Monday, August 7, 2017


THE RENEGADES! With the repeal, of the Affordable Care Act, having met a tragic conclusion, And the Texas/Mexico Wall, having been consigned to the "waste basket", of history (Once the world was reminded of that colossal FAILURE, known as the Berlin Wall) Washington D.C. was playing its final "Trump" card. The totally questionable practice, of "evicting" anyone, who was "different", fom the U.S. military. It was when the White House would ONLY give those, being dis-charged, a "General Discharge", to the soldiers, that one, maverick, colonel would make a decision, which would affect military policy, in America, for centuries to come. While the colonel was no "angel", himself, he had made a career of "judging" people, NOT based upon looks, or any other stupidity, but based upon talent, potential, and dedication to duty. While, over the years, his decisions had caused his hair color to change from dark blonde, to a "sprinkling" of grey, but with more white, coming in, every day, the colonel was certain of one fact, which all soldiers understand. While on active duty, NOTHING, in a soldiers life, comes before duty, to country. This is why the colonel had decades, of first-hand experience, working with soldiers. Those who were "hetero", as well as homosexual, and, in more recent years, lesbian, as well. Now, sure, when soldiers were OFF-duty, the colonel never questioned soldiers "personal preferences", however, the colonel had YEARS of experience, seeing black, white, red, yellow, male, female, etc. come to attention, when the "Call to Duty" was sounded. Over the years, the colonel had, also, taken in gang-members, as recruits. According to the Pentagon, these people had exactly two choices: Either prison, or the military. While not all, of these recruits, might be "reliable", and "dedicated", to the nation, the colonel had been proud of most of his choices. Choices which meant that, of the recruits, 80% had found a "home", in the military. The colonel did not even mind that his command was, UN-officially, referred to as the "black sheep". All the colonel cared about was the fact that, when an alarm was sounded, his unit was ready to "move out", at a moments notice. In the years, since September 11, 2001, the colonel had lead his "misfits" on a variety of assignments. The colonel accepted these "unusual" assignments, since his soldiers were determined to PROVE their value, to America. In the time, since September 11th, the colonels "command" had taken on assignments, which other soldiers were prohibited from carrying out. This was due, in LARGE part, to the "hostage-taking", in both Iraq, and Afghanistan. It, also, included the assassination, of Osama Bin Laden. Nowadays, there were some areas, of the world, where "Special Operations", and "Black Operations" soldiers were forbidden to operate. This is the reason why the colonel accepted these assignments. The colonel was determined to prove that neither gender, nor sexual orientation, nor any other factors, had anything to do with dedication, to duty. When word came down, that Washington D.C. was preparing to "cleanse" the military, even of the American-born children, and grand-children, of "illegal aliens", this is when the colonel put forth a bold idea, to the Pentagon. The colonel suggested assigning ALL "un-desirables" to the colonels command, then provide the colonel his final ten years, of his own service, before retirement, to prove that being "different" was not a "bad thing". As for what NAME this, special, unit would take on, that part seemed easy to come up with. The unit would be titled "The Renegades", with the colonel being given just TWO YEARS, to prove his soldiers had value, to America. Un-like Special Forces, or other, military, units, the Renegades would not be governed by the official Rules of War. This units motto would be "Get the job done, PERIOD" This, ofcourse, would be in sharp contrast to the U.S. Marines motto of "The impossible, we do, by noon. Miracles take a little longer." While the colonel would be surprised when, along with the formation, of his unit, would come the provisionary promotion, to Brigadier General. At this point, the man knew his mission was CLEAR. He had just ten years to prove the value, of his soldiers. What would offend the general the most, about this project, however, was HOW the media portrayed the units members. The media seemed determined to emphasize that lesbians, and homosexuals, spend as much on-duty time, as possible "Making out". This, even as the media portrayed the convicts as plotting "Side heists", during military duty. The media even portrayed the Latinos as thinking of nothing more than making LARGE families. If only America, and the world, KNEW of the sacrifices, which the Renegades were making, for their home, and families. How many times the Renegades were dropped, behind enemy lines, to "take the heat" off of ground forces. How many times the "career thieves" had broken into places, to steal files, and collect items (Which Washington diplomats would take the credit for presenting, to original owners, in return for treaties, and other friendship, between nations). Since the Renegades were, by no means, "regular military", the unit never received credit, nor were its members to wear regular, military gear. Instead, the units members were issued a form of Nomex. A fabric which, by day, blended with the landscape while, by night, the material was as dark as a moonless night. As the regular military was to learn, the main way, to identify a Renegade, was by their upper chest, left breast patch. A simple patch which read "RENEGADE". Aside from this, the general, maintained regular, military, discipline, as well as ranks. Both enlisted, and officers. When the general, deliberately, recruited a group, of car thieves, who had been captured, trying to steal motor vehicles, what the theives never dreamed of was finding themselves going from trial-and-error heists, to studying diesel, and gasoline, engines. This, with an emphasis on rapid detection, and resolution, of mechanical problems. On top of all of this, the general insisted that the entire unit practice daily calesthenics. (Anyone, caught shirking off, excet for those, in the infirmary, would be subject to immediate discipline.) This might include court-martial, and, possible, DIS-Honorable, discharge. Like the "Monuments Men", of World War Two, the Renegades, often, found themselves behind enemy lines, "punching holes", for the army, and marines. The problem, which the Pentagon had, with this unit, was that unit members were going far ABOVE, and BEYOND, the "Call of Duty", to prove their value. The unit, and the general, would spend YEARS, proving that the ONLY way to tell a true soldier was by the HEART, and SOUL. Nothing else mattered, if a soldier was dedicated to national service. In Washington D.C., however, in the "vaunted halls", of congress, the debate raged on. The question being "Could homosexuals, lesbians, criminals, and even Latino's, be "trusted", in combat", and to serve the nation? WERE the Renegades worth their rations, and ammunition? Was the unit a disaster, just waiting to happen? All that the general knew was that, no matter the assignment, his unit would answer the nations "call". His officers, and enlisted persons, would spend YEARS, proving this. What saddened the general, however, was the "COST", of the units success. The general never felt "proud", when he saw the coffins, of his team members. So many young people. So many hopes, and dreams. All laid to rest, to a 21-gun salute. The time, when the Renegades would face an "ultimate test" would be in regards to a rumored attack, which some South American radical was rumored to be preparing, against the White House. From what Pentagon sources would be able to learn, it seems that the "BIG MOUTH", in the White House, had made too many accusations, all claiming that all that Latinos were good for was making MORE Latinos. It would seem that the radical, who had built their life, on service to their OWN nation, found the insult to be too much to take. After all, one does not rise, to the top of the military, in ANY nation, by spending ones time in bordellos. The problem the Pentagon had, with mounting ANOTHER invasion, of South America, was NOT a lack of man-power. (There were PLENTY of units, ready to go on "instant alert".) The problem was Guantanimo Bay, Cuba. The one, known, U.S. base, where the world KNEW that human beings were being tortured, every, single, day. Because of Gitmo, the people, of Brazil, and other nations, were far LESS receptive, of American "intervention". No one else wanted to be the next "guest", at Gitmo. While the general was not able to gather much, in the way of details, regarding the coming "attack", he was ordered to place his unit on "ready status". The general just did not like the fact that there were NO details, of the "attack". It seemed, to the general, that it was more like "What if someone wanted to mount an attack?" Still, the general gathered his officers, and began studying the lay-out, of the building, where the alleged radical was said to be in attendance. When the time came, the orders would be simple. "Attack, and destroy, them BEFORE thay can attack the U.S." While the general was working out the deatils, of the plan, a young Latino, named Manuel, would ask the general "Sir, what proof do we have that this man IS where he is reported?" All the general could say was "Our source says that the radical is at THIS location." When Manuel was about to ask, the general would ask "Son, why do you ask?" Manuel would say "Sir, in my homeland, there is a game, which children play. It is called "Deception". The goal, of the game, is to make players THINK that a target is in ONE place, while the target is elsewhere." When a young lesbian, Sally Rogers, would ask the Latino "Are you saying that these people are playing a kids game?" Manuel would say "It IS possible. Unless the general knows MORE than we do." The general would admit "I wish we had better intell. I wish we knew exactly which room the target was in." This is when Manuel would suggest "Sir, before we begin this trip, may I have the generals permission, to contact my cousin, Pablo." When Sally Rogers would ask "What for?" Manuel would suggest "I can ask Pablo just to verify, like take pictures, of the target. This way, we will KNOW where the target is." When former gang-member, Claude, would suggest "Or, maybe, Pablo could tip the target off." The general would say "I am willing to take the risk, for better intell." When Manuel contacted Pablo, the Latino knew exactly how to get the truth from his cousin. When Pablo reported in, via cell-phone, the cousins talked, in Spanish, as thought discussing household chores. (Both men knew that the radical would be "eaves-dropping", on any phone calls, made in English.) Manuel knew that Pablo spoke the truth, since Manuel invoked "Do you swear, by the holy virgin mother, and the father, son, and holy spirit, that this is true." Both men, being Roman-Catholic, KNEW the penalty, for lying, once the virgin, and the holy spirit, were invoked. After the phone call, Manuel went to the staff, saying "I am sorry to tell you, sir, but I am right." When the general would say "Speak, son." Manuel would say "Pablo got close enough to take some clear pictures, of the "target". When Sally Rogers would ask "How did he do that?" Manuel would say "While my family remains neutral, in the drug wars, we do, when necessary, fein allegiance, in order to secure what we need." When the general would ask "What did Pablo tell you?" Manuel would say "The radical, who is in the government house, is an actor. Pablo says he recognizes the man, from the times he has PLAYED the leader, on the stage." When Sally Rogers would ask "Do you know where the REAL target is?" Manuel would say "Pablo had learned that, until after the alleged attack, is to take place, the radical is staying at a military compound. A place the U.S. military has, never, taken." When Harold Johnston would ask "Why do you say "Alleged" attack? I thought it was in the works?" Manuel would say "Pablo admits that he has been HEARING TALK, for MONTHS, about an attack. He says that, so far, troops, and arms, supplies, are at standard levels. If someone is moving munitions, they are being as secretive as church mice." This is when the general would say "Okay, new plan. We use Pablo's information. I will suggest that the Marines try the government building, while WE take on the compound." When Betty James would ask "All this, based upon a single witness testimony?" The general would say "This is MORE than we had, before. Now, lets mount up." It was when the general was preparing to order up some jet-powered frieght haulers, that Manuel would suggest "Sir, if we use jets, we wont make it in-land." When the general would ask "What would you suggest?" Manuel would say "In my homeland, today, as in the past, propeller-powered planes fly, day and night. If we use propeller planes, we stand a better chance of making it to our destination." As a result, the general would order up three, propeller-powered freight-haulers, for the trip. This, despite his officers complaints that the older planes were much slower than the newer ones. Then, there was the question of how SOON, or even IF, an attack was coming. While the trip, to the south, was about as interesting as watching grass grow, the general was informed that Manuel had been correct. No matter how LARGE, or how small, a jet-powered aircraft was, ALL were escorted both in-land, and out. All by heavily armed fighters. Guantanimo Bay, Cuba, was a "black eye", which America would take decades to lose. As it turns out, Manuel was, also, correct, about the use, of propeller planes, in South America. The old freight-haulers were everywhere. It was, also, thanks to Manuel, that the planes flew in-land, after dark. As Manuel had said "No one pays attention to propellers, after dark." The general hoped the Latino was correct. What the general did NOT know was that the teams planes HAD been heard, by people, on the ground. Most of whom just shrugged off the noise, as regular flights. Only two men bothered to look UP, at the planes. When all they saw were the black silhouettes, the men just assumed the planes were drug-runners, flying without navigation lights. Probably using night vision. As the planes moved into position, the general gave the signal for "grab gear", then, stated "Silence", followed by the team, saying "Is golden". The next time the general would say "Silence", the team would say "Is life". The reason, for this, was the same as the reason why every Renegade was required to become conversational, using sign language. The idea had, originally, been brought, to the colonels attention, years before, when a single team, in training exercises, had gone un-detected, until they had taken an enemy base. When the colonel had asked the officers "HOW did you give orders, without saying a word?" A sargeant would say "My kid sister was born deaf. We learned sign language, to talk to her. I just had the thought of wondering what would happen if my TEAM used signing, instead of words." By the time the colonel made general, he had begun having his units using signing, during ALL exercises. While other units cried "FOUL!", saying "They never said a word. HOW did they communicate?" The general then held a sign language discussion, with his officers, about that evenings dinner. By the time the Renegades were, officialy, formed, everyone, in the generals command, not only KNEW sign language, but had used this, to defeat other units, on a regular basis. This is how the Renegades learned that silence was not only, in deed, golden, but that silence was LIFE, as well. Quiet soldiers lived longer. This is why, from the moment, when the unit jumped from the planes, that there would be NO verbal exchanges. Everything would be via sign language. While the first group moved in, as silent as Ninja's, and re-verified that the target was, in fact, HERE, and NOT at the government building, a new recruit was about to use her weapon, to "take out" a guard. That is, until a more seasoned woman signed "NO weapons fire". When the junior seemed confused, the senior showed her how to "dispatch" an enemy soldier, SILENTLY. Nothing left behind except a bit of blood. Once inside the compound, another team, moving silently, would, casually, take out a patrol. What the "capture" team found revolting, was what they found, after a car-thief had picked the lock, in the radicals bedroom door. While the thief, gladly, waited outside the bedroom, in case things got "ugly", what both the homosexuals, and Manuel, found revolting, was finding the radical in a king sized bed, with four women. While a quiet dose, of Chloroform, would keep the ladies asleep, for hours, what the men found disgusting was that a man thought that he had to have FOUR women, in his bed, to "prove" he was a man. The men even signed one another asking "What is he trying to prove? That he's NOT "gay", or that he is a "man"?" Once the target was chloroformed, himself, and wrapped up, the men carried the target out of the building, and to the marked space, where other, team members had set up the "capture" device. The device consisted of a mesh container, which would hold the body, while a black balloon would send the target skyward. At the right moment, the general would break silence, just long enough to say "Target ready". After that, the balloon would be inflated, and the team would exit the compound, as quiet as church mice. Somewhere, overhead, the capture aircraft heard the signal, and switched their viewers to the correct, vision, frequency. While the pilots had not been in favor of using the slow, propeller, craft, they used what had been assigned. Once the pilots switched to the visual freqency, the balloon showed up, as if lit by spot-lights, from the ground. From the ground, the balloon, and harness, would be as black, to the naked eye, as midnight. To the enhanced night vision sets, the pilots used, the balloon was as bright as a Christmas tree. As the Renegades moved toward their pick-up point, a recent recruit would whisper, to Sally Rogers, "Why are we..." and would receive Sally's knife, at her throat, as Sally signed "One more word, and you are DEAD." The recruit noticed that no one said a word, not even after boarding the planes. In fact, it was not until the pilots announced "International waters", that the team relaxed, even as the sun rose, in the east. It was only at this point when the general would say "Well done, people. Time for some breakfast, and some rack time." This was met with a chorus of "Amen!". A few days later, and after a staff meeting, at the Pentagon, that the general would return to his unit, saying "People, while we did an excellent job. The bad guys did not even know we had been there, until we were home. Problem is, I have just found out that Manuel, and Pablo, were correct. All of our effort was for nothing. It turns out that our "guest" was nothing more than a loud mouth, telling people what he WOULD do, IF he had the weapons." When his officers would ask "You mean we did ALL of that, just because some loud mouth shot his mouth off?" The general would say "I'm afraid so. Still, excellent work. You should be proud of yourselves." In the next assignment, the intell was even worse. While the Pentagon had promised only "light resistence", it was only after seven Apache's were shot down, with crews taken hostage, under death threat, that the Renegades were sent in, to free the soldiers. The general had been promised that the enemy had "only light weapons". What intelligence forgot to mention were the tanks, which had been re-built, from the scrap, left over from the 2002 invasions. The tanks might be clumsy, and not very accurate, but, with enough of them, and their support units, by the time the Renegades had moved the Apache pilots to safety, the general lost about half of his command, to re-built, post-invasion, artillery. By the time the survivors were airlifted out, of enemy territory, the general knew he would spend the following days, writing to families. Families, who had supported their members desire to serve their nation. At that moment, though, to the general, the words sounded hollow, and meaningless. Sure, the Renegades were America's most UN-wanted soldiers, but their LIVES did have meaning. They had families, who would miss them. It would not be until after the unit had lost half its numbers, in battle, that the media decided not to heckle the survivors, anymore. These people had given their ALL, in defense, of their brothers and sisters. What MORE could any nation ask? While Washington D.C. policy makers remained insistent, that those, who were "different" had no place, in the military, and needed to be "cleansed", in order to ensure the "purity" of the armed forces, The general, who was awarded a second star, for saving half of his command, was not looking forward to relacing those soldiers, with whom he had spent over a year, living, and training, with. While the Pentagon had a "standard use Death Notice", to the general, and his unit, packing their brothers, and sisters, belongings, for final shipment, to family, was about as "proud" a moment, as having their own hearts ripped from their chests. While the general, barely, acknowledged his second star, he was proud of the fact that the survivors, of his unit, had been decorated, as well. The one duty, which the general did not look forward to was the duty, of replacing the fallen. His thought was that he would rather have his teeth pulled, without anesthetic, than to replace the fallen. His task, however, was made easier, when a Pentagon staffer brought the general a list of personnel files. With this came a note. "These "psycho's", and "retards", think they have the right to serve America. No units want these "deviants". If you want them, for your depraved unit, better check into them, soon. Their General Discharges are on the way." What the general found, in the files, was nothing less than a "dream come true". These "deviants" included explosive experts, as well as sharp-shooters. In fact, soldiers, who held the highest ratings, in platoons. Physicals showed the soldiers to be in fine, physical, health. In fact, the ONLY reason why other units did not seem to WANT the soldiers, was because the soldiers were not "hetero". After the number, of successful missions, the generals team had completed, there remained hypocracy, in the military, as to WHO should be allowed to serve. While the general skimmed the first few files, he paid CLOSE attention, to two "flagged" files. These files were flagged, due to the fact that someone had, eventually, figured out that the soldiers were the children of illegal aliens. The soldiers were to be given DIS-Honorable discharges, then sent to the I.N.S., for immediate deportation (along with their families). While the general checked the files, thoroughly, he could find no reason, for DIS-Honorable. Nothing beyond the fact that the soldiers families had come to America, illegally. Beyond this, the soldiers records were "clean". High marks, on the rifle range, and good conduct. The general decided to interview these soldiers, first. He, then, made a list, giving each, of his officers a specified number, of soldiers, to interview. The goal being to find out who had the DEDICATION, to continue serving. What surprised the general was when he visited the soon-to-be-deported soldiers. After they snapped to attention, and identified themselves, the general said "Be seated." In each case, the general found that the sooldiers had, already, HEARD, of the Renegades, and each wanted to transfer to the unit. Transfer papers had been in the works, when someone found the lack of citizenship papers. Each time the general questioned a recruit, the response was the same: Dammit! I am an American. I have sworn to defend this land. If necessary, to give my LIFE, for this land. Still, they want to throw me OUT, with yesterdays trash." To both the generals, and his officers, surprise, most of the recruits asked how soon they could transfer, to the Renegades. This, despite the fact that the officers had WARNED the recruits that life, as a Renegade, was no "picnic". During "try-outs", the generals officers were annoyed that every recuit was giving their ALL, for a place, in this military unit. So many, of the soldiers were so close, to perfect scores, that the officers would inform the general "Either we turn ALL of them away, or none of them." What the general knew was that other units were just glad to be free of the "retards". That is, until, on three, seperate, occassions, when soldiers were cut off, and ambushed, it was the Renegades, who had been sent to "open a door", for the soldiers. Soon, when incursions were happening, in non-defined area's, the Pentagon had been surprised when both the army, and the marines, began ASKING for the Renegades to be flankers. This, ofcourse, worried the more "puritan" members, of congress. The members who felt that the military should consist of the nations finest hetero's, ONLY. The very idea, that homosexuals, lesbians, and Latinos, were "representing" America, was totally offensive, to these "puritans". HOW could Washington D.C. continue to justify deportation when Latinos were making real contributions, to America? A nation, founded, and built, by immigrants. As time would progress, not only would the "outcasts" apply to join the Renegades, but, aside from Special Forces, it would seem that the Renegades was, now, a primary goal, for many soldiers. By the time the general earned his third star, he, and his unit, had become about 50/50. 50% "normal", and 50% "unusual". As the general would remind his command. Nothing mattered, except DEVOTION, to the United States. Any soldier, with DEDICATION, of HEART and SOUL, was welcome, in this "oddball" unit. Their exploits would become as legendary as the Devils Brigade, of World War Two. The one thing the Pentagon would come to learn, over the ensuing years, was "Never bet against a soldier, based upon nationality, or gender identity." And the lives, of soldiers, go on...

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