Tuesday, September 13, 2016


PURSUIT OF WITCH MOUNTAIN (DREAM SCENE) A motor home is making a dash, for a remote section, of America. While the driver is, in fact, violating speed laws, the driver has ample reason, for this "reckless" driving. After all, the motor home IS being targetted, and shot at, by automatic weapons fire, probably from helicopters. The pursuit continues, for several, very LONG miles, until the motor home closes in on the vicinity, of a remote town, which is located near a mountain. As if "out of the blue", the pursuing gun-ships break off the chase, even as disc-shaped shadows seem to appear, near the motor home. As the driver, of the motor home, begins reducing travel, to a safe speed, a young boy tries for a better look, yet his grand-father reprimands the boy, saying "Stay DOWN!". When the boy would ask his grand-father "Why?" the grand-father would say "Just a few more miles, and we are home, free". While remaining crouched down, in the wheel-well, the boy would wonder about some mysterious sounds, which he was hearing. Then, even as the boy saw the delight, in his grand-fathers face, as though the senior was happy to see the disc-shaped shadows. When the boy heard what he THOUGHT were special effects, from a science fiction movie, he would watch as his grand-father relaxed, as the senior would say "We made it". The senior would, then, turn to the rear, of the motor home, asking someone "Everybody all right, back there?" Every time the boy was preparing to turn, and see who else was in the motor home, the boy would, no-sooner, glance, at the rear, of the motor home, when... He would awaken, from the dream. When his own father would ask "That dream, again?" The young man would say "Same as always. Grandpa, and I are in the motor home, and have someone chasing us, and shooting at us". The father would say "Calm down, son. It was only a dream." The young man would say "But, it seemed so REAL!" The father would say "Ofcourse, it seems real. Your grand-father has told that story, so many times, even I know it, by heart". When the son would ask "Do you think it is true? COULD there be aliens, living, right here on Earth?" The father would say "Your grand-father means well. Un-fortunately, the only "aliens" are in his imagination". When the son would ask "Dad, if aliens did exist, I wonder what they would be like. Maybe, the monsters from "War of the Worlds"? Alien? Preditior? I really wonder" All that the father would say was "I wonder what your mother has, ready, for breakfast. Now, come on, lets get dressed" Then, the father would leave his son, and join his wife, in the kitchen. When the wife would say "The dream, again". Her husband would say "Yeah. I guess I better tell my dad, again, to stop re-telling that story. The very idea of his own father helping stranded aliens". While the mother expressed concern, for her sons well-being, the father would promise "He's just a growing boy. He will grow out of it". The mother would say "I hope so." Even as his wifes voice faded, as the man recalled bits, and pieces, of his own youthful adventures, with his own father. While it had been exciting, eluding the police, the younger man had, always, wondered WHY his father only took interest in CERTAIN children, whom they found, along their journeys. And WHAT was so important, that his father was willing to drive, in all kinds of crazy ways? The husband would be "recalled", to THIS world, when his wife mentioned the name "Witch Mountain", saying "The school wants to dispel these myths, and legends. The hope is that, when the class visits a place called, of all things, "Witch Mountain", that the class will see that there are NO witches, just like there are no dragons, guarding the paths, leading to this Witch Mountain". When the husband would ask "Remind me, again. WHEN is the class visiting this mountain?" The wife would say "Next month. That is, IF the weather holds." Later, while the man was out, for a walk, he remembered a few, of the times, when he had seen sparks, fly from the body, of grand-fathers motor home. He remembered the "pings", and remembered his grand-father saying "Almost there". What the man could not remember was WHERE "there" was. For some reason, the man found himself standing before his grand-fathers storage shed. When the man opened the shed up, the man saw the vintage motor home, sitting there, covered in dust. He could, also, see evidence, of where something had dented the paint, in so many places. The man remembered that his grand-father had been so annoyed, that the "touch-up paint", which he purchased, from automotive stores, never matched the body color, of the motor home. As a result, grand-father gave the motor home a complete re-painting, on a regular basis. Now, when the man opened the drivers side door, and saw the vintage interior, he wondered why grand-father had, never, done any thing more than paint the body, of the motor home, and kept tuning the engine. Throughout his childhood, his own father had fussed with that engine. Always trying to get more POWER, and performance. The man knew the reason why his own father had stopped making nationwide trips. It had to do with the mans own mother. The man had been baffled when, during his youth, his own mother was, always, asking his father "Why do YOU have to be the one, rounding up those kids? Why cant someone else take over?" Father had said "You dont understand. These people NEED my help. No one else understands what they need, and how to help them reach safety". The man would have wondered WHAT made the children so "special", except that he had seen evidence, of the childrens "talents". Now, sitting there, in grand-fathers seat, and looking at the odometer, which registered only 150 miles, the man wondered how many times, over the years, the odometer had done a full cycle, re-setting to zero. The man smiled, at the vintage, rotary, dials, of the speedometer, as well as the gas, oil, radiator, and so on. That, and that crazy, A.M. only radio. (This rig was a museum piece, for sure, the man thought). The man never ceased to be amazed when, as he opened the engine cover and found: Man! had his grand-father had this thing revved up. Why? the man never knew. As the man sat there, recalling the past, a local deputy would arrive, saying "Your wife asked us to locate you. Something about your grand-father." The man would say "Probably, grandpa is getting fresh, with his care-giver, again". The deputy would watch, as the man re-locked the shell over the engine, then locked up the shed. Only after this, did the deputy ask the man "Why do you keep that antique? It hasn't seen the highway, in "ages" The man would say "Grand-father would dis-own me, if I sold his precious "traveller"" This is when the deputy would remember "Oh, yeah. Those stories he told. Picking up Martians, of some, such, things." The man would defend his grand-father, saying "HE believes he was helping stranded aliens to find their people." When the deputy would say "Yeah. At some place called, what was it? Witch Mountain?" The deputy would add "Well, anyway, I guess your grand-father wants to see you. Odd thing, though. WHY didn't your wife just call your phone?" The man would say "VERY good question", as he took out his phone, only to relaize that it was turned off. When the man turned the phone on, and called his wife, to confirm that he was on his way to see grand-father, his wife would ask "Would you mind collecting OUR son. He wants to see your grand-father. I agreed." The man would say "All right. Just so long as the boy behaves, and doesn't start grandpa on those stories, again." When father and son would visit the senior citizen, though, it would be the senior who was the bearer of news. From his bed, the senior would tell the father "I KNOW that you never believed. Even when you SAW the evidence, for yourself." When the man told the senior "We really dont have TIME, for "witch hunting" stories. Why have you called us here?" The senior would say "Tony and Tia". When the young man would ask "Tony and Tia Who?" His father would say "Long story", then asked the senior "We know this story, too well. What about Tony and Tia?" The senior would say "Tony and Tia appearred, to me, last night." When the man would ask "They appearred?" The senior would say "In my dream, they came to me" When the father would say "You had the police track me down, to talk about a DREAM?!" The senior would say "Not a dream. A VISION!" When the man would say "Fine. A VISION. Did they call, to say "Hello, old friend?" The senior took his sons hand, saying "I KNOW your mother was opposed to my aiding the children. I Know they need us, now, more than ever" When the man would say "Calm down, grand-father. By now, I am sure that Tony and Tia have retired. No-doubt, someplace nice." The senior would look at the teen, saying "Boy, my top dresser drawer. Documents box. The one with the key." When the teen retrieved the box, for the senior, the senior placed a hand, on the box, saying "My time is done. I pass my legacy on, to you, and your son. They need OUR help. It is up to us." Then, as if looking off, into space, the senior would smile as he said "Tony, Tia." then the senior was gone. (What father, and son, did not know was that, when the senior looked away, it was not into blank space. Tony and Tia, looking as radiantly childlike, as ever, would appear, before the senior, smiling, and saying "Your journey is complete. Time to come home".) When father and son, took the key, and opened the box, neither was sure of what they would find, within the box. All that they found, though, was an old map, with countless lines, drawn upon it, as well as travelers journals. While father and son took the box, to the family home, it would be the wife who was first to make the "connection". When she said "Oh, my god", her husband would ask "What is it?" When his wife would say "Remember those weekends, at the lakes, cabins, and small towns?" When the man would smile, as he said "Yes, those were the days. Different place, every time. Man, did we put MILES on the old camper" When the wife would ask "Did he, ever, tell you WHY he wanted to visit THOSE places?" The man would say "Sure. He claimed he was doing research. I never saw him publish anything. He just wrote in those books. I never found out WHAT he was researching". His wife would say "I think that I know" When the husband would say "Well, dont keep me in suspense. WHAT was he researching?" His wife would say "Not what. WHO" When the husband would say "Fine, WHO was he researching?" His wife would, no-sooner, say "Aliens", and the man would say "non-sense" This is when Tony and Tia, would, slowly, appear, before the couple. Tia would say "Not non-sense, and, please excuse me, ma'am, but we are not, really, aliens". When the husband would ask "WHAT are you?" Tony and Tia would look at one another, as if baffled, then Tony would say "We are human. Just from another planet". When the wife would ask "What do you want, from us?" Tia would say "A group, from yet another planet, was supposed to visit Earth, to review how were are interracting with humans" When the wife would ask "How ARE you doing, among us?" Tia would say "Your people continue to fear, and hunt, us. As long as we limit contact, your people seem to respect our privacy. There is a problem, though". When the husband would say "There always is", Tia would say "One, of the ships, planning to visit, had a navigational failure. While our ships have stealth capabilities, the ships can be viewed, when powered down. Whether the ship has crashed, or landed, we need someone, from among your people, whom we can trust, to transport our people to our colony." When the husband would ask "Dont you have your own ships?" Tony would say "Yes, un-fortunately, to find the survivors, our ships would have to expose themselves, to use sensors. Your planets militaries would LOVE to get their hands on our ships. Since your government has declared US "hostiles", for not sharing our technology. Result: Our ships must be used to protect our base." Tia would add "This is why we need you. If you would continue your families work, of bringing our people, to us, we would be most appreciative". After Tony and Tia would fade out, the husband and wife would take the grand--fathers box, to the kitchen, and compare the journals to the map. Based upon the contents, of the journals, each line, on the map, represented a child, with one of those star-cases. While there had been suspicion, years ago, that the man was travelling, to have affairs, the journals, and the map, showed childrens homes, were the REAL focus, of the travels. Grand-father had done his best, to track certain children, then took trips, to verify if children were of the alien race. According to the journals, each time the man verified that children were "alien", documents would "appear", inside the motor home, giving the man permission to transport the children. The "normal" cover-story was that the man was an "uncle", who was tracking lost relatives. According to the journals, the man had written "At each cirled location, I was detained, for up to a week, while my paperwork was checked, and verified. At each point, marked "X", I was required to drive away, as fast as possible, from gun-fire. I want to make sure to note that neither Charles, Christine, Toby, keith, nor Fred, were, really, responsible, for people firing guns, at us. I think that, until the children reach a certain age, their "talents" are beyond their control. Loud noises, and threats, caused un-explained things, such as material levitating, or flying about. While it IS true that although Allycia DID cause a man to be stabbed to death, I blame his death on the fact that he thought it would be "cute", to scare a young child. In a moment, of panic, her powers out of her control, and Allycia, with no intent, sent a butcher knife flying, into her tormentors chest. Since I did not want to have to explain, to the police, I grabbed Allycia, and got out of town, as quickly as possible. When the camper radio listed the man was Murdered: No Motive. If I were not bound, by my promise, to deliver these children, to their people, I would have told the truth. The man caused his own death." When the wife would ask "Does it say what this "promise", to these aliens, was?" The husband read on. "For the record, I feel like punching anyone, who refers to these people, as "aliens". Sure, they are not of this Earth, but that is NO reason to hunt, or kill, them. Certainly no reason to refer to them as "alien"." When the wife would say "He, sure, seems passionate, about helping these "people"" The husband would say "Here it is." then continue the seniors account. "In the time since Tony and Tia, came along, and their Uncle Bene informed me that there were more children, from the same ship, all lost, I made Bene a promise, to locate as many, of the children, as possible." The journals then went on, to describe the mans travels, and how, whenever possible, the aliens left information, for him. The man had criss-crossed America, many times, collecting children, and delivering his "load", to the Witch Mountain colony. After the third delivery, the aliens had modified the motor home engine, for increased power, and stealth. If the journals were correct, it would seem that, by the time a wife had ordered a husband to stop travelling, in search of children, to be delivered, to Witch Mountain, the man would have recovered dozens of children. When the wife would say "So, your grand-mother was NOT joking, when she said that mortor home had over 700,000 miles on it." It was when the husband wondered "How DID the aliens track the children, and tell grand-father WHERE to collect the children?" At this moment, the family's home computer came to life, wwith an update, of a tracking program. When the wife said "Look at that", the husband saw a software package, which was atleast a century ahead of anything, currently under human development. As the file opened, the couple found the most amazingly detailed tracking program, in existance. The next question would be about "stealth transportation". Grand-fathers old traveller was far too old, for the open road. What no one could explain was HOW a next-generation Winnebago cruiser would appear on the family property. When the wife asked her husband "If they can do ALL of this, WHY not just move any downed craft, to Witch Mountain?" The husband would say "You read the journals. every time the aliens make a move, the army, and the air force, are ready to retaliate". When the wife would say "Fine, when do we start out?" The husband would say "We do not start out. If the aliens want our help, **I** intend to pack this thing, FULL, of their missing members, on each trip." Whenn the wife would say "Swell, you see the world while I am stuck, here". The husband would say "Stop complaining. This is NOT some sort of "vacation"". When the wife would ask "What would YOU call it?" The husband would say "Rescue Mission". Still, the husband wondered. If the aliens could provide stealth technology, racing engines, and brand new motor homes, HOW was it they could not make contact, with their own, lost people?" When the man thought about this, in a focused way, he received a "vision", of groups, of scanners. ALL focused on Witch Mountain. It seemed almost as if the government was expecting Witch Mountain to attack America. It would be two weeks, before the first location was made known, to the family. With the gas tank topped off, and cupboards, full of supplies, the husband would set off, on the next "leg", of a very long, old, road, trip. Following his wifes suggestion, th man would cruise the highways, of America, at a rate, which would not arouse suspicion (Even if the speed was incredibly boring) The man just hoped that the two-day trip, was worth the five, missing, children, who had been reported, at the childrens home. As the man exited the motor home, he heard a sound, which he had not heard, before. It was not an un-pleasant sound, yet it was unusual. Entering the grounds, the man noticed that he could, suddenly, "hear" childrens thoughts, such as "I am scared", and "When will they come, for us"? When the man would think "Help is here", the children would ask "Who are you?" The man would think "I am a friend, of the Earth colony". When th children would think "Where are our parents?" The man would think "I, really, dont know. I have been sent to collect you, and bring you to your people". By the time the man saw the children, he KNEW which were the aliens. The four of them were in a group, off by themselves. The man did not know WHAT the children saw, when they looked at him, however, after a moment, it was like they recognized him, like he was a relative. When the man looked about, then thought "Are there not FIVE of you, here?" The young girl would think "Tony got sick, when he stepped from the ship. I dont think he likes this place". When the man asked "Did Tony get sick, on the ground?" A boy, named Matthew, would think "No. He was fine, inside the ship. He got sick once he began breathing Earth air." When the man thoughtt "Where is Tony, now?" Matthew thought "In the place, for sick children". The girl would ask "Is he gonna die? Are we ALL gonna die, here?" The man would think "Lets get you to Witch Mountain, and see what THEY say" When Matthew would think "You can read our thoughts, AND you know, about Witch Mountain? What race are you?" The man would say "Earth Human" While the man thought he would have to bluff his way past hospital staff, and risk arrest, by removing the child, from care, he would be surprised at what he found, when he brought the other four children to the motor home. They found Tony, inside the motor home, and breathing a mixture, of gasses, which, for Earth humans, would have been lethal. By the time the childrens home staff realized that five, of their charges, were missing, the Winnebago was cruising, miles away, down a highway. While the original destination was to be Witch Mountain, it would seem that Tony's condition warranted more immediate, direct, action. The husband was given alternate directions, and informed to use the optional, over land, trail, to reach the rendezvous. What the husband was NOT told was that two, security, saucers, would disable all of the cars, belonging to the childrens home staffers. Sure, following paths, meant for horses, did make for a bumpy ride, for the motor home. On the plus side, however, the trail would discourage pursuit. Later, by the time the Winnebago was stopped, and searched, more than an hour later, the husband was allowed to proceed, when NO evidence, of the children, was found, inside the motor home. The husband, then, stopped off, to re-provision, while the colony verified his next pick up. It would seem that the motor home was stopped, and searched, twice, since departing the childrens home, since staff insisted that **A** motor home had been seen, near the time of the "abductions". As a result, every motor home, in the area, was checked, and re-checked. It would be two days later, before the husband was provided his next task. This time, however, the coordinates were those, of a mental hostpital. According to the details, a boy, and a girl, were brought in, with a diagnosis of P.T.S.D.. This was the only way which doctors could deal with two children, who seemed to understand one another, yet no one else. When the husband parked the Winnebago out-of-site, of the hospital, then approached the perimeter fence, he "heard" a young voice calling "Danger, the fence is electrified". When the husband thught "Thank You. What is your name?" The child would ask "You are one of us?" The husband played along, to gain the childrens cooperation, thinking "I have been sent, to bring you to Witch Mountaiin". When the two children heard "Witch Mountain", they asked "Are our parents okay?" The husband WANTED to lie, but decided upon the truth. "Once you arrive, at Witch Mountain, they will know more than I do". When the children asked "How do we get out of here?" The husband was looking around, while saying "I wish you could just walk through walls. That would be the easiest way". When the children suggested something called "trans-dimentional interface", the husband said "If that allows you to walk out, un-detected, then meet me at the motor home". Both the husband, and several children, inside the fenced play area, stopped to watch, as the alien children, easily, emerged, from the building, then "floated" over the perimeter fence. After that, they joined their benefactor, who lead them to the motor home, even as the other children set off the alarms, by trying to climb the fence. Once underway, the boy hazarded to think "Mister. I dont remember you, from the ship. HOW are you able to link with us?" The husband would think "Witch Mountain made it possible." Over the motor home stereo, the group listened as a police report claimed that children had gone missing, and were considered "dangerous". When the man thought "dangerous? To whom? They are just grade schoolers". The boy would ask "Why do these people think we are dangerous? All we want to do is get home". Over the next week, the motor home would make more stops, than planned for. In order to maintain peace, the husband pulled off the road, a few times, to let the children relax. Even with one hundred miles still to go, before reaching Witch Mountain, the husband received his next coordinates. Since the area, around Witch Mountain, held camp grounds, for public use, no one suspected the Winnebago, for being present. When Uncle Bene appeared, to thank the husband for his efforts, The husband would ask "Why do I feel like I am being watched?" Bene would say "There are humans, watching us, at this moment. They, still, think that we intend to attack, and that THIS is why we came, to your world." When the husband wuld ask "Is there anything **I** can do?" Bene would say "Right now, you ARE doing all that we can ask, of an Earth man. I only wish there were more Earth people, like you". The husband would mention "I dont mind collecting your people, for you, but I hope you understand that the motor home can only carry so many, at a time." Bene would say "Oh, we understand. We did not expect you to side-track, with a full load. We just wanted you to be ready, when you depart." This is when the husband understood the meaning, of the message. When the husband asked "How is it that your people are ending up all over the place, like they are?" Bene would say "It is proving a problem, hiding from that Integrated Laser Radar. While our ships are immune to your regular radar, whose use we gave up centuries ago, this I.L. Radar is much closer to our own tracking systems. If our ships are not operating at 100%, then your people can use I.L.R. to target our ships." When the husband would ask "Why would we target your ships?" Bene would say "Your people, still, consider anything "alien" to be deadly, and bent on attack. We know since we have viewed your television, and movies, for many years." When the husband would ask "What about E.T.?" Bene would ask "What about War of the Worlds, and Independence Day? No exactly welcoming, to other races, are your people?" The husband would say "SOME of us are not friendly, while others want to be. They just need TIME, to understand your people." When an unusual sound filled the air Bene would say "Well, we better be off. Best of luck, with your travels." The husband would say "Until later, my friend". Later, while the husband was enroute, to secure more survivors, his wife would call, with news. "Dear, did you know that your travels are making headlines?" When the husband would ask "What for?" His wife would say "According to the media, an "as yet un-identified, terrorist, cell, is aiding "enemy aliens", in securing safe haven, within America's borders."" While the husband was not so certain about the "enemy" part, he did agree that he WAS aiding aliens, in seeking safe passage, to meet their own people. But "enemy aliens"? Was that not a bit of a stretch? When his wife would suggest "Why not come home, until the "heat dies down". You can aid the aliens, once the police are off your tail". When the husband would ask "What do I tell Bene? What do I tell the stranded aliens? Better luck, on your next trip?" The wife would remind him "You Do have RESPONSIBILITIES, here at home, you know." Ofcourse, the man knew he had duties, at home, but he, also, knew what would happen, if either the federal government, or worse, private enterprise, got hold of the aliens. That passage, in great-grand-fathers journal. The entry, which stated that a member, of law enforcement, had hoped to terrorize a child into giving up her people, to police. The man remembered the entry, where the senior had stated that the child has been terrorized to the point where she lost all control, over her talents. Once the interrogation had gone too far, the girl had, sub-consciously, wished the man would go away. This desire had translated, into the knife, plunging into the man. In the family's point-of-view, the law enforcer would be alive, today, had he not frightened a child, hallf to death. The husband knew that this was true, since his own children had, at times, "lashed out", when parents acted, in a terrifying way. This is why he KNEW that, like his senior, HE had to be the one, to AID the lost. He, even, remembered his senior telling him "Sure, they are from other planets, but the question we need to ask ourselves is "Are they "evil", for being alien, to Earth?" When the man considered the fact that, with Americans preparing to land, on OTHER planets, WE would become the aliens, on the other worlds. How would WE feel, if a local population attacked US, just for being different? This is why the man told his wife "I will be home, soon. That, I will promise you. And no un-necessary risks. I will simply, retrieve as many, of them as possible, then I will be home." After retrieving another load, of travellers (the ships crew was staying behind, hoping to repair the ship, then meet the motor home, at Witch Mountain), the man would ask the travellers if Earth was, in fact, their final destination. When the aliens did not seem to understand the man, he thought "Would you ask that question, of Bene?" The adults nodded. When the motor home came to a check-point, and the man saw police, and federal officials, questioning drivers, he was anxious, but only for a moment. Once the man heard, and saw, that the search parties were looking for people, from the Middle East, and people carrying concealled, automatic, weapons, the man relaxed, as he drove to the blockaid, and encouraged the agents to check his "ride". When a lead agent told his officers "Look for any weapons, including AK-47, M-16, machine guns, or rocket maunchers." When the husband would ask "Just curious, but WHERE, inside a motor home, would someone HIDE those kinds of weapons?" The agent would say "I have my orders", then he would tell other officers "Make sure you check the gas tank, as well." When the husband heard this, he asked the agent "Would you like to strip-search ME, as well. I MIGHT have a nuke "up there"." The agent just gave the husband a questioning look, even as an officer came to report "Nothing in the fuel tank except motor home grade diesel." When the agent would ask the husband "When did you, last, stop for fuel?" The husband would say "At one of those by-the-highway places." When the agent asked "The NAME, sir?" The husband would pull out his wallet, saying "lets see". (He did not guess, this time, since, the last time he gave a wrong answer, i.e., the name, of a station, in another state, he ended up being finger-printed, until his story was verified.) This time, he played it safe, pulling out the receipt, for his fuel. When the feds asked about his passengers, the man would be more-or-less honest, when he said "Going to a reunion. Since I have this vast, motor home, the family suggested that I could give others a ride. I agreed, in return for gas money. When the feds asked "Where are you headed?" The man would say "You know that town, about five miles from that place. I think people call it Witch Mountain?" The fed would say "I am from New York. Spent most of my time in Jersey." Since the man knew this was a trick question, he would add to it, saying "Well, where we are headed, the fishing is great. If you have a rod and reel, I suggest you visit, sometime. Folks are really nice". Once federal officials departed the motor home, saying "Nothing there. Just some passengers, who are ready to get moving." When the lead agent would say "No weapons, at all?", the man would say "Thats not true. I keep a rifle, locked away, for when I go hunting". The lead agent would say "Not the kind of gun we are looking for. You may proceed." After more check-points, and more searches, the motor home would find its way, to the area, of Witch Mountain. The husband would stop, in the next town, though, when a child would ask what "that thing" was, which one of the men had placed on the vehicle body. When the husband pulled over, and asked the child "Will you show me WHERE the man was, when he put that on us?" When the child showed the adults the device, the man was careful to make the gesture for "Dont say a word", then lead the men a discreet distance, from the motor home. Only here would the man say "No wonder they were so casual, with the conversation. They were planting that transmitter, on my home. Question is: DO we destroy it, or let them find your people?" One of the aliens had an idea. Instead of using the modern, interstate highway, with its safety rails, the aliens encouraged the husband to use a much older bridge. A richety unit, with just ropes, to prevent falls. In order to prevent suspicion, the aliens removed the tracker (a primitive unit, by their standards), using plastic, then as the motor home passed over the bridge, the tracker would be tossed into the water. The aliens would say "The battery should last a few hours. Your people will think we stopped, for a rest." When this group reached Witch Mountain, and were greeted by the aliens, the husband would ask "Just want to know your intentions, while on Earth." When the aliens looked confused, the man would suggest "You dont intend to attack us, do you?" The aliens just looked confused, then laughed, as they said "This is just a stop over. We are just visiting, to see how life is different, on various planets." While none, of the aliens would admit to which planet they were from, or headed to, ALL agreed that, in future, they would AVOID Earth. Never had they felt so un-welcome. When the husband would list various concerns, such as September 11th, 2001, as the reasons for the increased paranoia, the aliens would agree that they would inform other races not to visit Earth, for a couple of more centuries. "We will let your race grow up, more, before we make contact. As it is, your race is still, what do you call it? A child, who has found a parents loaded gun. Is that the correct analogy?" The husband would say "Close enough". While staying, for a reunion dinner, Bene would inform the husband "Best you are returning home, for a spell." When the huband asked, Bene would say "Your government is growing suspicious of your movements. Best we "Let sleeping dogs lie"." By the time the husband returned to his family, he would have his own tales, for his own son. Tales of putting over 100,000 miles, on the motor home, before coming home, to rest. Tales, of meeting Bene, and of conversing with Tony and Tia. When the son would ask "HOW? I thought they were kids, back in grandpa's day" The husband would say "Son, since they are not of Earth, their lives are different from ours. They not only have space travel, but they have learned to make their bodies stronger, to last longer." When his son would ask "Are Tony and Tia still children?" The father would say "No, son. They are adults, just as you, eventually, will be. They are human, just like us. They just have a different way of life". After this, the family would return, to thier regular lives, for the next three years, even as the father taught his son not only HOW to drive, but how to maintain the motor home. There were features, which the aliens had either added, or super-charged. When the teen son was, later, charged, with "statutory rape", for "attacking" a girl, at a party, the family was about to call in an attorney, when an adult Tia would appear, before the family members. Tia would offer this token, of generousity: "In return for your family aiding our family, over the years, we have agreed to aid your quest for justice. This, we do, to Thank You for returning our brethern to us". Twenty-four hours later, local police received a reecording showing the events, at the party. The video, plainly, showed the teen sons drink being drugged, while a "popular" girl spoke to him, for the first time. The teen was so taken, that the girl spoke to him, that he did not notice his drink. After consuming the drink, the teen had passed out, and the video showed the details, of the people, who had created the scene. The way the scene played out, the girl snuggled up, to the teen, once he passed out, and pretended that the two had been together. After the video presentation was finished, and the pregnant girls parents wanted the video suppressed, the detective, in charge of the case, would say "Wait, there is more". When the girls parents looked infuriated, at what was happening, the detective would suggest "Before you say anything, you should read this." The detective then handed the parents a copy of a toxicology report, which had been delivered, with the video. The report was simple, and direct: Results of drug testing, on white, male, youth, etc. Testing confirms that male ingested as much as five grams, of hallucinagenic drug. Since this is a near fatal dose, either male was attempting to commit suicide, OR the male was drugged, without his knowledge. The five grams were more-than-enough to cause memory loss. Recovery, of memory, is doubtful. See schedule 3, sub-section 5, for further details. When the girls parents would insist "They are just trying to get that boy off the hook, for raping our daughter. That video, and the report, are as fake as a politicians election year promises." The detective would respond "Sory to tell you this, but forgery was the very first thing that we checked for. We checked, three times, to be sure. The video, and the report, are 100% authentic". When the girls father would demand "Who RAPED my daughter?!", The detective would say "As far as we can tell, she was NOT attacked. No signs, of struggle, have been found." When the girls mother would say "You are not suggesting..." and the detective would just nod. Later, at home, when the teen would ask his parents "How can I thank Tony and Tia, for their aid?" The father would say "Oh, I am sure that they know." Just a week later, Tia would visit the family, right during dinner time. Tia would say "Pardon the interruption, but a task needs to be completed, within the next week." When the wife would say "Let me guess. Another saucer is down, and you need a pick up crew". Tia would say "Not exactly, but your assistance would be appreciated." When the husband would ask "Can this wait until AFTER dinner?" Tia would say "Pardon me. I will await you, in the living room". After dinner, Tia outlined what was about to happen. "A ship, from one of our sister planets, is passing by the area. They only need to stop by Earth, long enough for engine repairs, and to reset navigation." When the husband would ask "What is it you want, from us? All we have is the Winnebago. We have no way of reaching outer space." Tia would say "We would not need your services, beyond the atmosphere." When the husband would ask "What would you ask us to do?" Tia would say "Draw off some heat. IF our ship needs to land, to make repairs, we need a diversion. Something to make your government look in another direction." When the teen son would say "Cool! Count me in". The father would say "What is it that you suggest?" Tia would say "Fake them out. Make them think that we are where we are not." The parents were just considering HOW they could do this, when the son suggested "Too bad we dont have another Winnebago. We could psyche them right out. Dad going in one direction, and me, in the other". The father had only just said "Dont be ridiculous. You know how expensive those Winnebago's are? I would never ask..." and Tia would say "I believe that it is an excellent suggestion." The father would be quick to tell his son "NO joy riding. These things are for us to HELP the colony. NOT for picking up girls, understand?" With the agreement made, Tia would finish with "The preparations will be in place, within two days. Be prepared to depart, once we have more information". The wife just nodded, in surrender. Now, she was losing both her husband, AND her son, to aid a group, of aliens, who she had, never met, in person. For just a short time, the woman considered calling the police. The question was "What will I tell them? That my husband, and son, are aiding, and abetting, a group of extraterrestrials?" She would be laughed off the phone. Besides, the alien had said that aid only MIGHT be needed. If the aliens could repair their ship, in space, her family might not have to go travelling. Her hopes were "dashed" when, four days later, another Winnebago appeared, on the property. This one, registered in the sons name. When the home computer came to life, on its own, and began giving data-points, the woman found her husband choosing west, while her son agreed to north-east. From Tia's most recent message, the ship, in question, only needed to land, long enough to replace its air supply. It seems that a mechanical short had "dumped" the ships entire air supply, into space. The ship needed twenty-four hours, on the ground, to re-fill its tanks, and continue, on its way. The problem was that, while the alien ships were on the ground, either for repairs, or re-supply, their cloaking tech would be off-line. It was when the ships pilots would radio their probable landing area, that father, and son, would depart their home, seeming to travel in the general direction, where the ship would be landing. Both, however, would break off, once they had the feds attention, and moved off, in different directions, each with directions, for a possible pick up. While the feds split their forces, to follow both Winnebago's, the problem was that Washington D.C. had approved the use of only ONE Integrated Laser Radar. The pursuing feds had to decide which motor home to have the unit pursue. If they chose the wrong one, the aliens would be, safely, on the ground, and un-detectable. Just as the family had planned, with each motor home travelling equally distant, from the proposed landing area, the I.L.R. was sent after the father, since it was supposed that the son would neither be reliable, nor responsible. As his father had cautioned the young man, though "Just because you do not SEE the feds, does NOT mean that they are not near." Once the young man knew the feds were following his father, the young man would begin to, subtly, alter his course, until he was headed into the general area, where the ship was to land. By the time the young man arrived, at the coordinates, his father would have texted "Son, they are HOT, on my tail. Take care. Success is your responsibility." While the young man rememberred his grand-fathers tales, of the amazing craft, which the aliens used, NOTHING could prepare him for what he was about to see. While the alien ship was, in fact, LARGE, there was nothing "terrifying" about it. It was, simply, a wingless craft, with some beautiful strobes. When the ship settled, to the ground, the young man noticed that it did not extend landing gear. It seemed to balance on a field of pure energy. It was a beauty, and a wonder, to behold. When the aliens came forth, to test the air quality, the young man realized that the aliens could pass, for human, anywhere in the world. Then, the young man realized the reason WHY the aliens had asked the motor homes to meet the ship. It would seem that the ships had taken some internal damage, and they had some passengers, who needed a place to rest, until repairs were complete. Six hours later, when the feds realized that the father was just heading "nowhere", they abandoned pursuit. Or, to the mans mind, maybe they just WANTED him to THINK they had abandoned pursuit. The man would be left to wonder why the feds did not learn from their mistakes. Specifically, the idea of hiding their transmitter, always, in the rear, right, wheel well. Before altering course, to meet up with his son, the man would stop, long enough to remove the latest tracker, from the motor home, then plant the device on a semi. (The aliens had been right. The government would wait, HOURS, before checking the status, on the transmitter). Once the man had the semi going one direction, and he was travelling, in the opposite direction, the man would begin his trek, back, to the ship. What neither father, or son, knew, was that someone, else, had "joined the game". The father only learned, of the "new player", once well on his way back, to the landing sight. His first "lesson" came when, without warning, a streak, of high-powered gun-fire, tore into the road, just ahead of the motor home. After this, came a voice, which filled the air "That was just a warning shot. Any attempt, to deceive, and the mext rounds go right threw the drivers window. Understand?" When the father made an abrupt turn, and the helicopter over-shot, then came back "on-station", the voice called out "Very well. You were warned". While the father could, clearly, see the machine-gun armed craft, aiming directly at him, the father was amazed at how bad a shot, the pilot was. The man had a clear shot, at the driver, but every, single, round, missed. Shortly after this, the soon received a text message, saying "Under attack. Not police. Protect the colonists. Will join, when possible" When the son asked the pilot "How LONG will this take?" The ships pilot would tell the young man "We need six hours, to process the air supply, and another eighteen hours, for a proper star-fix". When the son would say "Way too long. I will take a load, to Witch Mountain, then return for more." With this, the young man boarded the mobile home, and set out, with a load of passengers. Destination: Witch Mountain. This time, however, the normally un-eventful ride, would take an ominous turn, when the motor home picked up a group, of attack helicopters, of their own. The soon was just amazed at how bad a shot, the pilot was. Here, the pilot had an enormous target, with plenty of opportunity, yet none of his shots came close to the mark. While no bullets hit the motor home, the boy remembered something his father had said, about being hunted. "Wait until dark, then move, as quietly, as possible." The son decided to move the motor home into a space, with plenty of cover. As the motor home left the road way, the aliens did not have to be told "Silence on board". They KNEW, from past experience. Still, the son gave the helicopter pilot his due credit. The pilot circled the area, for an extended time, and only left, when his fuel was running low. While the "hiding place" was not optimal, it was safe, until night fall. The young man just wished he could "hide" the engine heat, when the trek continued, after dark. Sometime, during the waiting period, another helicopter came by, and this one shot, blind, into the leaf cover. Leaves, and bullets, rained down, around the motor home, yet none found their mark. The young man just hoped his father was correct, and that, come sun-down, the hunters would leave. Come sun-down, though, the helicopter might have moved off, but not before dropping flares, into the immediate area. Withh twilight upon the motor home, and flares reflecting off the motors surface, the young man decided it was time to move out. He did not dare engage the head-lights, until the unit was atleast ten miles down the road. Sure, the "Rules of the Road" said this was illegal, but, then again, the "RULES of the Road" did not cover being shot at. The young man figured that his father would be angry, when the young man took the time, for three loads, of passengers, to deliver a single load. This is why he was surprised when his father would tell him "Tony came to me, to tell me what was happening. You did right, son". After two more, perilous, trips, the motor homes were on their final leg, of the trip, when the alien ship zipped past, and met them, at Witch Mountain. After this group was, safely, back, with their ship, father and son set off, again. This time, back to the mission, of finding other, lost, travellers. Along the way, though, the man would spot a piece, of artwork, and inquire of the artist. While the man thought that $100.00 was a rather high price, for the work, he paid this, for the artists information. He knew he was "on the right track", when, as he approached the residence, he "heard" the childrens voices, wondering "When will they come for us?" When the man approached the property owner, the owner warned "Them kids aint right. They dont talk right". When the man asked "May I speak to them?" The owner would say "Be careful. I dont trust no one, who dont speak English". When the man went to the children, "asking" "Would you be from a ship, headed for Witch Mountain?" When a voice would ask "How do you know this?" The man would "say" "Your people have sent me, to return you, to them." When the voice would ask "How do we know who you are?" The man would "say" "Read my thoughts. If I am not real, then you may remain here, until someone comes for you". When the children read the mans thoughts, they came forward, asking "How is it that an Earth man can speak with us?" The man would say "I am a friend, of Witch Mountain. Call me a retriever, if you want". While the children agreed to accompany the man, when the girl would "say" "My star case. I was told to keep it with me. I have to get it". The man would "say" "Dont worry. I KNOW what is inside the star case. It is where I am taking you." Sneaking away, as silently as possible, the three would be inside the motor home, and miles away, from the artist, before he even knew his un-wanted guests were gone. The next morning, when the man rendezvoused, with his son, at the ship, he would receive more news. This ship needed another twenty-four hours, of "cover", for un-expected repairs. The colony had sent a message, suggesting that one motor home make its way, with passengers, to Witch Mountain, while the other drew off the pursuers. As the man would argue, though, the feds would KNOW which motor home carried the passengers, since this would be the one, headed for Witch Mountain. The father and son would spend the next twenty-four hours, trying to think of a way, to get the aliens to safety. This, while the ships staff would be working on repairs. By the time father and son gave up, on plan number 17, the ship was ready for take off. Now, all the men had to do was un-load passengers, back to the ship, and send it on its way. That WAS the plan, anyway. While both father, and son, had found the latest, federal, tracking devices, and removed each, from the motor homes, what the men had forgotten about was the built in devices, which modern vehicles are equipped with, from the factory. This is the reason why the feds halted pursuit, after a time. The government had decided to use the built-in trackers, to follow the motor homes, to the alienns ship. The father and son knew this to be true, when, shortly after the ship went into "launch mode", they heard a sound, like a generator powering up. Shortly after this, the ship began to waiver, in the air, then skidded, back to the ground. Seconds later, powerful spotlights bathed the craft, in blinding light, as a voice called out "You are surrounded. Throw out ALL weapons, then come out of the craft, with your hands over your heads". While the father and son could see that the aliens obeyed, the military were not so impressed. No doubt, this is why, as the aliens marched into the spotlights, each was cuffed, then pushed into waiting transports. As for the ship, itself, since no one hand any idea, of how to shut it down, some one had the idea of throwing a satchel charge into the opening, where the aliens emerged. What amazed both father, and son, was how, at the moment, when the charge SHOULD have gone off, a blue light, accompanied by a soft wind, was all that happened. This is when the commander, of the soldiers, called in an airstrike. If a satchel charge would not destroy this thing, maybe a missile would. After the soldiers departed the area, father and son would enter the alien craft. When they found the "control room", the father and son would no-sooner say "I wish I could READ this language", when the ships controls seemed to "translate" their titles to English. Since the father was hesitant, to try, the son suggested "Why not let ME fly it. You can meet me at Witch Mountain. Once you arrive, we can return for the motor home." The father would remind his son "No fancy stuff. Remember. This is NOT our property." The son would say "Right, dad. Meet you at the mountain". Once his father exited the ship, th son sat in the "pilots" chair, and thought of Witch Mountain. Moments later, he found himself, flying into the forbidden area, of the colony. When Tony and Tia met him, at the landing pad, they told the young man "For the purpose of returning our property, the penalty, for entering prohibited space, has been waived. Tony and I will see you to the recreation area. There, you will meet your father." Tony, and Tia, both had to suppress smiles, as the young man tried to "mark" the path, which the group followed, to the recreation area. When the father showed up, to collect his son, Tia would say "Your son did an admirable job, of returning our ship, to us. We thank you for this". When the father sensed a "but" was coming, yet the aliens walked away, back into the forest, the father would ask his son, who told him "Father, I KNOW how to get to the alien camp. I remember the trail". This, too, was a story, which grand-father told, as well. In fact, the man had tried, dozens of times, to retrace his steps, and find the alien colony. This is why the father would suggest "Why dont we pick up your wheels, first. We can worry, about finding the "camp", later on". Finding the camp would become a very LOW priority, once the message came through, about the prisoners. Messages, about torture, and about the humans demanding that the aliens translate their tech into human terms. What the interrogators simply did not understand was that the aliens, on their other planets, had abandoned most of our most advanced designs, centuries ago. These races no longer thought as humans do. This is why the Earth base was nothing more than an information depot. These races no-longer used explosives, and projectiles, to cause harm, or death. While one thought, among Witch Mountains community, was to transmit a message, to an alien command center, asking for a battleship, just to "scare" the humans, into freeing the aliens, The father was first to say "Wont work. If we see your ship approaching, the government will open fire, before you ship reaches orbit." Whn his son would suggest "Too bad you dont have a transporter, like on Star Trek. If you did, you could just transport your people here". A colonist would reply "We have been working on transporter technology, since before Star Trek went on your television. So far, our achievement has been, sorely, limited." When the son would suggest "Too bad you could not do like they did, in Commando, or even Preditor. Sneak in, blast the bad guys, and sneak out". The head, of the colony, would say "We will consider that, ONLY as a LAST resort". When the father would ask, the leader would say "Our laws prohibit interference, in planetary affairs." The son would add "Like the Federation Prime Directive". The leader would say "Precisely. We have no desire to affect your evolution. We, simply, wish to live in peace." Somehow, the father felt that this would be impossible. No way would ANY government allow these beings to live in peace. Not with the technology, which this race had access to. No, once humanity found a way around the "alien" defenses, the human race would strip the aliens of everything, which the race valued. The beings would be trucked off, just as the occupants, of the ship had been. When the son would ask "Where were your people taken to? Gitmo?" The leader would say "No, son. Guantanimo Bay has become far too well-known. No, our people will be taken to a place even your own people know nothing about. It is from there, that we will rescue them." When the father would ask "What then?" The leader would say "Your people have made it clear, that we are not welcome, on your world. We will search for another world to call home." When the father would state "Dont judge all of us, by the actions of the few". The leader would say "We understand that most of you would like to live, in peace. Un-forutunately, there are enough, who want war, death, and destruction, that they would, never, allow us to live in peace." When the son would ask "Can we come with you? We dont like war, either." The leader would ask "Son, do you remember your first day, of school. How you felt, about learning your A.B.C.'s?" The father would say "I remember those days, very well. Learning is, never, easy." The leader would say "Correct. This is why you would not be happy, with our people. You would need to learn a whole new life. One I am not certain that you would enjoy". Once the aliens boarded their ships, and went airborne, the son would ask his father "Do you think WE will, ever, have ships, like that?" The father would say "Only if we live, long enough, to learn to live in peace." It would be three weeks later, that "news" would be leaked, over the internet. News, which claimed that a "terrorist cell" had attacked a military installation. When the family heard "Attacked, by "forces unknown", with un-defined weaponry". When the son asked his father "Do you think?" The father would say "More than likely. I dont think we need to worry, about any more trips. They have their people, and Earth will be "marked" as "To be AVOIDED, at ALL costs". Atleast until we grow up". It would be just after the family routine came back to normal, that the father would just be relaxing, in bed, and preparing to drift off, to sleep, when he would hear a voice, calling out. "I wish they would find us. I am so scared. WHAT will these people DO to us, if they find out WHO we are?" When another voice would ask "Why did they shoot at us? We meant no harm. I wish I knew where my parents were." Suddenly, the man felt as though he were watching a "war of the worlds" movie, as his dream showed him two, fighter, craft, closing on a third craft. Design unknown. When the man heard a pilot say "Target in sight. Design unknown. No identification. Orders?" A voice would call to the pilot "Unless confirmed friendly, assume hostile intent. Repeat: assume hostile intent". When the pilot would say "Roger that. Opening fire" Like he was watching a movie, the mans dream would show him no less than four missiles, honing in, and impacting, the surface, of the unknown ship. Inside the unknown craft, people would be rushing about, trying to put out fires, while checking for injury. For some reason, the crafts shields would not raise, even as the crew screamed, in terror, at the un-provoked attack. As the ship went out-of-control, its occupants would strap in, for a crash landing. Just before the ship crashed, the man had a clear vision, of the crafts location. As the ship crashed... The man bolted awake, to find himself in his own bed. "Man, I have got to lay OFF of the science fiction" He would whisper, to himself. Hopefully, it was, all, just a dream (Or, was it?)

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