Monday, July 17, 2017


SLEEPY HOLLOW: THE DECEPTION OF PRO-LIFE While Alex, and Mr. Wells would be re-doubling their efforts, to learn even more, about the "mysterious origins", of Department 355, Agent Thomas, and Ichabod Crane, would be summoned to a Homeland Security briefing. On their way, to the briefing, however, the partners would receive a most un-expected visit, from one Sheriff August Corbin. While Crane would say "Greetings, sir" with a gentlemanly bow, Agent Thomas, looking confused, would ask "Sir, WHO might you be?" When Sheriff Corbin would ask "Where are my manners? The name is August Corbin. Sheriff of the Sleepy Hollow Sheriff's Department." When Agent Thomas would look at Crane, asking "I thought you said he was dead." Sheriff Corbin would say "I am. I have been dead, these past, few, years." When Agent Thomas seemed full of questions, the spirit would say "Time enough, for questions, later. I have come to provide you this piece of advice." When Agent Thomas would ask "And, that would be?" Sheriff Corbin would say "All is NOT as it seems. There is a deceiver. A demon, whose strength grows, the more violent this world becomes. I caution you NOT to be taken in, by this evil." By the time Agent Thomas would ask "Taken in, by WHAT?" Sheriff Corbin would dissolve, even as Agent Thomas would ask Crane "Did we, REALLY, witness that?" Crane would say "Indeed. Sheriff Corbin has, at times, been of great assistance, to Letenant Mills, and myself." When Agent Thomas would ask "A dead man has been helpful, to law enforcement. Really?" Then Agent Thomas would ask "I wonder if the sherriff knows that Abigail Mills is dead?" Ichabod Crane would say "It might come as a surprise, to you, just how much information is available, to the spirit world." After witnessing what Malcolm Dreyfuss's demon was capable of, Agent Thomas was re-evaluating what the supernatural knew about the natural world. Agent Thomas was, still, considering this when she, and Crane, entered the Homeland Security briefing. Thankfully, due to Ichabod Cranes colonial-era manners, the team had not been late, to meetings, in the recent past. After the final arrivals took their seats, the director would say "To start out with, I want to emphasize that the problem, to be discussed, here, today, is NOTHING NEW, to most of you. We are, ALL, aware of the Pro-Life stance, on the subject of a womans Right-to-Choose. We are, also, aware, of the lengths, to which Pro-Life has gone, in the past, to deny women this right. Going back, atleast to the 1980's, Pro-Life chapters have PROVEN that they are willing to do "whatever it takes", to bring an end to Abortion. For those, of you, who were NOT a part, of the federal government, in that distant time, I will summarize: Pro-Life took credit, for atleast fifty, clinic, bombings, one of which even took a security officers life. Pro-Life has taken credit, for Breaking-and-Entering, of up to one hundred Pro-Choice clinics. Break-ins where inventory was stolen, then buried, afterwards. Thats right, I said that the groups openly announced that inventory was buried. Atleast one, Pro-Life minister took it upon himself, to arm himself, with a shot-gun, and open fire, inside a clinic, during business hours. This, while, allegedly, proclaiming "I am a soldier, of the Lord. I am here to bring his righteous justice, upon these sinners". Pro-Life has, also, been documented, as having performed Criminal Trespass, maybe 250 (+) times, to deliver un-wanted, un-ordered, merchandise, inside private, housing, subdivisions. Pro-Life even formed a sort-of "special forces" units, consisting of their own children. Juveniles, who have been trained to attack police barriers, slipping through, tackling clinic visitors, and shouting, in the visitors faces "You are MURDERING your baby!". When Ichabod Crane would speak up, asking "Pardone my ignorance. Are there no federal, or state, laws, prohibiting these exercises, in Assault-and-Battery upon the person of fellow citizens ?" The Homeland Security director would say "Normally, Mr. Crane, such would be true. Attacking a fellow, American, citizen, IS a felony. However, the problem, which the president, and various, government agencies, face, is the problem of the definition of "Freedom of Speech", as well as "Freedom of Expression"." The president is about to walk a "tight-rope", between protecting "Freedom of Speech", and protecting victims from assault and battery." When Agent Thomas would ask "What TYPES, of Assault-and-Battery, are we talking about?" Homeland Security would say "Operation Rescue has "upped the anty", so to speak. Instead of just shouting at police, doctors, and patients, reports are coming in, saying that patients, and visitors, are being physically attacked. This includes patients, doctors, and staff. In fact, reports say that police were compelled to retreat, when "Operation Rescue" began hurtling bricks, at the riot police." When Agent Thomas would ask "Isn't assaulting police officers a criminal offense, in itself?" Homeland Security would say "Normally, yes. The problem, that the president is facing, at this time, is that Pro-Life is insisting that its actions are protected, under "Freedom of Speech". When another agent would ask "Since WHEN is assaulting an officer considered Freedom of Speech?" Homeland Security would say "THAT IS the problem. How FAR does this freedom extend?" By the time the briefing was completed, there were more questions than answers. Agent Thomas, herself, would listen to Crane saying "When the Founding Fathers wrote these protections, it was to PREVENT citizens from being arrested, either in their homes, or in public, for VOICING dissenting views." When Agent Thomas would say "I suppose you are about to tell me that, in YOUR day, there were, never, any street-fights, over which side was correct." Ichabod Crane would say "The GENTLEMEN, of the period, discussed differing opinions over mugs of ale. Mostly inside taverns, or social clubs." When Agent Thomas would say "Women were allowed no part, in this, correct?" Crane would say "How twisted your generation has taken its time, altering history." When Agent Thomas would counter with "Crane, I happen to KNOW that the 19th amendment was NOT passed until 1920. Before that, women were not allowed to vote." Crane would counter this by saying "While women did, indeed, have no legal, voting rights, that is NOT to say that women held no influence, on the voting process." When Agent Thomas would ask "Let me guess. Women voted, in secret, like in the bat-cave." Crane would say "Hardly. There were no flying creatures involved, yet women DID take part, in the process." When Agent Thomas would ask "HOW? If women were not allowed to vote? How could they affect elections?" Crane would ask "Have you, never, heard of the phrase: The woman, behind the man?" When Agent Thomas would say "Sure, just as I know the one about "Women shall be SEEN, and NOT HEARD." Crane would suppress a laugh, at such whimsy. When Agent Thomas would ask "Whats so funny?" Crane would say "I suppose you, never, heard of sewing circles?" When Agent Thomas would ask "So what?" Crane would say "The way, in which women held sway, over elections, was via such devices as "Reading Groups", "Sewing Circles", even "Afternoon Tea". Crane would inform Agent Thomas "In MY day, women discussed social issues, just in different venues than men." When Agent Thomas would say "I dont follow. How can a knitting bee affect an election?" Crane would say "Women discussed topics, in their own way. If women did not want a matter to proceed, to ratification, they encouraged their men not to support the issue." When Agent Thomas would ask "What do you mean "encourage"?" Crane would say "Most often, by informing their men about things the men did not, already, know. Then ofcourse, there were even cruder ways, of eliciting a man cooperation." When Agent Thomas would say "Should I ask?" Crane would say "Simple. If men were non-compliant, wives did not share beds. If men remained non-compliant, women let the men eat cold food. If a man still, did not comply, he would find himself washing his own clothes." When Agent Thomas would say "Big deal. Men do this stuff, all the time, nowadays. Its called "Being a bachelor"." Crane would whisper "MY, how times have, indeed, changed." Crane remembered that, in colonial times, men never considered doing "womens work". Any man "caught" washing, or cooking, became a subject, for public ridicule. "Mens work" consisted of planting fields, harvesting crops, property maintenance, even livestock care. Men might erect wooden stakes, and tie on ropes, as clothes lines, but no man would be caught, dead, hanging laundry. While Crane, and Agent Thomas were returning to Department 355, while trying to find the best way to inform Alex, and Mr. Wells, of the recent developments, the new partners would be side-tracked, when a "Riot-in-Progress" call went out, over the police band. While Agent Thomas was, fully, aware that federal authorities yielded, to local law enforcement, on such matters, when a "riot call" went out, it meant "ALL hands on deck". By the time the partners arrived, on-scene, Agent Thomas could understand why. A Pro-Life contingent had gone from simply shouting "Murderers!", at clinic staff, and visitors, to beating staff, with boards, and clubs. Someone was, even, handing Pro-Life members bricks, which were being hurtled through clinic windows. It seems that, when police tried to restore order, their cruisers began being pelted, with bricks. (Agent Thomas was just surprised by the fact that someone had brought along homemade, pop-bottle, bombs). Three police cruisers were in flames, as the Pro-Lifers swung bats, and boards, at the police, who responded with nightsticks. As Agent Thomas watched ambulances approaching, only to be attacked, as well, all the agent could think was "What the Hell is going on?" When some woman grabbed Agent Thomases arm, asking "Which side are you on?" Agent Thomas would say "Federal government.", and show the woman her badge, before saying "You understand that you are breaking the law, dont you?" The woman had turned, to the battle, saying "Baby MURDERER, over here. Get her!" Pro-Life seemed shocked, when Agent Thomas drew her side arm, firing off a warning shot, then shouting "United States Marines. I am prepared to shoot, to KILL, if necessary!" When Agent Thomas's follow up was "Whose next?" a Pro-Lifer would say "We have a right to protest, here. They are murdering children. We are protected by Freedom of Speech." It would be Crane would would interrupt, saying "Pardone, while Freedom of Thought, and Speech, were considered precious, by the Founding Fathers, I fail to recall any mention of attacking ones fellows as being protected." When someone shouted "So, you condone the MURDER of innocent life?", Crane would suggest, to Agent Thomas "These citizens are not of rational mind. Let us depart, while they annihilate one another." When some fool threw an object, at the hood, of Agent Thomas's vehicle, splintering the bullet-proofed wind-shield, this was when Agent Thomas had had enough! She charged, into the crowd, grabbed the thrower, threw them to the ground, saying "You are under arrest, both for assaulting a federal officer, and attacking a federal vehicle." When the Pro-Lifer spat on the federal agent, Agent Thomas belted the protester, then dragged them to her damaged vehicle. By this time, the actual RIOT SQUAD had arrived, and, at Agent Thomas's direction, began clubbing the Pro-Lifers into submission. It would seem that Agent Thomas's supervisor would have been willing to reprimand the agent, for excessive force, but only until they saw the damage, to her transport. Once they saw this, then dragged the suspect, out of the rear, of her vehicle, the supervisor would ask "Was it, REALLY that bad?" Agent Thomas would say "I could not believe it, until I arrived." When her supervisor said "I KNOW that Pro-Life has been active, over the years, but felony assault?" Agent Thomas would say "I know. Hard to believe." This is when Crane would ask "Is this type, of behavior, normal, for these people?" Agent Thomas would say "Not on this scale. Normally, they just try to block clinic entrances." Crane would ask "I wonder what conditions initiated the change in behavior?" Agent Thomas would say "Who knows? Maybe they felt their "manifestto" was not bold enough." As the partners watched the bullet-proofed windshield being replaced, Crane would say "Perhaps", while remembering August Corbins message, of "not being fooled" and "Not everything is as it seems." Once the safety inspector signed off, on the replacement windshield, Agent Thomas, and Crane, would make an addtional stop, before returning to the vault. Agent Thomas had been monitoring radio calls, saying the conflict had done nothing except escalate, until stun grenades were brought to bear. While Agent Thomas knew that Pro-Life were no "angels", she was stunned, by this new level, of violence. Equally stunning was the views, from hospital camera's, regarding the victims, of the conflict. As the large group looked upon the beaten, and battered, faces, of both law enforcement, and Pro-Lifers, even Agent Thomas's supervisor would reflect "I just dont understand it. They have, never, been this violent, before. Why the change?" This, as the federal agents looked upon the bloody faces, of both law enforcement, and protesters. It was when the supervisor would say "I want ANSWERS! If these people are going militant, I need to prepare a briefing, for the president." When Crane went to speak, Agent Thomas would gesture for him to keep silent. It was only on the drive, back to Department 355, that Crane questioned Agent Thomas. "Agent Thomas, What was your reason for preventing me from informing your superior officer of my thoughts, on this matter?" Agent Thomas would say "Crane, do you know how INSANE it would sound, saying we were tipped off by a GHOST?!" When Crane would say "I have observed much greater oddities, during my lifetime." Agent Thomas would say "No WAY am I sending my boss, to meet the president of the United States, saying "Oh, by the way, the source, of this information is a dead person." By the time the partners returned to the vault, Alex, and Mr. Wells, had, already, heard the news. Alex hugged Agent Thomas, saying "Thank God you are okay. When we heard about the riot, we feared the worst." It was only here, inside the vault, when Mr. Wells asked "Any clue as to why this group has gone more radical than ever?" that Agent Thomas would allow Crane to proceed. "Master Wells, what I am about to tell you does NOT pass these walls." When Mr. Wells would say "I understand." Crane would say "On the journey, to our primary briefing, Agent Thomas and I had the chance to see Sheriff August Corbin." While Alex would ask "Woe! You mean the dead guy? The one who was de-capitated by the headless horseman?" Mr. Wells would ask "What information was presented to you." Crane would say "The spirit, of Sheriff Corbin, informed Agent Thomas, and myself, not to be deceived. Not everything is as it seems." When Alex would ask "What does all that mumbo-jumbo mean?" Crane would say "I would suspect that the message means that this group is being manipulated." When Alex would ask "How so?" Crane would suggest "Sheriff Corbin suggested a demon, which feeds on anger, and bitterness." While Agent Thomas would ask "Just HOW would such a creature enter into such a group? I mean, wouldn't the members be suspicious, if one of their number began changing habits?" Mr. Wells would say "Not necessarily. Remember that, over the years, various, rabid, Pro-Lifers HAVE taken very RADICAL action, in support of their cause." Agent Thomas would remind the group "Sure, there are some radicals. Like that preacher we heard about, in the briefing. I should stress, however, that these are isolated incidents. Not the whole, nationwide, effort. Just some local people, who are not happy that life does not operate their way." When Crane would ponder "How much effort would it entail, to turn an impassioned group, into a rioting mob?" Mr. Wells would suggest "I KNOW that we have a whole section, devoted to demons. What I need to know is WHAT the demon FEEDS off of." Crane would say "Sherriff Corbin suggested the passions of anger, hatred, revenge." Mr. Wells would only say "That only narrows it by three volumes. Volumes, about demons who live off of remorse, love, and thrill-seekers." When Agent Thomas would ask "How long to narrow the list, to those who would share Pro-Lifes view-point?" Mr. Wells would say "Hard to tell. It isn't like the practice is as old as the Bible." Over the next couple of weeks, Agent Thomas, and Ichabod Crane, would watch, as Pro-Life barricaded clinic entrances, then set buildings on fire, during business hours. At one, barricaded, entrance, a Pro-Lifer was holding a door shut, to prevent victims, from escaping the fire, insisting that, anyoone, who wanted to survive, MUST pledge themselves to Pro-Lifes cause. When fire trucks, and police arrived, Pro-Life blocked access, to the burning buildings, insisting that those, within, were murderers, who deserved to die. In each case, the scene turned into a full-out battle zone, as Pro-Life did everything, possible, to block emergency services access, to the buildings. While over 300 Pro-Lifers would be arrested, for Destruction of Private Property, as well as Attempted Murder, the problem was that the detainees were not even processed, when Pro-Life lawyers were insisting that the attacks were protected, by law. One judge, who stepped down, from hearing the cases, made a public note of saying "Pro-Life has threatened my home, and family. I will not hear cases, where my family is living under death threats." Homeland Security was in "crisis mode", trying to figure out what was going on. WHY was this group resorting to nothing short of attempted murder, to promote its position? Inside Department 355, Team Witness was combing the archives, for every demon, who fit the description, of the more aggressive attacks. When Mr. Wells had asked "Just wondering. Since demons are not mortal, and not subject to human law, just WHAT do we plan to do, with this "thing", once we catch it?" Alex didn't bat an eye-lash as she said "We KILL it." Agent Thomas would say "Thats the ONLY thing we CAN do. We cant convict, or sentence, a non-living demon, to the Death Penalty." When Mr. Wells would ask "How do we explain killing one of its members, to this group?" Agent Thomas would say "IF we are careful, NO one should know." Alex would ask "What I want to know is this. IF a demon did replace some leader, WHAT did it DO, with the person?" Agent Thomas would suggest "Worry about that, later. For now, track it, and kill it." While Team Witness would, eventually, identify the creature, in question, its name was too exotic for anyone to pronounce. As to how to KILL the creature, THAT would be the HARDEST part. According to the volume, the creature lived, and fed on, aggression. Th only way, to "starve it, to death", was with an absense of all negativity. The Pro-Life group would have to become as peaceful, and placid, as a church, on sunday morning. The only thing the federal government had, which would come close, to this, would be a new, crowd control, gas. A form of knock-out gas. Problem was that the gas was, still, being field-tested, by the military. The federal government wanted a gas, capable of in-capacitatting, for twelve hours, and with as FEW side effects as possible. So far, five gases had been developed, but each had side effects. The worst, so far, was a gas, which made victims so sick, that volunteers had to be placed on I.V. fluids, until the gas passed from their systems. The other gasses either produced migraine headaches, stomaches, difficulty breathing, or, in two, un-explained cases, of each sex, gas caused men to go impotent, for forty-eight hours, while, in women, the effect was for two women, with C-cup breasts, to experience "breast reduction", to B-cups. To date, no one had any explanations, for the reactions. After another meeting, Agent Thomas would inform vault staff "If we dont kill this "thing", and I mean SOON, then the order will be given. The least harmful gas will be used, to bring rioters under control." While Mr. Wells would suggest "Headaches, and stomach aches?", while Alex would suggest "Impotence, right?" All Agent Thomas would do was ask "Dont you two still have some WORK to do? Like identifying the creature?" While the team DID devote itself, fully, to the task, at hand, the suspicion, which Crane had, was that, not only was the team searching for the demon, but the demon was aware that it was being hunted. This is when an old friend made another apearrance. This time, to the whole staff. Sherriff August Corbin would appear, inside the vault, saying "I bring you this warning. The demon is AWARE of your search. It is preparing to "step up" its activities. Prepare yourselves. The coming battle will test your resolve." When Alex would say "Resolve, for what?" Sherriff Corbin would suggest "It is time to decide which side of the "line" you stand on. Either you are Pro-Life, OR you are Pro-Choice." When Agent Thomas would ask "What, possible, difference can that make. We are federal employee's. We serve ALL American's." August Corbin would say "Prepare yourselves for battle. The enemy is prepared to "fight, to the DEATH". Good luck." With that, the sherriff would dissolve. Swell. Now that the team knew that a demon KNEW they were after it, the question, at hand, was becoming "Do we side with Pro-Life, or Pro-Choice?" It would be Ichabod Crane would would suggest "Might I suggest that, in reference to our current situation, that it might be beneficial if we were to presume a Pro-Life appearance?" While Alex would say "No way! I am Pro-Choice, all the way." Crane would correct Alex, explaining "When one wishes to enter an enemy encampment, in order to fulfill ones mission, for ones homeland, I would propose that the enemy force NOT march in, "guns blazing". I would suggest subtlty. Allow the enemy to believe that we share their views. This way, we may survey the landscape, verify the target, and be certain of the targets demise." Agent Thomas would say "IN simple, modern, English, you are suggesting that we sneak in, pretending to be Pro-Life, scope out the target, then send in a "surgical strike"." Crane would nod, saying "A most informative tactic. Used, many times, over the centuries." Alex would say "So, you are saying that we PRETEND to be Pro-Life, not become Pro-Life." Agent Thomas would say "Correct." Mr. Wells would ask "Even if we do KILL the demon, what happens if the demon dies BEFORE telling us what they did, with the real person?" Agent Thomas would say "We do NOTHING, with the demon, until we know the human is safe." It would be two, more, weeks, of trying to find additional information, when Sheriff Corbin would return, this time, with the demon (Real name: Jobe). When Agent Thomas would ask the ghost "How may we assist you?" while only THINKING "WHAT is that demon doing with you." August Corbin would tell Agent Thomas "Dont worry, he is working WITH me. We have some information, for you." When Agent Thomas would ask "What information would THAT be?" Jobe would say "I KNOW whom it is, you search for." When Agent Thomas would say "OUT with it. WHO are we after?" Jobe would say "Not so fast. My employer wants the demon returned, in good condition. It seems the demon has some explaining to do." When Agent Thomas would ask "Explaining, about what?" Jobe would say "While it is a demons "job", to recruit those, who wish our assistance, Our "job" is to GUIDE mortals. Not interfere." When Agent Thomas would ask "Just WHAT is it you are getting at?" Crane would suggest "Master Jobe, might I suggest that this, other, demon had exceeded the normal role?" Jobe would say "Very astute, Mr. Crane. The demon, in question, was supposed to SIGN the human, to a contract. The demon violated its "terms of employment" when, during the "recruitment" phase, the demon decided it LIKED the power, the anger, the passion, of Pro-Life." Alex would chime in with "Let me guess. Bad demon kills human, and takes place, so as to draw MORE power to them." Jobe would say "A bit sarcastic, for my taste, however, essentially, true." Agent Thomas would ask "So, you are saying that the human has been dead, for quite some time." Jobe would say "Since, possibly, two months before the current violence began." When Jennifer Mills would ask "Why wait two months. I thought you demons had "powers". You can bend people to your will." Jobe would sigh, as the demon reminded the humans "Our powers are limited in the fact that we may only ENCOURAGE actions, once humans are ready to act. Your fairy tales, about demons, controlling humans, are both hilarious, and annoying. Like humans are not to blame for their own actions." When Agent Thomas would ask the demon "Okay, so you say the human is dead. WHY should we save the demon for your employer?" Jobe would say "My employer has a far worse fate, in store, for the demon. One, which I would wish on no one. Now, do we have a deal?" When Alex would say "Woe! Whose talking "deal?" Jobe would say "Not THAT kind of a deal. An arrangement. An arrangement, where you deal with the humans, and I return the demon to my employer." When Agent Thomas would warn the demon "If you try to cross us." Jobe would ask "Did I not provide you with the accurate location, of Malcolm Dreyfuss, in our previous deal?" When Crane would whisper, to Agent Thomas "Let us be cautious, in proceding on this, latest, journey. We know, not what dangers lie before our path." Jobe would say "That is true, Mr. Crane. Based upon the recent, militant, behavior, of this group, even I would proceed, with CAUTION." When Jennifer Mills would ask both the spirit, and the demon "What intel can you provide us?" August Corbin would say "Be cautious, in every move. Just as I taught you. Take NOTHING at face value. Assume that NOTHING is "safe"." Jobe would, then, place forth his hand, saying "This might be of some assistance." In the demons hand would appear another, of the demons slightly dated maps. On the paper was a hand-made drawing, of the general lay-out, of the Pro-Lifers headquarters. While Jennifer Mills, and Agent Thomas, would have preferred something more like blue-prints, as Agent Thomas would say "Better than nothing". It would seem that the reason why a tacticle squad arrived, on-site, first, was that an agent, inside the Pro-Life "ranks", had reported that a leader, of the group, was planning not just to ATTACK a Pro-Choice congresswoman, but that the Pro-Life leader was rallying followers, to "string up" the politician, until she either declared herself Pro-Life, or until she was dead. Since such suggestions are considered felonies, the riot police had been sent in, either to arrest, or, if necessary, to terminate, the leader. When Team Witness arrived, Jennifer Mills came to understand what August Corbin had meant, about taking nothing at face value. THIS group, of Pro-Lifers, had armed themselves, "to the teeth". While federal shooters were trained to shoot accurately, the sheer NUMBERS, of willing Pro-Lifers, people willing to give their LIVES for their cause, is the reason why what should have been a simple, short, intrusion, devolved into a blood-bath. Agent Thomas could only shake her head when, as Pro-Lifers fell, to federal fire-power, other Pro-Lifers would shout, at the feds "We are soldiers of the Lord, GOD! You cannot touch us! We dont recognize you..." In what seemed a final defiance, of the federal government, against the back-drop, of the encampment, two banners were strung up, by dying defenders. The first said "Freedom of Speech: Abortion is MURDER!" The next one, just beneath this, stated: "Freedom of Expression: Baby MURDERERS!" While losses, on BOTH sides, were far beyond what anyone could have predicted, when the congresswoman made a public announcement, she asked the following: In this moment, of sadness, and tragedy, let us not quarrel, over our differences. Let us bury our dead, with solemn respect. They died, for what they believed in. Let us cherish their memories. When the demon, Jobe, brought the trouble-making demon before Team Witness, Jobe would say "This one will trouble you, no further. As promised, my employer will deal with this." Alex did not know why, however, as she looked at the destruction, before her, she would ask "If this wasn't their fault, should they not have a new, better, leader?" When Agent Thomas would ask "Any suggestions?" Alex would suggest "Maybe, a member, of the Roman-Catholic Church? Maybe, one of the cardinals?" Crane would suggest "A marvelous idea, Miss Alex. Agent Thomas, would you care to make the recommendation, to your superiors?" Agent Thomas would say "I would prefer to present it to one of D.C.'s resident pastors. It might sound better, coming from a priest." In a later update, from the Roman-Catholic Church, the report was most encouraging. It would seem that Pro-Lifes "rank-and-file" had not, really, been in favor of the violence. They were more in favor of peaceful protests. While members remained deeply OPPOSED, to a womans Right-To-Choose, the members were more than willing to return to petition drives, and public speaking. Even the F.B.I., and Homeland Security, admitted that, until just recently, this group had been relatively "peaceful". What neither the Roman-Catholic Church, nor the federal government, needed to kow, was that a demon had been the cause of the problem. Alex, and Mr. Wells, would return to investigating the origins of Department 355. An origin story, which was becoming more mysterious, with each, passing, day.

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