Saturday, December 26, 2020


AFTER THE HOLOCAUST Yes, it was after the "holocaust", of the Corona "virus", that I would have thought that the nations problems were over with. (As far as Corona went, atleast) Now, while most citizens were engaged in the process of working out re-payment, of both loans, and lines-of-credit, there was another group, of debtors. A group which, normally, even I would consider "trash". These were the people, whom the Republicans inbsisted be made the "face" of the second round, of stimulus payments. The people who used money, NOT to pay bills, but to get drunk, or doped up. The one-tenth of one percent, who were chronically homeless, and who enjoyed begging for money. These were the people who were willing to SELL me their stimulus payments, in return for booze, and drug, money. I would have thought that their desire, for cash, would "dry up" once the "crisis" was over with. The problem, that the feds had, with me, was that I never OFFERED my services. I only addressed those who came TO me. When the next, trap, question was "How much will you give me, for this?" My way out of the trap was too ask "How much do you want?" When told "I only want $500, to $1,000, I would say what other buyers would say: "Try someplace else." It was to those who would offer me their monthly payment, in return for just $150, to $200, whom I would do "business" with. This, and the way I would only suggest "All you have to do is sign it over, to me, and you get your money", that made the surveillance wring hands, over me. Since I left people options,which they could take, or leave, there was nothing illegal about my actions. This is how my pre-paid card went from $40,000, to $110,000. Now, of course, some of my "customers" were arrested, however, the fault was theirs. If only they had not gone around, telling people that they had SOLD benefits, for cash. A FELONY, for sure. Even I knew this. I, also, was not concerned, at all, when a reviewer checked each clients "benefits statement". This, because I kept only my benefits on this card. The time, when the reviewer questioned my support staff was when I turned out to be one, of the few, who were not regulars, at food pantries. I lived on my benefits. As for those, who wanted to sell food benefits, even I told them "Find someone else". This since there was more than enough "bad blood" between myself, and the food program. The most recent problem was over the fact of a telephone call. A call in which a womans voice (whom I did not recognize) called, asking to speak to me. All she would say was "Department of Human Services." While I had given her no less than five chances, to identify herself, she had refused. I had tried to be polite, saying that, if this tranger wanted to speak, she needed to identify herself, or that I was prepared to terminate the call. Still, the un-identified woman refused to identify herself. This is when I ended the call. Now, a woman, her "supervisor", a judge, my support staff, and myself, were in a conference room. A room where everyone would be equal. While the argument, over the woman saying "I will only identify myself, once I know I am speaking with..." the judge did not agree. The judge ordered the woman "Identify yourself, for this court, or be charged with perjury." This is when the "supervisor" would say "Your honor, it is NOT agency policy to identify ourselves, until AFTER we know whom we are addressing." When the judge had asked "Then, HOW can people know that you are the "real deal", and not just some con artist?" When the "supervisor" would say "We dont answer to clients, they answer to US." The judge would add "Without knowing WHO you are." The meeting had been tense, at best, with my supports staff saying "We, regularly, identify ourselves, to our clients. This way our clients know to whom they are speaking." The supervisor, and the unknown woman, would remain adamant, but only until the judge would rule "At this time, you will FULLY identify yourselves. That, or I will order some jail time." While the "supervisor" fumed, with RAGE, the worker did Identify herself, after saying "I dont want to go to jail, over anyone." In front of the judge, the woman read off the normal questions. That is, after the judge reminded me "You have been sworn to tell the truth, and nothing but, Understand?" I agreed, easily. The only snag, to the rest, of the meeting, was when the worker would say "Our records show that you own a house, and two pick-up trucks. Do you deny this?" I would smile as I said "Most Emhpahtically." When the worker turned to the judge, showing the judge the "record", I would tell the judge "I know what you next question will be, so I will save you the trouble. My Social Security information has been stolen, atleast three times, by hackers. I have reported this, to Social Security. All they will say is "Change your passwords." When I would add "The trucks, and the house, were purchased by others, using MY information." When the judge would say "Sir, you do realize that, with one phone call, I can deny your accusation." I told the judge "Go for it." When the judge DID call Social Security, then wrote some notes, saying "Thank you for the information", the judge would, then, turn to the state, saying "It is verified. His information was stolen." It was no surprise when the state workers marched out, of the conference room, full of rage. All of their "complaints", against me, "wiped away" by the judge. After that, I had been, fully re-instated. With a big, red "T" (For trouble). To me, it mattered little. After all, I had not broken any laws. The agencies clients, who were in trouble were those, who had been caught, trying to sell benefits to undercover units. Now, the people were furious that, as the economy was returning to normal, they had been placed back UNDER payee's. The agency even had to hire more than a dozen, new, workers, to handle the case-loads. It was a case of either: 1) Hiring more workers, at about $2,000, to $3,000, per month, to handle cleint finances OR 2) Place the clients back into controlled care, at a cost of about $30,000 per month, per client. Not much contest, there. I know that some of my "customers" tried to "finger" me, as their buyer, yet, when asked, I turned over my benefits card, and the people saw what they expected. Just my normal deposits, and withdrawals. Since no one asked me about "other cards", I just showed what I was asked for. Now, while I would "buy", I never sold. I was not one of the pawn shops. I never bought jewelry. There were plenty of those places, in town, already. I was thankful, when most of my clientelle evaporated. All being placed back under payee's. Like my deceased neighbor would have, and had, said "Its their own fault they are in trouble. If they had acted better, with their money, they would not have people to handle their cash." Yes, the Corona holocaust was behind us, and I had the money to prove it. I did not give it any thought, as to what I would spend the money on. To me, it was not an important issue. It was there, if I needed it.

Friday, December 25, 2020


THE SECOND STIMULUS EXPERIENCE Since the Republican Party did not want to believe that the general public had used the first round, of $1,200 payments "properly", this is one of the arguments, which had been tried, in the failed attempt to issue only $600 payments, for the second round. I even recall receiving an e-mail, which instructed the general public what NOT to use the second round, of payments, for. This because certain members, of Congress, were determined to PROVE that the public just used the money for luxury dining, name brand electronics, and appliances, jewelry, etc. There had even been a reminder that the money was NOT to be used for delivery dining. The party would not have paid any attention, had they been able to provide just $600, to the public. It was only when the amount ROSE, by President Donald Trumps own orders, to $2,000, that these members demanded "oversight", and reporting. They insisted upon knowing what Americans were spending tax-payer money on. They had hoped to report "Luxury-upon-luxury", of wasted money. In an excellent version, of his showman style, Mr. Trump had waited until AFTER Congress had negotiated the $600 agreement, and send it to him, for approval, that the man said "I want the amount to be $2,000". This, after Congress had spent nearly two months working on the first deal. Now, Mr. Trump was even more at "war", with his own party, than with his opposition. His plan worked, though, even though a new moratorium, on evictions came too late, for too many people. When my neighbor raised a fuss, and profane feud, over the fact that they had been served, for "Non-Payment", and they asked US remaining tenants, "Why am I being evicted, but NOT you?" We, each, told them the same thing. "If you had paid rent, you would have a place to live." When they started to say "But..." we would tell them "We are not being evicted since our rent is paid, every month." It did not take long for us to understand the reason why the neighbor was un-able to find his own help, with his eviction. Everyone, that the person invited over, asking for help, with the move, replied "You, still, have not paid me, for the last two times." This is how we knew that the landlord was not the only group being "stiffed", by this person. What did amaze us was when, on the date the person was supposed to be OUT, a waste removal company delivered a dumpster, and a crew, to "pack" my neighbors belongings. The police came along with the dumpster, and ended up hand-cuffing my neighbor, while the unit was cleared out. It would not be until a week later that we would find out that the landlord had not only hired the dumpster, but had billed the service to the non-paying tenant. As for the rest of us, we would have to wait until Mr. Biden took the Oath of Office, before our stimulus checks would be sent. Mr. Trump had been determined that Mr. Biden would "take the fall", for the second round of payments. By this time, Congress would have approved just over a billion dollars, to form a watchdog group, to monitor citizen spending. While maybe three people, that I knew of, did spend the stimulus on drugs (and were arrested for this), I ended up buying a pre-paid credit card, after five people offered to SELL me their stimulus, for just $100, to $200. I had the people transfer the money, via computer, to my pre-paid card, and allow me to verify, before I would give them the money. This is why I ended up with $16,000, instead of $2,000. When my neighbor asked if such a thing were legal, I would mention "No one forced them to sell. I only made an offer. Can I be held at fault, if a person WANTS to give me their money?" While my other neighbors acted as so many Americans were, using the stimulus to bring bills up-to-date, I used a small portion, of my funds, to buy a chest freezer, and a "new", one year old, display style refrigerator. One, which the store only plugged in when customers wanted to see what the interior looked like. This, and a replacement, desk top, computer. The reason why fifty other people were arrested, for similar practices was how they handled transactions. Their fault was in offering to BUY the payments. This by saying "I will give you $150.00, or $200, for your stimulus payment. Cash money." In my case, I asked the people how much they wanted. This is why I avoided prison. There was no law, or provision, which stated that a person could not SELL their benefits. In my opinion, what really annoyed the "watchdog" was the fact that far too many people were submitting receipts, for rent, and utility, payments. About the only people, who submitted fast food receipts, were those who had been out, first, stocking up on non-perishables. The time, on the receipts, coincided with the time the people finished shopping. When this was reported, to Congress, some members became furious, that the public was not out, celebrating. The public was out, paying bills, and stocking up. A couple of hundred people were arrested, for BUYING benefits. I could not be arrested, even under a sting, since I asked people what they wanted, for their payments. (I would not go over $200, which is what most seemed to want) I could not even be prosecuted, for accomplice to theft. This since the benefits, being offered, were the property of the sellers. I even spoke to an ex-con. A person who had been sent to prison for theft, and sale, of LINK benefits cards. They said their customers had "ratted them out", over access codes. When they asked "I didn't know that any stores used access codes." I said nothing, even though I KNEW how many stores DID use access codes. In fact, in our area, it would be easier to list those stores which did NOT use the access codes While we spoke, on a variety of matters, the only thing I asked about was what kind of housing that they had been placed in, while on probation. I KNEW the address, that they gave me, so very well. My own sister had tried for the same place, for the cheap rent, but only until we saw both the outside, and the inside. I KNEW what conditions the ex-con was living in. Conditions which I would, never, accept. Since this person was an ex-con, they had not been eligible for the stimulus. I guess this is why they asked if I had money, for a case of beer. I told them, honestly, that I had NO cash, on me. Thats when they said "Good talking to you". Then departed. According to media coverage, the party was never more furious than it was when they checked with the "watch dog". When the "watch dog" reported tens of millions, going for rent payments, and almost as much, going for utility payments, the party had asked "How much is going out, on delivery food?" The "watchdog" could only report "Maybe one, out of every 100,000. The rest seem to be stocking up, on non-perishables." Opposition research indicated that this was correct. Citizens were using money, on essentials. This is why the party went quiet, and would give no details, of how the project was going. As for Erik, when he saw my interest, in his wife, and told me "You can have her, for $500", I told him "NO thanks. I dont want her to feel cheap." When I walked away from him, she came to me, asking "What am I worth, to you?" I would suggest "What about room and meals?" When she asked "What kind of meals?" I would suggest "As close to home made as I can get." This is when she said "Its a deal." While she was accustomed to ready-to-eat food, and eating, during the day, then watching Eriks place go dark, as the sun-set (Erik had no power since he told the utility company "Your bills are ridiculous. I wont pay." Result, his place remained dis-connected. She did not know which she liked, best. Having food she could cook, herself, or having me by her side, in bed. We spent two days together, before she returned to Erik. As for the young woman, who lived with my neighbor, she was allowed to return to her family home. This, while her "non-paying" guy went to trial for non-payment. Rumor has it that, by the time my neighbors case came up, the judge had told the defendants "I dont want to hear one more word, about non-prosecution orders." When my neighbor then profaned the judge, they ruled, without even hearing my neighbors complaint. The neighbor would be sentenced not just for failure to comply with lease, but for profanity, as well. The last any of us heard, from the ex-tenant, they had been returned to the very care center, which had placed them with us. Even I knew that staff would not be happy, with this. Why? Since I had heard staff, at another center, berating another client for not paying. Five places had been agreed to. Five places, the patient had been evicted from. This is why these care centers found me so "hard" to deal with. I was one of those, who was only evicted once every several years, and only when management would say "I did not POST their rent." This is why, after several, other, places had kicked my ex-neighbor out, the workers had HOPED that a place, near mine, would be the place. Truth is, only the rent moratorium kept the person on our property. Now, that it was lifted, they were back in "controlled care". Their "live in" would have to start from scratch. As for the rest of us, we would have to wait until Mr. Bidens science advisor sounded the "All Clear". It would happen, by spring, however, so it was not like we would have to wait, for a year, or more. The ONLY reason why I ended up with a grand total, of $30,000, on my prepaid card, was because people were willing to trade their benefits for cash. The people did not want payee's knowing what they did, with money. For many, of these people, the $200 was just one days fix. They gave me $2,000, and I gave them $200. The idiot, whose lights I puched out, was the man who, when he wanted another "fix", he offered me his 12 year old daughter, saying "You give me what I want, and she's all yours." While I accepted the child, I turned both her, and her father, over to police. While all I received was a "Thanks", the childs mother would come for her. She waved to me, as they left police. I did find out, just by listening, that this was the fathers fifteenth count. He was "going away", to prison, for as LONG as possible. Maybe two weeks later, there was a very short item, in the news, about the man cutting open his arms, and being found, the next morning. So much for his twenty years. All I know is that I came out of the "epidemic" $30,000 ahead. When Eriks wife asked my plans, for the money, I told her "No plans, as yet." She told me that, once the money came through, Erik had hoped to have even more, by winning a 10,000-to-1 wager. When she knew I was about to ask, she whispered "He's right back where he was. His payee handles the rent." When I asked about utilities, she would say "He refuses to turn this over. This is why he has no power." After a quick, on-line, search, I asked her "How long has he been shut off?" When she said "Twenty months, I think." I would show her a local regulation which stated that twenty, to twenty-four months, of non-payment, is grounds for eviction. This, no matter if rent is paid, or not. After we spent another, beautiful, night together, she would travel to Erik's place, where she found him holding a letter, which his case-worker read to him. It was clear, and specific. In return for twenty-two months, of non-payment, of utilities, Erik was considered a hazzard. He was being ordered to move. The problem was that Erik, like his friends, had lived all over. Now, they would have to move to another city. His wife would say "I am NOT leaving this city. I am leaving YOU." to Erik. The case-worker would say "In that case, Erik, you are going back into care." She was smart, though. She let HIM file, for divorce, and she only responded. Now Erik was going back right where he hated to be. Under controlled care, being under orders as to when to sleep, eat, bathe, and so on. Fron what I was told, the "new" confinement center did not bother with electrified fences. The real alarm system was hidden under the lush, green landscape. It was just as silent as the alarms on the windows. IF Erik tried to escape, as others had, he would face solitary confinement. In my opinion, Erik was just as much an idiot, as those who, when they "bought" benefits, they were dumb enough to place profits onto existing cards. I mean really: Who is dumb enough to use a monthly benefits card, to house profits? This, when Social Security is KNOWN for monitoring cards use. Some people, whom I knew, were that dumb, and had cards revoked, once the feds saw as much as $8,000 extra, on the card. Some others, who were caught, had tried to buy pre-paid cards, using debit cards. How LAME could it get. BY using benefits cards to BUY pre-paid, it signalled the feds to watch for the pre-paid card. This is why I went "window shopping", for the best price, then withdrew enough cash, to cover the price, plus tax. Cash made the purchase impossible to trace. Just like pre-paid phones. This is why I was not suspected. This is why I could have a card worth a grand total of $30,000, with NO suspicions. Diane (Eriks wife), came to me, saying "I want to find out what you, eventually, use that money for." She would have a bit of a "wait", as she found that I was no compulsive buyer, nor gambler. One thing she liked was being able to cook for two. When she reminded me "I hate those frozen dinners." I asked "IS it that the dinners are pre-made? or is it that, nowadays, it is mostly container, and very little food?" Diane would say "Both. I like cooking things MY way. Just like my mother." When Diane mentioned the brand, of frozen meals, that Erik liked, so much, I knew the brand she meant. It was just like the discount dinners that I had purchased, on deep sale, one time. $0.99 per meal. I THOUGHT I was getting a good price on food which was "on special". I would give my word, on the Bible, itself, that I never thought portions could be so small, outside of public school. In fact, even after I ate both dinners, I had to "dig in" to other food, like eating a second supper. This is why I remained with my "old favorite". Buying canned, and boxed, ingedients, and making my own food. Diane told me that she had to watch how MUCH, of my kind of food, that she ate. That is, for as long as she wanted me, as a "lover". I only suggested exercise, instead of skimpy eating. This lead Diane into another memory. Once in which, not long ago, when she had visited her mother, and mother said that daughter was no-longer in high school condition, Diane had said "Name the challenge, and I will PROVE that I am in condition." When her mother suggested "How about those exercises they taught, in high school?" Diane had said "NO problem." When she had to take two rest breaks, her mother would say "Proof". Diane would say "Its been years since I did those. Give me a break." Diane had been prepared to spend three months working on her exercise ability, but only until she realized "WHAT for? No one will care." Now, Diane had a reason. She also had a secret. While it was widely known that the stimulus had been delivered (and Erik had bragged about his), Diane was just not certain of what to do with hers. This is why she asked what I would do, if it were mine. Then she found out when I said "Its your money, do with it as you want." When she aske if I would help her, I told her "If you want advice, on purchases, I will aid you." As for the topic, of exercise, Diane had an over due wager, with her mother. $100.00, which said that Diane would never make it to being back in high school condition. When Diane would mention "Its just so hard doing the exercises, after meals." This is when I suggested what I had read about, in one of Clive Cusslers The Oregon Files books. The way Chairman Juan Cabrillo stayed in shape. The chairmans method, was to find out about how many calories a meal would contain. Then, before the meal, the chairman would swim laps, in the ships ballast tubes, and doing other exercise, to work off the calories, before sitting down to eat. While, to keep suspicion OFF of his ship, Cabrillo LOVED dressing as a severely over-weight man, who looked, and smelled, like he had not bathed in weeks, if not months. This was so much the opposite of the real man that his crew often laughed, from deep inside the ship, when port officials looked digusted, as the "captain". (If they only knew the man behind that disguise) This is why I suggested that Diane do the same, with me. She could cook meals, then set them to simmer, while we exercised the calories off, before eating the food. When she asked about her stimulus money, I suggested "Dont think about it. Not until you have a real reason to. Just let it sit. After all, I dont think there is any rush, or deadline, to spend the money." This is how I spent my second stimulus. I can speak for no one else. Seasons Greetings

Tuesday, December 22, 2020


THE OUTRAGE When the American public REJECTED the INSULT, of the Republican offer, of just $600, in a new "stimulus" plan, what the party did not plan for was the result of their latest plan. While the party had PLANNED for the $2,000 to be a "Once in a lifetime" plan, the problem was that, after the $600 fiasco, the public questioned the next offer. Questions which turned the "Once, in a lifetime", into "To meet current, economic concerns". In order to maintain "power", the party decided to "oversee" how the $2,000 payments were being spent. They felt that "If we can PROVE that people are taking the money, and "blowing" it in delivery food, champaign, caviar, etc, then this will prove our point, that further stimulus is NOT needed." Whether going from start to finish, with the payments, or choosing, randomly, they party would find that between 85% to 89% of the "stimulus" was going to pay either overdue bills, home repairs, or stocking home pantries. No one was going out, putting down payments on cars, buying stereo equipment, or eating at five-star restaurants. In fact, purchases, of food, were either at food stores, or fast food places. Gas sales did go up, some what, but this was dismissed as people re-fuelling, after driving to grocery stores. Add in the purchase, of major appliances, and these amounts covered between 92%, and 96% of all, stimulus-related purchasing. Only about 2%, to 3%, went for booze, and cigarettes. Once I verified that the $2,000 was NOT a "Once in a lifetime" deal, my own, buying list would include a replacement chest freezer, a "New" refrigerator (A two year old display model, which the store was willing to sell, at deep discount, just to avoid having to pay to ship it back to manufacturer.), and a replacement, home, computer. Since federal mandate said that this money was not allowed to be counted as "income", even Social Security could not touch one penny. As for me, I just kept most of it on deposit, for "necessary purchases". The party had So much hoped for extravagance, so that no further stimulus would be needed, even to be considered, that they did not know what to do, when itemizations proved that only about 3% of the money was going for "pleasure". Millions of dollars, having gone to pay back due rent, and utility bills, while hundreds of thousands had gone for food, and personal hygiene. Tens of thousands had gone for appliance purchases, and several thousand had gone for fast food. When the party tried to claim that fast food should be considered an abuse of the money, the Democrats would counter with "Even when I go shopping, I buy fast food. Shopping is exhausting, and even I like to eat a quick meal, after." This is when the party "stood down", on the fast food matter. Now, myself, being a single male, did receive several of those e-mail ads, about women offering "services", to men, for bill-paying money, and some, even I was tempted to consider but then I reminded myself of whta else I could do, with that money. Sure, sex is part, of being human, but I was not certain that I wanted to "blow" any benefits, on it. No matter how pretty I thought the women were. Well, when the party realized what the general public had done, with the stimulus money, this changed their plan. After Mr. Biden accepted Executive Office, the party knew they were in even deeper trouble. This because they KNEW how Mr. Biden felt, and how he would question the need for nearly-un-limited funding, for Middle East operations. It is even reported that Mr. Biden had, as Vice President, orderred $50 million removed from an appropriations bill, since this money, while logged for military action, was to be used, state-side. The party had wanted the money listed as "For miscellanious purposes", but the vice president had stood firm. The bill would tell WHERE the money was going, and for WHAT. Since no one wanted to admit that the money was going for wining, and dining, arms manufacturers, the money was cut out of the budget. Now, the then Vice President was, NOW, President. This would mean itemizing things that the party did NOT want itemized. This is why, in order to avoid a senate review, maybe $20 million was cut from the military budget. It would be the same president who would ASK the general public "Which would you prefer? A third round, of stimulus payments, OR to return to work?" When over 98% responded "Re-open the economy", Mr. Biden would take his health advisors advice, and return the United States from "Severe Contamination", down to level three. This being just one step from "All Clear." It was the health advisor who had informed a press conference that "Of course, people get sick, in the winter. This is why it is called Cold and Flu season. We have about as much chance, of "winning" this as we would have with stopping a flood, with a teaspoon." Not only had the party LOST its advantage, with the second stimulus, but they woiuld, now, be losing the advantage, of millions, in campaign contribtuions, from the sales of disinfectants. The public would be returning to normal buying habits. This, as the health advisor would, slowly, move the nation back to level four. As far as the rent moratorium went, it would be revised, giving tenants a specified amount of time, to re-pay over-due rent. This would reduce court back-logs, to only those who "enjoyed" being evicted. While the party would say that "Return, to controlled care will cost tax-payers too much money." When Democrats would say "We are listening. What is your alternative?" Problem was that the party had no alternative. All they focused on was reducing spending. Not the results of the spending reductions. This is why the party voted "Present", when the vote came up, to return the worst patients to controlled care. Yes, nursing homes did cost tax-payers thousands of dollars, every day, but WHAT was the alternative? Family, and friends, would NOT take the people in, since the people had stolen from those, formerly close to them. Landlords would not accept the people since the people had long lists, of evictions, for refusing to pay rent. As for payee's. Due to budget reductions, there just weren't enough of these people to go around. This left only two options. Either provide more funding, for more payee's, of return patients to controlled care. While the party would say "This is a personal question, NOT a policy decision. Let families decide, and cover the costs." Fortunately, the Democrats had control of both House, and Senate, as well as the White House. This is why the party was told "Unless you have a better suggestion, we are going back to the tried and true, regardless of cost." The party would, again, vote "Present". BY 2024, the economy would be well on the road to recovery, and Mr. Bidens rating could not be higher. I know that, in an effort, to TRY to dis-credit Mr. Biden, in 2024, the party tried to highlight the fact that I, a white man, was dating ebony girls. When the overwhelming anser was "So what? He is of legal age. He may date whomever he chooses." Mr. Biden would "sail" to another victory. This, since all the party had to run on was "The only way to have a true recovery, is via tax reductions. Only when we allow companies to reduce their overhead, will the re-invest, in America." Sorry, Charlie. There was just too much evidence to show that corporations did NOT re-invest savings in American jobs. The party would set its sights on Decision 2028. This is when they would try to re-take the White House. Until then, all they could do was sit back, and let the Democrats enjoy themselves.

Monday, December 21, 2020


THE REVOLT That is what the media would call it. I know that, for many Americans, over the age of 35, it would seem like Deja Vu. Just like the time when George H.W. Bush decided to reduce withholding TAX, but with-OUT reducing withholding DEBT, the general public had responded in a way which Mr. Bush did not forsee. Along with a "tidal wave" of new tax-forms, came the news story "Tax-payers telling Bush: Leave refunds ALONE!" This had been the "final nail", in Mr. Bushes chances for re-election. Now, just a couple of decades later, and with Americans struggling under new financial pressure, a second waive, of "stimulus payments" had been approved, by Congress. There was just one problem. With the first round, of payments, the amount, of $1,200 had been just enough for many people to bring far-past due bills closer to being current. With the second round, the Republican Party had been adamant that business, NOT the people, were most important. While the Democrats wanted a second round, at $1,200, the Republicans thought that, by standing "FIRM", at NO more than $600, they could make the general public "bow" to the desires of business. Problem was, however, that Americans had memories. By the time the government was prepared to issue the new payments, many, media sources were covering the outrage, of what many called the INSULT. The $600 payments. I guess that I contributed as well, by encouraging the public to REJECT the INSULT, and, instead, insist that Congress SALARIES be withheld, until the payments were adjusted BACK to $1,200. When the Republicans had shouted "The United States can NOT afford this!", Democrats had countered this by asking "If we can NOTY AFFORD the American people, then HOW do we justify paying $245 million, for each F/A 22 Raptor, $100 million, for each F-35 Joint Strike Fighter, and the un-reported billions, for military action, in the Middle east?" The Republicans would say nothing. Not even when the media mentioned "Doesn't the $600 per person send the message that the American public is worth-LESS to Congress?" Republicans just shook their heads. Like with the Middle East, there had been NO Exit Startegy, from this topic. This is why the media would tell Congress that "We have polled the people, and have heard that 80% of the public is in favor of withholding Congressional SALARIES until further notice. HOW do you respond to that?" The Republicans had NO response. The public was just supposed to take the "scraps", and be SILENT. Now that the Republican deal was dead, with the public, Democrats re-submitted their own plan. One which included another round of $1,200 payments. While the Republican leadership was determined that its members "Hold the Line", against the Democratic plan, it would seem that many members had contacted the media and verified the poll results. When the Republicans read that over 90% of the public was in favor of witholding Congressional SALARIES, this is when more than several Republicans decided to side with Democrats. After all, mortgages, and utilities do NOT care if a customer is with either party. You pay UP, or forfeit. This is how the Democrats won a veto-PROOFED majority, for the plan. (The Republicans, who held, fast, gave no comments) Now, while the public would have preferred to just re-open the economy, and have people return to work, the second stimulus did give the general public so "breathing room". The compromise, which the Democrats gave, was that, while people out-of-work, due to the "virus", would be prohibited from being evicted, the compromise gave landlords the right to evict any tenants who just did not pay, period. This is why the un-employed were seperated into two groups. Virus-loss un-employed, and plain refuse to pay. This is how, instead of the dreaded millions, of homeless, this number was reduced to just a few hundred thousand. The people who "flaunted" the fact that they did not pay. To house these people, the government would take over a warehouse site, and let those, who would be staying there clean the place. While each person was assigned a space, this had only walls and a door. The rule was "If you want bedding, or other items, you will WORK for THEM. In the general public, it seems that the Republicans had the strange hope that the public would go out, partying, and blowing the stimulus funds. What enraged the party was when the vast majority, of payments were forwarded to either landlords, utilities, food, from stores, or for medication. This, so that the party members could continue receiving their SALARIES. The party's primary concern was "What if another round, of stimulus is needed, BEFORE the economy recovers?" The public had let the party know: "If you mess with our lives, we mess with yours." This is why, for the third, and final, round of payments, the Republicans only voted "Present". Now that Mr. Biden was in the White House, the so-called emergency would roll off the "table". The nation would re-open, in the normal way, and life would return to normal. There would be no reason for a fourth round, of payments, since people were returning to work, and paying off bills. This is what had annoyed some members, of Congress, so much. That the public had used stimulus money, to pay bills, and buy food. The members so hoped people would flaunt money, on all kinds of expensive stuff. Things, which the party could condemn. No one could condemn paying off overdue rent, or bills. What the public could, and DID, condemn, was Mr. Trump taking money, meant for a new election campaign, and using it to fund his post "presidency", years. The man was brilliant. He moved the money into off-shore accounts, where no one could touch it, except him. It would take until 2022 for his supporters to realize that they had been duped. No doubt, this was the reason why the House, and Senate, would become Democratic territory. Still, with the endorsement, of the party, the Republicans were invited to take part. This, while the name of Donald Trump became, in the United States, like Adolf Hitler is, to Germany. In my opinion, what won Mr. Biden a second term, was the party's ability to organize people. While Mr. Biden had been given a "bucket list", several pages long, the man showed his talent, by giving authority to select individuals, for programs, which needed to be done. This is why, under tradesmans supervision, the people would begin the work, or restoration, of the battered nation. I think we were about 20% of the way down the list, when the election was at hand. The Republicans had to re-route some of their normal channels, of funding, since some of these were too-closely tied, to Mr. Trump's 2016 win. Between Mr. Bidens skills, and the party, rallying the public, Mr. Biden had an easy win. Even still, we only managed to complete maybe 45% of what was projected. Still, the media would report "This is, still, much more than anyone else has done, recently." Mrs. Harris would be denied the right to run for top office after video footage showed that, in atleast three instances, she had condemned "white priviledge", saying that "Blacks deserved more/better." While various party members DID recall hearing Mrs. Harris speak of racism, and blacks being deserving, no one could remember hearing the woman actually addressing a crowd, with these words. Individuals, yes. Private conversations, yes. Even I could not verify that she had made public comment. Still, the very notion that she MIGHT have, would ruin her chances of running, for Executive Office. The party would have to find someone else, to run. What I liked, besides the volunteer work, was the fact that people, like myself, who contributed to the party, of our talents, received such "freebies" as food and drink. That, and party aid, when we needed help, with government topics. While Bernie Sanders DID contribute to the party, and our success, both the party, and the public, felt that he was just too OLD to run. BY member vote, we would seek someone, in the 35-50 age span. I left such matters to party executives. I just continued working on the projects, which I had started, under Mr. Biden. One, of Mr. Bidens most "controversial" steps was how he responded to Texas never-ending threat, of sessession. When Mr. Biden told Congress to tell Texas, "Either leave the union, or stop with the threats." The media portrayed this as "Put up, or shut up." With its back against the wall, and hoping to save "face", Texas would leave the union, and become an independent republic. A republic which THOUGHT that gas, and oil, prices would keep them solvent, for centuries. The problems, with this, included mass transit, libraries, low-income housing, etc. ALL the programs that the federal government had provided for. Add in the fact that, since Texas was no-longer a state, the oil market required them to sign up, as an "independent". With Texas out of the market, investors would renew the movement, towards electric cars. This would include my suggestion of not just building more hydro-electric units, but of making them "works of art". The better news was that Europe had been improving battery efficiency, for decades. Cars, which originally needed 20, or more, batteries, to operate for a day, now only needed two batteries. Trucks, and Vans, which needed up to forty batteries, now needed only four. Delivery vans would need to charge up, twice daily. For suppliers, this was no problem since most crews needed a mid-day lunch break as well. What this meant, for gas station/convenience stores, was that gas prices had to come DOWN, far enough to make the convenience store the properties main income generator. Un-fortunately, only 25% of the nation had switched, so far. Still, the agency, which monitors fossil fuels emmissions, did report seeing a reduction in atmospheric levels. Not a LARGE one, but a beginning. As for myself, while I had no plans, or aims, at "success", it would turn out that I was on camera, much more than I thought. Even women, who had been "hellish" with me, began acting nicer. I had no idea that, by 2026, I was being seen as an "answer man". BY 2028, I had women asking for my information. What I know is that, by the time Mr. Biden would meet his maker, we had built five, new, super sized, hydroelectric plants. This, and nearly half the cars, in the United States, were electric. By the time Texas re-entered the union, they would find their share, of the oil market, reduced from billions of dollars, to just tens of millions. By this time, over 90% of the nation had restored their credit ratings. The only people still in trouble were those who had been placed into the warehouses. While some just gave up all hope, and their bodies were removed, most began to understand that, to have what they wanted, they had to work. This is why most had beds, and dressers. The rest of the nation was coming out of the "epidemic", with ease. I think that everyone learned some valuable lessons, from this experience. Lessons which, I HOPED would take root, and guide further actions.


THROWN OUT! That is what happened to my neighbor. They had spent months boasting of how the only money, they paid the landlord, was the deposit, and first months rent. Both of which were supplied by "other interested parties". What I do know is that my neighbor openly boasted of never having paid rent. In fact, had it not been for the virus, and the moratorium, they would have been kicked out, months before. Another neighbor even had video cam footage of the fact that, after the local water source, cut the persons water off, for non-payment, that my neighbor broke into the line, and re-activated the water. No one was for certain who, or IF, the electric bill was being paid. What we do know is that, with the moratorium coming to an end, and landlords waiting in line, to file evictions, while Congress argued the merits of evicting people, whose jobs the feds had closed down, My neighbor just sat back, and drank some more beer. They really thought that, at the last moment, another moratorium would be at hand. Boy! Were they wrong. ON Monday, December 28th, 2020, Congress still could not resolve its differences. This because Republicans INSISTED upon massive protections, for businesses, while Democrats said that stimulus payments were more important. If anyone can believe it, Congress stayed, in full session, right through Christmas. This because someone had suggested that one side, or the other, was planning to pass a bill, while the others were celebrating Christmas Eve, and Day. Then, come monday, December 28th, the "ax" fell. Without a new moratorium, evictions would pile high, as landlords sought to evict not those who were only job-less, due to the virus, but those whose rent had been far overdue, for months before the virus. Since the police knew that my neighbor had powerful animals, who were trained to attack, aminal control was called in, with tranquilizer darts. When the idiot set the animals on attack, animal control "took them down", with as many as three darts per animal. After this, the fool came out, on the attack. If they had been calmer, they would have had extra days to be ready to move. Attacking the police did nothing but buy my neighbor a ride in a police cruiser. His "partner" would be served the notice. With rent nearly a year overdue, there would be no negotiation. My neighbor was going first to jail, then to court, and then... As I recall, it was Tuesday, December 29th when the truck came by, and dropped off a dumpster. This, we, remaining tenants, would fill with the violators belongings. I just think that they should have PLANNED for this day, as I had, when transferred from my last place. The reason why my move went so well was because I had spent WEEKS, preparing for my move. I had so much stuff all boxed, and labelled, that the movers knew what was what, just by looking. My move took about 25% of the time that other peoples moves took. This is why the packing, of my neighbors belongings, took so long. Nothing was packed, or ready. This is why, instead of a moving van, we received a 30 yard dumpster. With this, a large group, of us, would clear out the unit, with myself covering final sweeping. It would take eighteen hours, to clear the place out, but the mess the person left behind was beyond belief. Walls had been torn out, and the interior so altered that it barely looked habitable. After the dumpster was removed, then came the lock-smith. New locks were installed. While I was not there, for the sentencing, I was not amazed, at all, when word reached me saying that the tenant had gotten so profane, with the court, that the judge added two years, to the sentence. NO early release would be allowed. After the hearing, the idiot even tried to ask the landlord for their stuff back. It was when the landlord said "Try the city dump", that the person understood how much trouble they were in. Not only were they homeless, but their "big plan", to hold a New Years Eve "blow-out", was in ruins. Now, they would have to find another way to earn money. For us, however, this would have been good news, since it meant NO loudspeakers, blasting the neighborhood. No booze flowing, and no one doing anything un-decent in the yard. Like my now-deceased friend would say "If they paid their bills, they would not be in trouble." I agreed, since rent was the very first bill I paid, each month. TheONLY reason why the sentence was not carried out was because the violator was "protected" by a Non-Prosecution Order" Based upon my neighbors supposedly long criminal, history, it would take plenty of "promises", to land them another place. There was even talk of them being placed BACK under a payee. Someone who would make SURE bills were paid. One thing I knew about this kind of people. As long as they had payee's, all was well. The problem was that, once credit was reviewed, too often the people went OFF of payee's, then ended up right back in trouble. Now, it was my ex-neighbors turn. What I do know is that, when the evicted unit was inspected, by a general contractor, the repair bill would be between $30,000, and $50,000. When I got curious and asked "Just for reference, how much just to gut the place, and turn it into a walkway." The contractor would say "That would cost maybe $3,000, to $5,000." Dont ask me why the landlord went with the more expensive price. What I Do know is that, once rigid, baffle-type, insulation, was placed into wall spaces, the noise level, even during the day, went down, by maybe 85%. Odd thing, however. The workers did NOT work, everyday, on the project. Sometimes, they worked only two, to three, days per week. The only thing I knew, for total certainty, was the fact that the person, staying with the tenant moved back with family, at another location. If I had not heard it from a very reliable source, I would not have believed that the ex-tenant was petitioning for return. They were willing to make all kinds of promises, to get back in. This, even after being told that all of their stuff was in the landfill. They even tried to issue false promises that rent would be paid, on-time, IF allowed to return. The court agreed with the landlord, on this. The ONLY way that the tenant would be allowed to return, was after all back rent was paid, as well as the renovations. The back due rent, alone, would cost nearly $4,000. With all the extra renovations, of things the tenant had ripped out, or forced open, the repair bill, for the unit, ended up at $75,000. While the landlord agreed to this, the persons support staff knew that finding such funds would be close to impossible. The tenant had such a LONG, criminal, record, that no one, not even charity, would touch them. Besides, this person was one of those who had been through local charities, so many times, that they were barred from re-applying. Even a federal, hardship, loan, was dismissed. The ex-tenant had no place else to go. As for myself, the ONLY reason why the "hunt" was back on, for me to find another place, was the fact that my support staff were only allowed to operate within the limits of a specific city. If the "top dogs" found out that I was living in a "donut hole" community, I would have lost all services. My own, support staff was thankful that I kept all bills paid, on payday. This would mean that, if my landlord wanted to evict me, they would have to find another reason. While the former tenant was pressed to the max, to find another place to live, my own transition was much more relaxed. My neighbors were not in 1% of the hurry to be rid of me. This is why, with my support staff's aid, we reviewed dozens, of efficiency, and one bedroom, units, all to come up with "Already Rented." No one was certain of what to do when the only place, available, was a full, single family, home. A house, with three bedrooms, upstairs,, and plenty of room. The owner was hoping for a family to move in (and provide more rent). When I asked how much income the house was producing, at the moment, I was told "We could place someone, tomorrow." When I said "Thats fine, but if it is open, next week, consider my offer. It is FIRM." While word had it that my ex-neighbor was housed in a sleeping room, with shared toilet and kitchen, I thought "This is what they deserved. You have to pay rent, to keep a roof over your head." I heard that the ex-tenant complained, mightily, about having to share a bathroom, and kitchen. They claimed that other tenants were "stealing" their food. This is why it was reported that the tenant wanted to move back into their former unit. They even hated the rule about "either you are inside, by a certain time, or you are locked out, until morning." It would be another eighteen months before the landlord would give in. By this time, the place had set, empty, for 35 months. I was cautioned, though: "One police call, of public disturbance, and you are out." I agreed. This is why, the next time I saw my ex-neighbor, and they asked "HOW?" I told them "I keep my bills paid." Now, normally, people, under payee's, stay that way, for six months, then are reviewed. In the case of my ex-neighbor, six months would be extended to a minimum of two years. They HATED the fact that, for every expense that they wanted, they had to ASK the payee. One of the reasons why they were kept, so long, was because their payee would not let them become independent, until they controlled their mouths. The payee had learned, very rapidly, just how foul-mouthed my ex-neighbor could be. This is why my neighbor was handed off to a real "hard-nose" payee. A person, who paid the bills, but refused the tenant even a ride to the grocery store, for supplies. Not until the tenant learned to control their mouth. This is why the trouble-maker pulled some old back packs, and a cart, from a dumpster, then walked to the nearest stores. And, yes, this person was denied a bus pass, after profaning a bus company employee. Now, they had to WALK everywhere. All because of their attitude. While it IS true that my current landlord gave me the worst recommendation, in the world, my new landlord did as I asked, and looked at my residency record. When they called my current landlord, and asked about the dates in question, and why such a "horrible tenant" had been allowed to remain, for so many YEARS, the landlord hung up. This is why my new landlord would say "Lets give it a try." The only "change" I did, to the house, was adding a walkway, to the kitchen door. This way, instead of carrying my bicycle up some dangerous steps, I could wheel it up the ramp. About the only concern, that my support staff had was the fact that, with my second, stimulus check, I had purchased both an "Energy Star" chest freezer, and a close-out model "Energy Star" refrigerator. Unlike my provided refrigerator, which had been re-bult, dozens of times, this unit was only two years old, and plugged in only when shoppers wanted to see the interior. It was on severe price reduction since the store felt that selling it, even at a loss, was better than having to PAY to ship it back. MY old refrigerator, I had placed in a space, off my livingroom. I had it, clearly, marked "PROPERTY OF (my landlord)." My neighbors used their stimulus checks, to pay on bills. Of course, the ex-tenant, when I saw them next, they complained that their worker had sent the entire payment to my landlord. They felt it was a rip-off, that everyone they knew, had done nice things, with their checks, yet they, alone, had been denied even one cent. I must admit that the main place, where I saw this person, was after the public library was re-opened. Once the paranoia, of the "virus" was past, business resumed, and the library re-opened, without much restriction. Since the ex-tenant had no pride, and cared nothing for what people thought, they found it easy to panhandle. While many people suggested that the way the person got their money, now, was by pickpocketting, the problem was that, while the person might have dollars, to eat on, no one could PROVE they had done anything. At least three times, that I knew of, this person also offered me a chance to take part in some "investments". At another point, or two, when they saw my interest, in their current lover, they offered me the person, for the "low" price of $500.00. Now, to be fair, I will add that, both before, and after, the "virus", I had as many as 9 people trying to sell me bicycles, which they had "found". For the low, low price, of just $40, to $50, they were willing to sell me the units. I just made a polite excuse, and rode away. I was not about to buy stolen private property. Once I moved into my new place, I heard word about my old place, and decided to investigate. I found out that, not only were my old neighbors right, about the noise, and trash, but when I saw that the windows were covered, in boards, and was told "They smashed the windows out." The neighbors even showed me how the replacements had ripped the old fridge apart, then dumped it in the rear of the building. What amazed ME was how ALL of the windows were boarded up. Well, that proved that the talk, about the landlord, was correct. They did not care WHO moved in, so long as rent was paid. When I gave my former neighbors my new address, then bid them farewell, I returned to my new address. Here, another neighbor would ask me about my last landlord. It seems that their landlord was doing the same as mine did. That is, except for the fact that my landlord left payments inside the U.S. mail, this landlord was returning rent payments, and taking tenants to court. When the tenants would ask "How would YOU handle this?" I told them "For one thing, stop using personal checks. Use Money orders." When they asked about my last landlord, I told them only the truth. While they thanked me, and departed, it was not long after this, when I learned that my ex-neighbor was under arrest. This time, for Assault and Battery. While they were being charged with Breaking and Entering, and Assault, they told me "While I was off, on errands, my neighbors broke into my room, and stole all of my food. When I got back, and heard what they were eating, then found my door kicked open, that is when I kicked in their door, and stole my stuff back." I knew they were going to mention their previous, criminal, record, and that the police did not believe them. Now, they were going back to court, and, probably, back to prison. Still, I felt no sympathy, for them. After all, if they had only done as all tenants are supposed to, they would have had a decent place to live. With no rent moratorium, to protect them, they would stay in jail, until returned to prison. With their record, they would be lucky to receive parole in about ten years. Still, my former neighbors, and I, watched as the repair crews went about replacing the windows, and so forth. What really angered the landlords was the fact that both the building inspector, and the general contractor, insisted that the original windows were nowhere near "code". The landlords would be charged for modern day windows. They would TRY to charge the last tenant, but these people had been much smarter than my former neighbor. They had "vanished", as in, possibly, having jumped the state border. While my former neighbor had their support try, seven times, to reinstate their Non-Prosecution Order, all seven times, when the judge reviewed the folder, the ruling was the same. Abuse, after abuse, after abuse. Non-Prosecution was designed to protect those who, occassionally, as in, maybe quarterly, or less often, make mistakes. These people cannot be charged. In the end, all my former neighbor could do was bide his time, in prison. When he was released, then he would plan his next move. Until then, he was stuck, in prison.

Monday, December 14, 2020


THE COST OF THE PANDEMIC While the most obvious cost, of the HOAX, was financial, what no one had planned for was not even the EMOTIONAL cost, but the physical cost. No, not the overwhelming cost of loss of employment, and housing, but the cost of well-being. A cost which I would bear, just as millions of other Americans bore this cost. People, for exercise was a walk, in the park, or even exercising, on the playgrounds, the lock down had disasterous effects on personal health. While MR. Fauci continued to insist "We must ISOLATE, to prevent the spread, of COVID", what the man was not competent enough to undedrstand is the long term ill-effects, of what was nothing more than "Solitary Confinement". Result, as a DIRECT effect, of forcing people to stay indoors "for the duration", so many people, including myself, would suffer from weight gain, and many, from boredom-based eating patterns. In fact, by the time Mr. Biden took the Oath of Office, in January, of 2021, health care providers were reporting dangerous weight gains, even in NON-infected patients. This is why, when Mr. Bidens own health advisor had stated that "America has gained about five TONS of weight, because of Mr. Fauci's recommendations." When Fauci tried to save himself, by offering to resign, I am happy to say that Mr. Biden tore up the form. This is when Mr. Fauci realized that his career, as a medical practicianer, was over. Problem was, this only dealth with one part of the problem. The real CORE, of the problem, would be getting Americans back outdoors, and back into shape. With the use of masks no-longer an issue, Team: Biden would recruit some of the best trainers, to make video's, reminding the public about weight loss, and health. Not that I needed such motivation. While I KNEW my weight was up, far over 200 pounds, as soon as permitted, I went back on my salad a day diet, and began peddling, just to peddle. Water, and juice, would be my hydration. I set my own goal, of 190 pounds, and vowed to "stick with it." I was not about to become, or remain, one of those over-weight men. The kind who must sit, and lean, all the time. MY sag was placed on notice. With the "danger" of "covid" neutralized, I would be among the first to start hitting the exercise, at full power. Any sag, my belly might have had, would firm up, as I bicycled, and exercised, even more than ever. I KNEW it would be a long way back, to 190, but I was aiming for the "Gold Ring" of good health. I even accepted a free, 90-day membership, at the new YMCA. Like I told staff "The ONLY reason why I have not been doing much, of my regular exercises, was due to the lock down. Now, it is time to get back in shape." While other men came, and went, I remained committed to my goal. It would take nearly four months, but with committment, I would see results. I also found Diane. A woman who, even slightly over-weight, could join me at a salad bar, any time. When Diane would mention "I wish I could get my husband as interested as you are." I told her "IT has to be his choice. You cannot force him. From what I see, though, you have plenty of reason to be desirable, for other men." I think it was two work-outs later, that Diane told me, secretively, "What I really need is a good screwing." When she saw my eyes light up, she whispered "Only if you are serious." She found out how serious I was, when she removed her wedding ring, and smiled, as we entered the bed. By the time we were done, I was weating bullets, while Diane was coated only in light sweat. Both of us were panting. This is when she offered me a deal. "Like I told my husband, for even five pounds you turn into muscle, you can have an evening with me." When I drew her into my arms, asking "How much weight has he lost?" Diane would smile as she mentioned the two had not had sex, in over two months. That would explain why she had been so into satisfying me. While Diane and I encouraged one another to lose excess weight, and firm up, we used three, different scales, to verify progress. Diane wanted to make certain that, if she were being an adultress, that she had proof of her reason. I only found her pot-bellied husband, when a friend took me along, to speak of an "investment". It took me awhile to realize that he was speaking of Diane, since the woman, he described, sound more like the classic Fat Albert. When asked if he minded her (having sex with) another man, he shrugged his shoulders. The problem, with his presentation, was that he was trying to gain investment in a paid health center. This, from a man, far enough out of shape that I could understand why Diane had "closed shop" to him. Add in all of the "potentials", "possibilities", and other "maybe's", and I would rather wager on his wife giving me a full month, of access, to her bedroom. Atleast Diane was REAL. Before going to the "meeting", Diane had asked me over, given me a kiss, and whispered "A down payment". I have to hand it to her husband, he even tried giving out beers, to encourage investment. This is when I told him "Thanks for the talk." then I departed. When I reported, to Diane, knowing that I kept my promise, while saying "You are worth it." Diane drew me into a LONG, DEEP, wonderful, kiss. Diane had hit her fitness goal, already, so, for her, exercise was "maintenance". She wanted to find out who wanted her, most. Her husband, or me. Since I lost about ten, to fifteen pounds, betwen doctors visits, Diane gave me "extra time", for the extra effort. While I did return to being "in shape", just as I had, after being diagnosed with Asthma, while I was getting back into shape, the Republicans were doing what they did best. With a Democrat, in the White House, the Republicans were back to screaming about the national debt. How the White House was spending so MUCH MONEY, on social problems, when the Republicans wanted slash-and-burn politics to leave Americans homeless. Re-building the economy had gone from priority one, to being priority 9,999. What I do know is that, even when her husband did begin exercising, his refreshment, of choice, was beer. How he expected to get back into shape, while drinking beer, is beyond me. What I do know is that Diane warned me "If I give you any more of myself, I might as well marry you." I just embraced and kissed her. By the time I was back, near my goal, Diane realized that, un-like her husband, I was not just TALK. I became as active as possible, by engaging the public. Asking people, in meetings, what they wanted, and how to go about getting it. I also began working with the party, on forming up goals, and priorities. When Diane would mention "I feel like I am your wife, losing you to a mistress." I told her "Dont be silly. What I am doing will aid the nation." When I added "I love you", and kissed her. Diane smiled. Terrific! Now she had an over-weight, and un-caring, husband, who only TALKED of what he dreamed of doing a Lover, who was not only IN shape, but was loving her every chance I had. This, and the fact that, while I conversed, on subjects, Diane found that she preferred being a housekeeper, and a lover. She would the politics to me. She just wondered what her church would think/say if they knew she was an adultress...