Monday, August 21, 2017


(Authors note: This story dedicated to the memory of Mr. Paul Puckel. The FINEST, and most RESPECTFUL, landlord I have, ever known. May he Rest In Peace.) THE RENEGADES # 3 The general could only conclude that the Pentagon was becoming desperate, for the unit to fail, when the general found himself being assigned to a case, which seemed right out of a classic, horror, story. It would seem that, somewhere, in Europe, someone was taking young girls hostage. The perpetrator was THOUGHT to be a male, since the victims bodies were found to have been sexually molested, numerous times. Other than this, the generals briefing was more like a childrens fairy tale, than a military operation. A story, of a monster, which could, allegedly, draw children away, with sweets, and toys. The reason why the Renegades had been chosen, for the task, of apprehension, was because the United Nations was growing concerned that the criminal was "upping the anty". From what the general was told "Our ambassador has been told that, in the past, when it was young children, who were being taken, there was no evidence, of sexual assault. The children were taken, murdered, then found. Then sexual violation seems to coincide with the fact that the killer has stopped taking children, and is, NOW, taking teens. Average age, 14-16." It was when the general asked "Why isn't Interpol taking command of the investigation?" The briefing officer would SHOW the general the reason. The crime scene photos showed that each victim had suffered massive injury, prior to death. The photos suggested that the criminal had either delighted, in torturing his victims, while raping them, or that the body's had been carved up, after the act. When the general asked "Forensic D.N.A. results?" The briefing officer would say "In-conclusive, so far. No human, or animal, matches. We are dealing with an unknown." The general would say "So, THAT is why you want MY soldiers. Because my units members are "different", from regular soldiers, you either hope we will deal with the problem, or that we will FAIL. The Pentagon would, then, have a reason to give ALL of my soldiers dis-honorable dis-charges." When the briefing officer said nothing, the general would say "Dismissed." While the general knew that his command would do their duty, for God, country, and, especially, for their families, the general just wasn't sure of HOW to explain this case, to his command. Whatever the unknown was, it seemed to enjoy torturing, and killing, its victims. Question number one, however, was "WHY was the killer switching from children, to teens? If the same killer was murdering both children, and teens, WHY did the criminal ONLY molest the teens?" When the general went to brief his officers, the one question, which he had not considered, was raised by one of his female officers. "Sir, you say that, for HOW many years, the killer only stalked, and murdered, children?" The general would say "As far as I know, maybe 30-35 years." When the officer would add "Yet, in none, of the childrens murders, were any of the children sexually molested?" The general would say "Thats what "intelligence" says." The officer would ask "HOW do we know the SAME person is responsible?" When another, male, officer, would ask "What are you saying? That one person began the killing, then someone took over?" The female officer would say "All I am asking is to THINK about it. One M.O., for 30 YEARS, then a change of M.O.?" When the general would ask "Captain, what is your point?" The female captain would say "Sir, would it be possible that ANOTHER criminal, a different criminal, is "hiding" their crimes behind anothers "history"? When a sargeant would say "I suppose you are about to say that the "new" criminal is "honoring" their predicessor, by continuing their crime spree." The female captain would say "Not so much to "honor" a criminal, but to shift the blame. After all, 30 years is a LONG time, for one M.O. What if someone else is hoping that the "former" criminal will "take the fall", for their crimes?" When the general would interrupt, saying "All of this IS rational, yet we have no proof. All we have is theories. For all we know, these COULD be devil worshippers. Either that or psycho's, who get off, on sex, with minors. Maybe they even kill the girls, once they THINK the girls are pregnant." This is when the captain would ask "Ritual murder, due to pregnancy? Why not just shoot, stab, or drown the victims?" An enlisted man would suggest "Maybe, the killer just WANTS us to think it is a fringe group. Throw suspicion OFF of the real killer, by making people THINK that the killer is deranged." The female captain would say "Remember this. For thirty YEARS, the killer only targetted children. Kidnapped them, then killed them. Now, after thirty years, the killer, "suddenly" begins kidnapping teens. Is it REALLY for sex? When the general would ask his officers "How do we "play" this, with so many angles to choose from?" His officers would suggest "We split into sub-units. At each location, we assign one unit, with modern weapons, and back-up units, armed with weapons, of antiquity." When the general would ask "Reason?" The captain would say "To throw the enemy off-guard. If they expect only modern weapons, then all they will look for is modern weapons. If we hit them with what they DONT expect, they will have no defense, in place." As a result, while the general was placing the transport orders, the battallions were re-training, with everything from bow-and-arrow, to cross-bow. Anything, and everything, that a modern enemy would NOT expect. Even as the transports were loading fuel, the general was pleased with the fact that his command was reviewing hand-to-hand combat techniques, as well as weaponry. The four soldiers, whom the general would choose, to lead recon teams, would be those soldiers whose records showed that the soldiers had not only taken Karate, and Judo, but had, in civilian time, attained some of the highest level achievements, in the martial arts. Since these soldiers were Ninja-grade, the general decided to put them out, in front. (No way was the general walking into an ambush, if he could prevent it.) By the time the planes ascended, to the skies, for ANOTHER flight, to Europe, the contents looked half military, and half museum pieces. Since the flight, in the propeller-driven planes, would takes hours longer than modern, jet, aircraft, the teams did all they could, to stay alert. While gambling is, officially, against military regulations, the teams gambled on who would take the most accurate weapons, and who would be left with the less-accurate weapons. (The up, close, and personal, weapons). Since the general wanted as FEW people, as possible, to be aware of the units presence, he had spoken, via telephone, with the commanders, whose nations the convoy would fly over. The request was simple. As often as possible, the U.S. Air Force would fly over as many nations, as possible, under cover of darkness. This way, for an enemy agent to "spot" the planes, the agent would have to be conspicuous enough to use night-vision glasses. When European authorities agreed to these terms, the convoy flew, overhead, as though on a simple supply run, to an American base. It would be between 03:00, and 05:00, when the Renegades un-packed their planes, then watched the planes lift off, just thirty minutes before sun-rise. While the "response" units would "gear up", to begin recon, of the area, the martial arts experts would dress, as though attending local festivals. (Just tourists, out for some fun) As the Renegades proceeded, on their assigned mission, most of the time, the unit found supreme conditons, for avoiding local populations. This included shooting lines, across rivers, in order to cross, without using public roadways, bridges, etc. At night, the unit set out normal patrols, whille resting, for the next days march. The problem, which, soon, became clear, to the general, was what his recon units were discovering, in so many villages. While the general had been assigned to seek out a child murderer, and teen, sexual, abuser, he, never, expected what the units would report. One, recon, officer would report "Sir, in atleast two villages, so far, we have heard stories, of creatures. Creatures, of legend. Some of these creatures consume as much human flesh, as possible, before moving on." Another officer would say "I am hearing stories, of creatures, which capture the young, then, somehow, the creatures change their appearance, so that families will not know. What is baffling, sir, is the idea, that the creatures only kill the young, once families realize that the creatures have been living among them." A third, recon, officer would say "The craziest story I have heard, to date, is one, where the creatures kidnap minors, sexually molest, repeatedly, then cook the minors, once the creatures grow bored with the children." The general KNEW he had to ask the next question: "How much, of what you are hearing, can be confirmed?" His officers just shrugged. When the general would ask "What about the stories, of children, abducted, and murdered, and teens, abducted, molested, then murdered?" His officers would say "Depending upon which village we speak to, it is either one person, or a group. Some say it is a creature. Some say it is a woman, who is using the children as sacrifices, in order to retain her youthful beauty. Some say..." The general would say "I get the picture. Urban legends. Bedtime stories, told so that children will behave." When a female lieutenant would ask "WHY would the Pentagon send our using chasing after fairy tales, and bedtime stories?" The general would say "Simple. While we have had much success, with previous missions, I THINK the idea is that not even WE can catch "the big, bad, wolf", "bigfoot", "the wicked witch, of the north", and so on. After all, how many homes can be built of ginger bread?" A sargeant would ask "A gingerbread house? Who would be stupid enough to build a house out of food?" The lieutenant would say "Thats the point. Fairy tales do not require knowledge of construction. Just like the homes, of the three pigs." The general would say "Exactly. For all we know, we could be in pursuit of Little Red Riding Hood." This is when the lieutenant would say "Sir, PLEASE tell us you are joking." The general would say "Let me check in, with base. I will fill you in, later." A short time later, a sargeant-major would have given the general a secure internet, connection, and the man would receive what he would not have believed. In fact, since the sargeant-major did not believe it, either, she had base re-transmit, twice. Now, while the general knew that the sargeant-major had no less than three, female, lovers, while OFF-duty, the woman was one of the best electronics workers, in the generals command. This is why, even before the general asked, the sargeant-major would say "I'm on it", as she began working with the dubious photo, which command had sent the general. The reason was simple. The general, the captain, two lieutenants, and the sargeant-major, all thought the pciture looked familiar, somehow. The sargeant-major would have to access no less than eight, historical, sites, in order to make sense of the photo. Once she did, however, she prepared a slide-show, for the units officers. When she began with "Here is the man the Pentagon says we are to "take in". If you will notice, various features, of the mans face, and body DO seem familiar. THIS is why" Taking various parts, of the Pentagons picture, and using computer graphics, she matched the various features, of the mans face, with everyone from Adolf Hitler, to Joseph Stalin, Attilla the Hun, Napolean Bonaparte, Vlad Tepes (Dracula), and so on. When the general would ask "What is this all about?" The sargeant-major would say "It seems the Pentagon wants us to hunt down men, who have been dead, atleast 75 years. In some cases, centuries." When a lieutenant would ask "But, why?" A sargeant would say "I think the general is right. We cannot capture, or kill, someone, who is, already, dead." When a captain would ask "What are the odd's, that someone, LIVING, might have the same features, as the dead?" When a lieutenant would ask "Born that way? Odd's are so astronomical that I would not dare try to calculate them." When the captain would ask "I mean, what are the odd's, that someone could have surgery done, to MAKE themselves LOOK like these men?" The sargeant would ask "Who, in their right mind, would WANT to look like one of these men?" The lieutenant would say "Precisely. What if the person we are after is NOT in their right mind?" The captain would suggest "General, if we are, indeed, going after a psycho, then should we not have a psychiatrist, heading this project?" The general would read the orders, to his officers. As silently as possible, you are either to bring in the suspect, or terminate them. The question this left the unit with was "How do we deal with a psychotic?" Rational soldiers were one thing. Dealing with a demented brain? Then the general realized something. To the Pentagon, the generals entire command was "demented". After all, to the military mind, what, sane, man would prefer men to women? For that matter, what, sane, woman, would prefer women to men? What, sane, person, would cross a national border, illegally, just to fit in with another nations inhabitants? It was obvious that the Pentagon had decided that the Renegades were NOT sane. This assignment was meant to PROVE that point. Once the Renegades were "wiped out", the Pentagon could use this to justify "cleansing" the military, of ALL who are "different". This is the moment when the general decided "IF this man, actually, exists, WE take him in, dead or alive." When the captain would ask "If he is just a fairy tale, as well?" The general would say "We document everything, then I RAM it down the Pentagons throat, once we are state-side." What even the Pentagon could not have predicted was what would happen, when a group of supposedly pro-American fighters, got their hands on a shipment, of American arms. Weapons with which the fighters were SUPPOSED to overthrow a dictator, then pledge their allegiance, to the United States. Since ALL, modern, U.S. Air Force, jet freighters are equipped, with video monitoring equipment (in case of problems), the Pentagon would watch, "live", as the shipments, of weapons, were delivered to the rebel fighters. Fighters who, then, used American weapons to kill the air force crew members, who had delivered the supplies. By the time Washington D.C. realized that they had been tricked, into supplying an enemy, and issued the self-destruct orders, the Pentagon would have to tell Washington "Too late. They disabled the self-destructs. Now, they have our weapons, and our planes." From Washington D.C., one member, of Congress, would say a soft "I have letters to write, to the families of those crewmen." When reminded "The Department of Defense has a standard issue Death Notice, for fallen soldiers." The congressman would say "You dont understand. Those kids were from MY district. They ASKED me if their enlistment would make America a safer place to live. **I** encouraged them to enlist. I believed that we could make a difference. Now, if you will excuse me." Three hours later, and half a world away, the Renegades were given new orders. "Since yours is the closest unit, available, we are ordering you to either re-take those arms, recover those bodies, and bring "justice", to those, who have slain American lives." Well, while the general noticed that his command had been relaxing, a bit, once they found out that they had been chasing fairy tales, and dead monsters, the man noticed that, as soon as his command was informed of the executions, the "razors edge" was back, in the units eyes, from the moment the soldiers asked "How soon do we move out?" While the rebel camp was, still, 100 miles away, and with dawn coming, too soon, the general would say "Sack out, and rest up. I will call in transport, for sun-set. We attack at nightfall." The Renegades camp would be full of silent "Let give them HELL" gestures (All in sign language). By 17:00 hours, the Renegades would have been rested, bathed, fed, and were ready to march, when the transports arrived, for the flight. Just as the general had planned, his units would arrive, on target, just after dusk. He did, however, have to issue his units a warning. "It would seem that the rebels were issued night vision gear. This, however, was when Washington D.C. THOUGHT the rebells were on America's side. Be cautious, in your movements. Washington does NOT know if the soldiers have been TRAINED, to use the gear, as yet." When the captain would ask "Sir, what DO we KNOW?" The general would say "That the rebels have atleast three plane loads, of American arms, and equipment. DONT be surprised if they even have American gear." When the sargeant-major would ask "Sir, HOW will we tell our side from theirs?" A lieutenant would say "Simple. General, if we proceed along a straight line, towards the targets, then we just shoot anyone, coming at us." The general would say "Sounds good to me. By the way, I might add. Shoot at anyone, coming AT us, in different uniforms, or even in NO uniforms." While the Renegades, like all, American, soldiers, are skilled, trained, and qualified, in the use, of night vision, Washington D.C., and the general, hoped that the rebels had not yet even un-packed the devices. The hope was that the rebels would concentrate on the weapons. IF everyting worked out, correctly, the American gear would, still, be packaged, when the Renegades came to re-claim American property. What the general, and his officers, found both surprising, and suspicious, was the fact that the supply planes had not even been moved, from the landing field. (Did the rebels have no qualfied pilots, to move the planes, or were the planes traps, waiting for a rescue party?) By the time the general was considering this, three, of his units would say "Ready to drop, sir. We will inform you of what we find." Moments later, three units, of the Renegades, dived on the U.S. freighters. One unit per plane. What surprised the lead lieutenant was the fact that no guards had been posted. Atleast none that were visible. A THOROUGH inspection, of both the aircraft, and the field, showed that this group, of rebels, had not even posted a guard. Amateurish? In fact, via non-vocal typing, the lieuteneant would report "Except for the weapons, and ammunition, EVERYTHING is here". When the main force, of the Renegades, hit the rebels stronghold, the unit had to wonder why Washington D.C. had done business with these people. No guards, no alarms. Nothing, so it seemed. In fact, the only signs, of life, in the complex, were the sounds, from what appearred to be a cantina. When the unit crept up, to the window openings, they saw that the soldiers were drinking to their achievent, in front of the bodies of the slain Americans. The drunken soldiers were, even, cheering on three soldiers, who were raping women, on makeshift tables. It would seem that the soldiers were having a contest. Whether it was for who soldier could rape the women fastest, or who could rape the most women, was un-clear. When the Renegades "broke in", on the "party", the unit had no problem gunning down the drunken soldiers, and only slightly more trouble cutting down the bodies, of the Americans. It was not until the unit was preparing to withdraw, from the complex, with the bodies, that "All hell broke loose". The general was just thankful that these people were rank amateurs. The generals well-trained troops were able to dodge the enemy fire, with ease. (The general made another note, to thank his gunnery sargeants, for training his soldiers, so well.) While the rebels seemed to be shooting, at anything that moved (including shadows), the Renegades focused their fire-power on the heat signatures, of the rebel forces. Still, the general was not about to wait for the rebels fire to improve. Instead, the general left just four soldiers, to guard the bodies, then had his units circle around the rebels flanks. With short bursts, of controlled fire, the Renegades took out the rebels, who had been lying in wait. This is when the complex, suddenly, sprang to light, and a voice called out, to the general "Stupid Americans. Did you, really, think we would let you take our prize?" When the general would say "Why dont you show yourself?" The voice would say "Why should I do that? Your soldiers were nice enough, to rid my ranks, of some fools. Now, you face my FINEST soldiers. You will, neither, survive, nor will you take my trophies (the bodies, of the Americans) away." When the general would ask "How do you intend to prevent our departure?" The voice would say "With a simple snap, of this detonator." (Now, the general realized why the American planes had been left in the airfield. They were booby-trapped) When the voice was heard snapping a detonator switch, several times, then heard to ask "I thought you checked the batteries, this morning?" Another voice would say "I did. Those batteries are brand new" When a shot rang through the night, then the voice said "Another, in-competent, FOOL, rid from my ranks." Then, a moment later, the voice would say "Goodbye, pathetic Americans". followed by silence. When the voice issued a string, of profanities, asking "Why is this THING not working?" Another voice would call, out of the night "Maybe because of this?" Suddenly, another light shined, on what looked like either a scarecrow, or a mannequin. The "dummy" was covered in primer cord, and explosives. (This is when the general KNEW why he had chosen the lesbian, explosives, expert. The woman KNEW what to look for, and how to use it.) This is when a female voice would say "Now, here is our offer. You put your weapons down, and my commander, the unit, and the Americans, whom you executed, leave your place, un-harmed, and un-opposed or..." This is when the male voice would almost shout "I do NOT take orders from WHORES!" The womans voice would say "Suit yourself. Lets show them what we have prepared." A moment later, a building exploded, in a huge fire-ball. When the male voice called out "What was that?" The female voice would call out "Your ammo bunker. Now, the only ammo you have is what is on your persons. Now, what should we take out, next?" When a male voice called "Mess hall." The female would call out "excellent". A moment later, a much small explosion took out another building. When the male voice asked "Alright, whore! What is it you want?" A male voice would call our "Ma'am, for those insults, may I?" When the female would say "Lets show them some manners." A moment later, the front gates, of the complex, were blasted from their frames, and fell aside. The general was pleased when his units did not even wait for the explosion to be finished, before rushing the gates, and beyond. (The general considered giving the explosives expert a big kiss, once the unit was clear of danger. He just wondered if a lesbian would accept a kiss, from a man. Even a kiss, of appreciation.) While the Renegades rushed from the compound, the rebels shot, blind, trying to hit anything they could. The most they did, however, was flesh wound some of the soldiers. What, really, surprised the general was that, as the units reached the make-shift airport, he heard the planes engines coming up, to power. Then the general heard a cocky lieutenant call, over the intercom "Ladies, and gentlemen, Renegades flight number 7 is ready for departure." The general did not know whether the reprimand the man, for his cockiness, or praise him, for making the planes flight worthy. What no one would understand was WHY the rebel leader had his soldiers taking pot-shots, with small arms, at the U.S. Air Force planes, as they passed overhead, on their way out of the danger zone. This, since the whole world KNEW that air force planes are impervious to small arms fire. It was only when, once in flight, and out of danger, that the general approached his explosives expert, asking "Would you be offended if I gave you a kiss?" The woman would say "A kiss, of gratitude, is fine." When the general would ask "What about a kiss, of thanks, for your ingenuity, intelligence, and timely assistance." The woman would say "Since we are, still, on-mission, and thousands of miles, from home base, I doubt anyone will know." The general would say "Point taken." Then he would give the woman a deep kiss. (The entire unit KNEW it was a THANK YOU kiss, not an "I love you" kiss) Back in the states, the Renegades would be welcomed, both by the families, of the slain, and by the congressman. The congressmans only remark was "I hope that, when your nation calls upon your services, again, that your unit will be available." No-sooner had the general said "Ready, willing, and able, to serve our fine nation. Right, people?" The entire unit would call out, in unison "Yes SIR!". Epilogue: While the slain soldiers had not been combat soldiers, their congressman would arrange that, due to being murdered, in the "line of duty", the freighters pilots would receive burial, at Arlington National Cemetary. The congressman even told Capital Hill "**I** will supply the ammo, if thats what it takes, to honor these men, with a 21-gun salute." Mr. Paul Puckel, May God, Allah, Jehovah, etc, watch over your eternal rest.

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