. The question would be "Should the Earth retain the "title" of "The United States, of planet Earth", or should the name be changed, to, simply, "United Earth"? Mankind KNEW, and UNDERSTOOD, that THIS vote would be the most IMPORTANT, in human history. A decision, to be made, ONLY with the very greatest of care.

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