Tuesday, February 7, 2017


THE HAUNTING PAST: MYSTERY OF THE HAWAIIAN SPIRITS While Tami and I had succeeded, in identifying, and conversing, with a European spirit, the problem was in negotiating a compromise, between the living, and the dead. While the angry spirits, who were causing the problems, were well over 4,000 years old, the spirits held the opinion that, while it was fine, for the young to defend their homeland, from definitive threats, such as the massing, of American soldiers, along the border, What the spirits were, openly, opposed to was this so-called "War on Terror". For weeks, Tami had responded to both the deceased, and the living, ALL of whom were asking WHAT is the GOAL, of this WAR?" Tami understood this question, as well as I did. The answer, to this question eluded even the American public. Not just the Europeans. And, yes, after September 11, 2001, America, our host nation, and many other nations, had taken part in joint military, actions, aimed at bringing those, allegedly responsible, to justice. It was only after those, who were BLAMED, for the bombings, had been executed, that Europe had decided "Mission: Accomplished". This, in thinking that, by this time, the military would disperse, back to defending national homelands. When Washington D.C. had announced "We MUST CRUSH Islam! We must wipe this "terrorist religion", from the face of the Earth!" This is when Europe had decided to pause, and consider these words. Now, of course, IF Washington D.C. had a DEFINITE GOAL. An achievable target, Europe would have re-considered their position. The reason why the European Union had pulled OUT, of the invasions was because of Washington D.C.'s vague, un-focused, ranting, about "We MUST outlast the "terrorists", no matter how LONG it takes". When Europe had heard this vague, un-focused, rationale, for attempting to "destroy" a religion, international support, for the invasions, had dissolved. Since that time, Washington D.C. had been trying to BRIBE nations, into supporting "our" actions. When bribery was met with a demand for FOCUSED goals, this is when rumor began to spread. Rumors, of spraying the French Republic with a deadly mist, until France agreed to re-join the un-focused invasion. Rumors, of bombing Buckingham Palace. Rumors, of invading any nation, which would not side, with Washington D.C., in the "War on Terrror". What Tami and I were learning, from the spirit world, was that our ancestors were growing fed up, with this decades-old "conflict". As the spirits, of Romans, Germans, British, and other nations, soldiers, would inform Tami and I, time and time, again "In MY day, soldiers wore uniforms. Each side killed as many, of the other, as possible. The last side standing WON the war." Many soldiers would add "This "war", on "terror", makes no sense, at all. HOW can you hope to destroy something, which has no BODY?" Christianity was, often, sited, as such an example. Whether women were being hunted down, tortured, then killed, after being "convicted", of witchcraft, or whether, in more modern times, Christians had BOMBED DOZENS of clinics, executing doctors, and assaulting patients, who were seeking health care, at such clinics, WHO was holding the Christians accountable, for THEIR actions? Several spirits inquired as to whether radical Christians would be the next "religion", to be dealt with. By the end, of the case, the only compromise, which Tami could come up with, was the promise to inform Washington D.C. that the spirits were just as fed up, with the never-ending, un-defined, combat, as the living were. Tami's compromise included Tami's promise that, as long as Tami delivered the spirits message, to Washington D.C., the spirits would agree to "behave themselves". Mr.. Brown had agreed to convey the message, to Washington D.C., if, in return, Tami and I agreed to review a case, concerning the state of Hawaii. According to the case-file, it would seem that the spirits, of Hawaii's ancestors, and the islands dieties, were becoming more active than was normal. The case-file stated that the ancestors were appearing, to the modern generation, carrying a dire warning. IF the witness reports were accurate, the ancestors were warning that, IF a construction project were not halted, VERY soon, that Hawaii would become the latest location to fall to the fate of the legend of Atlantis. The file, also, contained drawings, based upon witness memories. Memories, both from dreams, and from visions. Now, based upon how similar the drawings seemed, I asked Tami "I wonder if islanders are holding meetings, where their fellow islanders are being "warned", of alleged effects, of the development?" Tami would ask "You think islanders are manipulating their fellow citizens, into a certain thought pattern?" I would suggest "Remember George W. Bush, and his statement of "Either you stand with ME, or you are a terrorist sympathizer." If Mr. Bush was allowed to do this, on a national level, what would prevent certain islanders from doing this same thing, just on a more local scale?" Tami would say "That is a STRETCH. Possible, though. What we need is more on-site information. I dont think we should report anything, until after we have something to back our thoughts with." I would suggest "In the meanwhile, why dont we ask Mr. Black for any information, on this construction project." By the time G.S. 2 had arrived, in sunny Hawaii, it would seem that a protest was in progress. The protest was centered around one, of the nearby islands. When our Hawaiiian greeter approached our plane, the young womans first question was "Your plane is not a bomber, is it?" Tami and I would agree "No, miss. Our plane in a mobile operations center. We carry no warheads." The greeter seemed relieved to hear this, as she said "In that case, follow me." Just as Tami and I had hoped, Hawaii, like many, of our other clients, wanted secrecy. The islands would be happiest if no one knew we were even on-site. While the man, in charge, was an islander, (whose name I will not insult, by trying to pronounce it), it would seem that this mans assistant was a much younger man, who had a name which, roughly translated, into English, as "Henry". When I inquired, of our host, about our plane, the elder man would say "While many, of my people, have viewed American bombers, in the past, mostly making practice runs, near an old, naval, base, we have become accustomed to seeing depth charges making tall water spouts, as charges ignite. My people, as well, know the shape, of the American B-52, very well. Recently, however, a new type, of plane, has been observed, in our skies. The planes are shaped much like your own. What concerns us is that these planes fly without navigatiion lights." When Tami would ask "Then, how do you know..." and our host would say "ON Hawaii, we honor, and respect, the gods. However, many, of our young people, have pledged to honor the gods, through service, to the nation. My own son is one of these. My son serves as co-pilot, of a B-2 stealth bomber. While my son tells me that B-2's make attack runs, over American cities, nightly, the program was expanded, to include Hawaii, after September 11th. I would add that, on these flights, the air force drops no bombs." I would mention "Exercise attacks." When Tami would ask "Why all the interest, in OUR plane?" The elder woulld say "My people are having visions. Visions which show that, if these ships, and some drill ships, moored off three of our islands, are allowed to proceed to drill, into our volcanoes, the resulting explosions will begin the process, of sinking the islands. For this reason, some, of our young people, have been staging "Greenpeace"-style interventions." When Tami would say "Okay. We have protestors, volcano drillers, and air force bombers. How does it all fit together?" The elder would say "The diesel ships are pretending to drill in some of our finest fishing beds. This, we know to be what you call a "cover". We know this because the ships have been observed un-loading supplies, to boats, which come in-land." Whn I wuld add "There's more to it than that, iisn't there?" It would be Henry who would say "Some, of our young boaters, have witnessed the dark B-2's, dropping canisters, into the water. Some land very close to our boats. The survivors are being treated for severe, electrical, burns." Well, atleast NOW Tami and I understood the reason why G.S.2 was being suspected. NOW, come the serious questions. Tammi would suggest, to the elder "Your people report "visions", of volcanoes, and vents, being capped, and explosions. How do you know these are not just nightmares? How do you knoow that these visions might be nothing more than the result of camp-fire stories?" The elder would remind Tami "OUR stories, of thew ancestors, are meant to inspire reverence, foor the past. MY people have no desire to cause fear, or nightmares. Hawaii only wish our young too understand our historyy, and traditioons." When Tami would suggest either illness, of the body, or thhe miind, as causes, for the nightmares, it would be Henry who would say "Of course, we are nt perfect. However, by and large, Hawaiian nightmares, normally invoolve mythical mmonsters, sent by the gods, for a variety of reasons." When Tami would mention "Sounds like conscience, to me." Henry would say "Most correct." When Tamii would ask "What types of dreams are the result of the illness, of the body?" Henry would say "Normally, such dreams involve the subject of sttanding in fire-pits. Dreams, oof being "on fire". Most of these dreams, however, occur in victimms, who are running high fevers." When the eelder would, quietly, rewmind Henry "Dont forget the dream, of evil." Henry woulld say "A few, of the islands wommen, have had a "dream of evil". When Tammi would say "Explain", Henry would say "It has been reported that, when SOMME women are pregnant, they have "frrankenstein-style" drreamms. Dreams, of demented doctors performiing pain-filled abortions." No-sooner would Tami say "Hormones", when Henry would add "Local doctors say it is nothing mre than a womans, natural, fear, of her children not beiing born healthy." Tamii would look at me, saying, softly "As I said: hormoones". Henry would say "OOnh that point, our doctors seeemm to agree with you." When I would ask If illness, injury, and pregnancy, can, each, cause such nightmares, then WHY can these factors NOT cause the kinds of dreams, which we are being asked to investigate?" The elder would say "We have loved our land, since the beginniing oof tiime. It is our desire that our children love the land, as well. We hope our young will learnn to love, revere, and protect, the land. For these reasons, we never, suggestt stories, of white men, coming to the islands, to cap/control our volcanoes." After our discussion, with the elder, annd Henry, Tami and I knew what our nextt courses, of actioon, would be. While II would ask our pilots to check with their air force buddies, I woulld begin checking out the locations, where trouble was either reported, or imagined. This, while Tami took her notebook, and recorder, and began her "foot work". The part, of our investigations, which Tami was the very best at. Taking locals onh a "trip, doown memory lane". This, while searching for clues, too the nightmares. Up too this oint, the only facts, that we had were that an energy coompany was, in fact, negotiating the rights, to cap the islands volcanoes, AND the accompanying vents, in order to use thhe steam to generate electricity. Just exactly HOW thhe project was too proceed, was not being revealled, to the public. Only the fact that a massive, generator, station was beiing planned, and would be constructed on thhe sturdiiest ground the island had to offer. Maybe three days, intoo our investtigation, a wooman, who woulld only identify herself as "Barbie Doll", met with Tami, on the strict condition that the reports shoow that the women had NEVER met, period. When Tamii agreed, "Barbie Doll" would say that there was a growing conceern, among her employers. When Tami woulld ask, "Barbie Doll" would say "MY employers are wondering WHERE the locals are obtaining the desiigns, for the generating complex." When Tami woulld ask "WHY is a corporation so concerned, over the drreams, of villagers?" "Barbie Doll" would say "This wiill sound nuts, but the drrawiings, the people are making. The drawings look almost identical to the companys construction plans. This is why thee boosses are certain that thhere is a "leak". Villagers drawings are just too close, to the real documents, for pure coincidence." When Tami woulld ask "Isn't it possible that locals are dreamiing of "What IF"?" "Barbie Doll" would, only, say "IF the sketches were simple generalizations, no one would, even care. The problem is that the descriptions are just too specific." When Tami would suggest "Any way I could take a look at the real plans?" "Barbie Doll" would smile, as she passed my partner a flash-drive, while reminding Tami "This never happened, either." Just in case anyone WAS watching, Tami went into an excellent impression of "meeting an old girlfriend, and sharing memories". After this, Tami gave "Barbie Doll" a sisterly embrace, and the women shared a mutual "take care", before parting. While the ladies were doing this, I was back, at G.S.2, studying Hawaiian geography, including both above-ground, and undersea vents. While I was working on this, our pilots came to inform me "We thought you should know something. While NO U.S. Air Force bombing runs have been carried out, on the territory, of the Hawaiian Islands, our fellow pilots report having witnessed planes, similar to ours, in, and around, this area. Planes neither authorized, nor deployed, by the Pentagon." When I would ask "Who else would WANT such a plane?" Our pilots would say "Good question." then add "Even if someone DID have such a plane, this leaves the question of "WHY drop electric charges, into the ocean?" A place where electric current would dissipate, in no time." When I added the possibility, of another stealth ship, operating in the area, to my question of "HOW could anyone hope to control every volcanic vent, along the Hawaiian Island chain?" These pieces added up to nothing except more questions. Then came Tami, with her report, of meeting with the woman, who only called herself "Barbie Doll". When Tami loaded a copy, of the utilities master plans, into G.S.2's computer, the results were amazing. (Of course, before uploading anything, to G.S.2's computers, Tami and I ALWAYS made a point, of scanning every document, with Mr. Blacks software. Mr. Black's team, of computer workers, had no superiors, in the world. This is why Mr. Brown, and Mr. Black, had recruited these people, in the first place.) Once uploaded, to the ships computer, even **I** could see how similar the islanders drawings were, to the utilities master designs. In fact, most of the drawings appearred to have been sketched, directly, from the original plans. Copied by someone who had access, to the master plans. Since Tami had, previously, confirmed that the utility comppany was NOT employing Hawaiian's, in order to keep the utilities plans secret, this left nothing except questions, as to HOW locals could dream, or even imagine, how such a project would look. For reasons which I will not even try to understand, maybe a week, into our investigation, a man, dressed, as a Hawaiian diety, appearred, aboard G.S.2. When Tami mjade a cautious "He-llo", the man would, in basic English, state his Hawaiian name, saying "Yes, I speak your language. Mother Superior suggested a visit. The good sister even suggested that I speak your language, so that you will not need to waste time in translating my Hawaiiian dialect." When Tami would ask "The words you have just spoken. Would you mind repeating them, in your native tongue?" (Note: this was NOT to tease the spirit. Tami and I were just curious, about the Hawaiian language.) When the spirit repeated his words, in his native tongue, Tami and I might not have UNDERSTOOD the words, but the tone quality was beautiful. When Tami told the man "Thank you." The spirit would say "Think nothing of it. After all, I am here to ASSIST you. I, also, bring this warning" When Tami would say "Lay it on us", the spirit would say "Take hands, then take my hand." When Tami would suggest "Not a flight, through time, I hope." The man would say "Nothing so elaborate as Charles Dickens story. Just follow my lead. Watch, and learn." When Tami and I followed the directions, given us, we watched as G.S.2 "dissolved", and we found ourselves observing another piece of land. On this island, a culture flourished, using the heat, and steam, from the island's volcano, to operate their machinery. The place looked like paradise, with children playing, while adults handled cooking, mending, and so on, while other adults seemed to be studying. Then, as if out of a nightmare, fissures began to form, and new steam vents began to blast open. Suddenly, the ground shook, so violently, that the ground split open, into enormous fissures. Those islanders, who did not slip, and fall, into the magma, beneath the cracks, fell into the boiling water, around the island. What Tami and I took particular note of was the DESIGN, of this place. It seemed identical, to Hawaii, in every detail. Even the devices, which capped the volcanoes, seemed identical to those, planned, for Hawaii. When I asked the spirit "Are we looking at the past, or the future?" The spirit would say "I am forbidden from showing mortals the future. I am restricted to showing the past, and present." When Tami would suggest "Are you showing us what WILL, or just what MIGHT, happen?" The spirit would say "To be correct, this is what happened, before. I have been trying to warn my people, of the possible future, which awaits them." As the landmass sank, into the ocean waves, Tami would say "Let me guess. You have been showing your people this image." When the spirit would say "Correct. It seems, however, that my descendants, while noble, and reverent, are more skeptical, than my generation was." When Tami would ask "How may WE be of assistance, to your people?" The spirit would say "Try to communicate the knowledge that attempting to control Mother Earth will bring only disaster." When the three of us re-appearred, on-board G.S.2, Tami and I would inform the spirit "We will do our best, however, let us be clear. If the utility owns the land, it might not be possible to prevent the destruction." The spirit would say "Let us hope that common sense wins out. If not, Hawaii MIGHT be the next landmass, re-taken by the ocean." Now, by this time, Tami and I had learned, very well, from Mr. Brown, HOW to request information, without anyone being the wiser (or blocking requests). Instead of contacting the U.S. Geological Service, directly, and requesting that a surveyor visit the Hawaiian Islands, Tami and I did what any student can do. We logged in, to the "public access" area, and submitted the same, generalized, questions, which could fit thousands of islands, world-wide. Making certain NOT to be to specific, Tami was able to access many references, regarding Hawaii's active volcanoes, simply using a search for "Volcanoes, active in the 20th, and 21st centuries". While there was no doubt that Hawaii had some active volcanoes, as well as many steam vents, the site also contained information, on cracks, and weaknesses, in the islands crust. This information left Tami and I with a question, which was best left to scientific, and technical, minds. The question of "IF the volcanoes, and vents, were placed under pressure, to operate turbines, and generators, COULD this cause new fissures to form?" While Mr. Black used the next two days, to run scenario's, and projections, Tami put her time to good use, as well. My partner attended three rallies, in order to ask islanders "Why do you oppose the capping, of the volcanoes, and the vents?" While the answers Tami would receive would vary from "It will disturb nature", to "It will be ugly.", to "All the utilities care about is profit. Not lives, or the land." While Tami was busy with these conversations, I asked an islander to SHOW me WHERE he said he had, just, witnessed a "god", appearing near some steam vents, and with a warning. The islander would inform me "In English, the spirit would have said: Be warned! If the white man tries to suppress Hackathema, god of the volcano, the god will bring rath of the sky, and ocean, upon the white man." When I asked "Just curious. Since the utility, which is developing this plan, is American, WHY did th spirit not say "Upon the Americans? Why say Upon the white man?" Tthe islander seemed thoughtful, about this, for a moment, then shrugged his shoulders, said "You got me?" Then we continued our walk, to the site of the vents. Now, normally, in my line of work, I treat the deceased with the deepest of respect. Not that it is statutory law. The Brown Agency simply considers this "good manners". After all, which would people rather cooperate with? Hostile forces, or friendly forces? What I found suspicious, about this volcano character, at the vents, was HOW he appearred. When my guide, and I, arrived, at the vents, I could see several places, where humans could hide. Not to mention the cloud-like quality, of the vents, themselves. While I, truly, believed that the islander had seen SOME-ting, I hoped I was not rude as I mentioned "I hope they come back. I would love to see this volcano god, for myself." A moment later, a vent did what I half-expected it to. As if under pressure, from compressed gases, the vent flared, and expanded (conveniently), to human size. When the vent returned to normal output, there stood, behid the vent, a man, whose "outfit" might have been borrowed from a television show. A show, such as Gilligans Island, Hawaii 5-0, Relic Hunter, or others. (And WHAT was with that "shaker-rattle"?) When I asked the figure "Can you understand me?" I was surprised when the figure said "You, paleface. Intrude on our land. Bring death, to my people. Be gone, pale-face." This is when I faced the figure, saying "Just to be accurate, I am an American. Actually of German ancestry. Born of America. Just curious: From WHERE do YOU originate?" When the figure mentioned some chamber, I noticed that even my guide seemed confused, by the reference. When I asked the figure "Will you give me the coordinates, of this chamber? I would wish to see it with my OWN eyes." For some reason, the spirit, which had visited G.S.2, appearred, beside me (and the islander seemed fearful, of the figure, even when the spirit would say "Have no fear") The spirit would look, at the masked figure, saying "This one is not one of us. No one dresses like that, except in your American movies, and in television." I could not dispute this since, to date, everyone, from Mother Superior, to the enforcer demon, to the werewolves, and vampires, presented themselves, to Tami and I, in human form. (Not one mask, among them) With the spirits proclamation, the figure was, suddenly, surrounded, by steam, then he was gone. When I walked over, to look at where the man had been standing, the spirit would hold me back, saying "I KNOW where that one has gone. That tunnel leads to a bay, of sparkling blue water. The American utility company OWNS the land." When the islander would gaze upon the spirit, saying, "Noble one. You do not speak as we are taught". The spirit would say "One of the "perks" of being dead. Spirits may use any language which we choose." When I asked the spirit "Is it possible that the utility is trying to sew fear, and dis-trust, among the islanders? Make islanders question their own, and other peoples, sanity?" The spirit would say "Better still. Since some, of our legends say that, under certain conditions, ALL Hawaiian's are to depart the islands, as quickly as possible." I would suggest "Of course, male islanders would THINK that the gods want a general evacuation. Locals leave..." The spirit would say "...and the utility claims salvage rights." Well, atleast one "god" would not be making an appearance, any time soon. Back at G.S.2, Tami would report, to the Brown Agency, "Suspicious as it may sound, of all the arguments, against the utility, no one has mentioned Atlantis." Via comm-link, Mr. Brown would ask "What is it that islanders fear, then?" Tami would say "Near as I can figure it, islanders are more afraid of scenario's, such as James Bonds "Man with the Golden Gun", or "2012"." When Mr. Brown would ask "You dont mean that islanders are afraid that the Hawaiian Islands will be hollowed out, to build a military base?" Tami would ask "Why not? Plenty of precident. Not the least of which is Cheyenne Mountain, Colorado." As Mr. Brown contemplated this, then posed the question What WOULD happen, IF the islands WERE hollowed out?" Tami was about to say "I am not certain", when Mr. Black entered the conversation, saying "My staff has prepared a simulation." When Mr. Brown would say "Proceed", we would, soon, find ourselves, ALL, viewing what could, easily, be a scene, from any science fiction movie, about Atlantis. After presenting a video, which held the appearance, of 100 million megatons, of nuclear devastation, all showing the island chain being destroyed, in an explosion, which would make Krakatoa seem like a "minor tremor", by comparison, Mr. Back would lay out the details, on a model. As Mr. Black would explain "While it is known that the volcanoes, of the Hawaiian Islands, ALL have magma pockets, which are held in check, by the body, of the volcano, just imagine the pressures, and magma flow, if all of that volume were, suddenly, dis-placed. Even if the diverters worked, perfectly, the machines could not last, forever. If the upper sections were hollowed out, for the installation, of generating equipment, and the hillsides were left as nothing more than veneer, if the processing equipment suffers a single failure, you can say "Goodbye, Hawaiian Islands." When Mr. Brown would ask the obvious question, of Mr. Black "You have all of these conclusion in the file?" Mr. Black would say "Of course, sir. Any time you need them." Mr. Brown would, then, address Tami and I, as he asked "Do you think the Hawaiian gods, the REAL gods, would cooperate?" Tami would say "I dont see why not. The spirits have been helpful, up to this point." No-sooner had my partner said these words when G.S.2's multi-million dollar, automatic defense, systems would deploy our port chain gun turret, after some character came to close to the plane. The figure, dressed as a Native American, had just begun some sort of "dance", along with some "shakers/rattlers", and what sounded like a terrible imitation, of Cherokee, Sioux, of Cheyenne. When G.S.2's wonderful, female, weapons systems voice would call out "You have violated this aircrafts security perimeter. Withdraw, immediately, or this unit WILL open fire." Even Tami agreed that one thing was for certain. This "visitor" was no spirit. (As a general rule, spirits do not set off G.S.2's automatic defenses. Only humans do.) When the targetting laser locked onto the persons chest, did Tami and I actually hear the "visitor" speak, in clear English, saying "You would not DARE". Since G.S.2 was programmed to try "Deterence, first", the turret put out a single, three-round, blast, at the "visitors" feet. After the shots were fired, DID Tami and I hear the "visitor" actually say "You WOULD", as they turned, and ran away. On the weapons panel, in our cockpit, our pilots chuckled as, on a video monitor, the words "Stand By" flashed, on the screen, while the figure ran away. Once the "visitor" had fled, the chain gun turret withdrew back into the planes fuselage, even as a spirit appearred, inside G.S.2, saying "Very impressive. What else can this plane do?" When I would suggest "With our pilots, at the controls, it would be easier to say what the plane can NOT do". (Which was, practically, nothing). As it would turn out, the spirit was NOT one, of the Hawaiiian "gods", at all. The spirit was of a man, who had served, in World WarTwo. Once Tami called up the mans service record, which was verified, by the Pentagon, our pilots seemed happy to show a fellow soldier all of the modern wonders, which had come into existance, in the years since the mans post-war death, in the 1970's. The soldiers then spent a couple of hours, trading war stories (No doubt, with plenty of embellishment), before the spirit bid us ALL a "Good night". It was, maybe, a couple of days later, when Tami and I had a "run in" with another, supposed, "god". In this case, however, it would be more correct to refer to the character as a "god-ess". Tami had made the decision, that just studying facts, and history, would NOT solve this mystery. When my partner decided that we should "become acquainted", with Hawaiiian culture, we set off for some, lcal, festival. (I wont pretend to know its name, or meaning). What I DID notice, as did local men, was the young woman, who was doing something between a Hula Dance, and something, almost, Saudi Arabian. While I will admit that, as a man, I was more interested in the girls skimpy costume (which, BARELY, covered her breasts, and womanhood), Tami, and a native woman, noticed what we men had not. Both Tami, and the native, noticed that, while the dancer was DRESSED as, and acting (more or less), like a Hawaiian, her features were just far enough off that Tami used one, of Mr. Black's remarkable, hidden, camera's, to videotape enough, of the girls performance, for G.S.2's computer to analyze. What I, and the native men, found suspicious, was how, once the "dance" was completed, and without a word, the young woman seemed enveloped, in either mist, or fog. When this cleared, the young woman was gone. Back at G.S.2 (and once my head was "clear"), Tami had the local woman join us, as Tami ran a search, for the young performers identification. If the performer was NOT Hawaiian, then this left the question of "WHAT was her nationality?" By the time the computer matched the womans facial features, to an indian tribe, of the American Plains, A follow up search arrived, listing the womans indian name, as well as her crimes, against the indian nations. It would seem that this young "squaw" had managed, in just a few years, to not only SELL her familys land, to the utility, but the young woman had seduced her way into the utilities executive offices. According to the indian nations records, the young woman had conned the indians into allowing the sale, of the land, claiming that the utility was promising to build a "cultural center", on the nations land. Problem was, the young woman had been "very LOOSE", with the term "cultural center". As it would turn out, the ONLY, native indian, reference, to the power supply station, was a cartoon, of an indian, which hung on the perimeter fence. Well, atleast now we knew what we were dealing with. A group, of first-class con-artists. People, who were using Hawaii's own history, to trick the islanders. By the time I was prepared to inquire just WHERE the young woman had disappearred to, after the mist enveloped her, the male spirit joined our group, saying "Its about TIME you asked WHERE she went". When the native woman woulld ask "Pardon me, but HOW would YOU know?" The spirit would say "We, spirits, get around, just as well as you humans do." When the native woman would say "I thought that ghosts only haunt the place where they died." Tami and I would suppress smiles, as the spirit would say "Young woman, movies, and television, enjoy encouraging this myth due to the fact that it is CHEAPER to wire up a single set, than to set up, and take down, location-after-location." When the native women would suggest "The stories, of the ancestors, say that some protect the forrests, while others serve the water, and sky." The spirit would correct the young woman, saying "Stories, of spirits, "bound", to distant places, are told to discourage nightmares. If such stories allow children to sleep, peacefully, through the night, all the better. Truth is, while the ancestors DO watch over, and protect, the lands, and people, the ancestors are, by no means, "prisoners"." When the spirit realized that he had "struck a nerrve", he promised the young woman "Just as with the Christians Lord, God, and the Jewish Jehovah, our spirits are boundless. We can be anywhere that we are needed." When Tami would ask "Then, tell us this. WHY was that indian woman dressed as an islander, and giving that public performance? What was to be gained?" The native woman would chime in with "Of course! Now I remember. The utility company was insisting upon adding something to the disputed lands. The ceremony took place at the same time the work was planned for." Tami would say "That makes sense. Distract local men, with a nearly-naked girl, while the utility does its work, elsewhere." When I would ask "WHERE is all this work to be done?" The native woman would say "The exact OPPOSITTE side, of the island, from where the performance was staged." Awhile later, when the native woman lead Tami and I, to the general area, where the work was to be done, none of us were surprised to find a security fence in place. The native woman would inform us "The only other way in is via the water." While it is a matter of record that, during the mystery, of the Egyptian Artifact, that our retired, air force, pilots had un-packed our Black Ops hovercraft, in record time, this time would be different. With hours to spare, before sun-down, the retired professionals went through a pre-launch check-list, which would have made Strtegic Air Command proud. While the native woman wondered how the hovercrafts enormous engines could go anywhere (and NOT be heard, for miles around), Tami and I promised the woman that she would be surprised, by the hovercrafts performance. And surprised she was, especially when the engines were engaged, yet the massive units were as quiet as a compact car. (Note: The primary reason why the Pentagon had rejected this design was due to the fact that, while the manufacturer had promised a craft, capable of 500 miles per hour, "our" craft was only capable of a maximum of 250 miles per hour (in full, combat, mode). In "Stationary" mode, the engines were quiet enough for the occupants to hear nearby, night, creatures. Even in "Cruise" mode, waves could, often, be heard, over the sounds, of our engines. While we were not, "officially" at war, our pilots would prepare their combat helmets. The very ones which Mr. Black had modified, to provide even more, optional, features, than "normal" "Heads Up Displays" (H.U.D.). Our pilots could see midnight, on a moonless night, just as easily as viewing high noon, on a sunny day. While we, really, did not EXPECT trouble, with our "cruise", and with our pilot at the helm, of the hovercraft, as we approached the target area, our co-pilot made himself comfortable, at the "weapons station". As the veterans had told us, before "Better to be overly-prepared, and laugh about it, later, than to be under-prepared, and risk either capture, or death." While our jet-black hovercraft cruised into the waterway, and onto the shore, with ease (appearing, to the naked eye, as nothing more than a shadow), it would not be until our craft skimmed, through some tree's, that "all hell broke loose". We had, no-sooner, found the crudely-designed, nuclear reactor, when our on-board, radiation, detectors, sent out a shrill, warning, indicating radiation, reaching toxic levels. This is when "all hell broke loose", as rifle-men, and machine-gunners, opened fire, on our craft. When Tami and I dove on top of the native woman, all three of us lying flat, on the crafts bottom, even as our pilot made a turn, which no one would believe possible, in a hovercraft, and accelerated even as our co-pilot returned fire, from our on-board weapons. Our pilots just found it laughable. The thought of how many, of the shooters were aiming, NOT at us, but, rather, at our flotation skirt. Like rifle, or machine-gun fire, would penetrate the five-layer thick, Titanium-re-inforced Kevlar fabric. Our pilot wondered what the machine-gunners would think if they KNEW that our craft had a hull, and skirt, which was designed to repel anything, short of a howitzer shell. Our pilot, also, wondered WHY the machine-gunners kept firing at our hovercrafts armoured engine housings. This craft had been, originally, designed for use against Russia's biggest, and baddest, armaments. Our pilot, however, kept the crafts speed at a mere 30, or so, miles per hour, until we reached open water. Then, to the complete surprise, of the guards, monitoring the waterway, no-sooner had our craft come into sight when our pilot pushed the throttles to "Combat Forward". By the time the guards had un-packed the detonator, for the underwater explosives, and had armed the device, the guards were left to scratch their heads as our hovercraft, practically, "took flight", as our engines caused the craft to surge forward, to as fast as 275 miles per hour. In the couple of minutes the guards had taken to prepare to blow us out of the water, the Black Ops designed engines had hurtled our hovercraft five miles out to sea. While the pilot would return the craft, to "cruise mode", our co-pilot, retired, but still "by the book", walked the entire length, of the craft, thoroughly checking, for damage. By morning, no-sooner had the native woman reported the illegal reactor, to the police, when everyone rushed outside the government building, to see what had caused a massive blast. Sure enough, right at the place, where the reactor HAD been, a cloud, of thick, black, smoke, hug in an otherwise bright, sunny, morning sky. Still, the police took no chances. Helicopters, and Jeeps, were dispatched, to recon the explosion. As the local commander would inform us "We have seen cases, before. Criminals, who would risk exposure, set off explosives, to make police THINK that illegal items have been destroyed. This is why we observe, with our own EYES." Not surprising, however, is the fact that, by late afternoon, ALL patrols had reported in. While the fuel rods, for the reactor, were missing, the reactor, itself, had been blown, to bits, with regular dynamite. Add to this the fact that, while the gunners positions had been abandoned, ALL weapons, ammo, and troops, were missing. The only, surviving proof, of the operation, were the guards shacks, along the river. That, and the underwater explosives. While Tami provided the indian womans information, to the police, when the airport was contacted, airport personnel verified that a woman, matching that description, had boarded a private jet, shortly after sun-rise. By noon, the jet would be over California. Since the airport had no record of the fake "gods", who had been apppearing, near the steam vents, the police had contacted the harbor, for recent sailings. Sure enough, as many as twelve men, matching the "gods" measurements, had been seen, boarding a motor yacht. Sometime between 2-3 A.M., the motor yacht had travelled to a utility company work-ship, which was moored in deep water. The dock-master recalled the sailing since the yacht was, also, loaded, at its stern, with large crates, large enough to be steamer trunks. Look-outs, on land, reported that the yacht pulled up, to the "blind side", of the utility ship, which then set sail. By 4 A.M., ships, men, and baggage were in international waters. Still, this left the question, of the capping, of the vents, and the volcanoes. Since the Hawaiians were, already, suspicious, of the operation, a "hold" was placed, on the construction permit, while local government reviewed the project. The goal being not-so-much to stop the capping. Rather, to verify that the capping was, in fact, what the project was for. For reasons, known ONLY to the utility, permission, for state officials, as well as law enforcement (and Tami and I), was delayed by 72 hours. The utility's excuse: "We need time to prepare for the visit". While state officials, and police, were ready for a "prepared tour", what these professionals were NOT preparred for was what Tami and I had been expecting. While the tours, of the control rooms, and machine shops, were about as "thrilling" as watching grass grow, it was not until the group was using a passage, between an "auxiliary control room", and the "Main Control Room", that the tour became interesting. In the tunnel, before our group, appearred a woman. Maybe five-seven, slender, and radiant enough to bing any man to "attention". While the woman had the same, jet black, hair, as both of our island contacts, the womans facial features were, without a doubt, Hawaiian. When state officials, and the police, knelt, before the woman, and Tami asked "Why?", an official would say "Out of respect for her majesty. We are in the radiant presense, of Pele. The TRUE Goddess of the Volcano." After Tami gave Pele a respectful curtsey, and I, a gracious bow, Pele, magnificent, in a summer dress, of vibrant color, would turn towards a side tunnel, then gesture, as if to say "Follow me." When our group DID follow, both the state officials, and the police, admitted that neither knew that the spaces, which Pele was leading us through, even existed. The spaces might appear natural, however, none of our group had been here, in recent memory. It was not until our group reached the edge, of a cauldron, of magma, that Pele stood before us, silently, until the group was all present. When a state official would say "Oh, mighty Pele, protector of our lands, and our people, enlighten us as to your reason for bringing us to this place." Pele would raise a hand, and point overhead. There, dangling, over the magma, was a 50-kiloton warhead, mounted on a tri-pod. When a naive, state, official would ask "I wonder what THAT is for?" Pele would indicate the warhead, then make a rapid, falling, motion, followed by a gesture, for an explosion, and magma shooting up, under incredible pressure. It would be only after inspecting three, additional, sites, (With Pele leading the way, each time), that the commission came to a terrible decision. To the horror of Tami, and myself, the decision was identical to the vision, which another spirit had, previously, showed us. Whether the vision was of the past, or the future, no longer mattered. A utility was preparing to set off as many as ten, 50-kiloton, nuclear warheads, inside Hawaiian volcanoes. One, of Mr. Black's scenario's was about to become a deadly reality. The capping, of the volcanoes, was only step ONE, of the master plan. The pressure, to run the turbines, to produce power, was far greater than normal, volcanic, activity, would produce. Once the nuclear warheads were dropped into the magma, the detonation would cause pressures, which would force the volcanoes to operate at 100, to 1,000 times normal rates. While the utility had PROMISED Hawaii that "Our equipment is DESIGNEED to operate, under these conditions." The REAL question was "How would the CRUST react, to the detonations?" While Washington D.C. was, currently, of the opinion that "We must let business operate as business see's fit. Over-regulation will strangle the economy." U.S. Geological, however, did NOT agree. In fact, within 72 hours, a federal team was on-site, and reviewing our data, line-by-line. No matter HOW the feds read the data, officials concluded that Mr. Black was correct. The warhead detonations would not only cause a violent increase, in magma activity, however, between the hydrogen, already present, in the volcanoes, and that, of the warheads, not only would the volcanoes explode, with un-predictable violence, but, the fissures, which allowed the steam to vent, would be blasted into casms. If Hawaii was "lucky", its islands would vanish, in the explosion, and be reduced to littering the sea floor. If Hawaii was "Not so lucky", the state would resemble the aftermath, of Hiroshima, and Nagasaki. When the utility made the decision, to abandon the project, islanders OFFERED to assist, yet were ordered to "Stay away, or be prosecuted, for trespass." About the only problem, which the federal government had, with dis-mantling the project, was when the U.S. Army was sent to recover the warheads. When the utility refused to turn over the warheads, saying "These are OUR property", the soldiers were issued combat orders. "Take the warheads, or destroy them." Only AFTER the warheads were removed, from the volcanoes, did the Atomic Energy Commission become "interested". The A.E.C. could understand the reason WHY the utility had NOT wanted the warheads inspected. The devices were "black market", and there was enough leakage, that removal workers were required to wear hazmat suits, to work on the devices. While this was going on, on Hawaii, on the mainland, corporate executives, quickly sold the company to an investment group (which had no knowledge, of the volcano plan). Once the company was sold, the board of directors, took flights, to nations which had "Non-Extradition Treaties", with the U.S. The investors, who purchased the company, could not be indicted for something they knew nothing about. All that the Justice Department was able to do was declare the company bankrupt. The purchasers would lose every penny they had invested, in the utility. It would, also, seen that news spread, just as FAST, throughout the spirit world. This was proven when Pele, Goddess of the volcano, would appear, dressed in Hawaiian dress clothes apparrel, and, this time, SPEAKING even better English than I am able to. Pele would inform Tami and I "On behalf of my people, I want to thank you for saving our beloved islands. While so much has changed, over the centuries, I am pleased that my people retain their heritage." After Tami and I would address the woman, saying "You are most welcome". Pele would turn and, as she strolled away, every inch a woman, she would dissolve, into thin air. Our next, "gods" visitor would be Kanaloa, God of the Ocean. In equally superior English, Kanaloa would appear, wearing a simple, white, workers, t-shirt, and blue, dress pants, while informing Tami and I "On behalf of the various life-forms, both human, and aquatic, which call Hawaii "home", I wish to express my appreciation, for your assistance. May I ask one favor, though?" When Tami would say "Name it", Kanaloa would ask "Would it be possible for me to board, and view, that magnificent "speed boat", of yours. Never before have I witnessed such a craft." When Tami and I would agree "I am sure it can be arranged." Then add "We, also, want to add that it was our HONOR to be of service, to your people." Shortly after this, Kanaloa would shake our hands, then mention "As with Pele, I, too, have much work to attend to. Good luck in your travels." As Kanaloa would walk away, from us, he would dissolve, just as gracefully as Pele had. Later, after islanders had aided our packing, of G.S.2, the four of us would just be strapping in, for take-off, when Mr. Brown would vid-link with us, saying "Congratulations on a job, well done." When Tami would look at me, saying "Here it comes", Mr. Brown did his famous "I'm hurt" imersonation, before saying "Since you are off the West Coast, anyway, I would appreciate it if you reviewed the enclosed case. It seems a bit "Run of the mill, but..." Tami would add "But, you would like us to check it out, anyway. Maybe find out if the case is worth our resources? Determine if agency resources should be assigned." Mr. Brown would say "Thats my girl. Full of spirit.", then he would fix his gaze on me, saying "You could learn a thing, or two, from your partner". When I would say "I know", Mr. Brown would say "Anyway, give me a preliminary report, as soon as possible." At that moment, I wondered: Whoever it was who said "No rest for the wicked" SHOULD have said "No rest, for the successful, profitable, and dedicated", instead. On to the next case...

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