Thursday, July 6, 2017


THE WEDDING FIASCO... AND AFTERWARDS While I KNOW that I had made a point, of reminding my friend, that I knew neither the bride, nor the groom, in an upcoming wedding, my friend suggested "Its a great way to meet girls!" On the actual day, of the wedding, I had no idea WHERE my friend was. What I DID find was an ebony angel, who was weeping, near the church. While I did NOT go into too much details, so as not to upset the woman, I DID offer her my shoulder, then an embrace, as I whispered a generic "It will be fine." When she whispered "How do you know?" I whispered "You are young, and very beautiful." When she whispered "I'll bet you say that, to ALL the girls." This is when I embraced this woman, and gave her a long, deep, kiss. (And, no, I made no objection, when the kiss went French.) Having forgotten about wondering WHERE my "friend" was, I noticed I was relieving this angels fears. Knowing this, I proceeded with necking, and carressing her. Anything I could think of, which would make this angel happy. As for her womanhood, I savored this, like a feast, even as she carressed me. When I came back up, face-to-face, with her, she smiled as she whispered "My turn." My God! By the way she handled my manhood, I was even more certain, than ever, that this woman was an angel. Since I figured that this angel was, simply, a member, of the wedding party, I saw no reason to feel shame, when we became "one". My main hope was that I was giving her the very best love she had, ever, had. After "seconds", she whispered "Thank You", and I whispered "Any time, my love." I am happy to say that, when she entered the church, her weeping was replaced with a bright smile. Of course, when I entered th church, I expected to be asked which party I was with. When I mentioned that I was a "plus one", and gave the greeter the invited's name, I was told where to sit. When I took a seat, where designated, I dont know who was more confused. The people, who told me that the invited was in jail, on "Solicitation" charges, or if it was when I asked the group "Since the invited is not here, should I leave?" Any response was drowned out, as the service began. While the minister was as ivory as I was, the gathering was more-or-less half-and-half. The angelic voices, of the choir, resonated with the polished glee, of having grown up, in church. While the priest picked up the Bible, and all, present, did as we should, I can only conclude that the "mass of muscle", which came to stand, before the priest, was the groom. While his tuxedo might be an extra-large, even I could tell there was no fat, below that material. When I wondered what woman would be marrying him, I did not know whether to be horrified, or ashamed, when the bride came forward. Now, in my case, as anyone can attest, put ME into either a tuxedo, or formal wear, and I look tottally sickly. In fact, more than once, people have asked if I felt well, once in dress clothes. This is about how I felt, when I watched the bride enter the chapel. The wedding dress made my angel look like a bar of chocolate, covered in fluffy, whipped topping. In my opinion, the bride would have looked much more beautiful, in either deep red, or navy blue. It was not until she winked at me that I realized. On a brides wedding day, I had done everything except propose to her. Then I remembered. Since I did NOT know that the woman I was loving was the bride-to-be, I felt like the situation was "No harm, No foul." While I remember that she mentioned that she was afraid, she never mentioned either what she was afraid of, or that she was the bride. Then came the worst part. The priest had, barely, gotten to the part of saying "We are gathered here, today..." When the groom cried out a profanity, to which the priest stated "Sir, this is the House of the Lord." When the priest began, again, the groom cried out, using more profanity, while telling my angel "Stop stepping on my foot." When my angel, and the priest, denied that such had happened, the groom turned to my angel, saying "Step on my foot, one more time (string of profanities), and I am walking out." It was no wonder that my angel lifted her veil, saying "Fine!", then, visibly, lifting her leg, and power-ramming the grooms foot. My angel then looked, at the congregation, saying "THAT time, I DID it. Right in front of all of you." When the groom uttered more profanity, telling the bride she wasn't getting a wedding NIGHT, the priest would step in, saying "Sir! You have profaned the House of the Lord. There will be no wedding, today. LEAVE this temple, of God, immediately!" While several, of those, departing the church, said it would be normal for a bride to take her time, coming out of church, When my angel stepped outside the church, I wasn't sure what to say, first. I guess this is why she embraced, and kissed, me, then whispered "It wasn't your fault. I didn't tell you that I was getting married. I guess I just wanted a bit of love, before getting married." When I asked "You dont think what we did, before the wedding, "jinxed" the proceedings." She smiled as she said "Superstition is for children. I just dont think he wanted it to happen." After departing the church, and during a walk, in a nearby park, we not only exchanged NAMES, but Jasmine gave me the summary: While her husband-to-be was a two-time loser, who felt that having a "wife" (housekeeper and child care) would keep him out of prison... It seems that Jasmines family was so "afraid", since Jasmine admitted that she perferred dating ivory men. Her mother was scared that Jasmines children would not be fully Negro. This is why the Negro marriage had been "arranged". By the time we reached Jasmines place, Jasmine had promised me "The most romantic moment, I have had, in recent months, was our "moment", just before that ceremony." When I asked "What are your plans, now?" Jasmine smiled as she said "First things first. I want to find out how good you are, in bed." While I followed her lead, and her smile only grew, as the day proceeded, I noticed that the only time, when Jasmine became edgy, was when a friends phone call interrupted "US". After listening to the caller, for a few moments, Jasmine told the caller where she was, and what she wanted to get back to. It must have been a friend who called, since Jasmine said "I'll call you, LATER." After that, as Jasmine snuggled back, into my arms, she whispered "My friend wanted me to know that (the groom) has had five women, since the wedding service." When I suggested "Then, he never loved you, did he." Jasmine smiled as she said "Not one percent as much as you do." For reasons, which I will, never, understand, over those next six months, Jasmines friends decided to "keep score", of both parties. For six months, and even though her friends understood that Jasmine was with ME, the friends kept reminding Jasmine of (the grooms) average, of 25, to 30, women, per month. After six months time, (the grooms) "score card" read "150 conquests", filling two pages, of paper. This, in contrast to Jasmines ONE lover. Me. I KNOW Jasmine told her friends that she could not care, less, about (the groom). As for the LAME-est part, of our first year, together, this was when Jasmines own, criminal, record, "came to light". It would seem that (the groom) was trying to "Sell Jasmine down the river", in return for a lighter sentence, for himself. From what Jasmine told me, her "involvement", in the crime, was limited to reminding the thieves about security measures. That, and the fact that, when the thieves discussed using a LARGE woman, as a distraction, for the duty guard, during the theft... Jasmine had been the one to mention that, while she dated the mans brother, the then in-training guard had offered to "take over" Jasmine, if his brother lost interest. Jasmine had only smiled, at the man, as she whispered "I will let you know." This is why Jasmine had suggested a "girl next door" type, to distract the guard. Jasmines final "colussion", with the thieves, had been to suggest "Make sure the woman is friendly. Neighborly. No profanity." This had been the end of Jasmines part, in the robbery. While the thieves handled the security system, one of the thieves own sisters "handled" the guard. From what Jasmine heard, later, the most difficult part, of the whole caper, was DRAGGING the woman away from her lover, once the goods were gone. Now, its seems that (the groom) had presented an undercover cop, with a necklace, from the robbery, in the hope of trading the jewelry for sex. Jasmine was only being brought in, due to her PAST, criminal, record. As Jasmine admitted, to me, once she realized we were a couple, she been arrested, for drug use, years ago. While Jasmine had been ready to admit to Marijuana use, what had surprised even Jasmine, was when test results came back "positive", for cocaine use. While Jasmine said she was TOLD that, when found, she was "out of it", all that Jasmine would admit to was attending the party, drinking a couple of beers, doing some "weed", then waking up, in jail. While Jasmine would be sentenced, to two years, for use, Jasmine won "early release", by going to work in the prison offices. After just six months, behind bars, the warden had written the state board "Keeping (Jasmine) locked up is a waste, of money, space, beds, and food. Jasmine is no more a "threat", to society, than my dog is." After early release, while Jasmine agreed that her parole officer did not like her, to begin with, what annoyed the officer, the most, was the following: First, when the regular secretary fell sick, and the P.O. TRIED to run the office, themselves. The place was worse than a madhouse. When Jasmine agreed to assist, until the secretary was recovered, she did not realize it but the P.O. was chopping off two months, from Jasmines probation, for every month Jasmine worked, in the office. The reason why the P.O. eventually removed Jasmines anklet was because, seven, of the nine, times, when the device chirped "parole violation", Jasmine was IN the P.O.'s office, doing her work. The other two times, Jasmine was buying groceries, for the office. It became obvious that someone was "fooling with" the system when, all nine times, the anklet reported Jasmine "jumping state lines". When the regular secretary returned to work, the P.O. terminated Jasmines parole, saying "You've EARNED it. NOW, DONT make me look like a FOOL" Jasmine was, now, YEARS beyond this time, when the heist took place. The problem, which the police had, with the statements, from those, involved, in the theft, was how ONLY (the groom) insisted that Jasmine had played a part, in the actual heist. All nine, of the other suspects, stated that all Jasmine had done was remind the group, both about security, and about the kind of woman, the guard liked. Ten people told ONE story. ONE person told another story. When questioned, Jasmine told the police "I only mentioned security since no business is without a system, nowadays." When asked HOW she knew, about the guard, Jasmine told the police "I dated his brother. This is when he told me of his favorite kind of woman." As it turns out, the "connection", between Jasmine, and the crime, was so "thin" that a puff, of wind, would make it vanish. Jasmine only learned about the guard, when we saw him, maybe two months later. While Jasmine and I noticed how the man said "I wish it had been you. My job, definitely, would have been worth you." He, then, told us how the sista had made him feel so good that he had passed out. When he woke up, later, it was to hear his boss saying "Clean up, pack your things, and go. Youre fired." When the man asked Jasmine "Do you happen to know that girls name? She was so perfect. I want to thank her." Jasmine only told the truth when she said "Sorry, no idea." When Jasmine DID meet the girl, later, the girl made Jasmine promise NOT to tell the guard who she was. When Jasmine had asked "Was he THAT BAD?" The girl would say "Worse, he was THAT GOOD." Her brother would say "Thats right. He MUST have been good, since we had to DRAG her off of him, and carry her clothes out, after the robbery." The girl only said "He was beautiful. I enjoyed it." Jasmine did not question this. Jasmine just focused her efforts, on giving me all the love that I wanted (and planning for our, potential, family). Any time Jasmine was asked what song represented our relationship, Jasmine never failed to list "Ebony and Ivory", by Paul McCartney and Stevie Wonder.

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