Thursday, August 24, 2017


SLEEPY HOLLOW: WHAT SHERIFF CORBIN KNEW While delving into the mysteries, surrounding the creation, of Department 355 (The Vault), Team Witness would discover some things, about their "old friend", Sheriff August Corbin, which none, including Abigail Mills had known about. Things, which included the fact that August Corbin was NOT the first mortal to seek out the Wiccans, or to ask the covens assistance. As Jennifer Mills joined Alex, and Mr. Wells, in researching the departments past, the group would come to realize that Department 355 was NOT the first depository. It was, in fact, the latest, in a series, of depositories. From what the three team members could fathom, from VERY ancient documents, it would seem that "law enforcement", and the Wiccans, had a relationship, which spanned atleast one thousand years, prior to Columbus sailing for the America's. It would seem that European law enforcement had called upon the covens, for assistance, long BEFORE Interpol had been created. In one, of the oldest, KNOWN, tales, it is recorded that a creature had been terrorizing a village, for an extended time. Just WHAT the creature was, the old records did not say. What the records DID say was that, prior to calling in the Wiccans, the villagers had tried to poison the creature, using every, deadly, poison, THEN known to man. When a few poisons made the creature cough, villagers had TRIED concentrating the potion. The records say that the concentration caused nothing more than for the creature to sit back, rest, and relax. Out of options, and in fear of families lives, the villagers had called upon the Wiccans, for assistance. While history records that the Wiccans DID wear their cloaks, while aiding the villagers, it is thought that this was to identify the Wiccans, from locals. (Sort of like soldiers, wearing uniforms, to distinguish themselves from local populations) As to HOW the Wiccans dealt with the creature, this is not listed, either. All that history says is that locals paid the Wiccans tribute, for their assistance. As Jennifer Mills moved the group back, more towards the 21st century, Jennifer glanced the names, of various law-men, throughout the centuries, who had sought the Wiccans "special help". Now, Jennifer Mills came to understand HOW, and WHY, August Corbin had sought out the covens. The Wiccans had a "history", with law enforcement. A history which was, not always, pretty. In one example, after a sister, of the Wiccan order, had aided a sheriff, the man had put a knife, to the womans throat, ordering her to teach him what she knew. Since she realized how "dark" his heart really was, she told the man that teaching would be impossible. In another, even whackier, example, when a Wiccan aided a law enforcer, the man, then, tied the Wiccan up, and issued an ultimatum. The "witch" would be "released" only AFTER she agreed not just to marry him, and produce "witch-children", by him. Once the childrens "powers" were under the mans control, then the woman would be released. Until, and unless, the Wiccans agreed, the woman would receive neither food, nor water. The man was even foolish enough to think that the Wiccans would fall for regular hunting traps. What he did not find out, until too late, was that the Wiccans did not need to stage a "frontal attack". Using a dimensional portal, the coven rescued its member, even as the man was setting his trap. It was not until AFTER the trap was set that the man saw not only the coven, standing before him, but his hostage, as well. Now, however, the woman was free. With a concentration, of telepathic power, it is thought that the Wiccans sent the man to Hades. After that, a storm was sent, to wash away his property. Jennifer Mills understood the reason why August Corbin had studied such matters, with such interest. The modern law man not only could not believe that previous law-men had done such things, but behind the badge, as well. It seems that August Corbin wanted to understand what had diven the men, so as to AVOID their fate, himself. This is yet ANOTHER reason why Sheriff Corbin had NOT informed Abby about what he had found. He wanted to be certain that his protege was safe, even from law enforcement. This is why August Corbin had gone to the covens, himself, trying to understand what had happened, and how to AVOID the previous mens fate. According to Corbins own notes, the coven promised him that his fate would NOT be the same as the less-than-gentlemen. Corbins fate would be much "better". (They just never mentioned HOW) It would seem, however, that August Corbin DID make a point of knowing which covens were operating in the general area, of Sleepy Hollow. Both the Wiccans, and the dark witches. The dark covens, the sheriff monitored, in case they started un-explainable trouble. If they did things, like conjuring demons, Sheriff Corbin wanted to be right on top of the case. The sheriff wanted to know the reasons, for the conjuring, as well as WHAT was being conjured. While Sheriff Corbin had been instrumental, in halting "attacks", but atleast three, dark, witches, the covens had the mortal agree to allow the covens to see to the puishment, of the accused. After all, what use would a life sentence, of 50-100 years, in prison, be, if a person could live up to 1,000 years? Sheriff Corbin had made a note, saying "While I have HEARD that there are Wiccans, of 700 years of age, and that these people, like Yoda, of Star Wars, spend their lives training young members, I have yet to SEE, or MEET, with one of their elders." "I think that the eldest Wiccan, I have met, is, proobably, only 95 years old. Do not be deceived, by her age. This woman, though not "formally" educated, by OUR "standards", is just as intelligent as any college graduate." Sheriff Corbin would, then go on to note some of the bizzarre incidents, which happened, around Sleepy Hollow, during his time, as sheriff. While local churches were more than willing to blame Devil Worshippers, demons, and so on, both for the disappearances, of children (especially young girls), and for the mutilation, of livestock, The sheriff had been amazed to learn that Devil Worshippers (and even some Christians) stayed CLEAR, of Sleepy Hollow, and for the same reason. Neither side knew what the covens were capable of, should anyone intrude on their territory. Only the dark, and light, covens, practiced, near Sleepy Hollow. As for Abigail Mills, August Corbin knew that, eventually, he would have to tell the young woman what life had in store, for her. He just did not know HOW to explain that Abby would spend the rest of her days, hunting down demons, and cursing dark witches, back to the depths, from which the creatures emminated. What Sheriff Corbin DID know was that a creature had received an un-deserved "rap", in regrards to slayings, and disappearances. Sure, even Sheriff Corbin knew that children vanish, regularly (normally due to family disagreements), what had surprised the sheriff was how QUICKLY that locals had decided that it MUST be the same thing, which kidnapped their children, which was mutilating live-stock. Now, being a law enforcer, Sheriff Corbin knew better than to just jump to such conclusions. The sheriff had SEEN cases where, when the WRONG party, was accused, of a crime, the real criminal had escaped, waited until the innocent was executed/murdered, then resumed their crime spree. In Sleepy Hollow, while ranchers, and parents, reported finding claw marks, at each crime scene, Sheriff Corbin had dismissed several, of these, as evidence, after renting some contractor tools, from the local hardware store. During a public demonstration, of how the tools COULD leave marks, identical to those, found on homes, and locals asked "Are we looking for psycho's, or demons?" Sheriff Corbin had no easy answer. In fact, the man had NO answers, until he sought out the coven. Even before the sheriff made his request, the high priestess would say "You are correct in assuming that two are involved. One, demonic. One evil." When Sheriff Corbin would say "I can understand WHY any creature would kill, for food. WHY take the children, though?" A sister would say "The dark ones have taken the children. They hold the children so that the creature may "feast", on the childrens life energy, when not out, on the hunt." When the sheriff would ask "Where are they holding the children. I can have a warrant, within the hour." The high priestess would say "Although educated, you are a fool." When Sheriff Corbin had looked upon the sisterhood, the high priestess would say "The children are NOT in this realm, of yours. Your badge, and your laws, are not binding, where the children are." When Sheriff Corbin had asked "HOW do I get the children back, then?" Another sister would say "IF you can defeat the creature, the children will be released." When Corbin would ask "HOW do I defeat the creature?" The coven had said "With our assistance." While Sheriff Corbin knew that the concept was little more than a classic trap, he just hoped that the trap would work. Once the trap was baited, all anyone could do was watch, and wait, until the creature came into the trap. Sheriff Corbin had followed the Wiccans instructions, making certain that his cruiser was "covered", in as much of the scent, as possible. When the creature entered the cruiser, the sheriff KNEW he had the creature, when a flash of light, consumed the creature, and the police car began rocking, and rolling, as though a gang was having a fist-fight, inside. This meant that the creature was, temporarily, contained, within the frame of the car. Sheriff Corbins PLAN had been to drive onto a bridge, jump from the car, and let the call fall into the river. He would, then, call in, saying that the car just went crazy. (Probably a mechanical glitch). While this had been the PLAN, Sheriff Corbin would find that he needed no such plan, by the time he reached the bridge. Not only did another police cruiser witness the car acting eradically, but the officer swore, under oath, as did the sheriff, that the sheriff had been thrown/tossed, from his own car, hard enough to break a couple of ribs, before the out-of-control car took a dive, from the bridge, and landed in the river. When the patrolman asked the injured sheriff "Did you see that?", Sheriff Corbin would ask "See what? That my cars electronics went haywire, and I had to bail out, to save my own hide?" When the patrolman would say "Sir, I SAW you thrown from your car." All that Sheriff Corbin had said was "Really? Is that what you are going to report?" When the patrolman would say "Its the truth." Sheriff Corbin would ask "Who will believe that story?" The officer understood. He decided to back the sheriff's story. Freak, electrical, short circuit, loss of control. Had to bail out, or take a swim. By the time the cruiser would be towed, from the river, and the mayors office was presented, with a repair bill, the mayors office agreed with the mechanic, and the sheriff. A replacement cruiser would cost LESS than rebuilding the old unit. As for the abducted children, the Wiccans did as they had promised. At the very moment, when the creature was destroyed, and the dark coven was contemplating their next move, the Wiccans had "stolen" their way, into the dark ones compound, and whisked the children away, and to safety. And this was just one time, which Sheriff Corbin had called upon Wiccan assistance. While Sheriff Corbin KNEW that "dark days" lay ahead, he just could, never, figure out HOW to inform Abby. That is, not without sounding like a "nut-case". HOW could the man explain, to his protege, that, one day, she would come to lead a fight, with the forces of evil? Especially not without revealing that he had gone to the "witches", and ASKED to be shown the future. A future which remained YEARS away. More importantly, HOW could he explain HOW, and WHEN, Abby would meet Ichabod Crane? Corbin had been shown the magic spell being broken, and Ichabod Crane being released, from his slumber. While August Corbin had, once, used the excuse, of searching for other run-aways, to canvass the area, from the vision, Corbin decided to say NOTHING, even when he found the "marked" entrance, to Cranes burial chamber. Instead, the sheriff did his duty, and continued searching for the run-aways. While the search DID lead the sheriff, and his deputies, to the girls, and their brother, the only part, of the childrens story, that August Corbin would NOT believe was the part about the girls father sexually-molesting them. Corbin knew, for a FACT, having grown up, with the childrens father, that, even as a student, in school, the man had a violent temper, and, regularly, beat on class-mates, who would not bow to him. In fact, while Corbin, and the rest of the communities, young, people, were in high school, playing sports, and "fooling around", the young man, who had fathered the run-aways, had spent his teenage years in juvenile prison. The reason was simple. Upon entering high school, the young man had been assigned to a strict disciplinarian, of a teacher. When the teacher tried to impose "discipline", claiming that faculty was "in charge", of the high school, the young man had beaten the teacher, into submission, before security arrived. The young man had, initially, been sentenced, to only two years, in prison, however, after beating two guards, senseless, for ordering him about, he had served his sentence, until he was twenty-one. The thing, which August Corbin had been so opposed to, was the fact that a girl, with a "Florence Nightingale" complex, had taken pitty, on the man, and agreed to be his wife. (The woman had been stupid enough to think that marriage would settle the mans violent ways.) During the following years, and while August Corbin took his police training, and became a deputy, there were MANY calls, to the family home. The children, who would, later, turn run-away, would endure harsh beatings, anytime their father was at all un-happy. This is why, when the police located the children, Sheriff August Corbin KNEW that the children spoke the truth, about the beatings. No matter how much their mother denied it, the evidence was plain, on the childrens bodies. While August Corbin had been prepared to plead, with the childrens mother, to press charges, against her husband, for beating the children, August Corbin felt as if the "god's" had smiled, on his town when, as the man showed up, to "claim" his children, instead of happy embraces, the man drew a well-known club from his car. As soon as the man grabbed one of his children, saying "You little brat", then began beating on the child, August Corbin had looked at the sky, whispered "Thank You, God", then joined his deputies, in pointing his revolver at the man, saying "Drop the weapon. Down on the ground". (August Corbin had not been thanking god for the children being beaten. Corbin was thankful that the man had decided to beat his children, in front of police officers. NOW, a conviction would be EASY, to come by (even without the wifes permission)) August Corbin was delighted, when the man resisted arrest, as well, since this just added MORE charges, to the docket. The mans "reign of terror" would end when, just two months later, a federal judge ruled the man a "Menace to Society", and ordered Life Imprisonment. August Corbin did ponder, if he should tell Abby what he had found. Then, there was the problem, of Jennifer Mills. A girl, so proud, that she stuck to the TRUTH, no matter how much drugs psychiatrists pumped into her body. Doctors who insisted that "monsters" could NOT exist, since science REFUSED to recognize the existance, of the supernatural. Young and Beautiful, Jennifer Mills. A girl, with such spirit, that August Corbin sent her around the world, looking for clues, to back up, what he would, eventually, have to tell Abby. And just as August Corbin had hoped, Jennifer Mills had learned skills, along the way. Skills, which the Wiccans had SHOWN Corbin that Jennifer Mills would need, when the REAL "battle" heated up. Sure, there were times, when Jennifer got into "scrapes", in which Corbin could not intercede. Times when Jennifer was locked away, for her beliefs, and committment to same. Since the Mills sisters had been under the foster care system, since childhood, there had been very little that Corbin could do, except watch, from a distance. As Corbin would rationalize it: "NOT stalking the girls. Watch over, and protecting, as well as possible." Thankfully, once the girls reached adulthood, Corbin could become more actively involved, in their lives. Corbin KNEW how much Abby would need, in her coming role, as a witness. Things, which only the powerfully independent Jennifer Mills could locate. In the meanwhile, all August Corbin could do was watch over his town, arrest the worst criminals, and send pranksters home, to parents. While the Wiccans had shown August Corbin just how MANY would die, once the horseman was awakened, when Corbin suggested warning the victims, the Wiccans had cautioned "Just as KNOWLEDGE is TRUE power, so fate must run its course. For every life you attempt to save another life MUST be sacrificed." When Corbin had asked "WHY?" The Wiccans would say "Life is about balance. Even the balance, between good and evil. If we attempt to adjust that balance, towards the positive, the universe will, simply, reset the scales. For every life saved, ANOTHER will be lost. This is the way, of life. A way we must honor." While August Corbin did not agree with this, he respected the wisdom, of the coven. After all, the coven had a LONGER history, and MORE wisdom, than either the United States, or the thirteen colonies, put together. Wicca was eternal. Ever-growing. Ever-learning. Still, the lessons, learned, from Wicca, aided the sheriff, when he had, finally, faced the horseman of death. One of his final thoughts, on the day, leading, to his death, was the thought of "I KNOW that Abby's time is coming, soon. If I only had another week, even another day, I could prepare her for what is to come. All I need is time." Tragically, when he faced the horseman, he KNEW the time would, never, come. His life was at an end. Now, it would be left to Jennifer, and the British man, who was about to appear, to guide Abby towards her destiny. August Corbin knew that the Wiccans were right. Weapons were not real power. KNOWLEDGE was REAL POWER. Those, who controlled KNOWLEDGE were the true power, in this world. If only there had been TIME, to share this, with Abby. If only...

Monday, August 21, 2017


(Authors note: This story dedicated to the memory of Mr. Paul Puckel. The FINEST, and most RESPECTFUL, landlord I have, ever known. May he Rest In Peace.) THE RENEGADES # 3 The general could only conclude that the Pentagon was becoming desperate, for the unit to fail, when the general found himself being assigned to a case, which seemed right out of a classic, horror, story. It would seem that, somewhere, in Europe, someone was taking young girls hostage. The perpetrator was THOUGHT to be a male, since the victims bodies were found to have been sexually molested, numerous times. Other than this, the generals briefing was more like a childrens fairy tale, than a military operation. A story, of a monster, which could, allegedly, draw children away, with sweets, and toys. The reason why the Renegades had been chosen, for the task, of apprehension, was because the United Nations was growing concerned that the criminal was "upping the anty". From what the general was told "Our ambassador has been told that, in the past, when it was young children, who were being taken, there was no evidence, of sexual assault. The children were taken, murdered, then found. Then sexual violation seems to coincide with the fact that the killer has stopped taking children, and is, NOW, taking teens. Average age, 14-16." It was when the general asked "Why isn't Interpol taking command of the investigation?" The briefing officer would SHOW the general the reason. The crime scene photos showed that each victim had suffered massive injury, prior to death. The photos suggested that the criminal had either delighted, in torturing his victims, while raping them, or that the body's had been carved up, after the act. When the general asked "Forensic D.N.A. results?" The briefing officer would say "In-conclusive, so far. No human, or animal, matches. We are dealing with an unknown." The general would say "So, THAT is why you want MY soldiers. Because my units members are "different", from regular soldiers, you either hope we will deal with the problem, or that we will FAIL. The Pentagon would, then, have a reason to give ALL of my soldiers dis-honorable dis-charges." When the briefing officer said nothing, the general would say "Dismissed." While the general knew that his command would do their duty, for God, country, and, especially, for their families, the general just wasn't sure of HOW to explain this case, to his command. Whatever the unknown was, it seemed to enjoy torturing, and killing, its victims. Question number one, however, was "WHY was the killer switching from children, to teens? If the same killer was murdering both children, and teens, WHY did the criminal ONLY molest the teens?" When the general went to brief his officers, the one question, which he had not considered, was raised by one of his female officers. "Sir, you say that, for HOW many years, the killer only stalked, and murdered, children?" The general would say "As far as I know, maybe 30-35 years." When the officer would add "Yet, in none, of the childrens murders, were any of the children sexually molested?" The general would say "Thats what "intelligence" says." The officer would ask "HOW do we know the SAME person is responsible?" When another, male, officer, would ask "What are you saying? That one person began the killing, then someone took over?" The female officer would say "All I am asking is to THINK about it. One M.O., for 30 YEARS, then a change of M.O.?" When the general would ask "Captain, what is your point?" The female captain would say "Sir, would it be possible that ANOTHER criminal, a different criminal, is "hiding" their crimes behind anothers "history"? When a sargeant would say "I suppose you are about to say that the "new" criminal is "honoring" their predicessor, by continuing their crime spree." The female captain would say "Not so much to "honor" a criminal, but to shift the blame. After all, 30 years is a LONG time, for one M.O. What if someone else is hoping that the "former" criminal will "take the fall", for their crimes?" When the general would interrupt, saying "All of this IS rational, yet we have no proof. All we have is theories. For all we know, these COULD be devil worshippers. Either that or psycho's, who get off, on sex, with minors. Maybe they even kill the girls, once they THINK the girls are pregnant." This is when the captain would ask "Ritual murder, due to pregnancy? Why not just shoot, stab, or drown the victims?" An enlisted man would suggest "Maybe, the killer just WANTS us to think it is a fringe group. Throw suspicion OFF of the real killer, by making people THINK that the killer is deranged." The female captain would say "Remember this. For thirty YEARS, the killer only targetted children. Kidnapped them, then killed them. Now, after thirty years, the killer, "suddenly" begins kidnapping teens. Is it REALLY for sex? When the general would ask his officers "How do we "play" this, with so many angles to choose from?" His officers would suggest "We split into sub-units. At each location, we assign one unit, with modern weapons, and back-up units, armed with weapons, of antiquity." When the general would ask "Reason?" The captain would say "To throw the enemy off-guard. If they expect only modern weapons, then all they will look for is modern weapons. If we hit them with what they DONT expect, they will have no defense, in place." As a result, while the general was placing the transport orders, the battallions were re-training, with everything from bow-and-arrow, to cross-bow. Anything, and everything, that a modern enemy would NOT expect. Even as the transports were loading fuel, the general was pleased with the fact that his command was reviewing hand-to-hand combat techniques, as well as weaponry. The four soldiers, whom the general would choose, to lead recon teams, would be those soldiers whose records showed that the soldiers had not only taken Karate, and Judo, but had, in civilian time, attained some of the highest level achievements, in the martial arts. Since these soldiers were Ninja-grade, the general decided to put them out, in front. (No way was the general walking into an ambush, if he could prevent it.) By the time the planes ascended, to the skies, for ANOTHER flight, to Europe, the contents looked half military, and half museum pieces. Since the flight, in the propeller-driven planes, would takes hours longer than modern, jet, aircraft, the teams did all they could, to stay alert. While gambling is, officially, against military regulations, the teams gambled on who would take the most accurate weapons, and who would be left with the less-accurate weapons. (The up, close, and personal, weapons). Since the general wanted as FEW people, as possible, to be aware of the units presence, he had spoken, via telephone, with the commanders, whose nations the convoy would fly over. The request was simple. As often as possible, the U.S. Air Force would fly over as many nations, as possible, under cover of darkness. This way, for an enemy agent to "spot" the planes, the agent would have to be conspicuous enough to use night-vision glasses. When European authorities agreed to these terms, the convoy flew, overhead, as though on a simple supply run, to an American base. It would be between 03:00, and 05:00, when the Renegades un-packed their planes, then watched the planes lift off, just thirty minutes before sun-rise. While the "response" units would "gear up", to begin recon, of the area, the martial arts experts would dress, as though attending local festivals. (Just tourists, out for some fun) As the Renegades proceeded, on their assigned mission, most of the time, the unit found supreme conditons, for avoiding local populations. This included shooting lines, across rivers, in order to cross, without using public roadways, bridges, etc. At night, the unit set out normal patrols, whille resting, for the next days march. The problem, which, soon, became clear, to the general, was what his recon units were discovering, in so many villages. While the general had been assigned to seek out a child murderer, and teen, sexual, abuser, he, never, expected what the units would report. One, recon, officer would report "Sir, in atleast two villages, so far, we have heard stories, of creatures. Creatures, of legend. Some of these creatures consume as much human flesh, as possible, before moving on." Another officer would say "I am hearing stories, of creatures, which capture the young, then, somehow, the creatures change their appearance, so that families will not know. What is baffling, sir, is the idea, that the creatures only kill the young, once families realize that the creatures have been living among them." A third, recon, officer would say "The craziest story I have heard, to date, is one, where the creatures kidnap minors, sexually molest, repeatedly, then cook the minors, once the creatures grow bored with the children." The general KNEW he had to ask the next question: "How much, of what you are hearing, can be confirmed?" His officers just shrugged. When the general would ask "What about the stories, of children, abducted, and murdered, and teens, abducted, molested, then murdered?" His officers would say "Depending upon which village we speak to, it is either one person, or a group. Some say it is a creature. Some say it is a woman, who is using the children as sacrifices, in order to retain her youthful beauty. Some say..." The general would say "I get the picture. Urban legends. Bedtime stories, told so that children will behave." When a female lieutenant would ask "WHY would the Pentagon send our using chasing after fairy tales, and bedtime stories?" The general would say "Simple. While we have had much success, with previous missions, I THINK the idea is that not even WE can catch "the big, bad, wolf", "bigfoot", "the wicked witch, of the north", and so on. After all, how many homes can be built of ginger bread?" A sargeant would ask "A gingerbread house? Who would be stupid enough to build a house out of food?" The lieutenant would say "Thats the point. Fairy tales do not require knowledge of construction. Just like the homes, of the three pigs." The general would say "Exactly. For all we know, we could be in pursuit of Little Red Riding Hood." This is when the lieutenant would say "Sir, PLEASE tell us you are joking." The general would say "Let me check in, with base. I will fill you in, later." A short time later, a sargeant-major would have given the general a secure internet, connection, and the man would receive what he would not have believed. In fact, since the sargeant-major did not believe it, either, she had base re-transmit, twice. Now, while the general knew that the sargeant-major had no less than three, female, lovers, while OFF-duty, the woman was one of the best electronics workers, in the generals command. This is why, even before the general asked, the sargeant-major would say "I'm on it", as she began working with the dubious photo, which command had sent the general. The reason was simple. The general, the captain, two lieutenants, and the sargeant-major, all thought the pciture looked familiar, somehow. The sargeant-major would have to access no less than eight, historical, sites, in order to make sense of the photo. Once she did, however, she prepared a slide-show, for the units officers. When she began with "Here is the man the Pentagon says we are to "take in". If you will notice, various features, of the mans face, and body DO seem familiar. THIS is why" Taking various parts, of the Pentagons picture, and using computer graphics, she matched the various features, of the mans face, with everyone from Adolf Hitler, to Joseph Stalin, Attilla the Hun, Napolean Bonaparte, Vlad Tepes (Dracula), and so on. When the general would ask "What is this all about?" The sargeant-major would say "It seems the Pentagon wants us to hunt down men, who have been dead, atleast 75 years. In some cases, centuries." When a lieutenant would ask "But, why?" A sargeant would say "I think the general is right. We cannot capture, or kill, someone, who is, already, dead." When a captain would ask "What are the odd's, that someone, LIVING, might have the same features, as the dead?" When a lieutenant would ask "Born that way? Odd's are so astronomical that I would not dare try to calculate them." When the captain would ask "I mean, what are the odd's, that someone could have surgery done, to MAKE themselves LOOK like these men?" The sargeant would ask "Who, in their right mind, would WANT to look like one of these men?" The lieutenant would say "Precisely. What if the person we are after is NOT in their right mind?" The captain would suggest "General, if we are, indeed, going after a psycho, then should we not have a psychiatrist, heading this project?" The general would read the orders, to his officers. As silently as possible, you are either to bring in the suspect, or terminate them. The question this left the unit with was "How do we deal with a psychotic?" Rational soldiers were one thing. Dealing with a demented brain? Then the general realized something. To the Pentagon, the generals entire command was "demented". After all, to the military mind, what, sane, man would prefer men to women? For that matter, what, sane, woman, would prefer women to men? What, sane, person, would cross a national border, illegally, just to fit in with another nations inhabitants? It was obvious that the Pentagon had decided that the Renegades were NOT sane. This assignment was meant to PROVE that point. Once the Renegades were "wiped out", the Pentagon could use this to justify "cleansing" the military, of ALL who are "different". This is the moment when the general decided "IF this man, actually, exists, WE take him in, dead or alive." When the captain would ask "If he is just a fairy tale, as well?" The general would say "We document everything, then I RAM it down the Pentagons throat, once we are state-side." What even the Pentagon could not have predicted was what would happen, when a group of supposedly pro-American fighters, got their hands on a shipment, of American arms. Weapons with which the fighters were SUPPOSED to overthrow a dictator, then pledge their allegiance, to the United States. Since ALL, modern, U.S. Air Force, jet freighters are equipped, with video monitoring equipment (in case of problems), the Pentagon would watch, "live", as the shipments, of weapons, were delivered to the rebel fighters. Fighters who, then, used American weapons to kill the air force crew members, who had delivered the supplies. By the time Washington D.C. realized that they had been tricked, into supplying an enemy, and issued the self-destruct orders, the Pentagon would have to tell Washington "Too late. They disabled the self-destructs. Now, they have our weapons, and our planes." From Washington D.C., one member, of Congress, would say a soft "I have letters to write, to the families of those crewmen." When reminded "The Department of Defense has a standard issue Death Notice, for fallen soldiers." The congressman would say "You dont understand. Those kids were from MY district. They ASKED me if their enlistment would make America a safer place to live. **I** encouraged them to enlist. I believed that we could make a difference. Now, if you will excuse me." Three hours later, and half a world away, the Renegades were given new orders. "Since yours is the closest unit, available, we are ordering you to either re-take those arms, recover those bodies, and bring "justice", to those, who have slain American lives." Well, while the general noticed that his command had been relaxing, a bit, once they found out that they had been chasing fairy tales, and dead monsters, the man noticed that, as soon as his command was informed of the executions, the "razors edge" was back, in the units eyes, from the moment the soldiers asked "How soon do we move out?" While the rebel camp was, still, 100 miles away, and with dawn coming, too soon, the general would say "Sack out, and rest up. I will call in transport, for sun-set. We attack at nightfall." The Renegades camp would be full of silent "Let give them HELL" gestures (All in sign language). By 17:00 hours, the Renegades would have been rested, bathed, fed, and were ready to march, when the transports arrived, for the flight. Just as the general had planned, his units would arrive, on target, just after dusk. He did, however, have to issue his units a warning. "It would seem that the rebels were issued night vision gear. This, however, was when Washington D.C. THOUGHT the rebells were on America's side. Be cautious, in your movements. Washington does NOT know if the soldiers have been TRAINED, to use the gear, as yet." When the captain would ask "Sir, what DO we KNOW?" The general would say "That the rebels have atleast three plane loads, of American arms, and equipment. DONT be surprised if they even have American gear." When the sargeant-major would ask "Sir, HOW will we tell our side from theirs?" A lieutenant would say "Simple. General, if we proceed along a straight line, towards the targets, then we just shoot anyone, coming at us." The general would say "Sounds good to me. By the way, I might add. Shoot at anyone, coming AT us, in different uniforms, or even in NO uniforms." While the Renegades, like all, American, soldiers, are skilled, trained, and qualified, in the use, of night vision, Washington D.C., and the general, hoped that the rebels had not yet even un-packed the devices. The hope was that the rebels would concentrate on the weapons. IF everyting worked out, correctly, the American gear would, still, be packaged, when the Renegades came to re-claim American property. What the general, and his officers, found both surprising, and suspicious, was the fact that the supply planes had not even been moved, from the landing field. (Did the rebels have no qualfied pilots, to move the planes, or were the planes traps, waiting for a rescue party?) By the time the general was considering this, three, of his units would say "Ready to drop, sir. We will inform you of what we find." Moments later, three units, of the Renegades, dived on the U.S. freighters. One unit per plane. What surprised the lead lieutenant was the fact that no guards had been posted. Atleast none that were visible. A THOROUGH inspection, of both the aircraft, and the field, showed that this group, of rebels, had not even posted a guard. Amateurish? In fact, via non-vocal typing, the lieuteneant would report "Except for the weapons, and ammunition, EVERYTHING is here". When the main force, of the Renegades, hit the rebels stronghold, the unit had to wonder why Washington D.C. had done business with these people. No guards, no alarms. Nothing, so it seemed. In fact, the only signs, of life, in the complex, were the sounds, from what appearred to be a cantina. When the unit crept up, to the window openings, they saw that the soldiers were drinking to their achievent, in front of the bodies of the slain Americans. The drunken soldiers were, even, cheering on three soldiers, who were raping women, on makeshift tables. It would seem that the soldiers were having a contest. Whether it was for who soldier could rape the women fastest, or who could rape the most women, was un-clear. When the Renegades "broke in", on the "party", the unit had no problem gunning down the drunken soldiers, and only slightly more trouble cutting down the bodies, of the Americans. It was not until the unit was preparing to withdraw, from the complex, with the bodies, that "All hell broke loose". The general was just thankful that these people were rank amateurs. The generals well-trained troops were able to dodge the enemy fire, with ease. (The general made another note, to thank his gunnery sargeants, for training his soldiers, so well.) While the rebels seemed to be shooting, at anything that moved (including shadows), the Renegades focused their fire-power on the heat signatures, of the rebel forces. Still, the general was not about to wait for the rebels fire to improve. Instead, the general left just four soldiers, to guard the bodies, then had his units circle around the rebels flanks. With short bursts, of controlled fire, the Renegades took out the rebels, who had been lying in wait. This is when the complex, suddenly, sprang to light, and a voice called out, to the general "Stupid Americans. Did you, really, think we would let you take our prize?" When the general would say "Why dont you show yourself?" The voice would say "Why should I do that? Your soldiers were nice enough, to rid my ranks, of some fools. Now, you face my FINEST soldiers. You will, neither, survive, nor will you take my trophies (the bodies, of the Americans) away." When the general would ask "How do you intend to prevent our departure?" The voice would say "With a simple snap, of this detonator." (Now, the general realized why the American planes had been left in the airfield. They were booby-trapped) When the voice was heard snapping a detonator switch, several times, then heard to ask "I thought you checked the batteries, this morning?" Another voice would say "I did. Those batteries are brand new" When a shot rang through the night, then the voice said "Another, in-competent, FOOL, rid from my ranks." Then, a moment later, the voice would say "Goodbye, pathetic Americans". followed by silence. When the voice issued a string, of profanities, asking "Why is this THING not working?" Another voice would call, out of the night "Maybe because of this?" Suddenly, another light shined, on what looked like either a scarecrow, or a mannequin. The "dummy" was covered in primer cord, and explosives. (This is when the general KNEW why he had chosen the lesbian, explosives, expert. The woman KNEW what to look for, and how to use it.) This is when a female voice would say "Now, here is our offer. You put your weapons down, and my commander, the unit, and the Americans, whom you executed, leave your place, un-harmed, and un-opposed or..." This is when the male voice would almost shout "I do NOT take orders from WHORES!" The womans voice would say "Suit yourself. Lets show them what we have prepared." A moment later, a building exploded, in a huge fire-ball. When the male voice called out "What was that?" The female voice would call out "Your ammo bunker. Now, the only ammo you have is what is on your persons. Now, what should we take out, next?" When a male voice called "Mess hall." The female would call out "excellent". A moment later, a much small explosion took out another building. When the male voice asked "Alright, whore! What is it you want?" A male voice would call our "Ma'am, for those insults, may I?" When the female would say "Lets show them some manners." A moment later, the front gates, of the complex, were blasted from their frames, and fell aside. The general was pleased when his units did not even wait for the explosion to be finished, before rushing the gates, and beyond. (The general considered giving the explosives expert a big kiss, once the unit was clear of danger. He just wondered if a lesbian would accept a kiss, from a man. Even a kiss, of appreciation.) While the Renegades rushed from the compound, the rebels shot, blind, trying to hit anything they could. The most they did, however, was flesh wound some of the soldiers. What, really, surprised the general was that, as the units reached the make-shift airport, he heard the planes engines coming up, to power. Then the general heard a cocky lieutenant call, over the intercom "Ladies, and gentlemen, Renegades flight number 7 is ready for departure." The general did not know whether the reprimand the man, for his cockiness, or praise him, for making the planes flight worthy. What no one would understand was WHY the rebel leader had his soldiers taking pot-shots, with small arms, at the U.S. Air Force planes, as they passed overhead, on their way out of the danger zone. This, since the whole world KNEW that air force planes are impervious to small arms fire. It was only when, once in flight, and out of danger, that the general approached his explosives expert, asking "Would you be offended if I gave you a kiss?" The woman would say "A kiss, of gratitude, is fine." When the general would ask "What about a kiss, of thanks, for your ingenuity, intelligence, and timely assistance." The woman would say "Since we are, still, on-mission, and thousands of miles, from home base, I doubt anyone will know." The general would say "Point taken." Then he would give the woman a deep kiss. (The entire unit KNEW it was a THANK YOU kiss, not an "I love you" kiss) Back in the states, the Renegades would be welcomed, both by the families, of the slain, and by the congressman. The congressmans only remark was "I hope that, when your nation calls upon your services, again, that your unit will be available." No-sooner had the general said "Ready, willing, and able, to serve our fine nation. Right, people?" The entire unit would call out, in unison "Yes SIR!". Epilogue: While the slain soldiers had not been combat soldiers, their congressman would arrange that, due to being murdered, in the "line of duty", the freighters pilots would receive burial, at Arlington National Cemetary. The congressman even told Capital Hill "**I** will supply the ammo, if thats what it takes, to honor these men, with a 21-gun salute." Mr. Paul Puckel, May God, Allah, Jehovah, etc, watch over your eternal rest.

Wednesday, August 16, 2017


****This story, LOVINGLY, DEDICATED to **** ****the memory of my DEARLY**** **** BELOVED SISTER, DOROTHY JANE**** ****(HINDERLITER) BROOKS**** You will be in my HEART, and SOUL, ALWAYS! THE HAUNTING PAST: MYSTERY OF THE STAR LITE (While cruising away, from what remained, of Peoria Illinois, I had hoped that I was putting that memory away, for good, our next case, however, proved just how WRONG even I could be.) Well, if I thought that Ghost Ship Two's cruise, towards the Atlantic Ocean, meant that I had placed Peoria Illinois, firmly, in my "rear view", boy, was I in for a surprise. According to the latest file download, from Mr. Brown, it would seem that a European church-yard (cemetary, to Americans), was having an un-explained increase, in spirit activity. According to the file, it would seem that, for more than 700 years, the church-yard had been at peace. Now, for some reason, something was upsetting the resident spirits. The Brown Agency was being asked for a discreet investigation. This is what Tami and I learned, as we opened the file, at our work-stations. Tami would be first to notice the very first thing, which struck us as "odd". This was the fact that every person, buried, in this church-yard, was titled. Lords, Ladies, Dukes, Duchesses, and so on. (I have no doubt that there were some kings, and queens, in "residence", as well.) Tami, immediately, noted "There is not one grave, listed, which is not primary royalty." When I asked "Significance?" Tami would say "Just LOOK at the compiled list, of "residents". No princes, princesses. Not even the names, of the builders, or the grave-diggers. Only primary royalty." When I would suggest "Seems as exclusive as any, American, country club." Tami would ask "A country club, for the deceased?" I would suggest "I will bet that, when we arrive, we will find carved, marble, tombs. Probably in-laid, with gold, and rare jewels." After going over the list, of "residents", I would call up a geographical map, of the area. Just as I thought. Until World War Two, the church-yard had been surrounded by wilderness. No towns, or private residences, for miles around. Just peace and quite, for the deceased. Pre-World War Two maps showed the church-yard surrounded by a forest of tall, old growth, tree's, as well as what LOOKED like planting beds, of ornamental flowers. The people, buried here, were neither the European version of the Smith's, nor the Joneses. While the geologic report stated that there were no "exotic", or "unusual" elements, present, about the only "change", to the land, in centuries, was that, after World War Two, veterans returned home, and needed housing, followed by communities, for coming families. While Tami and I agreed that residential, and commercial, development, DID tend to anger the deceased, what puzzled us was that the reports had not started just after the war. If the file were accurate, the problem did not begin until about five years ago. Decades after the forest was cleared, and people began living within sight of the church-yard. This left the question of "If World War Two, and post-war development, had not "roused" the spirits, then WHAT had?" Tami would mention "It seems I have my work cut out, for me." I would remind my partner "Atleast your grades, in grade school, English, class, were better than mine. My part, of this assignment will, probably, take three times longer than yours, simply due to my lack of grasp of English." Tami would say "Lets hope not. On our last trip, some groups would not even SPEAK to me, until I was dressed as conservatively as the period of post World War One." As G.S. 2 approached England, the Royal Air Force sent up two, of its F-35's, to watch-dog us. (The F-35 being the Lockheed-Martin design, which had taken the world by "storm") Personally, my only fear, about such wide-spread use, of a single, fighter craft, design, was the question of "What would happen if someone found a "weak-spot", in the design, and transmitted this, around the world?" Who knows how many F-35's could be shot down, per day, just because someone found an un-detected "weakness" in the fighters design? While the Pentagon hailed the design, saying how great it would be, to have "partners", around the world, using the same planes, I had reservations, about this. In the present, and thanks to our R.A.F. escort, our pilots did not need to stop, to ask directions, to our destination. The three planes flew, in standard formation, right to the site, of the case. The F-35's, then, hovered, while G.S.2 completed its landing, before the fighters returned to their base. It seems that our arrival was anticipated, by locals. This seemed apparent since a primitive "helipad" had been cleared, near the church-yard, and was, roughly, the shape, of our plane. Once G.S.2 was on the ground, and just as we could have predicted, an official "greeter" was sent, to meet our plane. After the normal round of greetings, our "guide" would lead Tami and I towards a town meeting hall. This, as both of us knew, would be the REAL start, of the case. Once inside the meeting hall, Tami and I would be provided with flash drives. Drives, which contained information, which no one DARED trust to the internet. When Tami asked the "leaders", of this meeting "When did the trouble start? I mean, can you pinpoint the date?" The group leader would say "Young lady, while the British Isles has its share, of spectral history, dating back thousands of years, it is our intent to have you focus your efforts on just the previous, five, years." When I would ask "pardon my inquiry, however, WHY do you wish us to review only the most recent five years?" Another Brit would come forth, saying "Until the recent past, most spirits have done little more than visit graves, and to say "Farewell", to the living. Few spirits actually wander the streets. This is accepted, British, history." When Tami would ask "Why do you say "accepted history"?" The Brit would say "Like the colonies, the British Isles have had our share of "spirit tales". Most turn out to be nothing more than fire-side tales. Others are people, looking for attention." When Tami would ask "So, WHAT has changed, in recent years?" The Brit's would agree in saying "We wish we knew. That is why we sought your services. We want to know why our resident deceased are not Resting In Peace." Okay, so Tami and I reached our normal, starting, point. We had more information, than the Brown Agency had been provided, and the Brit's set us to work, immediately. From G.S.2's stores, Tami would secure extra flash memory, as well as good, old fashioned, pen and paper, then set off on her "rounds". This, while I began to survey of the church-yard, as well as the local area. As to WHAT I was looking for? Could it be mine tunnels? former rivers? maybe a castle? a monastery? The possibilities were, truly, almost, endless. Tami would not be one bit surprised when she heard different views, of local history, from various locals. Different people claimed to be descended, from the original care-takers, of the church-yard. Others claimed distant relations, with the royalty, buried here. Still others claimed to be illegitimate descendants, of the royalty. My partner would have a "field day" trying to sort FACT from FICTION. As for myself, I would begin my survey, only to find that not only were the OFFICIAL tombs present, but so were several, un-marked, graves. As I had suspected, on the flight in, this church-yard had some of the most magnificent marble, granite, and jeweled, tombs, in the British Isles. The royalty really seemed to "live it up", back in the day. It was the un-marked graves, which caused the problems. Some of these graves contained skeletons, of grown adults, while others held child-sized remains. When I had visited the local records center, hoping to find maps, of old tunnels (maybe for the time BEFORE the church-yard was established). The attendant, in the records center, seemed, truly, annoyed that anyone might consider running tunnels, or utilities, under a church-yard. While I tried to explain that I was researching possibilities, the worker insisted "In Great Britain, we HONOR our dead. We do NOT build roads, sewers, or anything else, below our honored deceased." Still, I noticed how the attendant avoided my question, about the un-marked graves. When Tami and I met, back at the plane, for dinner, and to review findings, we agreed that we were finding far more fiction, than fact. As Tami would say "Locals are more than willing to talk, in general terms. It is when I ask for details, that I am asked to depart." I would agree, informing Tami about the attendants behavior, regarding sub-surface conditions, in the church-yard. When I would ask Tami "When does the next full moon appear, in this area." Tami would check the charts, then say "We missed the last one, by twenty-four hours. We have another, three, weeks, before the next cycle." This would give us three weeks, to develop a good work-up, of the area, and, hopefully, determine what the locals did NOT want us to know. (After all, WHY call us in, just to keep information from us?) It was Mr. Brown who, upon Tami's latest update, would suggest "It would seem that it is time to WIDEN the search area." When Tami would say "Agreed. Question is: How FAR do I extend?" Mr. Brown would suggest "Until the "trail" grows cold." When I would ask the boss, about my "findings", Mr. Brown would say "Let me make a few phone calls. Maybe I can gain the access, that you need." When Tami fueled up her new car, she packed plenty of extra gear. My partner really had no idea how FAR she would have to travel, in order to learn about the church-yard. As for me, I found it no surprise that, by the time Mr. Brown found a regional official, who was willing to work with me, that the two of us would arrive, at the church-yard, only to find that the small graves had been dug up, and the ground re-packed. Even the regional official would remark that the graves had been dug, recently. This, since the sod, used, to cover the graves, had not, yet, blended into the rest of the church-yard. It was, also no surprise that, when I brought out my scanning gear, I found that the graves were empty. While this was going on, Tami was travelling the English countryside, looking for stories, about the area in question. She had to travel over 100 miles, before she found a city, where people were wiling to share tales, of our target area. A few priests even came forward, while reminding Tami "While the Holy Church does not sanction "ghost stories", or "camp-fire tales", I am willing to inform you of what I have heard, over the years." When Tami would say "That would be fine. Just relate what others have shared, with you." From both priest's, and nun's, Tami would learn that, over the centuries, the church-yard had changed, considerably. For one thing, royalty was NOT the first to be buried in the church-yard. Originally, the church-yard had been created to house the "darkest" citizens. Those who, centuries ago, had been accused of practicing the "dark arts". The location was, originally, chosen, since it was hundreds of miles, from the nearest village, and the hope was that, once the dead were buried, so FAR from the living, that the dead would have all eternity to repent their ways. Repent, in total solitude. When Tami asked "Are there any DATES mentioned, for when the place was dedicated?" A minister would say "Sadly, since the church did not recognize the "evil", which rested, there, the church-yard was not "sanctioned" at the time. This is why there are no records, for the founding." When Tami would ask "When DO the records start?" A nun would bring forth an aged volume, saying "The Holy Church was preparing to have these volumes digitized, since the contents are so fragile. If you would like, once the volumes are digitized, we can send volumes to your aircraft." Tami would take a volume, saying "This is fine." When a minister would caution "Take care, those volumes cannot be replaced." Tami promised "I will be careful". Since Tami did not want to risk HUMAN tampering, with the volumes, she rented the largest trailer, that her car could tow. She, then, filled the trailer with as many volumes as the church held. After that, my partner was on her way, back, to G.S.2. As for me, I ended up putting on coveralls, and taking a job, as an apprentice, in order to get closer to the men, who worked near, or in, the church-yard. My agency, credit, card, "took a beating", as I found that workers were willing to share some stories, while on the job, but that, given a "pint", after work, was a great way to loosen tongues. My own video recorders were worked, just as hard, as Tami's. While both Tami, and myself, knew to disregard such stories as "women-in-white", as well as "virgin sacrifices", as well as the ever-popular "demons, dancing around a camp fire", the stories, which we ATTEMPTED to document were those where people spoke of whom was, most likely, buried, at the target location. As Tami would remark, in her daily report, "Not just the local community, but communities, as far as 150 miles apart, the same stories have been handed down, through the generations. Locals believe that the church-yard was, originally, founded to "deal" with the worst that mankind produced. Namely rapists, murderers, and other, capital, criminals. Since these criminals had committed capital crimes, legends say that the people were denied Christian buried, with a lack of grave-markers as an "ultimate punishment", for their crimes." While there were not an "over-abundance", of this type, of criminals, in the lands, there were "others", who stood accused of "crimes, against God". Namely, the members of Wiccan religion. Even before the Maleious Malificarum (The Witches Hammer) was published, people, who were considered "different", were placed on trial. In atleast three villages, which Tami had visited, there were dark memories of times when people, who were left disabled, either by disease, or injury, were considered "possessed", by dark forces. "Thankfully", in most cases, the afflicted were banished from the community, and had to find shelter, elsewhere. In a few communities, however, local churches tried everything, from "exorcism", to torture, to "drive the demons out", of victims bodies. When none of these practices restored use of limbs, the victims were burned, alive. (This was believed to be the only way to make certain that the "demon, within the afflicted", could be destroyed.) Nowadays, we would call this murder, but, in the days, before modern medicine, even the church was limited in what care could be provided. It was just easier, to burn bodies, and be "certain", that "evil" had been destroyed. Such stories, also, accounted for many of the un-marked graves. It was believed that, like capital criminals, that those who either were afflicted, or practiced, the dark arts, were not deserving of Christian burials. Still, no matter how many stories we collected, none gave any clue as to WHY the spirits would have waited well over 1,000 years, to become restless? When some "sources" claimed that spirits needed CENTURIES, to learn power, then to collect same, Tami and I found this very EASY to dis-prove. (The new World Trade Center was just ONE example, of how un-true this was.) Still, Tami and I never heckled people, to their faces. We let people retain their beliefs. We just did not add these beliefs to our reports. To our shock, however, when the village council asked WHY we were collecting information, from thousands of years ago, when the problem was MODERN, Tami would mention "You SAY the problem might have started just recently, however, we need to check for ALL available information. We cannot address the problem, until we KNOW what the problem is." When a council member would say "YOUNG woman, you were invited, to review the RECENT past. Not to go off, on a sight-seeing tour, through the ages." I would remind the council "In our line of work, the PAST is, normally, where trouble starts. Unless we understand the past, we cannot deal with the present." By the time the village council secured a court order, limiting our investigation to the RECENT past, Tami and I had, already, collected enough data to keep us busy, for months. Between personal contacts, and information, from the internet, Tami and I began building a time-line, for the history of the church yard. It would seem that, ONLY for the first 400 years, or so, was the church-yard dedicated to housing the worst of mankind. Somewhere around the year 450, some nobleman, who had been pestered, throughout his life, by people, who wanted money, for this or that, had decided that he wanted to be buried, where he could Rest In PEACE. He wanted his grave in a place, where people would not dare visit, out of fear, of the unknown. During life, the nobleman had, actually, PAID for a reserved space, in the church-yard. After that, the man PAID for his own tomb to be built. Upon his death, the mans body was RUSHED to his tomb, then the burial party RUSHED back OUT, of the church-yard. Somewhere near year 475, more nobility had paid for information, about the church-yard. They, too, had made the mistake, of living "high", or "richly". Result, they, too, had "free-loaders" begging for hand-outs. Once they verified that the church-yard was a place no one, HUMAN, went near, they had their OWN tomb built, in this place. IF history is accurate, it would seem that, on more than one occassion, visiting royalty either died, in what would become known as the British Isles, of natural causes, or were murdered, for a variety of reasons, the bodies, of the dead, were entombed within this place, which NO one visited. While Tami estimated that over 1,000 people MIGHT be buried, in this place, over the centuries, the problem, that this caused, was the fact that only 100 graves seemed to have survived. While this lead me to speculate that, perhaps, the dead were un-happy, that the living were buring bodies, on top of one another. Something like a multi-story building. Tami, ofcourse "blew this out of the water", when asking "If that were true, and since NO graves have been added, in centuries, WHY have the dead waited so long, to become active?" Furthermore, IF, as history recorded, there had been over 500 tombs, built, on this site, over the centuries, WHY were only three tombs, currently, standing? Now, according to atleast one, "iffy" source, this person would state (in return for a case, of "spirits"), that legend said the tombs were plundered by those who argued that the dead did not NEED fancy graves. This "source" even suggested checking local homes, for bits and pieces, of the tombs. When Tami asked the "source" "WHY would anyone WANT to steal from the dead?" The "source" had claimed "If you want power, over the living, take from the dead. Invoke FEAR." Soon after Tami and I walked out, on this person, Tami would say "That does make sense. After all, remember that case, where soldiers bodies were removed, from battlefields, and sold to those, who believed that ownership, of said bodies, would give the living great powers." Too bad, for me, I DID remember. I, also, remembered "stealing" the dead, from purchasers, for return to family members. And WHAT did Tami and I get, for our trouble? Nothing more than family thanks, for returning the dead, so that the children of Islam could stand before Allah, and be welcomed into Islamic Heaven. Upon our return, to G.S.2, Tami did run a web-search, for "plundered tombs", since both of us KNEW that, over the centuries, tombs HAD been plundered. In fact, in some area's, of the world, the plundering, of tombs, was a part of statutory law. A felony, punishable by imprisonment, or the death penalty. And why not? After all, the grave robbers not only stole gold, silver, jewels, and marble. All valued in millions of dollars, on the world market. What caused tomb robbing to become such a part, of the law, was when people broke into tombs, not just for the riches, but to sell the corpses, on the black market. Yes, humans COULD be greedy. Ofcourse, Mr. Brown shared our concern, asking "Since most of these events occurred, during PAST centuries, WHY have the deceassed waited, so long, to become active. Grave-robbing was at its "height, of popularity", in the 1800's. Why wait, until the 21st century, to begin annoying people?" Neither Tami, nor I, had an answer. We did, however, hope that our "friend", the full moon, would provide us with some answers. By the time the next, full, moon, arrived, Tami had managed to verify the identities, of as many as 30% of the church-yards population. Still, it would be "hit-or-miss", trying to identify to whom we were speaking. Whille I continued surveying the area, searching for "natural", or man-made, reasons, for the hauntings, Tami began walking the church-yard, whispering peoples names, and asking who wanted to talk. It was not, however, until Mother Superior appearred, that Tami was given new information. It would SEEM that the spirits ONLY wanted contact with "one of their own". Not, that is, spirit-to-mortal, but from royal spirit, to royal spirit. When Tami would ask the nun "Would YOU ask them, FOR me, what their REASON is, for the increased haunting?" Maybe an hour, after the nun dissolved, while saying "I will see what I can do." The nun would re-appear, with seven spirits, by her side. While most were spirits, from centuries, long ago, a few were from the modern day. All had the same "beef", with modern man. According to ALL of the spirits, their slumber had been disturbed, by that blasted ghost machine, which Peoria Illinois had purchased. While no human could have predicted the outcome, of the machines use, the problem was that the machine had far greater "range", than any human could have predicted. Whatever technology, which the machine had used, was not limited to calling for the dead, just to "chat" with the living. According to the spirit, of a young seamstress, the machines initial activiation had been nothing more than a "minor annoyance", to the deceased. It was only when the inventor turned the machines power on, for demonstrations, that the deceased became disturbed. It seems that the machine was similar to having church bells, ringing in a spirits ears. This is why the spirits had become more active. The deceased wanted the machine turned OFF, permanently, so that the dead could return to their peaceful slumber. When Tami reminded the dead "The purchaser, Peoria Illinois, has sold the device back to its inventor." A lord "somebody" came forth, saying "I COMMAND you to find that infernal device, and destroy it!" When Tami suggested "The inventor would just build another one." A duke "somebody", would come forth, saying "That machine was a fluke. The inventor just kept adjusting it, until he stumbled across the proper settings. Even if he DID re-build that thing, it would take YEARS, if ever, to find the right settings, again." When Tami would ask "What is to become of Peoria Illinois? Ever since Caterpillar Tractor Company left the area, in the 1980's, th city has been struggling to survive. What do you want me to tell the people, of Peoria? Pack up, turn out the lights, and head for other cities?" The spirits primary response would be "Let us deal with the "ghost machine", FIRST. If you will do that, then we, of the spirit world, will discuss HOW to aid this village, you speak of." When Tami contacted Mr. Brown, with this information, Mr. Brown was just as shocked, as we had been. None of us could believe that any machine could have its power felt, around the world. Six hours later, however, Mr. Brown came on the vid-link, saying "Good news. Peoria was wise enough not to let the machine go, until full payment was received. Since the inventor released only HALF of the payment, saying the other half would, only be paid, once the remainder, of the machine was delivered, Peoria cancelled the sale. A court order has been served, and the machine collected. Peoria was prepared to beging placing ads, searching for another buyer, when I telephoned. Now comes the question: Peoria wants to know how MUCH the machine is worth, to US?" Tami would add another question: "WHY has someone franchised the rights, to re-name a portion, of Peoria Illinois, the Star-Lite?" Mr. Brown would say "Mr. Blue has been researching this, and has learned that a group, of retiree's, is hoping that, even as a hobby, they can keep the Star-Lite alive. It seems that the Star-Lite was an important part, of early lives, and the retiree's want to keep the memory alive, for new generations." Tami would say "Let me guess. They plan to turn one, of the derelict drive-ins into a new Star-Lite." Mr. Brown would say "In esssence, true." When Tami would ask "How does the city expect to survive, without revenue?" Mr. Brown would say "The city council is looking into alternative revenues, for the city." Even I knew, from first hand experience, that this is easier SAID, than DONE. Some cities have spent DECADES, searching for new revenue, to replace old industries. What surprised Tami, myself, the Brit's, and even the Brown Agency, was when, just as we were establishing communications, with a growing number, of the deceased, that cries, and wails, began to rise from the church-yard. When Tami asked a spirit "WHATS going on?", the spirit would say "That infernal machine has been switched on, again." It was when Tami would ask another soul "HOW can the United States be affecting life, in England?" A man, claiming to be a barrister (attorney, in America), would say "I have given this matter considerable thought, myself. MY conclusion is this: Those, of us, who are being DRAGGED from our rest, have living descendants, in this Peoria Illinois. It is my stated conclusion, that our descendants are of the mistaken belief, that the machine does not rip us from our rest, but that it only allows them to SPEAK, across the void, of death." When I would say "Fair enough. Unless someone has a better idea, then MY question: HOW do we STOP this?" The barrister would say "Un-fortunately, human, there are NO laws, safe-guarding the deceased, from the living. Atleast, I never found any, while I was practicing law." When Tami would ask "Even if we smashed the machine, how likely is it that the inventor would build another one?" This is when a local bookie (who claimed that he was murdered, 900 years ago, by an outraged husband, after the husband made a deal, with the bookie, over a gambling debt). According to the bookie, when his murderer coompiled a debt, which was worth ten lifetimes, of his wages, the bookie had offered to let the man "off the hook", for a "price". While the debtor had PROMISED the bookie that, in return for erasing the debt, that the bookie could have a weekend, with the debtors wife, the debtor was one of those "jealous" types. The kiind of person who just cannot stannd anyone having fun, but NOT on the persons terms. When the debtor thought he heard his wife having "too much fun", with the bookie, the husband broke in, and murdered both. While the bookie admitted that, in life, he had been no "angel", he insisted that he, never, abused women. He only fought, with men, when they refused to pay off debts. The bookie would suggest, to my partner, "The tech, which that fool was using was just a "shot in the dark". I would not even lay odd's, on how wide the factor would be, that the fool could re-create the device." When Tami would ask "Two things. For one, HOW can we be certain that the machine IS responsible, for all that is going on? Second, HOW can we be CERTAIn that there is no SECOND, or even a third, machine, "out there"?" A former railroad engineer would come forth to say "I have been checking on that, myself. While there are atleast five, other, inventors, working in the same direction, either these fools are charletons, who are working to deceive the public, OR they just have no idea what they are doing. I would guess that their "discoveries" will not come, for centuries." When Tami filed our regular report, Mr. Brown, himself, came up with a viable alternative. "I have suggested that our agency BUY the machine, and that Mr. Black assign a team to study the design. This way, in casee some one ELSE DOES come up with a design, which "works", we can have a viable "counter-agent" in stock." Tami would be first to say "THAT is the most logical reason I have heard, yet. Let me discuss it, with the English spirits, and see what THEY think." Turns out that the Brit's were willing to "go along", but on the condition that HUMANS leave the dead to rest in peace. Studying ones ancestry was fine. Just dont WAKE the dead, hoping for information. On the flight back, to the United States, Ghost Ship 2 was held, in international waters, for twelve hours. The reason: Someone was floating a rumor that an American bomber plane had been rigged, with a nuclear detonator, which was set to explode, upon touch down. As a precaution, the U.S. Air Force had sent up more than a dozen tanker planes, to keep all allied bombers fuelled, until the rumor could be either verified, or denied. During this boredom time, Tami and I worked, via remote, with Mr. Black, on the concept of HOW to move the device, to headquarters. (I had to remind both Tami, and myself, that the reason why G.S.2 was being held was because, technically, our plane WAS a bomber.) The problem, which Mr. Black was having was that, while our earlier scans, and photos had not shown much, of the machine, Mr. Black's own, on-scene, techs could not figure out how to move the bolted-down machine, without taking it apart. Leave it to my partner, and her "womens intuition", to come up with the answer. Tami would suggest "Instead of trying to take the machine apart, why not just un-bolt the parts, which hold the manchine to the floor? The agency can reimburse the city council, for replacement building materials." By the time our plane was "cleared", and allowed to enter U.S. air space, we had another message, from the Brown Agency, and from Mr. Black. "At this time, all, other, agency, aircraft are, otherwise, deployed. This is why G.S.2 is being routed to Peoria Illinois, to collect the ghost machine. Your plane, also, seems the logical choice, since, being military, your plane is built to take harsh treatment." By the time we returned to Peoria, we received video, which showed just HOW the retiree's were preserving the Star-Lite. It would seem that, since both, former, drive ins were, now, derelict, the retiree's had decided to combine the two into one complex. The Star-Lites 1&2. Modern day tech would be used, anywhere, where it did not take away, from the "flavor" of the drive-in experience. The retiree's were, even, paying for the change in the street signs, leading to the drive-ins. Now, instead of the signs, along War Memorial Drive, stating "Bellevue", and "Pioneer", 1, or 2, miles ahead, the modern signs would read "Star-Lite 1", next left (for those driving OUT of town), and "Star-Lite 2" second left." While there would be those, who would speculate that, in the age of V.C..R., D.V.D., Blue-Ray, and God knows what else, that drive ins were as "out-of-date" as the Ford Model "T" automobile, Tami knew the truth. In Tami's own, home town, her mother controlled three drive-ins, to generate income, for local business. Granted, mother would, never, become "filthy" rich, but, mother did keep "community spirit" alive. No matter what "gadgets" the computer programmers came up with, mother knew that children still like bicycles, playgrounds, and sports, as well as watching movies, under the stars. This, just as teens enjoyed being under the stars, on saturday nights. No computer program could replace the sheer joy, and wonder, of watching movies. Especially watching monster movies, under a full moon. If the Peoria retiree's were as smart as mother was, they could keep a tradition alive, for generations to come. As for that ghost machine, thanks to this, Mr. Black had to arrange to ship my Jeep, and Tami's car, via U.P.S. freight, to our base. This because the fool, who built the ghost machine, had bolted, and welded, the machine, to structural members. As a result, a full section, of the "ghost visiting" center had to be closed, since removal, of the device, left a gaping HOLE in the center of the place. Thankfully, G.S. 2's cargo hold was designed to carry atomic warheads, and their heavy, and cumbersome, parts. Still, the machine took up almost every square inch, of the hold. For reasons, even our pilots could not understand, while the device was in the planes hold, the pilots had to rely on old fashioned dials and gauges, for the flight, to our base. The co-pilot even had to resort to using the old fashioned, tube-operated, radio, which the air force, still, used, for emergency communications. Not one bit, of the twenty-first century electronics, on the plane functioned. That included our work-stations, cell-phones, and so on. I have no doubt that this is the reason why, before landing, the pilots called ahead, asking that old, outdated, fork-lifts, be used, to carry the device from our hold. In our pilots, official, report, to the air force, the men would report "Strange occurrance. Upon loading of cargo, at Greater Peoria (Illinois) Airport, all of airplanes electronics failed. Flight, to base, on manual control, only. Electronics, fully, restored ONLY after cargo un-loaded, at airport. Rrecommend maximum security, until device delivered, to destination." When Tami and I received an invitation, to return to Peoria, for the "Grand Re-Opening", of the new "Star-Lites", we, conditionally, marked our calendars. After all, we had no idea WHERE we would be, when the drive-ins re-opened. While some people would consider it "odd", and the computer programmers, with all of their H.D., and other gadgets, just could not understand what was happening, The re-opening, of the drive-ins, seemed to bring in MORE revenue than both gambling, and the ghost machine, had. While G.S.2 was parked, at the airport, and Tami and I used her car, to visit the Star-Lite 2, which was offering three, classic, monster flicks, that night, we listened, as parents shared their own, discreet, memories, of drive-ins, in the past, with their own families. Memories, and the playground, seemed full of laughter, and fun, while movie-goers awaited sun-set, for the movies to begin. Our pilots attended the Star-Lite 1, which, I THINK, was running "Preditor", and "Terminator". Before departing the plane, we all agreed to meet, back at the plane, by 2 A.M.. Just dont ask me HOW, or WHY, but, somehow, some of the people I had grown up with, seemed to recognize me, at the snack bar. Outside the snack bar, we shared memories, of times, long past, even as we summarrized our lives, to date. I was informed of who had dated, then married, then divorced, whom. Only one man, whom I had not seen, in decades, bothered to ask "Why did the girls marry men, when they thought times would get better, only to divorce the men, hoping courts would OREDER the men to pay MORE than the men were worth, in support?" I would remind the man "Any man, who can answer such questions would be a multi-billionairre". Still, I had to admit that, seeing Bela Lugosi, Lon Chaney Jr., and so on, on a projection screen, with a tin of popcorn, and sodas, was an experience. A beautiful experience. I could see why our pilots set the 2 A.M. deadline, when some of my childhood friends invited Tami and I to a local pizza place, after the movies. I know it will seem odd, to those who are not old enough to remember, but, even now, decades after their deaths, it seems that two teachers, whom I had, in school, had their spirits "living on", among the ages. Both "Mr. "Mole-Face" Thedford". (A man whom the students called Mole-Face only with the deepest respect, not just as a great teacher, but as the official whipping giver, of Tyng School) Also, there was Mr. White. A seventh grade Social Studies teacher, who did so much more than have students study FOREIGN places. Mr. White was the very BEST teacher we had, at Trewyn Junior High School. He taught students HOW to think, not just WHAT to think. While some of us had HATED the teachers, while we were in school, the lessons these men taught. Lessons which are in NO textbook. Lessons, about LIFE. Lessons we had used, and many were teaching their own children, and grand-children. At 1 A.M., we raised a toast, to two of the finest teachers Peoria Public Schools had, ever, produced. By 01:30 hours, four, very happy, people returned to G.S.2, and we went into vertical lift-off, prepared to return to our base of operations. Dont ask me why, but, as we passed over the Peoria River, I found myself thinking "Farewell. It was an experience." To the memory, of my beloved sister, Dorothy Brooks, there are no words, to describe my feelings. My hope, my beloved sister, is that the past never haunts your eternal rest. Rest In Peace, knowing you are NOT forgotten. I only hope that the Chairman has greeted you with open, and loving, arms, on your journey into Heaven. May God, Allah, Jehovah, etc. bless your final rest.

Friday, August 11, 2017


THE RENEGADES #2 The FIRST rule, of an American soldier, is dedication to duty. NOTHING else, including national origin, nor sexual preference, takes higher priority, in a persons life, then one is a dedicated, American, soldier. This would, never, be more proven than during "Operation: Baseball Bat". As to whom could be blamed, for such an operational term, even the units commanding general had no clue. In his OWN briefing, the general would be informed "Our sources, inside Cuba, are sending intell, that ballistic missile components are being assembled, inside Cuba. IF intell is correct, the missiles are being targetted at the southern United States." When the general would suggest "There are assets, such as Special Forces, and Black Ops personnel, already on station, at Gitmo. Why not just use these soldiers?" The briefing leader would say "The problem is, not only does the world KNOW that Guantanimo Bay is a center, for torture. The world, also, has assigned various, covert, units, to watch over the base, and ensure that American brutality remains confined within Gitmo's walls." The leader would add "In short, when American forces depart Gitmo, even to go shopping, their every move is monitored. Maybe not by the Soviets, anymore, but by various member states, of the United Nations." The general would say "That is why you want my command. Since no one, officially, wants any part of us, no one cares what we do, or where we go". The briefing leader would say "Un-fortunately, that about sums it up. The orders are simple. Go in, record any evidence, collect any fissionable materials, then report back to base." When the general would ask "How soon do you expect my command to depart?" The briefing leader would ask "How soon CAN your command be ready?" The one thing an American soldiers family must learn to live with is the un-certainty, of the next call to duty. A call which may come, day or night. Even during romantic dinners, dates, and even hobby time. When the call is sounded, soldiers drop whatever they are doing, to answer the call. For both Lieutenant Sally Rogers, and Sargeant Kieth O'Brien, this meant leaving lovers halfway into seduction. When Sally's lover would, annoyingly, ask "Do you HAVE to go, right NOW? Sally would tell her lover "Duty calls". At about the same time, yet at a different location, Kieth O'Brien would be dressing, as his lover would ask "Do I mean so little, to you, that you walk out, in the middle?" When Kieth would say "Call of duty". His lover would say "If you walk out that door..." and Kieth was gone. While Kieth hated the idea, he phoned Sargeant Caroline Anderson, asking "Are you at that restaurant that I recommended?" When Caroline Anderson would say "Just collecting my stuff", Kieth would ask "Would you mind picking me up, on your way to the base?" Caroline would say "Small favor, to ask, in return for suggesting this restaurant." Soon, Sally would be driving, alone, towards the units base, while Caroline, who had stopped, to collect Kieth, was driving almost 20 miles over the speed limit. Latino Lydia Thomas was having the WORST time, of all. Since the Latina held the hope that, one day, she MIGHT become the pilot of either an F-35, or an Apache Attack Helicopter, Lydia had been taking flying lessons, during off-duty time. In fact, Lydia was on her final, training flight, prior to going "solo", when the call came. Lydia's instructor cringed, when Lydia had said "Sorry, sir. Change of plans." When her instructor noticed that Lydia was approaching restricted, military, air space, he reminded Lydia "You know, since 9/11, aircraft CAN be shot down, without warning." Lydia would say "I know", then, as the helicopter passed over federal property, and the warning was issued, Lydia would counter with: "This is Sargeant Lydia Thomas, United States Army unit, Renegades. Authorization..." then "Requesting landing clearance, for civilian helicopter". After a moment, of silence, the response came "Sargeant Lydia Thomas, you are clear for secure pad 3. Any deviation, from this course, and your aircraft WILL be shot down." After Lydia would say "Roger that, Pad 3", Lydia would look at her instructor, saying "Do NOT attempt to exit the helicopter, once we land. After I step out, WAIT until the tower calls "Civilian helicopter, you are cleared for take off." Do NOTHING until then, understood?" The instructor just crossed himself. At the main base gate, Sally, who had been closer, to the base, because of her date, had arrived prior to even Carolines sports car. To the annoyance, of both Kieth, and Caroline, the gate guard took his time, checking their I.D.'s. Caroline would only smile, when Kieth commented "We could have sex, in the time that guy is taking, to verify us." Once cleared, through security, however, all three soldiers watched as the civilian helicopter approached the landing pad. When Kieth asked "Does that pilot have a death wish?" Saly would remind her fellow soldier "That would be Lydia, at the controls. Remember. She's working on her pilots license." While the flight instructor was shaken when, upon touch down, the helicopter was surrounded, by armed soldiers, all pointing automatic weapons at the helicopter, once Lydia stepped, from the helicopter, and preesented her I.D., to the squad commander, Lydia was shown through, to the command center. In the locker room, and while changing into military uniforms, Sally, and Kieth, would share their dating horror stories. Sally would say "Its so annoying. I mean. I pick up this woman, in a bar. I TELL her that I am a soldier. I even show her my I.D.. Yet, what does she do, when the call comes?" Kieth woulld say "Let me guess. Your date asks "Cant it wait?"" Sally would ask "Did your woman tell you "If you walk out that door, dont bother coming back?"" Kieth would smile as he said "I know. Its like we were dumping our dates, on a whim." In the briefing, the units officers noticed that the very first thing the general would do was to say "I apologize, for ruining your evening off. The problem is, there is something going on, in Cuba, and the Pentagon wants our unit to find out WHAT IS going on." When Sally would ask "What are we to verify, sir?" The general would say "The possible presense of, construction, and preparation, of ballistic missiles. Missiles capable of carrying nuclear payloads, as far north as the southern United States". When Lydia would ask "How much, potential, yield?" The general would say "Unknown. This is why the orders are for a silent incursion. We are to document everything, and remove as much, if any, fissionable material, as possible. We are, then, to egress as silently as possible." When Manuel would ask "How many guards are at the target?" The general would say "That is another question we are to answer." When Caroline would ask "Do we know the lay-out, of the grounds?" The general would say "We THINK we have a pretty good lay-out. This from old land records, stored at government offices. Mostly survey records." When Kieth would ask "How OLD are the records?" The general would say "Anywhere from 75, to 200, years old." This is when Lydia would ask Manuel "Do you think that Pablo might assist us, again?" Manuel would say "Sorry. Neither Pablo, nor any of my village, goes NEAR Gitmo. We stay as far, from the torture as possible. I doubt Pablo would do this, even for vast amounts, of money." When the general would ask "Would Pablo do this, if it prevented his country from being counter-attacked, by the retaliation, of Washington D.C., over American cities being attacked?" Manuel would say "Allow me to ask Pablo. Prehaps there is a way." While Pablo would, soon, report, that Gitmo was surrounded, by so many guards, that natives could not get within MILES, of the place, Pablo would present his cousin with a proposed trade. "Manuel, if you can secure safe passage, for my family, to America, then I will try to gain the information, which you seek." While even the general would know, and understand, how Pablo's information had aided the unit, in the past, the general KNEW that the army held very little, if ANY, sway, with the I.N.S.. The question was "What if Pablo's information was BETTER than the Pentagons?" What if Pablo's information SAVED lives? Especially American lives?" Wouldn't this information be worth atleast a REVIEW, of a citizenship application?" While the general KNEW that he had no LEGAL authority, he agreed to make certain that the applications reached the I.N.S.. Even if the general had to deliver the documents, himself. What impressed not only the general, but the entire command, was how ingenious Pablo could be. Using an imaginary code name, and promising payment, in American dollars, Pablo encouraged a local crop-duster, who was dusting fields, near the compound, in question, to make WIDER turns, on each run, over the field. Pablo knew that crop dusters were just as common, especially by day, as prop-driven freight planes, by night. Unless the crop duster directly attacked the compound, pilot, and passenger, would be safe. When the Renegades received Pablo's photos, of the compound, and the unit was impressed, by the quality, of the daylight photography, the general would inform Manuel "Have Pablo send his families applications DIRECTLY to MY inbox. I will deliver their application, PERSONNALLY, to I.N.S.". Yes, the Renegades were impressed, with Pablo's work. The Latino had managed not only to photograph details, of the compound, but the man had included photos, of many of the guards FACES. Talk about intell. Pablo had EARNED a front place, in the line, at the immigration office. The Renegades, also, learned just how "out of date" their own information was. Thanks to a brave Latino, the teams could plan their "attack", with total precision. Now, sure, in action/adventure movies, soldiers enjoy blowing things up, and making all kinds of noise. What REAL soldiers know is that NOISE is a soldiers worst enemy. This is why, as the general was arranging transportation, for his teams, the Renegades would be practicing "silent but deadly" exercises, including killing enemy soldiers, either with knives, or wire. While aerial photography did not SHOW any walls, to be climbed, the general was taking no chances. Then, there were the KNOWN hazzards. The mine fields, some of which were left over, from the last, American, invasion. Then would come the trip-wires. Somehow, the Pentagon expected this command to make its way, into an enemy position, find as much intell as possible, pack up any documentation, AND bag up who knows how much fissionable material. The unit was, then, to DRAG this material, out of an enemy position, and await extraction. All while being as quiet as church mice. Lieutenant Commander Ann Davidson would be the one to comment "Why dont they just ask us to tie the Queen Elizabeth to our backs, and haul the ocean liner to the coast?" The reason why Ann Davidson had been on the General Discharge list was due to the fact that, during her OFF-duty hours, the young woman was bi-sexual. Since the Pentagon felt that being "BI", was just as "dangerous" as being an open lesbian, the lieutenant commander had been awaiting her discharge papers, when the general found her. Sure, Ann Davidson was bi-sexual, but what the general looked at, in her file, was a dedicated, munitions, specialist. A soldier, who could look at a target, and KNOW how much explosive to use. A soldier, who was able to improvise, "on the fly", using anything she could find, to accomplish her assignment. To the general, this woman was a modern day MacGyver. Even the staff, who had trained her, knew that Ann Davidson had a real "talent", with explosives. THIS is why the general had offered the Lieutenant Commander a chance to continue her military career. The general could not care, less, what the woman did, during her own time. The general wanted the best explosives people he could find. As far as the general was concerned, a person could be Pro-Life, Devil-Worshipper, anything (other than a child molester), and the general would "look the other way". The general wanted the best SOLDIERS the nation could provide. By the time of Operation: Baseball Bat, the general had 1,000 soldiers, all training their hearts out, for their country, and their families. While the units prepared for the incursion, the general was more than happy, when the only transport, that the Pentagon would provide, for the Renegades, was the old, propeller-driven planes, left over from World War Two. The very planes, which the general had HOPED for. Still, it should NOT be inferred that the general rested, in America, while his teams were in the field. No, just like generals Bradley, Patton, Schwarkoff, Powel, and others, this general was a combat veteran, and combat leader. He sent NO soldiers out on tasks, which he would not take on, himself. What the world would, NEVER, be told was that, in private, the Pentagon held the secret hope, that the "freaks" would be wiped out, in combat. If this happened, there would be far less pressure, on the Pentagon, for General Discharges, for these "odd-balls". The main reason why the Renegades knew when the departure would happen would be when a night, of heavy over-cast, and possible thunderstorms, was predicted. While this would be terrible weather, for outdoor activities, it was excellent weather, for covert ops. This is why, while most soldiers would be enjoying INDOOR sports, the Renegades would be loading up, their planes, and preparing for the flight, to South America. Since the planes pilots were skilled aviators, the men knew how to "read" the sky, and how to find the least volatile air space. Still, since most of the command was ground-based forces, the soldiers did their best to hold stomaches, while the planes flew clear of the storms. The Renegades luck only improved when, over the Gulf of Mexico, the thunderstorm cleared, yet the overcast remained. To any ground observers, the planes would be nothing more than black silhouettes, against a black background. It would not be until a new recruit, another Latino, named Antonio, would look out of one, of the planes windows, only to see pure black, that the young man would say "What a shame. I was hoping to catch a glimpse, of Castillo Terrio. Maybe next time." Sure, the Renegades knew about Castillo Terrio. If the Spanish-to-English translation were correct, the Castillo Terrio was the Spanish version of Guantanimo Bay. Literally, the Castle of Terror. While, for most, of the flight, the soldiers either rested, or spoke of leaving family, friends, or lovers, for the call of duty, as soon as the intercom held the generals voice, saying "Silence", all conversation ended. From this point, until back over international waters, ALL commands would use sign language, only. It was only at the moment, when the planes rear hatch opened, showing nothing but black, beyond, that Corporal Amy Walters would remember her first parachute jump. Her jump master, a gunnery-sargeant, near retirement, himself, had seen the fear, in the young womans eyes, as she prepared for her first, jump. When the corporal had said "I'm sorry, sargeant, but I just cant do it. I'm afraid of heights. Thats why I joined the army. To stay on the ground." The gunnery-sargeant had, then told the corporal "Dont tell anyone I told you this, but I HATE parachutting as well." When the corporal had asked "You?" The gunnery sargeant had said "Jumping out of a perfectly good airplane is not a natural act. Now, lets get it over with, and get back on the ground. By the way, I hear that the view is great, around here. If you see any good restaurants, make sure you tell me, when we land." Now, in the hold, of the freight plane, the corporal smiled as she realized that the gunnery sargeant had been right. The sooner a jump is started, the sooner it is over with. She did not know why, but, on the way to the ground, the corporal had the idea that, WHEN the unit returned to the states, she thought of asking Manuels parents for some REAL, South American, food. Thanks to modern day parachutes, the unit landed within 1,000 feet of one another. The unit was, also, thankful for the fact that the Pentagon would only provide World War Two vintage transportation. These vehicles might not be confortable, but they did "blend in", perfectly, with the general area. The problem was that the general had wanted to land by 19:00 hours (7 P.M., for civilians). When the general looked at his watch, and saw it was 21:00 hours (9 P.M., for civilians), the general knew that his command would have to work, even faster, to be finished, by sun-rise. If the incursion were to take place, at 23:00, these trucks had to "put the pedal to the metal". The general DID have to admit that the "rebels" were most ingenious. After all, WHO would THINK of looking for an enemy base, right on the front steps, of an American base? It would be 23:30 before the units made their way, to the base. Once at the perimeter, the unit would take another 30 minutes, finding a safe route, through the obstacles. Recon would state admiration, for the persons, who laid out these defenses. They had done a good job. While the Renegades had sliced the throats, quickly, cleanly, and quietly, of seven, foot patrol guards, while other soldiers "took out" the guards, in the make-shift towers, what amazed, and annoyed, the Renegades, was what they found, once their lock-pickers "took out" the pad locks, on the warehouse doors. What the Renegades would find was nothing more than empty hulks. "props", designed to resemble ballistic missiles. When the general signed "double check everything", his soldiers went about their duty, even as the general wondered "Why bother building a mock up? What was the point?" When Sally Rogers found what she THOUGHT was a barracks, and slipped inside, she thought she heard English being spoken. But how? Without accents? When Sally Rogers risked whispering "United States Army", the male voice replied "United States Air Force. Where did you come from?" When Sally Rogers would ask "Unit?" The male would whisper "Captain Phillip Morris. 22nd Stealth Bomber Group, out of Arizona. WHO are YOU?" Sally Rogers would say "Lieutenant Sally Rogers, United States Army, Renegades Battallion." A few moments later, the general would enter the quarters, whispering "Captain Morris? I thought you were assigned to the Middle East." When the captain went to explain, a voice, in the generals ear would say "Silence is golden." When Lieutenant Commander Ann Davidson joined the group, the general was impressed that the explosives expert did not have to use demolitions, to open the cells. What shocked Caroline Anderson, when she picked the lock, to what comand had said would be a rations store-room (Maybe a munitions locker), was what she found, inside this store-room. While the Renegades had been told to expect to find weapons-grade Uranium, and other, fissionable, materials, what command had, never, mentioned was what the unit actually found. Namely, enough weapons, and ammution, to hold off an attack, for months. Maybe years. This while, in ANOTHER warehouse, where Manuel expected to find prisoners, the unit found enough rations, to feed an army, for years. It was not until Sargeant Pete Withers decided to grab a pack, and open it up, that Manuel would sign "If you are alive, after you eat that, let me know. I have wanted a taste, for years." When Pete Withers signed "What are you talking about? These are U.S. surplus. Best rations, in the world." Manuel would sign "Unless injected with poison." Manuel would, then show the sargeant the "tamper-evident" seals, on the packages. The inner seals, which would be one color, when sealed, would change color, once opened. The rations, in this warehouse, had been opened, then re-sealed. WHAT had been added is anyones guess. That is, until Manuel, and Pete, slipped up, to a guard shack, where some off-duty personnel were relaxing. After the Americans listened, as a container was opened, followed, soon, by choking sounds, the remaining guard would pick up the package, saying "You FOOL! You took this from the warehouse. This shipment was due to be sent to Edwards Air Force Base." As the other soldier choked, to death, his partner would say "That is what you get, for NOT following orders. Say hello, to the Holy Father, for me." even as the soldier dropped dead. Manuel, and Pete, listened, as the guard called forth soldiers, to dispose of the body. When the disposal unit asked "What happened?" the soldier would say "This fool broke into the shipment, bound for America." When another voice asked "You mean the poisoned rations?" The guard would say "Yes, that glutton took some, for dinner." When the other voice asked "What do we tell the commandant? How will we explain the missing rations?" The guard would say "Simple, I substitute some NON-lethal rations, and we kill another American, with the next shipment." While Sally Rogers contemplated the fact that the Pentagon was buying rations, from a third world supplier, which was poisoning rations, she, and the general, were considering WHAT they should do, about this stock-pile, of arms. This stuff might not be nuclear, but it could do even MORE damage, in the wrong hands. Lieutenant Commander Ann Davidson had a very simple solution, to this problem. By 03:00, Ann Davidson had rigged up a device, which would have made MacGyver proud. Using the enemies own explosives, and detonators, she rigged up a device, for which the general would put her in for commendation. While the Renegades had freed both the regular army, and air force, prisoners, then sent locals off, into hiding, the Renegades would make their way, to the "air-strip", where their transports would land. What the Pentagon would have wished had not happened was that, once the air force "heard" that an incursion was "in progress", they decided to "take a look". This is why, shortly after the third air freight plane, in the Renegade convoy, was taken out, by a heat-seeker missile, an air force F-35 would report "Freak fire in missile control. Missile is HOT, and away." Seconds after this transmission, the source, of the heat seeker missile, became a momentary flash of light. As if sent, from Heaven, above, not only would the remainder, of the Renegades transports make a crude landing, on the "air-strip", but two, additional, freighters would join in, "out of the dark." The time when Ann Davidson knew she had done her job, correctly, was when a massive explosion lit up the night sky, nearby. Stupid fools! They did not even THINK to check, for traps, once they saw the planes coming in. Their commanders must have been in such a hurry, to "take down the American pigs", that the soldiers disregarded proper procedure. The soldiers must have charged into warehouses, without bothering to check for trip wires. Ann Davidson had, even, been clever enough to set delayed action, to the timers. This way, the maximum, number, of soldiers, would be inside the warehouses, grabbing muntions, when the explosives went off. Destroyed by their own munitions. How much more poetic could it be? While the U.S. Air Force planes did take some small-arms fire, especially on take-off, it was nothing critical. Nothing the aged planes could not handle. What made the Renegades smile, was how, once over international waters, when the pilots broke radio silence, with the Renegades pilots saying "Thanks for the assist", to the air force pilots, the air force would reply "Any time." then add "Why should we let YOU have all the "fun"?" Next stop, home base, hot showers, breakfast, then some rack time. All part of the normal work-day, for a soldier, of the United States Army.