Monday, July 24, 2017


THE NEW BRADY BUNCH #7 MIKES NEW JOB By the time Mr.. Mathews had sold the design firm, to another firm, Mike Brady was as astounded, by the change, as his co-workers were. While Mike Brady knew that his boss was a model of efficiency, with no one, on payroll, who was not needed, it was when the potential buy-out rumors began, that the firms employee's began to fidget, even as they sought other ways, to support families. If the rumors were true, then the company, which the firm was selling to, was considered a "hatchet" company. This company did not believe in the eight-hour work-shift. They expected workers to come in, EARLY, and stay, very late. All at regular wages. (Even TALK, of over-time, could get a worker fired). When his long-time employer,, Mr. Mathews, departed the firm, Mike Brady wondered WHO would be next. He did not have to wait, very long. Once the new employer took over, Mike watched as his co-workers were called into management offices, and given impossible tasks. One worker was tasked with nothing less than designing a hotel, and casino, all of which would be balanced on top of a pole-vaulters pole. Another worker was tasked with nothing less that designing a building, which would be sphere-shaped, with the offices lining the outerrshell, while the inner space would be devoted to open air. Mikes other co-worker was given a task, so bizzarre, that words could not describe it. On top of this, the man was given just 72 hours to come up with a "workable design". This left Mike Brady wondering "WHAT" task he would be called upon to complete. What surprised Mike Brady was how the new boss had said "Brady, this firm has been informed that you have a LARGE family." When Mike would agree, the boss would say "With that in mind, this firm wants you to design a bold, functional, home, which can accomodate a family more than twice the size of your own. Can you do it?" Mike Brady would say "I just need the parameters. How many people will be living in the home. Any animals, staff, how many children." To Mike Brady's astonishment, the boss had said "Such a disappointment. I had hoped you woulld be on our TEAM." When Mike Brady would say "I AM on your team. I just need to know what I am to work with. The basics, including family size, how many boys, and girls." To Mike Brady's shock, the boss would say "Such a disappointmennt. I had such high hopes, for you. I can see, however, that you will not FIT into this team. Go ahead, clear out your desk, and leave your badge, with the receptionist." What baffled Mike Brady was not so much being told to design a home, without any background, on WHO would use it, or why, but, when he went to turn in his badge, and found the receptionist missing. When Mike looked about, an office worker would see him, then say "Sylvia was terminated about an hour ago." When Mike asked "WHY? She was so dependable." The worker would say "She told management thatt she could not put in the twenty hour days, they wanted, since she had children, at home." Mike might have felt terrible, for the woman, except that he had his own problems, which included how to budget, for six kids, with no income. Mike did not feel quite so bad, when he saw most of the office, clearing out, as well. He just could not believe that an employer could be so ruthless, as to rip apart a fully-functional office, just to save money. By the time Mike reached home, he found Carol, and Alice, in complete agreement with him. HOW could anyone ask an architect to design anything, without knowing the details? The one thing, which did not surprise Mike Brady, that next week, was when the new owner, of the firm, declared bankruptcy, then sold off all of the valuable equipment, claiming that the firm was a "loss". When Alice would ask "How could the firm be a "loss" when Mr. Brady's employment kept the firm in the "black", for years?" The Brady's were just considering HOW to deal with un-employment, when another job came Mikes way. As Mike's friend would explain "It seems that a family, with EIGHT children, needs a larger house to live in. When they asked about designers, I suggested you, since you have six kids. What do you say?" Mike would say "An interesting challenge." After this, the man would give Mike the kind of details, which every architect needs, for designing a home. After Mike would meet, with the home-owners, and their family, he was prepared to say "Yes!", but only until Mikes former employer put in a much lower bid. When Carol would ask "HOW can they under-bid you?" Mike would say "I have no idea." What Mike also could not understand was WHY the firm insisted upon a $25,000 down-payment, on the project. On top of this, when Mike checked, with the licensing agency, which controlled architects, in the area, the licensing agency was baffled about HOW a firm, with no permit, could put in a bid. The "hatchet" firm was very clever, though, and very efficient. They "washed" the payment through enough funds that the money was impossible to track. It was at THIS point, when Mike's former co-workers brought an idea, to Mike, and Carol. The concept was simple. Since everyone had just enough money to last five years, yet not enough to pay off debts, the suggestion was made, that the staff re-open the former design company. While Carol was among the wives, to advise caution, the husbands asked one another "What have we got, to lose? If we put in everything we have, we can do it." When Mike would ask "Who would run the firm?" His co-workers would suggest "We hire a person, to run things. Someone like our old boss." Mike would laugh as he said "I could see our boss, working FOR us." When a co-worker would suggest "How about it, Mike? Take a chance, on a brighter future?" Mike noticed Carols relief when he told the other workers "I will take part, on this, one, condition." When the other workers said "Name it." Mike would say "If we are neither negotiatting, nor working, on projects, within 90 days, I am OUT. After all, I have a family to consider." What no one thought would happen, was when the employee's approached their former boss. The workers actually thought they saw a "gleem" come into the mans eyes, at the thought of returning to work. As the man told Mike Brady, later, "I thought that retirement would be like paradise. Nothing to do but rest, and relax. Not a care in the world." Mike Brady would say "I know of some people, who think the same thing." The former boss would say "I hate to say it but I am happy to have something to do, again. Retirement is so BORING." What no one, at the firm, could have hoped for, was that the firm, still, had its "champions". Former clients who, once they learned that the firm was back in business, sent clients to the office. While the boss moved back into his old office (No one had rented the space, for some reason), he would remember that, now, he was an "employee". Same duties, as before. Just on hourly pay, like everyone else. Within two months, it was like the change had, never, taken place. Workers were busy, at tasks, and the "boss" was busy, negotiating even MORE work. This time, when the "hatchet" group, made a buy-out offer, the firm declined. When the "hatchet" asked the "boss" "I THOUGHT it was YOUR decision. Your company, after all". The boss would smile as he said "Your information is out of date. I am, now, an employ-EE of this firm." It was, maybe, a month later, when the former boss, Mr. Mathews, went out of the country, having been invited to some meetings, to discuss potential construction projects, when Mike Brady found himself in a most unusual position. In past years, Mike Brady had accepted assignments, based upon what Mr. Mathews, and the board of directors decided. Now, it seems that, with Mr. Mathews out of the country, and his fellow "owners"/"workers" all busy, on other projects, it was left to Mike Brady to decide which workers worked which projects. While a few, of Mike's co-workers had mentioned "I want to try something different. I am tired of doing the same, old, job", all that Mike Brady would say was "Once the company is, FULLY, back on its feet, I suggest you speak to either Mr. Mathews, or allow a team discussion. Remember: I am only PART of this team." While some, of the firms workers were not happy with being assigned, to do the same jobs they had been doing, for YEARS, Mike had promised "When the firm is back in full strength, we can discuss re-assignments. Until then, lets focus on bringing IN more work." Two things Mike Brady never expected, to happen. For one, becoming the "leader", of the firm (a job he, never, asked for), meant an increase in both salary, and benefits. It, also, meant no more late-night work (unless he wanted it). For two, since Mike Brady did have a wife, six kids, and a maid, to provide for, it would seem that either luck, or providence, shined on the architect. It seems that the husband, in the couple, who had LOST their $25,000 deposit, to the "hatchet" firm, had a stroke of good luck. From what Mike Brady was able to learn, it would seem that, while the couple had taken new jobs, to pay bills, that the husband had shown compassion, to a man, who offered to sell a lottery ticket, which had cost $1.00, for the "mere" price, of $5.00. The husband, like most people, fell prey to the line, about "I could use the money, to buy my family dinner." If the seller had approached Mike Brady, for such a sale, Mike's first question would have been "WHERE are you going to buy dinner, for your family, on ONLY $5.00?" Still, Mike remembered his own fathers saying: "Michael, remember what the "good-book" (The Bible) says. Judge NOT others lest YOU be JUDGED". This was one, of many, life lessons, which Mike, and Carol, Brady, were attempting to impart to their own children. That and "Do unto others as you would have them do unto you". What thrilled Mike Brady was not only that the ticket had turned out to be a "winner". Maybe not the whole $20 million pot, but $200,000. Now, the husband, and his wife, wanted the firm to design their new home. The husband did, however, put a "catch"/"clause" on the deal. "Mike, I KNOW you have a large family. Not as large as mine, but, still, large. The "catch" I place, on the firms contract is that, once the house is built, I want YOUR family to test it. Make sure that everything is ready, for anything my family can do to it." When Mike would ask "Are you SURE of this? I mean, my family is not-exactly, known for subtlty." The husband would say "Thats why I want you. If the house can survive YOUR family, it can survive mine." By the time Mike had the chance to mention this, to Carol, it seems that the kids were "at it, again". The older kids wanted more privacy, while the younger kids could not care, less. Carol was trying, and FAILING, to negotiate a truce. When Mike joined in the fray, asking "If we can prevent the destruction, of this house, for another few months, I have been asked to have this family test out a new home. A home, for an even LARGER family." When Greg and Marcia, would ask "Does that mean that we are moving OUT of this house?" Mike would say "Just temporarily. The owner, of the new house wants the Brady family to "test drive" their new house. If it can withstand US, then they will move in." When Carol would ask "Just how SOON are we expected, to move into this new "Shangri-La"?" Mike would say "As soon as I finish designing it, and the crew finishes building it." Greg, and Marcia, would be the first, of the children, to say "I guess we can get along, for a few months." Jan, and Peter, would say "If Greg, and Marcia can do it, I guess we can, too." What Mike Brady was thankful for was a $200,000 budget, to work from. While he practiced the SAME, tight, budget, controls, as on any other project, it was nice to have "wiggle-room". For some reason, however, the project was just under half-completed, when the "hatchet" firm tried to de-rail the project, by placing an offer, to buy nearly half of the land. What no one could figure out was "WHY". All that Mike Brady could learn was that the "hatchet" firm was prepared to invest $750,000 into the deal. Why buy land, which is so distant from town? For a home-owners privacy, the spot was ideal. What would a corporation want with the area. When the house was completed, Carol made a point of informing the neighbors that the family would be back, soon. "Just a little trip". While, at the Brady house, the kids main complaint was lack of space, and privacy, at the new house, there was another concern. After years, of sleeping three children, to a bedroom, when each, of the six, was provided their own bedrooom, it was not long before this idea fell-through, as well. While the oldest four kids thought they would LOVE the idea, of seperate bedrooms, and the privacy, it was not long before Carol noticed that Marcia, and Jan, spent much of their time, in one, or the others rooms. The same went for Greg, and Peter. Only Cindy, and Bobby, seemed happy, with their private space. Atleast by DAY, that is. Carol noticed that, while she put the kids to bed, in their own rooms, come morning, Cindy, and Bobby, were found, sleeping in the others bedrooms. Maybe two weeks, after moving in, Carol would report, to Mike, that Jan made an agreement, to move her bed into Marcia's room. The girls had told Carol "Mom, its just extra work, moving between the bedrooms, for everything from books, to hair brushes." Soon, Greg, and Peter, followed the same pattern. Combining bedrooms, then turning the extra bedroom into a "hobby room". This, while Marcia, and Jan turned their extra bedroom into closet space. By the time Mike was preparing his report, to the home-owners, Carrol would call her husband aside, to show him how THEIR kids dealt with the subject of "room for everyone". Greg, and Peter, were sharing a room, while Bobby slept in his room. When Mike whispered, to Carol "IS it the same, with the girls?" Carol would nod. The next day, at a family meeting, Mike Brady would explain to his family "The REASON why we were allowed, into this house, in the first place, was to find out how a large family could cope, when everyone had room of their own. Now, I want to know WHY, when there is room enough for everyone to have privacy, and their own space, that your mother, and I, find you bunking, as though we are at home. Any explanations?" All Greg would say was "Dad, its not like Peter and I planned it. We just have similar things "going on". Its just easier being in the same room." Peter would add "I'm sorry dad. Its just that, sometimes, I just forget, and fall asleep, in Gregs room. Its not on purpose. Honest." When Mike would ask "If it is accidental, then WHY did you move your bed into Gregs room?" Greg would say "That part was my fault, dad. After we crowded each other out of my bed, a couple of times, I suggested Peter bring his bed, into my room. This way, we can, ALL crash, in comfort." When Carol would ask Marcia and Jan, the girls would say the same. "We just get into girl-talk, or home-work, and, before we know it, its morning." When Alice would suggest "I think that I miss our old house, too. It may have been packed, and chaotic, but it was something I was used to." This would be when Mike Brady would summarize "While in THIS house, everyone has ALL the room they need, its just NOT our HOME. Would this be an accurate summary?" The family would agree. Later, for his client, Mike Brady would summarize it this way: The home is excellent. Plenty of room, for everyone. Excellent environment, to raise a family in. Just be preparred for the normal "period of adjustment", which ALL families have. When Mr. Mathews would read the summary, then ask Mike "Why did you note the "period of adjustment"? Every family goes through this. Its as expected as cold-and-flu season." Mike Brady would suggest "I thought that a gentle reminder would aid the transition. Make the home-owners feel less over-whelmed, by the changes." Mr. Mathews would say "You know, Mike. IF I were your BOSS, I would tell you to re-write this. As it is, we will just have to wait and see how the client takes it." It seems that not only did the client take it, well, but so did four, prospective, clients, who attended the "open house". The design firm was able to "win" two designs, for office buildings, as well as "preferred status", on a coming, housing, development. While not ALL Americans financial futures would turn out as well as the Brady's, atleast Mike, and Carol, Brady were invested in both their childrens futures, and their own. As to what the future would hold? WHO can say?

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