Monday, March 20, 2017


THE HAUNTING PAST: MYSTERY OF CZAR NICHOLAS 2 While, in the cockpit, of G.S.2, our veteran pilots could have plotted, and flown, the course, to Soviet Russia, with their eyes closed (Having plotted, and flown, the same course, hundreds of times, during the Cold war), still, it seems that the very idea, of flying, even NEAR Soviet waters, brought the retiree's to "instant alert". This, despite the fact that, similar to A.W.A.C.'s aircraft, our plane was equipped with sensors, which could detect, and identify, in-bound threats, before the pilots even SAW the threats. Still, our air force pilots were not about to trust electronics, to protect either the plane, or their passengers. The men would remain on "instant alert", until G.S.2 exited Soviet Air Space. Invited, or not, the word was "Alert!". While the pilots kept an "Eagle eye", on the sky, back in the work space, of the plane, the three of us were busy, trying to seperate fact from fiction. And not just Soviet propaganda, either. The United States government was the largest source, of anti-Soviet propaganda. As we were to learn, the only difference, between Soviet, and American, propaganda, was the accusation, of which side would launch World War Three, and WHY. The Soviets taught their children that America would strike, FIRST, in order to destory the "evil empire", and bring "Christianity", to the Soviets, at GUN-point. (Atleast, to the survivors, of an American FIRST strike). As a result, Soviet leadership had decreed that only "Eternal Vigilance" would protect the Soviet people from becoming "puppets", of the American government. By comparison, American propaganda did little more than reverse the roles, portaying the Soviet Union as the First strike aggressor. Washington D.C. had spent decades, teaching Americans that the Soviet Union would strike, first, in an effort to destroy (WHAT). Christianity? Capitalism? Free Speech? The list was endless, of what the Soviets would want to accomplish. Even American "think tanks" could not agree, on the reason why the Soviets would want to attack. One university, when asked, about the Soviet goal, of standing, on the front steps, of the White House, proclaiming "We have WON!" The university had questioned "Won what? Even if Soviet missiles bathed American soil, in lethal radiation, any Soviet forces, sent into America, for the next century, would DIE, of the exact same radiation poisoning, which the attack had brought to America". The universities, quietly, ruled that, no matter which side struck, first, or fastest, no one would survive. Even if America were blasted, with enough radiation, to blow the nation right off the globe, the fall-out, from the blasts, would ride the trade-winds, and the Soviets would begin to die, of the exact same radiation poisoning, within just hours of celebrating their "victory". As for that nonsense, about standing on the steps, of the White House, such an act MIGHT have been potent, in the mid-twentieth century. Nowadays, however, the White House had lost its importance, as a sign of "Freedom". Now, the building was just another, government, building. These were the kinds, of propaganda, which the three of us would have to "deal with", to learn about the czar. While Tami and I worked at our normal stations, Lysia would be just as busy, with her laptop computer. And an extra-special thanks, to our air force retiree's, for making the flight so smooth that it was easy to forget that we were, in fact, airborne. What relieved the retiree's was when, fifty miles beyond Soviet Air Space, it seems that Mr. Brown had arranged a mid-air re-fuelling. Not because Mr. Brown did not trust his Soviet sources, but because stealth technology was so "sensitive", to even subtle changes, in things, such as fuel quality, that Mr. Brown decided to make certain that G.S.2 did not have to re-fuel, over Soviet territory. While we took on fuel, the planes non-verbal communications system informed Soviet Air control, of our flight plan. Our pilots even expected the escort fighters, which flew up, to meet us, at the border, of Soviet Air Space. After all, G.S.2 was, offically, a U.S. Air Force BOMBER. Our pilots, also, understood the reason why the fighters took up a visual position, to the rear of our plane. After all, G.S.2 was DESIGNED to defeat radar. Visual was the only SURE way, of tracking our plane. At the appropriate points, our pilots made course changes, as per Soviet orders. By the time we arrived, at the grounds, of Czar Nicholas 2's palace, Tami, Lysia, and I knew the place, even better than our pilots. If our pilots had one grienvance, to register, with the Soviets, it was that the "marked", "designated" landing zone was much smaller than our plane. Not surprisingly, when the Soviets pointed weapons, at our plane, upon landing, and the Soviet officers TRIED to "take the high ground", stating "You have failed to land within the designated landing zone. Your plane will, now, be searched, for any threats, to Soviet security." While our pilots did their best, to maintain military courtesy, the air force retiree's reprimanded the Soviets, by stating "This landing zone isn't large enough for an American drone, let alone a full size airplane. I wonder what the American ambassador would think, of THAT?" Realizing that the locals had "lost the high ground", the Soviet officer would order their soldiers "Move the indicators to the exact SHAPE, of this aircraft." Then, to our pilots, the Soviet officer would say "IF, during your stay, on Soviet soil, this plane move one milimeter beyond the outlined area, **I** will give the order, to destroy your aircraft, and ALL on-board. Understand?" To the Soviets anger, our pilots diffused the situation, by saying "A pleasure doing business with you." Shortly after the "posturing", a young-ish, female, officer would arrive, dropping protocol, and saying (as she looked upon our plane) "I never thought I would live to see the day that an American Air Force bomber would set on Soviet territory." Tami would remind the officer "Your government INVITED us". The officer would say "Of course. Still..." even as she gazed upon the body of our plane. During the coming tour, of Czar Nicholas 2's mansion, when the officer would say "At various times, during the previous century, Soviet military forces have practiced drills, within these walls. At other times, administrators have used this location, for logistical purposes. The property is, however, officially, listed as "vacant". When Lysia would ask "May I ask WHY such a beautiful place is vacant?" The officer seemed un-easy, as she said "There have been stories. Tales, even. I think you Americans would call such stories "camp fire stories." When Tami would ask "Would you define what TYPES, of stories these are?" The officer would say "While my government MAY have invited you, to our land, I caution you NOT to question Soviet ethics. The Soviet Union may not be as rich as your America, but we retain our PRIDE, in WHO we ARE." The three, of us, soon understood that this soldier was not about to oblige us, with any useful information. While the tour took the better part, of an hour, the soldier made SURE we understood that SHE was in command. While the markers, around G.S.2 were moved, to the exact shape of our plane, our pilots would explain WHY one of us would be required to remain with the plane, at ALL times. The simple fact that our Soviet "watch-dogs" were well inside G.S.2's security perimeter. This meant that, if ALL of us departed the plane, at any given time, the automatic defense system would open fire, on the Soviet soldiers. As our pilot would say "Those men are just following orders. It would be terrible to let the plane gun them down, when they are just doing thier duty. They are under orders to be so close, to G.S.2" Worse yet was the fact that each soldier carried not only an automatic rifle, but grenade-launchers, as well. This meant that, if we left the plane, all at once, it might take the defense computer all of thirty seconds, to gun down every single guard, "watching" our plane. The air force men knew how American families would feel, if a cornered, foreign, soldier, shot a family member. (No one wanted such tragic deaths on their conscience). While Mr. Brown would send an official grievance, to the Soviets, military command would insist that the troops remain where they were posted (for "security" reasons). Result, this meant that, to save innocent, Soviet, lives, one of us would be required to STAY with G.S.2, "round-the-clock". As Tami, Lysia, and myself, were, soon, to discover, "official", Soviet, history, began in 1917. The Red October revolution, of 1917, to be precise. For information, prior to this time, the three of us were limited to the internet, and to the memories, of elderly people. While the very notion, that people, from 1900, would remain alive, at this date, would be to stretch reality, to its breaking point, Tami, and Lysia, held hope that generations shared stories, of the days when the czar was in power. Who knows? Maybe, we MIGHT get lucky, and learn more about the man known as "Peter the Great". The man whom, some history says, united the Russian Republics, well over a century ago. Still, as Mr. Brown was known, for telling agents "It is FINE to gather extra knowledge, in order to fulfill the general needs, of a client request. Just make sure that you remain focused on your goal." In our case, this meant finding out WHO was observing Czar Nicholas 2, WHERE he was being sighted, and how MANY people were present, at each sighting? About the only thing the three, of us, could be certain about, while in the Soviet Union, was that, any time locals took to speaking Cyrillic, we were certain that they were talking about us. This because, when the people were talking TO us, they used English, which made me feel like a kindergartner. Accents aside, these peple spoke excellent English. The normal problem, which we ran into, was that of the variety, of stories, and the variety, of sources. Some people said that czar Nicholas 2 was a frequent, at local taverns. Others said the man was devout, to sobriety, and could be seen, often, at the local church. Of all of the conversations, which Tami, and Lysia, held, with locals, about the only, common, "thread", was that the czar was seen, wearing his army uniform. One thing locals were adamant about, however, was that the man was NOT being viewed, in his dress uniform. At every, single, sighting, Czar Nicholas 2 was being observed, wearing his battlefield uniform. This point was EMPHASIZED, by EVERYONE we spoke to. Over the next two weeks, Tami, Lysia, and I attempted to chart the czar's movements. This despite the fact that Soviet officers stated that they had been trying the same method, for months. So far, however, nothing was "panning out", for the military officers. This is why Tami suggested "Since we are civilains, maybe we can observe the question, from a different angle." When a confused-looking, Soviet soldier would ask "WHAT other angle?" Lysia would suggest "You, sir, are trained, to look at life, as a soldier, correct?" When the Soviet soldier would say "Da! What other way SHOULD a soldier look at life?" Lysia would say "Precisely. While you observe life, as a soldier, WE observe life, as civilians." After two weeks, of trying to track the czar, with little success, beyond beginning to understand some, basic, Soviet, phrases, one day, G.S.2 would recall us, saying "Big news! Something is going on, inside the czar's palace." When Tami would ask "What KIND of something?" Our co-pilot would say "Whatever it is, it MUST be important. The Soviets have recalled every guard they had, on our plane. Some sort of search is taking place. If you get back, soon enough, maybe you can join in the fun." While the three of us made the best time, possible, considering that our only "ride" was a flat-bed truck, still, we managed to return, while the search was continuing. When we asked a Soviet officer "Whats going on?" The officer no-sooner said "Nothing to see...", then back-pedalled, saying "Apologies. I thought you were members of the media. They LOVE to swarm these kinds of reports." Of this, we were, fully, aware. This is why, so often, the Brown Agency was called in, for DISCREET investigations. After making the apologies, the officer would say "I do not know how much "help" you can be. My squads seem to have lost visual contact, with the intruder." When Tami would ask "Intruder?" The officer would say "We will call them an "intruder", until we know who they REALLY, are." Lysia would suggest "So, you do not believe that your "intruder" is Czar Nicholas 2?" The officer would say "Ma'am, with all due respect, the czar has been dead, for over a century. Outside of your American movies, I have, yet, to see a dead person ACTUALLY walk among the living." When Tami would ask "What about ghosts?" The officer would say "Only fools believe in such things. Educated soldiers do not believe in such things." Tami would counter with "So, if this is NOT a ghost, then you have it surrounded, and we can wrap this case, before nightfall." The officer would say "That is our hope." Problem was that, even after five, complete, searches, of the mansion, from roof to basement, no sign, of the intruder, was found. When Tami would ask "Whats next?" The soldier would say "We begin looking for escape tunnels." When Lysia would ask "WHY?" while knowing the answer, she wanted to hear the Soviet version. The soldier would say "You never, heard this from me, correct?" When all three of us agreed "You never said "A" word", the officer would say "My grand-father, and his father, tell stories, to amuse the children. Stories, about how the aristocracy used to build escape tunnels into homes. Some of the tunnels run, for MILES, under the country-side. Grand-father says that these tunnels were for use during civil un-rest. If the aristocracy felt "threatened", they would, how do you say it, "exit, stage right", and not return until things were calm." When Tami would ask "You suspect the intruder used this same kind of tunnel?" The soldier would say "It will sound better, in my report, to command, than reporting that the czar is "back in town"." In Tami's, daily, report, to base, she would refer to the officer as an "un-specified source". She would report the sightings, and the suspicion, that the intruder was using old time tunnels, to escape the Soviet government. Tami would include "Unles this is a thrill-seeker, who is trying to annoy the Soviets, why BOTHER trying to haunt the czar's palace? Wouldn't the intruder realize that this place is guarded, by the Soviets?" When Mr. Brown would agree, saying "I suggest that you follow up on that thrill-seeker angle. Maybe it IS someone, trying for a new "high." Lysia would comment "Wouldn't that be a dangerous "high"? Challenging the Soviets, openly? I mean, in America, we give people the benefit, of the doubt. The Soviets?" Still, Mr. Brown would say "Make sure you follow up on that thrill-seeker angle. If this is some fool, they may not realize that they are "playing with fire". Tami would suggest "Unless they ENJOY "playing with fire"." The one thing, which both the military, and civilian, population, agreed on, was the fact that thrill-seekers sought their thrills, OUTSIDE Soviet borders. As many people would tell us "While the Communist Party may have fallen, in 1991, there remain elements, which are LOYAL to party ways. This is why "thrill-seekers" go out-of-country, for their thrills." When the ladies would ask "What about escape artists? Would they consider eluding the police to be great publicity?" Civilians would say "Anyone, that STUPID would not live long." Okay, if we could rule out thrill-seekers, and escape-artists, then WHAT did this leave us with? Besides spirits, that is?" While none of us Amereicans had anything against Soviet cooking, the problem was my stomach. It seems that the herbs, and spices, used, in Soviet village cooking, made me green, upon approach. This is why I stayed, with G.S.2, while the rest, of our group, had dinner, in the local village. I knew that military rations would not upset my annoyingly sensitive stomach. (Note, it is "thanks" to this stomach, that I cannot eat as much American candy, as I would like, either. For decades, I have been reduced to diet soda, and sugar free candy.) The GOOD news would be that, at the dinner, there was plenty of conversation, especially once the alcohol began flowing. Oddly enough, however, these people knew how to have fun, while avoiding becoming drunk. From G.S. 2, I monitored, and recorded, details, of conversations, as the rest, of the crew made conversation, with our hosts. Our pilots even had a lively conversation, with some Soviet pilots, over which type, of fighter plane was more maneuverable. While the Soviets agreed that the Hind helicopter was a "hulking beast", designed to strike fear, by its very presense, both nations pilots considered the American Apache to be more cat-like. Both in its ability to sneak up, on targets, and in its ability to strike, without warning. It would be the Soviet soldiers who would tell of the service, of both Peter the Great, and Czar Nicholas 2. "Peter was a great leader, and an inspiration, to the Soviet people, while Nicholas was a dedicated soldier. They, both, served Russia very well. We honor their memory." During the celebrations, however, I wasn't quite, certain, myself, but, from what I saw, on the cameras footage, it seemed like Czar Nicholas 2 made a few apparances. When I contacted the ladies, however, both denied seeing the man. Later, while returning to the plane, the ladies would report seeing what they THOUGHT appearred to be Nicholas 2. Both times, however, it turned out to be nothing more than Soviet soldiers, on night patrol. When Lysia would ask "Could this be what others are seeing. Live soldiers, on patrol? Just not, carefully, observed?" Tami would say "Anything is possible. I am just amazed that, if Nicholas is around, that he does not pay our plane a visit." I would have to agree that spirits, on our plane, would be nothing new. Sometimes, the spirits liked to call on US, versus us calling on THEM. The question was "If Czar Nicholas 2 WAS in fact, making appearances, HOW did we draw him, to us?" When I made the suggestion "Maybe, if I enlisted, in the Soviet Army?" The ladies would laugh, openly, saying "For one thing, you are too OLD. For another, you are American. The Communists would, NEVER, have an American, in their military." Another, unknown, voice would say "You do not even speak Cyrillic. HOW would you follow commands?" When we looked behind us, there he was, large as life. Czar Nicholas 2. When Lysia would say "Pleased to meet you, sir." The czar would say "Like-wise, I am sure.", then the man would turn to me, saying "Your allegiance is to America, not Mother Russia. How could you serve a nation, which you are not pledged to?" I would add "It was only a thought." The czar would say "Be cautious, with airing such thoughts. Mother Russia is, still, going through changes. She has some difficult times, before her. She will need her childrens protection, and support, if she is to survive." When Tami would ask "What will Russia need to "survive"?" Nicholas would say "Word has reached me that an international group "spear-headed" by some American investors, is working to bring gambling to Mother Russia." When I would ask "Doesn't Russia have its OWN vice services?" Nicholas would say "While that is correct, it would seem that your new, vice-based, economy, is trying to "muscle-in", on Mother Russia." All three of us KNEW what Nicholas spoke of. In fact, it was common knowledge, in America, that states, which were desperate, for money, but REFUSING to create factory jobs, were approving more, and more gambling, everyday. Even the home-state, of Tami, and myself, had approved a record number, of new casino's, while, adamantly, denouncing creation, of factory jobs. Our state was determined that VICE would be the states future, no matter how many LIVES it cost. Still, when Tami would ask Nicholas "What can we do, to help?" Nicholas would say "If you can spread the word, among my people. Let them know that Mother Russia will be there, for them, as long as they protect her, then I will be most happy." When Lysia would ask "And, just HOW are WE, as Americans, supposed to convince Russians that gambling is NOT in your nations best interest?" Nicholas would give us some passage, in Russian, which we were to repeat, to anyone who doubted Czar Nicholas 2. The problem was that, even though we memorized the words, we had no idea what they meant. (The one thing, which G.S. 2's designers had, never, considered, was adding the Cyrillic language to the planes database.). When Lysia would ask "Sir, please tell me one thing. Are the legends true, that you are returning, with an immortal army, to re-take your throne?" Thankfully, the czar was wearing his field uniform, since he laughed, so hard, at this, that he, ALMOST, wet himself. After he finished laughing, Nicholas would inform Lysia "Yes, I, too, have heard that story. I wish I DID have an army, at my command. If I did, I would storm Moscow, at dawn, and ORDER them to terminate this, wretched "deal"." When Tami would suggest "Then, you are on your own? No support staff?" Nicholas would say "No, I have no regiments, at my command. As you may know, I have been deceased, for over a century. This means that, IF I wanted to raise an army, I would have to ASK for volunteers." When Lysia would suggest "Why not ask the Soviet PEOPLE. The villagers? Maybe THEY can aid your cause?" The czar would mention "I would need trained, seasoned, troops, for what we are suggesting. Villagers are fine, for village needs, but I would not expect them to FIGHT, for the nation." When Tami would mention the thirteen colonies, of North America, Nicholas would remind Tami "How MANY, of those, noble, people, gave their LIVES, to create your nation? How many lost their homes, businesses, their LIVES, to create your nation?" For some reason, Tami would ask "You do not believe that Russia is WORTH fighting for?" Nicholas would say "Not without trained battallions. Mortal, or immortal, I will not attack without trained sldiers, at my command." Over the next couple of days, G.S.2 became some sort of "command post", as the spirits, of officers, including generals, colonels, and so on, stopped by, for discussions, with Czar Nicholas 2. The main question, which everyone seemed to have was "How many soldiers will it take, to ensure success?". Another question was "How many soldiers do you, currently, have, under your command?" The problem, with the after-life, was that there was no such thing as "draft registration". If a leader wanted to lead troops, soldiers had to be contacted, and ASKED if they wanted to give up their eternal slumber, for another chance, at battle. While the soldiers were discussing battle plans, Lysia, and Tami, were conversing, with Moscow (which was VERY surprised that Americans had any idea of the proposed project). When Tami had asked one Politburo member, for their signature, on a form, stating that NOTHING was aggreed to, as yet, the member would, only, say "According to the proposed agreement, no releases are allowed, until Russia decides if we want the casino's." When Tami asked the member "Does Russia WANT the gambling?" She noticed how the party member hesitated, about answering. While she felt certain that the member was opposed, to gambling, the member was wise enough to remain quiet. When Tami re-phrased th question as "What will happen, to Russia, IF the gambling is NOT approved?" The member would say "No one is for certain. Some believe it will lead to civil war, as people fight over resources. Others believe that it will lead to a return to Communism. Others say "Wait and see". To Tami, it was obvious that the party member was part of the "wait and see" faction. Question was, HOW to convince Czar Nicholas 2 that gambling was, by no means, a "sure thing"? Tami knew that the time had come, for her to "rustle up" a treaty, and FAST, when not only did the spirits, of Soviet soldiers, begin to come forward, prepared to serve Mother Russia, once more, but when Vikings made an appearance, as well as the spirits, of three, entire, armored, divisions, of the U.S. Army, arrived, to join the fight. When Tami had asked the American spirits if they understood that this was a fight, for Russia, the spirits had explained their rationale, for wanting to take part. "We WANTED to serve, in World War Two, except that our machines broke down, and we were mowed down, before we could get into the fight. Later, we HOPED to serve, in the liberation, of the Middle East. Problem is that Pentagon brass have this "rule" about all soldiers needing to be alive. Basically, we were told "Unless you have a pulse, we dont WANT you." When Tami would ask "And, Russia?" The head, of an American battallion, would say "Finally, we have a chance to SERVE. To put our training to use. Who knows. Maybe even a unit citation, IF we succeed." Okay, so, even dead soldiers wanted to prove their worth. The question, which both Tami, and Lysia, had to deal with, was the question of "How will the Soviets react, when an army, of spirits, comes, crashing, into the government center, demanding an end to the gambling agreement?" In fact, how would the Soviets react, at all, to even SEEING an army, of spirits? Using her "classic" wording, Tami would draft a treaty, between the living, and the dead. A treaty, which, basically, said "You stay on YOUR side of the line, and we will stay on ours." When a Russian source would contact Mr. Brown, asking "Is that woman insane? Does she, REALLY, expect ghosts to abide by a treaty?" Mr. Brown would ask "Why not? My agent has negotiated more than a DOZEN, such treaties. To date, both the living, and the dead, have respected the terms, of each draft." When the Russian would ask "But, negotiating with dead people? Spirits? If word gets out, it will spell the END of my career, as well as Mother Russia." Mr. Brown would remind the Russian "THAT is why you requested the Brown Agency, remember? We specialize in keeping such matters OUT of the media." When the Russian would ask "But, but, but..." Mr. Brown would ask "Would you rather have an attack, by dead soldiers, levelling Moscow, or would you, rather, have a secret treaty, which saves your nation innocent lives?" When the Russian said nothing, Mr. Brown "read" the Russians face, saying "Trust my agents. Their track record speaks for itself. I guarantee that, as long as the living keep to their end, of the deal, the dead will, as well." Result, in a super-secret meeting, held on-board G.S.2, top Russians would sign a treaty, stating that international gambling would NOT set foot, on Russian soil. In return, the spirits agreed to return to their rest. When Tami spoke to the lead, American, spirit, asking "Are you dis-pleased that there was no battle?" The spirit would say "All we wanted was a chance to, finally, prove our value. If the cause is just, we WILL fight. I guess, though, that PEACE has its uses, as well." Still, Tami, Lysia, and I, all felt sad, as the American divisions did an about-face, and headed back into the mists of time. Soldiers, whose only desire was to PROVE their value, to their nation. Tami would suggest "Maybe, someday, they will." After the Americans dissolved, back into time, the Vikings followed suit. The Russians, however, remained, long enough, to congratulate the sons, and grand-sons, of fallen comrades, as the men had, in the modern day, achieved the ranks, which other men only dreamed of. After hand-shakes, and embraces, all around, the spirits gave a hearty, Soviet, salute, to the living, then, still in keeping with Soviet military practices, the soldiers marched off, back into the mists of time. Their beloved nation, safe, for another day. When our Soviet hosts just looked at us, as if to say "How will we report this, to Moscow?" Tami would suggest "Why not give them a version of the truth. There were some people around, who were opposed to the gambling, and these people wanted to make their opposition clear. The government decided to arrange a "cease-fire", in order to save innocent lives. The situation has been handled. On, to the next task." When our hosts would ask "You dont, really, expect Moscow to believe such a tale?" I would suggest "Do you think that Moscow would believe the complete "truth"?" When the Soviets shook their heads, Tami would say "Version "B" is the winner." On-board G.S.2, Tami would upload BOTH versions, to the Brown Agency, along with the suggestion "The Soviets are agreeing to Version "B". Version "A" is for our records." To our surprise, the same soldiers, who "stood guard", over our plane, upon arrival, seemed happy to aid us, when it was time to pack up. According to the soldiers "We have family, in, and around, Moscow. Thanks to your efforts, our families are safe." Shortly after take-off, Lysia answered a chirping sound, from her laptop computer. A signal that she had an incoming message. Lysia would say "It is, probably, Rodney, calling to let me know HE has accepted the position." When Tami would ask "Do you think he will be that BAD, of a boss?" Lysia would say "I doubt we will, even, SEE one another, more than twice per year. He LIVES for field work." It was not, however, until Lysia opened her laptop that she got a look, on her face, of sheer surprise. One of those "I just cant BELIEVE it" looks. When Tami would say "Dont keep us in suspense. What does it say?" Lysia lost her voice, for a moment, then showed us her laptop, with the message, open. The message read "Great work, both in Peru, and in Russia. Top flight research work. Sound conclusions. The university is happy to announce that YOU are now..." Lysia had gotten the job, after all. According to a follow up message, not only had Rodney turned down the post, saying "I'm just too busy, in the field. No time for office duties. Give it to Lysia. Lord knows, she has EARNED it. Give her my best. I hope she makes it." Lysia was, now, one step closer, to her goal. I have no doubt, at all, that she WILL reach her goal. I just dont know if I can imagine Lysia, in a chancellors robes? A dress? Maybe. work clothes? Definitely. Chancellors robes? Then, Mr. Brown would send us a message. "After you return Lysia to the university, I wonder if you could swing up, to Canada. I have something stirring, up there, and you may be of some use." the next day, G.S.2 drew its usual amount, of gazes, as our jet made its vertical landing, in a university parking lot. It seems the lot had been cleared, specifically for Lysia's return. A sort of celebration, for her promotion. Still, even among the "welcome home's", and other greetings, our pilots set Lysias belongings aside, then all eyes were glued, to our jet, as the engines came up to power, with a sound, which made everyone look, as the plane began its leisurely rise, above the tree-tops, before going into horizontal mode. Before exiting the plane, Lysia had told us "I wont bother to say "Goodbye" since I have a feeling that you will be seeing me, again. For this reason, I will say "Until later". As our jet coasted out of sight, Lysia found that she could, never, get enough of that sight. For some reason, our jet seemed "beautiful", and "graceful", even if its surface was matte black. On, to Canada, and the next case.

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