Friday, August 11, 2017


THE RENEGADES #2 The FIRST rule, of an American soldier, is dedication to duty. NOTHING else, including national origin, nor sexual preference, takes higher priority, in a persons life, then one is a dedicated, American, soldier. This would, never, be more proven than during "Operation: Baseball Bat". As to whom could be blamed, for such an operational term, even the units commanding general had no clue. In his OWN briefing, the general would be informed "Our sources, inside Cuba, are sending intell, that ballistic missile components are being assembled, inside Cuba. IF intell is correct, the missiles are being targetted at the southern United States." When the general would suggest "There are assets, such as Special Forces, and Black Ops personnel, already on station, at Gitmo. Why not just use these soldiers?" The briefing leader would say "The problem is, not only does the world KNOW that Guantanimo Bay is a center, for torture. The world, also, has assigned various, covert, units, to watch over the base, and ensure that American brutality remains confined within Gitmo's walls." The leader would add "In short, when American forces depart Gitmo, even to go shopping, their every move is monitored. Maybe not by the Soviets, anymore, but by various member states, of the United Nations." The general would say "That is why you want my command. Since no one, officially, wants any part of us, no one cares what we do, or where we go". The briefing leader would say "Un-fortunately, that about sums it up. The orders are simple. Go in, record any evidence, collect any fissionable materials, then report back to base." When the general would ask "How soon do you expect my command to depart?" The briefing leader would ask "How soon CAN your command be ready?" The one thing an American soldiers family must learn to live with is the un-certainty, of the next call to duty. A call which may come, day or night. Even during romantic dinners, dates, and even hobby time. When the call is sounded, soldiers drop whatever they are doing, to answer the call. For both Lieutenant Sally Rogers, and Sargeant Kieth O'Brien, this meant leaving lovers halfway into seduction. When Sally's lover would, annoyingly, ask "Do you HAVE to go, right NOW? Sally would tell her lover "Duty calls". At about the same time, yet at a different location, Kieth O'Brien would be dressing, as his lover would ask "Do I mean so little, to you, that you walk out, in the middle?" When Kieth would say "Call of duty". His lover would say "If you walk out that door..." and Kieth was gone. While Kieth hated the idea, he phoned Sargeant Caroline Anderson, asking "Are you at that restaurant that I recommended?" When Caroline Anderson would say "Just collecting my stuff", Kieth would ask "Would you mind picking me up, on your way to the base?" Caroline would say "Small favor, to ask, in return for suggesting this restaurant." Soon, Sally would be driving, alone, towards the units base, while Caroline, who had stopped, to collect Kieth, was driving almost 20 miles over the speed limit. Latino Lydia Thomas was having the WORST time, of all. Since the Latina held the hope that, one day, she MIGHT become the pilot of either an F-35, or an Apache Attack Helicopter, Lydia had been taking flying lessons, during off-duty time. In fact, Lydia was on her final, training flight, prior to going "solo", when the call came. Lydia's instructor cringed, when Lydia had said "Sorry, sir. Change of plans." When her instructor noticed that Lydia was approaching restricted, military, air space, he reminded Lydia "You know, since 9/11, aircraft CAN be shot down, without warning." Lydia would say "I know", then, as the helicopter passed over federal property, and the warning was issued, Lydia would counter with: "This is Sargeant Lydia Thomas, United States Army unit, Renegades. Authorization..." then "Requesting landing clearance, for civilian helicopter". After a moment, of silence, the response came "Sargeant Lydia Thomas, you are clear for secure pad 3. Any deviation, from this course, and your aircraft WILL be shot down." After Lydia would say "Roger that, Pad 3", Lydia would look at her instructor, saying "Do NOT attempt to exit the helicopter, once we land. After I step out, WAIT until the tower calls "Civilian helicopter, you are cleared for take off." Do NOTHING until then, understood?" The instructor just crossed himself. At the main base gate, Sally, who had been closer, to the base, because of her date, had arrived prior to even Carolines sports car. To the annoyance, of both Kieth, and Caroline, the gate guard took his time, checking their I.D.'s. Caroline would only smile, when Kieth commented "We could have sex, in the time that guy is taking, to verify us." Once cleared, through security, however, all three soldiers watched as the civilian helicopter approached the landing pad. When Kieth asked "Does that pilot have a death wish?" Saly would remind her fellow soldier "That would be Lydia, at the controls. Remember. She's working on her pilots license." While the flight instructor was shaken when, upon touch down, the helicopter was surrounded, by armed soldiers, all pointing automatic weapons at the helicopter, once Lydia stepped, from the helicopter, and preesented her I.D., to the squad commander, Lydia was shown through, to the command center. In the locker room, and while changing into military uniforms, Sally, and Kieth, would share their dating horror stories. Sally would say "Its so annoying. I mean. I pick up this woman, in a bar. I TELL her that I am a soldier. I even show her my I.D.. Yet, what does she do, when the call comes?" Kieth woulld say "Let me guess. Your date asks "Cant it wait?"" Sally would ask "Did your woman tell you "If you walk out that door, dont bother coming back?"" Kieth would smile as he said "I know. Its like we were dumping our dates, on a whim." In the briefing, the units officers noticed that the very first thing the general would do was to say "I apologize, for ruining your evening off. The problem is, there is something going on, in Cuba, and the Pentagon wants our unit to find out WHAT IS going on." When Sally would ask "What are we to verify, sir?" The general would say "The possible presense of, construction, and preparation, of ballistic missiles. Missiles capable of carrying nuclear payloads, as far north as the southern United States". When Lydia would ask "How much, potential, yield?" The general would say "Unknown. This is why the orders are for a silent incursion. We are to document everything, and remove as much, if any, fissionable material, as possible. We are, then, to egress as silently as possible." When Manuel would ask "How many guards are at the target?" The general would say "That is another question we are to answer." When Caroline would ask "Do we know the lay-out, of the grounds?" The general would say "We THINK we have a pretty good lay-out. This from old land records, stored at government offices. Mostly survey records." When Kieth would ask "How OLD are the records?" The general would say "Anywhere from 75, to 200, years old." This is when Lydia would ask Manuel "Do you think that Pablo might assist us, again?" Manuel would say "Sorry. Neither Pablo, nor any of my village, goes NEAR Gitmo. We stay as far, from the torture as possible. I doubt Pablo would do this, even for vast amounts, of money." When the general would ask "Would Pablo do this, if it prevented his country from being counter-attacked, by the retaliation, of Washington D.C., over American cities being attacked?" Manuel would say "Allow me to ask Pablo. Prehaps there is a way." While Pablo would, soon, report, that Gitmo was surrounded, by so many guards, that natives could not get within MILES, of the place, Pablo would present his cousin with a proposed trade. "Manuel, if you can secure safe passage, for my family, to America, then I will try to gain the information, which you seek." While even the general would know, and understand, how Pablo's information had aided the unit, in the past, the general KNEW that the army held very little, if ANY, sway, with the I.N.S.. The question was "What if Pablo's information was BETTER than the Pentagons?" What if Pablo's information SAVED lives? Especially American lives?" Wouldn't this information be worth atleast a REVIEW, of a citizenship application?" While the general KNEW that he had no LEGAL authority, he agreed to make certain that the applications reached the I.N.S.. Even if the general had to deliver the documents, himself. What impressed not only the general, but the entire command, was how ingenious Pablo could be. Using an imaginary code name, and promising payment, in American dollars, Pablo encouraged a local crop-duster, who was dusting fields, near the compound, in question, to make WIDER turns, on each run, over the field. Pablo knew that crop dusters were just as common, especially by day, as prop-driven freight planes, by night. Unless the crop duster directly attacked the compound, pilot, and passenger, would be safe. When the Renegades received Pablo's photos, of the compound, and the unit was impressed, by the quality, of the daylight photography, the general would inform Manuel "Have Pablo send his families applications DIRECTLY to MY inbox. I will deliver their application, PERSONNALLY, to I.N.S.". Yes, the Renegades were impressed, with Pablo's work. The Latino had managed not only to photograph details, of the compound, but the man had included photos, of many of the guards FACES. Talk about intell. Pablo had EARNED a front place, in the line, at the immigration office. The Renegades, also, learned just how "out of date" their own information was. Thanks to a brave Latino, the teams could plan their "attack", with total precision. Now, sure, in action/adventure movies, soldiers enjoy blowing things up, and making all kinds of noise. What REAL soldiers know is that NOISE is a soldiers worst enemy. This is why, as the general was arranging transportation, for his teams, the Renegades would be practicing "silent but deadly" exercises, including killing enemy soldiers, either with knives, or wire. While aerial photography did not SHOW any walls, to be climbed, the general was taking no chances. Then, there were the KNOWN hazzards. The mine fields, some of which were left over, from the last, American, invasion. Then would come the trip-wires. Somehow, the Pentagon expected this command to make its way, into an enemy position, find as much intell as possible, pack up any documentation, AND bag up who knows how much fissionable material. The unit was, then, to DRAG this material, out of an enemy position, and await extraction. All while being as quiet as church mice. Lieutenant Commander Ann Davidson would be the one to comment "Why dont they just ask us to tie the Queen Elizabeth to our backs, and haul the ocean liner to the coast?" The reason why Ann Davidson had been on the General Discharge list was due to the fact that, during her OFF-duty hours, the young woman was bi-sexual. Since the Pentagon felt that being "BI", was just as "dangerous" as being an open lesbian, the lieutenant commander had been awaiting her discharge papers, when the general found her. Sure, Ann Davidson was bi-sexual, but what the general looked at, in her file, was a dedicated, munitions, specialist. A soldier, who could look at a target, and KNOW how much explosive to use. A soldier, who was able to improvise, "on the fly", using anything she could find, to accomplish her assignment. To the general, this woman was a modern day MacGyver. Even the staff, who had trained her, knew that Ann Davidson had a real "talent", with explosives. THIS is why the general had offered the Lieutenant Commander a chance to continue her military career. The general could not care, less, what the woman did, during her own time. The general wanted the best explosives people he could find. As far as the general was concerned, a person could be Pro-Life, Devil-Worshipper, anything (other than a child molester), and the general would "look the other way". The general wanted the best SOLDIERS the nation could provide. By the time of Operation: Baseball Bat, the general had 1,000 soldiers, all training their hearts out, for their country, and their families. While the units prepared for the incursion, the general was more than happy, when the only transport, that the Pentagon would provide, for the Renegades, was the old, propeller-driven planes, left over from World War Two. The very planes, which the general had HOPED for. Still, it should NOT be inferred that the general rested, in America, while his teams were in the field. No, just like generals Bradley, Patton, Schwarkoff, Powel, and others, this general was a combat veteran, and combat leader. He sent NO soldiers out on tasks, which he would not take on, himself. What the world would, NEVER, be told was that, in private, the Pentagon held the secret hope, that the "freaks" would be wiped out, in combat. If this happened, there would be far less pressure, on the Pentagon, for General Discharges, for these "odd-balls". The main reason why the Renegades knew when the departure would happen would be when a night, of heavy over-cast, and possible thunderstorms, was predicted. While this would be terrible weather, for outdoor activities, it was excellent weather, for covert ops. This is why, while most soldiers would be enjoying INDOOR sports, the Renegades would be loading up, their planes, and preparing for the flight, to South America. Since the planes pilots were skilled aviators, the men knew how to "read" the sky, and how to find the least volatile air space. Still, since most of the command was ground-based forces, the soldiers did their best to hold stomaches, while the planes flew clear of the storms. The Renegades luck only improved when, over the Gulf of Mexico, the thunderstorm cleared, yet the overcast remained. To any ground observers, the planes would be nothing more than black silhouettes, against a black background. It would not be until a new recruit, another Latino, named Antonio, would look out of one, of the planes windows, only to see pure black, that the young man would say "What a shame. I was hoping to catch a glimpse, of Castillo Terrio. Maybe next time." Sure, the Renegades knew about Castillo Terrio. If the Spanish-to-English translation were correct, the Castillo Terrio was the Spanish version of Guantanimo Bay. Literally, the Castle of Terror. While, for most, of the flight, the soldiers either rested, or spoke of leaving family, friends, or lovers, for the call of duty, as soon as the intercom held the generals voice, saying "Silence", all conversation ended. From this point, until back over international waters, ALL commands would use sign language, only. It was only at the moment, when the planes rear hatch opened, showing nothing but black, beyond, that Corporal Amy Walters would remember her first parachute jump. Her jump master, a gunnery-sargeant, near retirement, himself, had seen the fear, in the young womans eyes, as she prepared for her first, jump. When the corporal had said "I'm sorry, sargeant, but I just cant do it. I'm afraid of heights. Thats why I joined the army. To stay on the ground." The gunnery-sargeant had, then told the corporal "Dont tell anyone I told you this, but I HATE parachutting as well." When the corporal had asked "You?" The gunnery sargeant had said "Jumping out of a perfectly good airplane is not a natural act. Now, lets get it over with, and get back on the ground. By the way, I hear that the view is great, around here. If you see any good restaurants, make sure you tell me, when we land." Now, in the hold, of the freight plane, the corporal smiled as she realized that the gunnery sargeant had been right. The sooner a jump is started, the sooner it is over with. She did not know why, but, on the way to the ground, the corporal had the idea that, WHEN the unit returned to the states, she thought of asking Manuels parents for some REAL, South American, food. Thanks to modern day parachutes, the unit landed within 1,000 feet of one another. The unit was, also, thankful for the fact that the Pentagon would only provide World War Two vintage transportation. These vehicles might not be confortable, but they did "blend in", perfectly, with the general area. The problem was that the general had wanted to land by 19:00 hours (7 P.M., for civilians). When the general looked at his watch, and saw it was 21:00 hours (9 P.M., for civilians), the general knew that his command would have to work, even faster, to be finished, by sun-rise. If the incursion were to take place, at 23:00, these trucks had to "put the pedal to the metal". The general DID have to admit that the "rebels" were most ingenious. After all, WHO would THINK of looking for an enemy base, right on the front steps, of an American base? It would be 23:30 before the units made their way, to the base. Once at the perimeter, the unit would take another 30 minutes, finding a safe route, through the obstacles. Recon would state admiration, for the persons, who laid out these defenses. They had done a good job. While the Renegades had sliced the throats, quickly, cleanly, and quietly, of seven, foot patrol guards, while other soldiers "took out" the guards, in the make-shift towers, what amazed, and annoyed, the Renegades, was what they found, once their lock-pickers "took out" the pad locks, on the warehouse doors. What the Renegades would find was nothing more than empty hulks. "props", designed to resemble ballistic missiles. When the general signed "double check everything", his soldiers went about their duty, even as the general wondered "Why bother building a mock up? What was the point?" When Sally Rogers found what she THOUGHT was a barracks, and slipped inside, she thought she heard English being spoken. But how? Without accents? When Sally Rogers risked whispering "United States Army", the male voice replied "United States Air Force. Where did you come from?" When Sally Rogers would ask "Unit?" The male would whisper "Captain Phillip Morris. 22nd Stealth Bomber Group, out of Arizona. WHO are YOU?" Sally Rogers would say "Lieutenant Sally Rogers, United States Army, Renegades Battallion." A few moments later, the general would enter the quarters, whispering "Captain Morris? I thought you were assigned to the Middle East." When the captain went to explain, a voice, in the generals ear would say "Silence is golden." When Lieutenant Commander Ann Davidson joined the group, the general was impressed that the explosives expert did not have to use demolitions, to open the cells. What shocked Caroline Anderson, when she picked the lock, to what comand had said would be a rations store-room (Maybe a munitions locker), was what she found, inside this store-room. While the Renegades had been told to expect to find weapons-grade Uranium, and other, fissionable, materials, what command had, never, mentioned was what the unit actually found. Namely, enough weapons, and ammution, to hold off an attack, for months. Maybe years. This while, in ANOTHER warehouse, where Manuel expected to find prisoners, the unit found enough rations, to feed an army, for years. It was not until Sargeant Pete Withers decided to grab a pack, and open it up, that Manuel would sign "If you are alive, after you eat that, let me know. I have wanted a taste, for years." When Pete Withers signed "What are you talking about? These are U.S. surplus. Best rations, in the world." Manuel would sign "Unless injected with poison." Manuel would, then show the sargeant the "tamper-evident" seals, on the packages. The inner seals, which would be one color, when sealed, would change color, once opened. The rations, in this warehouse, had been opened, then re-sealed. WHAT had been added is anyones guess. That is, until Manuel, and Pete, slipped up, to a guard shack, where some off-duty personnel were relaxing. After the Americans listened, as a container was opened, followed, soon, by choking sounds, the remaining guard would pick up the package, saying "You FOOL! You took this from the warehouse. This shipment was due to be sent to Edwards Air Force Base." As the other soldier choked, to death, his partner would say "That is what you get, for NOT following orders. Say hello, to the Holy Father, for me." even as the soldier dropped dead. Manuel, and Pete, listened, as the guard called forth soldiers, to dispose of the body. When the disposal unit asked "What happened?" the soldier would say "This fool broke into the shipment, bound for America." When another voice asked "You mean the poisoned rations?" The guard would say "Yes, that glutton took some, for dinner." When the other voice asked "What do we tell the commandant? How will we explain the missing rations?" The guard would say "Simple, I substitute some NON-lethal rations, and we kill another American, with the next shipment." While Sally Rogers contemplated the fact that the Pentagon was buying rations, from a third world supplier, which was poisoning rations, she, and the general, were considering WHAT they should do, about this stock-pile, of arms. This stuff might not be nuclear, but it could do even MORE damage, in the wrong hands. Lieutenant Commander Ann Davidson had a very simple solution, to this problem. By 03:00, Ann Davidson had rigged up a device, which would have made MacGyver proud. Using the enemies own explosives, and detonators, she rigged up a device, for which the general would put her in for commendation. While the Renegades had freed both the regular army, and air force, prisoners, then sent locals off, into hiding, the Renegades would make their way, to the "air-strip", where their transports would land. What the Pentagon would have wished had not happened was that, once the air force "heard" that an incursion was "in progress", they decided to "take a look". This is why, shortly after the third air freight plane, in the Renegade convoy, was taken out, by a heat-seeker missile, an air force F-35 would report "Freak fire in missile control. Missile is HOT, and away." Seconds after this transmission, the source, of the heat seeker missile, became a momentary flash of light. As if sent, from Heaven, above, not only would the remainder, of the Renegades transports make a crude landing, on the "air-strip", but two, additional, freighters would join in, "out of the dark." The time when Ann Davidson knew she had done her job, correctly, was when a massive explosion lit up the night sky, nearby. Stupid fools! They did not even THINK to check, for traps, once they saw the planes coming in. Their commanders must have been in such a hurry, to "take down the American pigs", that the soldiers disregarded proper procedure. The soldiers must have charged into warehouses, without bothering to check for trip wires. Ann Davidson had, even, been clever enough to set delayed action, to the timers. This way, the maximum, number, of soldiers, would be inside the warehouses, grabbing muntions, when the explosives went off. Destroyed by their own munitions. How much more poetic could it be? While the U.S. Air Force planes did take some small-arms fire, especially on take-off, it was nothing critical. Nothing the aged planes could not handle. What made the Renegades smile, was how, once over international waters, when the pilots broke radio silence, with the Renegades pilots saying "Thanks for the assist", to the air force pilots, the air force would reply "Any time." then add "Why should we let YOU have all the "fun"?" Next stop, home base, hot showers, breakfast, then some rack time. All part of the normal work-day, for a soldier, of the United States Army.

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