Tuesday, September 13, 2016


ODE TO A BICYCLE THEFT My, what I have learned, in the days since my first bicycles were stolen, on September 1-2, 2016. For one thing, I would learn that, despite months, of a renewed exercise plan, that my body was not in nearly as good, of shape, as I thought I was in. In the time, since my first two bicycles were STOLEN, out of the basement, of my apartment building, I have learned that my leg exercises were not half as effective, as I thought these had been. In the time since I purchased a replacement bicycle (which was STOLEN, within 24 hours, of purchase. AGAIN, from the basement of my apartment building), My legs have been groaning, with the renewed effort, of WALKING around town. Now is the time when I feel that my body is, REALLY, getting in shape. While I have had SEVERAL people suggest that I purchase a FOURTH bicycle, my question has been "Why bother? When it will just be STOLEN, again" As for the police department, of my city, while many, of its officers are true, and dedicated, law enforcers, those members, in the bicycle crimes section, hold the attitude of "Who cares?", and "Just go buy yourself another "toy"", in regards to bicycle theft. While I KNOW that I NEED another bicycle, to get around town, th question is: HOW do I prevent the theft, of the next bicycle? After all, no victim is "made of money". It is much easier, to STEAL a bicycle, than to work, to PAY for one. Still, I THINK I may have an idea. Oh, how I miss my property. I hope the thieves are "enjoying" my STOLEN property.

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