Thursday, February 16, 2017


THE HAUNTING PAST: MYSTERY OF THE INDIAN CEMETARY While in cruise mode, and heading AWAY from the "island paradise", known as Hawaii, Tami and I would begin reviewing our latest "haunting". If the file were accurate, Californians were claiming to view the spirit, of a young, murder, victim. Presumably, the victim was a young woman. A local "sweetheart". A young woman who was well-liked enough that her murder caused enough of a stir that lynch mobs had set out, to bring her killer to "justice". According to the contents, of the file, the murderer had fled to a home, across the street from a cemetary. When the lynch mobs "cornered" the murderer, inside the house, it was decided (by un-specified persons), that, instead of drawing the murderer OUT of the house, that the house would be BURNED DOWN, around the murderer. Now, for the primary, strange, part. According to both the sheriff's department, and the fire brigade, while the lynch mob had insisted that the murderer burned to death, in the fire, NO human remains were recovered, at the scene. For about a month, after the fire, the sheriff had, fully, expected for some, dis-placed, family, to return to town, find their home burned to the ground, and demand answers. While California's territorial governor, having read the dispatches, had sent the sheriff a message, asking "What do you mean, NO body was found? Whose home did they burn down?" All the sheriff could respond with was "Cant say, for sure. Lynch mobs say the murderer entered the house, which was burned. Dont know what happened to the body." While the governors response had been "Either YOU FIND that BODY, or I will send in the U.S. Army, and let THEM find the body. Do you understand?" While the sheriff understood, he, too, was left with un-answered questions. The primary of which was that several, of the members, of the lynch mob, were relaible people. People, whose word was as good, or better, than a written contract. Sam Perkins was one of the best. Sam ran a construction company, building shelters, for the gold rusher's, of the time. If Sam said a building would be completed, in thirty days, and it was NOT completed, any delay would be either weather, health, or death, related. Sams word was as good as a bar of gold. If Sam said the murderer entered the house, this was good enough for the sheriff. While the sheriff did NOT want to go on the "public record", with his request for information, the sheriff did visit the county recorders office, with a question. The sheriff made the records clerk take an "Oath of Silence", not to mention this request to ANY-one. Not even their own family. Once the sheriff had the clerk's oath, the sheriff asked the clerk for all records, covering the burned property. When the clerk asked "Anything in particular, sheriff?" The sheriff had suggested "Anything which might be, or lead, underground". When the clerk asked "You dont think that murderer got away, do you?" The sheriff had said "Just covering myself, in case anyone asks." The file went on to say that the sheriff had examined the burned property, for over a month, but for what, he would not say. While the cemetary, across the street, from the burned property, had quite a "history", of sightings, few of these reports were, ever, verified. It seems that local deputies did not place much importance on an old, indian, burial ground. This, even though the file contained dozens of UN-confirmed sightings, of indians, "women in white", and more than a few prospectors. While it would seem that California paid the indians dead about as much "respect", as most of the territories. This "respect" included building around, and even ON, burial grounds, there did not seem to be any type of "record", of what kind of spirits were being reported. The most, that the file contained, was entries, from personal journals. This is why Tami and I wondered WHY the Brown Agency was becoming involved, at all. What could it be, that people wanted us to investigate? Certainly NOT the 1880's murder, of a local woman. Couldn't be the 1880's murdered man. These people were dead, for nearly 140 years. As for the indian cemetary, the question was "What cemetary does NOT have a few, resident, ghosts?" Further on, in the summary, we would find the reason for the request. It was being alleged that the spirits were not only making appearances, INSIDE the cemetary, however, like the Mystery of the Gaming House, the spirits were beginning to WALK beyond the cemetary. Walking among the living. There were, even, suggestions, that spirits were entering houses, and looking into windows. For some reason, over recent months, the numbers, of prowler calls, near the cemetary, were on the increase. Since the regular police wanted NO part, in investigating "ghosts", or calling in "ghost-busters", the case was being referred to the Brown Agency. Local police, and California's governor, wanted a DISCREET investigation, and conclusion. A.K.A.: Send in G.S.2 While the cruise, from Hawaii, was as smooth as glass, our first sign, of trouble, came as we approached the California coast line. It would seem that, not only was El Nino season in full swing, but, that, in a still-baffling series, of un-explainable events, the winds, which, normally, push El-Nino forces towards Asia, had changed course, again. Result, California was receiving some very severe weather. Electrical storms, heavy rians, high winds, and so on. Of course, on the drawing boards, our plane had been designed, to cope, both with foul weather, and intense, enemy, fire, but this, still, left the question: How could we KNOW, for SURE, that our multi-billion-dollar plane would survive? Especially a direct hit, fom a lightning bolt. The designers might have spent millions of dollars, TRYING to make the plane weather-resistant, however, the difference between the drafting board, and real life, can be that of the difference between noon, and midnight. It seems that our pilots final decision was made, FOR them. This, as we closed on a section, of the storm, where even Tami and I agreed that there was just too MUCH lightning coming FAR TOO CLOSELY together. This is why Tami and I had full faith, in our pilots decision, to change course, to the south. Sure, circling the storm would take us hundreds of miles out of our way, but even I agreed that the "wasted" fuel would be easier to explain, than having to explain why we had ignored the weather, and "destroyed" a multi-billion-dollar aircraft. When air traffic control asked our pilots REASON, for the course change, our pilots were heard to say "This plane is too expensive to risk. No way can I afford to pay, for it, if we crash, instead of going around." After air traffic control agreed to the weather-related change of course, our co-pilot radioed for a mid-air re-fuelling. This because we had not re-fuelled, in three missions, and our fuel reserves were down to a third. Thankfully, G.S.2 was designed, for mid-air re-fuelling. (Too bad no one, ever, thought of mid-air re-supply. Even stealth bombers had to land, to take on food and water.) Soon after our turn, to the south, California radio stations began announcing "Residents are asked to remain calm. The storm had taken out sections, of the electrical grid. Repair crews will be dispatched the moment the storm passes. For now, all residents are requested to remain calm. There is NO danger. The lights willl be back on, soon." On-board G.S.2, Tami and I were relieved to know that our air force retiree's had taken their wise precaution. The men had "read the sky", and we would avoid any damage, due to their experience. While Mr. Brown was not over-pleased, with our circling California, practically into Nevada, to come in, BEHIND the storm, our employer would remind us "While your jet fuel is, by no means "free", I guess that it is the right call, to spend a "few dollars, more", for jet fuel, than to have to pay for a replacement airplane." Tami would add "Especially a multi-billion-dollar plane, such as this one. Who KNOWS how much a replacement would cost." Still, Tami and I put the detour to good use. Even as we flew over both California, and Nevada, we were at our stations, reviewing the case data. Tami, to try and find people-oriented reasons, for the hauntings. Me, trying to find any construction, or earth movements, reasons. What hampered MY search, was the San Andreas Fault Line. A seismic "shifting point", where California, which rested on one, crustal plate, "rubbed" against the North American plate. It was a well-known FACT that, each time the fault line shifts, houses, and buildings, creak, power fails, and there is a temporary increase, in sightings, of spirits, and ghouls. Some say it is "all in the victims minds". A form of mass hysteria. Others claim that it is the static charges, which are released, when the plates shift. WHO is right, and WHO is wrong? All that I know is that, by the time G.S.2 was granted peermission to land, the "mega-monster" storm, which had blacked out whole communities, within California, had been down-graded to a severe thunderstorm. Local radio stations would report "Okay, listeners. Here's the update. Crews on on the streets. Remember, watch out for those colored vests. Without them, you will be without power even longer. Be safe, and drive carefully. The power will be back on, in no time." The "good" news, atleast for G.S.2, was that the storm had taken out a section, of housing. Units, which the city was, still, trying to decide if the units were worth renovating. "Thanks" to the storm, the question was answered. The houses had been, completely, demolished, right down to their foundations. The remains, of these homes, would be laying near property, owned by a salvage yard, until crews could haul the debris INTO the yard. G.S.2 would be allowed to park on the cleared land. This would place us just half a city block, from both the cemetary, and the area, of the reports. I suppose that, even more than the land, Tami and I were both amazed, and disturbed, by the lack of maintenance, to the indian cemetary. The place looked more like a weed-infested lot, than a cemetary. Tami would, openly, comment "Boy! If I had to "rest in peace", there, I would not be doing much resting." It would be at just that moment, when our contact would approach, saying "Funds are limited. Without private donations, there is little the city can AFFORD to do." When our contact would identify themselves, saying "The city sent me to meet with you. If there is ANY-thing you need, just let me know. Now, shall we begin with the obvious?" When Tami would state "From the contents, of our file, I dont see where ANY-thing is "obvious"." Our contact would say "That is because we did not want to risk interception. The city sent your employer just enough information to send you to us." When Tami would ask "WHO would WANT to intercept a message, about spirits?" The contact would say "You would not believe the groups, who feel that technology has just gotten out of control. We lose a "few" jobs, here, and a "few" jobs, there, and fringe groups want to blame machines, and government." When Tami would ask "How many jobs is a "few"?" the source would say "Believe me, when the economy DOES, eventually, return, there will be more jobs, than people, to fill positions." When Tami would ask "How does this affect the reports, of increased, spirit, activity?" Our source would say "People, just looking for attention. Others, hoping for publicity. Some, hoping for jobs. Some are just "un-stable". The kind who see things, when they do not take medications." When I would suggest "So, the city has ruled these people "crack-pots". This, still, does not explain why the Brown Agency was contacted." Our source would say "We are confident that, with a competent investigation, which proves that there are NO ghosts "haunting" this area, investment funds will be forthcoming. "Ghosties" are such a drag, in community development." While our source would give Tami and I a "basic" tour, of the area, and the alleged "sightings", even I could hear the open sarcasm, in the sources voice, as they heckled the stories. In fact, for most of the "tour", Tami and I would agree that this seemed more of a "sales pitch", than a "present the facts" tour. Only after the "tour" was completed, did the source place the rest, of the file, directly into Tami's hand. This, with a caution: I have handed this, directly, to you. This information has NOT been released. Do you understand?" When I would say "WE understand. In fact, you were, never, here." Our source seemed puzzled, by this, yet departed, without a word. As for the contents, of THIS "file" (which one might call a suitcase, instead of a file), once we returned to G.S.2, and opened the thick volume, it was no time at all before we realized what we were dealing with. On every single page, of every reported "sighting", there were multiple dis-claimers, about what the "sighting" actually was. Everything from leaky sewer pipes, to wild imaginations. There was even a section, recording a series, of bizzarre, streaking, spirits. These reports were attributed to a "local" film studio, which was being "accused" of filming porn, on a public street. While the governor, the chief of police, and the municipal government, might want this "case" "swept under the rug", Tami and I knew what our job was. Determine the FACTS, and seek a resolution. Even if that meant yet another negotiated deal, between the living and the dead. The first question would be "Did the hauntings REALLY start with the 1880's murder, or was that just the first time that anyone paid ATTENTION to the hauntings?" With G.S.2 safe and secure, Tami and I would prepare for our individual tasks. Since there was neither "doubt", nor "question", that Tami was the "people-person", my partner would break out some fresh, flash, drives, for her recorder, then download her list, of "witnesses". For Tami, the first week, of any investigation, would include meeting locals, sharing drinks, and snacks. All of this, while taking people on a "stroll, down memory lane". While I, also, participated, in such "rituals", this was the primary reason why both G.S.1, and G.S.2, were equipped, with on-board exercise equipment. Most of my OWN, first, week, on this casee, I would be reviewing local records, as well as studying the geography. I had to be especially careful, here in California. A state where earth movements are common, and more than a few people have been buried, alive, after earth tremors. Per mutual agreement, Tami and I decided that the first order of business, was to invetigate the sheriff's suspicion, about secret tunnels. According to the case file, "dozens", of witnesses, (see case file, for names of witnesses) had viewed the murderer, entering the house, before it was set, on fire. Not one, of these witnesses, even suggested either seeing the murderer, or a shadow, nor anything "suspicious", about the property, once the fire was lit. After the fire burned out, and all that was left, of the house, was its foundation, the sheriff reportewd that he, and a group, of deputies, searched the charred ruins, for bones. If bones, specifically ADULT bones, had been recovered, after the burning, the case could have been closed. The sheriff, however, noted that, even after a full WEEK, of searching the ruins, there was NO evidence that ANY one had died, in the fire. While the sheriff had marked the case as "In-conclusive", it seems that the territorial governor was determined to lay the publics fears to rest. The governor performed this task, by using a media release, which promised "Murderer seen entering house, which was, then, burned down. Since the murderer was NOT observed, departing the house, the territory, of California, is satisfied that the murderer died in the fire." By the end of our first day, on-scene, Tami and I had a message, waiting for us, at G.S.2. Mr. Brown had assigned Mr. Blue to contact Brown Agency resources, inside California, and obtain a copy, of the states records, of the 1880's incident. According to Mr. Blue's message, however "You should NOT expect much, from these "records". After all, modern record keeping standards did not exist, until well into the twentieth century." This was a problem, which Tami and I were well accustomed to. According to the document, which the Brown Agency forwarded to us, it would seem that, when the sheriff had begun an investigation, looking for tunnels, AFTER the house burned down, it is surprising to note that the territorial governor ORDERED an end, to this "waste of taxpayers money". In fact, the governor had noted "Sheriff, if you want to chase "ghosts", do it on your OWN time." For some, un-specified reason, once the sheriff took this advice, and worked the investigation, on his own time, the sheriff was surprised when the territorial governor sent another message. "Terminate ALL investigations, NOW! Unless you want to be replaced." To this, Tami's first question would be "WHY didn't the governor WANT the sheriff to, fully, investigate this case? I would think that, the more evidence, which was gathered, to PROVE the results, the safer the public would feel". I would suggest "Unless the governor KNEW something, which the man wanted NO one else to know." When Tami would ask "Like what?" I would suggest "Things like secret passages, tunnels, and so on." When Tami would remind ME "I hate to remind you, but "secret passageways" are no secret. whole movies have been built around this concept." When I would say "Maybe, however, when a murder suspect is fleeing "justice", and hides out, in a place, which is, then burned to the ground, and the assumption is made, that the murderer died, in the fire, would it not be dis-quieting, to the public if, after no body is found, that "escape tunnels" ARE found, under the property." Tami would, of course, remind me "Thats a LOT of maybe's." I would remind her "Maybe, THAT is why the governor ordered an end, to the investigation. If people thought the murderer MIGHT have escaped, through such a passageway..." Tami would finish with "Locals might begin arming themselves, more than was usual, even during those days." When I would ask "And what is the result, when people have guns, and FEAR?" Tami would say "People begin shooting at shadows. Maybe, they injure, or kill, a friend, co-worker, neighbor, or worse." I would add "They could shoot family members, without meaning to." Tami would say "Well, atleast that explains the reason why people have been telling me about how MANY denials, of survival rumors, were circulated, back then." When I would ask "Just curious. Was there a funeral, for the murderer?" When Tami would say "Some of the people, I have spoken with, say that there was something. Not really a service. More like "Get it over with" type of thing." I would suggest "I wonder if there is a grave." Tami would remind me "This man was no "pillar of the community". He was a murderer. IF he had a grave, I doubt he even has a marker." When I would ask "Did anyone mention VIEWING the casket, before, or during, the burial?" Tami would remind me "This guy was even less popular than trash collectors. locals would have preferred to watch the trash being collected, than to attend this funeral." When I would ask Tami "Would you look up WHERE the murderer was buried?" When Tami would ask "WHY? I doubt it is even listed." I would give her my thoughts. "Number one: Murder suspect followed to house. Entry viewed by witnesses. House is set on fire, and burns down. Number two: No one witnesses murder suspect LEAVING house, during, or after, fire. Number Three: No human remains are found, after fire. Number four: Sheriff's official, and un-official, investigations ordered terminated, once word reaches territorial capital, that sheriff is looking for secret passages." When Tami would ask "You dont think there is MORE, here, than just a vigilante case of Arson, do you?" I would ask "If this were just a case, of a murderer being burned, alive, inside a house, then WHY would the governor even CARE if the sheriff digs the whole place up?" Tami would say "Unless the GOVERNOR knew more than he was letting on." I would add "Why, else, would the governor be so quick to issue press releases, and to order a sheriff to cease all investigations?" When Tami presented our daily report, to the Brown Agency, Mr. Blue would contact us, saying "This report of yours. It is FULL of if's. This notion, that the territorial governor might be involved. Unless you can make this stick, like concrete, we may be in, for some real lawsuit action." Tami would suggest "This is the reason why we are reporting this information, to headquarters, instead of locals. In the event our information turns out to be faulty, then the Brown Agency will not be embarrassed." Mr. Blue would say "Good girl. Keep us informed." While Tami and I KNEW that the indian cemetary was close to our "target", I guess that we were a bit hesitant, to engage the dead. After all, there is no way to "cross-examine" the dead. You either took their word, at face value, or you dont. It is just that simple. Then, there is the problem of how to "reference" information, collected, from the dead. Tami and I remained on a "learning curve", as to how to refer to the deceased, when information was supplied. In our more recent reports, I had suggested something, which I had seen used, in fiction, over the years. Creating a "list/cast", of characters, including all available data. When listing each interraction, we would include "See cast notation three, sub-section: American Civil War" (just as an example). Still, Tami and I KNEW that we were "making friends" among the deceased, since, at times, the deceased, were sending spirits TO us, to deliver data. Still, interviewing those, who had died, centuries, or even millenia, ago, was something Tami and I were, still, novices at. Tread, lightly, and speak, gently. While the Indian Nations were more open, to us, since Tami and I had resolved the Mystery of the Anasazi, still, there remained bitter feelings, and for good reason. After all, it WAS a group, of "white men", who had dumped the "Lost In Space" props, on Indian land, just to avoid arrest. While it was not so much the actual dumping, which enraged the Indians, it was more of the fact that, once someone announced that there was a "flying saucer", on Indian land, that the Indians had to defend their land, by driving out the U.F.O. crowd, using extreme means. Even AFTER the props had been identified, and removed, from Indian land, the tribes, STILL spent MONTHS kicking trespassers off of their land. People, who wanted to see the "flying saucer". While, at last report, things had calmed, and life was returning to normal, the Indians might have sent Tami and I off, with a farewell, but the nations remained annoyed at how easily the "white man" had deceived the public. This is why Tami took her time, carefully crafting her message, to the nations. In her opinion: "After all, this IS an Indian affair. These ARE their ancestors, whom we will be dealing with." My problem was that we did not know WHICH nation we would be dealing with. Would the Cherokee be offended if we contacted the Cheyenne, about a Cherokee cemetary? Would the Sioux be offended, if we contacted the Arrapaho, about a Sioux cemetary? Tami's logic would be to include, in the message "We are contacting the nations, in general, since we have a cemetary, where, legend/tales say that Indians are buried. No information on WHICH tribe. Requesting your assistance." While awaiting a reply, Tami and I would set out our normal stake-out, and wait to see what happened. Maybe the spirits, themselves, would come forth, and identify the tribe they belonged to. Tami and I had decided to turn to the dead since, to our astonishment, when I had requested sub-surface maps, to the general area, I was informed, rather abruptly, that "This information is CLASSIFIED. Theta-Gamma (or something similar)." When I had asked "May I know WHO classified the information, and WHEN?" The clerk had been rather short, with me, as they said "ONLY the legislature, and the governor, may see these documents. Unless you get elected, to the California Legislature, or the governorship, the answer is NO!" When I reported this, to the Brown Agency, Mr. Black would say "Give me a few days. I will see what I can come up with." Now, Tami and I were waiting to hear back, from the Indians, and Mr. Black, while HOPING that SOMEONES spirit would pay us a visit. Even the spirit, of the murderer, might provide information. While a man, who matched the general description, of the murderer, DID appear, to Tami (and he even PRETENDED to BE the spirit), my partner was not half as dumb as the man hoped she would be. While Tami suspected that the man was only out for a "quickie", she caught him, with the easiest question in the world. Since repeating ones own birthdate, is the simplest "no brainer", in the world, and most of us dont even have to THINK, before speaking, Tami tripped the man up, with this. Suspecting he was a phony, and KNOWING that the REAL murderer would have a birthdate, somewhere in the early, to mid-1800's, Tami, conversationally, asked "When were you born?" As soon as the visitor would say "1955. Why do you ask?" Tami would say "Nice try, fella, but that would make you a century to YOUNG to be the actual man." When the man asked "Give me another chance. How does 1755 sound?" Tami failed to suppress a giggle, as she said "THAT would make you a century too OLD." By the time the man said "I am NOT leaving, without SOME-thing, to show, for my efforts", the mans mistake was in not recognizing that Tami had maneuvered him into the security perimeter, of G.S.2. By the time the man was ready to grab Tami, he heard two, male, voices, coming close, and asking "Tami, everything okay?" When the man asked "Who are you?" Our co-pilot would say "Your worst nightmare, if you do not release the woman, NOW." When the man made the mistake, of saying "Make me.", Tami was impressed, at how the man changed his tune, after the retired air force pilots introduced themselves. It seems that the prospect, of facing military, even retired military, personnel, was something, which the man did not want to deal with. He made a fast break, even as our pilot would say "Takes all kinds, doesn't it?" Tami would add "Both living AND dead." Just thirty-six hours after Mr. Black had made his seventy-two hour promise, the tech-man was linking, with us, to say "I can understand why California wants to keep those tunnels secret, and why the territorial governor did NOT want the sheriff poking around." When Tami would say "Dont keep us in suspense. What did you find?" Mr. Black would say "Based upon satellite, infrared, ground-penetrating, and other forms, of mapping, my staff has learned what California does NOT want anyone to know about." When Tami would ask "What would that be?" Mr. Brown would say "it was neither the Indian tribes, nor the "white man", who was "first", into California. It would seem that ANOTHER group was the first to "discover" California. Though whether or not they referred to it as California, is anyone's guess." "Our scans have found the foundations, of buildings, which pre-date California, by, atleast centuries. Maybe even millenia. Our scans indicate that someone was using the West Coast, for shipping, LONG BEFORE America nicknamed it the West Coast." When Tami would ask "What is your basis, for this information?" Mr. Black would say "Geography shows that, at some point, there were docks, and piers, up, and down, the coast-line. If I had to guess, I would say freighters." When Tami would ask "Why would you say that?" Mr. Black would say "The indentations are far too deep, for yachts, row-boats, and so on. These vessels might have been the "super-tankers" of their day." When Tami would ask "What have you found, about our subject property, and the Indian cemetary, next door?" Mr. Black would say "It seems the sheriff WAS right, a century ago. The reason why no body was found was because the house was one, of MANY, which sat atop a tunnel system, which would rival the subway." When Tami would ask "Do you think the murderer COULD have escaped, via the tunnels?" Another voice would join us, saying "Young woman. The answer, to THAT question, is NO." When Tami and I turned, to see ANOTHER man, who, also, matched the murderers description, Tami would ask "Pardon?" The man would say "Do you think that any SANE person would remain inside a burning house, if they KNEW there was hope of escape?" When I would counter with "So, IF you DID died, in the fire, WHY were your remains never discovered?" The spirit would ask "What makes you think my remains were NOT recovered?" Tami would say "According to the reports, of the day, the sheriff, and his search parties, NEVER discovered any remains." The spirit would say "Ah, yes, the victors write history the way that they want it to sound." When Tami would say "But, the sheriff searched the property, for DAYS, in search, of your remains." The spirit would say "My dear girl, do you, REALLY, think that the sheriff was the ONLY person on the scene?" I would try a new tact. "Okay, so your remains were recovered. By WHOM, WHEN, and WHERE did the remains end up?" The man would say "While I was, by no means "perfect", I was a gospel-man. As my body was burning to death, I had what you would, today, call an out-of-body experience. I visited my minister, and asked HIM to find my remains, before the lynch-mob scattered me to the four winds." When Tami would ask "Why did the sheriff NOT mention a minister was present, at the site?" The spirit would say "Young woman, you modern people keep forgetting that all of your modern day gadgets, forms, and procedures, did NOT exist, as little as a century ago. Why, the closest thing I can think of, to your computers, was the Chinese bead calculator." When I would suggest "Would not visiting clergy have been worth even a file notation, even in those days." The spirit would say "Young man, in MY day, it was the CHURCH which kept the most complete, and accurate, records. Your Department of Vital Records would not even exist, for decades to come. Back when I was born, and died, family bibles were the closest thing to birth certificates." When Tami would ask "Is it possible that the minister ASKED the sheriff NOT to record your rewmains being found?" The spirit would say "Not on your life. The sheriff might have been a "pain", at times, especially when a man wanted some "fun", but he was dedicated, to the law." When Tami would ask "Then, HOW did the minister swipe your remains, without the sheriff knowing?" The spirit would surprise us when he asked "Do you have anything, around this contraption, to drink?" Tami would state "First of all, this is NOT a contraption. This is an airplane. Our mobile command center. Second, we do NOT store the kind, of booze you are used to. Three, you are DEAD. You could not drink, anyway. Anything else?" The spirit would say "Mind if I, atleast, have a seat?" With a folding chair provided, the spirit would appear to rest, even as he said "It has been so LONG, since I have had anyone to speak to. Anyone I try to approach just seems to skedaddle. Like I am something to fear." Tami would remind the spirit "You DID commit murder, during your lifetime." The spirit would say "Even the dead need company, from time to time." When I would ask "What about the minister, who took your remains?" The spirit wwould say "While he LIVED, I visited him, from time to time. Even asked him to put in a "good word", with the Almighty." When I would ask "How did he respond?" The spirit would say "The minister was a good man, but he had this "hang up" about seeking repentance, during ones LIFE-time. He claimed that post-death repentance was about as useful, for a person, like me, as it would be, for a person, AFTER execution. It seems that Heaven has all these "rules", about how one must live their life." When Tami would ask "What about your victim? DID you murder her?" The spirit would say "Honestly, I dont remember, much, about my life-time. I must have been a horrible drunk, since most of my life is a blank. I guess that I only remember the minister, since I met him, before my "wild life". This is why, after my death, I could, only visit the man, for so many years. After that, the Lord called the man to Heaven." When Tami would ask "What about records? Would the church know WHERE your remains are buried?" The spirit would say "On that, the minister agreed with me. Since we felt that, if the mob knew where I was buried, they would dig up the grave-yard, until they found my remains. God knows what they would have done, with my body. This is why I ASKED the minister NOT to record my grave." When Tami would suggest "You ARE buried, nearby, aren't you?" When the spirit would ask "What makes you think that?" Tami would "run a bluff", saying "Spirits, always, haunt close to the place where they were killed, and buried." The spirit would look sad, or depressed, as he admitted "You are correct. My remains are buried, in an un-marked plot, in that Cherokee cemetary." When Tami would ask "Why?" The spirit would say "The minister told me that would be my penance. Spent most of eternity, looking upon the place, where my life ended. Besides, who would think to look for a "white mans" remains, in an Indian cemetary, especially during those times." When Tami would ask "Are you the ONLY spirit, which resides in that cemetary?" The spirit would say "Lordy, no. While I do not seak the Indians tongue, if I get lonesome enough, I listen to them Indians, when they get together." When Tami would ask "Are the Indians souls "lost" as well?" The spirit would say "Them Indians aint "bound" to no place. They just drop by, at times, to see their final resting place. Sometimes, they share stories. More like a camp-out than anything else." When Tami would ask "Do you think you could ASK some of them to meet with us?" Th spirit would say "Young woman, I just TOLD you. I dont speak their tongue. I would have as good a chance, with a hound dog." When I would ask "What harm could it do, just to ask? Maybe some of them are lonely as well. Who knows. Maybe the murder victim might come forward, as well." The spirit would say "That one. She is a "wild one", now she is dead." When Tami would ask "What makes you say that?" The spirit would say "She makes most of her appearances when couples get "hitched". She LOVES to show off, for newly married folk. Best thing to do is come back, when someone is gettin hitched." When I would ask "Would you try to speak to the Cherokee?" The spirit would say "Fine. Dont think it will do any good. But I will ask." Now, we had something to report, and to submit, to the Brown Agency. "Made contact, with primary spirit, on-site. Attempting to set up communications, with additional spirits. Possible complication. If murderers spirit is being truthful, we may have a LONG wait, since the spirit claims that the murder victims spirit ONLY shows up, when couples get married. Also, found out REAL REASON why murderers remains NOT found at Arson site. During death throes, murderer made contact, with minister. Minister then collected remains, before sheriff, and search party, began site search. Remains, allegedly, buried in derelict, Cherokee, cemetary." As soon as Mr. Black would be able to produce a map, of the sub-surface passages, Mr. Blue would bring an agency tactical unit to California (in disguise, of course), and "weapon up", just as a precaution. When Tami and I saw the members, of this unit, Tami would whisper, to me "Dont some of those men look familiar?" I would agree "Yes, I remember some of them, myself. The case of the light house. The one which only appearred during heavy fog. Who would have thought that this case would have been our first, real, experience, with time travel? Then, again, who would have thought that spirits could act as "normal" as living people? It would not be until our team was preparing to enter the tunnel system that an Indian would appear, in our path, using plain English, and informing us "The path, before you, is a dangerous one. Use caution. Accept nothing at face value." When a soldier would ask "Since WHEN do REAL Indians speak English?" the Indian would say "Since I have been dead, for over 150 years, and I have been listening, and learning. Also, the dead are permitted to use any language which we may have need of. Now, it is time to clear your minds, and focus on the task, before you." When the tactical commander would ask the spirit "Sir, if you know what dangers lie ahead of us, would you be willing to guide us?" Mr. Blue would say "This mission is our duty, not the spirits. He has no liability, in this matter." When the Indian, looking as solid, as any human, would step aside, saying "Proceed", our group would proceed. We would, however, be mindful, of the spirits advice. It was a good thing we followed the Indians advice. We found enough booby-traps to fill a booby-trap museum. We, also, found bodies. Mummified, yes. Human, definitely. The odd thing was just how many of the heads, of the mummies, were bound, just as the Indians, of South America do their own heads. When a soldier asked "I thought the textbooks said that only the people, of South America, wrapped their skulls. What are these people doing in California?" The unit commander would say "Focus! We are on a mission." Still, Tami and I agreed with the soldier. There was a good chance that the history books would need to be re-written. (Could THIS be the reason why the territorial governor had NOT wanted the sheriff to investigate?) Maybe an hour, into the tunnels, our team discovered a very GOOD reason, why the governor would NOT want the tunnels investigated. We found a section, of tunnels, which contained what looked similar to Egyptian Heiroglyths. As I said, similar, yet different. Even Mr. Blue would say that this language was "different". While Tami took scans, of the carvings, to boot up, to G.S.2, upon our return to the surface, I noticed what the soldiers were noticing. Much of the rock, in this place, was NOT hand-carved, by pick-axes, nor dug, by shovels. Mr. Blue made a nervous joke, suggesting "Maybe, they used lasers." Maybe. Simple fact was that, while this tunnel had layers of dust, from centuries of neglect, it was not dirt, from seepage. This was dust, from not being used, in a very long time. Now, I was beginning to wonder, about those DEEP harbors, which Mr. Black had mentioned. If there were South American bodies, under California (just as there were un-counted, Asian, bodies, buried, both in the state, and along the Trans-Continental Railroad), then what other secrets would we be prepared to find? If the people, of South America, were being imported, as labor, why did history make no note, of this? That is, unless the South Americans came to this land, BEFORE the "white man". Maybe, long before the Indians? If so, for what purpose? At Tami's request, samples, of several mummies, were collected, for study, back at the plane. Tami, and myself, wanted to know just how LONG these, forgotten, souls had been down here. Maybe, an hour later, our team DID find a room, full of dusty gold. Still, it must have, originally, been so shiny, that even the dust, of centuries, could not hide its glitter. Since our unit commander was more concerned, with lives, than "booty", when some, of the soldiers, wanted to just walk in, thinking that the place was safe, the commander pointed his weapon at the soldiers, saying "The first person who takes a non-cautious step, will feel my weapon." The commander was correct, too. A room, full of "treasure" was bound to be booby-trapped. As the commander tested the area, he kept whispering "Excellent. Great craftsmanship. This guy should work for US." When Mr. Blue took notice, of the traps, he agreed with the unit commander. It would not be until, still further, into the tunnels, that our team would come face-to-face with our, possible, future. We would be stopped, in our tracks, as we looked upoon a man-made wall, bearing what, at first, we thought, was the symbol, of the United Nations. After a bit of dusting, however, we knew what we were looking at, long before Tami made her scan. The painting, on the wall, was a very CLOSE copy of the flag of the United Federation of Planets. A flag which, even in science fiction, would not exist, until the 1980's. Based upon the way this paint was flaking, however, it was obvious that this drawing/painting was centuries older than the television flag. Between seeing this, and what we had seen, so far, I was, still, surprised when both Mr. Blue, and the unit commander, suggested "We should go NO farther." No reason. Just "Its time to go back." As our team re-traced its steps, back to the surface, it was not long before we, first, began, seeing demolition charges, with flashing "armed" lights, attached to the walls, and ceilings, but, then we received another surprise. A California state senator stood in the passage, before us, saying "You could not just leave it alone, could you. All of our years, of effort, and you have to come along, and expose it." Even as the senator would turn, to walk away, Mr. Blue would ask "Expose what? A bunch of mummies, some gold, and some cave paintings?" The senator would only say "Follow us." By the time the enlarged group would reach the surface, all of the members, of the Brown Agency, would see just how much C-4 explosive the entrance was mined with. When our team commander would ask "What are you trying to take down? A tunnel, or a town?" The senator would say "You have not seen how resistant this stone is, to blast force. This is only the minimum needed to overcome this tech." When Mr. Blue would ask "WHY?" the senator would say "Once this tunnel is blown, it is only your word, against the state legislature. The evidence will be gone, forever." When Tami would ask "What evidence?" The senator would "spell it out". "What you saw, down there, is only a portion, of what this state, and this nation, is TRYING to protect. I wonder how you would react if I told you that, when previous teams were sent down, they found a place, which was some kind of dock. The ships they brought out, under tight security, of course. You would not believe. Do you realize that, even after five YEARS, of study, the finest minds, in California education, could not figure out WHAT kind of propultion the ships had. The universities could not even find the ships fuel tanks." When Tami would ask "What did you do, with the ships, after the five years?" The senator would say "The only thing we could do. We had our best minds examine the hulls, find the sea-cocks, then we floated the ships out, to the deepest part, of the Pacific Ocean, and opened the sea-cocks." When I would suggest "Why didn't you just use the ships, for target practice? Why all the drama?" The senator would say "Young man, we DID try to use destroyers, to sink the damned things. Whatever the substance those ships were made of, they absorbed everything we tried. Every hole we made patched itself, within minutes. I have, never, seen anything like it." When a California soldier would palm a detonator, the senator would take the detonator, saying "I do this so that Californians can sleep, peacefully, and our world will go on." With that, the senator flipped the trigger, and the explosives detonated, with a thunderous roar. After that, the senator walked over, to a waiting limosine, got into the back, and drove off. Once he was gone, the state soldiers made a suggestion, to our unit. "How about we agree that this never happened." When our commander would suggest "Training exercise?" The state soldier would say "Wonderful idea. First rounds on us." Our commander would say "Deal." Back at G.S.2, however, Tami was just preparing our report, to the Brown Agency, which included her sorrow, that the only evidence, of what lay beneath California, was contained in her digital recorder. It was as Tami had said "It is a shame. So much history, all destroyed, just so people can rest, in ignorance. So much waste." This is when a new voice joined us, saying "I wouldn't say that." When Tami and I looked behind us, we saw an aged Indian, standing behind our seats, holding a few, of the remote controlled explosives. The Indian would say "Most im-polite, of those men. Leaving these things lying around." When Tami would ask "Why did you say that the history has not been destroyed?" The Indian would say "You know, Indians are good for more than pow-wow's, and blankets. We understand the "white man" better than he knows." When Tami would ask "WHY have you suggested that the history, down below, has not been destroyed?" The Indian would say "let us just say that enough explosives were left in place, to make a "grand finale", at the surface. The only section, really, destroyed, is the entry galley." When I would inform the Indian "Your efforts are appreciated. If there is anything we can do, for your people..", the Indian would add "Now you mention it, there is something you can do, for my people." When Tami and I would say "Name it." The Indian would say "Our cemetary has been a pile, of weeds, for over a century. Any chance you might ask your government for a clean up crew?" Tami would suggest "It might be easier, and faster, to ask local, civic, groups." The Indian would say "It does not matter WHO does the work, so long as our honored dead may rest in peace. Preferrably inside spaces, with manicured lawns." A week later, Tami would have attended meetings, with up to a dozen groups. All of which were willing to do the work, priovided the dead did not try to scare them off, as the dead had, in the past. When Tami explained the mis-understanding, to the groups, saying "The spirits only wished to communicate, to you, that their dead should receive better care." The groups agreed to see to the gardening. And, yes, Mr. Brown gave the four of us permission, to remain on-site, and assist the workers (especially if the dead had any, further, requests). It would take two weeks, to bring the cemetary back into a joyous condition, yet it was only at the end, when modern day Cherokee would arrive, saying "Our honored ancestors "encouraged" us to visit, and thank you for your actions. The place is beautiful. We will TRY to assist with the upkeep, from now on." When a local minister would say "May your honored dead, rest in eternal peace." There was a chorus of "A-MEN". With that, Tami and I would begin packing up G.S.2, and preparing for our next assignment. I wonder what Hollywood, and network television, would do if they could understand that there is a real, and active, spirit world, "out there"? On to the next case...

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