Wednesday, August 16, 2017


****This story, LOVINGLY, DEDICATED to **** ****the memory of my DEARLY**** **** BELOVED SISTER, DOROTHY JANE**** ****(HINDERLITER) BROOKS**** You will be in my HEART, and SOUL, ALWAYS! THE HAUNTING PAST: MYSTERY OF THE STAR LITE (While cruising away, from what remained, of Peoria Illinois, I had hoped that I was putting that memory away, for good, our next case, however, proved just how WRONG even I could be.) Well, if I thought that Ghost Ship Two's cruise, towards the Atlantic Ocean, meant that I had placed Peoria Illinois, firmly, in my "rear view", boy, was I in for a surprise. According to the latest file download, from Mr. Brown, it would seem that a European church-yard (cemetary, to Americans), was having an un-explained increase, in spirit activity. According to the file, it would seem that, for more than 700 years, the church-yard had been at peace. Now, for some reason, something was upsetting the resident spirits. The Brown Agency was being asked for a discreet investigation. This is what Tami and I learned, as we opened the file, at our work-stations. Tami would be first to notice the very first thing, which struck us as "odd". This was the fact that every person, buried, in this church-yard, was titled. Lords, Ladies, Dukes, Duchesses, and so on. (I have no doubt that there were some kings, and queens, in "residence", as well.) Tami, immediately, noted "There is not one grave, listed, which is not primary royalty." When I asked "Significance?" Tami would say "Just LOOK at the compiled list, of "residents". No princes, princesses. Not even the names, of the builders, or the grave-diggers. Only primary royalty." When I would suggest "Seems as exclusive as any, American, country club." Tami would ask "A country club, for the deceased?" I would suggest "I will bet that, when we arrive, we will find carved, marble, tombs. Probably in-laid, with gold, and rare jewels." After going over the list, of "residents", I would call up a geographical map, of the area. Just as I thought. Until World War Two, the church-yard had been surrounded by wilderness. No towns, or private residences, for miles around. Just peace and quite, for the deceased. Pre-World War Two maps showed the church-yard surrounded by a forest of tall, old growth, tree's, as well as what LOOKED like planting beds, of ornamental flowers. The people, buried here, were neither the European version of the Smith's, nor the Joneses. While the geologic report stated that there were no "exotic", or "unusual" elements, present, about the only "change", to the land, in centuries, was that, after World War Two, veterans returned home, and needed housing, followed by communities, for coming families. While Tami and I agreed that residential, and commercial, development, DID tend to anger the deceased, what puzzled us was that the reports had not started just after the war. If the file were accurate, the problem did not begin until about five years ago. Decades after the forest was cleared, and people began living within sight of the church-yard. This left the question of "If World War Two, and post-war development, had not "roused" the spirits, then WHAT had?" Tami would mention "It seems I have my work cut out, for me." I would remind my partner "Atleast your grades, in grade school, English, class, were better than mine. My part, of this assignment will, probably, take three times longer than yours, simply due to my lack of grasp of English." Tami would say "Lets hope not. On our last trip, some groups would not even SPEAK to me, until I was dressed as conservatively as the period of post World War One." As G.S. 2 approached England, the Royal Air Force sent up two, of its F-35's, to watch-dog us. (The F-35 being the Lockheed-Martin design, which had taken the world by "storm") Personally, my only fear, about such wide-spread use, of a single, fighter craft, design, was the question of "What would happen if someone found a "weak-spot", in the design, and transmitted this, around the world?" Who knows how many F-35's could be shot down, per day, just because someone found an un-detected "weakness" in the fighters design? While the Pentagon hailed the design, saying how great it would be, to have "partners", around the world, using the same planes, I had reservations, about this. In the present, and thanks to our R.A.F. escort, our pilots did not need to stop, to ask directions, to our destination. The three planes flew, in standard formation, right to the site, of the case. The F-35's, then, hovered, while G.S.2 completed its landing, before the fighters returned to their base. It seems that our arrival was anticipated, by locals. This seemed apparent since a primitive "helipad" had been cleared, near the church-yard, and was, roughly, the shape, of our plane. Once G.S.2 was on the ground, and just as we could have predicted, an official "greeter" was sent, to meet our plane. After the normal round of greetings, our "guide" would lead Tami and I towards a town meeting hall. This, as both of us knew, would be the REAL start, of the case. Once inside the meeting hall, Tami and I would be provided with flash drives. Drives, which contained information, which no one DARED trust to the internet. When Tami asked the "leaders", of this meeting "When did the trouble start? I mean, can you pinpoint the date?" The group leader would say "Young lady, while the British Isles has its share, of spectral history, dating back thousands of years, it is our intent to have you focus your efforts on just the previous, five, years." When I would ask "pardon my inquiry, however, WHY do you wish us to review only the most recent five years?" Another Brit would come forth, saying "Until the recent past, most spirits have done little more than visit graves, and to say "Farewell", to the living. Few spirits actually wander the streets. This is accepted, British, history." When Tami would ask "Why do you say "accepted history"?" The Brit would say "Like the colonies, the British Isles have had our share of "spirit tales". Most turn out to be nothing more than fire-side tales. Others are people, looking for attention." When Tami would ask "So, WHAT has changed, in recent years?" The Brit's would agree in saying "We wish we knew. That is why we sought your services. We want to know why our resident deceased are not Resting In Peace." Okay, so Tami and I reached our normal, starting, point. We had more information, than the Brown Agency had been provided, and the Brit's set us to work, immediately. From G.S.2's stores, Tami would secure extra flash memory, as well as good, old fashioned, pen and paper, then set off on her "rounds". This, while I began to survey of the church-yard, as well as the local area. As to WHAT I was looking for? Could it be mine tunnels? former rivers? maybe a castle? a monastery? The possibilities were, truly, almost, endless. Tami would not be one bit surprised when she heard different views, of local history, from various locals. Different people claimed to be descended, from the original care-takers, of the church-yard. Others claimed distant relations, with the royalty, buried here. Still others claimed to be illegitimate descendants, of the royalty. My partner would have a "field day" trying to sort FACT from FICTION. As for myself, I would begin my survey, only to find that not only were the OFFICIAL tombs present, but so were several, un-marked, graves. As I had suspected, on the flight in, this church-yard had some of the most magnificent marble, granite, and jeweled, tombs, in the British Isles. The royalty really seemed to "live it up", back in the day. It was the un-marked graves, which caused the problems. Some of these graves contained skeletons, of grown adults, while others held child-sized remains. When I had visited the local records center, hoping to find maps, of old tunnels (maybe for the time BEFORE the church-yard was established). The attendant, in the records center, seemed, truly, annoyed that anyone might consider running tunnels, or utilities, under a church-yard. While I tried to explain that I was researching possibilities, the worker insisted "In Great Britain, we HONOR our dead. We do NOT build roads, sewers, or anything else, below our honored deceased." Still, I noticed how the attendant avoided my question, about the un-marked graves. When Tami and I met, back at the plane, for dinner, and to review findings, we agreed that we were finding far more fiction, than fact. As Tami would say "Locals are more than willing to talk, in general terms. It is when I ask for details, that I am asked to depart." I would agree, informing Tami about the attendants behavior, regarding sub-surface conditions, in the church-yard. When I would ask Tami "When does the next full moon appear, in this area." Tami would check the charts, then say "We missed the last one, by twenty-four hours. We have another, three, weeks, before the next cycle." This would give us three weeks, to develop a good work-up, of the area, and, hopefully, determine what the locals did NOT want us to know. (After all, WHY call us in, just to keep information from us?) It was Mr. Brown who, upon Tami's latest update, would suggest "It would seem that it is time to WIDEN the search area." When Tami would say "Agreed. Question is: How FAR do I extend?" Mr. Brown would suggest "Until the "trail" grows cold." When I would ask the boss, about my "findings", Mr. Brown would say "Let me make a few phone calls. Maybe I can gain the access, that you need." When Tami fueled up her new car, she packed plenty of extra gear. My partner really had no idea how FAR she would have to travel, in order to learn about the church-yard. As for me, I found it no surprise that, by the time Mr. Brown found a regional official, who was willing to work with me, that the two of us would arrive, at the church-yard, only to find that the small graves had been dug up, and the ground re-packed. Even the regional official would remark that the graves had been dug, recently. This, since the sod, used, to cover the graves, had not, yet, blended into the rest of the church-yard. It was, also no surprise that, when I brought out my scanning gear, I found that the graves were empty. While this was going on, Tami was travelling the English countryside, looking for stories, about the area in question. She had to travel over 100 miles, before she found a city, where people were wiling to share tales, of our target area. A few priests even came forward, while reminding Tami "While the Holy Church does not sanction "ghost stories", or "camp-fire tales", I am willing to inform you of what I have heard, over the years." When Tami would say "That would be fine. Just relate what others have shared, with you." From both priest's, and nun's, Tami would learn that, over the centuries, the church-yard had changed, considerably. For one thing, royalty was NOT the first to be buried in the church-yard. Originally, the church-yard had been created to house the "darkest" citizens. Those who, centuries ago, had been accused of practicing the "dark arts". The location was, originally, chosen, since it was hundreds of miles, from the nearest village, and the hope was that, once the dead were buried, so FAR from the living, that the dead would have all eternity to repent their ways. Repent, in total solitude. When Tami asked "Are there any DATES mentioned, for when the place was dedicated?" A minister would say "Sadly, since the church did not recognize the "evil", which rested, there, the church-yard was not "sanctioned" at the time. This is why there are no records, for the founding." When Tami would ask "When DO the records start?" A nun would bring forth an aged volume, saying "The Holy Church was preparing to have these volumes digitized, since the contents are so fragile. If you would like, once the volumes are digitized, we can send volumes to your aircraft." Tami would take a volume, saying "This is fine." When a minister would caution "Take care, those volumes cannot be replaced." Tami promised "I will be careful". Since Tami did not want to risk HUMAN tampering, with the volumes, she rented the largest trailer, that her car could tow. She, then, filled the trailer with as many volumes as the church held. After that, my partner was on her way, back, to G.S.2. As for me, I ended up putting on coveralls, and taking a job, as an apprentice, in order to get closer to the men, who worked near, or in, the church-yard. My agency, credit, card, "took a beating", as I found that workers were willing to share some stories, while on the job, but that, given a "pint", after work, was a great way to loosen tongues. My own video recorders were worked, just as hard, as Tami's. While both Tami, and myself, knew to disregard such stories as "women-in-white", as well as "virgin sacrifices", as well as the ever-popular "demons, dancing around a camp fire", the stories, which we ATTEMPTED to document were those where people spoke of whom was, most likely, buried, at the target location. As Tami would remark, in her daily report, "Not just the local community, but communities, as far as 150 miles apart, the same stories have been handed down, through the generations. Locals believe that the church-yard was, originally, founded to "deal" with the worst that mankind produced. Namely rapists, murderers, and other, capital, criminals. Since these criminals had committed capital crimes, legends say that the people were denied Christian buried, with a lack of grave-markers as an "ultimate punishment", for their crimes." While there were not an "over-abundance", of this type, of criminals, in the lands, there were "others", who stood accused of "crimes, against God". Namely, the members of Wiccan religion. Even before the Maleious Malificarum (The Witches Hammer) was published, people, who were considered "different", were placed on trial. In atleast three villages, which Tami had visited, there were dark memories of times when people, who were left disabled, either by disease, or injury, were considered "possessed", by dark forces. "Thankfully", in most cases, the afflicted were banished from the community, and had to find shelter, elsewhere. In a few communities, however, local churches tried everything, from "exorcism", to torture, to "drive the demons out", of victims bodies. When none of these practices restored use of limbs, the victims were burned, alive. (This was believed to be the only way to make certain that the "demon, within the afflicted", could be destroyed.) Nowadays, we would call this murder, but, in the days, before modern medicine, even the church was limited in what care could be provided. It was just easier, to burn bodies, and be "certain", that "evil" had been destroyed. Such stories, also, accounted for many of the un-marked graves. It was believed that, like capital criminals, that those who either were afflicted, or practiced, the dark arts, were not deserving of Christian burials. Still, no matter how many stories we collected, none gave any clue as to WHY the spirits would have waited well over 1,000 years, to become restless? When some "sources" claimed that spirits needed CENTURIES, to learn power, then to collect same, Tami and I found this very EASY to dis-prove. (The new World Trade Center was just ONE example, of how un-true this was.) Still, Tami and I never heckled people, to their faces. We let people retain their beliefs. We just did not add these beliefs to our reports. To our shock, however, when the village council asked WHY we were collecting information, from thousands of years ago, when the problem was MODERN, Tami would mention "You SAY the problem might have started just recently, however, we need to check for ALL available information. We cannot address the problem, until we KNOW what the problem is." When a council member would say "YOUNG woman, you were invited, to review the RECENT past. Not to go off, on a sight-seeing tour, through the ages." I would remind the council "In our line of work, the PAST is, normally, where trouble starts. Unless we understand the past, we cannot deal with the present." By the time the village council secured a court order, limiting our investigation to the RECENT past, Tami and I had, already, collected enough data to keep us busy, for months. Between personal contacts, and information, from the internet, Tami and I began building a time-line, for the history of the church yard. It would seem that, ONLY for the first 400 years, or so, was the church-yard dedicated to housing the worst of mankind. Somewhere around the year 450, some nobleman, who had been pestered, throughout his life, by people, who wanted money, for this or that, had decided that he wanted to be buried, where he could Rest In PEACE. He wanted his grave in a place, where people would not dare visit, out of fear, of the unknown. During life, the nobleman had, actually, PAID for a reserved space, in the church-yard. After that, the man PAID for his own tomb to be built. Upon his death, the mans body was RUSHED to his tomb, then the burial party RUSHED back OUT, of the church-yard. Somewhere near year 475, more nobility had paid for information, about the church-yard. They, too, had made the mistake, of living "high", or "richly". Result, they, too, had "free-loaders" begging for hand-outs. Once they verified that the church-yard was a place no one, HUMAN, went near, they had their OWN tomb built, in this place. IF history is accurate, it would seem that, on more than one occassion, visiting royalty either died, in what would become known as the British Isles, of natural causes, or were murdered, for a variety of reasons, the bodies, of the dead, were entombed within this place, which NO one visited. While Tami estimated that over 1,000 people MIGHT be buried, in this place, over the centuries, the problem, that this caused, was the fact that only 100 graves seemed to have survived. While this lead me to speculate that, perhaps, the dead were un-happy, that the living were buring bodies, on top of one another. Something like a multi-story building. Tami, ofcourse "blew this out of the water", when asking "If that were true, and since NO graves have been added, in centuries, WHY have the dead waited so long, to become active?" Furthermore, IF, as history recorded, there had been over 500 tombs, built, on this site, over the centuries, WHY were only three tombs, currently, standing? Now, according to atleast one, "iffy" source, this person would state (in return for a case, of "spirits"), that legend said the tombs were plundered by those who argued that the dead did not NEED fancy graves. This "source" even suggested checking local homes, for bits and pieces, of the tombs. When Tami asked the "source" "WHY would anyone WANT to steal from the dead?" The "source" had claimed "If you want power, over the living, take from the dead. Invoke FEAR." Soon after Tami and I walked out, on this person, Tami would say "That does make sense. After all, remember that case, where soldiers bodies were removed, from battlefields, and sold to those, who believed that ownership, of said bodies, would give the living great powers." Too bad, for me, I DID remember. I, also, remembered "stealing" the dead, from purchasers, for return to family members. And WHAT did Tami and I get, for our trouble? Nothing more than family thanks, for returning the dead, so that the children of Islam could stand before Allah, and be welcomed into Islamic Heaven. Upon our return, to G.S.2, Tami did run a web-search, for "plundered tombs", since both of us KNEW that, over the centuries, tombs HAD been plundered. In fact, in some area's, of the world, the plundering, of tombs, was a part of statutory law. A felony, punishable by imprisonment, or the death penalty. And why not? After all, the grave robbers not only stole gold, silver, jewels, and marble. All valued in millions of dollars, on the world market. What caused tomb robbing to become such a part, of the law, was when people broke into tombs, not just for the riches, but to sell the corpses, on the black market. Yes, humans COULD be greedy. Ofcourse, Mr. Brown shared our concern, asking "Since most of these events occurred, during PAST centuries, WHY have the deceassed waited, so long, to become active. Grave-robbing was at its "height, of popularity", in the 1800's. Why wait, until the 21st century, to begin annoying people?" Neither Tami, nor I, had an answer. We did, however, hope that our "friend", the full moon, would provide us with some answers. By the time the next, full, moon, arrived, Tami had managed to verify the identities, of as many as 30% of the church-yards population. Still, it would be "hit-or-miss", trying to identify to whom we were speaking. Whille I continued surveying the area, searching for "natural", or man-made, reasons, for the hauntings, Tami began walking the church-yard, whispering peoples names, and asking who wanted to talk. It was not, however, until Mother Superior appearred, that Tami was given new information. It would SEEM that the spirits ONLY wanted contact with "one of their own". Not, that is, spirit-to-mortal, but from royal spirit, to royal spirit. When Tami would ask the nun "Would YOU ask them, FOR me, what their REASON is, for the increased haunting?" Maybe an hour, after the nun dissolved, while saying "I will see what I can do." The nun would re-appear, with seven spirits, by her side. While most were spirits, from centuries, long ago, a few were from the modern day. All had the same "beef", with modern man. According to ALL of the spirits, their slumber had been disturbed, by that blasted ghost machine, which Peoria Illinois had purchased. While no human could have predicted the outcome, of the machines use, the problem was that the machine had far greater "range", than any human could have predicted. Whatever technology, which the machine had used, was not limited to calling for the dead, just to "chat" with the living. According to the spirit, of a young seamstress, the machines initial activiation had been nothing more than a "minor annoyance", to the deceased. It was only when the inventor turned the machines power on, for demonstrations, that the deceased became disturbed. It seems that the machine was similar to having church bells, ringing in a spirits ears. This is why the spirits had become more active. The deceased wanted the machine turned OFF, permanently, so that the dead could return to their peaceful slumber. When Tami reminded the dead "The purchaser, Peoria Illinois, has sold the device back to its inventor." A lord "somebody" came forth, saying "I COMMAND you to find that infernal device, and destroy it!" When Tami suggested "The inventor would just build another one." A duke "somebody", would come forth, saying "That machine was a fluke. The inventor just kept adjusting it, until he stumbled across the proper settings. Even if he DID re-build that thing, it would take YEARS, if ever, to find the right settings, again." When Tami would ask "What is to become of Peoria Illinois? Ever since Caterpillar Tractor Company left the area, in the 1980's, th city has been struggling to survive. What do you want me to tell the people, of Peoria? Pack up, turn out the lights, and head for other cities?" The spirits primary response would be "Let us deal with the "ghost machine", FIRST. If you will do that, then we, of the spirit world, will discuss HOW to aid this village, you speak of." When Tami contacted Mr. Brown, with this information, Mr. Brown was just as shocked, as we had been. None of us could believe that any machine could have its power felt, around the world. Six hours later, however, Mr. Brown came on the vid-link, saying "Good news. Peoria was wise enough not to let the machine go, until full payment was received. Since the inventor released only HALF of the payment, saying the other half would, only be paid, once the remainder, of the machine was delivered, Peoria cancelled the sale. A court order has been served, and the machine collected. Peoria was prepared to beging placing ads, searching for another buyer, when I telephoned. Now comes the question: Peoria wants to know how MUCH the machine is worth, to US?" Tami would add another question: "WHY has someone franchised the rights, to re-name a portion, of Peoria Illinois, the Star-Lite?" Mr. Brown would say "Mr. Blue has been researching this, and has learned that a group, of retiree's, is hoping that, even as a hobby, they can keep the Star-Lite alive. It seems that the Star-Lite was an important part, of early lives, and the retiree's want to keep the memory alive, for new generations." Tami would say "Let me guess. They plan to turn one, of the derelict drive-ins into a new Star-Lite." Mr. Brown would say "In esssence, true." When Tami would ask "How does the city expect to survive, without revenue?" Mr. Brown would say "The city council is looking into alternative revenues, for the city." Even I knew, from first hand experience, that this is easier SAID, than DONE. Some cities have spent DECADES, searching for new revenue, to replace old industries. What surprised Tami, myself, the Brit's, and even the Brown Agency, was when, just as we were establishing communications, with a growing number, of the deceased, that cries, and wails, began to rise from the church-yard. When Tami asked a spirit "WHATS going on?", the spirit would say "That infernal machine has been switched on, again." It was when Tami would ask another soul "HOW can the United States be affecting life, in England?" A man, claiming to be a barrister (attorney, in America), would say "I have given this matter considerable thought, myself. MY conclusion is this: Those, of us, who are being DRAGGED from our rest, have living descendants, in this Peoria Illinois. It is my stated conclusion, that our descendants are of the mistaken belief, that the machine does not rip us from our rest, but that it only allows them to SPEAK, across the void, of death." When I would say "Fair enough. Unless someone has a better idea, then MY question: HOW do we STOP this?" The barrister would say "Un-fortunately, human, there are NO laws, safe-guarding the deceased, from the living. Atleast, I never found any, while I was practicing law." When Tami would ask "Even if we smashed the machine, how likely is it that the inventor would build another one?" This is when a local bookie (who claimed that he was murdered, 900 years ago, by an outraged husband, after the husband made a deal, with the bookie, over a gambling debt). According to the bookie, when his murderer coompiled a debt, which was worth ten lifetimes, of his wages, the bookie had offered to let the man "off the hook", for a "price". While the debtor had PROMISED the bookie that, in return for erasing the debt, that the bookie could have a weekend, with the debtors wife, the debtor was one of those "jealous" types. The kiind of person who just cannot stannd anyone having fun, but NOT on the persons terms. When the debtor thought he heard his wife having "too much fun", with the bookie, the husband broke in, and murdered both. While the bookie admitted that, in life, he had been no "angel", he insisted that he, never, abused women. He only fought, with men, when they refused to pay off debts. The bookie would suggest, to my partner, "The tech, which that fool was using was just a "shot in the dark". I would not even lay odd's, on how wide the factor would be, that the fool could re-create the device." When Tami would ask "Two things. For one, HOW can we be certain that the machine IS responsible, for all that is going on? Second, HOW can we be CERTAIn that there is no SECOND, or even a third, machine, "out there"?" A former railroad engineer would come forth to say "I have been checking on that, myself. While there are atleast five, other, inventors, working in the same direction, either these fools are charletons, who are working to deceive the public, OR they just have no idea what they are doing. I would guess that their "discoveries" will not come, for centuries." When Tami filed our regular report, Mr. Brown, himself, came up with a viable alternative. "I have suggested that our agency BUY the machine, and that Mr. Black assign a team to study the design. This way, in casee some one ELSE DOES come up with a design, which "works", we can have a viable "counter-agent" in stock." Tami would be first to say "THAT is the most logical reason I have heard, yet. Let me discuss it, with the English spirits, and see what THEY think." Turns out that the Brit's were willing to "go along", but on the condition that HUMANS leave the dead to rest in peace. Studying ones ancestry was fine. Just dont WAKE the dead, hoping for information. On the flight back, to the United States, Ghost Ship 2 was held, in international waters, for twelve hours. The reason: Someone was floating a rumor that an American bomber plane had been rigged, with a nuclear detonator, which was set to explode, upon touch down. As a precaution, the U.S. Air Force had sent up more than a dozen tanker planes, to keep all allied bombers fuelled, until the rumor could be either verified, or denied. During this boredom time, Tami and I worked, via remote, with Mr. Black, on the concept of HOW to move the device, to headquarters. (I had to remind both Tami, and myself, that the reason why G.S.2 was being held was because, technically, our plane WAS a bomber.) The problem, which Mr. Black was having was that, while our earlier scans, and photos had not shown much, of the machine, Mr. Black's own, on-scene, techs could not figure out how to move the bolted-down machine, without taking it apart. Leave it to my partner, and her "womens intuition", to come up with the answer. Tami would suggest "Instead of trying to take the machine apart, why not just un-bolt the parts, which hold the manchine to the floor? The agency can reimburse the city council, for replacement building materials." By the time our plane was "cleared", and allowed to enter U.S. air space, we had another message, from the Brown Agency, and from Mr. Black. "At this time, all, other, agency, aircraft are, otherwise, deployed. This is why G.S.2 is being routed to Peoria Illinois, to collect the ghost machine. Your plane, also, seems the logical choice, since, being military, your plane is built to take harsh treatment." By the time we returned to Peoria, we received video, which showed just HOW the retiree's were preserving the Star-Lite. It would seem that, since both, former, drive ins were, now, derelict, the retiree's had decided to combine the two into one complex. The Star-Lites 1&2. Modern day tech would be used, anywhere, where it did not take away, from the "flavor" of the drive-in experience. The retiree's were, even, paying for the change in the street signs, leading to the drive-ins. Now, instead of the signs, along War Memorial Drive, stating "Bellevue", and "Pioneer", 1, or 2, miles ahead, the modern signs would read "Star-Lite 1", next left (for those driving OUT of town), and "Star-Lite 2" second left." While there would be those, who would speculate that, in the age of V.C..R., D.V.D., Blue-Ray, and God knows what else, that drive ins were as "out-of-date" as the Ford Model "T" automobile, Tami knew the truth. In Tami's own, home town, her mother controlled three drive-ins, to generate income, for local business. Granted, mother would, never, become "filthy" rich, but, mother did keep "community spirit" alive. No matter what "gadgets" the computer programmers came up with, mother knew that children still like bicycles, playgrounds, and sports, as well as watching movies, under the stars. This, just as teens enjoyed being under the stars, on saturday nights. No computer program could replace the sheer joy, and wonder, of watching movies. Especially watching monster movies, under a full moon. If the Peoria retiree's were as smart as mother was, they could keep a tradition alive, for generations to come. As for that ghost machine, thanks to this, Mr. Black had to arrange to ship my Jeep, and Tami's car, via U.P.S. freight, to our base. This because the fool, who built the ghost machine, had bolted, and welded, the machine, to structural members. As a result, a full section, of the "ghost visiting" center had to be closed, since removal, of the device, left a gaping HOLE in the center of the place. Thankfully, G.S. 2's cargo hold was designed to carry atomic warheads, and their heavy, and cumbersome, parts. Still, the machine took up almost every square inch, of the hold. For reasons, even our pilots could not understand, while the device was in the planes hold, the pilots had to rely on old fashioned dials and gauges, for the flight, to our base. The co-pilot even had to resort to using the old fashioned, tube-operated, radio, which the air force, still, used, for emergency communications. Not one bit, of the twenty-first century electronics, on the plane functioned. That included our work-stations, cell-phones, and so on. I have no doubt that this is the reason why, before landing, the pilots called ahead, asking that old, outdated, fork-lifts, be used, to carry the device from our hold. In our pilots, official, report, to the air force, the men would report "Strange occurrance. Upon loading of cargo, at Greater Peoria (Illinois) Airport, all of airplanes electronics failed. Flight, to base, on manual control, only. Electronics, fully, restored ONLY after cargo un-loaded, at airport. Rrecommend maximum security, until device delivered, to destination." When Tami and I received an invitation, to return to Peoria, for the "Grand Re-Opening", of the new "Star-Lites", we, conditionally, marked our calendars. After all, we had no idea WHERE we would be, when the drive-ins re-opened. While some people would consider it "odd", and the computer programmers, with all of their H.D., and other gadgets, just could not understand what was happening, The re-opening, of the drive-ins, seemed to bring in MORE revenue than both gambling, and the ghost machine, had. While G.S.2 was parked, at the airport, and Tami and I used her car, to visit the Star-Lite 2, which was offering three, classic, monster flicks, that night, we listened, as parents shared their own, discreet, memories, of drive-ins, in the past, with their own families. Memories, and the playground, seemed full of laughter, and fun, while movie-goers awaited sun-set, for the movies to begin. Our pilots attended the Star-Lite 1, which, I THINK, was running "Preditor", and "Terminator". Before departing the plane, we all agreed to meet, back at the plane, by 2 A.M.. Just dont ask me HOW, or WHY, but, somehow, some of the people I had grown up with, seemed to recognize me, at the snack bar. Outside the snack bar, we shared memories, of times, long past, even as we summarrized our lives, to date. I was informed of who had dated, then married, then divorced, whom. Only one man, whom I had not seen, in decades, bothered to ask "Why did the girls marry men, when they thought times would get better, only to divorce the men, hoping courts would OREDER the men to pay MORE than the men were worth, in support?" I would remind the man "Any man, who can answer such questions would be a multi-billionairre". Still, I had to admit that, seeing Bela Lugosi, Lon Chaney Jr., and so on, on a projection screen, with a tin of popcorn, and sodas, was an experience. A beautiful experience. I could see why our pilots set the 2 A.M. deadline, when some of my childhood friends invited Tami and I to a local pizza place, after the movies. I know it will seem odd, to those who are not old enough to remember, but, even now, decades after their deaths, it seems that two teachers, whom I had, in school, had their spirits "living on", among the ages. Both "Mr. "Mole-Face" Thedford". (A man whom the students called Mole-Face only with the deepest respect, not just as a great teacher, but as the official whipping giver, of Tyng School) Also, there was Mr. White. A seventh grade Social Studies teacher, who did so much more than have students study FOREIGN places. Mr. White was the very BEST teacher we had, at Trewyn Junior High School. He taught students HOW to think, not just WHAT to think. While some of us had HATED the teachers, while we were in school, the lessons these men taught. Lessons which are in NO textbook. Lessons, about LIFE. Lessons we had used, and many were teaching their own children, and grand-children. At 1 A.M., we raised a toast, to two of the finest teachers Peoria Public Schools had, ever, produced. By 01:30 hours, four, very happy, people returned to G.S.2, and we went into vertical lift-off, prepared to return to our base of operations. Dont ask me why, but, as we passed over the Peoria River, I found myself thinking "Farewell. It was an experience." To the memory, of my beloved sister, Dorothy Brooks, there are no words, to describe my feelings. My hope, my beloved sister, is that the past never haunts your eternal rest. Rest In Peace, knowing you are NOT forgotten. I only hope that the Chairman has greeted you with open, and loving, arms, on your journey into Heaven. May God, Allah, Jehovah, etc. bless your final rest.

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