Monday, March 6, 2017


THE HAUNTING PAST: THE MYSTERY OF PERU As G.S.2 cruised over western Europe, headed for the Pacific Ocean, Tami and I opened the file, on our next case. (And we learned the reason why Mr. Brown had suggested tropical outfits). When we opened the file, we found a video, of Lysia. The video stated "Friends, my apologies, for not contacting you, sooner. I just never expected this to happen." Lysia went on to explain "While I was pursuing investigative avenues, regarding the mummies, located beneath California, I was surprised to receive an offer. It seems that, within Peru, while there are "traditional" factions, which maintain that the Inca, Maya, Aztec, and so on, NEVER departed Peru, for any reason, there have been artifacts, found, primarily, around Africa, as well as Egypt, and which trace back to Peruvian culture. This evidence has lead to the creation, of a new faction, and a new way of thinking. The idea being that the Indians were not, in fact, as primitive, as students are taught. Now, while even I will admit that atleast SOME, of the "artifacts" are, obvious, FAKES, due to carrying labels, which say "Made in China, Korea, Taiwan, etc" It is the remainder, of the artifacts, which is causing concern. While the new faction is claiming that South America had, very regular access, to Europe, thousands of years before either the Vikings, or even Columbus, The traditionalists are maintaining that, either the Trans-Oceanic goods are cheap "knock-off's", or that paralel development was taking place. The Peruvian government has requested "outside assistance", with this problem. I guess that I should thank your Peruvian mummies, for my invitation, since this find is the reason why I began researching the topic. This is, also, why I was invited to visit Peru. The new faction wants to know that, IF it were possible, to cross the Atlantic Ocean, earlier in history, then WHY should it have been impossible for ships to just follow the coast-line, north, to what would, much later, become known as California?" When Tami would look at me, asking "What could the rationale, for such a trip, be? Back, in those days, pre-California was a wilderness." I would suggest "Might they have been searching for new resources? Maybe searching for a site, for a new outpost?" On the video, Lysia would continue "I understand that it will seem a "stretch", however, some Peruvians believe that the ancestors travelled, in search of new resources. Possibly even to establish a new outpost, for a growing civilization." While considering this information, Tami and I were reviewing our private collection, of the photo's, of the mummies, even as, somewhere, over the Atlantic Ocean, G.S.2 rendezvoused with our re-fuelling plane. Someone must have given REAL thought, to the design, of our plane. Someone else, really, must have thought they were being "clever", in attaching a microphone, to the fuel probe. Well, G.S.2's designers had been no fools, either. They had understood surveillance techniques, as well as anyone. No-doubt, that is why, when the fuel probe inserted, into our fuel tanks, and the microphone was detected, by our planes sensors, a silent, visual, warning, "sounded", throughout G.S.2. As a result, with our course, generally, set, towards North America, our pilots made general flight conversation, while Tami and I discussed which case we would prefer to handle, next. Aboard the fuel plane, the crew smiled, at the frustrated expression, on the Homeland Security officials face, as the four of us discussed NOTHING which was not, already, known. While the fuel crew did, as ordered, leaving the microphone attached to G.S.2, as the fuel probe retracted, to its mother plane, the crew, of the fuel plane, watched, as G.S.2's computer detached, then jettisonned, the microphone. This is when the fuel plane crew reminded the Homeland Security official "We TOLD you. Stealth technology is DESIGNED to detect, and deter, surveillance." The fuel plane pulled away, even as the waterproof, eaves-dropping, device would fall, thousands of feet, to plop into the Atlantic Ocean. (For the thirty day lifespan, of the "bugs" battery, all that Homeland Security would hear would be marine life, sea waves, and the occassional, passing, ship) Only AFTER the fuel plane was well out of the area would our pilot turn G.S.2 onto a new course, towards Peru. While our pilots did this, Tami and I would send Lysia a text message, regarding our pending arrival. To this message, our pilot would add "Any suggestions, for either horizontal, or vertical landing, spaces?" Via return text, Lysia would provide coordinates, saying "There should be plenty of space, for your plane." It would seem that our stealth bombers designers, and builders, had taken the stealth concept to a whole ,new , level. This was proven, by the fact that, even as G.S.2 approached Peruvian Air Space, our navigational computer was having a "chat", with the computers, at Peruvian Air Traffic Control. G.S.2's computer, silently, transmitted our complete flight plan, to the national computers. I can only guess that the designers figured that a great way, to ambush airplanes, was to LISTEN in, on "radio chatter". Once a plane announced its destination, renegade forces could track the plane. For this reason, G.S.2 was equipped with a non-verbal system. The computers would talk, in computer code, over the air. To anyone listening, all the transmission would sound like was background noise. Once the destination was logged, air traffic control computers would update the control towers feeds. While the approach, of our plane, to the "target location", made several Indians nervous, while other Indians crossed themselves, Lysia stood, proudly, waiving "Hello", to her arriving friends. While Lysia had spent hours, prior to our arrival, explaining WHY our plane did not need a landing STRIP, once our plane cruised in, overhead, and entered vertical descent mode, villagers drew back, into cover, while the hatches, on our planes underside slid open, revealling the protected, vertical, landing camera's. (Some Indians actually thought that the lenses were the "eyes" of a "beast"). Lysia knew that our pilots opened these hatches, to be able to SEE the ground, beneath the plane. Still, it was not until the terrian-following radar confirmed that G.S.2 had fifty feet, to spare, both port and starboard, as well as a few feet, bow and stern, that our pilots landed the plane. Once the jet-wash had subsided, Lysia walked up, to our personnel hatch, saying "Welcome to Peru. I am your host, Lysia. I will be your guide, during your stay." When Tami would ask "Why so formal?" Lysia would say "Prior to coming to Peru, I admit that I spent a few days reviewing the CLASSIC "Fantasy Island". You remember, the one starring Ricardo Montalban, as the debonair Mr. Roarke, and Herve Villachez, as the adorable dwarf, Tatto." When I would mention "I watched that show, when I was young, and it was brand new." Lysia would say "So, you understand why I could not resist the temptation." While it WAS true, that "Fantasy Island" was, disastrously re-worked, in the 1990's, failing, shortly, after premiering, the re-runs, of the original, classic, were drawing old, AND NEW, audiences. This included viewers, in the new millenium. When Tami asked Lysia "I thought you were up, for a position. What happened?" Lysia would say "Positions come, and go. Another will come up. THIS, however, is science. Real field work. Once-in-a-lifetime stuff. This is what I LIVE for." (Funny thing, however, is that, if I remembered, correctly, Lysia was doing field research, with Tami and I, when her degree was announced.) While Lysia would skip much, of the local history, she would focus Tami and I in, on a sub-group (whose name I wont pretend I can pronounce). As Lysia would remind us, these tribe members bound infants skulls, allegedly, to honor the "gods". Legend has it that this group, by binding the skulls, hoped to attain the level of skill, and knowledge, of the gods. Tami would mention "Unless the gods were not, in fact, human." Lysia would say "Part of the reason why you are here. I need help, with seperating fact from fiction." Tami would mention "I doubt Mr. Brown would have sent us, just to look at artifacts. You have a "spirit problem", dont you." Lysia would say "Of THAT, I am NOT certain. What I do know is that workers are reporting seeing "things". Things which MIGHT be spirits." When Tami would say "You sound suspicious. Why do you dis-believe the stories?" Lysia would say "After dealing with those fake mediums, I do not take anything for granted. There is, however, a problem." When Tami would say "The spirits do NOT appear, when YOU are around." Lysia would add "Even when I try to chase them, or camp out, at sighting locations, hoping that they will appear." I would mention "Sounds like someone either trying to play games, or dis-credit your efforts. Maybe even trying to get you kicked out, of the country." Lysia would ask "The question is: WHY? I mean, this whole, area, of Peru, has been reviewed, DOZENS of times. Why would anyone CARE if we dig up more?" Tami and I would ask one another "California?" When Lysia would ask "What about California? The state did not even exist, officially, until about 175 years ago." Tami would say "THAT is the problem." When Lysia looked confused, Tami would add "A state senator tried to use demolition explosives, to destroy a tunnel system, which Californians knew nothing about." When Lysia would say "Big deal. Everyone knows that Asians, referred to as "Coolies", were imported, both to lay the trans-continental railroad, and to dig tunnels. I doubt we will, ever, know WHERE most of these tunnels were buried." Tami would state "The governor, and the legislature, knew of ANOTHER set, of tunnels. These tunnels were built centuries, maybe even millenia, before the Asians were imported." When Lysia would ask "Is THAT where you found the mummies? An older tunnel system?" Tami would say "Yes. An old, but very ELABORATE, tunnel system. A state senator insisted that he HAD to use eight, full, crates, of plastic explosive, to seal the tunnels." When Lysia would ask "Eight CRATES? What was he trying to blow up? A tunnel, or a town square?" Tami would say "The senator THINKS he blew up the tunnel system. He does NOT know that a Cherokee elders spirit came to G.S.2, to inform us that the Indians removed most of the explosive. All that the senator really blew up was the tunnel entrance." When Lysia would ask "What for? All of that history. Who knows what it might have told us." Tami would say "THAT is why the senator said the tunnels HAD to be destroyed. In order to allow Californians to rest easy, knowing their lives would go on. In short, to preserve OFFICIAL history." When Lysia would ask "Why?" Tami would say "According to the senator, it is his belief that Californians can only rest, in the knowledge that "life goes on". When Lysia would say "Sounds twisted, to me". I would remind Lysia "Some people are terrified of "change". Their FEAR, of the unknown, is why they work, so aggressively, to heckle those, who search for the truth of subjects, such as Atlantis." Tami would add "It is the age-old FEAR, which movies, and television, have preyed upon, for a century. The FEAR that aliens might come to Earth, to FEAST on humans." Lysia would remark "Psychotic, yet possible." I would remind Lysia "Rational minds remain FEARFUL, of that which they do not understand." Still, it did seem a bit "odd" that modern day people would be fearful of a group, which had not been seen, on Earth, for many millenia. The BIG mistake, which one "ghost" made, in trying to sneak into Lysia's base-camp, was the mistake of thinking that the same material, which made objects, and people, seem "transparent", to the naked eye, would make this person appear "transparent", to G.S.2's defense computer. While some natives were spooked, silent, by the "ghostly arrival", G.S.2's computer registered what the material, of the costume, could not "hide". Heart rate, Body temperature, D.N.A., and so on. Once the computer registered "human", our port-side turret slid out of the wing and, just like in Hawaii, a "ghost" stood, stunned, at facing the twin barrels, of our gun turret. While the material, of the costume might have deflected the laser targetting, this was not G.S.2's only method, of identifying threats. Our computers had, also, been programmed, not just to SCAN, for D.N.A., and heart rate, but to be able to use THESE, to zero in, on a specific target. Even if a target were within a crowd, our computer would pick out a single scan, and lock on, with deadly accuracy. In fact, the ONLY way that an "innocent" could be injured, by our guns, would be if they stepped, or FELL, in front of the gun turret. (A most un-likely happening). In Peru, when the "ghost" showed up, seeming to "glow", as it walked about, its walked ended, when G.S.2 deployed its turret. The "ghost's" final mistake? Firing a flare gun, at the turret. Seconds after the flare was fired, G.S.2 encircled the "visitor" with ten seconds worth of automatic gun fire, before the computer voice would say "You have violated this aircrafts security perimeter. Throw down your weapons, or the next round goes between the eye's". It seems that our "ghost" realized he was captured. As a result, the man surrendered, to the computer. "Now" Lysia thought "We might get some answers." Problem was, this man was NOT Peruvian. He was as American, as we were. As he would tell us. "I am an actor. I was hired, and sent to Peru, to pretend to be a ghost." When Lysia asked "WHY?" The man would say "I dont ask questions. I take my paycheck, and do the work." When Tami would ask "What IS your work?" The actor would say "At night, I am, occassionally, to walk around the area, and report if I scare anyone." When Tami would ask "Why do you say "Occassionally". Dont you walk EVERY night?" The actor would say "Not according to my contract. I walk ONLY when I am texted. When the boss says "WALK", I walk. They dont seem to want nightly visits. Just occassional sightings. Why, I dont know." Lysia would say "It is simple. If you appearred, too often, natives would come to expect you. Once word got around that you were not harmful, locals would, no-longer FEAR you." When the man would say "All I know is that I get paid." Tami would add "As long you you appear, only occassionally, natives live in fear of what they do not understand." When Tami would ask the actor "How much are you paid, to walk?" The man would say "$10,000 per night." Still, Lysia did not understand why anyone would pay someone, to "haunt" excavations. Tami would suggest "I THINK that there is something, which some one does not WANT you to find." When Lysia would ask "What could that be? Peru has been dug up, dozens of times. WHAT could be left to find?" Tami would suggest "The previous explorers were looking for gold, jewels, and priceless artwork, correct?" When Lysia would say "Of course. But what does that..." And Tami would ask "WHAT is the purpose of your group?" Lysia would say "We are here to confirm, or deny, that these people travelled to North America. If so, why?" Tami would say "Precisely. Some one does NOT want this question answered. Makes me wonder if the senator was acting of his own, FREE, will, or if he was "hired", as well?" When I would ask "To prevent us from examining ancient history?" Lysia would say "Correction. IF we FIND something, it might CHANGE history. What do you think would happen if, for example, we were to find an actual flying saucer? Maybe even the remains, of an alien crew?" Tami would say "It would start a revolution. A world war, between traditionalists, and "new age" thinkers. Nations could be burned to the ground. Suicide cults. You name it." Lysia would ask "All because of some 5,000 (plus) year old mummies, and artifacts?" Tami would add "People kill, for far less, everyday." Despite the arrival, of our "ghostly" visitor, the site, not surprisingly, turned up few brand new discoveries. Mostly, it was more of same. Pottery, trinkets, some gold, and a few inscriptions. While no one, among our group, could, actually, READ the messages, word for word, as most people read newspapers, enough could be generally translated, for even more generalized understanding. Naturally, they were pictographs, involved, with most of these showing "gods", riding chariots, across the sky. When I asked about one chariot, which seemed to be trailing flames, Lysia would say "It is accepted, locally, that this represents a friendship, between a foreign "god", and the sun-god, Ra. The flare is part of Ra, and its presence, on the chariot, indicates Ra's faith, in the visting "god". When I asked "Any chance some of the gods flew, across the sky, without chariots?" Lysia would surprise Tami when Lysia would say "Not in this chamber, but in others." When Tami would ask "You're not serious, are you?" Lysia would add "Follow me." When Lysia showed us another chamber, on whose walls the "gods" soared, with out-stretched arms. Lysia would mention "While I am certain that "artistic license" was, at times, involved" It was when Lysia said "This one represents the high priests, climbing into the robe, of the "god", then, under the "gods" protection, soaring, far, above the Earth." I would ask Lysia "Is it just my imagination, or does that "god's"" body appear very similar to a commercial jet?" Lysia would say "Only one, of MANY, possible, interpretations." Over the next three weeks, Tami and I aided the locals, as much as possible (under Lysia's supervision), while our pilots performed general maintenance, to the plane, then visited an abandoned U.S. base (which was, now, home, to a miniscule "air force", which was all that locals could afford.) In our daily reports, to the Brown Agency, Tami would reflect my belief, that we were being "watched", or, even, "staked out". The question was "Why?" The site was, clearly, not yielding any major, new, discoveries. Sure, we located what Lysia referred to as the "Temple, of the Harvest", as well as the "Temple, of the Rains". Tami would, also, report, to the Brown Agency, that all three of us saw "things", in the dark. Things which we could not identify. One night, while Lysia and I were taking a walk, and I asked Lysia "What will the university position mean, for you?" When Lysia would say "One step, further, from the ghetto. Maybe even PROVE that, coming from a low-income family does NOT commit one to following this life-path." Lysia would, then, smile, saying "Besides, I am travelling the world. Meeting new people (Lysia gave me a kiss, at this point), and expanding my knowledge, of the world, in general. What more could a girl ask for?" When I would ask "What IS your ultimate goal?" Lysia would say "Beyond marriage, and motherhood? I would LOVE to become a chancellor, of the university." When I would suggest "Pretty lofty goal." Lysia would ask "Dont you think I CAN make it? Or, is it that you dont think I should even TRY?" I would add "I was curious since, when we, first brought the mystery, to you, your feet seemed "set in concrete", about staying close to home." Lysia would smile as she said "A womans perogative, to change her mind." When I suggested "Scientific curiousity, as well, I would wager." This is when Lysia would say "Dont wager, either on that, or another night, with me." I looked at Lysia like "Who? Me?" Lysia would say "Dont play coy with me. I can SEE that passion, in those eyes." The next day, the tone, of an incoming mesasage, almost startled both Tami and I. To our shock, however, the message was, neither, from Mr. Brown, nor was it for Tami, nor I. It was from some guy, at the university. He was calling to gloat, at Lysia. "My dear (negress), I thought you should know that, while you, and your "little friends" are digging, in the dirt, in Peru, I have been called for a SECOND interview." "Because my dedication is to the university, and NOT to making mud-pies, I am moving UP the list, of candidates. I will, no-doubt, be your BOSS, upon your return, from the playground. Enjoy your play-time, while it lasts." A few days later, two, of Lysia's friends, at university, sent messages, asking "Can you believe it? That jerk turned down TWO, prize, digs, just to stay close, to the chancellors, until the position is announced." In a way, Lysia could not blame the man, since all WE seemed to be doing was re-covering the same ground, which others had covered, before. When Tami would ask Lysia "Just WHAT is it that you were asked to look for?" Lysia would say "The goal is to confirm, or deny, categorically, whether the South Americans DID have the technology, for trans-oceanic shipping, as well as if they DID, in FACT, travel to what would, eventually, become California." Tami and I wished we could call on Mother Superior, since the nun was the chairmans "right hand". Due to her position, she would be allowed to ask "The Boss", about this question. Problem was, neither Mother Superior, nor the chairman, was being very "open-mouthed", lately. In th case of the humans, some villagers would not speak, with us, at all, for various reasons, while others said they would not speak before "women". One villager even claimed they would not speak, until Lysia and I married, under tribal rules. Maybe a week, after the previous messages, from America, Lysia's friends sent us word: "You will never believe what has happened. You know about those two digs that "creepo" turned down, to remain at university? Well, "creepo" turned down two more, including one, where a chancellors daughter wanted the mans aid, with translations. Well, we just found out that, while the dig was REAL, it was, also, a TEST. The chancellors were testing "creepo", to find out WHERE his loyalties lie. When the creep turned down the chancellors daughter, saying he would "send someone else", until the position decision was made. THIS is what ENDED his chances, at the position. In fact, the dig "challenge" allowed the chancellors to "eliminate" three, other, applicants, as well. Now, it is between you and Rodney." This is when Lysia would say "Oh, crap." When Tami would ask, Lysia would say "If you think that **I** am dedicated, to field work, I am just a "by-stander", compared to Rodney. That man would pass up meals, church, even dates, to be the primary discoverer, of an ancient treasure." When Tami would ask "Fortune hunter?" Lysia would say "Rodney shares the primary goal, of all, REAL, explorers. He wants his NAME to be remembered. Sort of like "Indiana Jones". When Tami would say "I take it that he has a few "digs", over, or beyond, you." Lysia would say "It may sound morbid, but I wont to "catch up", until he drops dead. That is, unless I drop dead, first." While the Pruvian government was all in favor, of re-examining the past, even Lysia was surprised when the government hesitated to approve an "extended" dig. Lysia had petitioned, for this, in order to check on reports, from outside the approved dig site. Stories, which were coming in. Stories, of places, which "focused Ra's power". Temples, filled with "wonders", beyond human description. Tami would mention "Sounds like everything frrom "King Solomans Mines", to "Excalibur", and so on. When Lysia would suggest "Worth a look?" Tami would ask "Are you going to break this, entire, camp, just because of villagers tales?" Lysia would bring Tami and I close, as she whisepered "Camp stays. I was thinking about that hovercraft, of yours. The three of us, and your pilots, on that hovercraft. How about it?" When Tami contacted our pilots, we could HEAR the co-pilot yawning, and sighing "Maybe THIS will be some action." Just a few hours later, and under cover of darkness, our hovercraft slid away, from G.S.2, and, silently, as a preditor, stalking its prey, we slid from camp, un-noticed. Lysia's plan was simple. We would sneak into each location and, IF we found anything useful, we would flag the location, for further investigation. Over the next two days, we covered more than a dozen sites, most of which had, long ago, beeen looted, by the Conquistadors. One place, which we found suspicious, however, was the one location, where the hovercraft seemed to lose power, upon approach. When crafts systems were down to 50%, the pilot whispered "I wont risk going further. The three, of you, and the co-pilot, may continue forward. I will take the hovercraft back, to the plane, for recharge." Once we did dis-mount the hovercraft, it was a good thing we could begin to see the site, in the distance since, after we grabbed our packs, and set out, on foot, our G.P.S. , phones, and other electronics, ceased to function. Ironically, none, of our equipment blew up, as the devices do, in movies. In our case, the batteries just drained, and died. While the site, including pyramids, avenues, and fountains, were a wonder to behold, Lysia and Tami noticed, sooner than the co-pilot, and I had. Was it just our imaginations? Or, were the carved, lion-shaped, statues watching us? While our group examined several, of the statues, and found all to be made out of stone, still, there was SOMETHING about the statues. It was like the statues were "alive", and ready to pounce. What really amazed us, however, was what happened when Lysia took out a brush, and dusted a part, of the "avenue", exposing white marble. Since the lions were made of more common stone, Lysia decided to see just what material, which the fountains were made of. Just as Lysia suspected. More, bright white, marble. This, covered in millenia of dust. Things really only got "peculiar", though, when our "old friend", the full moon, made an appearance, over the site. As the moon cast shadows, over the site, the ladies laughed over the image, that the radiance, of the moon, made it appear that the stone lions were moving. While the women were more than ready, for a rest, seated on the edge of one of the sites fountains, our co-pilot recommended "If you ladies have no objection, I would prefer we take our rest period HIGHER up, on that ledge, up there." When Lysia would ask "Why? We are the only ones around this place." The retired air force man would say "We may be the only HUMANS, but..." Tami and I understood the mans concern. After all, no one stayed alive, in the military, by taking chances. While the trek, up the pyramid, was a bit of an effort, especially carrying the supplies, on our backs, the group was, maybe, halfway to the ledge, when Lysia made first one, then a second, discovery. By the time the retired air force man scooted Lysia up, to the ledge, we, ALL, saw what Lysia had discovered. While the pyramid appearred to be made of dull, dirt-covered stone, the places, on the handrails, where our hands had touched the surface, slined, of yellow gold. Our foot-prints revealled MORE, of the white marble, on the pyramid. Marble, so bright that it was like our foot-prints were illuminated. Tami, then, saw something which made her laugh, quietly. When Lysia asked, softly "Whats so funny?" Tami would whisper "The moon-light, and the shadows. I actually imagined that some, of the stone lions were circling the pyramid." It was when the co-pilot would ask "As though looking for some lunch?" Only then did Tami take a second look. The air force man was right. It DID look like the lions were stalking the humans. When I would ask "Does anyone know if lions can climb?" Lysia would say "Relax. Lions, Tigers, Cheetahs, and Leopards, are ground-based animals. On the ground, they can out-pace us, in seconds. However, they dont climb. Tami would add "Wait a minute. Those cant be the lions we saw, on the way in. Those were stone statues. These are LIVE. Someone has sent them on us." While our co-pilot doubted this rationale, Lysia would ask "How could "they" know we would be here? Even WE did not know we were coming, until a few hours ago." While our retired air force co-pilot was, carefully, watching the scene, below us, and the moon cast its radiance, overhead, I wondered just how much, of this place, was made of gold, and marble, and how much of this was buried under the dirt, and dust, of time. What baffled the air force retiree was that, every time he tried to use his binoculars, on thermal mode, trying to find the creatures vital organs, in order to save ammunition, should the creatures attack, The retiree was baffled that the creatures had NO thermal readings, at all. This lead the retiree to the question of "Why bother covering animals with NOMEX?" The only, binocular, modes, which worked, with the creatures, was visual, and motion sensing. Then, something, very bizzarre, happened. When the moon slid beyond sight, and the site went dark, the statues stopped moving. Whehn the retiree would say "Now's our chance", Tami and I agreed, readily. It was Lysia who lagged behind. As the three, of us, moved, cautiously, passed the stone lions, and while we could "feel" the statues gaze, upon us, the stone creatures did not move. When Lysia rapped on a few, of the statues, saying "Doesn't make sense. These are stone. Nothing could make them move, on their own.." When Tami passed an empty, stone, pedestal, where we remembered seeing one, of the stone lions, perched, and Tami asked Lysia "Explain this. There WAS a stone lion, on this base, when we walked in. WHERE is the lion now?" As Lysia looked about the stone lions, which, now, stood, on the avenue, Lysia was, almost, fearful, of the potential answer. While our co-pilot herded the ladies, just ahead of me, I slipped my own camera into "night vision" mode, and took photo's, of both the vacant bases, and the "free standing" lions. (I was going to enjoy hearing Mr. Black try to explain this). When we reached the hovercraft, our pilot had some most un-expected news, for us. It seems that the air force retiree had not only nursed the hovercraft out of the "danger zone", he was not just able to re-establish contact, with G.S.2, but he was, also, able to monitor local radio transmissions, as well. His report, however, baffled us. "I regret to report that your suggestion, that you were followed, and attacked, by conventional forces, is a badly-flawed idea". When Lysia would ask "But why?" The retiree would say "No radio chatter. Nothing electronic, either. No one gave any "attack", of "cease" orders. I had the computer check all frequencies." When Tami would ask "What about a low-powered, local, transmitter. Something like a child might use, for a radio-controlled car?" The pilot would say "IF those creatures, which you have reported, are, accurately, described, the remote signal would have to be powerful enough to activate the circuits, to give the creatures motion. THAT much power WOULD have registered." The next day, after uploading copies, of our photo's, to Mr. Black (The Brown Agency tech master), the man would vid-link, with us, asking "Are you SURE you have the correct location?" When Tami re-verified the location, Mr. Black would send us some satellite photo's, of the plaza, in question. To our, mutual, dis-belief, the lions were no-longer on the plaza. Each lion had returned to its base, like the creature had, never, departed. When Lysia would say "That cannot be. We SAW them, ON the avenue." Mr. Black would, only, say "While your photo's back up this point, the satellites say otherwise." (Just DONT ask me why it took the three of us another, FULL, day, to put the clues together.) Maybe, it had something to do with our curiousity, over the fact that the buildings, on the plaza, were made of marble (which remained so shiny, even after millenia of dis-repair, that it looked luminous, even in moon-light.) Then, there was all of that gold. Decorating almost every surface. If history were correct, and the Conquistadors had looted every ingot they could find, HOW could this place have survived, in tact? When Lysia contacted the university, she learned of a student, who was preparing "An alternative history, of Christianity, and the Spanish raids, on South America". When the three of us read through an electronic copy, of the document, no one was surprised by the lethal brutality, employed, by the Christians, in "converting" the Indians, to Christianity. Where the document caught our attention, was in the un-finished section, which was marked "Suppressed reports, of Spanish soldiers". The author noted "It is my belief that these reports were suppressed, due to the fact that the reports conflicted with official, Christian, beliefs." According to the reports, referenced, in the document (which unknown persons) had secreted away, for future generations, the Spanish had been "run"/"chased" away, from several locations. In some cases, the soldiers reported winged serpents. In these cases, no matter how many times the serpents were stabbed, sliced, or cut, by the soldiers, the serpents wounds, rapidly, vanished. The creatures remained on the attack, until the soldiers, eventually, withdrew. In two cases, an alleged King Cobra, which, reportedly had stood twenty feet tall, before the soldiers, and (conveniently), spoke Spanish, in ordering the soldiers to depart the land, or DIE. In five cases, soldiers reported doing "battle", with stone creatures. Creatures, which sliced, and diced, the soldiers, yet seemed immune to the soldiers weapons. The point, where the student had left off (so far), was at the fact that, when soldiers ATTEMPTED to report dangers, to commanders, that the church had decided, FOR the army, that the soldiers were traitors, both to God, and country. The church suggested that the soldiers had taken the gold, for themselves. As a result of this, the soldiers were tortured, to death, for not reveiling where the gold was hidden. When the soldiers never parted, from their stories, the church made SURE word reached Spain, of the soldiers "treachery". The church even encouraged the crown to take revenge, on family members, still living in Spain. As a result, many homes, in Spain, were burned, and anyone, who had not FLED, into the night, to start a new life, in another part, of the world, were tortured, to death (as an example, to anyone, who defied the church). The student did, however, make a point of stating "While the tortures, deaths, and arsons, are a matter of public record, I remain skeptical, about the soldiers stories". When Tami, Lysia, and I, reviewed the service records, of the accused soldiers, we came to agree with the students suspicions. After all, none, of the accused, was of a commissioned rank, lower than "captain". ALL had previous, military, amnd combat, experience. ALL had magnificent, service, records. Until South America, it seemed certain that each man was headed for a secure retirement. This is why the student was suspicious, about these men being accused of theft. Why would men, with so much interest, in career, military, service, suddenly turn into greedy profiteers? While Tami called up MORE information, on the area, of Peru, I checked the moon, tides, winds, and so on. The odd thing was that, when Tami reviewed the "witness reports", all that each report stated was that people "felt" that they were being "watched". When these "reports" were cross-referenced, with the lunar cycle, it was not long before we noticed that these reports, ALL, originated, during the full moon cycle. Not with the full moon visible, under sometimes cloudy skies, but during the full moon, anyway. Only our own sighting had been under a clear sky, with a bright, full, moon. While the Peruvian government, openly, rejected permission, for an official excavation, when Lysia made some "inquiries", Lysia was informed "The government is aware of your intentions, however, the government, also, wants Deniability. If you find what others do NOT want found, the government wants to be able to say "We never gave the Americans permission." When Lysia had asked "If a small, private, group, were to go in..." The conatct would say "If the group becomes "lost", even stumbles upon, then opens the site, HOW can Peru be blamed, for such an "accident"?" Sure, being discreet took a few, extra, days, but Tami and Lysia handled the challenge more like generals. Very subtly, the dig had been moved, to the new location, and when workers first swept off, then washed off, the marble, everyone was amazed at how the marble glistened, under the suns radiance. There was one problem, however. When a chunk, of gold, was sent, to the main office, for analysis, the findings were "peculiar", to say the least. While the three of us were prepared for a report, of Iron Pyrite (Fool's gold), the Brown Agency confirmed that the sample was NOT this substance. When Tami would ask "What is it?" Mr. Black would say "Within two molecules, this is, almost, real gold." When Tami would ask "What do you mean, almost?" Mr. Black would say "As neear as we can determine, this gold was "manufactured." When Tami would ask "You mean, like Alchemy?" Mr. Black would say "No. This is not about CHANGING lead into gold. This is about creating gold." When Tami would ask "Creating? How?" Mr. Back would say "I wish I knew. Nothing, like this, has been done, before. Certainly, no substance which is within just two molecules, of real gold." When I would ask "Could this whole thing have been staged? Animatronic statues, and fake gold?" Mr. Black would say "I doubt that. The statues, maybe. But making gold? To my knowledge, no one, on Earth, has this kind of tech. If those people did, they took the secret with them." Tami would summarize "What we have is a community, with walkways, fountains, and buildings, ALL made of radiant, white, marble. Decorated in a kind of gold, which does not exist. Question: Purpose? Mr. Black would say "Sorry, I'm just tech support. You will need to ask Mr. Brown about purpose, and philosophy." While I must credit the Peruvians, for, diligently, working, from sun-rise, to sun-set, each day, on clearing the "settlement", every night, at dusk, Tami, Lysia, and myself, were left, all alone, to keep watch. Even so, by the next full moon, the settlement sparkled as it had, more than a millenia ago. What none of us expected, was the gentleman, who came forth, from the "mists of time", to congratulate us, on the work. The man would say "It has been so very LONG since I have seen my beloved city look so beautiful. When the statues began to growl, with approaching dusk, the man held up a hand, and the growling subsided. This is when the man said "Be calm. Be silent", towards the stone creatures, then cast his gaze upon us. This is when our visitor asked "Why have you come to my land?" When Lysia would explain "Your descendants have asked us to visit your land. To learn of its past." The man would say "Many have come, before. Some with books, and paper. Others, with shovels. Which one are you?" Lysia would say "Books and paper. We want to learn MORE, about your people." The tall, muscular, man would correct Lysia "You came in search of the reason why my people visited what you, now, call "California". When Tami admitted "That IS part of the reason, yes." The man would ask "Allow me to answer your inquiry with my own question." Tami would say "Go ahead." The man would ask "Why did, FIRST, the Vikings, then the Spanish, followed by the English, travel to what you call the "United States"?" I would be first to admit "There are, MANY, possible, reasons, not the least of which was to expand royal holdings." The man would say "Interesting. Your people sought the land, for the same reason why my people travelled there." When Tami would ask "Sir, what became, of your people? We found mummies." The man would ask "WHAT are mummies?" Lysia would give a brief explanation, and the man would chuckle. When Tami would ask "What do you find so humorous, about this?" The man would say "You have no idea what went on, do you." When Lysia would say "We ARE listening", the man would summarize. "Thousands of years, before the original thirteen colonies were established, the people, of South America, sent forth researchers, and soldiers, on scouting trips, to what you, now, call the West Coast, or California. When our scouts arrived, they found what they THOUGHT were the remains, of even older camps. No one had any idea that another race had visited, and camoflauged their camp, to appear as normal wilderness. After my people set up camp, they began testing the soil, for planting our crops. With the harvests, our camp grew into a settlement, and we needed grain storage, for our shipments. Instead of building those ugly "grain elevators", which your civilization uses, we decided to store our grain underground. Both to protect the shipments, and to honor Mother Earth." When Tami asked "What eventually, happened?" The man seemed sad as he said "Had we KNOWN that we were trespassing, on the land, of another, we WOULD have settled another land." After a pause, the man would say "Eventually, the other race returned, declared us "trespassers", and lay seige, to our settlement. My people sent a distress call, then hid, in the tunnels, until we could send reinforcements. While a great battle ensued, our forces were too evenly matched. After severe losses, on both sides, a truce was declared, and the other race allowed us to remove what dead, and injured, whom we could locate. We, then, abandoned your "California", to the other race." When Lysia would assk "You keep using the term "other race". Do you mean humans, from another land?" The man would say "No, I mean, a race, from another world. One, for whom Earth is, also, a research outpost." When Lysia would ask "The mummies?" The man would seem sorrowful as he said "We did not know how many we left behind, until the injured, and dead, were claimed. Only then did we understand how many we left behind. Un-intentionally, of course." When Tami would ask "Why did you not return to the land, and search for the dead?" The man would say "The other race asserted its presence, for over five centuries. By that time, the dead were, most humbly, forgotten. That is why the dead remain under your California." Wheen Tami would ask "The tunnels?" The man would say "Began as walkways, to ease movement, between supplies. During the battle, became shelters. The other race tried, un-mercifully, to pound the shelters into the ground. Our creations, however, stood firm. Thank the great ancestors!" When Lysia would ask "The "great ancestors" would be whom?" The man would say "While your science chooses to believe that my people just charted the seasons, sacrifices, and other, pagan, rituals, from our temples, these places were much more than that. Our history states that this planet was, originally, a colony outpost, of another race. For reasons, not discussed, even among my people, after anywhere from 500 years, to 5,000 years, the supply ships just ceased to arrive, at the outpost. In time, my people adapted, to the land, and we flourished, living in peace, for millenia. Our end was brought, in large part, by the Conquistadors." When Lysia would ask "In what way?" The spirit would say "The Spanish soldiers brought disease to this land. Disease, which we had no knowledge of. The disease decimated our numbers, faster than any enemy attack could. In the end, all we could hope to do was save our knowledge, for future generations." When Lysia would ask "How so?" The spirit would say "Deep inside the Pyramid of Knowledge, you will find a sealed accessway. Behind the seal, you will find a great many answers, including where my people came from." When Tami would ask "Pardon my curiousity, but what about those statues. How do you make them move, as though alive?" The spirit gave the usual "In time, you will understand such matters. Your minds are not, yet, ready, for such concepts, at this time." When Lysia would ask "WHEN will we be ready?" The spirit would say "When you decide to stop killing one another, over politics, and religion. When you learn to live in peace, and SHARE this planets resources, then wonders will present themselves, which you are un-able to dream." When Tami would ask the spirit "What would your people hope that modern day man would do, with your settlement?" The spirit would say "While my people have either "gone, beyond the veil", of death, or become one, with the land, it matters not. The statues continue their eternal defense. The settlement will survive, until you are ready for the knowledge." After taking the hovercraft back to G.S.2, Tami would load our report, on the events, to date. This included the spirits caution not to tamper with the settlement, until we are ready, as a race, to understand the knowledge. As for the mummies, under California, all that Mr. Brown would say was "We are considering various avenues. Question: DO any, of the mummies have living descendants?" Lysia could, only, respond "IF they do, I doubt any would remember. We are talking about a period, of time, maybe even farther back, than the Atlantis legend." When Mr. Brown would ask "Based upon your recent experience, how much MORE, un-discovered, history, lies in South America?" When NONE of us was willing to comment, Mr. Brown would say "That much, huh?" Tami would remark "Who knows?" Mr. Brown would, then, address Lysia, directly, stating "While your university has stated that they are willing to send you a first class ticket, for your return, to the United States, I was wondering if, in return for a ride, home, aboard G.S.2, that you would not mind aiding my agents on another task." When Lysia would ask "What would that be?" Mr. Brown would say "Moscow is reporting having some problems. It seems that someone is moving about, dressed, and acting like, Tsar Nicholas." When Tami would ask "You mean, the Tsar, whose whole family was executed, in 1917?" Mr. Brown would say "It would SEEM so. The Soviets have ASKED this agency to find out, most discreetly, of course, if this is a REAL haunting, or if someone is trying to trick the Russians into THINKING that myth has become life." When Tami and I looked at one another, Lysia would say "It is a popular, yet silent, myth. Some White Russians believe that Tsar Nicholas will return, one day, to reclaim his throne. The legend says that, upon the Tsar's return, he will be accomanied by an "immortal army", which will aid his quest to re-take control of the Russian Empire." When Mr. Brown would ask "Isn't that myth a bit out of date? I mean, the Soviet Union "fell", under Gorbachev. The Russian Empire has not existed, in over a century." Tami would add "Everyone knows that the empire fell, during the October Revolution, of 1917. WHY would anyone wait, a full century, to pretend that the Tsar wants his throne back?" Mr. Brown would say "Those are some of the very questions, which Moscow has invited us to answer. IF this character is simply trying to play "ghosty", then the orders will be to expose their tricks, and turn them over, to Russian police." I would add "Sounds just like the World Trade Center, and the presidents order, about the F.B.I." Mr. Brown would say "Same situation. Just different country." It would be Lysia who would ask "I thought that the Russians did not believe, either in "god", or in ghosts?" Mr. Brown would say "Yet another question, in need of answers. So, what do you say? A side-bar trip, then G.S.2 delivers you to your home. What do you say?" Lysia would say "You have to ask?" Our pilots only comment was to share a "joke", saying "Remember the days, when we filed attack plans, into planes computers, in case the Soviets attacked America?" and "Yes, and NOW we are going to be GUESTS of the very same people we, once, planned to annihilate, with nuclear warheads. Talk about irony." The retiree's, then, shared a laugh, which could be heard, throughout the plane. Tsar Nicholas, here comes G.S.2!

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