Tuesday, June 23, 2015


CHILD OF GLASS 3 "Sleeping lies the murdered lass Vainly cries the child of glass When the two shall be as one Spirits journey will be done" This had been the cryptic message, which had lead Alexander Armsworth, and Blossom Culp, to find the china dol, which had, at one time, belonged to a young Inez Dumaine. A china doll, which Inez's uncle, Captain Jacque Dumaine, had been willing to risk anything to possess. For well over a century, Inez Dumaine's death had been ruled "un-solved", even as Jacque Dumaine, himself, would be buried, without "Last Rights", due to his getting drunk, one last time, then shooting a man, over a perceived insult. The captain had, then, been shot, himself, with single shots from six seperate hand-guns. Even in death, both Inez, and Jacque Dumaine, would be "haunting" the Dumaine Estate. It would be only after Alexander Armsworth had arrived, with his parents, and his sister, Connie Sue, that the mystery had been solved. Once that was accomplished, Inez Dumaine had been able to rest-in-peace. At the time, no one had considered that the old captain might have remained behind, on the Earthly plane. That is, not until Alexanders parents had passed away, and the ghost, again, had "free run" of the house. When the Jefferson County City Council had called Alexander to town, to report problems, with the family property, it was not long before Alexander would realize that there was not just one, but atleast two, "evils", in Jefferson County. The first being the spirit, of Jacque Dumaine. The second, being the abandoned son, of drunkard Emory Timmons, one Anthony Timmons. After the barn-burning incident, and the attack, on Alexander, Emory Timmons had been scared, right into the arms, of the law. This, by the spirit of Inez Dumaine. At the police station, Emory had confessed, to his crimes, and even ASKED to be locked up (to get away from a ghost). What no one, except for an ex-lover, knew, was that, during Emory's younger years, and at a time when a young woman THOUGHT Emory had potential, she had produced a son, not knowing that Emory didn't want a family. Despite never meeting his father, Anthony Timmons would grow up, choosing to believe that his father was a good man, and that the stories, of his being a "lazy drunk" were just slander. Anthony had been fortunate in the fact that, after the deaths, of the Armsworths elders, and when Alexander, and Connie Sue had moved on, to their own lives, the old captain had become more active, in his haunting. Eventually becoming able to move objects, and attack people. For this, Anthony Timmons could not have been more greatful, had he planned all of it, himself. Once the disturbances became so ominous, that no one would, or could, deny them, officials had contacted Alexander, and, to Anthony Timmons point of view, Alexander had been foolish enough to bring his own family with him. Once Alexander Armsworth, and his family, were within reach, Anthony Timmons approached Jacque Dumaine, and made a deal, with the spirit. A deal which would lead to the capture, and confinement, of Alexander's own family, while Alexander was forced, via threats, to his family's welfare, to return the jewels, from the doll, to the captain. Oh, yes! And Anthony Timmons innsisted that Alexander sign a statement, which, basically, said that Emory Timmons was innocent of any wrong-doing, and un-justly convicted. In the end, though, Inez, and Alexander THOUGHT that Captain Dumaine had received his "just deserts", when the man was pulled through a sub-surface "doorway". It would be at the Jefferson County Cemetary, when Blossom Culp would witness Alexander visiting his parents resting place. (Blossom just hoped that Alexander had not seen her watching him). Blossom Culp, and Alexander Armsworth, had parted ways, and lives, after the Inez incident, when Blossom had tried, too hard, to encourage Alexander to become more interested in the supernatural. Finally, Alexander had told Blossom Culp to "Take your ghosts and get LOST!". While Blossom Culp worked through this rejection, she re-focused her efforts on finding out her fathers fate. Un-fortunately, all that Blossom had learned was that "No such person" had worked, at any of the nations intelligence agencies. When DNA testing had taken root, in American society, Blossom had hoped to find her father, using the new technology. The only problem, with this approach, was that the only man, whose DNA was even near to a "close" match, turned out to be a felony criminal. A criminal who, as it turns out, was in prison, on "Assault and Battery" charges, at the time when Blossom's father was seducing her mother. There was no way the man could have been both in prison, AND in the south, seducing her mother, at the same moment. Blossom was left with the irrefutable truth, that her father HAD been a con-man (just as fellow students had teased), and that there had never been a "secret mission". It was all, just an excuse, to get what he wanted, then to "vanish". This is why Blossom had turned to her Aunt Lavinia's practices. If science could not help her locate her father, maybe magic could. Once she graduated high school, Blossom had gone, full tilt, into "spiritualism", but with no luck. It would seem that her father had "covered his tracks" so well, that not even magic could find him. Aunt Lavinia had suggested that, to hide so thoroughly, the man must have been a real life wizard. No one else could know how to cover their tracks, so well. Still, the farther that Blossom dealt, with spirituality, the less that even a young Alexander had wanted to do, with her. No doubt, this is why, When Alexander left home, to start his own life, Blossom hadn't minded, or cared. Not much, anyway. This is, also, the reason why, when Alexander returned home, to deal with the spirit of Jacque Dumaine, that Blossom had made a point of staying clear of him. Still, even at the cemetary, Blossom had HOPED that Alexander hadn't seen her, watching him, at the cemetary. Then, something weird happened. Not long after Alexander took his family, and returned to their own home, Blossom received a package. When she opened the package, she found the last thing she ever expected to see. A china doll. A replica, complete in every detail, to the one which Inez DuMaine had owned, in life. Blossom wondered what it meant, until she found the accompanying message card: "Sleeping lies the murdered lass Vainly cries the child of glass When the two shall be as one Spirits journey will be done" Then a post-script: "If you want to avoid this tragedy, yourself, you had better return the jewels, toot-suite". Nothing more. No demands. No drop-points. Nothing. This left the question of how anyone could have known, about the diamonds. No one had believed Alexander, or Blossom, years before. Emory Timmons was dead, and, as far as anyone knew, his son, Anthony, was serving time, for "Kidnap", and "Assault and Battery". This left the question of "Who else knew, or CARED, about the jewels?" When Blossom re-read the last part, especially the "toot-suite" part, she remembered that this was the way in which Inez DuMaine had spoken, and how, it was reported, that Jacque Dumaine spoke, as well. A version of French-Creole, maybe? Maybe from the French Quarter, of New Orleans? But, HOW had the person learned about the message? HOW could anyone quote the message, so exactly? Ofcourse, Aunt Lavinia knew about the message, since Alexander had spoken of the message, to her, during the original "trials". Problem was that Aunt Lavinia had not been "herself", for several years. The doctors call it "Alzheimers", but what scared Blossom was that her aunt could no-longer remember spells, and ingredients. Sure, for awhile, Lavinia had been treating her conditon, herself, using her own ingredients. That, however, had come to an end the day when Lavinia had used too much of something, and, practically, blew the house up. Although Blossom watched the house go up, like it had been doused, in more than fifty gallons of gasoline, what disturbed Blossom, most, was the way that her aunt had tried to claw her way back into the house, thinking that Blossom was, still, inside. When two paramedics brought the aunt to her niece, Blossom was shocked to hear her aunt ask "Who are you, child?" The most painful part, for the young woman, was when, after more than a week, Aunt Lavinia neither recognized her neice, nor was she able to grasp basic tasks, such as meal times, showers, and so on. The last time, that Blossom saw her aunt, the elder woman looked pathetic, strapped to a hospital bed, as her internal organs failed. The nursing home staff had informed Blossom that, if she wanted to say "Goodbye", now was the time to do it. Her aunt would not be around, much longer. Blossom just felt cold, inside, as she said her farewells, to the woman, who had raised her. At the farewell, Blossom saw other families, saying "Goodbye", to dying relatives, and the waves, of grief, which flowed, from them, made Blossom sick at her stomach.. For days, thereafter, she could eat nothing, and just cried, over her loss. When the nursing home called Blossom back, for an emergency conference, she was told that, for some reason, Lavinia had, during a lucid moment, found a moment, and cut all of her tubes, after shutting down the medical alarms. By the time staff found Lavinia, and reviewed the video, it was obvious that Lavinia had taken her own life. Result, Aunt Lavinia was, definitely, OFF of the suspect list. But, who did that leave? Anthony was in prison. Blossom began to wonder if HE (Anthony) had told others. An insurance policy? When Blossom made some inquiries, about the delivery, she would be surprised when the police would report on what surveillance footage had shown, from the day the "gift" was sent. When Bossom Culp saw the footage, she stared at the police, wide-eyed, asking "But, HOW?" A deputy calmed Blossom, by saying "Everyone knows your Aunt Lavinia ia dead. Therefore, this MUST be someone, in make-up." When Blossom asked "WHY?", the deputy said "Someone is just playing a sick joke, on you". Over the next couple of weeks, Blossom heard more stories, of people claiming to have seen Aunt Lavinia, alive, and walking about. When Blossom checked with the police, again, the deputy verified that more than four dozen reports had come in. When Blossom reminded the deputy "We, ALL, saw Aunt Lavinia, in her casket" The deputy knew this to be true, since he had been tasked with overseeing the old womans move, from the care center, to the casket. There was even an autopsy report, and the casket was open, for viewing, at the funeral home. The deputy would promise Blossom "We WILL find out who is doing this. I promise you that". Just a couple of weeks later, though, the deputy was un-certain of what to do, when Aunt Lavinia was spotted, chatting with an elderly friend. When the deputy listened in, on the conversation, he found that the imposter had "done their homework", on Lavinia. The imposter knew things, about Lavinia, which only family could know. Since Blossom was the only family, that Lavinia had, in these parts, the deputy was left with questions. Questions such as "What would anyone have to GAIN, from this deception?" When the deputy decided to break up the ruse, and cuff the imposter, he was surprised when the imposter said "Young man, I do not know what you think you are doing, but I insist that you desist". When the deputy would say "Funs over. You are under arrest". The deputy was certain he had cuffed the woman, before saying "You are under arrest, for Felony Fraud. Impersonating a dead person. In case you didn't know, that is a crime". When the deputy felt his cuff's go limp, in his hands, he was saying "Lady, dont try..." when he looked back, at the imposter, and found only empty air, behind him. When the deputy would ask the remaining woman "Where did she go?" The womans look told him what her words could not. The woman was shocked, silent, that she had seen Aunt Lavinia vanish, into thin air. When the deputy had asked to see the surveilance footage, of the area, where the women had been sitting, and chatting, he could not believe his eyes. The eldery woman seemed to be having an extended conversation, with empty air. The deputy then saw himself attempting to cuff empty air. The question was "HOW could this be?" The deputy had SEEN, and FELT, the woman, and she was just as real as his side-arm. Yet, he knew that video does not lie. When the deputy reported this incident, to Blossom, saying "Everyone knows that Lavinia was into several, occult, practices, so, I have to ask. Did any of these include raising the dead?" Blossom would straighten her back, and stand firm, saying "My Aunt Lavinia would, never, do such things." When the deputy reminded her "Blossom, many people, including locals, came to your aunt, for readings" Blossom would say "Aunt Lavinia would tell people their futures, or how to avoid danger. She would, never, be involved in anything, like raising spirits" When the deputy would ask "Can you think of anyone who MIGHT be involved, in such practices? Maybe, someone, who might want to hurt Lavinia? Maybe, smudge her reputation?" Blossom could think of only one, such, person, yet he had been long-dead, even before Blossom, and Alexander, had encountered him. When the deputy saw her look, and asked "Who?" Blossom would say "No one you could arrest." Whern the deputy asked "Why?" Blossom would say "He was dead long before we met him and, as far as I know, he is, now, in Hades" When the deputy remembered the tale, and asked "You dont mean Jacque Dumaine, do you?" Blossom would say "Cant be him. He is "locked away", with others, like him." The deputy would re-state his question. "Do you know of anyone, among the LIVING, who would want to do this?" Blossom was not sure of even if such things could be done. Sure, Aunt Lavinia had "books", on the subject, which she read, but Lavinia had warned Blossom that such magic was "evil", and would carry terrible consequences. Still, Blossom would show the deputy into Lavinia's place, and produce some books, cautioning him "Aunt Lavinia said NEVER to read the words, aloud." When the deputy looked at the books, and asked "Why would your aunt have such books?" Blossom would say "Aunt Lavinia kept the books, as reference, in case she needed to help people get rid of evil." Then, Blossom saw something she did not expect. When the deputy asked what it was, Blossom would say "Thats odd. Aunt Lavinia's books, on recognizing spirits, are gone." When the deputy asked "Are you sure?" Blossom would say "Aunt Lavinia kept all of her most dangerous books, in that place. I was not allowed near it until I was old enough to understand the danger". When the deputy asked "What does the term "recognizing spirits" mean?" Blossom said "There are many bad people, out there, who pretend to be spirits, in order to frighten people." When the deputy asked "You mean, like Halloween?" Blossom would say "No, I mean like scaring people into moving away, or scaring the victims, to death. The stolen books speak of ways to tell honest spirits, from dis-honest people." When the deputy would say "Okay, say someone did steal these books, what would they have to gain, and WHY summon Lavinia?" Again, Blossom had NO answers. In fact, Blossom had not even known the books were missing, until the deputy showed up. In the world Aunt Lavinia lived in, there was nothing of value, except to the magical community. As for whom might call forth Lavinia? Emory Timmons was dead, while Jacque Dumaine was locked away, in another dimension. Anthony Timmons was in prison, for his crimes. Who was left, alive, who knew about the jewels (aside from the police, ofcourse)? Blossom remembered being questioned, for a long while, after discovering the jewels, with the questioning only stopping after the police had checked every diamond selling place, within several states, and all reported no, recent, robberies. Even the Jefferson County Cemetary had been searched, thoroughly, to be sure the diamonds were not some form of grave vandalism. Blossom remembered that the sheriff had half of his force working the case, until the answers came in. The find had been big news, all over Jefferson County. When the deputy would ask "Blossom, did anything happen, recently? Anything out of the ordinary?" Blossom was not sure if she should mention the doll, and the cryptic note. When the deputy would say "Anything you can think of?" Blossom would say "You may think me crazy, but" then she produced the note, with the cryptic message, and the warning, on the bottom. When the deputy turned the card over, and asked Blossom about what was written, on the back, Blossom realized that she had not even turned the card over, after reading the front. It only took Blossom a couple of minutes to understand the basics, of what the card meant. On the rear, of the card, was written a spell, which would focus the recipients fears, and grief, into a sort-of "talisman". A device which might be able to summon spirits from their rest. Aunt Lavinia had warned Blossom NEVER to use such spells, not even so families could say "Goodbye", after un-expected deaths. As Aunt Lavinia had warned: "Child, to summon the departed, for any reason, is to risk trapping them, in this world, for all eternity. Death is not a swinging door, where people come, and go, as they please. To call forth a spirit is to drag them back to this realm. They will not be pleased, with this. Leave the dead to rest, and console the living, as best you can". When the deputy would ask "Blossom, who else might know about this kind of thing?" Blossom could only say "Anyone, who works with natural forces." The deputy would suggest "So, one of the local mediums, wizards, or stage performers could have done this" Blossom knew, for a fact, that many of these people KNEW the same things, as Lavinia did, but each stayed apart, out of mutual respect. Blossom did consider one man, whom Aunt Lavinia, and others, had "dealt" with, years before. The man had practiced one of the worst forms, of magic, that was available. The forbidden, dark, magic, of bending peoples wills to his purpose. Once Aunt Lavinia, and her "co-workers", learned that this man was using dark magic, not just to seduce damsels, but to wipe out memories, so that the girls could, never I.D. the man, and that he had done so, dozens of times, already, local magicians had come together, with mediums, and others, and had cast a powerful, counter, spell. A spell which erased the mans success, in a "heart-beat". Soon, the man had faced dozens of cases, not just of assault, but of abandoning dozens of women, across America. Last Blossom had heard, the man was in prison, trying to write spells, which would allow him to escape. Still, the writing, on the card, indicated that someone DID know something, about magic. Still, this left the question of "Why bother with Blossom?" It was Alexander, who retained the diamonds. And, what about the replica doll? Blossom gave both the doll, and the card, to the deputy, who agreed to check both out. Maybe finger-printing would yield some clues. While on-site (at Aunt Lavinia's re-built house), the deputy did not know why but he listened to an "inner voice", which told him to take photographs, of the card. When he listened to the voice, the deputy first took overall photos, of both sides, of the card, then he took some close-up photos, which detailed each letter, written on the card. The deputy then said "Goodbye", to Blossom, and headed for the station. It was only at the station when the un-believe-able happened. When the sheriff asked to see the evidence, and the deputy showed the sheriff the card, that the sheriff asked "You call this evidence?" When the deputy saw the card, now, they were baffled that the writing, on the rear, of the card, had vanished. When the deputy said "I swear! It was there. I saw it, with my own eyes. Some kind of spell, or something" When the sheriff asked "Where is it, now?" The deputy had no answer. When the sheriff mocked the deputy, saying "Too bad you didn't get any pictures. That would have helped" That is when the deputy remembered and said "Sheriff, may I use your office computer?" Moments later, the sheriff's mocking tone went silent as the deputy called up the photo's, from their digital camera. Sure enough, there were the photo's, of the card, in general, AND the photo's, of the rear writing, as well. The sheriff wanted to curse the deputy, for being so thorough, and taking so much time, and effort, to create detailed evidence, but all the sheriff could do was give a half-hearted "well done". The deputy wanted to book the card, into evidence, themselves, but the sheriff said "I will do it. I think that an investigation IS warranted, on this matter" This is when the deputy left the evidence, in the sheriff's hands, and returned to their duties. A short time later, the sheriff, after making a hurried phone call, met, with a person, not far from the towns central business district. The person the sheriff was meeting could tell that the sheriff was angry enough to chew nails. The sheriff would say: "You in-competent bungler! You left evidence for my deputy to find." When the man asked "What do you mean?" The sheriff said "Your message giver bungled the message, using ink which could be photographed." When the man asked "Isn't ALL ink the same, including the invisible ink, which my assistant used" The sheriff woud say "Stupid! Your message lasted too LONG." When the man said "Impossible! The ink was designed to fade out, as soon as the card went outdoors" The sheriif would say "You jerk! Dont you realize that ALL, modern, police, use DIGITAL cvamera's? My deputy took nearly a dozen photo's, of the card, BEFORE returning to the station." When the man asked "HOW is this MY fault?" The sheriff would say "You were NOT supposed to leave ANY evidence behind. As long as you did not leave any trace, I could continue telling Blossom Culp that it was, all, her imagination. Now, however, we have PROOF that Blossom is NOT imagining this. Proof, which I, now, must get rid of!" When the man suggested "I can get rid of her. Maybe even have some "fun", first" This is when the sheriff would growl "What you need to do is get out of town, and I mean NOW!" When the man said "Sure, just one thing left to take care of, then..." The sheriff grabbed the man, by the collar, lifted the man from the ground, and growled "I said "Get out of town, NOW!"" The man said "Have it your own way, but dont blame me if evidence comes to light, because I could not complete my task" When the sheriff laughed "Are you trying to threaten a sheriff?" The man said "If you dont want anything linking back to you, I need atleast until sundown. After that, I will be gone" The sheriff released the man, and walked away. Hopefully, the sheriff could "keep a lid, on things, until the coast was clear". As far as the "mystic", Blossom Culp, was concerned, this would turn out to be just another of her "pranks". (The sheriff had worked too long, and too hard, to keep the truth, from Blossom, and he didn't want some idiot ruining his plans). On the way back, to the station, the sheriff took a major detour, past his own home, where he entered some commands into his home computer, then hit "enter". Only a moment later, after the computer verified that his command had been "executed", was the sheriff relieved, even as he muttered "Sorry, Blossom. This is for your own good". When the sheriff returned to the station, he found about what he expected to find. Deputies trying to find a missing file, which they had been working, that same morning. The sheriff tried not to seem too relieved when he learned that his computer commands had worked. All evidence, of the spell, and the card, had been wiped, from police data banks. That evening, after work, the sheriff had visited the towns fire station, for a progress report, on the only fire engine, in town. As the fire chief told him: "This thing (the fire truck) is so old that we have had to special order parts. Lets just hope no one needs a fire truck, in the next couple of weeks". When the sheriff asked "Cant you just rig the old one, until a new one comes in?" The fire chief would say "Thats what we HAVE been doing, for years. You can only rig a patch, to last for so long." When the sheriff asked "What happens if we DO have a fire?" The fire chief would, only say "I have alerted the parish, down the way. They say they only have two trucks, themselves, but we can call them, if we need to" When the sheriff asked "How long until a replacement arrives?" The fire chief would say "Well, since this model hasn't been built, in close to a century, my guess is that, unless a part can be found, in a junk yard, the state will have to pay to have a replacement made, from scratch." When the sheriff would say "Ouch! Taxpayers are, already, screaming about how much they are paying. I dont know how they will take to paying for new parts" The fire chief would say "Them tax-payers do have a choice, you know. We COULD just let this old girl sit, on display, and, when homes begin to burn down, we just remind them tax-payers, that they did not want to pay for replacement parts." The sheriff would conclude by saying "Just do the best you can", before departing for his home, and his microwave dinners. The sheriff would, just be in the middle of "dinner", when the call would come in. When the sheriff heard a deputy say "There is a real doosy of a blaze, at Lavinia's, excuse me, I mean Blossom's, place. A real "barn-burner" When the sheriff would ask "Whats the fires eta?" The sheriff would not remember, until a moment later, that the towns only fire engine was down, for repairs. The deputy would say "Best we can hope for is about two hours, minimum." When the sheriff would ask "What about Blossom?" The deputy would say "She be fine. Got out when she smelled the smoke. Called us from a neighbor" When the deputy would ask "What you want us to do, sheriff?" The sheriff would order "Use shovels, bankets, anything you can find, to douse the fire. Do not, I repeat, do NOT let it spread. I am on my way" Fifteen minutes later, the sheriff made his way to the site, and watched Blossoms home being engulfed in a raging fire. Volunteers were busy digging up the lawn, and tossing the dirt on the fire. (The sheriff just hoped they did not dig, in the "wrong" place). By the time, four hours later, that the fire truck did arrive, its crew looked exhausted, already, even as they looked upon the smoldering remains, of the womens house. It was dawn, by then, and volunteers were just dousing the last, of the flames, with shovel fulls of dirt. When the sheriff asked the other county fire chief what had kept the truck from responding, faster, the chief said "Just about the time you called, we had a fire, in our own back yard." When the sheriff asked "Suspicious?" The fire chief would say "Nothing, definite, yet, but I would stake my pension that it was arson" After hearing deputies reports, about the rapid progress, of the fire, at Blossoms place, the sheriff was suspecting Arson, as well. The fire had spread too rapidly, and consumed the house, too completely, to have been accidental. And, NO, the sheriff did NOT buy the idea that Lavinia's books had been the accelerant. Lavinia had those books, in her possession, since anyone could remember. Blossom would be sent to a friends house, to stay, even as the sheriff both lead the investigation, and did his best, to get rid of any evidence. What local deputies could not believe was when both the sheriff, and the deputies, recognized the scent, of gasoline, in the ruins, the sheriff ordered the place hosed down. Why was the sheriff hoping to get rid of evidence? Did the sheriff know who was responsible? Back in town, and not feeling half as tired, as should have, the sheriff asked a local girl to do him a favor. After gaining her parents approval, of course, the sheriff drove the girl to a spot, at the edge, of the next town. Here, he gave her instructions, then sent her into the one place, near town, where underage girls were welcome. A short time, later, and the girl exited the bar, followed by a man, who did not seem one-quarter as drunk, as the sheriff would have expected the man to be. (The man had a LONG history, of getting falling down drunk, after working, then drying out, once his money was gone. He was the very definition, of a low-life) Once the girl had the man outside of the bar, and away from possible aid, the sheriff stepped in, sent the girl back, to the squad car, then decided to have a "talk", with the man. By the time the "talk" was finished, the sheriff brushed himself off, straightened his uniform, returned to the car, and gave the girl a "thank you" embrace, and kiss. After that, just as he promised her parents, he delivered the girl home. (He did not dare give in, to the thoughts, in his head. This is why he had made sure the girls parents knew where she would be. He did wonder, though, why beautiful teenage girls caused such "desires", in men. Even good, Christian, men) Later that day, the sheriff was most annoyed, when a dead body was found, just, BARELY, inside his parish limits. Why hadn't he double-checked, and dragged the body just a lousy ten feet further, across the line? Ten feet, and it would have been the next parishes problem. The sheriff knew one thing, for certain, and that was that he could trust the girl he had chosen, for the "job". He knew, since he had, more discreetly, used the girl, before. Since she was just over thirteen, she had been a prime choice, to use as bait, when ruffians had come to town. When she had asked what to tell her parents, after each "ride", the sheriff said "Just tell them the truth. We took a ride, then I took you home." No one was about to question the sheriff taking a girl for a ride, especially since two, of the girls friends, had gone, head-long, into both heavy drinking, and vice. The girls had been arrested, so often, that bartenders called the sheriff's office, to let the police know of the girls presence. The sheriff had to laugh, at the number of times, when the drunk girls would make him "offers", on the way to the squad car. Offers, which they would not remember, the next day. No, it was not unusual for the sheriff to have either teens, or adults, in his squad car. This is why no one paid attention, when the young girl had been seen, riding in the sheriff's car. Either she was under arrest, or the sheriff was just providing a ride, for a needy person. Since the girl was, never, molested, word never got around. The sheriff was careful, in that way. More careful than, it seems, he was, in regards to the body. When the sheriff, and deputies, arrived, at the scene, the other parish deputies were, already, present, yet staying on their own side, of the parish line. The deputies had to laugh, as the two sheriffs tried to decide which side, of the county line, the body was laying on. The upper torso was laying in Jefferson County, while the lower half was laying in the next parish. When a deputy took out a tape measure, to figure out how much, of the body, lay in which parish, the sheriff said "You've got to be kidding me" When a deputy said "No joke. It looks like this body is more in Jefferson County than in ours" When the measuring deputy would say "Three-point-seven-six-one-percent more, of the body, is in Jefferson County" The sheriff would joke "Is that all the more accurate you can be, Mr. Spock?" Referring to the hyper-accurate half-human half-Vulcan, of Star Trek fame. The deputy would say "Just doing my job". Their boss would say "That settles it. The death is yours, to figure out" Although an autopsy would be ordered, the sheriff would know that no evidence, would be found. Witness reports, from the bar, would be totally un-reliable, since most of the "witnesses", were drunk, and trying to "hit", on girls, anyway. The sheriff had KNOWN the criminal would be in this place, since it was known that underage girls were welcome, and no one paid attention, unless a "child" was harmed. The sheriff became so focused, on the investigation, of the dead body, that he failed to notice when the post office received a package, for Blossom Culp. Before September 11th, 2001, the post office had paid little, or no, attention, to packages, coming in, or out. Most branches just weighed packages, told customers prices, then forwarded packages. Since September 11th, 2001, however, post office branches encouraged the public to let the post office seal the packages. This way, staff members could ensure that packages contained only what was legal to send. Still, the local branch paid little attention, to OUT-going mail. It was incoming mail, which the branch watched for. That is, unless a patron informed the post office that they had a package coming in. What concerned the branch, and alerted the police, was that the package, in question, had no return address. By the time the sheriff learned, of the package, it was too late for the delivery to be stopped. A deputy did promise the sheriff that the package was, thoroughly, screened, before being turned over, to Blossom. The deputy promised "Sheriff, we checked the package, all over, and even upside down. Nothing illegal. Blossom is safe". After work, that day, though, the sheriff knew that everything was NOT alright, as he found Blossom Culp sitting on his front steps, waiting for him. He knew what her question would be, even before she asked. When the sheriff would say "Blossom, you have to believe me. It was all just a mistake. A stupid mistake. We were just kids. We made a mistake." Blossom would say "So, I was a mistake?" The man would say "We had some fun times, together. We were young, foolish. It shouldn't have happened. I begged her not to let it go on, but she was determined" When Blossom would say "So, the whole secret agent thing. Missions, and so on. It was all just a lie?" The man would say "To protect you." Blossom would snap "I didn't need protecting. I needed a father!" The man snapped right back "And just what KIND of a father would I have made? A high school kid. No money, no job. Nothing. That is why I begged your mother to have it done." When Blossom would say "So, you didn't want me, is that right?" The man said "I told your mother, just as her parents did, that it wasn't right. This never should have happened. So, what happens, now?" Blossom would say "I am leaving the parish. I dont have a home, or anything, to keep me here. All I have are lies." With that, Blossom would walk away from the father she had, never, known. A man, well versed, in covering his tracks, since he knew how law enforcement tracks people. No wonder Blossom could, never, track him. What Blossom left behind was the package, which she had received. A package, containing such items, as her mothers diary. Something, which her Aunt Lavinia had ordered Blossom never to look at. Inside, the man found references, far too much, of her mothers young love. The girl had, actually, thought that the man wanted to make a life, with her. When she found out that all he had wanted was someone, to have fun, and enjoy life with, she had fet spurned. When she found out Blossom was "on the way", she was heart-broken when her lover had told her that, since neither had jobs, and no way to care, for a child, that she should halt the process. She even wrote that her own parents had told her the same thing. No one wanted the scandal, of an un-wed mother. Aunt Lavinia took in the pair, when Blossom was born, since Lavinia was an "outsider", herself. All involved, were sworn to secrecy, and the lie was agreed to. Now, the lie was out, in the open. The sheriff just wondered if Blossom's mother could, ever, forgive him. Then, he wondered. Could this secret be the reason why Lavinia was being seen, all around town? Was Lavinia saying that it was time for the truth to come out? Who would believe it, after all of these years? The sheriff skipped dinner, and went to the mayors house. He wanted to talk with the mayor, before doing anything else. Once he spelled out matters, to the younger man, the men agreed that it was time for the truth to come out. The mayor would arrange a news conference, and use the correct words. The sheriff would step down, and retire, quietly, as far from Jefferson County as he could get. After that conversation, the sheriff went home, to pack, and prepare to move on, when Lavinia would appear to him, as though still alive. Although he sense the chill, in the room, he was surprised when Lavinia asked "And, just WHERE do you think you are going, young man?" The sheriff had to laugh at that. "Young man". He had not been called that, in so many years. When he said "Dont worry, Lavinia, the truth comes out, tomorrow. I have resigned, and a new sheriff will be named. No more hiding. I am out of your life, forever" He was shocked when Lavinia asked "And what of your daughter?" The man said "She made it clear. Now that she knows, she wants...", and Lavinia broke in, saying "She doesn't know what she wants. She is hurt. She doesn't know whats real" The man would say "Lavinia, she doesn't want a father, either" Lavinia would say "Land sakes, man. Your daddy never taught you, like that. I knew him. He would, never, just walk away" The man would say "Well, then, I guess that I am fortunate that he is dead, just ike YOU!" Lavinia would scoff "Just like you humans. You think just because you bury us, that we are out of your lives. HA!" At that moment, the man considered either strangling, or shooting, the woman, but what good would that do? She wasn't alive, after all. This is why he said "Just go away. The truth is out. The community will see to Blossoms welfare. I will be gone. What more do you want?" Lavinia would say "I want you to own UP, to Blossom." When the man would say "I have a better chance of becoming what you are. Like I said, Blossom does not WANT me around. She told me so, to my face". Lavinia would say "Fool, how often have children told parents that the children hate the parents, over the years?" When the man said "Who cares? Blossom does not want me around, and I will respect her wishes. Shes a grown woman, and I respect her wishes." When Lavinia would say "You are her father, and, if you dont own up to her, I promise I will haunt you, for the rest of your life". When the man, not thinking, said "Drop dead", Lavinia let out a real belly laugh, even doubling over, before standing up and, while laughing, said "Too late". When the now-retired sheriff went looking for a new place, to live out his final days, he never thought to ask about if Blossom was near. In fact, he had not even asked her which direction she was headed. She had left, without a word, and so had he. When he decided to settle on a place, to live out his days, he saw no reason to ask, about his neighbors, at all. What did he care, who lived next to him? It was only as he moved in his belongings, that he found that Blossom was his next door neighbor. Shorty after both moved in, a bitter fight began, as each accused the other, of following/stalking. The ex-sheriff said he had no idea. Blossom claimed that she did not, either. This left the question of: If neither had checked on the other, how had both just "randomly" chosen the same place to live? Lavinia finally "broke in", so-to-speak, saying "I arranged this. I want the two of you to act like grown adults. Stop running, from one another." The only response Lavinia received, from both, was when the man suggested "You tell me the general direction, in which you are headed, and I will go the opposite way" When Blossom would say "Agreed", Lavinia just shook her head. It was not long before father and daughter became suspicious, of goings-on, especially when Blossom had troubles, in her unit, the kinds of which the sheriff had handled, many times, during his career. Then, there was the fact that his microwave oven kept burning his meals. Even when Blossom watched him set the unit, herself, and even when he bought a new microwave oven, the unit kept burning his meals. As a result, she offered to share some food. Atleast, when they moved apart, Lavinia was happy that the two were on speaking terms. She was headed East, while he was headed West. Since neither ever asked, Lavinia never admitted that it was SHE who had sent the china doll, with its message. Lavinia hadn't actually mailed the package, but she had planted the thought into the senders brain. The plan had back-fired, but, atleast Lavinia could go to her rest, knowing she HAD tried to re-unite father and daughter. Blossom could deny her father, all that she wanted to, but she could not change the fact that he was her father. That is the problem, with family. No one chooses their parents, or sibings. Each person is stuck with what life gives them. There is no "Returns/Refunds" department, where family is concerned. As charities, often, list sale items: "As Is NO warranty" This is so true, of family, as well. Alive or dead, family is still family.

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