Monday, March 20, 2017


DEPORTATION: THE FINAL, DESPERATE, ACT While the news was being "flooded", with reports, of Gestapo-style raids, primarily on area's, where latino's seemed most in evidence, There was, also, PLENTY, of media coverage, showing children, being ripped from parents embrace. This, under federal orders, which stated "Tearing families apart WILL DIS-courage future, illegal, immigration." What the businessman, nor his cabinet, nor his staff, had PROJECTED for, was the "back-lash", of the American people. According to corporate PROJECTIONS, the militant tactics, and mass deportations, SHOULD have lead "patriotic" Americans, to proclaim that the businessman should be placed up, for "sainthood". Boy! Were these PROJECTIONS WRONG. When the businessman learned that Americans were staging ambushes, to force the military to withdraw, from neighborhoods, while calling a halt, to ripping communities apart, just to detain illegals, The businessman, then, went on national television, calling all those, who defended the illegals "TRAITOR", followed by an executive order, calling for the use, of M-1 tanks, and Apache attack helicopters, to be used INSIDE American cities. The Republican Party, SILENTLY, watched, and waited for the results. What Washington D.C. just could not comprehend was to what LENGTHS Americans were willing to go, to protect friends, neighbors, and co-workers. It would not be until after more than a dozen, seperate, M-1's were bathed, in burning gasoline, and forced to withdraw, from combat, that the Apache's found themselves facing the same resistence, in the skies, over the same cities. The SAME kind of resistance the pilots had faced, in the skies, of the Middle East. Apache's were shot at, from so many directions, at one time, that the gunners had no idea which direction to shoot, first. It was not, however, until one, Apache, gunner (without orders), armed his Hell-Fire missiles, then blasted the roof-tops, off of eight, close, buildings, then the gunner called out, over the radio "Take THAT, you wet-back scum." While the other pilots, in the same, flight group, remained silent, about the destruction, back in Washington D.C., the response was immediate, even if in conflict. While the businessman wanted to HAIL the pilots initiative, the Pentagon was quick to inform the media "The firing, of Hell-Fire missiles, was NOT approved, by command. I repeat. The firing, of Hell-Fire missiles, was NOT approved, by command." Still, whether the attack was "approved", or not, the dead remained dead, even as the injured flooded E.R.'s. Shortly after this, when word reached the businessman, that Latino's were marrying Americans, in order to remain in the United States, the businessman sent forth an executive order, which not only nullified all such marriages, but, effectively, ENDED his control, of the federal government. When the Supreme Court was first to denounce this executive order, stating "The Executive Branch, of government, has NO such authority, or power." Congress, rapidly, followed up, reminding the media of the SEPERATION of church, and state. In his final act, of desperation, to IMPOSE HIS vision, of America, on the nation, the businessman would issue his final, and most controversial, "executive order". The order stated "Any American, who marries an illegal, to protect the illegal, from deportation is a TRAITOR! These people are TRAITORS, to the United States. Such TRAITORS will have their OWN U.S. citizenship revoked, then these TRAITORS will be sent out of America, along with the illegal immigrants, whom the TRAITORS have married. Such TREASON will not be tollerated, in America!" With this, his most controversial "executive order", to date, the businessman found himself facing opposition, not only from the courts, and Congress, but the holy church, as well. The general agreement was that it was NOT LEGAL, to terminate an Americans citizenship, on the basis of marrying a foreigner. (The businessman was furious when his own marriage, to a foreigner, was used as the basis, of this decision) His final act, before "sneaking" out of Washington D.C., and returning to his real estate empire, the businessman made the same declaration, of America, which Adolf Hitler made, of Germany, at the close, of World war Two. "These people are UN-worthy of my leadership. They have no stomach, no back-bone, for what needs to be done." Maybe. The only thing, which was for certain, was that the federal government had a MASSIVE repair bill, to pay, for all of the damage, caused, under executive orders. It would take even more YEARS, to re-build the TRUST, which had been so ruthlessly SHATTERED, under the businessman. And for what????????

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