Thursday, February 23, 2017


THE HAUNTING PAST: THE HAUNTING OF GERMANY By the time the case, of California, was concluded, not only was our next case ready and waiting, for us, it would seem that Tami's family was, un-intentionally, involved. According to the file, it seems that an "international investment group", had been seeking funds, to re-hab a German castle, whose ruins had stood since LONG, and I mean, LONG, before the Kaiser, had been born. According to the file, no one knew just exactly how OLD the castle was. The only reason why Berlin had not ordered the place demolished, in the past, was because it was some sort of "landmark". As for how Tami's family had become involved, that part is simple. After due research, and, at fathers advice, his family had placed part, of their savings, into an investment fund. One of those funds where local communities invest in the development, of malls, shopping centers, and other, civic, improvements. Tami would be the first to state "The fund MUST be solid, since it has been around, for as long as I can remember." While Tami was busy, reviewing the list, of investors, most of whom she was very well acquainted with, I was just as busy, trying to find out HOW a normal, average, American neighborhood could become involved in such an investment fund. The "answer" was in the "financials". While the "director", of the community investment fund, had set up the fund, to procure "income-producing" properties, the director had forgotten to place a definition, on the term "income-producing". While the investors had assumed that one, and all, would understand that this group was only investing, in the local community, since these, exact words, were NOT part, of the funds charter, the fund had found itself, with an un-expected set, of new "investments". Between what the members, of the investment group, were able to compile, and what Mr. Brown's "infinite resources" could discover, it would seem that, without a CLEAR DEFINITION, of what KINDS of investments the group was into, the "market" had "slipped one" into the investment groups portfolio, without anyone noticing the addition. Even the funds "director" had been un-aware of what was going on, before the transaction had been completed. From what the Brown Agency had been able to deduce, the "local investment fund", to which Tami's family belonged, had just "inherited" some "income-producing properties". These properties included "adult" (porn) book-stores, in seven states, as well as seven, to nine, "adult" movies-houses. It would take the combination, of the skills, of Mr. Brown, and Mr. Blue, and as long as three days, to figure out that "Income-producing" apartments was an "investment name", for whore-houses. And these were just the "state-side" investments, which the local investment fund had inherited. Aside from plenty of vice, it seems that the fund had "inherited" castles, in Europe, and in Asia. As to the reason WHY a community investment fund had inherited all of this property, it would seem that, the investors, in the original fund, where the properties were operated from, had pulled their investment money, after some tax-audits found that the investors had their money in vice. Since the community investment fund did NOT have a charter, which, specifically, stated "No Vice", the market had "blended" the failing fund, with the community fund. When asked, Tami's mother would be the very FIRST to question "How were we SUPPOSED to know that this might happen? We invest in parks, schools, drive-ins, and shopping." Tami would have to explain, to her mother, five times, before father would take over, asking his daughter "Are you saying that, unless we put it in WRITING that we dont want to invest in either the former Soviet Union, or Iraq, or Afghanistan, that our fund could end up owning property, which is held in enemy hands?" Tami would tell father "Thats about the SIZE of it. Without WRITTEN limits, your investment group could, even, end up as part owners of the coming bases, on the moon, and on Mars." When father would laugh at this, saying "That would be impossible. All off-world assests would be controlled, by governments." Tami would caution the man "Dont be so sure. The market found a way, around our "charter". They can find, or create, a way, to invest in who-knows-what." While the local investment group was meeting, to discuss how to RID the fund, of the vice properties, Tami and I, along with Mr. Brown, and Mr. Black, were reviewing some of the funds "new investment" properties, which were located in Germany. Sure, thanks to the Mystery of the Chalice, Tami and I had first-hand knowledge, of several, of Europe's "spirits", and we had experience, in the castle case, about spirits, who did not want humans bothering their rest. This is why we were wondering about the reports, of "hauntings", at some castle, which the fund had "inherited". A castle, which, allegedly, had been scheduled, for renovations, for several years, yet the work had, yet, to start. According to a notation, in the file, when Berlin had been contacted, about the castle, authorities had been slow to respond to the incidents. It would seem that, due to the excessive AGE, of the castle, which, now, lay in ruins, that the place was a local "landmark". Once a German saw that castle, they KNEW where they were. If the file were correct, however, it might not be that the spirits were opposed to the renovations, in general. No, it MIGHT be that the spirits were opposed to the former investment groups plans, to turn the ruin into a combination night club/brothel. International interests were prepared to advance $5oo billion (in American dollars), to renovate the castle. The problem was the spirits. In a surprising "twist" on the Mystery of the Corporate Lodge, it would seem that these German (?) spirits were not only throwing workers off the job-site, but, even when workers DID complete a days work, the workers would return, the following day, to find all of their work, from the previous day, ripped out, and lumped, on the floor. While I would have agreed, with Tami, that we should hold off, on investigating, until we KNEW who the new owners, of this property, would be, Mr. Brown suggested, to Tami "If your family wants "off the hook", for these investments, I would suggest that we make the properties EASIER to sell. Handle the spirits, and let the fund handle the sale." By the time Tami contacted her mother, the elder woman would say "We have, already, placed the properties up, for sale. I really dont know who will want to buy adult book-stores, movie houses, and bordello's." When Tami would suggest "What about Hugh Hefner? The owner of Playboy Magazine? He is into porn, BIG time. Its his income, and livelyhood." Mother would say "Already thought of that. All that Mr. Hefners people will say, so far, is "We will get back to you."" When Tami would ask "What plans, does the fund have, for the properties, until we can un-load them?" Mother would say "Father has spoken to an attorney, and the attorney says to do NOTHING. Father says that the attorney says that, even if we change a light bulb, mow the grass, or wipe a dirty window, we are legally obligated, to the property. All we can do is PRAY that someone buys the properties, soon." Un-fortunately, "soon" did not come soon enough. The entire community, where Tami's family lived, were faced with a lawsuit, from a "community standards" group, from a local town. It would seem that SOME rumors had been spread, implying that the local community had made a POINT of PURCHASING the vice properties, presumably to aid in bringing vice into the local economy. Now, the community fund had to divert funds, from community projects, to pay for court costs, regarding accusations of trying to establish a local, porn, market place. While, in the privacy, of the family home, Tami's long-haul trucker, brother, had mentioned "Wouldn't that be cool! No more having to order magazines, via the internet. Have a local store." Father had reminded his son "Watch what you say, and WHERE you say it. Your jest MIGHT be misunderstood." When the young man would say "Just joking, dad." Father had said "You know that, and I know that. But others might not agree." By the time the fund had owned the properties, for three weeks (with no offers, so far), Mr. Brown was ready to commit our services. The orders were simple. "If there are spirits, in that German castle, then HANDLE it. If you accomplish this, I MIGHT be able to find a buyer, for that property." When Tami would ask "Any chance your source might aid in disposal, of the other properties?" Mr. Brown would have to, regretfully, say, "Disposing of vice properties is about as easy as selling a nuclear reactor. No one wants any part, of such properties." When I would suggest "Too bad we cant un-load those properties, into one of those generic, all-purpose, funds. The ones which have no real leadership structure." Mr. Brown would say "Mr. Blue has, already, considered that option. Un-fortunately, the federal government is cracking down, on those funds. Too many properties have been left, to decay. The last time Mr. Blue checked, the federal government has active investigations going, into somewhere near 750 of these properties. So far, however, no convictions, since no one knows who controls the cash flow". Mr. Brown would continue "You should be aware that, anyone, attempting to place property, into such a fund, is subject to felony prosecution. Tami, make SURE your family understands this, PLAIN and CLEAR." After agreeing to inform her family, Tami had, no-sooner, terminated the link, with Mr. Brown, when, just in time, she caught her parents, before they signed the final papers, to transfer ownership. When mother asked "Tami, WHY shouldn't we dispose of these properties?" Tami would say "Mother, I just spoke with my boss, Mr. Brown." When mother would say "How nice. How is that charming man doing?" Tami would inject "MOTHER, listen! If you, father, or any member, of the investment group, signs those papers, you will be prosecuted, by the federal government!" When father joined the conversation, asking Tami "Why would we be prosecuted, for selling property?" Tami would say "Father, listen. If you sell, to one of those "blind funds". The kind which has no real, administrator, the Justice Department will arrest you, on felony charges." When father would say "Make sense, girl. Why should anyone be prosecuted, for selling property?" Tami would "draw the picture". "Selling to a buyer, who will sign their NAME, to paperwork, IS legal. You CAN sell, to another, private citizen, or to a business. What the federal government is cracking down on, is these "blind funds". The funds, which have NO leadership, and where properties are allowed to decay, while the Justice Department tries to locate the owner." When Father would suggest "What about a donation?" Tami would say "As long as there is a trail, of ownership, this will be fine, as well. Just dont be conned into placing the properties into a blind fund. It would be like Arson. Setting the properties on fire, to drive out tenants, and burn down the vice. All of which is illegal." While mother had only a bit of understanding, in such matters, once father understood, he would follow through, on his promise, to his daughter. While his wife would be saying "We can un-load those properties, and take the money. Whats wrong with that?" Father would say "I just have this "thing", about prison records. I like our bedroom. I would not feel comfortable, on a prison cot." (What even Tami and I would not know, until later, was that the "buy" was, actually, a "sting operation". The federal government was trapping would-be sellers, into offering un-wanted properties, to a "blind fund". This, NOT by offering money, but offering just to take un-wanted property off the hands of owners. The Brown Agency would receive verification, that the federal government had convicted close to 1,000 "investors", for such attempted "transfers". Since neither Tami's parents, nor any of their neighbors, had signed the sale papers, NONE could be convicted. The federal government would move on, to the next "investors"). While Tami's father, and brothers, would be "spreading the word", like Paul Revere, on his midnight ride, Tami and I would be on our way BACK to Germany, and to learn just WHAT was going on, at this "haunted" castle. While Berlin gave G.S.2 entry clearance, into Germany, Tami would receive an e-mail, from the chancellor. "To the Brown Agency operatives, While you are most welcome, in Germany, I feel that I should caution you, regarding any actions you may have planned, for that old castle. While not even federal records contain much evidence, for the AGE, of the castle, nor the builder, that castle, even in ruins, is as much a "national landmark" as the Eiffel Tower, or your own Statue of Liberty. Be cautious, regarding your coming actions. Due to your excellent handling, of our recent problem (with the Tiger tanks), the people, and nation, of Germany, will extend every possible assistance." While Tami and I were grateful for this information, we understood its underlying meaning. The Germans wanted the castle left alone. This left the question of WHO we would be negotiating with. Humans, spirits, or both. While G.S.2 had achieved a solid reputation, on our last visit, to the Fatherland, what this meant was that, this time, our plane would be allowed to land very close to the subject property. (NOT be forced to land at a U.S. Air Force base, then be escourted about the nation.) Our pilots even remarked "What beautiful scenery. This will be a great place to park". Of course, upon arrival, Tami and I would be asked about the two decade old "War on Terror". A "war", which Europe, like the American people, was SICK of. Tami would find out that Washington D.C. was making yet ANOTHER offer, to Berlin, in return for Germany's return to this "war". $500 billion dollars, in international, investment, capital, in return for sending German troops BACK INTO the Middle East. To date, Berlin, like most of Europe, was standing FIRM. NO committments, without REAL, ENFORCABLE, time-lines, goals, and limits. Berlin, like Europe had, openly, rejected the rhetoric that "We must OUTLAST the terrorists, no matter how LONG it takes!" Europe was tired of having its soldiers "chasing shadows". Europe wanted a CLEARLY DEFINED game plan. A plan, of attack, specific GOALS, and a clear, extraction, plan. Until this happened, Europe would decline Washington D.C.'s money. When Tami would use G.S.2's "secure" link, to check, on American news, she would find that CERTAIN developments were NOT being widely, reported. When Tami would contact father, for information, about the investment group, and what action could be taken, to rid themselves, of the porn property, father would send a return message: "Just an update, my dear. We just managed to prevent the arrests, of several, of our neighbors. While the feds have moved on, to other investment groups, my buddies tell me that, so far, more than 3,000 people are facing jail time, for trying to sell property to the feds. Our neighbor, Robert, tells me that the feds are tracking as many as 25,000 people, for coming raids. And DONT ask me WHERE the feds plan to imprison all of these people. Your mother keeps asking that same question. According to Phyllis, your former school principal, she says that there are talks going on, for changing the lay-out, of that vocational training center. The one the state has been TALKING about, for years. Strictly OFF the record, Phyllis has informed us that the vocational plan is "out the window". It seems that our state produced enough "investors", that the vocational center is going to turn into a medium security prison. How big, even Phyllis does not know. Now, my daughter, if you want to hear something REALLY "funny". Our fund is being charged with refusal to perform upkeep on those properties. Dont worry, though, since the attorney is handling this. The attorney just sent out a written reminder, to each investor, in OUR fund, reminding us NOT to respond to any communications. Leave everything to the law." When Tami e-mailed her father, back, asking "Did the attorney say how LONG we will be stuck, with those properties?" Father would respond with "The attorney says it could be as little as two weeks. Three YEARS, at the OUT-side." Tami would remind her father "Keep me informed. I will be checking with Mr. Brown, as well. Take care." While Tami was busy interviewing some local Germans, about the ruins, I had the "glorious" task, of mapping the ruins, and looking for natural reasons, for some of the sightings. I must admit that, even with-OUT the use, of computer technology, these Germans had done an excellent job, with building this castle. I make this observation NOT because I am of German ancestry. I make this observation because, upon close-up examination, it is clear, that this building has NOT been, naturally, decaying. Not with so much evidence, of tools being in use. Too bad my portable laser scanner proved that most of the stone was scratched, more than three hundred years ago. As a result, there was no way that either Black & Decker, Craftsman, or other, tool companies, could be, even IN-directly, blamed, for the stone removal. Not when these companies would not even be founded, for over a century, to come. No, this work, at this location, was done, by tools, which were crafted, probably by local blacksmiths. Still, based upon the SIZE, of these stones, I contemplated how LARGE a castle had, once, stood on these grounds. I mean, these stones were not jewelry-sized. These stones were more like boulders. Boulders, which had been crafted into the shape, of stones. For a moment, I considered that the castle might have been as tall, as the Empire State Building. Bringing myself back to reality, I realized that such a castle would have been useless, in this wooded area. Tree's, all around. No, REAL, road, to speak of, and no water source, close by. No, the safe bet would be that this place was a private home. After scanning about half of the foundation, I would re-join Tami, at G.S.2, and she would, more-or-less, confirm what I had thought. Tami would say "According to the locals I have spoken with, the castle was never more than five, to seven, stories tall. Most say five stories, while a few insist it was seven. The problem is that, like the size, the owners past, is buried, deep, in legend. There are plenty of rumors, and stories. Everything from incest, to murder. One story, you will "love", since it made me laugh, just as it makes the Germans laugh." When I would say "Lay it on me." Tami would say "The version, which no one can tell, with a straight face, is the story, of a man. Some baron, or lord. Anyway, he starts a family, with his wife. Then, when he grows tired, of his wife, he starts another family, with his daughter. When he grows bored, with his daughter..." I would say "Let me guess. He starts a family, with his grand-daughter." Tami would chuckle as she said "Precisely." When I would ask "What is the primary source, of this tale?" Tami would say "As far as I can figure, it started out as a drinking tale, in a tavern. Maybe, some guy boasting of what he MIGHT do, IF he had the chance. People heard the story, and repeated it, until it became a tale." I would add "Like so many of our cases, we start out with wild stories, and work towards the truth." When I would ask Tami "Have you tried the internet, yet?" Tami would ask "What for? As far as I can tell, that castle has been vacated, for over four hundred years. The internet would not know half as much about the place, as the Germans do.". Tami would, then, add "By the way, WHAT have YOU been doing, while I was out?" I would say "Nothing, much. Just mapping the ruins, and stepping around things which I wont bore you with. You might be interested to know, however, that the castle may, in fact, have been tall, once. I dont know HOW tall, but I do know that the tales, of looters, may be relevant." When Tami would say "Looters? Should we call in the polizei?" I would inform my partner "Not unless the police can arrest people, who have been DEAD, for about two centuries." When Tami would ask "Meaning?" I would add "Based upon scans, which I took, of the foundation, and fed through the planes computer, the "most recent" theft, of stone, was, some time near, or before, the American Declaration of Independence, from Great Britain." Tami would ask "What did you, and the computer, base this conclusion upon?" I would inform her "I took scans, of what appearred to be tool marks, made by those, who were leveraging the stones, for removal. The computer verifies that the scratches, and tools markings, are older than America." When Tami would say "Okay, so that means the place is OLD. What does it tell us, about the actual age?" I would inform her "The computer is, still, working on that. It is OLD." When Tami would ask "What is your next step, then?" I would suggest "I would like to contact Lysia. Maybe she could recommend someone, who could aid our search." I was surprised when Tami would say "Why not? She has her degree, now. Maybe she can find us some help." When I contacted Lysia, at the university, she was most polite as she said "Sorry. I cannot help, at this time. I am up for a position, and, with seven, other, people "in the running", ALL of us are staying "close to home", in case we are needed." When I would suggest "How about some phone calls, or some, personal, visits?" When Lysia would ask "Why so much interest in an old castle? By the way, what ARE you doing, BACK in Germany? I thought that those Jew's, and their "tiger tanks" were in jail." I would inform her "Lysia, we have returned to Germany for a non-race-hatred case. We are investigating a castle, where Germans are reporting not just spirits, but more lively, and wreckless, spirits. The Chancellor has asked us to find out WHY the spirits are becoming MORE active." When Lysia would ask "What if the "trouble" is just pranksters, having fun?" I would remind Lysia "In that case, we are to expose the pranksters, and let the polizei handle the situation." I knew I had Lysia's interest when she would begin asking about the castle, and its owners. All I could do was give her the information, collected, to date. After this, Lysia would smile as she said "Let me do some checking. I will get back to you, when I know something." I smiled, back, as I said "Awaiting your reply." Yes, "awaiting", but NOT "waiting for". Tami did make an observation, during our first thirty days, on location. During the months PRIOR to our arrival, our "old friend", the full moon, had seen even more "action" than usual. Now, locals were surprised when, on our first full moon, on location, there were no sightings. In fact, there was no action, at all. Of course, according to a village mid-wife, "The spirits, sometimes, need time to re-charge, just as we do." When Tami had asked the woman "Have there been previous times, when there was no activity?" The mid-wife would say "Yes, child. There have been times when the spirits are at rest. Sometimes, two, three, months go by." When Tami would ask "I wonder what causes the spirits to become active?" The mid-wife would say "It is my thinking that the spirits become active, at the moment, of new life, or the end, of old life." When Tami would ask "How do you know this?" The mid-wife would say "I read papers, from all over the world. Even your American news." When Tami would ask "Are you saying that the spirits will not become active until someone is born, or dies?" The mid-wife would chuckle as she said "Nothing so dramatic. I mean that the spirits become active, when there is change. Take that "plan", for a new resort, which that group wants to build, on German land. Media claims the place will be a restful resort space, for people to un-wind. I am thinking that it will be just another casino. More gambling. Thats all those foreigners think about. More gambling. More risk-taking." When Tami would suggest "You think that the spirits are opposed to risk-taking?" The mid-wife would say "Some risks are WORTH taking. Others are not. Take that tank competition. THAT is a risk, worth taking. Taking something, which is good, and making it better. By contrast, a very BAD risk would be your foolish, American, notion, of that thing called "Privatization"." When Tami would ask "I take it you dont approve of the program." The mid-wife would ask "WHAT program? That Social Security, of yours. Thats a PROGRAM. Privatization? Its just a catch-phrase. A way to trick your people into dumping life savings into the stock-market. A few people will "win", while, maybe, 85% will LOSE everything." Tami would add "To my knowledge, Americans are NOT required to endorse the program. It is just an option, for those who want one." The mid-wife would say "Still foolish. Betting a family's future on the whims of the business community. Wreckless. Pure reckless." When Tami would decide to leave this, still, controversial concept (not a program, but a concept) alone, she would ask the mid-wife "Do you, REALLY think that the spirits are getting riled, over a proposed resort?" The mid-wife would say "Why not? We do not call ourselves United Germany, just for a title." Tami would add "You think the spirits are opposed to the casino resort?" The mid-wife would say "I think the spirits are trying to WARN us. They want us to support, and defend, Germany. Not turn our nation into a night club, and brothel." Okay, each person has the right to their own opinions. Could the mid-wife be correct? Tami's daily report would show: its Possible. After departing the mid-wifes company, Tami had a thought which she wished she would have thought about, WEEKS before. Where was the very BEST place, to learn, about the DISTANT past? Local convents, and monasteries. Too bad Mother Superior had not been around, that much, lately. Of course, Tami remembered the nun telling us "I am NOT your library, or reference desk. I come when the chairman directs it. You MUST learn to think for yourselves, just as all children do." Tami just hoped that, without the nun's assistance, Tami would not have too difficult a time gaining entry, both to the convent, and to the records section. As it would turn out, when Tami visited a local priest, to ask where to find the nearest convent, the priest would smile as he said "I will do better than that. I will take you there." When Tami would say "Why, thank you." The priest would say "After what you, and your friend did, for Germany? It is nothing." When Tami asked "Beg pardon?" The priest would say "All of Germany, and Europe, has been made aware, of how you exposed those radicals, and brought an end to their reign of terror." The priest would laugh as he said "Just imagine. Like Germany would endorse a Fourth Reich. HA!" Tami was just happy that the Germans saw us as having aided the nation, through the exposure, of the criminals. Besides, who would have thought that a radical, fringe, group of Jew's, would have been behind such a plot? It had, even, been hard, for US to believe, until the information stared right in our faces. When Tami, and the priest, arrived, at the convent, Tami was, further, surprised, when the convents, living, Mother Superior would meet us at the door, saying "Welcome. Mother Superior told us to expect you. I am a bit surprised that it took you this long, however, I am certain that you have your reasons." Tami felt she should have known that the spirit nun would have had an "inside track", on events. After all, Mother Superior HAD informed us that the Chairman was keeping an "eye" on us. While the living Mother Superior would call forth a sister, to aid Tami's research, Mother Superior would say "I have duties, which I must attend to." On the way to yet ANOTHER, long-buried, records, vault, the sister would ask Tami what it was like, being in the presence, of the deceased. WERE the deceased as scary as some legends claimed? Tami would promise the sister "The spirits I have met, to date, are not un-like you and I. They look, act, and speak, just as we do. In fact, the only advantages, that they seem to have, over us, is that they can appear anywhere, walk through solid objects, and they do NOT have to STUDY languages, in order to use them." When the nun would ask "You are joking, of course." Tami would add "The spirits say it is one of the "perks" of being dead. They may use any language, necessary, in order to communicate with the living." When the nun would smile, and say "Sounds wild. No need to study a language. Just use it. Wow!" Tami would caution "Remember. The "price", of this "gift" is that one must be dead." When the nun would say the German version of "bummer", Tami would smile, knowing how many other people felt the same way. While the nun, and my partner would enter the space, which was just as my partner predicted: Cob-webs, dust, and dirt, all over. The air, foul enough that Tami used her breather. The nun would pull out a volume, place it before my partner, then say "I will return as soon as I open some vents. This place needs airing, badly." While Tami was working on her review, I would be off, aiding some work-men with repairs, in the village, near the ruins. This, I had learned, from experience, was the BEST way to gather information. Casual conversation, while fixing damaged equipment. What the men told me was about the same as the records. The castle was old enough that some, of the men, even joked that the castle MIGHT have been the inspiration, for the evil queens castle's, in Sleeping Beauty, or Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs. During rest breaks, the men provided me with dozens of tales, about this spirit, or that spirit. Tales, of headless ghosts, ladies in white, and other ghost tales. As the men would say "Give us a camp-fire, food, and drink, and we can not only regale you with stories, of the past, but we, often create our own. Just to "liven things up", you might say." When I would ask "How many, of the tales, of that old ruin, do you think might be nothing more than camp-fire tales?" The supervisor, of our crew, would suggest "Hard to say. Maybe half. Maybe more. Maybe less. Depends upon who one is speaking with." A worker would say "Just dont get that old man, Heir Hessler, going. He will not only bore you to death, with tales, of his sons actions, during World War Two. That man can spin a yarn, better than any woman." When I asked "You dont mean the father, of Colonel Hessler. The man, who smashed through the allied defenses, during the Battle of the Bulge". The workers would say "One in the same. His father is very old, now, but he was proud of his sons career. Just take care. Once the senior gets going, he does not stop, until he runs out of energy." I would ask "How many, of his stories, are true?" The men would say "Regarding his son, the colonel? Maybe 95%." When I asked "The remainder, of the stories?" The men would shrug. When I would ask "If one of you would be asked to guess, at how old that castle ruin is, how OLD would you say the place is?" One, of the men would say "Ha! Easier question would be to ask "How old are the Holy Scriptures, which the Bible is based upon?" When I would suggest "that old, huh?" The supervisor would say "Been around since before any one remembers. Not been inhabited, for longer than anyone can say." When I would suggest "Is THAT the reason why blocks, of stone, have been removed, over the centuries?" The men would seem confused, as they asked "Blocks, of stone, you say? Been removed, you say? When might this have happened?" I would say "Near as I can figure, atleast 250, to 500 years ago. Give or take a century." The men would laugh as they said "No wonder we never heard of this. Not one, of us, is over 65 years old." At the convent, Tami would discover more of the usual. Hand-written land grants. Trading, of cattle, and excess personnel. Land surveying, which was little more than scribbles. Tami was certain that, if any of this information came before a modern court, the "information" would be ruled "in-admissible". While Tami did discover some "plans", for the castle, since there was no "legend", or distance calculation, such as "One inch equals ten feet", she found herself looking at little more than a personal drawing. This is why Tami tore off just enough sample, from each "document", for our computer to analyze. Tami was even MORE thankful, when the nuns opened the vents, and fresh, modern, air pumped into the room. Tami then felt "priviledged" when a total, of four nuns joined the search, for documents. The bad news was that, with few exceptions, the documents were so old, that Tami was required to SCAN the paper, hoping that our computers could pick out any details. Upon her departure, from the convent, Tami made a point, of thanking the nuns, for their assistance. Later that night, aboard G.S.2, the computers were busy, trying to find details, on the faded papers, while Tami and I "feasted", on rations. Our pilots were out, visiting both former friends, from the U.S. Air Force, and Luftwaffe pilots. All of whom had served together, off and on, over the years. This is why, when an un-familiar voice would say "Strange, the place does not look as I remember it." We stayed cool, knowing that only a spirit could enter G.S.2, without us knowing. (One of the "perks", of being dead, the spirits would, always, say). When Tami would ask our visitor "How is it different?" The man would say "I remember when there was a river, right about here (Now, the site of a gulley)." The man would, then, ask "What did they do with the supply road?" When Tami would ask "What supply road?" The spirit would say "Young lady, even in MY day, every property needed a supply road. How else would supplies be delivered?" When I would ask "By supplies, you mean what?" The spirit would inform Tami "He is a bit slow, isn't he?" When Tami would ask "You mean household groceries, right?" The spirit would say "You are a bright one. Still, it doesn't answer the question. Where did the road go?" When Tami would ask "When do you remember that the road was, last, in use?" The spirit would quote a date, somewhere near the time when Germany was, first being settled. LONG before the place was, even a nation. When Tami would inform the spirit "I hate to have to inform you of this, but the current year is 2017, A.D." To this, the spirit would let out a belly laugh, which, probably, could have been heard, some distance from the plane. He would, then, say "Good one, young lady. Good one. You, almost had ME believing." When Tami would say "Sir, it is true. Just look around you. Did any, of this stuff exist, during your lifetime?" When the spirit looked about our airplane, then asked "You ARE serious." Then came the normal question "Where have I been?" This was one question, which even WE could not answer. While the spirit, and I, were working on a general drawing, showing what the land had looked like, during the spirits "mortal" time, Tami would receive a "shocking" message, from the states. According to father "It seems that, when the courts would not allow the "community standards" group, to prosecute us, over land which we, never, purchased, it seems that the radical Christians decided to "take action", themselves." When Tami half-whispered "I'm afraid to ask", Father would say "Dont be. No one was injured. The Christians, atleast, had the common sense, to wait, until each property was closed, for the night." When Tami asked "How was it done?" Father would say "As far as the police report says, it seems that the Arsonists used regular gasoline, probably siphoned from their own gas tanks." When Tami would ask "What is this based upon?" Father would say "Some of the fools, gassed up, at the SAME gas stations, on the way to do their "deed", then they stopped, at the SAME stations, on the way back." When Tami would ask "What is so unusual, about that? Couldn't the people have driven somewhere else, then returned, for more gas?" Father would say "According to the gas station attendants, the cars were gone, for only half an hour, before returning, to fuel up. No way could the cars have used that much gas, in such a short time. A tank? yes. A car? No." When Tami would ask "Since this was Arson, what hppens to the properties, now?" Father would say "First things first, child. First, we let Arson Investigation do their job. Second, we let the courts prosecute the Arsonists. Third, the land is cleared. THEN, we can sell the land, IF we choose to." Father would add "OH, by the way. Your boss, Mr. Brown, was right, AND most clever." When Tami asked "How so?" Father would say, "Once Mr. Brown, and someone, named Mr. Blue, took a look at our charter, we had a discussion, with our attorney." When Tami would ask "What did the attorney say?" Father would say "He claimed it would cost $100,000.00 to change our charter. Fear not, my daughter." When Tami would say "Lay it on me, father", Father would say "Due to the fact that the two of you have been so successful, in your work, and saved so many people so much money, Mr. Brown had his agency secretary write up our "new, revised" charter, FREE of charge. You can take a look at it, on your next visit. Would Valentines, or Easter, be better, for you?" Tami would only say "I will have to check my calendar, and let you know. Glad to hear that everything worked out." Father would add "For everyone, except the Christians. I cant understand WHY they just did not let us handle the situation, through the courts." Tami would remind father "Why do the most radical Christians bomb womens clinics, assault women, seeking clinic services, and gun down clinic staff? Just like with any other group, father, there are just some people who feel they cannot wait for "justice"." By the time Tami was finished talking to the United States, the spirit, and I, would have made a general map, of the area. We, also, found out what happened to the supply road. After centuries, of neglect, the "road" (actually an animal path), had "reverted" to the woods. IF my observations, of the local landscape, were accurate, the path was abandoned, long enough, in the past, that the "new growth" tree's were two feet in diameter, easily. As to WHY the spirits were haunting the property, that part was just as simple. When the spirits, of the owners former personnel, overheard construction workers talking of things like "video-slots", and "concubines chambers", the spirits had been confused, for awhile. This, because, in their day, the village HAD a designated area, for such "services". The castle had been HOME, to the owner, and their family. No one, not staff, nor the owner, wanted such "services" to be available, on THEIR property. When Tami reminded the spirit "You, your family, and the servants, have been dead, for millenia, WHY does it matter what happens, to the castle, now?" Tami knew she spoke the truth, since computer analysis had, finally, nailed down the castles construction date. The place was over 3,000 years old, and was built during a time, when what is, now, Germany, was nothing more than fields, and streams. Even according to the spirits, it was only AFTER the castle was built that a village came into existance, nearby. Mostly to cater to the needs of the castle. I really did not think that Tami needed to ask the next question. Still, my partner asked "If you put so much into the castle, WHY did your young not just take over ownership?" A spirit butler would ask "Why do your nations children leave home, upon reaching adulthood?" I would pose the next question "What would you PREFER that Germany do, with such prime real estate?" I noticed that the spirits took some time, to THINK, on that one. Ironically, when Tami posed the same question, around the village, locals also took their time to contemplate the question. While the Chancellor, and Berlin, had made their position clear: Gambling was NOT preferred, the Chancellor would remind Tami and I "Since this is NOT the time, of Adolf Hitler, and the Nazi Party, Berlin will allow our citizens to make an educated decision." While both the living, and dead, Germans, were contemplating the "future", of the castle ruins, Tami atleast got some good news, from state-side. Now that the adult book-stores, and movie houses, were burned, to the ground, local developers, in the communities, were making offers, to buy the land. Ironically, it was only NOW, when the subject was FINANCES, that the director, of the investment fund, was ACTING like a manager. He was determined to get the fund the best PRICE, for the land. Thanks to the Brown Agency's revision, of the funds charter, some "sex-hotel", in a nation, whose name I cant even pronounce, was allowed to "nationalize" the property. The formerly by-the-hour hotel, would be renovated into an executive travel hotel. The government predicted better rates, and MUCH BETTER clientelle. While the funds director had squawked, about the "lost of proceeds, had the fund been able to SELL the hotel", it would seem that one, of the family's neighbors reminded the "director" that the fund had NOT PAID, for the property, to begin with. No money spent. No loss. In Germany, however, by the time Tami was preparing our final report (IF the living, and the dead, would make up their minds, as to the castles future), it would seem that new trouble was brewing, between the living, and the dead. The living wanted to renovate the castle, into a modern, income-producing, property. The deceased, however, wanted to retain their privacy, and the quiet, of the night, which they had enjoyed, for centuries. When Tami suggested a public vote, the dead had argued "Thats not fair. The living outnumber the dead, by five to one." The living had argued "How can the dead, legally, vote? Even in America, the dead are not, legally, allowed to vote." I can only guess that, growing up, in a close-knit family, had taught Tami how to negotiate between "warring" parties. it would take my partner nearly a WEEK, to create a compromise, which both the living, and the dead, would accept. The dead would allow the living to renovate the castle, into a more "livable" condition. The castle could, then, continue, not only to be a landmark, but, by DAY, the living could tour the place, and learn of its history (The version which the DEAD told, of course.). In the evenings, concerts would be allowed. The content, however, would be "limited" to a combination, of classical music, and the "soft rock", of the 1960's, and 1970's. It would seem that even the deceased had musical preferences. No "hard", or "acid" rock, would be tolerated, by the spirits. The living would vacate the land, by a specified time, each evening. In return, for this agreement, the dead would agree to remain on the castles property, unless the living WANTED to speak, to the dead. What held up the final agreement, was the fact that the German government, and the German courts, had questions, which needed answers. Questions, which included "HOW do we enforce the deal, with dead people?" and "What if the deceased do NOT honor the deal?" Criminal law would be useless, if the deceased did not cooperate. After all, what good is a "Life sentence", or the "Death penalty", to a person who has been deceased, for 2,500 years? Mr. Brown would be the one, to "smooth things over", by reminding the Germans that, to date, NONE, of Tami's contracts, between the living, and the dead, had been violated. Both sides were honoring agreements. No reason why the German spirits would be any different. As a result, at a public meeting, in the local community, the agreement would be signed. The mayor, of the village would sign, for the living, while one Count Von "Schlessenborg" (?) would sign, on behalf of his deceased staff. Since the castle's ownership would be transferred over to the Germans, this meant one less piece, of property, for the investment fund, to worry about. Not surprisingly, Tami's parents would contact us, reporting "The director, of our fund, has resigned. He claims that we "gave away" too much property. He claimed that, with "proper renovations", that castle COULD have produced millions, in gambling revenue. Now that the land is in the hands, of the Germans, the director has said that he can, no-longer, manage our fund. We will need a new manager." Tami would suggest "Why not retain the Brown Agency? We have people who are good enough to make the I.R.S. look like pre-schoolers." When father would say "We are not looking to HIDE assets. We are looking for responsible oversight." Tami would promise "Mr. Brown retains some of the best people, in the world. Let me make a call.". Father would say "Fine, let us know. Who knows, after his revised charter deal, maybe your employer MIGHT be our best bet." After preparing, and transmitting, our final report, to the Brown Agency, Tami would send a personal message, to the home office. "How much would the Brown Agency charge for the oversight of a local, community, investment fund?" With yet another "peace treaty", between the living, and the dead, on the books, the four of us would begin packing up G.S.2, for our next flight. And just about what we expected, Mr. Brown would video-link, with us, first complimenting our work, then asking "We have an un-verified case, here. I was hoping the two of you could look the file over, and submit your thoughts." When Tami would ask "Where to, THIS time?" When Mr. Brown would say "Would you believe, the former Soviet Union?" I would be the one to say "No way! An American bomber, operating over Soviet soil? They would shoot us down, and not bother to ask questions." When Mr. Brown would say "In the past, that might be true, however, my sources tell me that the Soviets are changing their view, of America, just as our view, of them, is changing." When I would remind the boss "Sir, while our plane is outfitted, for resarch, I am certain that the Soviets would notice an American, stealth, bomber. Even if our ship was rejected, from the stealth program, the Soviets would shoot , first." This is when Mr. Brown would become serious as he said "Maybe this is why you are NOT heading, for Soviet Russia. By the way, I hope you, both, have your swim, and tanning, clothing, packed." When Tami and I looked at one another, Mr. Brown would say "Its all in the file. Let me know what you think." On to the next case...

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