Tuesday, September 13, 2016


THE HAUNTING PAST: MYSTERY OF THE MEDIUMS Let it, NEVER, be said that I speak un-justly, of the dead. If I speak evil, of the deceased, it is because I know that, from life experience, that I can back my words. The living, however, are a completely different story. The living can be far more treacherous, than the dead could, ever, hope to be. I guess that the REAL problem, which Tami and I had, with these fakers, was how these people offered their services, to the berieved, for "nominal fee's". That, and those ridiculous incantations. One such cretin Tami found easy to expose. The fool had taken a popular, seventies, song, changed the rhythm, and put on a foreign dialect, to make it SEEM like they were chanting. When I had listened, then asked Tami "Why do I think I know those words?", Tami had gone to the home owners stereo system, selected the hit song, and watched as the faker cringed, when the music played, and the victim said "I THOUGHT I knew that song", as the melody played back, over the homes speakers. While the faker packed, to leave, they had said "A CURSE upon you all". Tami just smiled as she said "Make it a good one. The Chairman LOVES a good curse". Tami knew how fake the person was when they did not even know WHO the Chairman was. In the current case, a family was concerned, since a woman had been "lost", since her husbands death. It seems that the two had been so much, in love, that they never considered death. After the death, of her beloved, the woman was desperate for ANY communications, with her beloved husband. If the case-file was accurate, the womans family was right to be concerned. The grieving widow was paying out large sums, of money, for any information, which the medium provided. Such is the nature of grief. The family was asking if there were any way, to give the woman peace of mind. Without bringing her husband back, from the dead, we had no idea of how to help the woman, other than exposing the hoax. Tami's concern was 'What happens when we destroy her belief, in the medium? What will become of the widow?" Un-fortunately, there were no "easy answers". Grief caused death, everyday. Then, Tami had a thought. A thought which brought Mother Superior to us, like a magnet. The nun would remind Tami "I am NOT an telephone operator, and Heaven is NOT AT&T. We do NOT send spirits, just to comfort loved ones." When Tami would suggest "Why not just a message?" The nun was adamant "The woman must get on, with her own life." When Tami suggested "Why not let her husband tell her that?" The nun had no response. While finding a place, for G.S.2 to park, on the families land, was no problem, Tami had requested, in advance, that the widow be told nothing, and that the staff only be informed that the widow had visitors coming. No-doubt, this was the reason why, when Tami and I arrived, at the family home, we found the medium doing some sort of "chant/dance". While I found the dance sort of like the snake charming dances, of various, classic, movies, I had to wonder if I was imagining things, about the mediums "costume". I say this because, as a life-long fan, of the original Star Trek series, I think I can spot a yeomans Star Fleet uniform, from a block away. Now, while this medium seemed to be wearing a fleet uniform, what threw me off, for awhile, was how the costume was decorated. While the uniform was the standard blue, color, of a science section lieutenant, the medium had added veils, "drapes", and jewelry. When I whispered, to Tami "Am I just imagining?" She whispered back "No, that does resemble a yeomans uniform." This is when a third voice joined ours, saying "I loved that show, too. I just cant believe that my wife is falling for this". The "show" continued, until the medium saw Tami and I watching, as well. The medium then stopped, in mid-dance, asking the widow "Whom are these intruders?" I knew that Tami could not resist asking the medium "You mean, with all of your skills, you do not, already, know WHO we are?" When the widow would say "Relax. They are friends. My children invited them over". The medium seemed to look us over, then say "They are not true believers. Your beloved will not make an appearance, while these non-believers are present." When the husbands spirit whispered, to Tami "Who made THAT rule?" Tami just smiled. With that, the medium seemed to pack her stuff, then hustle off, as though late for a ride. After the widow greated us, she would say "I dont know what got into her. She was going so good. I really thought I would communicate, with my beloved." After Tami would ask the widow "Just what did you husband look like?" The widow would produce a picture, suggesting "You should add a few years, and some pounds. He was a good man, and a good father." When Tami compared the picture, to the spirit, which stood before us, she knew who the spirit was. Tami also knew how to handle this situation, with the tact, of a diplomat. While Tami would ask the woman "If you could speak to your husband, what would you say to him?" The widow would say "I would tell him how much I miss him, and that I love him." After the husaband replied, and Tami suggested "What would you say if he were to say..." and Tami repeated the mans words. Tami then served, as an "interpretor", for the rest of the conversation, during which the man promised his wife that he would, always, watch over her, but that it was time for her to "get on, with her life"." While the man did not yet understand how to materialize, before his widow, Tami's many contacts, with deceased persons, had given her an "edge". She could see the deceased, with no effort on the part of the deceased. While Tami was busy, in the sitting room, with the widow, I was dealing with another ghost, just outside the front door. It would seem that a childhood friend had been watching over the woman, since the womans husband had passed on. A woman who had known the widow, since childhood. It was when the ghost told me "If she doesn't snap out of this, I swear, by the Lord, holy Jesus, that I am going to slap her so hard, she will remember it, just like she did, the first time". When I asked the ghost, about the previous time, the woman said that, when the widows first love dumped her, for a more popular girl, the young woman had gone into such a funk, that her friend, finally had to grab her, slap her about, and saying "Snap out of it, girl. There are more boys out there, than you know". When the young woman had said "And other, pretty girls, as well", this is when the friend had slapped the girl, hard enough to leave a bruise. Then, the girl had asked the stricken woman "Are you gonna come out, with me, and have some fun, or do you want me to slap you around, some more?" Turns out, the slap was exactly what the girl had needed. The friends had gone out, forgotten their lives, and forged ahead. When I asked the spirit "What became of you?" The woman would say "Boy, you just dont give up, do you. Just like the "big man" said you is." When I asked "Whats wrong with asking a question?" The woman would say "I suppose there aint no harm in tellin you. I had me a passel, of children, and then I had me some grand-kids. I died, happy." By the time Tami was finished, with the widow, I had us follow this other spirit, and stop by the ghosts former home. This is where Tami noticed, even before I did, that only the womans two oldest children were "true" Negro. When Tami asked, the woman told us "That boy was beautiful. You know, **I** was his first woman. Seems his parents trusted me more than my own did. And, yes, I did give him some children. No, my husband never knew, or my husband never cared." In short summary, it seems that, while her husband was willing to take life, as it came, her "man" not only gave her some children, but he spent enough time, with the family, to make sure the kids could read, write, and count. When Tami would ask "What happened to him?" The woman would say "My husband, eventually, went into a paupers grave. No headstone. No sense, seeing as how he never did anything, with his life." When Tami refined her question, asking "What became of the father, of your children?" The woman answered by showing us some writing awards, which the man won, as well as the fact that the man worked on building several race cars. When she added "He even built four homes. That boy had such potential." When Tami asked "Did he, ever, go professional?" The woman would say "He TRIED. Several times, he tried. He gave up his hope, after his family found out about our children. They dis-owned him. Still, I will say that he did his best, to make the most out of life." When Tami asked "Where is he, now?" The woman would say "His family only took him back, to bury him on the family grounds. He has a plain marker, just like his fathers. Funny, though. His father was a drunken womanizer, while my man only drank a glass, at social occassions. I dont think he had any other women. Still, since we had some children, the family decided that he was not Christian enough. Result, he got a plain headstone." When Tami would ask "Why do you stay around?" The woman would remind Tami "I am only here, until I know my friend is "back in the world." Once I know that she is taken care of, I can move on"". Although it would seem that our arrival had "scared off" atleast one medium, Mr. Brown had other mediums for us to look over. Still, we waited just long enough to verify that the widow was keeping her promise, to her late husband, and getting on, with her life. Once we knew this was "in the works", we said goodbye, to the womans life-long friend. The woman then dissolved, just as gently as a breeze. According to the updated file, our next medium would be a "real treat". This fake had learned enough, about the victim, to be able to manipulate the surviving spouse into signing away power, and control, of assets, claiming that this was the wish, of the departed. When the deceased spouse found us, on-board G.S.2, the spouse was most adamant in saying "I NEVER said a word, to that phony, about my wife giving up control, of the money. That creep has my beloved "over a barrel"." When Tami asked "Why dont YOU step in?" The man would say "I dont know how to explain this, but, that creep has placed something around the house. Claims it is for her protection, but if I go near her, it "zaps" me." When Tami would ask "Just how much value does this person now control?" The man would say "Maybe $25 million. He keeps telling my wife that he is doing my bidding. That I want him to do these things." When Tami would ask "You say he now, controls $25 million. How much does your wife still control?" The man would say "Only $10 million". When Tami looked at me, I KNEW that look. It was the same look she gave me, on a previous case. With the aid of the dead, our plan was to scare the life out of the creep. While I would not say that the family was "wealthy", or lived "richly", the widow did have a nice home, and a support system. In fact, until the creep came in, promising to place her in contact, with her late husband, she had been as close to neighbors, as to family. Now, the creep was taking the woman, for everything she was worth, while promising "It is what your husband wants." Tami and I had to smile when, as the creep said that the deceased would say something, the actual deceased would tell Tami and I "If I could only kick his (you know), just once." Using the mans own life story, Tami and I turned the family home into a more-or-less "haunted house". Thanks to some un-verified aid, from the Chairman, consisting of some storms, we scared the creep into making the right moves. The deceased was wonderful, by the way he used his ghostly voice to tell the creep "If you want to be free, of my vengeance, you will sign my documents back over to my wife." When the creep asked "If I dont. What can you do, to me? You are dead". Suddenly, the creep found the room spinning, around him, as the deceased put on an award winning performance. Thunder, lightning, wind, and rain. Toss in some ghoulish moans, and some locked doors, barring the creeps escape, and he signed everything back to the widow, before running out, into the night, with only the clothes on his back. Once the creep was gone, I am "certain" that it was the Chairman, who provided Mother Superior, with the spell, which vanquished the "zapper", which kept the spirit away from his widow. Once the "zapper" was dealt with, Tami then acted as "translator", again, as husband and wife said their final farewells (after the husband mentioned that his wife might like the local mechanic). When Mr. Brown would send us another update, he would say "Be careful, of this one. Mr. Black says that they have researched YOU two, as much as we have, them. Dont be surprised if they pull your own pasts up, to frighten you." When Tami would say "Big deal. So I was a rebellious teen. After that, I left home, and went into drugs, and booze. I wanted my own life. Sir, you know my life atleast as well as I do." I would add "Big deal, for me, too. Thanks to the demons, and my coven in-law, I have no secrets, either." Mr. Brown would say "Even still. Be cautious. You never know what bit, of your past, which you might have forgotten, that the the fakers might have found." When Tami and I would say "Bring them on!", in our case, un-like George Walker Bush, we meant this more like General Patton, in World War Two. Meaning "We challenge you to a face-off. Man to man. Bring it, we DARE you". The only thing, which we did NOT expect, in this encounter, was for the truth to be so distorted. In Tami's case, at one point, she found herself looking at a used needle, and a medical report, which stated that she HAD, in fact, given herself the mystery overdose. The reports said her prints were on the syringe. It would seem, though, that, in MY case, the "worst" that the fakers could come up with was both altering my rental record, to show that I had been evicted, from three dozen places, over only five years, and that I was under a payee, at present, by court order. I, also, was presented with a "record", which stated that I used drugs, seven times per day. This meant that I was listed as a "habitual drug user". I really dont know which was more laughable. My alleged thirty-six evictions, or the distortion, over my drug use. I just wonder what a court would say when I admitted "Yes, I use prescription dugs, seven times per day." When Tami showed me her own, forged, record, asking "You DO believe me, dont you?" I would send our copies, of the "evidence", to Mr. Black, asking "How long would it take to forge these documents?" When, just ten minutes later, we had new forgeries, and Tami asked Mr. Black "HOW?" Mr. Black would say "Remember those C.D.'s, called 100 federal, and state, forms, on disc?" When Tami would say "Yes, I remember when we used them, on a case". Mr. Black would say "Same thing, here. You just enter what you WANT the form to show, then print it out. Its just that simple." What did un-nerve both of us, though, was when the mdium, somehow, got into our sub-conscious, found long-forgotten nightmares, and began "looping" these, while we slept. It would seem that my "worst nightmare" would be having dozens of women all accusing me of fathering their children, and demanding support, for crying babies. Tami made a point of telling me that her nightmare was about what she would do if she found herself working as a cheap whore, to pay for a drug, and booze, habit. She would tell me "What was most strange, about the dream, was the fact that, when I looked at the needle, which stuck out of my arm, I noticed that, as the needle wiggled, my arm did not bleed. Atleast, not until I THOUGHT about it." Tami, then added, "With the booze, it was, equally, bizzarre. No matter how much I drank, it went right through me, non-stop, even as I sat on a toilet. I could not get drunk, it went so fast." While Tami knew that a VERSION, of the dream, WAS her truth, what baffled both of us was the idea of my dream being about the crying babies. Tami knew that I wanted children about as much as I wanted a bullet, through my head. This is when Tami mentioned "What about that case. The one about the fake, Chinese Communist, woman, and the demons, who wanted to alter our lives?" When I remembered and said "Thats right. The demons tried to get me to accept that I had died, as a child." When Tami would say "Yes, they tried to kill me off, as a child, as well". When I would suggest "You dont suppose..." and Tami would say "Why not? After all, there are those who believe that, if we die, in our dreams, we die, in life, as well." The question, before us, now, was "How do we make sure the dreams remain dreams?" After some thought, Tami would ask "What do we, REALLY, know, about this medium?" I would say "About what we know, about our other cases. We know what is in the case file." Tami would jump up, go to her computer, and link with Lysia (while asking me "I hope you dont mind"). While I had heard rumors, about Lysia, and other men, even discreet inquiries informed me that more than one man had dumped Lysia for calling out MY name, during sex. How much truth was there? All I knew was that Lysia had yet to marry. She was committed to her research. While she wanted, eventually, to be a "Mrs.", and a mother. She wanted to wait until her credentials came through. She wanted to be a ME, before becoming a WE. WAS it just "coincidence", that Lysia was doing research, on the very mediums, which Tami and I were investigating? Lysia's data showed that SHE was researching the mediums, over a claim that some ships captains had kept mediums on-board, to predict the weather, and the outcomes, of battle. Lysia would add "It is rumored that more than a few captains "kept" the mediums, until the men either got bored, with the women, or the women got pregnant. After that, the ships dumped the women, at the closest port". When Tami would ask "Just how much of this is confirmed FACT?" Lysia would say "About as much as the "fact" that I loved your partner." I was just grateful, when Tami asked Lysia to aid our investigation, into the mediums. What I did not expect, was when Tami asked Lysia about her dreams. Lysia would smile as she said "My dream is, always, about me and him (me). I put aside my dream, and goals, to become his wife, and mother, of his children." When Tami would ask "How does it end?" Lysia would say "I am full of regrets. I am a mother, and grand-mother, but my NAME will not be remembered." THAT would be Lysia's nightmare. She wanted, so much, to BE some one. The idea, of dying, in anonymity, was something which Lysia could not stand. That is why she was working, harder than ever, for her credentials. While working on the research, the ladies, and, sometimes, myself, watched some of the "seances", and other devices. Some, of this mediums moves were downright sexual, in nature. None of us could figure out what sexuality was used for, in contacting the deceased. While Lysia stepped outside, to deal with her "female need", Tami remained baffled as to how something, very similar to a nude scene, from a mens porn video, had to do with contacting a deceased relative. After Lysia "took care" of her need, she did some web-searches, and found some distant, and remote, remarks, about the deceased. Someone had written that the man had (killed?) a chieftain, then taken the mans harem, and produced maybe 100 children. The story said the man could not "keep his pants on". When Tami asked about verification, Lysia would say "Even **I** am suspicious of this one. It was written by a woman, who hoped the man would marry her, just because they spent ONE night together". Tami would say "Throw it out. Its just a woman, trying to get even for a man not marrying her". Lysia, however, would suggest "Why dont we take this before the family, first". When the mediums next performance, was to be in the nude, claiming that the man never liked clothes, and the family questioned nudity, in the presence, of children, the medium suggested that the children depart the room. Once the children departed, the woman did a strip-tease, which gave even ME a hard on. When the woman began making thrusting movements, while saying "Yes, I am in contact. Oh, YES! He is here". When the family looked on, un-easily, Tami gave Lysia her cue, and Lysia stepped forward, even as the family was asking "Is she, really, in contact?" Lysia would say "The only thing she is in "contact" with is an obscure web-site entry, which claimed that the man could not control his sexual urges". When the family looked confused, Tami stepped forward, to add "According to an entry, in a womans diary, the man spent a night, with her, then left. Since he did not offer to marry her, she created the story, about the man being a sexual wild-man". The medium seemed to be full of climatic pleasure, as she maintained her performance, until Tami would tell her "The jig is up." When the woman stood up, asking "What happened", Lysia would say "You did a strip-tease, hoping that the men would be so engrossed, that they would not recognize it, when you got up, and pocketted what you could carry, out of the house". When the woman of the house, would say "Young lady, I HOPE you can PROVE these charges". Lysia picked up what had appearred to be a sheer veil, and shook out the hidden pockets. Out fell family belongings, with an estimated value, of maybe, $2.5 million. It was when the family was thanking us, for saving their belongings, that the REAL spirit showed up, asking Tami to foward a message. The man was fine, and in his best health, ever. And, would his wife PLEASE find a version, of the Bible, which did NOT portray the angels, and Heaven, like some, ultra-exclusive, country-club? When the wife said "Thats my husband. Comes right to the point. Tell him that I will love him, forever". Tami would look at the smiling, fading, spirit, and Tami would know he understood. Well, talk about theatrics. The next medium used enough tech, and special effects, to, ALMOST, make believers, out of the three of us. While the "show" was fantastic, it was, still, just professional showmanship. What Lysia did not count upon was when her credentials came through. It would seem that her work, on OUR case, had proven that Lysia COULD multi-task, while reaching sound conclusions. Lysia would confide, only to Tami and I, that Lysia had hoped for a more climatic feeling, when her credentials were approved. Something important. Lysia would tell Tami and I that Lysia thought the credentials would make her feel like she did, after a night, with me. As it was, Lysia felt no different, or more knowledgeable, than she did, on any other day. In fact, it seems, aiding Tami and I, with exposing the fake mediums, seemed more rewarding, than the credentials. It would be weeks before Lysia and I would discover another mediums "prepartion area", where the medium prepared for each performance. Lysia and I had been looking for a place, where we could contemplate, in a quiet setting. It was while we were whispering, that we saw the medium, and her dresser, come into a section, of the house, even WE did not know about. (Man! Did these people do research, or what?) As Lysia and I hid and watched, the dresser not only fitted the medium, into an outfit, which was an amazing fit, but the man informed the medium "We are going to need another $300,000, by the way we are going through supplies." When the medium would say "No sweat. I will just tell them that the old man wants us to have a "token, of his esteem". When Lysia began to move, whispering "Why those..." The only way to stop her was with a deep kiss. This, even as the medium would ask her dresser "What was that?" and the man would say "I did not say a word". Thankfully, the woman would say "I guess it was just my imagination". (Thankfully, I had turned on my recorder, in case Lysia and I made any breakthroughs). While Tami listened, at length, to the recording, in case the people said something, that we missed, Tami only listened to the lead up portions, more than once. She neither needed, nor wanted, to hear, what Lysia and I were doing. When Lysia asked "What do you think? Plenty of evidence, right?" Tami would suggest "Before we submit it, to the family, I suggest we edit out that later part. The family does not need to listen to that". While, I guess, one might say that we "altered" the conversation. All that we, really, did, was remove the material, which was not "relative" to the case. (Tami had to suggest, to Lysia, "Try to hide that smile, better") Just as the medium was about to go into her act, and before her "aid" brought down the lights, Tami and I would ask to see the mediums costume, up close. When the medium declined, first Tami, then the family, asked "What could it hurt, just to take a look." Not surprisingly, the medium declined, and, with her aid, withdrew, from the home. When the family asked "What was all that about?" Tami would say "The aid did not want you to see how the controls worked. It seems that, whenever the two wanted money, they put on a show, for you". When a son asked "How do you know this?" Lysia would step foward, saying "We did an internet search, and found that the two have other "clients", who bankroll them, as well. As near as we can figure, that "couple" has "taken" as much as thirty-five million, from families, such as your own. People seeking one, final, message, from "beyond"." After leaving this family, Lysia took a look, at our next destination, then asked "Mind if I tag along?" When Tami would say it was up to me, I would, only, ask Lysia her reason. Lysia would say "That man is an old friend. I have witnessed him making contact. It is amazing, how he can tell people things that only family would know". When Tami and I would say "Research.", Lysia would say "I agree. I would love to prove, to you, how good he is.", then she would look at me, and say "Professionally, that is". While Tami and I could find no fault, in the request, we DID remind Lysia about the point, of the investigation. What the trip, to see tha man, did point out, was that Lysia knew things, which even the Brown Agency did not know. Things, including the fact that Lysia did not even know the man was married, until his wife threatened a divorce, unless he stopped "seeing" Lysia. Lysia was, also, the driving force behind the man declining some questionable appearances. Not the least of which was a nudist colony. A place, which wanted both performers to appear, in the nude. When the man had said that he needed his cape, for some of his performance, as well as Lysia needed her costume, the nudist colony had said "Nude, or nothing." Lysia made the apologies. To our surprise, while the man had a new assistant, Tami was first to notice that he retained a framed photo, of Lysia. The man was, however, more paternal, with the young model. While he dressed, like a magician, when he "read" people, even I could FEEL his thoughts, probing us. While Lysia insisted that she had not spoken to the man, since before working with us, the man would mention that "There is a man, present, who has a dilema. He has two women, whom he loves, and who love him. I would want to say that both are his mistresses, yet neither are. More like co-workers. His dilema will not be easy to resolve. I wonder who this, lucky, man is?" When no one came forth, the man said "He will know, in time.". After the performance, the man told US, about our plane (which he described as "bat-like"), and described how Tami and I had come to work together. He, then, told Lysia "My girl, I can see that you love him, as well. I dont have to read your thoughts". When Tami asked about the very young assistant, the man would say "She is for the audience. A beautiful, young, woman, will grab almost anyones attention." The man, then, seemed to answer our questions, before we, even, asked them. He told US, about the Brown Agency, and highlights, of our past cases. He even told us about how Lysia and I met, and so on. When Tami was about to suggest "Internet research", the man would say "Computers. Never bother with them. Give me a newspaper, anyday." When Tami asked "Okay, HOW do you learn, about your subjects?" The man gave her a deep look, then told her "I see. You left home, thinking life, on your own, would be better than your mothers rules. Didn't work out, so well, did it?" When Tami asked "Name my first boyfriend" When the man asked "Boy friend, or lover?" When Tami said "Fine, first lover". The man listed the name, of a boy, whom Tami barely, mentioned. When the man said "Sorry. I didn't realize that you had hoped for more than he was willing to give". When Tami asked the man more questions, and the man, easily, provided answers, I would ask "Just curious?" the man would say "Heather Hunter. Great body. I can see why you like Lysia." When I asked "Tom Cruise?" the man would say "You have dis-liked the man, ever since he fibbed, about driving the Indianapolis 500." When he added "I agree with you. Classic movies, in black-and-white, WERE the best. Real plot-oriented stuff". What surprised both Tami and myself, was when the asistant joined us, wearing street clothes, yet looking as beautiful as ever. The man asked if we would see the girl home, safely. When we saw the girl home, Lysia would recognize the house, saying "You are Grandmama's girl, arent you?" When the girl would agree, Lysia would say "No wonder the man chose you. Her talents are legendary." The girl would say "That can be a bore, sometimes." While, at the next intercept, Tami recorded what Lysia and I did, on-stage, all that Lysia and I remembered was walking up, on stage, then joining Tami, at the exit. (What I could not understand was why I felt so refreshed, upon departing the stage. Why was Lysia smiling?) At G.S.2, Tami played back what we did not remember. Lysia just could not believe that we had done something, in front of an audience. No matter how we checked the video, we saw that all the performer did was place us into a "trance", then tell us "Do what will make you, both happy". No suggestions. No "Do this", or "Do that". Only "Do what you want to do". It seems that we did, and that was why, at G.S.2, we snacked out. While Lysia and I watched ourselves, then asked "How could we NOT remember?" Tami would show us a "trick", which had been used, in olden times. When SOME men did not want to "get caught", with certain women, the men cast a spell, which wiped out the womens memory. When I would say "Thats fine, for Lysia, but what about me?" Tami would show me a version, of the spell, which worked on BOTH sexes. All Lysia would say was "I dont know whether to be proud, or ashamed. I mean, before an audience." Tami would remind us "The magician DID tell the audience, in advance "Now that the subjects are under, they will have no memory of what they are about to do". Lysia would say "But THAT! HOW could a woman not remember?" We found out HOW, after the mans next performance. This time, we did not attend, or volunteer. This, because Lysia had said "If anything happens, I want to enjoy it". What we saw "behind the scenes", was the man hypnotizing a girl, while showing her a magic book. She thought she was reading a book of spells, while he had his way. After he was done, he asked how she liked the book. The girl left, none-the-wiser. Thanks to our recorders, though, this was the mans final "performance". When Tami put in our report, on this man, Mr. Brown would say "Time to move on". When Tami would ask "Aren't there more fakes, out there?" Mr. Brown would say "Like a battlefield continues to produce ghosts, so there will, always, be more charlatins." Away from G.S.2, Lysia and I considered that video, and snuggled, as she asked "Do we, really, love one another THAT much?" I could only say "You heard the video. The man did not tell us to do anything. He just said "Do what your hearts desire". When she kissed me, and said "Baby, he didn't say that." I kissed her as I said "Sounds better my way. More romantic. Dont you think?" After a shared "I love you", I did not return to G.S.2, until morning. Lysia caught another flight, heading back to the university. She had work to catch up on. Tami and I were headed off, on another case.

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