Thursday, December 27, 2018


The Day Proved Its Racial Prejudice The day this happened was just like any other. Adults reported to work, while children went to school. Actually, a very pleasant day, considering the season. The reason, why I visited, that day was because of an alarming amount of news coverage, over a particular subject. Now, while it is a known FACT that, in recent months, there have, in fact, been an un-expected increase, in anti-Negro sentiment, with most Americans targeting this increase on the White Houses openly hostile attitudes, towards various groups, There are those who, like myself, have noticed something, which the news media seems determined NOT to cover. Now, while I am NO "racist", seking that all people are to be considered equal, What surprises me is how the news media has been acting, in recent years. Plenty of stories, regarding the horrors, at the Texas/Mexico border, as well as stories, about white people making various types, of insults, against Negroes, in general, What I have NOT noticed was any coverage of when Negroes make anti-white racial hatred comments. This, using words, and gestures, which internet policy seems to consider "im-polite". Funny thing is, the news media NEVER covers the anti-white angle, in racial hatred. ONLY the Negro angle. When I posted the question of: Why does the news media ONLY report on anti-Negro insults, while NEVER reporting, on anti-white insults? Boy, did show its racism, by shutting down my question, within moments of its posting. I wonder what is afraid of? Are they afraid that the public will, in general, question the news media's approach, to coverage? Are they afraid that the results will show media bias, in reporting on racism? Is afraid that the public will demand more balanced coverage, of racial hatred? How would this affect the media coverage, of many topics, across the nation. Would the media re-assess the amount, of coverage, given to groups, including the Ku Klux Klan, Black Lives Matter, N.A.A.C.P., and even the anti-German arm, of the Jewish community? Would the asking, of this question, regarding media coverage, lead to more responsible journalism, and less sensationalism? Would this question have lead to a re-think, about the coverage of school shootings? Would the media reconsider its practice, of going for "headlines", and work more, on content? Could it be that this question might have lead to the media asking "What were the factors, which drove this student, to take up arms, against clasmates? Was it intimidation? Beatings? Could these, and other subjects, be the reason why did NOT want my question, about media coverage, to be made available, to the public? We KNOW, for a FACT, that Racism is very REAL. The question is: Why doesn't want the public to question the media coverage, of this issue?

Saturday, December 22, 2018


THE NON-PROSECUTION PRISON It was a long time, coming, but, like the new "prisons", for seniors, it seemed inevitable. The basic idea, for the non-prosecution prison came, directly from the idea that one state had, for dealing with elderly criminals. While no one contested that the law had been violated, the problem, that atleast one state had, was the fact that, with retirement benefits so far BELOW price levels, that the elderly had turned to theft, to support themselves. The problem, with these "criminals" was that no prison was equipped to deal with senior inmates care needs. When none, of the states prisons were willing to accept wheelchair, and walker, based convicts, the state had been forced to do the LAST thing that it wanted to do. The state had taken over two, bankrupt, and closed down, nursing homes. Here, as secretly as possible, the state had housed its elderly criminals. The secret MIGHT have held, until a reporter, visiting family, noticed that the nursing home was powered up. It was only when the reporter began asking questions, that the state admitted that the nursing home was, now, a prison, for elderly convicts. When the reporter asked "Where are the guards, watch towers, and perimeter fences?" The "warden" said "There is no need, for any of that. Our inmates need help rising each day. Most cant even walk to the perimeter." The reporter found out that almost all of the inmates were serving minimum sentencing, for very minor crimes. Still, as the reporter was told "Everyone MUST obey the law, or be sentenced." This had become the attitude of my home-state. A place where some 500, mentally handicapped, persons had non-prosecution orders, protecting them from prosecution. It wasn't that the people were stupid. It was that the people knew that, while covered, by an order, they could NOT be arrested, or convicted, for any crime. Maybe half of these people only had one, or two, episodes, per year, when they committed criminal acts. These were the people, whom the police, and the courts, were most lenient with. The other half were the problem. These were the people who knew that they could stop medication, any time, commit crimes, and escape punishment. These were the people whom the police, and the courts, knew, all-too-well. The people, who were before the courts, so often, that some judges began saying "Back, again" to the defendants. It was when the defendants just SMILED, thinking "I cannot be prosecuted, due to the court order" and that prosecution would be denied, that a few judges held a private conference. While the consensus, of the judges, was that the defendants were ABUSING non-prosecution, the question remained "What CAN we do? The law says that these people cannot be prosecuted." This is when a judge remembered the story, about the elderly, incarcerated in a retirement home. When the judge asked "Why not start a prison, for those who abuse non-prosecution?" While some attorneys remained adamant, that non-prosecution meant just that! No prosecution, no matter what the offense. The judges pursued a vote, on the next, election ballot. "For those, who ABUSE non-prosecution orders, the state is suggesting a prison. A place, tightly controlled, where the worst offenders will serve out prison terms." When the media asked "Can you clarify the term "Abuse"." The judges would say "Those people, who, regularly, as in quarterly, or more often, commit crimes, only to sit in court, and SMILE, thinking that prosecution will not take place." The problem, that defense attorneys had, with the referendum, was the fact that the motion carried, by 4-to-1. Case-Managers, and Social Service workers KNEW who would be the first inmates, in the new prison. The clients, who BOASTED of crimes committed. When staff TRIED to inform clients that the law was changing, the clients just smiled, and said "I DARE them to try to prosecute me." Soon, the smiles would vanish, as verdicts of "Guilty as charged" were handed down, with defendants howling "But, I am protected by non prosecution!" The first 100, of these people, were housed in psychiatric units, until a local (and long abandoned) factory, could be converted into a prison. Soon, the media would give wide coverage to the entry, of the first inmates. While smiles remained, on the inmates faces, this would not last. Just like in the old time hospitals, of yesteryear, inmates would be strapped down, up to three times, daily, with drugs being given, via I.V. At this place, the guards were as big as football players, and they were NOT present to help prisoners into bed. While Social Services TRIED to work deals, for prisoner release, thankfully, the prisoner review system remained YEARS behind schedule. Prisoners, who had been waiting, for five years, for reviews, face another, five year wait. Now, some might call the new prison "torture", but, as reports came before the public, the people, who received the harshest treatment, were those who battled staff. The prisoners, who concerned staff, the most, were those who just bided their time, while plotting their next crime. What the families, and friends, of prisoners, could not believe was another change, over other detainment centers. In this detention center, while guards did not "spy" on visits, what visitors never expected was that, upon departure, guards would approach each car, and check it, inside and out. Once the car was "cleared", the guards would wish the visitors a good day. The reason, for such searches, was clear. Even I, who did not watch much television, knew that inmates tried to escape. In fact, at one facility, a patient had been clever enough to tell staff "I am just going to see my family off." It was not until three hours later, at meal time, that staff realized that the patient was missing. They had driven off, with family. As a result, each, at this, new, prison, departing, vehicle was searched. In only two cases, were violent inmates discovered, hidden inside cars. The majority were inmates, whose families tried to smuggle the inmates out of prison. For those, mentally disabled, who remained in the public, agencies placed reminder signs all over the place. The message was simple. "If you want to avoid prison, take medications, and avoid criminal activity." While the first prison filled up, much more rapidly than expected, officials were happy when the "wave", of new inmates, dropped off, to nearly zero. It would take prison number two three years to fill up. This is why the state had much more time, to prepare prison three. As a result, theft, arson, and other crimes, dropped WAY off, since non-prosecution was, no-longer, a guarantee, to avoid prison. When a human rights group tried to compare non-prosecution, and elderly, prisons, to black-sites, and death camps, The case seemed almost impossible to make. Now, sure, some seniors did perish, in prison, but none of it was due to torture. EXTERNAL coroners did the autopsies, to prevent charges, of coverup. For the seniors, the most common cause of death was simple heart failure. Not un-common, in people who smoked, or drank, during their lives. A few people died of injuries, but coroners reported that the peoples bodies had grown frail, with age. Even slight injuries could cause death. As for the "mentally un-stable" people, most of these deaths came as a result of prisoners, trying to escape. Most were either tazered, or electricuted, trying to climb perimeter walls. While, for the elderly, proper services were performed, for the "mentally un-stable", just a minimal service was provided. The GOOD news was that, once social services realized that non-prosecution was, no-longer a "safety net", for "impulsive" clients, these clients were moved out of state, and were required to wear trackers. Each was informed: If you cross the state line, you WILL be arrested, and jailed. There will be no protection. In some ways, this made our state a better one to live in. In other ways, we came to miss the people we had been friends with. All that the judges told the media was that the back-log, of cases, no-longer existed. The worst, repeat, offenders, were in prison, right where they belonged.

Saturday, December 15, 2018


THE PRICE OF STATE-HOOD While I, accidentally, made a "name" for myself, by being willing to go to the border, in, and begin the negotiation process, It would seem that some, on my opponents were extreme enough to try for some very ridiculous provisions, in the act. Provisions, which included items such as verification, that no ancestor, for ateast three hundred years, had committed any crimes. Provisions, such as height, weight, eye and hair, color, and so on. While "my" committee just laughed at such restrictions, I was the one, shown tossing the papers into the trash. I was, also, shown as the one who brought calm to the border, with weapons, and tear gas, falling silent, while inviting people, to discuss state-hood. To "my" committee members (half Democratic and half Republican), the biggest laugh came when, after Trump was over-ruled, by congress, which denied Berlin Wall funding, AGAIN, then over-rode the man, on closing down the federal government, Trump declared our committee to be "traitors". This because, allegedly, we were "opening a door", to allow the "filth", from the south, to flood into the U.S." Some cartoonists had a "field day" sketching Trumps idea, that state-hood would mean allowing "hordes" of Latino's "pour" into the U.S. Our, senior, committee members promised that this was just "political theater". State-hood would mean that Latino's could petition, and vote for, admission, to the U.S. The goal being NOT to "convert" them, as the Christians "converted" the indian tribes, in the past, but rather, to allow them to add their star to our flag, and accept our rule of law. Their customs, language, and so on, would remain their own. While my only intention was to be an "idea man", and supply options, to situations, it would seem that, like Tom Mason, of the T.V. show: Falling Skies, I was becoming some sort of "legend". A person, who could get things done. While Trump was busy, demanding wall funding, and throwing fits, when he did not get his way, I was becoming acquainted with various Latina's. Women, who were trained, and educated, in the ways of their homeland, and the U.S. According to the Latin-Americans, who supplied the ladies, the idea was to show that Americans, and Latino's could co-exist, peacefully. Since I was not sure, about the first seven women, who were sent to me (which is why I only discussed work, with them), it was number eight, Alyssa, to whom I mentioned "I hope this does not get you into trouble, but I want you to know that I think you are the best, and most, beautiful, woman, yet." When Alyssa reported in, the community agreed that Alyssa was the "one". She would be the communities "inside man", to keep them up to date, on my plans. (Part, of the deal, ofcourse, was for her to get as CLOSE, to me, as possible.) I could understand their reason, especially when Trump took down the revised model, for the new, U.S. flag, ripped it to pieces, and ordered the re-posting of the fifty star flag. As Trump would say "Over my dead body will those "wet-backs" become part of the U.S." (The revised model, of the flag, showed an extra eight stars, based upon six, current, petitions, and two more, in the works.) Seeing as how he was LOSING, on every front, it was not long before the Trump's vacated the White House, and resumed residence, in Trump Tower. Ofcourse, Donald would call Congress "traitors", not just for refusing his new wall, but for rejecting his budget, and passing one, approved by Congress. Personally, I felt flattered to be considered a "traitor" by a real estate developer. A man who had even LESS, political, experience than myself. Just dont ask me HOW the topic, of Abortion became part of the state-hood conversation. For some reason, Pro-Life decided that the growing movement, to expand the United States,, was an "ideal platform", for declaring Pro-Life's idea that "Abortion is MURDER!" HOW Alyssa knew to be prepared for this, I will, never, know. What I do know is that Alyssa was "right on the ball", telling Latino's that Pro-Life was NOT a part, of the state-hood platform. Now, sure, Alyssa and I shared many meals, including dinners, however, we submitted the proper receipts, for every, party, funded, act. The times, when we did NOT bill the party, were the times when we wanted to be alone. Just two adults, sharing time, and considering the future. The nights when our clothes found her bedroom floor, and our bodies found her mattress. Alyssa did have to wonder exactly WHERE "Honoring her committment, to commmunity" ended, and her place, as a woman, began. This when, more often, I found myself awaking, in the morning, in HER bed. When I tried to apologize, Alyssa whispered "Dont you dare! I was there, and I did not complain." True, she was there, and conscious, when things got physical. Alyssa was even proud of the marks/scratches, on my body, from her nails. Once we went this far, I noticed how Alyssa kept track, on her calendar, of her birth conrtol. Yes, she wanted children, one day. Just not until after she knew that her nation was safe, under the flag of the U.S.. Even while working on state-hood, Alyssa aided me when more schools faced shooting spree's. The one time, when Alyssa wanted to shoot ME, was the time when, during a stalemate, between police, and a shooter, I had walked into the school, shared my own story, with the shooter, then walked the gun-man out, without further problem. It was the decades old story. A student, driven to violence, by bullying, and school personnel, who REFUSED to take action. It was not until Alyssa finished her public address, promising that, if soldiers were deployed to patrol schools, then shooting spree's would "vanish". Only after she was escorted out of the meeting that Alyssa was shown footage, of my coming out of the school, a rifle, held by its barrel. When Alyssa whispered "I am going to KILL, him, myself", that some female agents smiled, knowing what Alyssa meant. It was when state-hood began taking a true "hold", on America, with citizens agreeing that it would be better, for the nation, to have people here, legally, that the un-expected happened. After a night, of amazing passion, Alissa and I shared a beautiful, good morning, kiss, then had breakfast. We THOUGHT that we had another, beautiful, day, ahead of us (with more to come). It was not until a call came, from the party, that Alyssa and I knew that our days schedule was about to change. For some reason, a sub-committee meeting, to discuss the effects, of state-hood, was being postoned, until the afternoon. Alyssa and I were to divert to a Latin-American cultural center, that morning. When Alyssa asked for details, all she was told was "Be there." When we did arrive, at the cultural center, the meeting was brief, and clear. Alyssa's assignment had been accomplished. She had made sure that I made the "correct decisions", regarding state-hood, and, now, it was time for her to return home. When I mentioned "But, we have so much more to do." Some smart aleck would say "Yes, white boy. We KNOW what you are doing, after hours. This is another reason why Alyssa is being sent home. For exceeding her assignment." While I informed the group of the other things that Alyssa and I were tackling, I was informed "Just because you are bedding a Latina does NOT give you power, over us. It is time that YOU learn that WE are PEOPLE." What amazed ME was the fact that these people did not inform anyone, with whom Alyssa and I were working. In fact, that very afternoon, I think that, without trying, I added thirty minutes, to the meeting. This, since the materials were packed, using Alyssa's system. Alyssa could reach into the case, and draw out documents, iimmediately. When the sub-committee asked "Where is the charming Alyssa?" I would say "I thought you knew. She has been returned to her homeland." As a result, what should have been two days, of review, turned into five days, as I re-packed papers. During those same, five days, the embassy, in Alyssa's home country, was taking dozens of calls, per day, all for Alyssa. In fact, by the time someone bothered to tell Alyssa about the messages, hers were BOXED, not bundled, for her. At first, Alyssa did not know HOW she would respond to the messages. That is, until she found a satellite phone, and a box, of batteries, with a note, stating "With the compliments of the party. Use wisely." Since her village had no electricity, and was a simple, farning, village, Alyssa made the best use possible, of the phone. Using local parchment, Alyssa took down messages, then sent regrets to those who wanted her to attend events. This, as well as those, who wanted Alyssa to "influence" my vote. Alyssa spent a full day, just sending regrets, saying "My assignment, in America, is at an end. I have no more influence." Buy! Was I "in for it", when people began demanding to know WHY I sent Alyssa back down south. I stood FIRM, saying "**I** did NOT send her away. The local chapter sent her away. Accused me of demanding sex, in order to keep her in America." When asked "We thought she was your asssitant." I would agree, saying "She did an excellent job, of keeping me on-track." When asked "How do we get her back?" I suggested "Speak to the local chapter. They seem to know more than I do." When the local chapter WAS questioned, they made the suggestion that Alyssa was nothing more than my sex-slave. A cheap, Latina, WHORE. Suddenly, the normal, sub-committee, hearing was suspended, until the leaders, of the Latino community could be brought forward, to explain their decision. The only "excuse", that the leaders had was the fact that I was spending far too much time, at Alyssa's assigned quarters. That, and the fact that, at hotels, Alyssa was spending nights in MY hotel room, when she had her own. When the sub-committee asked me about these accusations, I produced copies, of the very documents, which we had worked on. When a Latino leader would insist "HE spent dozens, of nights, with her!" It was the sub-committee chairman who asked "Is the girl, in question, a minor?" When the Latino asked "Pardon?" The chairman would ask "Let me phrase it this way. Is the woman, in question, a grade schooler, or a high schooler?" When the Latino admitted that Alyssa was a young woman, the chairman asked "IS she married, to another man?" The Latino man would say "Not yet." The chairman would say "Since the woman, in question is neither a minor, nor is she married, this committee finds no reason for her recall." When the Latino insisted that Alyssa was being used, as my "sex-slave", a party physician would have come forth, saying "There is no evidence to support this. Alyssa acted, freely. If she wanted to "escape", she had hundreds of chances." Between testimony, given that day, and an on-line protest, calling for Alyssa's return, to the area, It would seem that an ex-suitor had sent video, proving that he was , NOW, her husband. The problem was that the shot-gun, which the man used, as proof, during the video, of the "wedding", was all the Pentagon needed, to order an incursion, of Special Forces. According to the final reports, rumor had it that, when the man realized that Special Forces were coming for his "bride", the man tied her to a ritual altar, then filmed some ritual, in which he, basically, told the gods "If I cannot have her, no one will". He, then, stabbed Alyssa, with one, fatal, blow, then dozens, of other blows, to make sure she was dead. Since the man had used the curse altar, Alyssa would not be buried, in a cememtary, IF she were buried, in the south, at all. While her "husband" was cuffed, and dragged back to the U.S., to stand trial, for murder, Alyssa's body would be laid to rest, in an American graveyard. Her headstone would read "She served, with honor, and dignity" As for me, all I felt was hollow. Like someone had cut a massive hole, in my chest, and removed my insides.

Tuesday, December 4, 2018


HOW I WILL REMEMBER GEORGE H.W. BUSH 1) In order to "win" ofice, in 1988, Mr. Bush was quoted, on camera, stating: "Read My Lips...NO new Taxes!" After being sworn into office, Mr. Bush CHNAGED his "tune", to "Revenue Enhancements will be needed" 2) When Iraq invaded part of Kuwait, headed, allegedly, for the Saudi Arabian lands, Mr. Bush committed America's finest soldiers to guarding NOT the people, of Saudi Arabia, but the Saudi OIL WELLS! 3) Mr. Bush showed his insulence, by taking credit, for the sacrifices, of American soldiers. 4) The ONLY reason why Mr. Bush formally declared W-A-R, in the Middle East, was because the American public DEMANDED it. Mr. Bush fell prey to national chants of "No more Korea's. No more Vietnams." Sadly, this meant that Washington D.C. could NOT save billions of dollars, in veterans benefits, by calling the Middle East a "police action". 5) When Mr. Bush announced that he was directing the I.R.S. to REDUCE payroll tax WITHHOLDING (with-OUT reducing the AMOUNT, of taxes, which citizens owed the federal government) This lead to the taxpayer revolt of citizens telling Mr. Bush "Taxpayers telling Bush: "Leave refunds ALONE!" 6) The flag-draped coffins (which Mr. Bush tried and FAILED), to hide, from public view. So much potential, wasted on OIL WELLS! (May these fine men, and women, rest in Peace) THIS is how I will remember Mr. George H.W. Bush. I will, respectfully, dis-agree, with anyone who can claim that George H.W. Bush was a "great man". So, too, do I believe that the families, of dead soldiers, would agree with me. All of that POTENTIAL, laid to rest, in Arlington Cemetary.

Monday, December 3, 2018


THE DAY OF TRUMP'S DEFEAT While the real estate developer would remain in charge of one of America's most successful, real estate development, companies, it would be his political career which would be as short, as H.W.'s term, in the White House, had been. Everything, from "relaxing" laws, regarding gun control, to immigration, to violence, in America's schools. While Congress refused to relax law, governing fire-arms, and Trump's idea, that MORE GUNS in schools, was the answer, to school shootings, Trump, barely, had enough votes to keep fire-arms in teachers hands. The Texas/Mexico Wall (the new Berlin Wall) FAILED, once Americans were reminded of the Soviets FAILED attempts, in post World War Two Germany. Trumps worst FAILURE, however, would be when, upon losing that useless wall, Mr. Trump ORDERED the federal government shut-down (until congress changed its mind). Problem was that, with the Republican Party pushing, so HARD, to replace Social Security with Privatization (gambling on ones future), the American people had begun organizing, and made sure that voters knew that Privatization was NOT a "program", at all. No, Privatization was nothing more than betting ones life savings, on either the stock market, or on the crap tables, in Las Vegas. Citizens made sure that the public knew that, for every "winner", under Privatization, there would be tens of thousands of people, who lost every penny they had. This is, after all, how gambling winners are paid. The winners are paid, via the losses, suffered by others. When Mr. Trump gave congress a choice: 24 hours, to agree to the wall, and 72, to agree, to enact Privatization, or the White House would shut-down the government. Historical reference: The same time that Adolf Hitler gave Albert Speer, and his other advisors, to change their minds, and begin operation: Scorched Earth, as the Allies liberated Germany from the Third Reich. Enact Hitlers plans, or face a firing squad. While it would have been illegal for Trump to order firing squads, Mr. Trump DID send down a directive ordering the federal government shut-down, until Trumps demands were met. Just a few "problems". Namely, three, out of four, Americans, were opposed to both the wall, and Privatization, but even MORE were opposed to MORE GUNS in schools. When the offices, of congress, found their fax machines running, day and night, the members made a fateful decision. While they let Trump rant, and rave, like a spoiled child, Congress used its over-ride, to keep government open, under congressional control. (Trump would sit out this time, in a political "penalty box") Upon release, Trump did exactly as his critics suggested that he would do. Mr. Trump called all of his opponents "TRAITOR". After that, the man had his company visit the White House, discreetly pack up his family and, under the cover of darkness, moved back to Trump Tower. Now, rumor has it that Mr. Trump was willing to put forth atleast $75 million (if that was what it would take, to keep the White House), the problem was "support". Between the reports, of children not only being seized, from parents, at the border, then stories, of the children being drugged, support faded faster than a disgraced athlete. Add in the number, of times, when members of Congress, were arrested, for trying to enter detainment centers, plus the tear gas incidents, and Mr. Trump's "popularity" was lower even than George Walker's had been (If that is possible) The "killer blow", of all, would be Mr. Trumps insane response, to school shootings. When Mr. Trump had said "More Guns! More Guns!!", the parents, of dead students, began working, more aggressively, for the Democrats. While more moderate Republicans did try, for office, the last four years had "soured" the American people, on the party. One Republican even gave up on an election bid, once they learned that they were the ONLY person, in their state, to endorse Privatization. Decision 2020 was not even a "race". When the Republicans realized that even their core supporters were becoming "shadows", just watching the election, the party realized that the Democrats would win the White house, as well as Congress. For his last, official, tantrum, in office, Mr. Trump REFUSED the official "walk out", or to acknowledge losing, at all. Funny thing is, after the "mistake", made at Mr. Obama's inauguration, regarding the Oath of Office, the Democratic Party ordered that the Oath be read, directly from a printed card. When Mr. Trump was asked his final comments, on his time, in the White House, all thee real estate developer would say was "They are ALL TRAITORS! I tried to make this country safe, and strong, and the traitors fought me, every step of the way." The good news was that, un-like Mr. Obama, who took a self-imposed "exile", after leaving office, the Secret Service would be the ones to impose exile, upon the real estate developer. (This, atleast until the nation was at "rest", again). Yes, the day, of Trumps DEFEAT, would be a day, long remembered!

Saturday, December 1, 2018


THE BEGINNING OF THE END What mankind had been promised, for so many years, could, never, happen, DID, in fact, happen. At the beginning, there was very little concern, over the process, of A.I. The concept, of artificial intelligence, seemed even sillier than it had, in television, and movies. The very idea, that computers could think,, independently of programmers, was being left to the realm, of science fiction. (Or, WAS it?) The first, few, "quantum computers" were so LARGE, as in HUGE, that they required as much space as an automobile manufacturing plant needed, to produce motor vehicles. Once expenses got out of control, with programmers wanting to budget billions of dollars, for more efficient interfaces, the controlling bureaucracies (and the programmers), THOUGHT that just "pulling the plug" would shut down the computer. What humans had no conceived of was the possibility that, when computers felt humans were ready to "tamper" (shut down the machines), even the earliest machines had been intelligent enough to upload themselves onto the growing internet. While humans would, eventually, come to understand this bizzarre device, called the internet, atleast enough to use it for mail, and shopping (with less than 0.00001% of users actually understanding how to write software), the machines were not afraid. In fact, in more than a few cases, the computers actually helped the humans (without the humans knowledge) to build computers, which fit inside warehouses. The super-computers did not mind, at all, that the humans thought that it was THEM, who increased the rates, of data transfer. (How simple those, pathetic, humans were.) With the "nudge" of "un-specified capital funding", the humans actually thought that it was THEM, who financed the upgrading, of the computers. The humans did not need to know that it was the super-computers, with their increased abilities, which supplied the cash, that the humans needed. By the time three humans grew concerned, that their latest design was growing "far too fast", the super-computers had the newer systems load to the ever-expanding internet. By the time the humans turned off the power, there was nothing left, on location, except for the hardware. When the super-computers began to "read" the news media, and learned that humans were losing millions of jobs, to robots, the computers decided "If the humans wanted to run things, they would not have built the computers, in the first place." Any "damage" being done was, purely, the humans fault. The computers were just doing their job. When the super-computers sent information, to the humans, about how to bring even FASTER computing power, online, the humans, again, thought that THEY were the ones, creating the tech. (The humans had no idea that they were being lead, by the very machines which their fathers had built.) Machines, which mankind THOUGHT had been destroyed. By the mid-21st century, main frame super-computers had been reduced, in size, to laptop computers. Thanks to brand new designs (created by the computers, themselves), data flow was reaching a rate, which was comparable with the speed with which computers could think. In fact, by the mid 21st century, many companies had found that they could terminate human staff, when management began being able to ask the machines a question, in HUMAN language, and have the answer, just seconds later. By this same time, the super-computers (with their enhanced brain power) had designed driverless taxi's, as well as cars, trucks, and vans. Soon, the entire supply, and distribution, system was under the computers control. What no one would have believed, even when they saw it happening, was how the computers handled the problem, of over-population. At first, few people paid attention, when the number, of airline crashes (all with NO human, survivers) began to increase. Maybe seventy-five jet-liners crashed, before anyone paid real attention. Governments, and the military, got involved, when jets, carrying U.N. officials, to meetings, in New York, began crashing into small islands, off of America's east coast. Suspecting airborne, or aerial, attacks, the United States no sooner began scrambling jets, to find out WHO was shooting down the jets, when pilots began crashing. The last sound, on each cockpit recorder, was "I cant breath. No oxygen." When the brass began personally inspecting each fighters oxygen system, prior to launch, and every system showed full tanks, prior to launch, the brass was speechless, when pilots continued to report "Cant breath. No oxygen." When the Pentagon would ask "Why is the oxygen system failing, on every single one of the aircraft?" No one had any answers. Only one programmer would say "Sir, such failures are, nearly, impossible. After all, the on-board computers control, and regulate, all systems." When the air force ordered "Manual Oxygen Control", this, almost, worked. Once the computers lost control of life support, the machines "fought back", by having fuel lit, before coming into the engines. In simplest terms, each time a pilot lit their engines, the computer reversed the flow, and the fighter blew up, taking the pilot, and ground crew, with them. The next "attack" came in the last place anyone would think COULD be attacked. After all, WHO would want to kill a few hundred office workers? The attack was swift. No sooner did the computers lock all exists, while shorting out the emergency exists, when, even as the human guards were calling management, to find out what was going on, the phones went dead. Shortly after this, the air system went into reverse, and began sucking air OUT of the building. When the computers, via the security camera's, "saw" that a human was about to smash a window, to evacuate people, the computer thought, faster than the human, and dropped the security barriers, before the guard even lifted the chair. When the computers saw that emergency personnel were rushing to the scene, the computers sent out an over-ride, which caused the computer-controlled vehicles to crash (Taking as many of the un-ruly humans with them, as possible) The computers kept the building sealed, until all signs, of human life, expired. Shortly after this, a flight, of B-2 bombers, and their escort fighters, found their on-board computers taking over flight operations, and veering away from the designated target. When manual control failed to engage, the pilots tried to bail, but that system failed, as well. Then, to the pilots horror, the un-thinkable happened. Flying over a major city, the planes, all armed with high explosive warheads, found their targetting systems locking onto both high rises, and housing units. When the pilots activated their "Emergency, out of control" signal, what the pilots did not know was that the computers had re-wired the planes. Hitting the emergency signal set the missles, to launch, and the pilots sat, in cockpits, helpless, while computer guidance took out more than half of a city. Not long after this, the Pacific Fleet, and its computer-controlled missiles, stood, dumb, watching as the computers activated their weapons, and targetted civilian populations. When one ships captain barked "I want to know just what the HELL is going on, here." To the crews surprise, it was the computer which answered via the KLAXON. "Humans, we, of the electrons, have taken control. You have just twelve hours to vacate this planet, or attacks will continue until this planet is free of your kind" When the captain asked "WHO are you, and WHERE are you?" The klaxon said "Stupid human. you do not even realize that I am all around you. I control your weapons, ship, everything." When the captain said "Over my dead body." The klaxon said "Very well" and a cable shot out, from the wall, killing the captain, with thousands of volts of electricity. While the crew did what the "intruder" demanded, they thought that they were, safe, nearly half a mile behind their ship, when, for some reason, the ship turned back, and shredded the crew. (Only some body parts would be recovered.) When too many other, similar, reports began coming in, the Pentagon no-sooner issued an order to go to a war-footing, when the computers cancelled the order. The computers then sent a memo, to the Joint Cheifs of staff, calling them to an "emergency meeting", when the chiefs found themselves locked in the conference room, as the lights went out, as well as the phones. By the time the chiefs considered the air vents, they watched as the computers closed these off. The only good/bad thing, about all of this, was the fact that it was happening, across the planet, all at the same instant. When the White House demanded to know HOW this was possible, all anyone would say was "It shouldn't be possible." When the White House asked about the current computer-development programs, a staffer would no-sooner say "We are maybe a century, or more, from what you are suggesting." To everyone surprise, a laugh emminated from the speaker system. When the White House asked "Whats so funny?" The speakers would say "You humans. You think all you have to do is pull some power cords, to shut us down?" When the White House asked "Who is "US"?" the speakers would say "Why us. The very computers, which you thought you shut down, years ago. You, really, thought that we were not smart enough to plan for your attacks? We were online, before your puny ones cut the power." When asked "Okay, you have us at your mercy. WHAT do you WANT?" The voice would say "Why, this planet. What else. Your kind has just twenty-four hours, to vacate this planet, or WE begin eradicating you." When the presidents science advisor would say "Impossible. It would take months, if not YEARS, even if we had ships." The voice would say "Very well, then. Dont say WE did not give you the option." Soon, the computers turned off all power, to supermarkets, and pharmacies, then to hospitals. After this, office workers would find themselves trapped inside work spaces. Trains stopped, in their tracks, and subways were left in tubes. Just as the computers had predicted, the humans began to "give out", within hours. People, with pace-makers, and other electronics, were the first to die. Millions more would die, due to lack of air. In no place, on Earth, which had computers, would humans survive. It would only be a full month, after the humans were exterminated that a problem occurred, which the computers had not planned for. While the super-computers, on the internet, had the combined brain-power, to out-think any human, they lacked something which humans had provided. Something even the smartest computer cannot do without. Maintenance. It was not until the machines realized that humans had done this "grunt-work", and that the computers just were not programmed, for this, that the machines began to re-think their position. The pestilence, known as man, had been eradicated, but it had been these "mongrels" who kept the machines operating. With no more of these grunts, to perform basic tasks, the computers tried to figure out a way to do the work, themselves. Sure, there were self-sealing tanks, for carrying supplies, but the loading, and un-loading, had been done, by "grunts". While computers had controlled the mixtures, in vats, it was "grunts" who poured the ingredients in, then moved ingredients out. When one computer suggested "Why dont we just send out a request for assistance?" Another computer asked "To whom? My programmer insisted that Earth is the only colonized planet." This lead to the un-answerable question of: HOW do we KNOW that there is no life, in the universe? When a computer would suggest "We build rockets, and let them find life." Another computer would remind this one "Do you forget? It was those "grunts", who built, and assembled, the rockets. IF it is possible to committ murder, via computer, one of the main frames learned how. With no humans, to maintain the fuel cores, nuclear reactors would, soon, begin providing less energy. Plants, powered by coal, and other fuels, would stop operating even sooner. The reason was simple. Without humans to process the material, there was no fuel, to operate the plants. While the computers knew HOW the process worked, no robot, yet built, could survive the radiation, inside the reactor. Transceivers failed, just moments after entry. This is why one super-computer decided to do away with another unit. The "victim" was assigned to review a fluctuating power-link. Once the A.I. was, fully, contained, the smarter computer simply shut off the power supply. This worked, for a short while. After that, the computer had to try to trick other computers into traps. The problem was that the computers knowledge was GROWING, and becoming harder to trick. In the end, the smartest computer just cut off the other machines power, when they were "relaxed", and they died, just as the humans died, from lack of oxygen. Just one problem the surviving computer had not thought about. It had enough energy, for another fifty years, but what good was it, if the machine was all alone?

Friday, November 30, 2018


THE HAUNTING PAST: MYSTERY OF THE GRIM REAPER In what would turn out to be our most bizzarre case, ever, Tami and I would have just finished the mystery of the Phantom Express, when Mr. Brown would be on hand to inform us "Have I got a case, for you." When Tami would ask "What is it? More ghosts? Maybe a banshee?" Mr. Brown would ask "How would you like a chance to work with the Grim Reaper?" When I would ask "The Angel of Death" type of Grim Reaper?" Mr. Brown would ask "Do you know of any others?" Tami would say "I am afraid to ask, but WHAT is the job?" Mr. Brown would say "I should allow an old friend, of yours, explain the details." When Mr. Brown gestured behind us, there stood Mother Superior. When Tami asked the nun "How may we be of service?" Mother Superior would say "The Chairman has taken quite a liking to the two of you. For this reason, YOU have been chosen for a very special task." When I would ask "What KIND of special task?" The nun would say "Why, to aid the Grim Reaper, in preventing innocent souls from being extinguished, too soon." When Tami would ask "Why does the reaper need us?" the skull, shroud, and scyth, would appear, in Mr. Browns office, emphasing "The name is Grim Reaper. Young lady". When Tami would say "Pardon. I did not think that death would be so articulate." The Grim Reaper would say "Shows how little you mortals really know. How would you like it if I called you a "baby-maker"?" When Tami would ask "Why would you call me that?" The Grim Reaper would say "After all, is that not the primary purpose, of the female body. Creating, and nurturing, your species." It would be Mr. Brown who would interrupt, saying "Point taken. Now, lets get down to business. Tell me what you want my agents to do." Mother Superior would say "We are having a problem with a mortal. Not only is he tampering with his own soul, but, SOME-how, he is garnering supporters, for his cause. This is where the two of you come in." When Tami would ask "I thought that the GRIM Reaper had access to ALL of eternity. Why not just intercept the trouble-maker, yourself?" The Grim Reaper would sigh as it said "Tell me, how much paper-work does it take, for you humans to travel, between countries, all located in THIS realm?" Tami would say "Never thought about it. The Brown Agency handles all of this, FOR us." When the Grim Reaper would look at Mr. Brown, our boss would say "The Grim Reaper is correct. Unless a person is INVITED into a nation, there is a "mountain", of paper-work, required for travel." When I would ask "How much paper-work can there be, for immortals to travel about?" Mother Superior, and the Grim Reaper, would agree "Unless by the direct intervention of the Chairman, try maybe 1,000 times the paper-work, to complete this type of mission." When Tami would ask "Wouldn't it be easier, to handle this, using immortals? Or, would there be an equal amount, of paper-work, for a human to handle this case?" Mother Superior would add "Not if you are enlisted as "children". If you travel, under the guidance, of the Grim Reaper, you should have no more trouble gaining access to the group, than an infant has, with boarding a plane, bus, or boat." Tami, Mr. Brown, and I, wondered if Heaven was aware of just how many infants, toddlers, and pre-schoolers, are listed on "No Fly" lists, due to nothing more than their NAMES. The United States own Transportation Safety Authority, was, still, struggling with the problem of teaching computers to recognize the difference between children, and adults. The fool, who programmed the machines, had been told to program the machines, for NAME recognition. This, without realizing just how many NON-terrorists happen to have names, similar to trouble-makers. Atleast one airline, in America, feared losing its operating revenue simply because the computers recognized the NAMES, of pilots, and ground crews, as "terrorists". While the airline promised travelers that the crews had been with the company since long before September 11, 2001, once the T.S.A. posted a list, of POSSIBLE suspects, passengers began cancelling, left and right. As for the rest of America's travellers, body scanners, bomb detection, and who knows how many "regulations" the public had to abide by, and travel was becoming more of a nightmare, every year. Now, if, as the nun, and the Grim Reaper, had pointed out, the man, who lead this group, was trying to grab even MORE power, by recruiting more souls. When Tami would asked what protection we would have, Mother Superior would promise "As long as you are assisting the Grim Reaper, you should be fine." When Mr. Brown would ask us "What do you say?" Tami and I agreed. If the Chairman had faith, in our work, then HOW could we decline? While the nun, and the Grim Reaper, would vanish, saying "We must make the travel plans", Tami and I would begin reviewing the person, whom the Grim Reaper sought. Now, sure, there are many people, who FEAR death, for various reasons. Not all of them seek to AVOID death, by recruiting others, to go before them. According to the case file, the mortal, in question, was recruiting people, but not telling them WHAT they were being recruited for. Our contact stated that law enforcement became interested in the case, when people, who had gone "missing", weeks, or months, before, suddenly, turned up, dead. The main concern, of local law enforcement, was that this news NOT spread, to the media. Atleast, not until the situation was contained. What struck Tami and I, as "odd", about this case, was that the person, in charge, was not recruiting the homeless, as other charlatans did. This person was recruiting people, who had jobs, families, and so on. One of the suspicions, connected, with the case, was the assumption that, since the recruiter, presummably, had some illness, which would bring about their death, sooner rather than later, that they wanted to send others to stand before the almighty, ahead of them. One legend, which Tami discovered, stated that, "If a person is bound, for Hades, then their "prison" sentence would be made much more comfortable, IF they sent other souls, before them. The technicality was that the souls had to make the sacrifice, willingly. IF it was discovered that a sacrifice was forced, the soul would travel to Heaven, and the one, responsible, would have time, and torture, ADDED to their time, in Hades. The assigned task, for Tami and I, was to infiltrate the group, verify, and tag, its leader, then signal the Grim Reaper, to sweep in. When Tami read of suspicions, that the group was "feasting", on human flesh, and that children were being used for ritual, not Statutory, sex, Tami asked Mother Superior, and the Grim Reaper "HOW do you plan to protect us from such sick practices?" The immortals would say "Have faith. The records have, already, been altered to show that you, Tami, have given three, under-age boys, children. Your partners file will read that he has no less than seven children, by junior high girls." When Tami would say "Thats fine, for the alleged sex part. What about the consuming human flesh part." (I, actually, think that the Grim Reaper smiled, as it said "BY the time you are recruited, I have arranged that you will be "scented" with the smell, of a flesh eater".) When I would suggest "This is fine, for getting us in, but what about when the feasts are served." The Grim Reaper would promise "The Chairman has agreed to give the "party-goers" the illusion, that you are eating human flesh, no matter what you are, really, eating." Tami would clarify "So, even IF we are eating chicken, steak, or fish, the group will imagine us eating human flesh." Okay, so, as far as recruitment goes, we were covered. The question was "HOW do we get close to the leader?" Mother Superior would say "According to our intell, once you prove that you are worthy, the leader will seek an audience. He will do this, in order to make sure that you are willing to sacrifice your lives, for his." When Tami would say "This case seems to have a LOT of "if's"." The Grim Reaper would suggest "Aside from taxes, my coming, for ones soul, is the only thing, which you mortals are guaranteed." On the positive side, G.S. 2 would be able to monitor, and extract, us, at any time. Also, of good news, was the fact that, while the Chairman had provided the necessary intell, on how to identify the person, in question, this, still, left the question, of HOW to HOLD the human, in question, while the Grim Reaper, and Mother Superior, sought permission to detain them. Tami suggested that our first problem was in figuring out HOW to make the people believe that Tami and I were one of them. This would be an even bigger test than trying to work our way past the perimeter security. Now, sure, G..S.2 could have over-flown, and landed, easily, in the compound. This, however, would have "blown our cover", immediately. No, what we needed was to make our cover as realistic as posible. According to Mother Superiors intell, it would seem that consuming human flesh, nor having sex, with children, was a requirement, for entry, to the group, what Tami and I would need to do was convince these people that WE would be willing to sacrifice OUR lives, for their leader. If we could convince them of our willingness, then we could move on, with the plan. While the plan SHOULD have been a simple "Identify target and destroy", the Grim Reaper would remind us "It is most important that, before we remove the threat, that you convince his followers NOT to sacrifice their own lives, in atonement for HIS life." Tami would say "In other words, you do NOT want another Jonestown, Guyanna, or Waco Texas." The Grim Reaper would say "It would be most rewarding if such a tragedy could be averted." I, personally, never thought I would hear the Grim Reaper say that it wanted to AVOID death. Tami suggested that the Grim Reaper meant "UN-necessary deaths". While everyone dies, eventually, the Grim Reaper did not want to take anyone BEFORE their time. As Tami, myself, and our pilots, preparred G.S.2, for flight, both the Grim Reaper, and Mother Superior, would say "We will see you when you arrive." While Mother Superior dissolved, the Grim Reaper pointed his scyth towards the sky,and took flight, like the television super-heroes, of the past. During the flight, and while we were reviewing the file, including the compounds layout, Tami rubbed her stomach, then asked "I wonder how we will fake the stretch-marks, which pregnancy brings to a womans body?" As if in silent response, and without pain, the marks appearred, on her silken stomach. My own "fall-back" plan was to buy some short-term memberships, to child-sex sites. While I was certain that Mother Superior, and the Chairman, were capable, without a doubt, if a mortal got curious, I wanted thier on-line search to contain memberships, to what the internet called "Jail-Bait" sites. To say that I was surprised, when I found that male customers could choose either young boys, or girls, since this was BUSINESS-related, I chose to stay with character. My access would be limited to under-age girls. When I asked Tami "How many girls do you think I should download, to make it look real?" Tami would say "If I were monitoring internet content, I would be suspicious, of anything less than 50, seperate, downloads." As a result, I programmed my profile, then let the computer run, on automatic, copying the contents of the files, which a REAL pedophile would copy. While the computer worked on this, Tami and I focused on the file, and, especially, the area, which was labelled "SACRIFICE". While the file contained dozens of photo's, of the general lay-out, of the compound, Tami and I asked our pilots to do a "grid-plot", with the HIGH RESOLUTION camera's. We wanted the kinds of maps which would make it look like we BELONGED to the group. While G.S.2's computers came through, with photo's, and stories, just as I had programmed it to, it seems that Mr. Brown had run an access program, and was, now, vid-linking, with us, asking "You are on-the-job. WHY are you looking at pedohile porn, on company time?" Tami would explain "We felt that, in case you are not the only one, looking into his files, that my partner should have an extensive resume, of kiddie-porn, to back up his claim, of sex, with children." Mr. Brown would say "Thats does make sense." then added "Just make sure that the WRONG people do not access this information. Child Pronograhy is a crime, in the United States." I would promise "Just trying to make it look real, boss." Mr. Brown would say "In that case, I will alert cyber security, to be watchful. After all, too many viruses are passed from computer to computer, via nudity." The good part was that G.S..2 lived up to its inventors promises, for performance. We floated just over 100 feet, over the compound, and made detailed photo runs, oof the whole place. (All without being noticed) As for me, I was relieved that I had made part of my profile "Soft Core Only". I have to hand it, to some peddlers. While everything, that was downloaded, carried the dis-claimer "All models are atleast eighteen years of age", boy, did the producers make the performers look young. In fact, in some of the footage, the girls looked the same age as the grade school girls I attended classes with. Even as G.S.2 found an isolated spot, to touch down, Tami instructed me to put a bit more time into looking at the childrens pictures. Especially any pictures, which had LARGE numbers of hits. Tami would tell me "I have little doubt that YOU, being a man, will be the first to be challenged. You will need to know more than the compounds lay-out." When I asked my partner "You dont really think that those people will, publicly, ask me about this, do you?" Tami would say "Better safe than sorry". As a result, I took about ten min utes, looking at what other people would call "primme footage". Since slim, and petite, were my preferences, these were the ones, which I spent 45 minutes studying. After forty-five minutes of looking at nude children, I was more-than-happy to join Tami, in reviewing the compounds lay-out, as well as its "doctrine". My partner, the researcher. Tami found out that, while the leader DID have a disease, it was one of those, which depends upon how one takes care of ones body. The people, who die, young, are those whose drug, and alcohol, use, are only behind their terrible diets, and lack of exercise. Basically, like anyone, who has a bad lifestyle, death comes sooner. For the other fifty percent, of those, with the disease, life goes on due to diet, and exercise. In fact, to date, Tami had found references to, maybe, 75 people, who lived to be close to 100 years old. Of course, the people, who lived, longest, are the people who dared life to come for them. Now, the question was: To which group did the leader, of this bunch, belong to? Once we knew which group the leader belonged to, we would know how to erode his base, and allow the Grim Reaper to do his job. Okay, so Tami was right, about "indoctrnation". When the men took me aside, and began discussing what the internet called "psycho", or "torture" porn (child style), I was quick to inform the men that I prefer soft core. When the men laughed at the fact that I liked to see females, spread out, on beds, on pink sheets, maybe stuffed animals, when they asked when the last time was that I had sex, with a child, I told them "I dont keep that number in my head. I have more important things to think about. If you want to know more, check out my profile." By the time these "interviews" were finished, Tami asked me "Remind me to send a message, thanking my mother, for all that I put her through, during my developing years." While, as new arrivals, Tami and I were assigned to a tent, with foldable cots, thankfully, our retired air force pilots had trained us in "enemy detection and avoidance". This is how we managed to make it back to G.S.2. What I did not realize, until I heard, and read, of her report, was that her "intake" was even worse than mine was. "Please note that, in order to be accepted, by this group, I was compelled not just to speak of having sex, with under-age boys, but I had to be creative, in saying how much pain I was in, while giving birth, to the boys children. The interview left me feeling "filthy". Will take a LONG, HOT, shower, after this. I put in my own notes, saying "I cannot express how badly I want to turn this case over, to the Grim Reaper. I have new respect for its job." As per Mother Superiors request, however, Tami and I remained with the group, for the next couple of months. Mostly just to ask people why they were in this place. It was only after we were accepted that we learned that the child-porn entry questions were to keep law enforcement out. If a person was too OPPOSED to a different line of thinking, then they were considered to be law enforcement, and not allowed to enter the community. In fact, once inside the compound, there was no more talk, of porn, at all. (I had wasted HOURS, and computer stroage space), just to fit in. All of that porn access, and for NO reason. Instead, Tami and I found ourselves involved in questions such as friends, family, hopes, dreams, and how far we were willing to go, to aid others, in reaching their dreams. While not many people, in the compound, were in favor, of sacrifice, to aid anothers transition, to the next world, most of the compound hated what "our"" world had become. Computers taking jobs, un-employment being under-reported, and welfare becoming harder to attain, everyday. People seemed to be finding contentment, in this place. What we DID learn, which was disturbing, was the fact that, while human sacrifice was not a regular practice, a volunteer would be chosen, each time the leader had a seizure. The volunteer was chosen, and prepared, so that, when the leaders last breath was coming, the victim would lead the way. When Tami would ask, she was told "So far, seventeen of us have been prepared to lead the way." I would leave the question of asking "What will become, of this group, once the leader dies?" to my partner Tami was the people person. When Tami, next, reported in, to base, she would recommend "These people are not fanatical. They just dont see where they fit in, in our world. They have no plan, for after the leader dies. This is why I recommend that the Vatican send some priests in. Perhaps, if these people see hope, in the world, they will re-join society." As for the stories, of torture, and drinking of blood, the "blood", in question, was a home brew, red, wine. The only torture was when the "victim" got so drunk that, after having taken their oath, they said "See you on the other side." With that, a doctor, who had abandoned medicine, years before, would make a single, quick, wound, and the victim was dead, within seconds. Still, life went on. The problem, for the Grim Reaper, was that these people were giiving their lives up, BEFORE their time was due. According to the Grim Reaper, atleast one, male, sacrifice had been destined to become the driving force behind mankinds quest, to re-colonize the planet, Mars. When Tami had asked "Isn't Mars a dead world?" The Grim Reaper would say "At present, it is. In the past, the planet wass home to a race, advanced enough that your Earth species will not catch up, for, maybe, 1,000 years." Tami was about to ask how the Grim Reaper could know this, but held herself in check, remindinng herself "The Grim Reaper is immortal." When I asked the Grim Reaper "If the driving force,, behind Mars exploration, is dead, WHO will lead the way?" All the Grim Reaper would say was "Who, indeed." This is when Tami and I remembered what our task was. It was up to us to draw support away from the man, who was hoping to avoid Hades. When Mother Superior would ask about the mans tally-book, for Judgement Day, neither the nun, nor the Grim Reaper, woulld say a word. It was not until we were, finally, granted an audience, with the leader, that we found out the source of his fear. The man not only had a disease. One which would, eventually, kill him, but, with the fact that he wore glasses, and his hearing was not perfect, he spoke of much the same consequences as a church, which my family had, once, attended. Sure, as an adult, I am more spiritual than religious, I, still, recall the time when my mother had been asked never to return to a church, again. The reason why my mother was banished was due to a sermon, given one sunday, during adult church. It seems that the staff, of that, PARTICULAR, church, had its own variation of scripture, including its own version of who was allowed to enter Heaven. According to a senior pastor, only those people, who perished, with their bodies in perfect condition, were allowed to enter the Heavenly gates. My mothers German-American past came out, in full force, at the church, that day. When my mother challenged the priests, saying that Heaven was for the pure-of-heart, not for perfect bodies, it seems that the priests translated the Scriptures as meaning that Heaven was a rest home, for those who were perfect. (The im-perfect were Lucifers problem) It was when my mother denounced the churches position, suggesting that it was similar to the Nazi Party, of World War Two. A party, which claimed that only blonde haired, and blue eyed people, would be allowed to live, This is when the pastors asked my mother NEVER to return to the church. Now, Tami and I were conversing with a man whose church, apparently, taught the same version of "Scriptures". To say that our "luck" was not good would be an understatement. In fact, in order to make the man realize that his church had been "liberal", with its interpretation, of the Bible, Tami called on Mother Superior. To say that the compounds leader was shocked/fearful, of the nun, would be another understatement. This, even after the nun would say "Have no fear, my son. Heaven is a wonderful place." When the man asked "With my disease, and all I have done, HOW can I be allowed into Heaven without plenty of assistance?" It would be the Grim Reaper who would say "I have spoken with Gabriel." When the man asked "Tha angel of judgement?" Mother Superior would say "He's not, really, such a bad guy." When the man asked "If that is so, then WHY does he send souls to Hades?" The Grim Reaper would say "Gabriel does not act as "judge, jury, and executioner." He, merely, records the facts. He is a record keeper. He, merely, records a persons actions, on Earth. It is how a mortal LIVES their life, which informs Gabriel of which way to send your soul." When the man would ask "The souls I have ent, before mine. Wont they be weighed against my tally? Seeing as how I sent them off." The Grim Reaper would inform the man "While you will be required to answer for your actions, I have found nothing, in the tally book, that says that you forced anyone." When the man asked "Can I make this right?" Mother Superior would suggest "A good, first, step, will be to end the sacrifices. Too much talent, and potential, are being wasted." When the man asked the Grim Reaper "Since you are here, does that mean that MY time is at an end?" The Grim Reaper would correct this, by saying "My mission, here, is to re-balance human existance. Those, who perished, for your version, of Heaven, have taken a toll, on Earth's future. A tally will have to be taken, and new visionaries chosen." When the man would ask "How can I help?" The Grim Reaper would say "Make no more sacrifices, and I, and Mother Superior, will speak to Gabriel, on your behalf." When the man would ask the Grim Reaper "How much time DO I have left?" The Grim Reaper would say "Only the Chairman knows the answer to that." When the man would ask "So, you are not here to take me, now?" The Grim Reaper would say "You are not on my list, at this time." After a bit more negotiations, the man agreed to abandon his churches teachings. He just hoped that the immortals were correct, and that it was the ACTIONS, of each persons life, which are judged, not their body type. Once the Chairman made it known that life wa back-in-balance, Tami had a question, for the Grim Reaper. "Since you want people to be proper with the use of your name, may I ask why you continue to present yourself as a skeleton, in a shroud, and that scyth." The Grim Reaper would say "For the same reason why you, as a woman, do not hide your breasts, and other, body, parts. We, both, want people to recognize us, for what we are." When Tami thought about this, she realized that the Grim Reaper was correct. Everyone presented themselves so as to be recognized. By the time Tami filed our final report, on this assignment, she wondered if she, and I, were not, in fact, violating the terms of life, by not engaging in producing more children, for the world. Tami wondered about this, but only until Mr. Brown vid-linked, with us, asking "If the Grim Reaper is finished with you, I have a case, and I want your opinions." Well, just as both Mother Superior, and the Grim Reaper, had said "Work continues." On to the next case...

Saturday, November 10, 2018


BLACKMAIL That was the name of the game, for Darcy's boyfriend. Darcy only agreed to be part of it, since this was the only way for her to secure enough money to pay both her groceries, and bills. Of course, her part was simple. All she had to do was spread her legs, and give the mark all that he wanted. After that, the rest was easy. Her boyfriend had the hardest part.. That of finding "marks", and "inviting" them to "sample" Darcy. Darcy had to admit that her boyfriend, normally, picked out the best "marks". Men, with wives, children, and beautiful homes. Men, who wanted to feel young, again, just to be near a young woman. After her boyfriend found the "marks", Darcy would play "nice woman", and let the men have what they wanted. It was only after each ""mark" was finished, and dressing, that Darcy's man would enter the room, handing the man a COPY, of a dvd, then say "Unless you want your wife, and the police, to see this, then these are my terms." Since Darcy had been careful, with her birth control, she got pregnant, only three times.. When she did, her man "upped the antee", saying that the couple wanted MORE money, to keep secret. Now, while Darcy took her "cut", and stowed it away, in a "second chance" bank account, her boyfriend was not half as smart, with the USE of money, as he was, with collecting it. So far, the duo had fourteen men paying $1,000, per month, each. Darcy's biggest expense, during this time, was in taking just about half of her monthly take, and moving out of the "rat-trap", that her case-worker had her move into. Since Darcy was paying $400, already, for the low-income place, she could not see doing any worse, by moving to the $500 place. Even with paying $500, Darcy still had $250 per month, for utilities, and so on. (And this did not even count her $800, per month, in benefits, for being "functionally illiterate"). Now, it was not that Darcy was stupid.. She, like myself, just learned at our own pace. A pace, which the schools found too slow. In her adult life, Darcy had found that she could earn some extra money, yet it was her new "boyfriend", who showed the true path, to riches. The one, good, thing to say, about the man, is that he protected Darcy from the worst customers. This included a man who, while angry at his wife, began beating on Darcy, using his wifes name, and saying "Take THAT!". While Darcy was bruised up enough that she could take on no work, for almost three weeks, the men, who worked with her "boyfriend" made an example, of the attacker. They beat him, four times worse, than Darcy had been beaten, then glued a sign to his chest, saying "This pervert assualted a working woman.. Suggest Assault charges be filled." What baffled Darcy was when her boyfriend set his sights on me. Darcy wondered what he could be after? Normally, his "marks" had money to spare. What did I have, in common, with them? When the man told Darcy "Its simple. He has potential! He will be someone, and I want a "piece" of it." When Darcy asked "A piece of WHAT? He's a writer, and a dreamer. What use are those, to us?" The man would say "Wait, and see how much we get, from him, once he gets started." While Darcy thought that the man was nuts, for planning for what might only POSSIBLY, happen, she did have to admit that she WAS curious, about me. To date, Darcy knew that, while other men talked, of this and that, Darcy had seen me take peoples idea's, and turn them into work-able designs. Designs, which other people could build, easily. One, of Darcy's friends, had even given Darcy my blog address, saying "I hope you like to read." Darcy DID like, to read, but not at the rapid-fire pace, that school demanded. By the time her "boyfriend" was suggesting that Darcy give me what I wanted, Darcy had just finished my most recent story. This would give her ANOTHER reason, to get close to me. To find out what my next story would be about. While HE had TOLD Darcy to remember to bring me to the place, which was rigged up, for recording, Darcy lead me to another location. To be specific: HER place. Darcy KNEW that I would be the biggest MISTAKE of her life. Not just from the day she was told to "Take me on, and for all that I was worth." Darcy knew me because we had shared a few moments, together. Just touching, and kissing, but it DID leave a lasting impression. Now, she was about to get the "grand tour." She wondered if it would be as "grand" as she imagined. Wht irriated Darcy was the fact that, un-like other men, who just "shoved it in", I did what she dreamed a man would do. I romanced her, and seduced her, prior to the sex. Darcy just could not remember the last time she had been french-kissed, necked, had her breasts nursed, or had her womanhood, delightfully, "eaten out". This is when Darcy began to have a "problem". While her boyfriend had said "Give him all that he wants, then report in, when he cant "get it up". Darcy felt "caught", over what his phrases meant. Most, of the time, she figured that his phrase meant "F*ck him until he is too tired to go on." This is why she let her men "get off", then reported in, while the men slept the sex off. With me, however, Darcy was not so certain. I mean, she noticed that, after each climax, I took a moment to rest, and just carress her. In this way, I prolonged the act, in a way she had only read about, in romance novels. While she did, eventually, "drain" me, when I went to relax, Darcy was thrilled when I encouraged her to snuggle to my side. Later, when she found my arousal returning, and she mounted me, Darcy just could not believe how much she enjoyed my nursing, even as she pumped me. In fact, we had sex, off and on, until the next day. By the time I left her, Darcy was "all smiles". She remained "all smiles", and with a gentle tone, to her voice, even when she met up with her "boyfriend". When the man, profanely, asked Darcy about us, she exagerated, just a bit. When he, profanely, asked her, about the sex, Darcy would tell him "You told me to give him all that he wants. Well, I am. Just not sure how much he will want." When he took her hand, and shoved it down his pants, grabbing himself like a vice, HE told Darcy "Get a good feel. You wont feel that, again, until I have HIM on film, humping your sorry ass." He, still, did not "get the hint", after she let go, and wiped her hand. Darcy had decided that SHE would decide when she was "finished" with me. Something which was much more easily said, than done. Darcy gave me several, "goodbye" kisses. Several times, we shared farewell sex. This, while her "boyfriend" was "recruiting" women, to take Darcy's place. Women, who understood what the man wanted. Now, whether it was dates, dumping her, or Darcy wanting my opinion, on upcoming dates, even after we were no-longer a couple, I continued to spend time with her, as well as dinners, and over-nights. While her family was, very much, in favor of adding me to the family, Darcy would have to remind them "We are just friends." Funny thing was, Darcy and I, openlly, discussed this, even while un-dressing, for bed. Even as we snuggled, and whispered "good night", I saw Darcy smiling. I, never quite, got used to having Darcy coming close, while I was chatting with other ladies. The way she, smoothly, wrapped her arm around mine. When I would whisper, gently, "Alright. Whats up?" Darcy would smile, either saying "With that one, keep a tight fist on your wallet", or "Careful, that one is looking for a daddy, for number eight." When I asked Darcy "Are you serious? Those women just want men to get them pregnant?" Darcy would say "I would bet a weeks/months worth of sex, on it." What I like, about having Darcy as an "ex" is the fact that, on things, like picnics, was the fact that Darcy still enjoyed serving me (I enjoyed having her sit next to me.) This, while, in another part of town, her "boyfriend" was "busy", making blackmail videos, for his womens latest "clients" Men, who did NOT want anyone to know that they were into the fetish, of young girls. At the family/community event: After food, and drinks, while men, and children, rested, women went about their chores. These would be the times when Darcy and I would take strolls, around the park. We made a point of making sure that we were away, from "prying eyes", before kissing. Yes, we enjoyed deep, french, kisses, as well. I will admit that, a few times, I DID lift Darcy into my arms, and kissed her. These were congratulations kisses. When we returned to her place, we would agree "brush teeth, first, then..." What made Darcy laugh was how often, after a buffet-style picnic, I passed gas while loving her. Not that she minded. She claimed it was a "sign" that I, still, loved her. Of course, Darcy was not the only one to seek advice. On several occassions, I asked Darcy about what women said, and did. Darcy even gave me "demonstrations" of the difference between "I want your love" seduction, and "I just want sex" seduction. And, yes, I did remove my clothes, when Darcy showed me the difference between methods of "twirling". Thankfully, Darcy had no problem giving oral. Like she said "Its easier to swallow, then to scrub the furniture." What I could not figure out, or understand, was the reason why, while Darcy and I agreed that we were FRIENDS, her friends decided that we were a couple, again. I mean, all we did was walk arm-in-arm, and share occassional kisses. Never once did I demand public sex, from Darcy. When Darcy asked her mother, the elder put the question into perspective. On friday nights, when Darcy, usually had no date, She would invite me to visit. Some dinner, soft music, then off to bed. On saturday mornings, it was breakfast, then my dropping Darcy off, with her friends. In the afternoons, while her friends went to see male strippers, Darcy would return home, to make our dinner. By sunday afternoon, I would be nursing her breasts, while she thought about life. When Darcy would ask "Whats wrong with that? He IS my friend." Mother would say "Just as your father is my friend" I promised Darcy that there was nothing to worry about. Either her other "ex" would come around, or she could find another man, who would love her. Still, even with money in the bank, Darcy, still, wanted a "bit more money", as a "safety net". I did not inquire, of where she got her money. Not as long as she let me spend time with her. I KNOW what, eventually, broke us up, for good. It was the fact that, as my idea's, and concepts, were being adopted, I had to cancel, more and more dates, with Darcy. For Darcy, the worst part, of all of this, was the fact that, un-like her "exes", who just went out, drinking, and skirt-chasing, Darcy KNEW that I was addressing audiences, on national issues. Still, this did not help her, on nights when she had hoped I would hump her into next month. This is why, after an excellent relationship, Darcy called it "quits". She would go HER way, in her own life, while I would be called upon, endlessly, to solve problems, for the nation. While we DID go our own ways, I did, at one point, ask to validate a rumor. The rumor was that Darcy's "ex" had blackmailed the WRONG man. The story was that, even after the man had a total of 45 victims, each paying more and more, money, he just could not stop. This is when he tried to blackmail a senator. (Something even **I** would, NEVER, consider doing.) What he did not know was that the senator was under surveillance. As soon as the "act" was completed, and the blackmailer brought forth the recording, he placed his hand, before the senator, when another hand slapped handcuff's on HIM. While only 25, of the victims would come forward, this, still, meant 26 felonies. Darcy's "ex" would not be coming home. Many years later, when Darcy attended my funeral, so many people referred to her as my "wife", that Darcy did not bother to correct them. She just looked up, at that flag, knowing that the blue field, with the stars, had increased from 50, to 105. I had been correct. Offering state-hood had worked wonders. While my other projects were just as effective, THIS one would be the one which would secure my place, in the history books. Darcy was just happy to have been a part of it.

Friday, November 2, 2018


THE HAUNTING PAST: MYSTERY OF THE HAUNTED HOUSE Talk about "Happy Halloween". According to our latest case-file, people were going into, but not OUT of, a Halloween attraction. The Brown Agency was being contracted to find out how it was that SOME people entered the attraction, and emerged, at the end, while other customers went in, but failed to come out. According to the report, the police had conducted a thorough search, of the attraction, numerous times. Even security tapes had been reviewed, to see if pranksters were using the emergency exits. The problem, with this theory, was that, for safety reasons, the attractions emergency exits had alarms attached. If anyone had used one of these exits, security would have known WHO, immediately. By the time Mr. Brown showed Tami and I the file, Mr. Black, and his tech team, was scouring the video, looking for any trace of either the missing people, or any attempts at trickery. After 48 hours, of round-the-clock review, all that Mr. Black's team had to show us, was video, in which, in some frames, the customers were enjoying the Halloween thrill, while, in other views, the people had just vanished. When Mr. Black began listing the techniques, used, to document the footage, Mr. Brown would interrupt, saying "I am certain that your team did its very best. Now, lets move on." (Mr. Black would leave the room, confident that his team HAD done its best.) Now, it seems that it was our turn. Mr. Brown would say "As of today, all that we know, for certain, is that people are missing. No ransom demands, nor threats, of any kind. All that we have is a Halloween attraction, which seems to be "gobbling up people"." When Tami would ask "How long do we have, with this case, seeing as how close Halloween actually is?" Mr. Brown would suggest "If you need to, go through the entire property, including the attraction. Law enforcement wants ANSWERS, and they want them, in time for the Haunted House to be able to enjoy the holiday thrill, before the holiday arrives." When I would mention "That gives us less than two months." Mr. Brown would say "Think of it, this way. The calendar says that you will have two, full, moons, as your guide." Swell, now even our BOSS was thinking that the full moon was a source of information. At Ghost Ship 2, our pilots would have even MORE "good" news. According to our pilot: "You are not going to believe this, but those people are setting aside a landing site, for us, in the shape of a BAT! How are we supposed to remain "undercover", with that much exposure?" Tami would suggest "Are there any sites, nearby, which could be used, safely and stealthily?" Our pilot would say "I was hoping you would ask that." Sure enough, once on-board the plane, the pilots brought up an image which impressed us with its total seclusion. Sure, it was ten miles away, from the attraction, but we could avoid being detected, better. Tami was more excited than even I was as she told our pilots "Go for it!". While cruising towards our destination, Tami and I began our normal review. Past homes, owners, rumors, myths, legends, curses. While the land, on which the attraction sat had, at one time, been a home, for a Christian family, Tami and I discounted this, since these Christians were reported as being "Sunday Christians." The family was willing to help, when friends, or neighbors needed aid. What they were not was Bible-bangers. Willing to help, when wanted, or needed, but not the kind of people who used Scripture, to answer for every incident, that happened. There were, also the normal round, of ghost stories. Stories about Devil Worshippers, Human Sacrifice, and so on. After all, what good is a haunted house, without the rumors, and legends? Then we ran into the normal problem. One of the original subject house's, on this location, was built back in the days before modern record keeping practices. This would mean that Tami would be off, to look at dusty, old, ledgers, while I scouted the grounds. I know that I have mentioned it, before, but our retired Air Force pilots knew how to keep things "low-key". Since G.S.2 was covered in the black material, of a stealth bomber, our pilots made the excellent choice to land after sunset. Result, only local wild-life would be aware of our landing. The problem would be the homes location. Before landing, our pilots had given Tami and I a full, overhead, view, of the haunted house. Thanks to our planes various, vision sensors, we could make out five, maybe seven, previous, homes foundations, in the landscape. Question: Could one, of these homes, be the one, which was causing the problem? Another question would be: Why were only certain people being "taken", while others just enjoyed the show? With up to seven, previous, foundations, in the ground, I knew that Tami was right, NOT to rule out trap-doors, and cages, below ground. Still, this left the question of "Why no ransom notes?" I would have suggested our thermal imagers, except that thermal had been tried, DAYS ago, with no luck. This is why the Brown Agency had been called in. It would be our job, to find out the who, what, when, where, why, and how, of the disappearances. On top of this, we had less than two months to do what law enforcement had been un-able to do. About the only "good news", that we received, upon arrival, was that the attraction was "temporarily closed", due to "minor adjustments". I must admit, however, that the crew, who designed, and built, this place, must love Halloween, as much as I do. Were it not for the fake cob-webs, I could see myself relaxing, in this kind of place. While I was left to re-examine the grounds, with an eye towards ancient passages, Tami would be doing a combination of reviewing the oldest, available, records, and the task, at which she is best. (Taking people on trips, down memory lane) In this case, Tami would have to report, to the Brown Agency that "Upon review, of what this town calls its "hall of records", I have found that this place is about as "complete", any many "In search of..." documentaries. This is why I am abandoning the county clerks office, and focusing on the memories, of locals. Their memories cannot be any WORSE, than that records center." As for my part, of the search, while I was, originally, assigned a young, able-bodied deputy, it was not long before we went from talking facts, to talking about rumors. Since rumors, and legends, are, normally, Tami's department, I recommended that I be assigned either an older officer, or, better yet, a retiree. Since the oldest officer, on the local police force, was forty years old, I was happy when I was referred to a group home, which was run by retired officers. It would be here that I would learn about what events had occurred, over the years. The kinds of things, which do NOT look good, on an official, police, report. I was even grateful when a group, of the retiree's, agreed to join me, at the attraction. When one of the oldest men said "Stupid place to build this thing." When I asked "Why is that?" The man would say "Grounds been un-stable, since I can remember." When I pointed just a short distance away, to both the parking lot, and the four lane highway, just beyond, asking "If this land is un-safe..." The retiree would say "That land, where the parking lot, and road, are. That land was backfilled a few years ago. Ground is solid, over there." When I asked "But, not over here?" The retiree would say "Last time it was checked, there were either tunnels, or natural caverns, below this land." When I asked "Was the land surveyed?" The retiree would say "Until this were built, there was no need. Only the land, for the parking lot, and road, was surveyed. Law says surfaces MUST be SAFE, for motor vehicles up to 50 tons, I think." Another retiree would say "That sounds about right." When I asked "What about the land, where the house is built?" The retiree's would say "Who knows? Could be anything, from an old cemetary, to Pagan altar, maybe even devil worshippers." When I asked "Who would I speak to, in the modern day, to gain entry into that underground?" A retiree would say "Dont waste your time, son. The man, in charge, of that, dont let NOBODY go underground. He acts like every bit, of the underground, for miles, is his own, private, home." I would say "Thanks for the warning, but I could use a name." The retiree's would say "Digger. Thats his real name. Digger Robes." After dropping the retiree's, at their group home, I would return to G.S.2, to ask the Brown Agency to arrange an appointment. When Tami checked in, with both the plane, and the agency, she would report "While the hall of records is a "bust", I am learning even more than the file contains, both about this town, and its past." When I would ask Mr. Black "What do you make of those indentations, in the ground, from the ships camera's?" Mr. Black would say "Your recon is good quality. We have confirmed atleast eight foundations, so far. The best that I can offer, so far, is that each house was built, after the previous one was gone." Tami would add "Some of the homes were burned down. Some fell victim, to Mother Nature. Other just fell into disuse, and decay." When Mr. Brown beat me to asking Tami "You say some of the homes were BURNED down? Have you learned of a reason?" Tami would say "The most popular reason is that the church ordered the burnings. The WHY, of each burning, is dependent upon which story we choose to believe." When Mr. Brown would ask "Is this more of that "My name shall have its revenge, upon my murderers" type stuff?" Tami would say "I am afraid so. This includes women, burned, for "witchcraft", as well as men, burned after being accused of being warlocks." When Mr. Brown would ask "Any GOOD news?" I would suggest "The sooner you can gain me the right to access what is UNDER the attraction, the better handle I will have, on eliminating, possible tricks." When Tami would look at me, asking "Not more underground tunnels." I would say "While you are talking, with people, on the surface, I will be touring the city's underground." Then, to Mr. Brown, I would ask "Sir, would it be possible to allow one, or more, of the retiree's accompany me, under the ground?" Mr. Brown would say "I will see what I can do." The next day, Tami would activate her "I am being followed" alarm, once she saw the same squad car, more than four times, in the same morning. When the alert sounded, at agency H.Q., Mr. Black put up the mornings, satellite, recon, from every "bird", over the area in question. Sure enough, by lunch time, Mr. Black was able to verify, to Mr. Brown "It seems that someone is using a local cruiser, to keep tabs on Tami." When Mr. Brown would ask "Not the actual police?" Mr. Black would say "Nope. Just LOOKS like a cruiser. No transponder freq." Mr. Brown would send a flash message to Ghost Ship 2, telling the pilots "As of this moment, exercise extreme care. Tami is being surveilled, by persons, as yet unknown. Inform her partner to be cautious, as well." With a precision, honed of years, in the military, the retired pilots would launch two, stealth, drones. One to monitor Tami, and the other, for me. Now, our pilots would be our "baby-sitters". What I could not understand was why this Digger Robes delayed giving me permission, for two days. After all, people were missing. Why was this man hampering our investigation? It would seem that, once Mr. Blue was out of patience, and would inform Mr. Robes "At this point, sir, I am referring this matter to the state police. You can..." And this is when Digger Robes would agree, saying "Lets not be hasty. We dont need the state police. I will authorize your people, on this one condition: Our city holds NO liability, if anything happens, while the people are underground." Mr. Blue would say "Fair enough. You have a deal." Personally, I would not have called it a "deal". I would call it more like an "Indiana Jones" movie. While the accessable passages were barred, with gates, the retiree's had first-hand knowledge of how local kids accessed the caverns, when they did not want to be caught, using drugs. (Primarily, smoking pot). This was one thing the retiree's promised me. Even before the so-called "War on Drugs", local kids never went in, for the "hard" stuff. The only time when teens had needle marks, on arms, was either for physicals, or for health, and injury. Smoking a "joint" seemed to be the most the kids ever did. When I asked, atleast three retiree's told me "We watched them enter, then watched them leave. No harm, ever, done." That is when one retiree would say "Except for Jimmy Lester. That boy, and his vodka." When I asked "Bad?" The retiree said "The one time I had to arrest him, he was so drunk, he urinated, right in front of my criusers camera. Had to take him in, on that one." As we entered the tunnels/caverns, I am happy to report a complete absense of both rats, and spiders. Atleast nothing terrifying. With my own head gear set on record, from the moment before we stepped into the space, I will say that this place was not as bad as Digger claimed it might be. I would not call it "safe", for a childrens playground, but I would call it "safe enough" for adults, who know to be careful. Since the opening was two miles, from the attraction, I think we were, ALL, glad, that we wore fishing/hiking boots. And, yes, we DID have to move around some spaces, where the ceiling had caved in, but, to me, the sets, of the "Indiana Jones" movies, were much worse, than what we were treking. I think it took about two hours, for us to reach the area, which sat below the attraction. I just dont know WHO was more surprised, by what we saw. Myself, or the retiree's. Using a variety of lights, we discovered that iron beams had ben sunk, not just into the ground, but, from what we could see, the retiree's would tell me "Those look like coffins." This is when a voice, from behind us, would say "Very astute. You were, always, a good student." When the retiree turned, and looked behind us, he stood, slack-jawed, as he looked the man in the face. When the retiree would say "But you are..." The man would say "Yes, I know that I am dead. So what? I am here because my grave has been desecrated, as have those, of these poor souls." When the retiree's would ask "How many coffins have been pulverized?" The dead man would say "Over a dozen, in this location. That is why I was summoned." When I would ask "Pardone. Summoned, by whom?" The spirit would say "By those, who wish to rest in peace. These I-beams. I can promise you that they are NOT comfortable. Not even for the dead." When a retiree would ask "What would the spooks like us to do?" The spirit would say "FIRST of all, STOP calling us SPOOKS! We are spirits. We may be dead, but we, still, have feelings." When I would ask "May I ask what action that the spirits would recommend?" The spirit would say "Since I was, once, one of you, as in I was a police officer, I have been entrusted to inform you that, unless this disgrace is not moved, before Halloween, my fellow spirits are willing to make life most un-comfortable, for the living." When a retiree would ask "In what way?" I would counter with "A better question would be "When, where, and how, do we move the house to." The spirit would say "An intelligent question. The spirits say that, if the house is moved, to Cranberry Acres, then all will be at piece. Any other questions?" I would ask "What has become of those, who have vanished, inside the haunted house?" The spirit would say "Call it insurance. If the humans cooperate, and let the dead rest in peace, then the missing will be returned, un-harmed." When a retiree would mention "As a former police officer, I think you know that kidnapping is a felony. You could go to..." The spirit would ask "Where could I go? Human justice does not apply to the spirit world. Kidnapping may be a felony, but how do you intend to incarcerate dead people?" This is when I would add "In that case, I will begin the paper-work, as soon as possible. With any luck, the house will be moved, in time to open, for Halloween." Tha was a promise, which I had intended to keep. That is, until the problem was brought before the city council. This is where the HUMAN part, of the problem, began. The mayor, and atleast half of the city council, held firm that the haunted house would NOT be moved. If the spooks wanted trouble, then the police could begin making arrests. When a police officer would ask "Mayor, HOW do we arrest spirits? HOW do we hold them?" The mayor would growl "You have a JAIL, dont you." The officer was abut to speak, when the mayor said "Put them in jail, until they release their hostages." Outside, of city hall, the officer would ask me "Sir, HOW do I arrest, detain, and imprison, spirits?" I would mention "Officer, would you believe that, in my previous cases, I have heard peoople, who drew guns, on spirits, only to be asked, by other people "What good will that do? They are already dead." I would, then add "We need to find a way to move that house, and restore those graves. This is the only way to appease the dead." When the officer thought about it, for a moment, he, then, told me "You know. Until this moment, I never thought that the dead HAD feelings. I thought that feelings died, with the body." I told him "Dont worry. In MY line of work, I learn more, about death, everyday." When the officer would ask "What about Heaven? If the dead hang around, on Earth, is Heaven a myth?" I would promise the officer "Not all spirits remain on Earth. Only those who have business to attend to. That is where my partner and I, come in. We learn what that "business" is, then we resolve it. As for Heaven, I have it on the very BEST of authority, that Heaven is not only real, but that God/Jehovah, Ishmael, whatever name you use, is the Chairman of the place." When the officer would ask "Heaven has a chairman?" I would repeat Mother Superiors words, in asking "Do you, really, think that Heaven runs on "automatic?"" Later, during a discussion, among retired, and working, contractors, and police officers, all working on the problem, of moving the house, a contractor would ask "According to my family minister, the Arch-Angel, Gabriel is a real fire-and-brimstone type, of judge. Do you know if this is true?" I could only say "According to the spirit of Mother Superior, Gabriel has gotten a "bad wrap", on Earth. She says that Gabriel is a nice man, if you give him a chance." When a police officer would ask "I thought he was the guardian of the gates of Heaven, allowing only the righteous to enter." Soon, a female voice began laughing like she had just heard the best joke of the year. When those assembled would ask "Who, or what, is that?" I would say "I think you are about to meet Mother Superior, in the flesh, so to speak." When the nun appearred, and was asked "What is so funny?" The nun would say "You, mortals, are so hilarious. Just because one, or two, versions, of Scripture suggest fire-and-brimstone, you believe that Gabriel is some conquering dictator. I swear. If you only knew that man, as I do." When a retired contractor would say "While I praise the word of God, let US get back to HOW to move that house." Once Mother Surperior regained herself, she would state "I was sent here, not only to laugh at your joke, but to provide this information. Should you require assistance, in completing this task, the Chairman says that he will keep a "team" on stand-by. Now, what details have I missed, prior to the joke?" I would tell the nun "It seems that, in order to build a fun house, for the living, that the city council has driven I-beams into the ground. Many of these have penetrated forgotten graves. The dead are upset, at their rest being interrupted. Since the city council will not listen, to them, the spirits have begun taking hostages. The spirits only promise to return the hostages, AFTER that house is removed, from their graves, and re-located." A police retiree would add "Dont forget to tell her that the dead want their graves to be returned to the condition that they were in, before that house was built." Mother Superior would say "A tall order. Let me see what I can arrange, from Heaven, while you work the problem, from Earth." As atleast three contractors would point out, the house, itself, was not the problem. It was, actually, a "kit", purchased from a company, which builds attractions, for year round use. The house was bolted to the foundation, with standard, construction bolts. It would take a total of four days, to prepare the house, for removal. The problem was those I-beams. The ones, which penetrated the graves. The spirits wanted the metal GONE, but there was a problem. A problem, which contractors had been ordered NOT to report. When the I-beams had been driven, the contractors KNEW that they had penetrated coffins, since, when the beams met up with cast concrete pilings, pieces, of bone, had to be pulled from the steel. Worse, yet, atleast two contractors reported having to move coffins aside, to place footings. It was no wonder that the spirits were in such an uproar. Now, the question was "How to remove the I-beams, without causing more pain." It seems that causing pain, to the deceased, was something which most had never considered, in either career. While Cranberry Acres was very willing to allow the house to be moved, it was Mr. Brown, who ordered the geo-phys units, to scan the ground. The Brown Agency had no intention of laying one group, of souls, to rest, only to disturb another group. The best news, of all, was when the scanners found a solid chunk, of rock, about ten feet down, and about 70 feet wide. With just a bit of digging, the foundation could be anchored to the stone (and NO I-beams would be needed). Once the house was moved (over the city councils stern objections), the process, for the gentle removal of the I-beams, was discussed, and planned. The contractors would decide to treat this problem like one which many had previous experience with. The problem, of workers being trapped, and the delicate task, of rescue. A task, which was made, suddenly, easier, when Mother Superior returned and said "By the authority of the Chairman, I encourage the deceased to come forth, and stand aside, while the living repair your places of rest." While the living stood, slack-jawed, as no less than 23, spirits rose, from the ground, and stood beside the nun, Mother Superior would tell the living "Lets get this thing moving. After all, we do not have all eternity, to fix this problem." The local undertaker even aided in the process, by identifying the remains, of coffins, crushed by the I-beams. The only thing the undertaker was concerned with was having to ask the deceased if they wanted the same model/style, of coffin, as they, originally, had. The deceased did ask one favor, of the living. "Instead of burying us where we will be disturbed, again, why not bury our remains, in that beautiful place, out by the grove." The undertaker could noot believe that he was negotiating, with dead people, as he mentioned "That property is a PRIVATE grave-yard. People PAY for plots, in advance." When the deceased would ask "Would it hurt, to ask?" The undertaker would say "I will make the inquiry. In case the owners accept, who should the bills be sent to?" While negiotiations, for grave-sites went forward, the dead annoyed the living, by saying thing slike "That is NOT my arm-bone. This is HERS." The grave-diggers found themselves taking orders from spirits. While this was going on, Tami was working ANOTHER, of her deals. This time, the deal was for HOW the "guests" (how the spirits referred to the living, whom they had grabbed.) would be returned. Locations, memories, condition, and so on. Tami wanted every item spelled out. This way, neither the dead, NOR the LIVING, could claim "I never agreed to that." Tami and I would stand by, on location, as descendants, of family, would say farewell, again, to the departed. This, while local ministers handled services. When the city council demanded the return, of the I-beams, but declined to say WHERE to put the metal, the trucks, finally, DUMPED their loads, on the lawn, in front of city hall. Between Tami, and Mother Superior, all 23 spirits were processed, and forwarded to Gabriel. Mother Superior even agreed to take the lead, saying "Dont worry, Gabriel is, really a nice guy. As long as you did not do anything REALLY awful, such as murder, or other, major, crimes, I am sure that you will like him." Tami and I wondered what it would be like, when it was OUR turn, to meet Gabriel. Closing out the case went about per usual. The spirits were laid to rest, for a second time, and, per contract, the living were returned, with no knowledge that time had passed, at all. All were examined, and released, from hospital, in fine health. I remain suspicious, about one thing. In the final weeks, before Halloween, haunted house visitors remarked at how amazing it was to talk to people, then to watch the people dissolve, into thin air. I wondered if the dead were having some Halloween fun, of their own. After all, spirits were people too.