Wednesday, March 1, 2017


THE COMPROMISE While Heather was, well, aware, of my interest, in herself (and Heathers "friends" had made a point of informing me, that Heather was engaged to be married) Another problem came to the foreground. Our mutual friend, a latina, named Lydia, was found to be on the "list", of potential "round ups", of "foreign nationals", coming, in months ahead. Now, sure, a beautiful woman, such as Lydia, SHOULD have no problem finding a husband, it would seem that, during Lydia's search, for a husband, Lydia was "snagged", with a problem. Every man, who "wanted" Lydia, as a wife, made their position, very well, and very clearly, known. Once married, Lydia would agree to give up her "ambition", of a nursing degree, and focus her life, on her husband, and their children. It seems that, when Lydia spoke, to Heather, about Lydia's "problem", neither woman thought that Lydia should give up her classes, and degree, just as neither woman believed that Lydia should give up her sense of self-being. This is when, after Lydia's conversation, with Heather, Heather was surprised when **I** was willing to discuss the matter, even with Heather. (Never before had any, serious, man, in Heathers life, actually TALKED with Heather). Funny thing was, when Heather asked why I wanted to talk to HER (since Heather was not facing deportation), I reminded Heather "You are young, and beautiful. In my opinion, you are an angel. Since I honor, respect, and trust, you, I hope I can trust you to be honest with me, on this matter". Without even thinking, Heather had whispered "I love you, too.", with a kiss. While Heather had no real idea of where I was "heading", Heather felt it was okay to "enjoy the ride". While I made the general subject, of our discussion, that of preventing Lydia's deportation, I was glad when Heather began snuggling up, to me, and we began kissing longer and deeper. After the kisses, Heather did not know why but she "lost her head". While Heather and I were "working", on how to prevent Lydia's deportation, Heather and I had entered a discussion, of how to show a woman that a man loved her, for the woman, as a person, NOT just in the bedroom. While Heather had no problem, with our deep, extended, kiss, or my gentlemanly carresses, on her skin, it was not until I began necking, with Heather, that her "alarm bells" began a soft tweeting. What Heather could not believe was how, by the time her "alarm bells" went into full alert mode, I had kissed, carressed, and was nursing, her beautiful breasts. Worst of all, while Heathers intellect was "saying" "Stop him, NOW! Before you fall in, love", Heather could, produce no more of a sentence than a whispered "I love you", whispered from her lips. Now, Heather had a new fear. WHAT if I wanted her womanhood, and, worse. What if she did not WANT to say "NO"? When Heather noticed that I was "pounding", inside my pants, she figured "What the Hell. I'm not married, yet." When Heather "serviced" me, orally, however, she, soon, regretted the action. Not because I was profane, like her boyfriend. Becuase I had whispered "Its all yours, enjoy yourself." While I am white, not ebony, Heather realized that she was enjoying herself, to the point where she hoped the moment would last, forever. By the time our "conversation" was finished, Heather was happy as I was, by the time of the "farewell" kiss. Heather would just have to shove some ice cubes, into her "womanhood", to quench the "inferno", of desire, which she felt, for me. When Heather, next saw Lydia, and the latina would inform my negress "My luck just got worse. I cant find a man, who wants to help me avoid deportation." When Heather would say "I may have a man, for you." Lydia would ask "WHO? Where? What is he like?" When Heather smiled, and mentioned me, Lydia laughed, saying "You are kidding. He, barely, speaks to me." Heather would say "He is very shy. In fact, he only discusses emotions, in general conversation." When Lydia would ask "If he loves me, WHY not just come out, and ASK me?" Heather would say "He is a gentleman. He is not into confrontations." When Lydia would ask "HOW do you KNOW he's a man" Heather just smiled. Heather could tell that Lydia was more than ready to turn down my suggested offer, but only until the I.N.S letter arrived. The letter, which reminded Lydia that her "visitor" VISA had LESS than a year remaining. While Lydia struggled, with her decision, Lydia noticed how brightly, and naturally, that Heather was beginning to smile. When Lydia had asked, Heather had smiled, and said "While you are making up your mind, HE is loving me, better than my boyfriend." In fact, it was not until AFTER the boyfriend found out that Heather had a NEW lover, that the boyfriend threatened to kill the source, until his source gave the boyfriend the information "Heathers new man is white." It was not until the boyfriend confronted Heather, that Heather stood her ground, saying "Yes, I love him." Heather was surprised when it turned out to be this moment, of revelation, when her boyfriend decided to set thier wedding date. Then came his "condition". "You will stop dating the white man." to this, Heather had been non-committal. Later, however, in bed, with me, Heather would whisper "Baby, he set the date. Our actual, wedding date." As she snuggled up, to me, and I gave her a deep kiss. A form of "Congratulations". When Lydia agreed to accept my offer, no-sooner had Lydia agreed, when Lydia did exactly what my one-time fiance had done, years before. Lydia began treating me like a prisoner, facing a firing squad, equipped with weapons, set at "full automatic". When I walked away, from Lydia's verbal attack, of wedding-based questions, due to her agressiveness, and Lydia had called, after me, saying "We must make plans! Decisions have to be made, NOW!" When Lydia saw heather, and Heather suggested "Let ME talk to him." All Lydia would say was "Make it SOON!" While Heather understood, about deportation, and about wedding plans. Heather had, also, learned that "slow and steady", was the way to "get things done", with me. One of the reasons why Heather liked me was because, when people tried to apply pressure, saying "Right NOW!", my response was the same, every time. Instead of rage, fighting, or maiming, I took the civilized route. I just walked away. "Heather would have to TEACH Lydia about this). At Heathers place, Heather did such an excellent job, of drawing out my answers, via casual conversation, that Heather was, later, able to supply Lydia with a complete list, of answers, to Lydia's questions. When Lydia asked "How?" Heather would say "Dont rush him. Let him come to you." When Lydia showed Heather the I.N.S. letter, saying "I dont have TIME to be subtle". Heather would say "He checked into the details, and found out that you do not have to be married, by the listed date. Only engaged." This is when Heather showed Lydia a print out, of the message, from I.N.S. (Heather noticed Lydia's sigh, of relief, once Lydia read the message.) This is when Lydia would ask Heather "If you love him, so much, WHY dont YOU marry him, yourself?" Heather smiled as she said "Dont tempt me." then added "I am not facing deportation." While Lydia agreed to be more gentle, with me, Lydia found agreeing be to more difficult than actually doing. In fact, after Heather asked Lydia, for thee seventh time, "WHY are you rushing?" Lydia would say "I can relax AFTER the marriage is certified." Heather would only caution Lydia "If you PUSH him, he WILL walk away. I have SEEN him do this." When Lydia would say "We'll see" Heather would smile as she told Lydia "Go for it." Sure enough, just as Heather had warned, when Lydia went into "full attack mode", bombarding me with questions, I was just walking away, when Lydia woulld say "We MUST make decisions, NOW!" (Heather knew that Lydia's worst move was "getting in my face") After I belted Lydia, hard enough to knock her to the ground, then apologized, to Heather, Heather took my embrace, kissed me, then called, to Lydia, over my shoulder "I told you." As a result, Lydia was left in a panic. Trying to find another fiance, and make wedding preparations, all at the same moment. While Lydia threw herself into an exhausted frazzle, she asked Heather "HOW can you be so happy? I thought you were getting married, as well." Heather had smiled as she said "Eventually." While Lydia met five men, over the next, six, weeks, Lydia's RUSH, towards marriage, left her all alone, after five one-night-stands. It was only with the deadline looming, that Lydia accepted Heathers advice, which resulted in Lydia and I marrying, at Lydia's extended family's church. Thanks to the new immigration laws, Lydia would retain her American citizenship ONLY so long as we remained married. After the wedding, my "salvation" was the fact that Lydia was so focused, on her Registered Nurse Degree that we spent plenty of time, apart. This is why, just three weeks, before the fiances IMPOSED, wedding, date, when the man called Heather, saying "We need to postpone. Important business. I will call you when I return." When Heather informed me, about the call, I asked, and Heather snuggled up, to me, saying "Baby, all he said was "important buisiness". When I asked Heather I wonder what that could be? WHAT could drag a man away, from marrying such an angel?" Heather would slap me, softly, as she whispered "Baby, i'm a woman. Nothing more." I would add "Not to me." Two months later, while Lydia was working on her semester finals, Heather received a postcard, saying "Be home soon. Business almost complete." Shorty after this card arrived, I found an article, in the media, regarding a $10 million bank robbery. Since I THOUGHT that I recognized the postmark city, on the postcard, I compared the article with the post card. When Heather saw the match, and ask "Baby, what does it mean?" I told Heather "Either freaky conicidence...", then I asked Heather "I, still, wonder WHY he did not tell you WHAT he was doing." Heather was about to say "YOU dont, always, tell me what YOU are doing." However, at that moment, Heather remembered something. When **I** did NOT tell Heather things, it was because I was working on my latest plot-line. Since marrying Lydia, I had plenty of time, for writing, since Lydia was "studying her heart out", for her nursing degree. If Lydia managed THIS, even I was certain that she would earn her U.S. citizenship. This is the reason why, during the marriage ceremony, Lydia and I agreed to have the minister omit things like "Till death do you part." In our case, marriage was only a "stop-gap", to prevent her deportation, until she finished her schooling. This, or until the I.N.S. stopped "dragging their feet", on her three-year-old application for citizenship. This is why we had gotten married. To allow the feds time, to "drag their feet", for a few more years. The hope was that, eventually, her application would be approved. WHY shouldn't it be? Lydia had NO criminal record. She had not "snuck" into the U.S.. There was no, legal, reason, to deny her citizenship. In fact, Lydia knew even MORE than I did, about America. It would not be until I used some of my web-site profits, to hire a hacker, just to LOOK at Lydia's "records". Find out WHY the feds were delaying her processing. As it would turn out, the problem was not with Lydia, directly. It was with her father. It would seem that the man had two sons. Men who decided to earn their U.S. citizenship, by serving in the U.S. Army. When both, young, men died, in "un-specified attacks" (ambushes), in the Middle East, and the family was denied access, to American soil, to attend the mens funerals, their father had become an open opponent, of the invasions, of the Middle East. The man had spent the past five years seeking to demand a CLEAR answer, as to WHAT the young people were, actually, dying for. Since the man rejected the rhetoric of "We MUST OUTLAST the terrorists, no matter how LONG it takes." Now, it was CLEAR, as to why Lydia's citizenship papers were not about to be processed. The U.S. government had declared her a "hostile alien", because of her fathers resentment, over the loss of his sons, due to the invasions. Lydia's papers would, NEVER, be approved. While Lydia had studied, like a madman, putting everything aside, to complete her education, when graduation day came, and despite the best grades, in her class, some uniformed federal agents would inform her school faculty that Lydia was to be denied graduation. As the feds had informed the school "If she is allowed to graduate, being a "hostile alien", this will be like telling the Taliban "It is okay, to send your agents, to America, as long as they are "studying."" While the feds had ORDERED the school trustee's NOT to mention the reason why Lydia was to be denied graduation, it seems that the dean, of medicine, was as much of a cantankerous, old, man, as Lydia had described him. The dean looked the federal agents, right in the face, as he announced "This school has been ORDERED not to allow a student to graduate, simply due to a parents opinions. This is why the feds are present, at our graduation. To prevent the graduation of a so-called "Enemy Alien". The dean had, then, asked for a VOTE, of both the faculty, and students, asking "Should ANY student be denied graduation, due to the actions, of a family member?" At this point, the feds ducked out, and departed the ceremony. While Lydia would receive her diploma, that day, the feds made sure that NO, medical, center, anywhere, would hire her. The feds would say "Too much danger", that the "hostile alien" MIGHT whip up a bomb. When, for completely un-specified reasons, Lydia's name would be placed on a "terrorist watch-list", for Lydia, this would be the last straw. I agreed to allow her a divorce, and, to make it "official", for the Catholic Church, I, even, agreed to slug her. Lydia ordered me to belt her, twice, since, as Lydia claimed "My brothers hit harder, when we were kids". With a visibly swollen jaw, Lydia went to her church, and the divorce was approved. America would lose the services, of a highly-trained, and dedicated, nurse, all because of the so-called "War on Terror". The last I heard, from Lydia, it seems that, in her home country (a place, where no one cared what her aging father said, or did), Lydia would be placed in CHARGE of a parish/county medical center. I was not one bit surprised, based upon the fact that, in medical school, Lydia HAD achieved the highest grades, in her class. What I DID wonder was WHEN the day would come, when the U.S. government would STOP seeing "terrorists" behind every bush, and in every shadow. Just accept people, for WHO they are.

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