Thursday, August 24, 2017


SLEEPY HOLLOW: WHAT SHERIFF CORBIN KNEW While delving into the mysteries, surrounding the creation, of Department 355 (The Vault), Team Witness would discover some things, about their "old friend", Sheriff August Corbin, which none, including Abigail Mills had known about. Things, which included the fact that August Corbin was NOT the first mortal to seek out the Wiccans, or to ask the covens assistance. As Jennifer Mills joined Alex, and Mr. Wells, in researching the departments past, the group would come to realize that Department 355 was NOT the first depository. It was, in fact, the latest, in a series, of depositories. From what the three team members could fathom, from VERY ancient documents, it would seem that "law enforcement", and the Wiccans, had a relationship, which spanned atleast one thousand years, prior to Columbus sailing for the America's. It would seem that European law enforcement had called upon the covens, for assistance, long BEFORE Interpol had been created. In one, of the oldest, KNOWN, tales, it is recorded that a creature had been terrorizing a village, for an extended time. Just WHAT the creature was, the old records did not say. What the records DID say was that, prior to calling in the Wiccans, the villagers had tried to poison the creature, using every, deadly, poison, THEN known to man. When a few poisons made the creature cough, villagers had TRIED concentrating the potion. The records say that the concentration caused nothing more than for the creature to sit back, rest, and relax. Out of options, and in fear of families lives, the villagers had called upon the Wiccans, for assistance. While history records that the Wiccans DID wear their cloaks, while aiding the villagers, it is thought that this was to identify the Wiccans, from locals. (Sort of like soldiers, wearing uniforms, to distinguish themselves from local populations) As to HOW the Wiccans dealt with the creature, this is not listed, either. All that history says is that locals paid the Wiccans tribute, for their assistance. As Jennifer Mills moved the group back, more towards the 21st century, Jennifer glanced the names, of various law-men, throughout the centuries, who had sought the Wiccans "special help". Now, Jennifer Mills came to understand HOW, and WHY, August Corbin had sought out the covens. The Wiccans had a "history", with law enforcement. A history which was, not always, pretty. In one example, after a sister, of the Wiccan order, had aided a sheriff, the man had put a knife, to the womans throat, ordering her to teach him what she knew. Since she realized how "dark" his heart really was, she told the man that teaching would be impossible. In another, even whackier, example, when a Wiccan aided a law enforcer, the man, then, tied the Wiccan up, and issued an ultimatum. The "witch" would be "released" only AFTER she agreed not just to marry him, and produce "witch-children", by him. Once the childrens "powers" were under the mans control, then the woman would be released. Until, and unless, the Wiccans agreed, the woman would receive neither food, nor water. The man was even foolish enough to think that the Wiccans would fall for regular hunting traps. What he did not find out, until too late, was that the Wiccans did not need to stage a "frontal attack". Using a dimensional portal, the coven rescued its member, even as the man was setting his trap. It was not until AFTER the trap was set that the man saw not only the coven, standing before him, but his hostage, as well. Now, however, the woman was free. With a concentration, of telepathic power, it is thought that the Wiccans sent the man to Hades. After that, a storm was sent, to wash away his property. Jennifer Mills understood the reason why August Corbin had studied such matters, with such interest. The modern law man not only could not believe that previous law-men had done such things, but behind the badge, as well. It seems that August Corbin wanted to understand what had diven the men, so as to AVOID their fate, himself. This is yet ANOTHER reason why Sheriff Corbin had NOT informed Abby about what he had found. He wanted to be certain that his protege was safe, even from law enforcement. This is why August Corbin had gone to the covens, himself, trying to understand what had happened, and how to AVOID the previous mens fate. According to Corbins own notes, the coven promised him that his fate would NOT be the same as the less-than-gentlemen. Corbins fate would be much "better". (They just never mentioned HOW) It would seem, however, that August Corbin DID make a point of knowing which covens were operating in the general area, of Sleepy Hollow. Both the Wiccans, and the dark witches. The dark covens, the sheriff monitored, in case they started un-explainable trouble. If they did things, like conjuring demons, Sheriff Corbin wanted to be right on top of the case. The sheriff wanted to know the reasons, for the conjuring, as well as WHAT was being conjured. While Sheriff Corbin had been instrumental, in halting "attacks", but atleast three, dark, witches, the covens had the mortal agree to allow the covens to see to the puishment, of the accused. After all, what use would a life sentence, of 50-100 years, in prison, be, if a person could live up to 1,000 years? Sheriff Corbin had made a note, saying "While I have HEARD that there are Wiccans, of 700 years of age, and that these people, like Yoda, of Star Wars, spend their lives training young members, I have yet to SEE, or MEET, with one of their elders." "I think that the eldest Wiccan, I have met, is, proobably, only 95 years old. Do not be deceived, by her age. This woman, though not "formally" educated, by OUR "standards", is just as intelligent as any college graduate." Sheriff Corbin would, then go on to note some of the bizzarre incidents, which happened, around Sleepy Hollow, during his time, as sheriff. While local churches were more than willing to blame Devil Worshippers, demons, and so on, both for the disappearances, of children (especially young girls), and for the mutilation, of livestock, The sheriff had been amazed to learn that Devil Worshippers (and even some Christians) stayed CLEAR, of Sleepy Hollow, and for the same reason. Neither side knew what the covens were capable of, should anyone intrude on their territory. Only the dark, and light, covens, practiced, near Sleepy Hollow. As for Abigail Mills, August Corbin knew that, eventually, he would have to tell the young woman what life had in store, for her. He just did not know HOW to explain that Abby would spend the rest of her days, hunting down demons, and cursing dark witches, back to the depths, from which the creatures emminated. What Sheriff Corbin DID know was that a creature had received an un-deserved "rap", in regrards to slayings, and disappearances. Sure, even Sheriff Corbin knew that children vanish, regularly (normally due to family disagreements), what had surprised the sheriff was how QUICKLY that locals had decided that it MUST be the same thing, which kidnapped their children, which was mutilating live-stock. Now, being a law enforcer, Sheriff Corbin knew better than to just jump to such conclusions. The sheriff had SEEN cases where, when the WRONG party, was accused, of a crime, the real criminal had escaped, waited until the innocent was executed/murdered, then resumed their crime spree. In Sleepy Hollow, while ranchers, and parents, reported finding claw marks, at each crime scene, Sheriff Corbin had dismissed several, of these, as evidence, after renting some contractor tools, from the local hardware store. During a public demonstration, of how the tools COULD leave marks, identical to those, found on homes, and locals asked "Are we looking for psycho's, or demons?" Sheriff Corbin had no easy answer. In fact, the man had NO answers, until he sought out the coven. Even before the sheriff made his request, the high priestess would say "You are correct in assuming that two are involved. One, demonic. One evil." When Sheriff Corbin would say "I can understand WHY any creature would kill, for food. WHY take the children, though?" A sister would say "The dark ones have taken the children. They hold the children so that the creature may "feast", on the childrens life energy, when not out, on the hunt." When the sheriff would ask "Where are they holding the children. I can have a warrant, within the hour." The high priestess would say "Although educated, you are a fool." When Sheriff Corbin had looked upon the sisterhood, the high priestess would say "The children are NOT in this realm, of yours. Your badge, and your laws, are not binding, where the children are." When Sheriff Corbin had asked "HOW do I get the children back, then?" Another sister would say "IF you can defeat the creature, the children will be released." When Corbin would ask "HOW do I defeat the creature?" The coven had said "With our assistance." While Sheriff Corbin knew that the concept was little more than a classic trap, he just hoped that the trap would work. Once the trap was baited, all anyone could do was watch, and wait, until the creature came into the trap. Sheriff Corbin had followed the Wiccans instructions, making certain that his cruiser was "covered", in as much of the scent, as possible. When the creature entered the cruiser, the sheriff KNEW he had the creature, when a flash of light, consumed the creature, and the police car began rocking, and rolling, as though a gang was having a fist-fight, inside. This meant that the creature was, temporarily, contained, within the frame of the car. Sheriff Corbins PLAN had been to drive onto a bridge, jump from the car, and let the call fall into the river. He would, then, call in, saying that the car just went crazy. (Probably a mechanical glitch). While this had been the PLAN, Sheriff Corbin would find that he needed no such plan, by the time he reached the bridge. Not only did another police cruiser witness the car acting eradically, but the officer swore, under oath, as did the sheriff, that the sheriff had been thrown/tossed, from his own car, hard enough to break a couple of ribs, before the out-of-control car took a dive, from the bridge, and landed in the river. When the patrolman asked the injured sheriff "Did you see that?", Sheriff Corbin would ask "See what? That my cars electronics went haywire, and I had to bail out, to save my own hide?" When the patrolman would say "Sir, I SAW you thrown from your car." All that Sheriff Corbin had said was "Really? Is that what you are going to report?" When the patrolman would say "Its the truth." Sheriff Corbin would ask "Who will believe that story?" The officer understood. He decided to back the sheriff's story. Freak, electrical, short circuit, loss of control. Had to bail out, or take a swim. By the time the cruiser would be towed, from the river, and the mayors office was presented, with a repair bill, the mayors office agreed with the mechanic, and the sheriff. A replacement cruiser would cost LESS than rebuilding the old unit. As for the abducted children, the Wiccans did as they had promised. At the very moment, when the creature was destroyed, and the dark coven was contemplating their next move, the Wiccans had "stolen" their way, into the dark ones compound, and whisked the children away, and to safety. And this was just one time, which Sheriff Corbin had called upon Wiccan assistance. While Sheriff Corbin KNEW that "dark days" lay ahead, he just could, never, figure out HOW to inform Abby. That is, not without sounding like a "nut-case". HOW could the man explain, to his protege, that, one day, she would come to lead a fight, with the forces of evil? Especially not without revealing that he had gone to the "witches", and ASKED to be shown the future. A future which remained YEARS away. More importantly, HOW could he explain HOW, and WHEN, Abby would meet Ichabod Crane? Corbin had been shown the magic spell being broken, and Ichabod Crane being released, from his slumber. While August Corbin had, once, used the excuse, of searching for other run-aways, to canvass the area, from the vision, Corbin decided to say NOTHING, even when he found the "marked" entrance, to Cranes burial chamber. Instead, the sheriff did his duty, and continued searching for the run-aways. While the search DID lead the sheriff, and his deputies, to the girls, and their brother, the only part, of the childrens story, that August Corbin would NOT believe was the part about the girls father sexually-molesting them. Corbin knew, for a FACT, having grown up, with the childrens father, that, even as a student, in school, the man had a violent temper, and, regularly, beat on class-mates, who would not bow to him. In fact, while Corbin, and the rest of the communities, young, people, were in high school, playing sports, and "fooling around", the young man, who had fathered the run-aways, had spent his teenage years in juvenile prison. The reason was simple. Upon entering high school, the young man had been assigned to a strict disciplinarian, of a teacher. When the teacher tried to impose "discipline", claiming that faculty was "in charge", of the high school, the young man had beaten the teacher, into submission, before security arrived. The young man had, initially, been sentenced, to only two years, in prison, however, after beating two guards, senseless, for ordering him about, he had served his sentence, until he was twenty-one. The thing, which August Corbin had been so opposed to, was the fact that a girl, with a "Florence Nightingale" complex, had taken pitty, on the man, and agreed to be his wife. (The woman had been stupid enough to think that marriage would settle the mans violent ways.) During the following years, and while August Corbin took his police training, and became a deputy, there were MANY calls, to the family home. The children, who would, later, turn run-away, would endure harsh beatings, anytime their father was at all un-happy. This is why, when the police located the children, Sheriff August Corbin KNEW that the children spoke the truth, about the beatings. No matter how much their mother denied it, the evidence was plain, on the childrens bodies. While August Corbin had been prepared to plead, with the childrens mother, to press charges, against her husband, for beating the children, August Corbin felt as if the "god's" had smiled, on his town when, as the man showed up, to "claim" his children, instead of happy embraces, the man drew a well-known club from his car. As soon as the man grabbed one of his children, saying "You little brat", then began beating on the child, August Corbin had looked at the sky, whispered "Thank You, God", then joined his deputies, in pointing his revolver at the man, saying "Drop the weapon. Down on the ground". (August Corbin had not been thanking god for the children being beaten. Corbin was thankful that the man had decided to beat his children, in front of police officers. NOW, a conviction would be EASY, to come by (even without the wifes permission)) August Corbin was delighted, when the man resisted arrest, as well, since this just added MORE charges, to the docket. The mans "reign of terror" would end when, just two months later, a federal judge ruled the man a "Menace to Society", and ordered Life Imprisonment. August Corbin did ponder, if he should tell Abby what he had found. Then, there was the problem, of Jennifer Mills. A girl, so proud, that she stuck to the TRUTH, no matter how much drugs psychiatrists pumped into her body. Doctors who insisted that "monsters" could NOT exist, since science REFUSED to recognize the existance, of the supernatural. Young and Beautiful, Jennifer Mills. A girl, with such spirit, that August Corbin sent her around the world, looking for clues, to back up, what he would, eventually, have to tell Abby. And just as August Corbin had hoped, Jennifer Mills had learned skills, along the way. Skills, which the Wiccans had SHOWN Corbin that Jennifer Mills would need, when the REAL "battle" heated up. Sure, there were times, when Jennifer got into "scrapes", in which Corbin could not intercede. Times when Jennifer was locked away, for her beliefs, and committment to same. Since the Mills sisters had been under the foster care system, since childhood, there had been very little that Corbin could do, except watch, from a distance. As Corbin would rationalize it: "NOT stalking the girls. Watch over, and protecting, as well as possible." Thankfully, once the girls reached adulthood, Corbin could become more actively involved, in their lives. Corbin KNEW how much Abby would need, in her coming role, as a witness. Things, which only the powerfully independent Jennifer Mills could locate. In the meanwhile, all August Corbin could do was watch over his town, arrest the worst criminals, and send pranksters home, to parents. While the Wiccans had shown August Corbin just how MANY would die, once the horseman was awakened, when Corbin suggested warning the victims, the Wiccans had cautioned "Just as KNOWLEDGE is TRUE power, so fate must run its course. For every life you attempt to save another life MUST be sacrificed." When Corbin had asked "WHY?" The Wiccans would say "Life is about balance. Even the balance, between good and evil. If we attempt to adjust that balance, towards the positive, the universe will, simply, reset the scales. For every life saved, ANOTHER will be lost. This is the way, of life. A way we must honor." While August Corbin did not agree with this, he respected the wisdom, of the coven. After all, the coven had a LONGER history, and MORE wisdom, than either the United States, or the thirteen colonies, put together. Wicca was eternal. Ever-growing. Ever-learning. Still, the lessons, learned, from Wicca, aided the sheriff, when he had, finally, faced the horseman of death. One of his final thoughts, on the day, leading, to his death, was the thought of "I KNOW that Abby's time is coming, soon. If I only had another week, even another day, I could prepare her for what is to come. All I need is time." Tragically, when he faced the horseman, he KNEW the time would, never, come. His life was at an end. Now, it would be left to Jennifer, and the British man, who was about to appear, to guide Abby towards her destiny. August Corbin knew that the Wiccans were right. Weapons were not real power. KNOWLEDGE was REAL POWER. Those, who controlled KNOWLEDGE were the true power, in this world. If only there had been TIME, to share this, with Abby. If only...

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