Saturday, June 20, 2015


THE HAUNTING PAST: TAMI'S LIVING NIGHTMARE When the "guards" took Tami away, this renewed our suspicions, about her alleged conviction. After all, Tami had been instrumental, in solving a vast number of cases, to date. Without her research, who knows how many hauntings would be continuing, to this day. When she was taken away, the group, which had been helping me review her file, had decided to take another, closer, look. We had questions, which even the police did NOT want answered. Questions, which revolved around the fact that Tami had been seen, at the party, and been found, behind the wheel of the car, AFTER the crash. No matter how hard we tried, though, our group could not find a single witness, who was willing to say they SAW Tami driving the car. In fact, her entire conviction was based upon the fact that she was found behind the wheel. Over the next few days, some of the group went, to re-interview witnesses, while a few of us visited the police. What we found, at the police station, surprised us to no end. According to the records department, the records, and reports, involving Tami's "accident", were sealed. Someone was determined that the "accident" NOT be investigated. When we re-grouped, at the office, later, the other members said they got the same answer, time and again. Everyone knew that Tami had been found, behind the wheel, of that car, but NO one was willing to say, or SWEAR, under Oath, that they saw her DRIVING the car. The closest anyone got, to a sighting, was a man who THOUGHT he saw a man driving either THAT car, or a similar one. As we contemplated this, we got the worst, and most un-expected, news, of the year. Mr. Brown had used his sources, and found out WHERE Tami was being held. When he told us the WHERE, no one could believe it. Tami had been taken to the Richmond Mental Health Center. This, we knew, was just a fancy way to say that the place was a prison, for people, who were mentally too dangerous for regular prison. It was common knowledge how Richmond came by its reputation for making prisoners "docile". Since no one had any idea of how to "fix" broken minds, the worst, as in most violent patients, were sent to Richmond, and, here, they would be kept pumped so full of drugs that it was doubtful that "inmates" were aware, even of the passage of time. When a group member asked Mr. Brown why Tami had been sent to this "hell hole", Mr. Brown said that even his sources could find no explanation. Ofcourse, the idea, of a prison break, was considered, but only until Mr. Blue provided a copy of the "hospitals" renovation plans. According to the plans, Richmond had, at one time, been an experiment, in hospital care, designed around childrens needs. When the childrens hospital did not generate enough business, the place was turned over, to a charity, which used it as a form of halfway house, and homeless shelter. Although the media, and public, were never told, Richmond got its final "face-lift" after a group, of highly intelligent, yet mentally un-hinged, people found a way to escape from a mental hespital, then prepared, and tried to MAIL, a package, to Area 51. According to reports, from those involved, the "patients" were of the belief that Area 51 was NO top secret, military airfield. The patients actually believed that what the public see's, on the surface, is just camoflauge. Under the surface, the patients were convined, was a "hanger deck", comparable to the Starfleet space-dock, of the Star Trek movies. The patients said that one of the warehouses was built right over the docking bay doors, and that this is why no one ever see's the attack craft coming or going. The patients believe that ships, visiting Earth, are outfitted, to LOOK like regular planes, and helicopters. Had the explosive been delivered, to the site, the combination, of explosion, and contamination, would have made Area 51 un-inhabitable, for up to one year. We might have considered some of the patient drawings, from the file, to have been from creative minds, but, the problem was that, when an agent went on the internet, they found "plans", duplicate of those the patients had, which had been posted, on a "Starfleet" fan site, for those devoted fans, who wanted to try to build small, homemade, replica's, such as starships, and so on, for private collections. Even I had to admit that the person, who drew the "floor-plans" had real talent for designing. They even added things, which Paramount Pictures, had not included, in its production drawings. Sad fact is that, unless the model is designed to fit onto a desktop, "space dock" would be so huge that the Desert would have had to be excavated, as much as ten miles around, and more than twenty stories deep. After the patients tried to mail the bomb, to Area 51, they were "recovered", and placed into drug-induced coma's, until a facility could be found, to house such intellects. Richmond became the choice, for the new prison, since the place was deep in debt, from servicing the homeless, and its creditors were ready to close the place down, and auction it off. Using Black Ops funding, the feds would pay off the shelters creditors, then begin re-modelling the place. According to some plans, which we had "liberated", the feds had taken down the buildings, on-site, one by one, then dug down, to solid bedrock. Once there, a massive, twenty foot thick, heavily rebar reinforced foundation slab was poured. From this slab would be poured twenty foot thick walls, filled with rebar. On the upper level areas, thick, shatter-proof, glass would be wedged into the construction mix. For a series, of buildings, just four stories tall, Richmond used enough concrete, and rebar, to build three high-rises. The place was blast-proof, drill-proof, even acid proof. And this did not even count the deadly perimeter fence, or other, security, measures. No, a direct attack would be less than useless. Richmond had been designed especially to deal with some of the smartest, and most dangerous, minds the nation had ever known. This is why it made no sense, for Tami to be sent there. She was no inventor, or developer. Her specialty was locating lost information. Eventually, Mr. Brown brought us atleast PART of the answer, via a delivery, which he had just received. The very same judge, who ordered Tami to Richmond, had issued orders for firm staffers to avoid any more "encounters" with regards to Tamis accident. This is when we became convinced that something was going on. Why else would the courts seal such a file, and a judge issue a "restraining order", to halt our investigation. INSIDE RICHMOND: Tami would be bound, and dragged, like a wild animal, into an "intake" room. Here, she would be strapped down, to a table, and given a chance to prevent the coming nightmare. All she had to do was sign a confession, stating that she HAD been driving the car, without a license, and that she had injured a pedestrian, before crashing the car. IF she admitted to all of this, she would be medicated, and sent on her way. Back at our base, an agent had called in a "favor", from a person, in hospital records, and secured the hospitals back-up copy, of Tamis accident report. Un-fortunately, the report raised more questions than it answered. According to the report, although Tami was found behind the wheel, of a crashed car, the staff had noticed that Tami displayed NONE of the usual aches and pains, associated with such a crash. Then, there was a picture, which the courts had failed to "hush". It, clearly, showed Tami, with her forehead resting on the steering wheel. Problem was, although the doctor examined her eyes, and brows, as well as her forehead, and even asked two other doctors to verify his results, no one could find any evidence that her head had struck the steering wheel. On further examination, the doctors found a bruise, or lump, behind her ear. They woud have missed it, entirely, had they not been suspicious about the wreck. Further x-rays showed that the headache Tami complained about, WAS caused by the blow, to the head. A blow which could, easily, have left her un-conscous. It was when the doctors tried to investigate the bruise, further, that the police showed up, with a search and seizure warrant, for all of Tami's records. The doctors were TOLD, by police, "This investigation is OVER with". When the doctors tried to file a complaint, saying they had a right, and an obligation, to complete Tami's examination, that law enforcement warned the doctors that "any further intrusion, into the matter, would end with revokation of their medical licenses". In the end, the doctors just let their protest "hang". They neither pursued it, nor did they withdraw it. To the medical community, this would be a "sign", that something was suspicious. RICHMOND Tami had been strapped to the table, for hours, while interrogators just kept after her, demanding that she sign forms saying that she was "psychologically in-competent", while denying her food, water, and so on. When she needed to relieve herself, the interrogators barked "SIGN!", at her. Soon after Tami said she needed the ladies room, B-A-D, she felt a needle go into her arm, and she passed out. When she awoke, she found herself in one of the padded rooms, and the only "good" news was that her bladder was no-longer full. Whoever her captors were, they must have "drained" her prior to placing her in the cell. When she asked about food, and water, she was given the same treatment that Prisoners-Of-War are given. A paper was slid into the cell, with a pen, while a voice called, over the comm, "After you sign, you will get food. Now, SIGN!" Personally, I had come to know Tami, in the time we had worked together, and, although Tami was a wonderful, delightful, and beautiful, woman, she did have a fatal "flaw". If she thought she was right, about something, she would, NEVER give in, no matter what the cost. Her will was just as hard as my own was. (Sometimes, people wondered how we worked, so well, together). In truth, I think we were a success because we respected one another. Fact was, whenever we had opposing idea's, we shared even these, by way of saying "I dont require you to agree with me, but this is what I think, and how I feel, about (this topic)". Sure, we asked one another questions, on a regular basis, but we never challenged one another. No, Tami is too much a woman to have even "lovers quarrels" with. I found it best to stay on her good side. Too bad her captors did not know this. OUTSIDE With the records, of the accident, which contained the doctors names, the agency arranged for my team to interview atleast two, of the doctors, before the other doctors declined our calls. Both the male, and the female, doctors, said that Tami's crash was suspicious. Individually, the doctors gave us the same information. Although Tami was found behind the wheel of the car, after the wreck, she didn't have any of the normal bruising, such as from seat belts, on her body. She had none of the usual trauma, such as stiff neck, or sore muscles. When my team reported our findings, to Mr. Brown, he did something else, which he, normally, didn't do. He arranged the "theft" of the police report, and the fire department report, on the wreck. Mr. Brown told us that the reports would tell how bad the wreck was, by how much effort was required to cut Tami free, of the wreck. As Mr. Brown said: "In most car wrecks, it takes anywhere from 15 minutes, to 45 minutes, to cut victims free of wrecked automobiles. When the reports come in, we will know exactly how much time it took, to cut her free of the car." While we awaited the reports, another call came in, saying that, of all things, a state capital city was claiming that a "floating ghost" was being seen in the halls, of a state capital building. Ofcourse, it was, always, seen "after-hours". The "thief", who "stole" the police report, had to e-mail it to the office, since opening the "file" had tripped an alarm system, and the "thief" was facing "Breaking and Entering" charges. The thief, who stole the fire department records, got off much easier, since the fire department did not have the file "tagged". The "thief" faxed the file to the office, then left the fire department, with staff none the wiser. When Mr. Brown read the fire department report, he said "I dont understand." When those present asked, he said "If this report is right, all that rescuers had to do was force the door handle. The report says wrenching the door open took about three minutes, and that Tami was then, carried from the car. A total of eight minutes, max, for the whole rescue". I must have looked confused since one of my team told me "The report means that Tami was not "wedged" in, on impact. If she had been wedged in, the rescue would have taken atleast twenty, or more, minutes. The fact that the rescue took only eight minutes suggests that Tami was placed into the car, AFTER the wreck, and that someone forgot to wrap wreckage around her." Mr. Brown, then replied "And the fact that it took less than three minutes, to wrench the door open, suggests that the car door was jammed shut, after she was placed inside." More and more, the clues were piling up. Sure, Tami admitted to attending the party, that night, and she admitted that she, probably, had too much to drink, and so on. Now, it seems that Tami had been "stalked", by someone, who was waiting for Tami to pass out, at the party, so that they could PLACE her at the scene of the crime. Still, this left the question of WHO, and WHY. Had someone been tailing Tami, or was she just a convenient "fall guy"? The questions just kept piling up, as the agency awaited some papers, which would allow us to see, and talk with, Tami. By the time the denial came through, saying that Tami was in "no condition, to receive visitors", another message came through, supposedly from an "anonymous" ISP. The message was simple: "STOP investigating Tami's case. She is GUILTY, and proof is in place. STOP your investigation, or Tami WILL "pay the price". The person, sending this message, was a foolish ameteur since they were stupid enough not to understand the length, and depth, of Mr. Browns resources. Mr. Brown had the message tracked before the message was five minutes old. The trail led to a man, who was heir to some multi-billion dollar empire, and whom Tami had mentioned that she had dated, just twice, before she realized what an buffoon he was (with many obscenities deleted). Tami said she had to cut him off because he was trying, on the second date, to act as though he were "buying" her. She left him, with a curt "Get Lost", and walked home. Since that time, she mentioned him only when cases involved arrogant, brazen, ignorant, people. If this man were involved, though, then WHY send her to Richmond? Why not take her someplace private, so that he could dump the evidence, afterwards? Why a maximum security mental hospital? A place where staff were bound to see Tami, even if just in passing. Why risk having her "recognized"? RICHMOND The next, coherent, moment, that Tami had, was when she found herself, again, strapped to a table. This time, though, she was caterized, and had an I.V. in each arm. Someone must have left a microphone on, by accident, since Tami heard a voice say "It will just take awhile, to break down her defenses. You dont need to worry, though. We have handled much tougher cases, in the past." Another voice, then, said "Very well, but lets get it done, soon! We need to wrap this up before the agency finds a way into this". When a third voice asked "Are they really moving, on the case?", the second voice said "We have reports that both the police, and fire department, files were accessed. We NEED to have her confession before the agency is able to intercede. We cant risk an investigation. She MUST be made to CONFESS!" AGENCY BASE With new information, about the "accident", in agency hands, Mr. Brown, and Mr. Blue, both, began to apply pressure, to the courts, for a review of Tami's case. State, and local, courts, were, at best, resistent to even discuss the matter. No judge, the agency contacted, was willing to review a motion, for a review. After a few weeks, of endless paper-work, and resistence, Mr. Brown, and Mr. Blue, decided to do the one thing both HATED to do. It seems that the agency had tightly sealed files, on every judge, in the state. Things the judges never wanted the public to know. Mr. Brown, and Mr. Blue, carefully chose certain judges, whom they knew would review any matter, based upon evidence provided, regardless of source. The judges were chosen due to previous experience, with mental health matters. The agency would promise to keep the judges files sealed, but ONLY if they would grant the agencies request, in regards to Tami. When Judges Watson, and Matthew, agreed to review Tamis case, and the evidence, which the agency had amassed, both were stunned by the fire department report. When the judges checked our information, against their own records, they found glaring discrepancies. Not the least of which was that the original rescue report had not actually listed the amount of time needed, to remove Tami from the car. All the original records said was that "it seemed to take "forever"", supposing that Tami had been crunched in, tight. First Judge Watson, then Judge Matthew, became suspicious, of the court documents, even as they accessed Tami's file, since the incident, including the single, alleged, suicide attempt. Twenty-four hours later, Judge Watson was throwing a terrible fit, when he read Tami's patient file. When he read "Patient overdose, of borderline lethal dose", yet the file did not do as required by law. According to law, the type, brand name, potency, and so on, were information, required in ALL patient files. The law required this, not just to prevent overdoses, but to track any medication allergies a patient had. Tami's file was missing the NAME, of the drug, dosage, and potency. According to Judge Watson, the person, who made these entries was about to go to jail, for criminal negligence. When Judge Matthews made some calls, to find out more about who made, and kept, the records, his thought, that we were all trying to protect a mental patient, shifted, when it was learned that both the recording clerk, and the records clerk, had died, within a week of one another. Sure, the deaths weren't recent, but the fact that both were involved, with Tami's records, was, surely, no coincidence. Shortly before the judges agreed to sign the order, reviewing Tami's case, an anonymous message was delivered, to Mr. Brown. The message said "They are on to you. Unless you hurry, the woman will be brain-DEAD before you reach her" Mr. Brown, believing that the source was honest, contacted his people, in the F.B.I., and asked for a federal search. RICHMOND By the time F.B.I., and Federal Marshalls, arrived at Richmond, with a warrant, for Tami, staff would report that there was no more reason to keep Tami. The people, who brought Tami, to Richmond, had left, just ahead of the agents, telling staff that the people got what they wanted. Federal medics would report that Tami was so drugged up, on the most radical of hallucinogens, that she didn't even respond to the presense of her rescuers. Using a federal search and seizure warrant, agents took the back-up copy, of security footage, which the interrogators had forgotten to take. Once Tami was safe, under a doctors care, my team and I, along with Mr. Brown, and Mr. Blue, FORCED ourselves to watch the video, of how Tami's assailants had forced her to confess to a crime. Just before making the "confession" tape, Tami's attackers had used make-up, and props, to hide the fact that Tami was starving, and dehydrated. They even injected her with a drug, to make her seem wide awake, even though her current doctor said Tami had not been awake, in the true sense, for weeks. Mr. Blue, surprisingly, would be the first to say "She is reading from off-camera." Sure enough, when the picture was zoomed, it was clear to see that her eyes were moving, as though she were reading a book. The way she read was suspicious, as well. "I (space) do (space) ag(space)ree that I was in car (space) when hit, and crashed. I do (space) ad-mit that I try-ed to k-ill my-sel-f, as well." When Mr. Blue did his handy-work, on the recording, it turned into "I do agree that I was in (the) car, when (it) hit (the pedestrian), and (then) crashed. I (also) admit that I tried to kill myself, as well". Mr. Blue said that computers are wonderful toys, especially when one has as much data as the system has, on Tami. When I asked "Is that how you made the words the, it, the pedestrian, and so on sound like Tami's voice?" Mr. Blue said "Yes, just used copies of her reports, to base, and let the computer do its thing." Okay, so someone now had a fake confession. Question is, WHY? The answer came, twenty-four hours later, when Tami's mother phoned, to tell me that her husband had agreed to sell the family land, to the development firm, in order to prevent the video from going public. (As it would turn out, the development company was owned by the same company, which owned other companies, including car rentals, and was owned, overall, by the father of the man Tami had rejected.) Now, it all made sense. After Tami had rejected the son, of "mr. money", the rejected mans father had helped his son frame Tami. Secret, cash, payments, to a private eye, to learn Tami's habits, then to trail her, to the party, where her drinks would be "spiked", and her un-conscious body could be carried out, to a waiting car. The people, taking Tamis body, would not have to worry about being quiet, or attracting attention, since party goers were too drug, and high, to care. A driver had been paid, to crash the car, in the "correct" way. (So as to leave the drivers door accessible, for those who followed.) The reason why no one saw the driver was that the driver was wearing a mask, which blended into the night. The man would receive a bonus, for striking the pedestrian, making it look as though an out-of-control driver had crashed the car. Once the stage was "set", Tamis still-asleep body would be placed behind the wheel, of the car, and the door latch was warped just enough so that rescue would take a moment. With a sense of timing, which would make Hollywood proud, father and son would watch, from a nearby car, as the stage was set. Their paid personnel would then leave the scene, as though just passing by, and the father and son would only depart after seeing Tami being removed from the car. After three days, of brutal, police, interrogations, an exhausted Tami would return home, still facing everything from charges of driving under the influence, to hit and run, and possible attempted murder. Once the family's sources verified that Tami was the prime suspect, in the crimes, as far as the media was concerned, then came the next phase. Using a very well paid cat-burglar, the father would send a trained person in, to give Tami her overdose. As part of the assignment, once the overdose was administered, the trained person was to call 911, and report "seeing" Tami overdose, before staggering back to her place. Both the recorder, and the records clerk, would be, easily, silenced, once Tami was admitted, to the psych ward. Both had gambling debts, so it was easy to "manipulate" them into changing the records, then arranging tragic "accidents". For years, Tami would be listed as "suicidal", just to protect a powerful family from being seen as "ordinary". For Tami, though, withdrawal would be a long, hard, process, since drugs had been pumped into her body, while she was both hungry, and de-hydrated. The bonds would be tough to break, and Tami faced a prolonged recovery. When Mr. Brown asked if I wanted a TEMPORARY partner, until Tami recovered, I told him "No way!". I was not about to let Tami even THINK that she could be replaced. After all, no one knew me, like she did. No, our jet would just sit, for awhile longer, until Tami was ready to return to work. The ghost cases would just have to wait. While I made a point, of visiting Tami, daily, even while she was "under", it seems that a copy, of Tami's torture-inspired confession, somehow, made it to the police, and the media. As a result, the forced sale, of the families land, was cancelled. It seems that using extortion, to secure a land purchase, is a felony. Ofcourse, neither mr. money, nor his son, could be touched. They had too much MONEY, to be prosecuted. Still, Tamis family got their land back. No charges would be pressed, against the developer, either, since he was "too far DOWN the totem pole, to know of the father and sons actions". All I could do was wait for my friend to come back to me.

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