Monday, July 24, 2017


THE NEW BRADY BUNCH #7 MIKES NEW JOB By the time Mr.. Mathews had sold the design firm, to another firm, Mike Brady was as astounded, by the change, as his co-workers were. While Mike Brady knew that his boss was a model of efficiency, with no one, on payroll, who was not needed, it was when the potential buy-out rumors began, that the firms employee's began to fidget, even as they sought other ways, to support families. If the rumors were true, then the company, which the firm was selling to, was considered a "hatchet" company. This company did not believe in the eight-hour work-shift. They expected workers to come in, EARLY, and stay, very late. All at regular wages. (Even TALK, of over-time, could get a worker fired). When his long-time employer,, Mr. Mathews, departed the firm, Mike Brady wondered WHO would be next. He did not have to wait, very long. Once the new employer took over, Mike watched as his co-workers were called into management offices, and given impossible tasks. One worker was tasked with nothing less than designing a hotel, and casino, all of which would be balanced on top of a pole-vaulters pole. Another worker was tasked with nothing less that designing a building, which would be sphere-shaped, with the offices lining the outerrshell, while the inner space would be devoted to open air. Mikes other co-worker was given a task, so bizzarre, that words could not describe it. On top of this, the man was given just 72 hours to come up with a "workable design". This left Mike Brady wondering "WHAT" task he would be called upon to complete. What surprised Mike Brady was how the new boss had said "Brady, this firm has been informed that you have a LARGE family." When Mike would agree, the boss would say "With that in mind, this firm wants you to design a bold, functional, home, which can accomodate a family more than twice the size of your own. Can you do it?" Mike Brady would say "I just need the parameters. How many people will be living in the home. Any animals, staff, how many children." To Mike Brady's astonishment, the boss had said "Such a disappointment. I had hoped you woulld be on our TEAM." When Mike Brady would say "I AM on your team. I just need to know what I am to work with. The basics, including family size, how many boys, and girls." To Mike Brady's shock, the boss would say "Such a disappointmennt. I had such high hopes, for you. I can see, however, that you will not FIT into this team. Go ahead, clear out your desk, and leave your badge, with the receptionist." What baffled Mike Brady was not so much being told to design a home, without any background, on WHO would use it, or why, but, when he went to turn in his badge, and found the receptionist missing. When Mike looked about, an office worker would see him, then say "Sylvia was terminated about an hour ago." When Mike asked "WHY? She was so dependable." The worker would say "She told management thatt she could not put in the twenty hour days, they wanted, since she had children, at home." Mike might have felt terrible, for the woman, except that he had his own problems, which included how to budget, for six kids, with no income. Mike did not feel quite so bad, when he saw most of the office, clearing out, as well. He just could not believe that an employer could be so ruthless, as to rip apart a fully-functional office, just to save money. By the time Mike reached home, he found Carol, and Alice, in complete agreement with him. HOW could anyone ask an architect to design anything, without knowing the details? The one thing, which did not surprise Mike Brady, that next week, was when the new owner, of the firm, declared bankruptcy, then sold off all of the valuable equipment, claiming that the firm was a "loss". When Alice would ask "How could the firm be a "loss" when Mr. Brady's employment kept the firm in the "black", for years?" The Brady's were just considering HOW to deal with un-employment, when another job came Mikes way. As Mike's friend would explain "It seems that a family, with EIGHT children, needs a larger house to live in. When they asked about designers, I suggested you, since you have six kids. What do you say?" Mike would say "An interesting challenge." After this, the man would give Mike the kind of details, which every architect needs, for designing a home. After Mike would meet, with the home-owners, and their family, he was prepared to say "Yes!", but only until Mikes former employer put in a much lower bid. When Carol would ask "HOW can they under-bid you?" Mike would say "I have no idea." What Mike also could not understand was WHY the firm insisted upon a $25,000 down-payment, on the project. On top of this, when Mike checked, with the licensing agency, which controlled architects, in the area, the licensing agency was baffled about HOW a firm, with no permit, could put in a bid. The "hatchet" firm was very clever, though, and very efficient. They "washed" the payment through enough funds that the money was impossible to track. It was at THIS point, when Mike's former co-workers brought an idea, to Mike, and Carol. The concept was simple. Since everyone had just enough money to last five years, yet not enough to pay off debts, the suggestion was made, that the staff re-open the former design company. While Carol was among the wives, to advise caution, the husbands asked one another "What have we got, to lose? If we put in everything we have, we can do it." When Mike would ask "Who would run the firm?" His co-workers would suggest "We hire a person, to run things. Someone like our old boss." Mike would laugh as he said "I could see our boss, working FOR us." When a co-worker would suggest "How about it, Mike? Take a chance, on a brighter future?" Mike noticed Carols relief when he told the other workers "I will take part, on this, one, condition." When the other workers said "Name it." Mike would say "If we are neither negotiatting, nor working, on projects, within 90 days, I am OUT. After all, I have a family to consider." What no one thought would happen, was when the employee's approached their former boss. The workers actually thought they saw a "gleem" come into the mans eyes, at the thought of returning to work. As the man told Mike Brady, later, "I thought that retirement would be like paradise. Nothing to do but rest, and relax. Not a care in the world." Mike Brady would say "I know of some people, who think the same thing." The former boss would say "I hate to say it but I am happy to have something to do, again. Retirement is so BORING." What no one, at the firm, could have hoped for, was that the firm, still, had its "champions". Former clients who, once they learned that the firm was back in business, sent clients to the office. While the boss moved back into his old office (No one had rented the space, for some reason), he would remember that, now, he was an "employee". Same duties, as before. Just on hourly pay, like everyone else. Within two months, it was like the change had, never, taken place. Workers were busy, at tasks, and the "boss" was busy, negotiating even MORE work. This time, when the "hatchet" group, made a buy-out offer, the firm declined. When the "hatchet" asked the "boss" "I THOUGHT it was YOUR decision. Your company, after all". The boss would smile as he said "Your information is out of date. I am, now, an employ-EE of this firm." It was, maybe, a month later, when the former boss, Mr. Mathews, went out of the country, having been invited to some meetings, to discuss potential construction projects, when Mike Brady found himself in a most unusual position. In past years, Mike Brady had accepted assignments, based upon what Mr. Mathews, and the board of directors decided. Now, it seems that, with Mr. Mathews out of the country, and his fellow "owners"/"workers" all busy, on other projects, it was left to Mike Brady to decide which workers worked which projects. While a few, of Mike's co-workers had mentioned "I want to try something different. I am tired of doing the same, old, job", all that Mike Brady would say was "Once the company is, FULLY, back on its feet, I suggest you speak to either Mr. Mathews, or allow a team discussion. Remember: I am only PART of this team." While some, of the firms workers were not happy with being assigned, to do the same jobs they had been doing, for YEARS, Mike had promised "When the firm is back in full strength, we can discuss re-assignments. Until then, lets focus on bringing IN more work." Two things Mike Brady never expected, to happen. For one, becoming the "leader", of the firm (a job he, never, asked for), meant an increase in both salary, and benefits. It, also, meant no more late-night work (unless he wanted it). For two, since Mike Brady did have a wife, six kids, and a maid, to provide for, it would seem that either luck, or providence, shined on the architect. It seems that the husband, in the couple, who had LOST their $25,000 deposit, to the "hatchet" firm, had a stroke of good luck. From what Mike Brady was able to learn, it would seem that, while the couple had taken new jobs, to pay bills, that the husband had shown compassion, to a man, who offered to sell a lottery ticket, which had cost $1.00, for the "mere" price, of $5.00. The husband, like most people, fell prey to the line, about "I could use the money, to buy my family dinner." If the seller had approached Mike Brady, for such a sale, Mike's first question would have been "WHERE are you going to buy dinner, for your family, on ONLY $5.00?" Still, Mike remembered his own fathers saying: "Michael, remember what the "good-book" (The Bible) says. Judge NOT others lest YOU be JUDGED". This was one, of many, life lessons, which Mike, and Carol, Brady, were attempting to impart to their own children. That and "Do unto others as you would have them do unto you". What thrilled Mike Brady was not only that the ticket had turned out to be a "winner". Maybe not the whole $20 million pot, but $200,000. Now, the husband, and his wife, wanted the firm to design their new home. The husband did, however, put a "catch"/"clause" on the deal. "Mike, I KNOW you have a large family. Not as large as mine, but, still, large. The "catch" I place, on the firms contract is that, once the house is built, I want YOUR family to test it. Make sure that everything is ready, for anything my family can do to it." When Mike would ask "Are you SURE of this? I mean, my family is not-exactly, known for subtlty." The husband would say "Thats why I want you. If the house can survive YOUR family, it can survive mine." By the time Mike had the chance to mention this, to Carol, it seems that the kids were "at it, again". The older kids wanted more privacy, while the younger kids could not care, less. Carol was trying, and FAILING, to negotiate a truce. When Mike joined in the fray, asking "If we can prevent the destruction, of this house, for another few months, I have been asked to have this family test out a new home. A home, for an even LARGER family." When Greg and Marcia, would ask "Does that mean that we are moving OUT of this house?" Mike would say "Just temporarily. The owner, of the new house wants the Brady family to "test drive" their new house. If it can withstand US, then they will move in." When Carol would ask "Just how SOON are we expected, to move into this new "Shangri-La"?" Mike would say "As soon as I finish designing it, and the crew finishes building it." Greg, and Marcia, would be the first, of the children, to say "I guess we can get along, for a few months." Jan, and Peter, would say "If Greg, and Marcia can do it, I guess we can, too." What Mike Brady was thankful for was a $200,000 budget, to work from. While he practiced the SAME, tight, budget, controls, as on any other project, it was nice to have "wiggle-room". For some reason, however, the project was just under half-completed, when the "hatchet" firm tried to de-rail the project, by placing an offer, to buy nearly half of the land. What no one could figure out was "WHY". All that Mike Brady could learn was that the "hatchet" firm was prepared to invest $750,000 into the deal. Why buy land, which is so distant from town? For a home-owners privacy, the spot was ideal. What would a corporation want with the area. When the house was completed, Carol made a point of informing the neighbors that the family would be back, soon. "Just a little trip". While, at the Brady house, the kids main complaint was lack of space, and privacy, at the new house, there was another concern. After years, of sleeping three children, to a bedroom, when each, of the six, was provided their own bedrooom, it was not long before this idea fell-through, as well. While the oldest four kids thought they would LOVE the idea, of seperate bedrooms, and the privacy, it was not long before Carol noticed that Marcia, and Jan, spent much of their time, in one, or the others rooms. The same went for Greg, and Peter. Only Cindy, and Bobby, seemed happy, with their private space. Atleast by DAY, that is. Carol noticed that, while she put the kids to bed, in their own rooms, come morning, Cindy, and Bobby, were found, sleeping in the others bedrooms. Maybe two weeks, after moving in, Carol would report, to Mike, that Jan made an agreement, to move her bed into Marcia's room. The girls had told Carol "Mom, its just extra work, moving between the bedrooms, for everything from books, to hair brushes." Soon, Greg, and Peter, followed the same pattern. Combining bedrooms, then turning the extra bedroom into a "hobby room". This, while Marcia, and Jan turned their extra bedroom into closet space. By the time Mike was preparing his report, to the home-owners, Carrol would call her husband aside, to show him how THEIR kids dealt with the subject of "room for everyone". Greg, and Peter, were sharing a room, while Bobby slept in his room. When Mike whispered, to Carol "IS it the same, with the girls?" Carol would nod. The next day, at a family meeting, Mike Brady would explain to his family "The REASON why we were allowed, into this house, in the first place, was to find out how a large family could cope, when everyone had room of their own. Now, I want to know WHY, when there is room enough for everyone to have privacy, and their own space, that your mother, and I, find you bunking, as though we are at home. Any explanations?" All Greg would say was "Dad, its not like Peter and I planned it. We just have similar things "going on". Its just easier being in the same room." Peter would add "I'm sorry dad. Its just that, sometimes, I just forget, and fall asleep, in Gregs room. Its not on purpose. Honest." When Mike would ask "If it is accidental, then WHY did you move your bed into Gregs room?" Greg would say "That part was my fault, dad. After we crowded each other out of my bed, a couple of times, I suggested Peter bring his bed, into my room. This way, we can, ALL crash, in comfort." When Carol would ask Marcia and Jan, the girls would say the same. "We just get into girl-talk, or home-work, and, before we know it, its morning." When Alice would suggest "I think that I miss our old house, too. It may have been packed, and chaotic, but it was something I was used to." This would be when Mike Brady would summarize "While in THIS house, everyone has ALL the room they need, its just NOT our HOME. Would this be an accurate summary?" The family would agree. Later, for his client, Mike Brady would summarize it this way: The home is excellent. Plenty of room, for everyone. Excellent environment, to raise a family in. Just be preparred for the normal "period of adjustment", which ALL families have. When Mr. Mathews would read the summary, then ask Mike "Why did you note the "period of adjustment"? Every family goes through this. Its as expected as cold-and-flu season." Mike Brady would suggest "I thought that a gentle reminder would aid the transition. Make the home-owners feel less over-whelmed, by the changes." Mr. Mathews would say "You know, Mike. IF I were your BOSS, I would tell you to re-write this. As it is, we will just have to wait and see how the client takes it." It seems that not only did the client take it, well, but so did four, prospective, clients, who attended the "open house". The design firm was able to "win" two designs, for office buildings, as well as "preferred status", on a coming, housing, development. While not ALL Americans financial futures would turn out as well as the Brady's, atleast Mike, and Carol, Brady were invested in both their childrens futures, and their own. As to what the future would hold? WHO can say?

Saturday, July 22, 2017


WHEN WORLDS COLLIDE While centuries had passed, since the space-ship, from Earth, had escaped Earth's destruction, when another planet collided, with the home-world, the colonists had made a point of remembering the tragic voyage, which lead mankind, to this, new, world. During the first, few, centuries, since the ship had landed, everyone, on the planet, had made a yearly pilgrimage, to the ice covered mountains, and the landing site, whose freezing temperatures prevented the ships deterioration. In time, the colonists descendants had re-created technology, which was vast improvements over what the war-like Earth had, prior to the ships launch. It had taken a peaceful civilization only 275 years to develop the technology, which lifted the ship, from the ice, and carried it toward its current "home". Now, for centuries, the craft sat, upright, in the center, of a government center. A permanent reminder of what a race could achieve, when pushed to its limits. To the younger generations, of this, new, world, the "antique" ship seemed more of a "relic", or "toy", from a long ago era. This, despite the fact that, in the new school system, children were taught the frightening reasons why the ship had been built. Teachers were taught to say "Earth was desperate. Since we had NO interstellar travel, at the time, the ship had to be designed, and built, completely by "trail-and-error". Had that ship NOT been built, NONE of US would be alive, to remember our home-world. In the modern day, however, Earth was as much a "fairy tale" as Atlantis had, once, been. Some, of the younger generation, even spoke of the thought that the government had built the "display", as a way, of frightening children into obedience. This, despite the fact that thousands of books had been carried, to this world, by the space-ship. Since this world was so young, and beautiful, the colonists had decided, long ago, NOT to follow in Earths foot-steps. This planet would remain as "virgin" as possible. While temporary villages had been erected, to provide shelter, for the travelers, the groups leaders had decided, upon the un-loading, that, if man-kind were to disturb this planet, they would limit themselves, as much as possible, to the sub-surface. Result, over the next century, massive tunnels would be dug out of the ground, with supplies, machines, and so on, being kept far from the placid surface. By the time the space-ship was moved, from the mountain, to the government center, 90% of industry was located below the surface, with massive "scrubbers", to prevent the machines from fouling the planets air. While the colonists idea's seemed "idyllic", one problem, did, eventually, emerge. Since the central governent center was, by unanimous vote, to be seperated from the "learning campus", the problem was that, while the government had grown, more than expected, the education center, also, experienced un-expected growth. While the campus was DESIGNED, to be LIMITED to twenty acres, it seems that the need, for a larger population, meant that MORE room was needed, for education. While Earth had sent its finest MINDS, to this, new, world, the problem was that the project directors had forgotten one, important, element. It was the BLUE-collar workers. The carpenters, electricians, plumbers, concrete layers, and other, trades-people, who built both Earth, and the ship, and its launch pad. Without the blue collar workers, there would have been NO ship. No colony. As a result, of having left all of the trades-people back on Earth, it was left to the scientists, and computer experts, to "get their hands dirty", building the new settlement. Planting crops, and building shelters, was FAR more IMPORTANT, than computer algorhythms, and cross-pollenization ratios. In fact, for the first century, on this, new, world, the "brains" biggest challenges, were building power plants, and water treatment. Trash removal, and clothes laundering, were much more important than software development. While, in theory, the arrival, of children, SHOULD have "eased" the colonies burdens, what the scientists had not accounted for was the fact that, when infants are born, they are, basically, use-LESS. Until a child is old enough to walk, and talk (as well as feed themselves), they were just as "worthless" as the space-ship was. Progress, on constructing the colony, had not improved, until the first 100 children were old enough to begin working. As this number grew to 1,000, work proceeded, more according to schedule, yet it was not until the number, of children, reached 5,000, that the official time-table, set by EARTH, for colony completion, was met. By the time the learning center was completed, the children numbered 10,000. This is when the decision was made that older children would be schooled, between planting, and harvest, seasons, while only the youngest would be schooled, year round. The colony needed a labor-force, bad enough that they had no choice except to "draft" the children. This, ofcourse, did not go oover, soo well, wiith the new,, blue-collar, labor force. A labor force which, regullarly, reminded the scientists that, had it NOT been, for the blue-collarr, that man would have died out, on EEarth. Times had, slowly, improved, over the past century, mostly due to the fact that the Chemistry department, finally, came up with the formula, for high octane moon-shine. Now farmers could tend fields, with-OUT needing a massive work-force. The machines, brought, from Earth, would be put into service. As for the REASON why the space-ship was transported down, from the mountain, to the government center, this had been done, to prove that science, still, existed. The Astronomy department argued that, if the ship could be brought, to the public, then it WAS possible to build more ships. Maybe visit more planets. (The colonists did wonder what Earth would have thought, about the fact that, after five hundred years, the colonists had, yet, to decide on a NAME, for their world.) While Earth science had given the planet a very technical name, the colonists had considered this a questionable practice. After all, the scientists, from Earth, were NOT here, now. While the colonists were, ALL, in agreement, that their planet deserved a name, the problem is that, after centuries, of debate, there remained no "majority", on which name to use. In fact, once the space-ship was moved, and the scientists began work, on a more modern version, one question, still, remained. The question of how, once the scientiists designed the ship, WHO would build the ship. A ship which could be used more than once. Sure, the original relic had been built, in a time, of great crisis, using what tech was available, however, here, on this planet, a place where there was no war, tech had outpaced Earth, by centuries. Even millenia. The scientists PROVED this to be true, when they launched the first, re-usable, shuttle, into orbit, then followed this with a platform, which they hoped to use, to launch other ships. Still, the blue-collar felt that their "contribution", to the colony was beiing, largely, over-looked. It seemed, to the blue-collar, thatt thew scientists, and the computter programmers, wanted ALL of the "glory" for themselves. The colonies, other, concern was "Are we tempting fate, as Earth had? How far is too FAR? Would the divine send another astral body, hurtling, at the colony, if they tempted the stars?" Then, there was the problem, of the planets orbit. While Earth had just ASSUMED that the new planet would "slip into" Earths orbit, once the Earth was destroyed, it was only as the first observatories were built, on the new planet, that the problem was discovered. Sure, it was accepted that Earth had not had decades to observe the new planet. Earth had just "hoped for the best". The problem, which no one was willing to verify, until the fifth observatory, to be completed, was finished, and began observing th sky, was the fact that this, new, planet had, not-quite, slipped into Earths regular orbit. It was not until the fifth observatory submitted identical results, that the colonists accepted the results. The new planet was not following Earths exact path, around the solar system. In fact, given enough time, the planet COULD, in theory, be released, from orbit, and continue its "voyage", through the universe. WHAT would happen, to mankind, at that point? With nearly 1,000 years, of technological development, and a more-or-less united citizenship, at its command, the central government had, basically, repeated what Earth had done, centuries before. This time, however, the colonists had the advantage, of the equivalent of 25th century Earth technology, for making its decisions. Add in the fact that, while this planet was nowhere near "over-populated", as Earth had been, there were those who wanted to start new lives, on OTHER planets. While the governing scientists had considered the quandary of "How could we have been so WRONG, about this planet?", their staffs were first to remind the leaders "In the final days, of Earth, decisions were made, in a rush. Remember that this planet was on a destructive, colission course, with Earth. Earth had only a few years, to consider evacuation." The scientists had admitted such was true. The ship had been rushed into production, with less than a decade, for completion. This time, mankind had the ability to, conservatively, estimate atleast 5,000 years, to abandon the planet. (A liberal estimate would be 10,000 years.) The problem, which the colony faced, was the fact that, even as technology advanced, and work was made less burden-some, the problem was that the blue-collar felt that its section, of the population, was being ignored (just as they had been, on Earth). After all, it WAS the blue-collar workers, who ASSEMBLED thee ship. It was the blue-collar, who built the original, launch, pad. Without the blue-collar... About the only, easy, decision, which the colonists faced, was a unanimous vote, that the original, Earth, ship would be carried, to the next home-world. That is, IF a compromise could be reached, with the blue-collar work-force. The crux, of the problem, was that, while the white-collar felt that THOUGHT was more important than action, the blue-collar felt that it was the builders, who were more important. After all, it would be the blue-collar, who would BUILD any new ships. When science thought it could be arrogant enough to tell the blue-collar that, without "intelligence", mankind would not survive, this is when a disagreement would evolve into nothing short of all-out war. While the world, of the white collar, controlled information flow, across the planet, it was the blue-collar, who kept things running. It was the blue collar, who kept supplies flowing. It was the blue-collar, not the computer programmers, who built the systems, and the buildings, where white collar met. Since there was no "code red" urgency, this time, the planets inhabitants were in no rush, to make "final preparations." For most colonists, life went on. Tradesmen continued building, while farmers continued harvesting crops. The space-ship program worked, for ten YEARS, to develop the kind of ships, which would travel, back-and-forth, to other planets. These ships would carry colonists, rations, and equipment. In perfect world conditions, colonists could wait, until their world passed close to each, new, planet, then make a short trip, from planet to planet. Only one problem. Un-like science fiction, which proposed that man could survive, as a mass travelled away from the sun, the fact was that it was the suns energy, which made Earth a habitable place. If a planet raced away from the sun, the surface would freeze, in record time, from the cold, of outer space. Anyone, caught, on the surface, of such a planet, would be frozen, in no time. Fortunately, this, new, planet was not hurtling away, from the sun. It was just on an Eratic course, around the sun. The problem science would have, with the population, of this planet, was that the white-collar wanted ALL of the credit, for saving humanity, again. The input, of the blue-collar, was NOT to be considered "important". While, ofcourse, there were no planets, nearby, since Warp Drive had been discovered, in science FACT, ships, and probes, could reach more distant locations, in far less time. The problem was that, while white collar was working on equasions, and fuel-ratios, the blue-collar began reverting to the old ways, of Earth. Since white collar would not acknowledge the contributions, of blue collar, blue collar began terminating deliveries, of food, fuel, and supplies. When white collar replied "We need those supplies", blue collar had said "Go get it, yourself." It was only at this point, when white collar realized that blue collar controlled the crops, utiliities, and so on. No amount, of computer-programming, could replace strong, HUMAN, backs. While the white collar attempted to steal supplies, they found themselves, physically, beaten back, by the blue collar. When the white collar tried to PAY some blue collar, for supplies, the blue collar took the credits, yet gave nothing, in return. When white collar proclaimed "We made a deal!" Blue collar woulld say "You want supplies. We want credit, for our labors." Whiile the central government scientists, and computer programmers, stood in open opposition, to this, a few, wise, scientists, began working WITH some more cooperative blue-collars, with moving colonial information archives off-world. As the debate, over WHO was most responsible for mankinds survival, so far, turned from civil discourse, and into all-out combat, still, the question remained un-answered. WHO was most responsible, for mankind sending a ship, to this planet, to begin with? WAS it the scientists, and computer programmers, who drew the plots, and the plans? Was it the blue-collar MUSCLE, which had lifted beams, carried supplies, loaded fuel, and so on? Now, mankind was on a new collission course. The worlds of blue, and white, collar, were on a new collission course. Which was more important, to mankind? White collar scientistts, and computer programmers, or blue-collar people, who planted crops, built shelters, and provided transportation? The collission course came to a "head", when science began reverting to primitive, hand-to-hand combat. Soon, white-collar was fashioning weapons, with which to kill the blue collar, while the blue collar were ready to use the age-old practice, of brute-force. While the last, of human knowledge, and the ancient relic, were transported, to the new world, man-kind did not wait for the planet to change course, and head for the sun. Once the scientists became hungry enough, brute-force would all but destroy ALL that mankind had built, on this planet. The capital would be guttted, as the white collar tried to remain warm, through the coming winter, even as the blue-collar would ransack the learning center, for space, to store crops, and supplies. The scientists just found it so hard to believe that the very 45th century technology, which they had strived to create, would be reduced to camp-fires, once fuel supplies had been stopped, and reserve fuel was depleted. All the scientists could do was watch, as the blue-collar re-routed the power supply, to power only their own settlements. When white-collar did a final inventory, of their supplies, to find out if they could outlast the blue-collars (and proclaim victory), the inevitable fact was that the white collar only controlled 1% of the food, and NONE of the fuel supply. The white collar, and the computer-programmers, had become so reliant, on the blue-collar, over the centuries, for supplies, that no one thought that such a day would come. Now that it had, the white-collar had no idea HOW to deal with the most basic tenents of life. Centuries, of achievements, would fall to dust, all because neither the scientists, nor the computer programmers, would allow the blue-collar its share of credit, in building, and maintaining, civilization. Mankind would destroy itself over the arrogance of thinking that one group was more important than another. After centuries of effort, including a desperate flight, between planets, yet PRIDE would kill mankind. The arrogance, and pride, of thinking that scientists, and computer-programmers, were more important, to mankind, than farmers, builders, and maintenance people. All of the effort, gone to waste, as the few, remaining, humans, would revert to the age of sod huts, public camp-fires, and wearing hides. Centuries, of effort, yet all that was left would be a "marker", showing that man had tried. Failed, but tried. Would any, future, races, fare any better?

Monday, July 17, 2017


SLEEPY HOLLOW: THE DECEPTION OF PRO-LIFE While Alex, and Mr. Wells would be re-doubling their efforts, to learn even more, about the "mysterious origins", of Department 355, Agent Thomas, and Ichabod Crane, would be summoned to a Homeland Security briefing. On their way, to the briefing, however, the partners would receive a most un-expected visit, from one Sheriff August Corbin. While Crane would say "Greetings, sir" with a gentlemanly bow, Agent Thomas, looking confused, would ask "Sir, WHO might you be?" When Sheriff Corbin would ask "Where are my manners? The name is August Corbin. Sheriff of the Sleepy Hollow Sheriff's Department." When Agent Thomas would look at Crane, asking "I thought you said he was dead." Sheriff Corbin would say "I am. I have been dead, these past, few, years." When Agent Thomas seemed full of questions, the spirit would say "Time enough, for questions, later. I have come to provide you this piece of advice." When Agent Thomas would ask "And, that would be?" Sheriff Corbin would say "All is NOT as it seems. There is a deceiver. A demon, whose strength grows, the more violent this world becomes. I caution you NOT to be taken in, by this evil." By the time Agent Thomas would ask "Taken in, by WHAT?" Sheriff Corbin would dissolve, even as Agent Thomas would ask Crane "Did we, REALLY, witness that?" Crane would say "Indeed. Sheriff Corbin has, at times, been of great assistance, to Letenant Mills, and myself." When Agent Thomas would ask "A dead man has been helpful, to law enforcement. Really?" Then Agent Thomas would ask "I wonder if the sherriff knows that Abigail Mills is dead?" Ichabod Crane would say "It might come as a surprise, to you, just how much information is available, to the spirit world." After witnessing what Malcolm Dreyfuss's demon was capable of, Agent Thomas was re-evaluating what the supernatural knew about the natural world. Agent Thomas was, still, considering this when she, and Crane, entered the Homeland Security briefing. Thankfully, due to Ichabod Cranes colonial-era manners, the team had not been late, to meetings, in the recent past. After the final arrivals took their seats, the director would say "To start out with, I want to emphasize that the problem, to be discussed, here, today, is NOTHING NEW, to most of you. We are, ALL, aware of the Pro-Life stance, on the subject of a womans Right-to-Choose. We are, also, aware, of the lengths, to which Pro-Life has gone, in the past, to deny women this right. Going back, atleast to the 1980's, Pro-Life chapters have PROVEN that they are willing to do "whatever it takes", to bring an end to Abortion. For those, of you, who were NOT a part, of the federal government, in that distant time, I will summarize: Pro-Life took credit, for atleast fifty, clinic, bombings, one of which even took a security officers life. Pro-Life has taken credit, for Breaking-and-Entering, of up to one hundred Pro-Choice clinics. Break-ins where inventory was stolen, then buried, afterwards. Thats right, I said that the groups openly announced that inventory was buried. Atleast one, Pro-Life minister took it upon himself, to arm himself, with a shot-gun, and open fire, inside a clinic, during business hours. This, while, allegedly, proclaiming "I am a soldier, of the Lord. I am here to bring his righteous justice, upon these sinners". Pro-Life has, also, been documented, as having performed Criminal Trespass, maybe 250 (+) times, to deliver un-wanted, un-ordered, merchandise, inside private, housing, subdivisions. Pro-Life even formed a sort-of "special forces" units, consisting of their own children. Juveniles, who have been trained to attack police barriers, slipping through, tackling clinic visitors, and shouting, in the visitors faces "You are MURDERING your baby!". When Ichabod Crane would speak up, asking "Pardone my ignorance. Are there no federal, or state, laws, prohibiting these exercises, in Assault-and-Battery upon the person of fellow citizens ?" The Homeland Security director would say "Normally, Mr. Crane, such would be true. Attacking a fellow, American, citizen, IS a felony. However, the problem, which the president, and various, government agencies, face, is the problem of the definition of "Freedom of Speech", as well as "Freedom of Expression"." The president is about to walk a "tight-rope", between protecting "Freedom of Speech", and protecting victims from assault and battery." When Agent Thomas would ask "What TYPES, of Assault-and-Battery, are we talking about?" Homeland Security would say "Operation Rescue has "upped the anty", so to speak. Instead of just shouting at police, doctors, and patients, reports are coming in, saying that patients, and visitors, are being physically attacked. This includes patients, doctors, and staff. In fact, reports say that police were compelled to retreat, when "Operation Rescue" began hurtling bricks, at the riot police." When Agent Thomas would ask "Isn't assaulting police officers a criminal offense, in itself?" Homeland Security would say "Normally, yes. The problem, that the president is facing, at this time, is that Pro-Life is insisting that its actions are protected, under "Freedom of Speech". When another agent would ask "Since WHEN is assaulting an officer considered Freedom of Speech?" Homeland Security would say "THAT IS the problem. How FAR does this freedom extend?" By the time the briefing was completed, there were more questions than answers. Agent Thomas, herself, would listen to Crane saying "When the Founding Fathers wrote these protections, it was to PREVENT citizens from being arrested, either in their homes, or in public, for VOICING dissenting views." When Agent Thomas would say "I suppose you are about to tell me that, in YOUR day, there were, never, any street-fights, over which side was correct." Ichabod Crane would say "The GENTLEMEN, of the period, discussed differing opinions over mugs of ale. Mostly inside taverns, or social clubs." When Agent Thomas would say "Women were allowed no part, in this, correct?" Crane would say "How twisted your generation has taken its time, altering history." When Agent Thomas would counter with "Crane, I happen to KNOW that the 19th amendment was NOT passed until 1920. Before that, women were not allowed to vote." Crane would counter this by saying "While women did, indeed, have no legal, voting rights, that is NOT to say that women held no influence, on the voting process." When Agent Thomas would ask "Let me guess. Women voted, in secret, like in the bat-cave." Crane would say "Hardly. There were no flying creatures involved, yet women DID take part, in the process." When Agent Thomas would ask "HOW? If women were not allowed to vote? How could they affect elections?" Crane would ask "Have you, never, heard of the phrase: The woman, behind the man?" When Agent Thomas would say "Sure, just as I know the one about "Women shall be SEEN, and NOT HEARD." Crane would suppress a laugh, at such whimsy. When Agent Thomas would ask "Whats so funny?" Crane would say "I suppose you, never, heard of sewing circles?" When Agent Thomas would ask "So what?" Crane would say "The way, in which women held sway, over elections, was via such devices as "Reading Groups", "Sewing Circles", even "Afternoon Tea". Crane would inform Agent Thomas "In MY day, women discussed social issues, just in different venues than men." When Agent Thomas would say "I dont follow. How can a knitting bee affect an election?" Crane would say "Women discussed topics, in their own way. If women did not want a matter to proceed, to ratification, they encouraged their men not to support the issue." When Agent Thomas would ask "What do you mean "encourage"?" Crane would say "Most often, by informing their men about things the men did not, already, know. Then ofcourse, there were even cruder ways, of eliciting a man cooperation." When Agent Thomas would say "Should I ask?" Crane would say "Simple. If men were non-compliant, wives did not share beds. If men remained non-compliant, women let the men eat cold food. If a man still, did not comply, he would find himself washing his own clothes." When Agent Thomas would say "Big deal. Men do this stuff, all the time, nowadays. Its called "Being a bachelor"." Crane would whisper "MY, how times have, indeed, changed." Crane remembered that, in colonial times, men never considered doing "womens work". Any man "caught" washing, or cooking, became a subject, for public ridicule. "Mens work" consisted of planting fields, harvesting crops, property maintenance, even livestock care. Men might erect wooden stakes, and tie on ropes, as clothes lines, but no man would be caught, dead, hanging laundry. While Crane, and Agent Thomas were returning to Department 355, while trying to find the best way to inform Alex, and Mr. Wells, of the recent developments, the new partners would be side-tracked, when a "Riot-in-Progress" call went out, over the police band. While Agent Thomas was, fully, aware that federal authorities yielded, to local law enforcement, on such matters, when a "riot call" went out, it meant "ALL hands on deck". By the time the partners arrived, on-scene, Agent Thomas could understand why. A Pro-Life contingent had gone from simply shouting "Murderers!", at clinic staff, and visitors, to beating staff, with boards, and clubs. Someone was, even, handing Pro-Life members bricks, which were being hurtled through clinic windows. It seems that, when police tried to restore order, their cruisers began being pelted, with bricks. (Agent Thomas was just surprised by the fact that someone had brought along homemade, pop-bottle, bombs). Three police cruisers were in flames, as the Pro-Lifers swung bats, and boards, at the police, who responded with nightsticks. As Agent Thomas watched ambulances approaching, only to be attacked, as well, all the agent could think was "What the Hell is going on?" When some woman grabbed Agent Thomases arm, asking "Which side are you on?" Agent Thomas would say "Federal government.", and show the woman her badge, before saying "You understand that you are breaking the law, dont you?" The woman had turned, to the battle, saying "Baby MURDERER, over here. Get her!" Pro-Life seemed shocked, when Agent Thomas drew her side arm, firing off a warning shot, then shouting "United States Marines. I am prepared to shoot, to KILL, if necessary!" When Agent Thomas's follow up was "Whose next?" a Pro-Lifer would say "We have a right to protest, here. They are murdering children. We are protected by Freedom of Speech." It would be Crane would would interrupt, saying "Pardone, while Freedom of Thought, and Speech, were considered precious, by the Founding Fathers, I fail to recall any mention of attacking ones fellows as being protected." When someone shouted "So, you condone the MURDER of innocent life?", Crane would suggest, to Agent Thomas "These citizens are not of rational mind. Let us depart, while they annihilate one another." When some fool threw an object, at the hood, of Agent Thomas's vehicle, splintering the bullet-proofed wind-shield, this was when Agent Thomas had had enough! She charged, into the crowd, grabbed the thrower, threw them to the ground, saying "You are under arrest, both for assaulting a federal officer, and attacking a federal vehicle." When the Pro-Lifer spat on the federal agent, Agent Thomas belted the protester, then dragged them to her damaged vehicle. By this time, the actual RIOT SQUAD had arrived, and, at Agent Thomas's direction, began clubbing the Pro-Lifers into submission. It would seem that Agent Thomas's supervisor would have been willing to reprimand the agent, for excessive force, but only until they saw the damage, to her transport. Once they saw this, then dragged the suspect, out of the rear, of her vehicle, the supervisor would ask "Was it, REALLY that bad?" Agent Thomas would say "I could not believe it, until I arrived." When her supervisor said "I KNOW that Pro-Life has been active, over the years, but felony assault?" Agent Thomas would say "I know. Hard to believe." This is when Crane would ask "Is this type, of behavior, normal, for these people?" Agent Thomas would say "Not on this scale. Normally, they just try to block clinic entrances." Crane would ask "I wonder what conditions initiated the change in behavior?" Agent Thomas would say "Who knows? Maybe they felt their "manifestto" was not bold enough." As the partners watched the bullet-proofed windshield being replaced, Crane would say "Perhaps", while remembering August Corbins message, of "not being fooled" and "Not everything is as it seems." Once the safety inspector signed off, on the replacement windshield, Agent Thomas, and Crane, would make an addtional stop, before returning to the vault. Agent Thomas had been monitoring radio calls, saying the conflict had done nothing except escalate, until stun grenades were brought to bear. While Agent Thomas knew that Pro-Life were no "angels", she was stunned, by this new level, of violence. Equally stunning was the views, from hospital camera's, regarding the victims, of the conflict. As the large group looked upon the beaten, and battered, faces, of both law enforcement, and Pro-Lifers, even Agent Thomas's supervisor would reflect "I just dont understand it. They have, never, been this violent, before. Why the change?" This, as the federal agents looked upon the bloody faces, of both law enforcement, and protesters. It was when the supervisor would say "I want ANSWERS! If these people are going militant, I need to prepare a briefing, for the president." When Crane went to speak, Agent Thomas would gesture for him to keep silent. It was only on the drive, back to Department 355, that Crane questioned Agent Thomas. "Agent Thomas, What was your reason for preventing me from informing your superior officer of my thoughts, on this matter?" Agent Thomas would say "Crane, do you know how INSANE it would sound, saying we were tipped off by a GHOST?!" When Crane would say "I have observed much greater oddities, during my lifetime." Agent Thomas would say "No WAY am I sending my boss, to meet the president of the United States, saying "Oh, by the way, the source, of this information is a dead person." By the time the partners returned to the vault, Alex, and Mr. Wells, had, already, heard the news. Alex hugged Agent Thomas, saying "Thank God you are okay. When we heard about the riot, we feared the worst." It was only here, inside the vault, when Mr. Wells asked "Any clue as to why this group has gone more radical than ever?" that Agent Thomas would allow Crane to proceed. "Master Wells, what I am about to tell you does NOT pass these walls." When Mr. Wells would say "I understand." Crane would say "On the journey, to our primary briefing, Agent Thomas and I had the chance to see Sheriff August Corbin." While Alex would ask "Woe! You mean the dead guy? The one who was de-capitated by the headless horseman?" Mr. Wells would ask "What information was presented to you." Crane would say "The spirit, of Sheriff Corbin, informed Agent Thomas, and myself, not to be deceived. Not everything is as it seems." When Alex would ask "What does all that mumbo-jumbo mean?" Crane would say "I would suspect that the message means that this group is being manipulated." When Alex would ask "How so?" Crane would suggest "Sheriff Corbin suggested a demon, which feeds on anger, and bitterness." While Agent Thomas would ask "Just HOW would such a creature enter into such a group? I mean, wouldn't the members be suspicious, if one of their number began changing habits?" Mr. Wells would say "Not necessarily. Remember that, over the years, various, rabid, Pro-Lifers HAVE taken very RADICAL action, in support of their cause." Agent Thomas would remind the group "Sure, there are some radicals. Like that preacher we heard about, in the briefing. I should stress, however, that these are isolated incidents. Not the whole, nationwide, effort. Just some local people, who are not happy that life does not operate their way." When Crane would ponder "How much effort would it entail, to turn an impassioned group, into a rioting mob?" Mr. Wells would suggest "I KNOW that we have a whole section, devoted to demons. What I need to know is WHAT the demon FEEDS off of." Crane would say "Sherriff Corbin suggested the passions of anger, hatred, revenge." Mr. Wells would only say "That only narrows it by three volumes. Volumes, about demons who live off of remorse, love, and thrill-seekers." When Agent Thomas would ask "How long to narrow the list, to those who would share Pro-Lifes view-point?" Mr. Wells would say "Hard to tell. It isn't like the practice is as old as the Bible." Over the next couple of weeks, Agent Thomas, and Ichabod Crane, would watch, as Pro-Life barricaded clinic entrances, then set buildings on fire, during business hours. At one, barricaded, entrance, a Pro-Lifer was holding a door shut, to prevent victims, from escaping the fire, insisting that, anyoone, who wanted to survive, MUST pledge themselves to Pro-Lifes cause. When fire trucks, and police arrived, Pro-Life blocked access, to the burning buildings, insisting that those, within, were murderers, who deserved to die. In each case, the scene turned into a full-out battle zone, as Pro-Life did everything, possible, to block emergency services access, to the buildings. While over 300 Pro-Lifers would be arrested, for Destruction of Private Property, as well as Attempted Murder, the problem was that the detainees were not even processed, when Pro-Life lawyers were insisting that the attacks were protected, by law. One judge, who stepped down, from hearing the cases, made a public note of saying "Pro-Life has threatened my home, and family. I will not hear cases, where my family is living under death threats." Homeland Security was in "crisis mode", trying to figure out what was going on. WHY was this group resorting to nothing short of attempted murder, to promote its position? Inside Department 355, Team Witness was combing the archives, for every demon, who fit the description, of the more aggressive attacks. When Mr. Wells had asked "Just wondering. Since demons are not mortal, and not subject to human law, just WHAT do we plan to do, with this "thing", once we catch it?" Alex didn't bat an eye-lash as she said "We KILL it." Agent Thomas would say "Thats the ONLY thing we CAN do. We cant convict, or sentence, a non-living demon, to the Death Penalty." When Mr. Wells would ask "How do we explain killing one of its members, to this group?" Agent Thomas would say "IF we are careful, NO one should know." Alex would ask "What I want to know is this. IF a demon did replace some leader, WHAT did it DO, with the person?" Agent Thomas would suggest "Worry about that, later. For now, track it, and kill it." While Team Witness would, eventually, identify the creature, in question, its name was too exotic for anyone to pronounce. As to how to KILL the creature, THAT would be the HARDEST part. According to the volume, the creature lived, and fed on, aggression. Th only way, to "starve it, to death", was with an absense of all negativity. The Pro-Life group would have to become as peaceful, and placid, as a church, on sunday morning. The only thing the federal government had, which would come close, to this, would be a new, crowd control, gas. A form of knock-out gas. Problem was that the gas was, still, being field-tested, by the military. The federal government wanted a gas, capable of in-capacitatting, for twelve hours, and with as FEW side effects as possible. So far, five gases had been developed, but each had side effects. The worst, so far, was a gas, which made victims so sick, that volunteers had to be placed on I.V. fluids, until the gas passed from their systems. The other gasses either produced migraine headaches, stomaches, difficulty breathing, or, in two, un-explained cases, of each sex, gas caused men to go impotent, for forty-eight hours, while, in women, the effect was for two women, with C-cup breasts, to experience "breast reduction", to B-cups. To date, no one had any explanations, for the reactions. After another meeting, Agent Thomas would inform vault staff "If we dont kill this "thing", and I mean SOON, then the order will be given. The least harmful gas will be used, to bring rioters under control." While Mr. Wells would suggest "Headaches, and stomach aches?", while Alex would suggest "Impotence, right?" All Agent Thomas would do was ask "Dont you two still have some WORK to do? Like identifying the creature?" While the team DID devote itself, fully, to the task, at hand, the suspicion, which Crane had, was that, not only was the team searching for the demon, but the demon was aware that it was being hunted. This is when an old friend made another apearrance. This time, to the whole staff. Sherriff August Corbin would appear, inside the vault, saying "I bring you this warning. The demon is AWARE of your search. It is preparing to "step up" its activities. Prepare yourselves. The coming battle will test your resolve." When Alex would say "Resolve, for what?" Sherriff Corbin would suggest "It is time to decide which side of the "line" you stand on. Either you are Pro-Life, OR you are Pro-Choice." When Agent Thomas would ask "What, possible, difference can that make. We are federal employee's. We serve ALL American's." August Corbin would say "Prepare yourselves for battle. The enemy is prepared to "fight, to the DEATH". Good luck." With that, the sherriff would dissolve. Swell. Now that the team knew that a demon KNEW they were after it, the question, at hand, was becoming "Do we side with Pro-Life, or Pro-Choice?" It would be Ichabod Crane would would suggest "Might I suggest that, in reference to our current situation, that it might be beneficial if we were to presume a Pro-Life appearance?" While Alex would say "No way! I am Pro-Choice, all the way." Crane would correct Alex, explaining "When one wishes to enter an enemy encampment, in order to fulfill ones mission, for ones homeland, I would propose that the enemy force NOT march in, "guns blazing". I would suggest subtlty. Allow the enemy to believe that we share their views. This way, we may survey the landscape, verify the target, and be certain of the targets demise." Agent Thomas would say "IN simple, modern, English, you are suggesting that we sneak in, pretending to be Pro-Life, scope out the target, then send in a "surgical strike"." Crane would nod, saying "A most informative tactic. Used, many times, over the centuries." Alex would say "So, you are saying that we PRETEND to be Pro-Life, not become Pro-Life." Agent Thomas would say "Correct." Mr. Wells would ask "Even if we do KILL the demon, what happens if the demon dies BEFORE telling us what they did, with the real person?" Agent Thomas would say "We do NOTHING, with the demon, until we know the human is safe." It would be two, more, weeks, of trying to find additional information, when Sheriff Corbin would return, this time, with the demon (Real name: Jobe). When Agent Thomas would ask the ghost "How may we assist you?" while only THINKING "WHAT is that demon doing with you." August Corbin would tell Agent Thomas "Dont worry, he is working WITH me. We have some information, for you." When Agent Thomas would ask "What information would THAT be?" Jobe would say "I KNOW whom it is, you search for." When Agent Thomas would say "OUT with it. WHO are we after?" Jobe would say "Not so fast. My employer wants the demon returned, in good condition. It seems the demon has some explaining to do." When Agent Thomas would ask "Explaining, about what?" Jobe would say "While it is a demons "job", to recruit those, who wish our assistance, Our "job" is to GUIDE mortals. Not interfere." When Agent Thomas would ask "Just WHAT is it you are getting at?" Crane would suggest "Master Jobe, might I suggest that this, other, demon had exceeded the normal role?" Jobe would say "Very astute, Mr. Crane. The demon, in question, was supposed to SIGN the human, to a contract. The demon violated its "terms of employment" when, during the "recruitment" phase, the demon decided it LIKED the power, the anger, the passion, of Pro-Life." Alex would chime in with "Let me guess. Bad demon kills human, and takes place, so as to draw MORE power to them." Jobe would say "A bit sarcastic, for my taste, however, essentially, true." Agent Thomas would ask "So, you are saying that the human has been dead, for quite some time." Jobe would say "Since, possibly, two months before the current violence began." When Jennifer Mills would ask "Why wait two months. I thought you demons had "powers". You can bend people to your will." Jobe would sigh, as the demon reminded the humans "Our powers are limited in the fact that we may only ENCOURAGE actions, once humans are ready to act. Your fairy tales, about demons, controlling humans, are both hilarious, and annoying. Like humans are not to blame for their own actions." When Agent Thomas would ask the demon "Okay, so you say the human is dead. WHY should we save the demon for your employer?" Jobe would say "My employer has a far worse fate, in store, for the demon. One, which I would wish on no one. Now, do we have a deal?" When Alex would say "Woe! Whose talking "deal?" Jobe would say "Not THAT kind of a deal. An arrangement. An arrangement, where you deal with the humans, and I return the demon to my employer." When Agent Thomas would warn the demon "If you try to cross us." Jobe would ask "Did I not provide you with the accurate location, of Malcolm Dreyfuss, in our previous deal?" When Crane would whisper, to Agent Thomas "Let us be cautious, in proceding on this, latest, journey. We know, not what dangers lie before our path." Jobe would say "That is true, Mr. Crane. Based upon the recent, militant, behavior, of this group, even I would proceed, with CAUTION." When Jennifer Mills would ask both the spirit, and the demon "What intel can you provide us?" August Corbin would say "Be cautious, in every move. Just as I taught you. Take NOTHING at face value. Assume that NOTHING is "safe"." Jobe would, then, place forth his hand, saying "This might be of some assistance." In the demons hand would appear another, of the demons slightly dated maps. On the paper was a hand-made drawing, of the general lay-out, of the Pro-Lifers headquarters. While Jennifer Mills, and Agent Thomas, would have preferred something more like blue-prints, as Agent Thomas would say "Better than nothing". It would seem that the reason why a tacticle squad arrived, on-site, first, was that an agent, inside the Pro-Life "ranks", had reported that a leader, of the group, was planning not just to ATTACK a Pro-Choice congresswoman, but that the Pro-Life leader was rallying followers, to "string up" the politician, until she either declared herself Pro-Life, or until she was dead. Since such suggestions are considered felonies, the riot police had been sent in, either to arrest, or, if necessary, to terminate, the leader. When Team Witness arrived, Jennifer Mills came to understand what August Corbin had meant, about taking nothing at face value. THIS group, of Pro-Lifers, had armed themselves, "to the teeth". While federal shooters were trained to shoot accurately, the sheer NUMBERS, of willing Pro-Lifers, people willing to give their LIVES for their cause, is the reason why what should have been a simple, short, intrusion, devolved into a blood-bath. Agent Thomas could only shake her head when, as Pro-Lifers fell, to federal fire-power, other Pro-Lifers would shout, at the feds "We are soldiers of the Lord, GOD! You cannot touch us! We dont recognize you..." In what seemed a final defiance, of the federal government, against the back-drop, of the encampment, two banners were strung up, by dying defenders. The first said "Freedom of Speech: Abortion is MURDER!" The next one, just beneath this, stated: "Freedom of Expression: Baby MURDERERS!" While losses, on BOTH sides, were far beyond what anyone could have predicted, when the congresswoman made a public announcement, she asked the following: In this moment, of sadness, and tragedy, let us not quarrel, over our differences. Let us bury our dead, with solemn respect. They died, for what they believed in. Let us cherish their memories. When the demon, Jobe, brought the trouble-making demon before Team Witness, Jobe would say "This one will trouble you, no further. As promised, my employer will deal with this." Alex did not know why, however, as she looked at the destruction, before her, she would ask "If this wasn't their fault, should they not have a new, better, leader?" When Agent Thomas would ask "Any suggestions?" Alex would suggest "Maybe, a member, of the Roman-Catholic Church? Maybe, one of the cardinals?" Crane would suggest "A marvelous idea, Miss Alex. Agent Thomas, would you care to make the recommendation, to your superiors?" Agent Thomas would say "I would prefer to present it to one of D.C.'s resident pastors. It might sound better, coming from a priest." In a later update, from the Roman-Catholic Church, the report was most encouraging. It would seem that Pro-Lifes "rank-and-file" had not, really, been in favor of the violence. They were more in favor of peaceful protests. While members remained deeply OPPOSED, to a womans Right-To-Choose, the members were more than willing to return to petition drives, and public speaking. Even the F.B.I., and Homeland Security, admitted that, until just recently, this group had been relatively "peaceful". What neither the Roman-Catholic Church, nor the federal government, needed to kow, was that a demon had been the cause of the problem. Alex, and Mr. Wells, would return to investigating the origins of Department 355. An origin story, which was becoming more mysterious, with each, passing, day.


TORN BETWEEN TWO WORLDS That was the problem, for my ebony beauty. Before she met me, she had learned to accept bad sex, foul language, and the most un-expected lifestyle, which a girl could ask for. A lifestyle, which had begun when she left home, to be "free", of her parents rules, and to find her own life. After all, to hear her friends talk, being on ones own meant setting ones own schedule, and being free to come and go, when a person wished to. While she had DEPARTED high school, once old enough, even her school had remarked that neither "No CHild Left Behind", nor "Race to the Top", could "force" a child to learn a subject, if the student were just not interested. Result, without a high school diploma, and, barely, any reading, skills, the girl would leave high school, to live on "Psychological Disability". Her case-worker would be assigned to make sure that the girl had food, clothing, and shelter. Shelter was the toughest part. With management, constantly, raising rent prices, the girl would move, an average of once per year. Not via eviction, but via notice, to management, that the girl could not AFFORD the new rents. Still, the girl found it nice, having her own place. A place where she could come and go, as she wanted to. She coulld stay out, all night, then sleep, all day, IF she chose to. While living this "carefree" life, when she found that she WANTED a man, she was guided to the first, of a few "brothers". While she made an ATTEMPT, at each man, what she could not stand was how many either wanted to pour booze, or drugs, into her. The "man" she decided to stay with was a man who, on each payday, his first act was to take his check, and make a bet, on the LONGEST odd's he could find. Once he made his bet, and was hoping to win, he would have reckless, profane, animal, sex, with the girl, even as he fantasized, NOT about the girl, but what he would do, when he "hit the jackpot". While she put up, with his profanity (better than drugs, or booze), what seemed to annoy him was the fact that her case-worker held control of her finances. If the girl wanted anything, she was required to ASK the worker. When the girl asked the worker for money, the worker asked "What for?" As a result, the girl DID find out how "un-expected" the world can be. This, when her boyfriend began moving, regularly. In his case, however, it was not "voluntary". In HIS case, it was due to his paying only a deposit, and first months rent. The man, also, used a variety, of false names, to security electricity. The girls KNEW, each time the man was about to move. This because, first his electricity would be dis-connected, for non-payment, then he would be served, to VACATE. Still, the girl found it "exciting", to be around him, since she loved seeing all the neighborhoods, which he moved into, and out of. She did, primarily, date him during the mild weather seasons. The times when it was neither too hot, or cold. She, also, enjoyed dating him, right after he moved into each, new, place,and while he had electric power. The times, when she stayed, at her place, were those days, when the weather was either HOOT, or COLD. Especially when HE had no power, to his heater. Since her own electricity was covered, in her rent, she stayed home, on "hostile" days. While she never asked him WHERE he got his money, after payday, she would have wondered WHY he chose to shop at "round-the-clock" convenience stores. That is, until she understood that these were the only places, open, well after midnight. She wondered since she remembered that, while at home, her mother had shopped at markets, which had wipe open isles, and plenty of variety. By contrast, the convenience stores were small, cramped, and had little, if any, "variety". Still, this, "wild" life was what she THOUGHT she wanted. That is, until occassional, insomnia, struck, and she found herself watching not only sun-rise, but watching the city wake up. About the only day, of the week, when she WANTED to be awake, was on saturday. That day, of the week, when the girls got together, had a few drinks, did some window-shopping, and just "hung out". The mall never said a word, about the group, since they, never, bothered customers. The time, when things began to change, for my angel, began with her noticing me, at the mall. While her friends TRIED to deter us, even using profanity, to divert us, we ended up meeting, and becoming friends. We might have remained "just friends" had it not been for a poker game. A game, in which my angel asked me a favor. Since she could SEE that her boyfriend THOUGHT he had a winning hand, she KNEW that, if he had to, he would put up the truck, which he had just won, a few weeks ago. (The truck owner remained furious that, after losing the truck, in a poker game, he had been ordered to continue making the payments. After all, it was HIS name, not my angels man, on the lease contract.) When she SAW her man carressessing the truck title, in his pocket, she whispered, to me "What would you want, to replace that truck title, in the pot?" When I whispered "A night of your love." When she kissed me, then said "Make it the weekend, and its a deal." I kissed her, as well. Sure enough, when he put the title, in the pot, only to have the other players say "cash ONLY", I asked "Whats the bet?" I was told "$20.00. He puts up cash, or folds." When I removed the title, from the pot, and replaced it with a twenty, saying, to him "I'll just hold onto this." He just shrugged. After he lost the pot, he made a small "scene", then handed the keys over, after my angel said "I made a deal, with him." After the profane man was kicked out of the "party", my angel told him "If you want some, it better be tonight." When he, profanely, asked "What for?" She smiled, as she told him "I have a date, for this weekend." When he asked "With who?" She told him "With the man, who holds that title. That was my deal, with him. I give him a weekend, and he returns the title." That evening was about what she expected. Sex, and profanity. For her, the BEST part, of the evening, was when HE collapsed. She only realized how much she would come to "regret" that weekend when, on friday, I began giving her the kind of seduction, that she only DREAMED of. By saturday morning, she lay, snuggled, to my side, feeling more like a woman, than she had, in a LONG while. She did wonder "WHY did it have to be an IVORY man, who made her feel so special?" She, then, took off a weekend, from her friends, since she WANTED to know more, about me. WHY I was loving her so deeply, and making her feel so "special" What, also, took her by surprise was when, on friday, I had handed her the truck title, saying "I want you to know its your LOVE that I want. Not a debt-bound committment." By monday morning, she KNEW not to say a word, as I dressed, to leave. While she WANTED to say "Thank You, for an excellent weekend", she was "terrified" that she would say "I love you", by mistake. It was not until after I left, that she went to her bathroom, cleaned up, then just stared at her feminine product. For the first time, in a long while, her body was "asking" her "Whats the rush? You can freshen up, any time." What she, also, could not believe was how easily she could not only pick up her pre-paid phone, but how easily she could call her mom. After telling her mom that she had a question, and her mom agreeing, my angel visited her mom, hoping for guidance. As she told her mom "I have a man. He's wild, and un-predictable. Not great in bed, but every woman makes sacrifices. I just wish he wasn't so profane, and that he lasted longer." When mom said "I hear a "BUT" coming", that was what all of mom's kids loved, about the woman. She could hear, see, and feel, "trouble", coming, from miles away. My angel would say "The BUT is that I just spent a weekend with a man, whom I would love to spend a YEAR with." When mother asked "Details?" My angel would say "Remember that beautiful, white, boy, I was telling you about?" When mom would say "Yes, the man you wanted to know MORE about." My angel would say "I found out MORE than I wanted to know." When mom asked "let me guess. He's married." My angel would say "Worse, he is available, beautiful, romantic, and, this weekend, he made me feel like a queen." When mom asked "How did it start?" My angel gave the short version. The poker game, and her asking me to "save" the truck. My offer, of a night, of her love, and her counter-offer, of a weekend. When mom asked, my angel would say "I dont know. All I could think of was that I wanted more than a few hours, with him." When mom asked "What happened?" My angel would say "He came by, on friday, and I did all I could, to keep him happy, until monday.." When mom asked "WHY?" my angel said "Because, on friday, he placed the truck title on my dresser, saying it was my LOVE, not a gambling committment, which he wanted." When mom would say "I am waiting to hear what the problem is." My angel would say "I didnt want him to leave. Not today, not this month." When mom would ask "Why dont you call him, and TELL him that?" My angel would say "No way. I am NOT bringing him back to my bed." When Mom would ask "Why not?" My angel would say "Mom, if I do, I wont let go of him, for a month, maybe six." When Mom would ask "How about nine?" My angel would say "Dont tempt me." When my angel would ask "Mom, I need your advice. I need to know the gentlest way, to tell a man to "get lost". I mean, a way which says "I love you", but you are not for me." Mom would say "Let me get this straight. You have found a man, fallen in love, now you want a romantic way to tell him "We can, never, be"?" My angel would say "I KNEW you would understand." This is when mom would suggest "A dear John letter is the most common form, of rejection. Why not try that?" That day, my angel began writing, in mid-morning, and only stopped, for that blasted, Heavenly, lunch, that mom delighted in preparing. By mid-afternoon, however, mom had watched as my angel began writing more than two dozen messages, crumpling each one up, which grunting and saying "Not romantic enough. I need for him to know how much I love him. WHY cant I write what I am feeling." When mom read through several of the messages, she "read, between the lines", the "I love you, so much." Finally, mom suggested "Why not invite him over. A nice dinner, then a gentle, and romantic, break up. Send him away, feeling like he is ready for his next "adventure". While the dinner, and the music, were fantastic, it was during the "discussion" period, when things got a bit off-track. While my angel had hoped that, with a few, deep, gentle, kisses, she could make me feel both loved, and, gently, rejected, it was not until clothes were cast aside, and I took her to bed, that she whispered "Baby, take ALL you could, possibly, want." When I asked "Why, myy angel." She whispered "Since this will be our last time. I mean, our last date." I told her "In that case, I am going to give you the very best that I am able to." (That was what my angel was "afraid" of) To say that night was "passionate" would be like referring to the Atlantic Ocean a "puddle". That night, we, both, gave our very best, and both prayed, to God, to give one another the best we had, ever, given. The next day, we slept, until noon, then I loved her, some more, before dressing and whispering "My love, I am going to miss this more than anything I have ever had." My angel just lay there, smiling, and hoping not to say a word. It was not until AFTER I departed that she placed a pillow over her face, and, at the top, of her lungs, shouted "I LOVE YOU." When she visited her mom, and the woman said "It looks like your dinner went well." My angel would say "Worse. It was terrible." When mom would say "From that look, on your face, I would say "terrible" is not a bad thing." My angel would say "Worse than you could imagine. I spent the whole evening, working up the courage, to break it off, with him. You know what he did, when I told him?" Mom would say "First, I want to know HOW you told him." My angel would say "I told him "You better take all you want, on this date, since this will be our LAST date." When mom asked "Okay, then what?" My angel would say "In that case, I am going to give you the best that I am able to." When mom looked at the woman, saying "By that smile, I would say it went well." My angel would say "We went, off and on, all night long, then slept until noon. After he kissed me "Goodbye", I had to wait until he left before I risked putting a pillow over my face, and screaming "I LOVE YOU"." When mom asked "Whats your next move?" My angel would say "I dont have one. I guess that I go back to HIM." When mom asked "You dont want to, do you?" My angel would say "We are of the same race. How would it look if I gave birth to, and raised, a family, of ivory children, with an ivory father?" Mom would say "So, you are going back to a man, whom you feel so-so about, just so you can feel comfortable, racially?" My angel would say "Mother, have you no idea what life would be like, for our children, if their father is "different" from their mother?" Mom would say "Actually, I do." Only then did my angel remember HOW she came to be with this family. My angels "true" mother was so racist that she would not even allow her children to play with ivory children. The woman all-but force-fed her children, in the ebony lifestyle. When my angel had asked her mother "Why are we different? What makes us "supe" "rier"?" Once at school age, and while mother filed racial papers, against the school district, saying she wanted her children in a BLACK school, the school district had informed the woman "If you can afford to PAY, for private schooling, the district will not resist. Until then, your children stay in mixed race classes. This is when mothers worst nightmare had happened. Her children made friends, with the ivory children. My angel even became like a third sister, in an ivory family. Yes, mom had two daughters, yet she was happy to take in a child, who wanted to be just a child. For months, while mother was out, doing "who-knows-what", my angel stayed with her "family", and did as mom and dad, said. What mom had not told my angel, until the girl was old enough to accept the story, without bitterness, was that her mother had ONLY come, for the child, when she needed the kid, for both welfare, and housing, needs. When mother had offered dad a "trade", for his help, dad had offered a different "trade". Since dad had mom, and he KNEW mom was "clean", he had offerred mother what she, really, wanted. A "package, from a local dealer, and two 24-packs, of mothers favorite beer. Dad traded mother this, in return for mother signing away ALL rights, to the girl. Including a permission, for adoption, form. While there were some things my angel HATED, about her parents, one thing she admired them for was the fact that they told their children the truth. Maybe age-appropriate truth. Truth, never-the-less. My angels favorite line was when her parents would answer a question, by asking "Does it matter?" In the present, my angel felt she was entering ANOTHER of these moments. She had just spent two, incredible, dates, with a man she could see spending her whole life with, yet she FELT she had to give the "other" man a chance. He had, after all, made promises. He hadn't KEPT any yet, but he, also, had not defaulted, either. Now that she had been with me, however, she asked HIM if he would not just BEGIN work, on his projects. Projects, which included weight loss, reducing alcohol consumption, and drug consumption, and trying to be a better sex partner. Boy! Were these mistakes. While TRYING to keep promises, about alcohol, and drugs, he THREW my angel out of bed, growling that she was "taking too long, to bring him off." The time, when she BIT him was the day when, no matter how FAST, or how AGGRESSIVE, she was, he began pulling her hair, while yelling "Faster, you (profanity), Faster." After she bit him, he, finally, complimented her. This, before telling her to get out. When she asked me the favor, of allowing her to try the same action, on me, my only question was "Once you have enjoyed yourself..." She smiled as she said "Fine. If you like it. I mean, REALLY LIKE it, then you can have what you want." I embraced, and kissed, her, as I whispered "My love, its a deal." I, really, dont know WHAT HE was complaining about. To ME, this woman was an angel, right out of Heaven. She was so good, in fact, that I whispered, to her "Take ALL you want. My god, you are fantastic." Nearly forty-eight hours later, she lay beside me, smiling, as she whisperred "Thank you, my love." When I carressed her, she came down, on me, and we loved one another, for some more time. It was only after, when we were dressed, that she asked "You, REALLY, liked it? No joke. No put on, just for another date, right?" I kissed her as I promised "Sincerity, all the way. By the way, let me know WHEN you want more. You, my love, are an angel." After that "date", the next time I saw her, we met, in a local park, and I was all-too-happy to indulge her, in a deep kiss. After the kiss, we walked, arm-in-arm, through the park, as we discussed nothing in parrticular. That is, until we reached a pond. Here, my angel asked me a question, starting out with "I, already, asked my mom, but I need a mans opinion." When I said "Fire away", she told me how HE had made mention, to her, of how he wanted to invite a group, of five, of his friends, to his place, for a party. The way she said "Presumably, I am to be the "guest of honor". What do you think?" When I asked how many other women were invited, my lady said "My mom asked me the same question. As far as I know, I am the only female, invited. What do you think?" When I told her "If I told you what I think, you would belt me, for sure." This is when she said "Same thing my mom said. How can I prove you, both, wrong?" I suggested "Let ME escort you to the party. If it is legit, I can leave you to enjoy yourself." When she asked "What if I want "some", after the party?" I would whisper "You have my number." While the original plan was for me to collect her, at five p.m., and deliver her, to the party, by six p.m., the morning, of the party, she called, asking "Would you come by, for lunch? Maybe even sooner?" I agreed, saying "I am on my way." That day, "lunch" was forgotten, as we did a real "number", on her bed. According to her, "I just feel that something is up. I dont know why, but I feel it." It was only once IN bed, and in my embrace, that she smiled, and made happy sounds, as she said "NOW, I feel better." By the time her alarm clock sounded, and she cursed it, I was "wiped out", anyway. This is when she smiled, as she said "I guess its time we find out WHO is RIGHT." On the way, to his place, I made no objection, at all, when she wanted to snuggle, very CLOSE, to me. We, even, stopped off, a few times, just to kiss. One time, just short of his place, things went beyond a simple kiss, and she was left to wonder "If I am HIS woman, WHy am I in YOUR arms?" When I went to remove it, I was surprised when she asked "Whats your hurry? Am I THAT ugly?" I would say "If I did not LOVE you, so much, I would punch you, for suggesting that." When we DID arrive, at HIS place, she understood WHY she had felt hesitant, about coming to this party. Lets just say that, when HE opened the door, to invite her in, I noticed that ALL of the men, inside, were as "natural" as they were, the day they were born. When she asked "Whats going on?" HE said something, so profane, I dont even like to think, about it. Needless-to-say, it turns out that both her mom, and myself, were correct. Thankfully, my angel had the sense not to step inside the apartment. Instead, she turned around, and re-joined me (Even as he asked what his friends were to do, now? He had promised them something, and it wasn't deliverred.) Now, whether it is true, or not, I cannot say. All I know is that, over the next, few, days, both my angel, and I, heard rumors. Rummors, which included that the party guests had beaten HIM senseless, then dumped HIM, in an alleyway. Rumors, which claimed that, since my angel had not attended the party, thee guests had used HIM, in her place. All that my angel, and I, knew was that HE was not seen, or heard from, for nearly three months. During this time, my angel and I had shared some FANTASTIC moments, and not just her mom, but her whole family, were HOPING that we would become a real couple. When the Forth of July cut into this time, my angel was surprised when her family invited ME along, for the festivities. What my angel could have done with-OUT, on this holiday, was her dad telling ME what a "catch" his daughter was. That, and her mom, reminding my angel, of how beautiful being a mother was. For mom, though, the "highlight", of the evening, was watching us sharing a deep kiss, during the Grand Finale. When HE did return, it was under most unusual circumstances. It would seem that he was on "Probation", and that this would last for atleast a year. As for the rest of us, we signed papers, saying we would not expose the man to drugs, booze, etc. If we were proven, to have violated the agreement, we could be charged with committing a crime. If HE were proven, to have violated the agreement, HE would be returning to jail. As a "two-time-loser" already, HIS next trip, to prison, would be permanent. What surprised me was when both my angel, and her family, set their watches, then marked the calendar. It seems that they were willing to give the man the "benefit of the doubt" and allow him two weeks, before his next bust. (They should have allowed only ONE week) It was when HE was DRAGGED away, from court, to begin his life sentence, that mom had mentioned, to my angel "I guess that it is time for you to make a decision." When my angel asked "WHICH is the RIGHT deicision?" Mom would say "Thats YOUR decision." My angel was left to be "torn between two worlds" The world, of careless abandon, wild parties, and waking in strange places The world, of waking by the same mans side, every morning, and following the same routine, everyday. Basically, her mom's life. Which life was RIGHT, for my angel?

Friday, July 14, 2017


THE TEXT (Authors note: While it is a known FACT that, in America, to kill a person, using objects such as pipes, wire, noose, gun, or knife, subjects the offender to a normal prison sentence, of 20 years, to life, this leaves the question about whether texting can be considered murder.) I leave this question for readers to decide. The story goes that, when a young gentleman sends a young lady, a text message, saying he wishes her company, on a date, That the young lady responds, most passionately, with the return text "You are NOT a MAN! You dont deserve a WOMAN! Drop dead." While the young man no-longer texted the lady, hoping for her attention, after such pasionate rejection, the problem would be the local "gossip lines". Mostly young ladies (and a FEW, young, men), all of whom begin chatting, about the gentleman, who texted the lady. While the young men refer to the messenger as a homossexual (among other terms), it would seem that the young women were far worse, in their actions. Soon, the young lady begins receiving texts, asking "Are you REALLY, considering going out with that (gentleman)?" When the young woman would, passionately, deny this, then text the young man, saying "Stop telling people that we are dating. You are NOT a MAN!" When the young man was confused, by this, wondering WHY the young woman was texting him, after she has, already, turned him down, he would text her asking "WHO is saying we are dating?" The young woman would, simply, wipe out the message, from her text log. When her friends would say that they were "hearing" that the couple was "going steady", asking the young woman "Why are you dating that (gentleman)?" When the young woman would insist "We are NOT dating." Her friends would say "Thats NOT what we are hearing." The young woman would text the gentleman, saying "If you dont stop telling people that we are dating, I would be glad to kill you, myself. You are NOT a MAN!" Each time the gentleman would text the woman, asking "WHO is saying this?" The young lady would say "Dont deny it. I KNOW it is you." When the young man tried to speak to the girl, in person, she would make a point of screaming "Get AWAY from me, you creep!" Maybe a month later, when the young woman was told there were rumors, that she was pregnant by, and preparing to marry, the gentleman, she sent her harshest text message, to date: "Do this world a favor, you FREAK! Kill yourself, so I wont have to listen to any more rumors, about us being a couple. Freaks, like you, dont deserve to live. Do this world a favor, and KILL yourself." While the gentleman was puzzled, as to why a woman, who would not even answer his own texts, nor speak with him, was accusing him of being less than human, he began to wonder if the world MIGHT be a better place, without him. After all, his world was not like the world of the high school jocks. The guys, who bashed heads, in order to impress girls. He might have LIKED to have been more popular, yet his classmates shunned him, at every opportunity. They just could not stand the fact that the gentleman just wanted to live in peace. With the girls hurtful text message, burning in his soul, the young man came to wonder if the girl was right. If he didn't "fit in", with the "macho" crowd, then this left the question of "Would he fit in, with life, in general?"" What was the point, of living, with never-ending rejections? Rejections, by classmates. Rejections, by girls. What was the point. As the gentleman stared, at the girls message, it had occurred, to him, to ask WHERE her remarks were coming from. When he had asked his fellow classmates, all the boys would say was "jerk.", while the girls taunted him, saying "A REAL MAN would KNOW! If you dont know, then you are NOT a REAL man." With these insults hitting, like bullets, and arrows, the gentleman would make up his mind. If the girl was right, and he had no right to live, then what was the point? When his body was found, the police, and coroner, MIGHT have ruled the death suicide, BUT that was only until the police began searching his e-mail, and text messages, trying to find a REASON, for the action. The problem was that the police found, what even the gentlemans parents had not known about (since they respected their sons privacy). Between the girls frequent messages, telling the gentleman that he was not a man, and those messages, suggesting, very directly, that the world would be a better place, if he just KILLED himself, the police would be left to build a case, against the young lady. When brought in, for questioning, the young lady insisted "I HAD to send those messages. He was telling people that we were a couple, that I was pregnant, and that we were getting married. I HAD to tell him to drop dead! I HAD to." The problem the police had was that, while there were over a dozen messages, to the boy, from the girl, there was almost nothing, in the other direction. When an I.P. officer did a background, on the call history, of both phones, and this showed only two messages, from the boy, both asking where the girl got her information, the girl insisted "I was TOLD that he was making suggestive remarks." When a detective asked "By whom were you told, about these remarks?" The girl would insist "By TRUSTED friends." When the girl refused to give her friends names, the police ended up investigating most of the high school. By the time the case went for prosecution, the police had learned that it wasn't her victim, who was spreading the rumors. It was her "friends". People, whom others overheard asking "What would happen if..." As the rumors spread, they changed from "What if", to "When?" It was the high school gossip lines, which lead to the rumors. Rumors, such as "There is NO way she would consider dating such a whimp, would she?" Then, there was the rumor about "Could you imagine if she got pregnant, by that whimp?" The problem the District Attorneys office would have, with this case, was the fact that there was no "direct" connection, between killer, and victim. Sure, she had told the gentleman that the world would be a better place, without him, but the D.A. had the problem, which faced married couples, on a regular basis. Couples who, during times, of stress, spoke of desires to kill one another. Desires, which, once spoken, and rage vented, never came to pass. Now, there was a case, in which a young woman had suggested, to a gentleman, that the world would be better, if he were DEAD. HOW could the prosecuter put a girl on trial, for venting her emotions, via text messaging? What even the police had not understood was the girls passionate insistence, at not questioning the true source, of the rumors. How could she, simply, decide that it was a spurned suitor? While the D.A. was certain that, if it had been a MAN, who commited this act, that a prison term would be easy to come by, the problem was "How to convict a girl, of killing a boy, via text messaging?" Would a court, or a jury, convict a FEMALE, of such an act? Even if they did, WHAT was the most sentence, that she would receive? Five years? No matter how the D.A. "sliced it", the girl would "walk away", from this, with her whole LIFE ahead of her. Five years, in prison? She would, still, be in her early twenties, upon release. Plenty of time for career, family, and plenty of time, to enjoy life. Her victims life was OVER, finished, gone. Her life would go on. She would have the very happiness, that her victim would be, permanently, DENIED. The District Attorney, the police, and even the victims family, would be left with the question: HO

Thursday, July 6, 2017


THE NEW BRADY BUNCH # 6 MARCIA'S DISAPPEARANCE The day Marcia Brady vanished should have been a special day, for the eldest, Brady, daughter. Between awards, achievements, and her grades, Marcia was placed in the top five percent, of her class. As a result of this, Marcia would be chosen to take an "advanced placement" test, in order to provide a better idea, of which college the young woman would attend. In the two weeks, leading up, to the test, Carol, and Mike, Brady had, never, seen Marcia study, for anything, as hard as she studied, for that test. This is why the Brady's expected good news, after Marcia completed the test. What surprised the Brady family was that, after two, gruelling, weeks, of study, and expecting Marcia to come home "bursting" with good news, the family was surprised when Marcia did NOT rush home, from school. In fact, after the other five, Brady, children returned home, and Carol expressed her concern, Alice suggested Carol call the school. When Carol phoned the school, hoping NOT to hear that Marcia had failed the placement exam, Carol found that all that school staff would suggest was "Mrs. Brady, Marcia departed school, along with the other students. Her teachers said that Marcia seemed happy with her placement test results." It was when Carol began checking, with the teen girls hang-outs, as well as calling other parents, that Carol Brady was astonished to hear that the last place anyone had seen Marcia was at school. By the time Mike Brady returned home, from work, Carol, and Alice, had called most of the neighborhood. While some of those called said they THOUGHT they saw Marcia at various places, it was when the elder Brady's arrived, at each location, and took a close look, at the women, in question, that it was obvious, even from a distance, that the women were not Marcia. That evening, dinner was sparse, and Alice packed most, of the food away, for the next days lunches. This, as the Brady's went from calling around the general area, and Mike Brady would connect the family's normally pre-paid cell-phones, to his contract phone, to aid in the search. That night, and, for the following week, Marcia was reportedly seen, all over town. At grocery stores, movies, liquor stores. Every place, in town, where a person could go. Mike, Greg, and Peter, also, had extra duty. The duty of replacing punctured inner tubes, in bicycle tires. This, since Marcia was, reportedly, seen in places cars should never go. It was only after thirty-six hours, of a private search, that the local police got involved. Marcia was twelve hours beyond the mandatory twenty-four hour, runaway, deadline. While three reports, of "sightings", that week, turned out to be homeless women. Women who simply appearred similar, when viewed, from a distance, other reports were no less "favorable". These included "sightings", at local, video, stores. Stores, whose staff THOUGHT that Marcia had been observed, from time to time. Staff were, simply, un-certain, due to the fact that, when Marcia's NAME was called out, the women did not respond. It was not until more than a full week, after her disappearance, that Marcia Brady arrived, at the Brady house, after school, to inform Carol and Alice "I just got the news. My grades were high enough for admittance, to advanced placement. Isn't that great?" When Marcia saw the looks, of concern, on Carol, and Alices, faces, Marcia would ask "Whats wrong? Did I do something?" When Carol, gently, asked "Where were you?" Marcia would say "I was at school, all day. Where should I be?" When Carol would ask "Did you come right home, from school?" Marcia would say "Okay, busted. I stopped off, for a soda, with Stephanie and Laurie. Whats the big deal? I didn't ruin my dinner." When Carol would say "Okay, honey, thats great news. Now, go wash up, for dinner." After Marcia went upstairs, Carol went into Mikes private den, and called her husband. When Mike would ask "Where has Marcia been, for over a week?" Carol would say "Mike, Marcia is talking like the past week did not exist." Mike would say "Im coming home, now." After calling Mike, Carol stepped from the den, to find Marcia asking "Mom, why do all the clocks, and calendars, show that it is next week?" Carol would inform Marcia "I will let your father explain. He is coming home, now." Shortly after this, the other five Brady kids would enter the house, looking amazed at seeing Marcia. It would be Greg who would ask "Where have you been? We've been looking all over town, for you. Where did you get to?" When Marcia would ask "Mom, what is Greg talking about?" Peter would say "You, silly. We just spent the whole week..." and Carol would cut Peter off, saying "Peter, what matters is that Marcia is back." When Mike Brady arrived, home, the questions switched from "Where have you been?" to Mike asking "What is the last thing you remember?" When Marcia would say "Honest, dad. After studying, for over a week, I took the test, got one of the highest grades, in class, then came home, to find everyone asking where I have been." When Mike would ask "Just relax, and tell us everything that happened, after you left school." When Marcia would say "Honest, dad, all I did was meet my friends, and share some soda. I was going to go to the park, for a few miinutes, but I decided I couldn't wait to give mom, and Alice, the good news. When I came in, mom, and Alice, acted like I had been gone, for a full year." When Carol would say "It felt like a full year." When Marcia would say "Mom, it was just a regular school day. I dont know why everyone is so anxious." When Mike would ask "You are sure you did not stop off, any place?" Marcia would ask "Whats this all about, dad? Why are all the calendars a week ahead?" Mike would say "Honey, that test was a full week ago. We have been searching, for you, since last week." When Marcia would ask "A week ago? But, Stephanie, Patty, and Louise. They all looked fine." Mike would say "Thats because you saw them, last week." That night, sometime after midnight, Jan would be awakened, by a strange sound, and words, being whispered. Words Jan did not understand. When Jan chanced a peek, at the girls bedroom window, Jan saw Marcia, looking out the window. (Did Jan, really, hear "They dont suspect a thing. The project is proceeding. Final preparation in (some sort of time period)). Come morning, when Jan asked Marcia what Marcia was talking about, and with whom, Marcia would say "Dont be ridiculous. I went to bed, with you and Cindy. I never woke up, until morning." Wondering if it COULD have been a dream, Jan would ask Alice "How do you tell a dream from real life?" When Alice would say "If you pinch yourself, and it hurts, then you are awake." That night, after midnight, Jan found Marcia at the window, again. This time, Marcia was speaking of equations, and formulas, as well as coordinates, saying "No one will suspect. Closed down years ago." Come morning, Marcia would, again, tell Jan "You were dreaming. WHO would I be talking to, so late at night?" The third night, Jan bumped Cindys bed, as Jan watched Marcia, at the window. When Cindy went to scream, Jan put a hand over Cindy's mouth, then made the sign for "shhh". Jan, and Cindy, watched, as Marcia spoke, first to nothing, then was surrounded by a colored mist. When Jan whispered, to Cindy "If you see the same thing I do, nod." When Cindy nodded, Jan was tempted to touch Marcia's hand. But only until Jan remembered some advice, about sleep-walkers. "Never try to awaken, or startle, a sleep-walker. The consequences can be deadly." After finishing her "conversation", Marcia went to the girls bedroom mirror and, using Cindy's crayons, wrote something, on the mirror, before returning to bed. This is when Jan grabbed one, of the "emergency pen-lights", to be used in case of power failures, and tried to read what was written on the mirror. When Jan found she couldn't read what was written, Jan grabbed her digital camera, swithed to "night mode", then snapped photo's, of the symbols, before returning to bed. Come morning, Jan, and Cindy, were startled, awake, when Marcia let out a scream, which brought the family running. Mike, Carol, Alice, and the boys, all came running, only to find Marcia rubbing out the symbols, to the point where they were un-readable. This is while Marcia was asking Jan "How could you", to which Jan responded with "What did I do?" When Mike would ask "Alright, girls! I want an explanation, and I want it BEFORE breakfast gets cold." When Jan would say "Marcia got up, in the night, and used Cindy's crayons, to write on our mirror." Just as Cindy would say "Thats right, she sure did." Marcia would scream "Liars!" When the three girls began fighting, with Carol trying to bring peace, Mike would, finally, shout "Hold it!", then add "Just WHAT was on the mirror?" While Jan, and Cindy, would say "I dont know." Marcia would promise "Mom, dad, I swear. I went to bed, and got up to find THAT" pointing at the glass, of the mirror, saying "On the glass." When Carol would ask "WHAT was written, on the mirror?" Marcia would say "I would rather not say. Its not nice." When Carol would ask "Profanity?" Marcia would say "Something like that." When Mike would say "Its too bad you didn't save it. I would like to know what it said." It was when Marcia would say "Its gone, for GOOD." This is when Jan would say "I wouldn't say that." and produced her digital camera. Jan would tell her parents "I tried to read it, by flashlight, after Marcia returned to bed..." Marcia would insist "I NEVER got OUT of bed." Jan would say "When I could not read it, in the darkness, I snapped some pictures. I was hoping dad could figure out what it says." This is when Mike Brady would say "Everyone, follow me. It is time for some television." When Jans digital camera was plugged into the television, which was set to "computer" mode, Mike, and Carol, were surprised when Marcia asked "Do we HAVE to look at it. Its so dirty." Carol would promise "You wont be punished, for someone elses pranks." When Mike brought the images up, on the 60 inch t.v., Marcia would bury her head, in a pillow. It would be the boys who would be first to ask Mike "What is that?" When Carol would ask "Mike, is that even English?" Mike would look, at the symbols, which he would copy, first to a flash drive, then print them out, saying "I have no idea what they mean. I see some mathematics, but I cannot make out anything else." After this, Mike would ask Marcia "What do you think they say?" Marcia would write out the first, of two, notes. Both written in languages even Mike Brady knew nothing about. When Mike would ask Marcia "try again, honey. This time, in English." When Marcia wrote, in heiroglyths, Carol would ask "Marcia, I thought you weren't studying heiroglyths, until next semester." Marcia would say "I'm not." Taking the available information, Mike Brady made some phone calls, to his "contacts", at federal agencies, attaching the pictures, and asking "What do these say, in English?" By mid-afternoon, Mike Brady was surprised when a C.I.A. agent visited the firm, asking Mike Brady "WHERE did you find these?" When Mike smiled, saying "According to my younger daughters, their older sister got up, in the night, and wrote THAT, on a bed room mirror." When the C.I.A. asked "Does your daughter understand what this means?" Mike would ask "Whats this all about?" The C.I.A. would ask him "Does your daughter KNOW what this means?" Mike would say "All Marcia would say was that it was a terrible insult. Why? What DOES it say?" The C.I.A. would produce a "Non-Disclosure" document, which Mike would sign, then, becoming serious, Mike would ask the C.I.A. "WHAT is this all about?" When the agent would ask "Did your daughter, recently, go missing?" Mike would say "I'm sure you know she did. What about it?" When the C.I.A. would ask "When she returned, did she act like nothing had happened? Like all was normal?" When Mike would say "I think you KNOW she did." Getting serious, Mike would ask "Whats this all about?" The C.I.A. would ask "May we SEE your daughter?" Mike would stand his ground, saying "NOT until I get some answers." C.I.A. would say "In that case, Michael Brady, consider yourself served. You WILL produce your daughter, at this address..." handing Mike a business card, then adding "...failure to comply will result in felony evidence tampering." When the C.I.A. left the firms offices, and Mike's boss would ask "WHAT was all that about?" Mike would say "I have no idea." even as he removed all the documents, from his office comuter, just moments before an outside source overrode his codes, and searched his computer, for what was no-longer there. When Mikes boss would ask "Mike, WHAT is going on?" Mike would say "I WISH I knew." The next couple of nights, the whole family sat, in the dark, as Marcia got up, walked to the window and, as Greg, Mike, and Peter pressed record, on some digital recorders, then set the devices as close, to Marcia, as possible, they recorded Marcia, who was saying "All is according to plan." then "NO. Suggest South America. This unit seems tense." then "Doubtful that message was received." When a blue beam shined in the window, and surrounded Marcia, who began to speak in an unknown language, Alice tugged at Carol, who nudged Mike, repeatedly. Mike kept to the deal, though. As long as no harm came, to his daughter, Mike was determined to see this through. After finishing what Mike considered a "status/situation report", Marcia returned to bed, and fell fast asleep. With this information, and the fact that the feds had accessed his computer, without his consent, Mike Brady would drive, un-announced, to the local university, asking his friends, in person "Would you give this a listen, and tell me what you think?" Seventeen linguists later, and Mike Brady would find himself presenting audio, and visual, evidence, to a physicist. After placing the photos on a chalk board, the physicist would begin writing, on the board, then give Mike his conclusion. "Michael Brady, is it true, that your daughter, Marcia, was missing, for a full week, recently, correct?" When Mike would ask "WHY does everyone keep asking that?" The physicist would say "Your daughter returned, un-aware of the passage of time?" Mike would say "Yeh. Tell ME what I DONT know." The physicist would say "For lack of a more proper term, your daughter is a "probe"." When Mike Brady would ask "A "probe"?" then laugh, as he said "Marcia does not have antenna, or anything else." The physicist would suggest "Yet, after your daughter goes to bed, at night, she rises, goes to her window, and speaks, presumably to nothing." When Mike would say "Its one-sided. Believe me, I was there. No other voices." When the physicist would ask "Are you sure?" When Mike followed the physicist to a radio-accoustic lab, which analyzed the digital recordings, Mike Brady was in for a surprise. When Mike returned to his employers firm, then to his house, to give Carol, and Alice, the news, Carol thought Mike was trying to be witty, as she suggested "Marcia doesn't look anything like the terminator, C-3PO, or other robots." Mike would say "Never-the-less", then "Listen to this. The university made it, from our digital recorders." When Carol said "This HAS to be a joke. It doesn't make sense. Why use a high schooler for reconnaissance?" Mike would ask "Who better? Who asks more questions? Who observes more careers? Who is more willing to break rules, than a teen?" When Alice would ask "Excuse me, Mr. Brady, but wouldnt a spy KNOW they are a spy?" Mike would ask "Have you any idea how many deep-cover agents the Soviets had planted, in America, during the Cold War? People, who spent their entire LIVES, thinking they were loyal Americans. Not knowing true identities, even upon death?" When Carol would ask "What do we do? Not about Marcia. About the C.I.A.?" Mike would say "Legally, since I am under contract, on several, federal, contracts, and these contracts ARE providing us with food, for six kids, I would say compliance is our best option." Problem was, when Mike, and Carol, delivered Marcia, to the C.I.A. address, no matter what techniques the agency tried, even interrogation failed. For the Brady's, the only, positive, outcome, of that day, was Marcia, remembering the clock showing 8:45 a.m., when she was placed under hypnosis, then, a moment later, seeing that the clock read 5:00 p.m. When Marcia asked her parents "How did it go?" Carol would say "We will discuss that later." For the next two months, the Brady's did nothing, except watch Marcia give her nightly reports. The only thing Jan was certain of was that she MUST have been sleeping, on the final night, of Marcia's "reports". This, because, after Marcia returned to bed, Jan awoke, later, to find the entire bedroom filled with the blue light. Cindy was laying in bed, staring at the ceiling, as though in a trance. This, while seven figures, all with short bodies, and over-sized heads, seemed to surround Marcia, like a team of doctors. While Jan pretended to be asleep, the figures seemed to be conversing, over Marcia's form. Two, maybe three, of the forms, wanted to terminate the "experiment". The others suggested "Unless she is exposed, we shall continue." While Jan prayed, to God, not to make a sound, she watched as the figures took (samples), of Marcia's body, then (levitated) out of the bedroom window. While Jan promised herself that she would not say a word, it seems she didn't have to. Maybe three weeks after the "encounter", Marcia took a fall, and had to be X-ray'd. When the x-rays turned up bits, of metal, which seemed to serve no purpose, doctors made tiny incisions, removed the metal, and sent Marcia home, to rest. Marcia had no idea what remained inside her body, until the day when Mike was advising Greg, on how to, properly, build a scanner. The process was going well, until Marcia got near the scanner. At first, Greg thought Marcia was tampering, with the device, but only until Mike asked Marcia to step just outside the room. When the machine returned to normal operation, and Mike called, to Marcia "Honey, come back in." Marcia did, and the scanner responded. When Greg asked Marcia "What did you do, to my scanner?" Mike would say "Hold on, Greg". then, with the scanner switched off, Mike pointed the scanner, at Marcia. As Mike turned the scanner back on, ran the scanner, over Marcia's body, the reading remained odd, from Marcia's head, to her chest. It was below her chest, and in the general area, of the metal fragment, that the interference tuned into an actual signal. As Mike would say "Low power. Low frequency." When Greg would ask "Dad, what does that mean?" Mike would say "It means that, whoever put this inside your sister HAS to be close by." When Greg would ask "How close?" Mike would say "Within four blocks, maximum." When Marcia would ask "What would anyone want, with me?" Mike would say "I think we should find out." After searching the area, by daylight, eight times, Mike would ask Jan, and Cindy "What TIME does Marcia do her "window-talking"?" While Cindy would say "It was DARK. Like late dark." Jan would say "I would say between 12:15 and 1:45 a.m." With the aid of some borrowed equipment, the girls bedroom could be "staked out", from both inside, and outside. Mike would watch as, on various nights, a blue orb would hover, just outside the girls bedroom, while Marcia stood at the window. Mike would realize "That figures. Low power, low signal. Marcia must be the receiver, and that blue orb is a "flash drive". While Mike did not want to disclose it, anymore than anyone else did, the fact was that these "beings", these aliens, were collecting data, on the Earth. They were using children, like Marcia, as "remote drones". WAS the C.I.A. correct, to be concerned? WHY did these aliens want to know about Earth? The only answer, which Mike Brady could think of was that Marcia was so ambitious. She had scores, of ribbons, plaques, and was even editor, of her school newspaper. Mike thought about those "mind control" science fiction movies. Question: Could that metal, inside Marcia's body, eventually come to control her mind? The answer came the evening when Mike was working, late, on some drawings. Originally, the design firm had been given a full MONTH, to come up with some building designs. For some, un-known, reason, the deadline had, suddenly, changed. As a result, Carol Brady was by her husbands side, keeping him focused, as he worked, into the night, trying to finish the work, by the next days deadline. It was, probably, around 2, or 3, A.M., when the blue light appearred, inside the den. Mike would tell Carol "Relax, honey, I see it as well." When Mike would ask "If someone is there, would you identify yourself?" This is when a short form entered the room, and, using what Mike Brady presumed was telepathy, would instruct the Brady's "Your daughter has been returned to you. Our research is complete." When Mike Brady would think "Just WHAT research is that?" The being would "say" "We have been studying your form, for longer than you know. We were HOPING that your race had advanced beyond the need to kill, over politics, religion, and other matters." When Mike thought "I guess we are not that advanced, are we?" The creature would say "Not while your children kill one another, via remote devices. Not while your people attack one another, over religion." When Mike Brady would think "Not ALL of us are like that. Some of us are, in fact, peaceful." By the look, on the aliens face, Mike Brady could sense that the alien did not believe these words any more than Mike Brady, himself. Yes, humanity had a LOT of "growing up" left to do. The question was: Would we survive, long enough, to "grow up"? When Mike would "ask" "About Marcia." The alien would "say" "Our finest probe, yet. A true achiever. You will give her our thanks, for ALL of her assistance." When Mike would "ask" "Are you departing, permanently, or will you be returning?" The alien would "say" "Your daughter is in no further danger. We will (erase) all documentation. Her life is her own. We will, no-longer, be a cause for concern." When Mike would "ask" "Just WHAT is your purpose, on Earth?" The alien would place a "vision", into Mike Brady's mind. Mike was left to wonder if it was a vision, of the possible, even peaceful, future, OR was it a memory, of what HAD been, in the distant past. All Mike Brady knew was that the vision was beautiful, and peaceful. After giving Mike Brady the "vision", Mike, and Carol, watched as the aliens "left" the family home, as if the walls did not exist. When the light returned to normal, Carol would ask Mike "Do you think it is possible? Can mankind, ever, learn to live in peace?" Mike would say "If we can raise six kids, then ANY-thing IS possible. The REAL question is: Does mankind WANT to live in peace?"