Friday, September 9, 2016


THE HAUNTING PAST: MYSTERY OF THE WORLD TRADE CENTER While Tami and I were amazed, to see the seal, of the President of the United States, on a case file, it seems that the contents, of the file, were what warranted thee presidential seal. When Mr. Brown would say "That is correct. This request came from the Oval Office. Un-officially, ofcourse. Still, it is from the president." When Tami would inquire "I thought the president does not believe in ghosts?" Mr. Brown would say "If you observe, closely, you will find the details, of the case, and what the president wants done." According to the case-file, during the re-building, of the World Trade Center, there had been fears, that the new buildings would come, already haunted, by the spirits of those, who died on September 11th, 2001. This is why all building functions were to be controlled by Black Ops contractors. The goal being to SILENCE any ghost rumors, as they started up. For awhile, the process had worked beautifully. All reports, of spirit activity, were given to Black Ops, which filed the reports away. This was okay, as long as it was only occassional sightings, of various spirits. The problem was the "publicity hound" types. The charlatans, who began coming, to the plaza, doing all kinds of rituals, while saying things like "I feel the pain, of loss, and grief..." Most, of these people, security just escorted off of the premises. This was done as quietly as possible, since the president wanted to respect the privacy, and dignity, of the survivors. The time, when the White House was compelled to take action, was when people began sending letters, to Capital Hill, and the White House, with all the letters claiming that there were "souls, in pain", and that, for a "nominal fee", these people could lay the dead to rest. The ones, who were arrested, were those who included threats, such as "If you do not hire me to lay the souls to rest, then the dead will "rise up, and exact revenge", upon the un-believers." While most of these people were, discreetly, taken in, one television reporter went what even Tami and I would consider "too far". By the time the woman was arrested, and her film confiscated, the president requested that the woman be held, without bail, until she answered for her actions. Her "crime" was simple: She pretended to interview some of those, who had DIED, on September 11th. While the interviews were "captivating", even the president was offended, that the woman sought a bonus, from her network bosses, for appearing to interview deceased persons. This is why the president gave Tami and I a clear directive: IF these reports are false, as in live performers being paid, to pretend to be the deceased, I want them identified, and turned over, to the F.B.I., for interrogation. The file said that the Brown Agency was chosen, to investigate the matter, due to our discretion. Since almost no one knew, of our existance, this is why the president chose us. When Tami had asked "One question, sir." When Mr. Brown would say "Speak up", Tami would ask "Just on the off-chance, that these hauntings MIGHT be REAL..." Mr. Brown would say "That is why I want the two of you, on-site. If the ghosts are fakes, you will be the first to know. Whereas, IF the spirits are "real", you will follow standard procedure." About the only GOOD news, in the file, was that all government workers were to give us full cooperation. That included Black Ops. It was doubtful that we would need the aid, of the soldiers, unless the frauds were human. Still, the question lingered: "What if the spirits are REAL?" I would suggest "THAT may be the EXACT reason why WE have been called in. The off-chance that this might be an actual haunting.". As it would turn out, I was right. While the president could not, OPENLY, admit to the idea, that the new World Trade Center MIGHT be haunted, it would seem that, whether the perpetrators were alive, or spirits, the president wanted definitive answers. As the case file pointed out, there had been dozens, if not hundreds, of "psychics", who visited the plaza, ALL of whom had said "I feel a presense..." There had, also, been letters, to Capital Hill, claiming that un-specified persons were "in pain", and that, for a "minimal fee", various persons were willing to lay the dead to rest. Less than a handful, of correspondents, were arrested, by the F.B.I. All of these arrests were due to writers being foolish enough to write "If I am not hired, to lay the dead to rest, then the lost souls, from that terrible day, will "rise up", and "strike down" the White House, and Capital Hill." Then, there were three arrests made, when "performers" invaded the lobbies, of the new buildings, disrupting activities, with all manner of performances. This, while telling the "audience" "I feel the presense, of pain and suffering..." In the file, the president noted "Were it not for "Freedom of Speech", I would have had them arrested, and held, in prison, until this issue is resolved." Tami and I could not agree, more. We KNEW who the real people were, both mortal, and immortal. The fakers, often, turned our stomachs, while mixing things which were combustable, to say the least. This is the reason why the president had made it clear that the Brown Agency was their choice. The agency's history, of discretion, was legendary. (The presidents greatest hope was that our investigation would never be discovered.) The main problem, with this, was that the spirits, of 9/11 victims, were showing up all over the new plaza. Even according to Black Ops, there was no pattern, to the hauntings. Sometimes, it was a business person, in a suit, or a woman, in a Fifth Avenue dress. Maybe, it was one of the children, who had been on a field trip, on that September day. As a result, Tami and I spent WEEKS, even working with Brown Agency computers, trying to find ANY kind of pattern. It was thanks, to the construction contractors ingenuity, that Ghost Ship Two "vanished", while on site, underneath some "Under Construction" tarps. People forgot that our stealth ship was present, in no time. Still, no matter how we "sliced" it, the hauntings seemed completely random. HOW were we supposed to track spirits, inside buildings, where humans were active round-the-clock? Even the school girl, whose body had been recovered, from a pile of rubble, of what had been a lobby level, was being "witnessed", towards both the middle of the building, and the upper floors, as well. One, of the women spirits, was "witnessed" near several of the boutiques, and restaurants, inside the new building. The man, sometimes dressed in a dark blue, three-piece, suit, and a silk tie, had been "witnessed" near offices, such as a diamond processing office, a stock firm, and was even making appearances at an investment firm. When Tami and I asked the head of Black Ops, if they even considered closing the building, completely, then trying to apprehend the spirits, all that Black Ops would tell us was "Sorry. That was one of our primary idea's. Trap those sons of... But management said "No can do". We have to let business operate, on its own schedule." While Tami, myself, and even Black Ops ALL thought we had "visuals", over the next two months, everytime we checked, the "spooks" were living, breathing, people. Even as our tracking luck continued to produce negative results, security continued to receive reports. As Security pointed out, "If one of those THINGS would just injure a person, we could go after it, "guns blazing"" When Tami would ask "What good would that do? These people are, already, dead". The Black Ops director would say "Figure of speech, ma'am". While Tami and I understood what the soldiers meant, Tami and I also had experience, with mortals who DID try to shoot the dead. In fact, one of the funniest jokes we, ever, heard, was when we saw an officer pull a gun, on a spirit. When the officers partner had asked "What good will that do? They are already dead?" The officer, confronting the spirit, would ask "Any better ideas?" At that moment, no one had ANY ideas. Back in the present, it was not until the newest addition, to the World Trade Center, was finally ready to open, that Tami hoped for some "real action". While no, official, reports had been made, the file stated that, while the spirits "tampered" with construction, of each, new, building, the dead had made a point of showing up, at each Grand Opening. And, NO, I dont mean like whisps of smoke, or demons, or monsters. I mean, the dead showed up, as though prepared for either work, or school. In fact, many times, the only way to know when the living were talking to the dead, was when the living would ask "What do you think, of the new building?" It was when the dead would say "I have no idea. I died, on September 11th, 2001." With that, the spirit would dissolve. Now, Tami had a great idea. Since the spirits enjoyed appearring, at such occassions, Tami had us add our own detection meters, to the lobby decorations, even before the set up, for the ceremony. OUR goal, was to attract atleast ONE spirit, to us. This way, we could learn the reason why the spirits remained. That was SUPPOSED to be the plan, anyway. WHO would have thought that the spirits had their own, "game plan". Just as the lights, for the newest building, went bright, as though welcoming the public, the power went back off, and the buildings shadow seemed to take on an ominous, dark, shape. Shortly after this, the entire World Trade Center Plaza went dark, as section-by-section, lights shut down. Point of note: Odd thing was, neither New York City, nor Ghost Ship Two went dark. Man, though, did the spirits get a laugh, out of what happened next. As party-goers were looking around, at the darkness, wondering what was going on, a deep, male, voice broke out in the kind of "evil" laughter which, normally, is only heard, in classic, horror, movies. For reasons, which Tami and I failed to comprehend, just because of this loud laughter, party-goers panicked, and ran for the "safety", of New York City's lights. I can only guess that, after so many cases, and pursuing so many spirits, that Tami and I were "immune" to such theatrics. When a man, in a sea captains uniform, approached us, asking "Are you not scared, and chilled to your bones?" Tami would ask "Why?" When the man, whose voice was like a booming stereo, with the bass turned up, to loud, would ask "Do you not fear ghosts, creepy-crawlies, or even dying?" Tami would shrug her shoulders as she said "Everybody dies. It is just a question of where, when, and how." When the sea captain shook some, nearby, tree's, while making a ghostly wail, Tami would say "Cut the theatrics. Are YOU one of the resident spirits?" When the man would ask "Resident what?" Tami would ask "Are you one of those, who perished, at the W.T.C., on September 11th, 2001?" The man would say "My dear, this IS September 11th, 2001". When Tami would ask "Wanna bet?" The man would check his wristwatch, then say "See, I told you." as he showed us his wristwatch "It is 9:15 A.M., September 11th, 2001". This is when Tami would ask the man the "shocker question". "If it is 9:15 A.M., then WHY is this place as dark as midnight?" When the moon appearred, overhead, and Tami asked the man "Since when does the moon, and stars, come out, in the morning?" When the sea captain asked Tami "Fair lady, just WHAT date do YOU think it is?" When Tami told the man the current date, and time, his next question was natural. "Where have **I** been, all this time?" Tami would soften her approach as she would say "I would like to think that you have remained, to watch over your loved ones". When the man would say "Do not be absurd, young woman. I am a life-time member, of the Merchant Marine. I am dedicated to only one mistress and her name is the sea" When Tami would ask "What about the other spirits?" and Tami began listing names, the man would, only, say "I do not know those names. I do know that there are others about the area." When Tami would ask "Would you ask some of them to step forward, and talk to us?" The man would caution "Be aware. Most of us prefer our privacy" Tami would add "Just as we do, in life." By this time, the plaza was vacant, of the living, so Tami felt no problem in calling after the man "How about turning the power back on?" While the merchant marine turned, to look back, at us, section-by-section, the plaza's lights returned to life. When Tami would call out "Thank You", the merchant marine would say "It was not I" He would, then, fade away, leaving us with more questions than answers. Later, on-board G.S.2, Tami and I would agree. While the merchant marine was a bit "heavy handed", in his theatrics, we just did not see him as being behind the laughter, or the black-out. No, someone ELSE wanted our attention. The question was: WHO? While we did not find out WHO, for some time to come, we DID locate a reasonable explanation, for WHY. According to the records, when the twin towers fell, the debris flattened this location, burying an un-specified number, of victims, inside. People who died, under the crushing weight, of hundreds of tons, of debris. Sure, the debris had been removed, and sifted, for body parts, however, the one thing, which no search gear is designed to locate is the human soul/spirit. This is where Tami and I came in. I would use all of my senses, to locate the spirits, while Tami held conversations, with the spirits, including final requests. The most difficult part, of this exercise, however, was in holding a rabid media at bay. It would seem that someone had started a rumor, about New York bringing in the 1980's version of the Ghost Busters. The media was swarming the plaza, with each reporter HOPING to be the FIRST to spot the ghost busters ambulance. For a few hours, the media was "alive", with speculation, about when, where, and how, the ghost busters would be called in. At the suggestion, of the White House, New Yorks mayor declined to issue a statement. New York, and the White House agreed "Let the media think, and say, whatever they wanted to". While New Yorkers were waiting, and watching, for Ecto 1 to drive into town, I had located as many as twenty souls, which I forwarded to Tami. Most, of what we encountered, inside the building, was neither menacing, nor frightening. Most of the souls were, simply, lost, and scared. People who did not understand. Death had been upon them, so quickly, they had no time, for final thoughts. Atleast one woman was fearful, of coming forward since, according to her story, after her children were born, she had accepted a promotion, at work, and began working longer hours. Since a co-worker was more "accessable", than her husband, the two were involved, in a prolonged affair, on that fateful day. Now, the woman was fearful that 9/11 had been God's way, of punishing her infidelity. While some, of the souls, were joyous, when Mother Superior appearred, others were fearful, when the Enforcer Demon appearred, as well. Even I was amazed at how, whether in a nun's habit, or a business suit (which the nun, currently, wore), Mother Superior commanded RESPECT. In my personal opinion, I believe that Mother Superior could command respect, even in a bikini. The woman just had an "air" of "IM in charge". The same air as the high priestess, of each, Wiccan, coven. The souls only seemed a bit relaxed when the Ennforcer Demon would inform us "I am here, strictly, to ensure that the transition proceeds smoothly". When Tami would suggest "You want to avoid a repeat, of that, other, incident, correct" The Enforcer Demon would say "The paperwork, for that one, was a real nightmare. I will spare you the details. Like the nun, I am here, just to observe, and verify". Mother Superior would correct the Enforcer Demon, saying "**I** am here, to ensure that the Lord's children make their way, to the Heavenly gates". When Tami would suggest "You MAY have a boatload full, on this trip." The nun would say "The chairman ALWAYS has plenty of room, for his children". Of this, neither Tami, nor I, had any doubts. Now, I will grant that, over the next week, there were some "unusual" cloud formations, over the World Trade Center Plaza, however, it really took some imagination, for someone to produce those internet pictures, of the new towers. Pictures, which displayed demons "embracing" the new towers. While the pictures were pulled, within an hour, over 1.5 million copies had been downloaded, by that time. When Tami decided to play a joke, on the "vandals", who published the pictures, by having Mr. Black create some "divine fakes", of our own. When Tami's pictures were published, with one showing two angels, kneeling, on opposite sides, of the new towers, and another picture, showing an angel, embracing the buildings, and yet another, showing the Chairman/God appearing to lay praise, on the new towers, even Tami could not believe how FAST downloads exceeded 250 million. Via comm-link, Mr. Black would joke, with Tami "Split the profits, with you, 50/50". Tami laughed at this, as well, since even SHE knew Brown Agency policy, in such matters. Still, it was fun, to laugh, about it. Between my partner, and the nun, the processing went fairly smoothly. Ofcourse, there were the usual questions, such as spirits asking "Am I worthy of Heaven?", as well as "What will happen, when I go before Gabriel?" Mother Superior, always, got a laugh, out of the mortals, who thought that the Arch-Angel was either a monster, or a "fire-and-brimstone" judge. As Mother Superior had said, many times "As angels go, he's a pretty nice guy". While I, sometimes, wondered if **I** would have to atone, for THINKING about other mens wives, Tami's concern, since meeting Mother Superior, had been "HOW will I atone, for my days, of drug, and alcohol, use? How will I atone, for failing to honor my parents?" While Mother Superior would not commit, Tami and I just HOPED that our deeds, in aiding the living, and the deceased, would earn us some bonus points, when our times came. Still, Tami and I agreed that, the more souls we aided, the more peace we brought, to the living. As many as 250 families, now, had peace of mind, due to our services. The children, from the tour group, were the most difficult, to cross over. This, because a bully, among the students, was taunting class-mates, with whispers, of how anyone, who was not, totally "perfect" would be cast out of Heaven, to burn, forever, in the pit of Hell. When Mother Superior found the bully terrorizing some students, the nun taught the child the meaning of "Corporal/capital Punishment". When the nun tossed the bully, to the Enforcer Demon, and the bully cried out "Thats not fair!" The nun would ask "Not fair?" When the bully said "That right" The nun would ask "Was it fair, when you were terrorizing your class-mates?" When the bully said "Stupid whimps. Not an ONCE of courage. They get what they deserve". When the nun would say "In that case, say Hello to Lucifer, for me". The last we saw, of the bully, was when the Enforcer Demon was dragging the yelling, crying, bully away. Demon, and bully dissolved, into the night. Still, my partner, and the nun, had their "hands full", for the next few days, as more souls came forward. For a few, of the most deeply religious, their family members spirits would appear, before the souls, with open arms, to bring the souls to Heaven. While the ladies handled the processing, of the souls, I returned to G.S.2, and started processing "last messages". While most of the messages were responded to with "Thank You", the one request, which the Port Authority refused, flat out, was to stop all commercial development, at the plaza. The request was to turn the plaza into a huge memorial. As the Port Authority would say "That is PRIME real estate. It is worth millions, in income. The city NEEDS this income." Tami and I agreed to leave the GREED, of the mortals, to the JUSTICE, of the spirit world. We were just messengers. If people did not like the messages. That was their problem, not ours. While Tami and I were certain that not everyone, at the W.T.C. was "processed", there was nothing we could do, to force the issue. After all, HOW does one compel a spirit to do anything? When G.S.2 departed the World Trade Center, to proceed to an air force base, for fuel and supplies, we heard the pilot tell the co-pilot "This time, listen and obey. Stay away from that bar maid. Got it?" The co-pilot would say "If you say so" It would be while re-fuelling, and re-provisioning, at the air force base, that our next case file arrived, from Mr. Brown. This time, Tami and I were being requested to aid a mortal, whose relatives thought the woman was being scammed, by a fake "medium". It was another of those "I can feel the presense of..." types. Tami and I had run across them, before. We were just happy, that these fakes hated us as much as we hated them taking advantage of people. Seances, and rapping on tables. Pure childhood games. Still, a family was asking our help. On to the next case.

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