Saturday, June 20, 2015


THE HAUNTING PAST # 5 CHURCH AND THE CEMETARY After our return, to the United States, and during the time, when our most recent "client" was trying to evict the ghosts, from his castle, Tami and I took the time to become better acquainted, with our "new" airplane. Sure, it was HUGE, being a former air force cargo plane, but, boy, did it have "mountains", of storage space, within its hold. I would estimate that I could have fit a three story house, into its hold, with room to spare. Our benefactor, though, had done a wonderful job, on remodelling the aircrafts interior. When entering, via the rear hatch, persons would come, first, to the garage area. A space where a new Jeep Waggoneer sat, parked and waiting for use. Then, there was a car. Sleek, stylish, and the kind that many women would kill, to possess. The garage also contained three bicycles. A 25-speed, an 18-speed, and a classic cruiser. The 25-speed, ofcourse, was Tami's favorite, and was even in her chosen color, just as the waiting car was painted the same color. The 18-speed bicycle, and the cruiser, were navy blue, in color. The Jeep was green and brown. Ofcourse, I knew that the Waggoneer was mine, as we, since I had suggested it, for use on hard, off-road, trails. When Tami saw her "dream car", and asked "Why? I dont even have a license, anymore", Mr. Brown showed his normal patience, as he said "That is being handled". He was right, too. What neither Tami nor I knew was that Mr. Brown had assigned staff, to watch US, while we were out, on assignment. His instructions, to staff members, were clear: "Report any erratic, or dangerous, behavior, at once". Mr. Brown felt that, IF Tami were, truly, suicidal, she would not have waited, to try again. Tami would have found a way, either on the gaming house case, or at the light house. When Tami made no obvious suicide attempts, at either location, both Mr. Brown, and his staff, began to question her "suicidal" diagnosis. More recently, a financier was becoming willing to finance the agency, in its endeavor to question Tami's diagnosis. This was made even more clear, when a review, of Tami's record, showed only the one suicide attempt. The financier had agreed, with Mr. Brown, that this was cause for review of Tami's case. This, ofcourse, was in bitter opposition to our home states government, which insisted that the original verdict was correct. Still, neither Mr. Brown, nor our financier, were convinced, and this is why Tami was being supplied a new car. Ofcourse, Tami had never hidden the fact that she had taken Drivers Ed, and had a drivers license, before the incident, at the party. Prior to the party, an investigation showed that Tami had only a few parking tickets, on her record. Back on the plane, leaving the garage level, via a set, of metal stairs, the three of us came into the middle level, of the hold. This, we noticed, was a well-stocked combination of food, and drink, storage, as well as lab space, and testing equipment. It seems that our financier had great faith, in our abilities, judging by the quality of the spaces. There was nothing "clunky" here. In fact, many, regular, labs would have been jealous of this mobile one. Taking another set of stairs, to the top level, of the hold, we found seperate bedrooms, for Tami and I, as well as bunk-beds, for our pilots. This level also held a serving area, and a space, which could pass for a living room, in any home, in the U.S.. Beyond this, there were a pair of work-stations. Each one shielded just enough so that workers would not bother one another. Mr. Brown would add "Although the pilots will continue to use regulation radio gear, and frequencies, back here, in your work area, the two of you wil have "live" feed, to the office, and for any research, which you need to do" When Tami suggested "This reminds me of a motor home, only larger", Mr. Brown would say "Just think of it. No more motel rooms, and your choice of what you want to eat, and where to rest". (Alright, I get it. Mr. Brown had been watching us. To Tami and I, though, it really didn't seem like such a big deal if we slept in bed, or passed out, on a couch. I mean, so what?, if we, sometimes, slept in each others arms? It happens, when people are exhausted, and fall asleep where they are working). Ofcourse, Tami and I had our critics, but I couldn't care less what the critics said, especially about Tami allegedly "not working", at all. These critics claimed that the process, of conversing, with people, did not fit into the definition of "working". Especially when Tami was "filing up", on food and drink. To these critics, I say "phooey"! Fact is, were it not for Tami's conversations, with locals, most of our cases would have taken ten, to fifty, times longer to solve. Fact is that it was over such food and drink that Tami usually earned more vital information than even the internet had to offer. Details which no one thought important enough to post. Items which, when Tami "glued them together", painted pictures, of the past. Ofcourse, I had my critics, as well. People who claimed that riding bicycles around towns was not "work", but was play. Still, these same critics questioned how I could eat so many calories, yet remain slim and trim. Tami's critics, were, by far, the harshest, especially since, at every opportunity, they made every attempt possible, to down-play her work, and achievements, while, at the same time, continually reminding everyone of Tami's single "suicide" attempt. The critics acted as thugh Tami could try to kill herself, again, at any time. In fact, their favorite line was "There remains the "potential", of a "possibility" that she "might, possibly" try to take her life, again. Fortunately, for us, neither Mr. Brown, nor his staff, believed any of this. This belief was based upon the fact that Tami's history showed no previous inclinations, nor current behaviors. This is why the firm was suspicious about the night of the party, and the event in question. After reviewing our new, mobile, headquarters, Mr. Brown was just about to present us with our latest case, when word came down. The agencies lawyers informed Mr. Brown that the state had responded, to the review request, by ordering a "full, psychiatric" review, of Tami's condition. When Mr. Brown asked the reason, the lawyer said "Thats whats odd. Normally, the reason is listed. This is the first time I have seen a form, without a reason listed." What Mr. Brown found stranger, still, was how the order was served. According to the order, Tami had 72 hours to come in, on her own. If she did not comply, she would br restrained, and brought in. What was strange was the fact that, when Mr. Brown examined the document, and asked the process server "This document is dated almost three weeks ago. WHY have you waited so long, to serve the document?" When the server said "I do as I am told. I was given this document, today, and told to execute it". Even as Tami agreed to depart, with the men, Mr. Brown had his secretary phoning the lawyer. Ofcourse, all the lawyer could say was "I have never heard of such a thing." When Tami accompanied the server, and the guards, to a waiting ambulance, and the process server telephoned the base, saying that he was bringing Tami in, the server was amazed when the base asked him how much sedative he had given Tami. Tami heard the man ask the phone "Why sedate her? She came, of her own, free, will" The next thing Tami knew, a voice shouted through the phone "Sedate her, NOW!" When the server asked "WHY?", the voice said "Sedate her or you are fired!" The baffled process server did as ordered, and, soon, Tami was un-conscious. She knew what would happen, next, since she had been through it several times before. The interrogations, where people would, eventually, shout at her, demanding that she admit both to driving the car, and to trying to overdose. No matter how many times Tami denied any such knowledge, her only "reward", for her honesty, was to be doped up, even more. For some reason, our state government was determined that Tami would "take the fall" for the incidents. She was ready to spend weeks "swimming" through her day, pumped up, so much, with drugs, that she didn't even remember her name. What Tami did not know was that, this time, the process would be cut, incredibly short, and for reasons she would, never expect. Shortly after Tami left, Mr. Brown put some more people on the trail, of finding out just what was going on. All that the agencies attorneys could tell Mr. Brown was that they were baffled by the LACK of detail, on the orders, to bring Tami in. Never before had the attorney seen papers issued, with the reason being "Suspicion". Not "Suspicion of what". Just "Suspicion". It was when the agency, and the attorneys, began to dig deeper, into Tami's file that they found only vague references, to a suicide attempt. To the un-trained eye, the report was written to make it LOOK as if Tami had tried suicide, recently. It was the lack of details, which bothered all of the investigators. The orders had made reference, to the PAST attempt, but the bulk, of the document, read more like "What IF". The attorneys agreed that they were surprised that the orders were even approved. No attorney, that they knew, would approve such paperwork, without DETAILS of the crime. It was only when word got out, that the firm was doing an in-depth investigation, of Tami's case that the state, surprisingly, released Tami from custody. Sure, she was drugged up, so deeply, that it would take atleast a week for her to detox, but, for some un-specified reason, the orders, for her detention, were dropped, just before the firms attorneys were prepared to submit court papers, to search state records. Even as Mr. Brown, and the firms attorneys, were preparing their own court papers, Mr. Brown had his secretary keep me up to date, on what appearred to be the haunting of a church cemetary. If the stories, and reports, which the secretary provided me with, were to be believed, it would seem that one of America's last graveyard-beside-a-church locations was becoming increasingly haunted. According to reports, locals were reporting seeing "phantoms", full body apparitions, moving about, inside the cemetary. Other reports stated that the chruch, next to the cemetary, was "embracing" the cemetary. Stories even told of grave markers "reaching out", to "touch" the churches shadow. As far as I was concerned, this was all Tami's specialty. SHE, not I, was the whiz, at collecting data. All I did was draw assumptions, from her data. Still, I collected as much information as possible, in order to have it ready WHEN Tami returned. A return I never doubted, for a moment. Tami's "official" return was postponed, for atleast two weeks, due to the level of drugs, to be flushed from her system. The case, even the idea that phantoms were leaving the cemetary, and causing trouble, around town, was just not as important, to the agency, or mysef, as Tami's health was. I know that I was not about to go into a case, without my "right hand" to guide me. The problem, which postoned Tami's recovery, and return to work was that, prior to release, Tami was pumped so full of drugs, that she didn't even know her own name. It would be over a week before Tami even became aware that she was free of the interrogation. According to agency doctors, the most important moment, in her recovery, was when Tami grabbbed her head and said "OH, my aching head". When the doctor examined her, then gave Tami some oral pain pills, it would be another two hours before Tami could manage the question of "What happened?" It would be another week before Tami became coherent enough to hold a conversation. She, still, had the headache, from the withdrawal, but now, atleast, she was able to think. Ofcourse, after the massive amount of drugs, Tami had to return, slowly, to solid foods, just as she had to work, slowly, to get her "feet" back, in working order. Soon, though, she and I were reviewing the case, even as she asked "What progress have YOU made, so far?" When I reminded her "Thats your job, remember? I just do the leg work". She smiled, weakly, as she said "You're right". When she was recovered, the firm welcomed Tami back, with open arms, even as Mr. Brown gave us another update. "It seems that our phantoms are no-longer happy, just haunting the cemetary, or the neighborhood. The current claim is that a ghost nun has been seen, as she walked into the church, a few nights ago, during a service, and, reportedly, tried to read something". When Tami asked "Reportedly TRIED to read? What does that mean?" Mr. Brown said "About a dozen, or so, witnesses saw the nun take something out of her habit, lay it before her, on the pew, then the witnesses saw the nun's lips moving, as though she were reciting. Witnesses say that not a word came from her mouth, though. Just her lip movements". When Tami asked "Did anyone get a look at what she was reading?" Mr. Brown said "The head minister was called in, as witness, yet he claims that, when he stood beside the nun, that he may have seen corners of papers, flapping, yet he could not see the full page, or its contents. Only the edges were visible" When Tami asked "What happened, next?", Mr. Brown said "The witnesses said the nun concluded by making the sign of the cross, curtsied, then put her "document" away, and walked out of the church". When I asked "Where did she go?", Mr. Brown would say "She, reportedy, went into the cemetary..." and I added "....And then she vanished. Not at what point, or location. But that she vanished". Mr. Brown said "Thats why they have asked for the two of you. The community, and the church, want to know WHY the spirits are "restless", and why the church seems to be the main target. When Tami asked "When do we leave?", Mr. Brown said "As soon as your pilot receives clearance. Remember, solve the case, if you can, but focus on the church, if it is the real center of this." Later that night, after our plane landed, at the local airport, Tami and I sacked out, and, come morning, we found a print out on one of the on-board printers. It seems the firms resources had come through, yet again. Tami had received something called a "temporary permit", to operate a motor vehicle, "while on duty". She was only allowed to drive, for duty purposes, and all driving had to be logged, and accounted for. Although I had my reservations, about the limitations, Tami told me she was fine with it since, after all, we were "on-duty", until the case was finished. After a breakfast, of scrambled eggs, seasoned with onions, peppers, and some cheese, as well as hickory smoked bacon, some biscuits, and some caffiene, Tami headed off for the research, while I headed out, to begin scouting the area. I really wanted to find out just HOW a church can "embrace" a cemetary. I really have to admit that those military rations do pack some energy, and fill the belly. The breakfast rations kept my belly full untill just past the noon hour. (So much better than the motel meals, which leave people hungry just a couple of hours after eating) Even with the bicycling, which I did, that morning, my belly did not growl until past the noon hour. Back at the plane, Tami told me not to bother with salads, today. I needed plenty of energy to continue my recon of the area. I was just amazed at how much energy those rations have in them. That, and the fact that, after just two servings, my fuel was "topped off", until dinner. While Tami took control, of the investigation, in cyber-space, I mounted my 18-speed, and went out, to survey the church, and the cemetary. I admit that what I found was not what I expected to find. Through my own fault, of watching far too much television, and too many movies, over the years, I had expected to find some huge, Gothic Style, church. The kind with just a small cemetary beside it. A cemetary which would be reserved for the finest residents. Due to this pre-conceived mis-conception, the real place "blew me away". In fact, during the daylight hours, the church reminded me more of a small, two story, family home. The only reason why I recognized it, upon approach, was because of the huge, sprawling, cemetary, which lay just adjacent, to the church. Still, I wondered how such a compact building could "embrace" a cemetary. When size was compared, I realized that, compared to the cemetary, the church seemed very small, indeed. When I took a closer look, at the cemetary, I noticed what I thought were individual clapboards, on the building, but, when I touched them, they turned out to be auminum siding, cast to resemble the former, wood, covering. I also noted the electrical panel, as well as the climate control condensors, and other, very modern, pieces of equipment. When a priest approached me, with the usual "May I help you?", I introduced myself, then told the priest "I am surprised to notice that this property is in such modern condition. For a town, of this size, I mean". "Yes", said the priest "Our members have been most generous, over the years. I would say it is because they feel that this is a "second home", for the community. The priest, then, told me "My staff and I are aware of the reason for your presense. Let me give you the "nickle tour". During the proceeding tour, I found out just how much this community LOVED its church. LED lighting, DSL internet connections, digital thermostats, and so on. Yes, as the priest said "We preach the word of God, and teach about Jesus time on Earth, but we are reallistic, about the needs of our community, and the modern world". I have to admit that, although this church might not be the largest, in the nation, its interior design was most efficient. When the priest, and I, walked outdoors, I asked the priest "How can such a compact building be reported as casting an "embracing shadow" over that cemetary, over there?" The priest seemed honest enough when he said "I have no clue, except to suggest that the darkness can play tricks on perception." I thanked the priest for his time, then went looking through the cemetary. I wondered if there might be any clues, among the dead. While looking around, though, I must have lost track of the time since, before I knew it, Tami was calling, to ask if I would be joining her, for dinner. Ofcourse, I gave her an affirmative, then mounted my bicycle, and returned to the cargo plane. During dinner, Tami would tell me "So far, all the internet has is stories, folk lore, and personal tales. I haven't found one, single, useful, item, on the entire web." This is when I suggested "Time to do what you do, BEST. TALK to people" Tami agreed. She knew that spending days, or even weeks, reminicing, with people, especially senior citizens, revealled more, about any community, than the web would, ever, know. Senior citizens were a "gold mine", of information, especially once Tami would get them talking about "I remember when..." Tami had learned, during the gaming house case, to make sure that her digital recorder had fully charged batteries, AND atleast 128 GB of memory avaiable. Conversations could last "forever", especially when mixed with tea, coffee, wine, and snacks. Tami even remembered one interview, which lasted from lunch until after dark. It was, in fact, a "walk, down memory lane", of a persons life, however, Tami had learned a great deal, which was not listed, on the internet, or recorded anywhere else. Memories. That was Tami's most powerfull tool. That is why, whenever the internet let her down, it was time to talk to people. Ofcourse, un-like me, Tami enjoyed being around people, either individually, or in groups, and carrying on conversations. For Tami, the internet was only a starting point, in her investigations. A place to form ideas, of what a subject was about. Tami did mention "Strange thing, about this place. There are no sites, visitors logs, etc. Electronically, this case really does not exist". When I asked "What about the church?", Tami would say "Web-sites, for cooking, child care, community events, and upcoming services. For a church, this place is surprisingly, modern" When I said "Tell me about it", then told her how, outwardly modern the church was, Tami said "It figures. The place is even part of a regional conference of churches". What baffled us was that the town had community information, as well as church information, on-line, but there was NOTHING, at all, about any "unusual" activity. Okay, so the church was legit. As for the cemetary, Tami said "Nothing, on the internet, except directions, hours of operation, and so on, for the general public." When I asked Nothing about the hauntings? Nothing to attract visitors?" Tami said "As far as the net is concerned, this place has nothing but old, historic, tomb stones". Tami then suggested "I am going to take extra 128's (GB), with me, while I am out. I have a feeling this case is only going to be solved, with plenty of "hands on" work." Tami was right, too. The true, and detailed, history, of the area, only became clear once Tami began spending LONG days helping people re-live memories, of "days gone by". After a few days, of interviews, Tami told me "I know why your patrols have yielded no results. This area is just like the gaming house. "It" only "performs" during the seven nights of the full moon." When I said "It figures", she said "I thought you would be happy to know when you will begin to see things happen". I would say "Its not that I am not greatful, for this information. Its just that it gets boring, having to wait, for full moons." Tami could, only say "I know, but thats the way of THIS world". Although Tami and I never mentioned it, publicly, Tami and I felt certain that there were other worlds, and other societies, as well as other dimensions. We even wondered, PRIVATELY, if the full moon was some sort of "corridor". We had begun to wonder about this, after taking a deeper look at our very first case/adventure. We wondered why the spirit world had choosen THAT weekend, to exact its revenge, on the living. Tami had found the "connection", if it was a connection. The weekend had been a full moon weekend, and the raw power, of those storms, had only energized the atmosphere. In the time, since that case, Tami and I had seen connections, to the full moon, in most of our cases. Now, the moon would work its "magic", here. In what way, we could not predict. Not until after the first night, of the full moon. By the time, of the full moon, Tami had more "news", if it could be called "news". Tami would inform me "You know how we have been informed that THIS is the town council?" When I agreed, looking at the on-line photo. Tami would add "That may be correct, for TODAY, however, I have found something of interest. It seems that the current church is the LATEST church, on that site. Not the original church, but the newest one." When I said "That figures. This place is too modern to be "classic"" Tami would add "I would not be at all surprised at what you will see, when the full moon comes." Okay, so I had figured that the current church was not the first church, built here. No doubt, other churches had stood on this location, previously. Still, I had no idea how a church could "embrace" a cemetary. Shortly after moon-rise, on the first night, of the full moon, I noticed how the churches shadow changed shape. The shape I had seen, on previous nights, was not the shadow shape, which I saw, on this night. I watched as the shadows, of non-existant steeples, emerged, from the night, and the shadow, long and dark, did, in fact, seem to reach out, from the churches location, with the tops, of the phantom steeples, seeming to spread out, across the cemetary. I guess that, in some ways, this could be seen as an embrace. Question was, WHAT was creating the Gothic shaped shadow? As the moon passed, overhead, eventually the shadow vanished. Yet I wondered what would happen, on the moons next pass. A few hours later, as the moon passed overhead, again, the Gothic shadow took shape, yet, this time, I heard a girl's scream, and a boys voice shouting "Run!". In a town like this, with only the police, and myself, out, after hours, I had to wonder who could be inside the cemetary, after hours? When I rushed over, as silently as possible, I watched the boy "flip" the girl over the cemetary perimeter fence, then someTHING tossed HIM high, in the air, and over the fence. The girl screamed, again, then the boy got up, and the couple ran away, from the cemetary. When I checked the spot, where the boy had "lept" from, expecting to find a spring, or trampoline, all I found was soil. When I looked into the cemetary, I saw, or thought I saw, a man, with long hair, tied behind his head. The mans build was massive, and I was sure he could have tossed me, as well. The odd thing was his leisurely walk. The "man" didn't try to run, or hide. He just walked deeper into the cemetary, as though strolling, on a beautiful day. When I followed him, the man walked to an area where, one moment, he was in front of me, then he was gone. I marked the spot, for review, after the sun rose. For some, unknown, reason, my flashight was "worthless", since it did not illuminate the name, on the head stones. Later, when I told Tami of the shadow, she said "That fits. For centuries, before the current church, there WAS a classic style, Gothic, church, on the site." When I asked "What happened to it?", Tami said "The story varies, by the speaker. Some say it was old pipes, others say fuel leaks. Others say "Who knows?" All that is known is that, by the time the fire was extinguished, all that remained, of the church, was the stone, and brick, work." "When the mother church said there was no money available, for re-building, the community came together, cleared the lot, and built the current church." When I asked "Could the old church have been an act of arson?", Tami would say "Nobody is for sure. As for the record keeping, in those days, I have seen messages, on napkins, which were clearer, and easier to read." When I asked "Did anyone happen to die, in the fire?" Tami said "There are stories. Stories, of priests, and nuns, walking into the blaze, when they thought they heard cries for help.. No details, though. Its more camp-fire story material than actual history." Still, I had to wonder. The next day, when I returned, to the headstones, I found that, even by day, light made the carving, barely readable. This is why I had brought a hand-held scanner with me, and used it to scan the stone. I would let the computer come up with the name. I dont know why, but, even as I scanned the head stone, something "told" me that the nearby stones were important. While I was studying the headstones, a woman, in a beautiful, long, dress, came up to me, then placed flowers on a nearby grave. When she saw me observing, she said "He likes fresh flowers. I try to bring them as often as I can". When I said "I understand", then looked at the stone, before me, at the moment, then remembered my manners, and I turned back towards the lady, saying "Pardon my manners, I am..." and looked to see no one there. When I looked back at the grave, I noticed that the flowers were gone, as well. I wondered 'Where had she gone? and so fast, yet?' When I returned to the cargo plane, and reported my sighting, Tami surprised me when she said "I'm not surprised. It seems the lady is seen, regularly, by many people. She delivers flower, to the mans grave, then vanishes". When I asked "Any idea who she is?", Tami said "Was. Who she WAS. In fact, she WAS the daughter, of the man she gives flowers to. If you believe some stories, the family was very close, and loving. If you believe other stories, the man married his daughter, after her mother died, and had a second family, with the girl". When I said "I like the first version better." Tami agreed. Still, Tami wondered WHY people liked stories, about incest. Especially fathers having children by their own daughters. I had suggested that such stories were used to scare people. Great way to pass time, around a camp-fire. Tami, though, had, once, mentioned that, while doing some research, she had traced a rumor, which started out as father-daughter incest. As the story was "recycled", it expanded to the point where the father went from being overtly sexual, to being purely abusive. After awhile, and like so many other twisted tales, the father was said to have been a devout Satanist, who invited evil into his home, then sacrificed his pregnant daughter, to the Devil. By the time Tami tracked the end of the story, the man was, supposedly, burned at the stake. Then the story got realy whacky. The story said that, as the fire wood was being stacked, a large, red eyed, demon, landed, near the spot, lifted the man from the stake, and the man rode, demon-back, off, into the night. Such stories. How imgination can get so far out of hand. Back, in the real world, though, Tami verified that the womans father had a home, and a business, in the local area. He DID have a family, and his wife did die, of natural causes. (She was neither murdered, nor sacrificed). Although the mans children eventually moved on, a daughter did return, when the father took ill. According to various stories, the girl brought her father fresh flowers, each day. It is reported that, when he had fresh fowers, the man was said to feel better. When the man passed on, the daughter stayed behind, placing fresh flowers on his grave, until the day when she, herself, became old, and infirm. When I asked Tami "How long ago?", Tami said "As far as I can figure, the girl has been a ghost, for over 150 years. Her father, for 180" When I asked about the hefty man, Tami said "I can only narrow it down, to three men. Without his facial description, thats the best I can do." When I asked "Is he dangerous?", Tami said "According to locals, he is only dangerous to those who violate the sanctity of the cemetary." When Tami gave me just a few examples, of such "violations", I could understand that even the living would be upset, by these same acts. Still, this left the question of how, and why, so many souls were wandering that cemetary. During the final six nights, of the full moon, I documented as many of the spirits as possible. Atleast seven men, three women, and four, or five, nuns. Not all of them were ghostly apparitions, either. Atleast two of the females were so solid that I thought they were living people. The nuns were the hardest to tell, especially after dark, thanks to those habits. At times, I had to get right up, in a "persons" face, to see if the person were real. (Later, I suggested that, until the investigation was over with, that living nuns wear something, like a "badge", to seperate them from the ghosts. Thats how hard it was, to tell a living nun, from a ghostly one). Another ghost nearly "got the drop, on me", by offering to "make out" with me. Only after I turned her away, reminding her of the massive, male, ghost, which protected the cemetary, from such "activity", did she turn ghostly, herself. (Boy, first time for everything. How would I ever report thiis?) She had parted from me pouting "You dont want me", then vanished into the night. After I provided Tami with the womans description did Tami find the womans obituary. According to the press, the woman had been a "dance hall girl". The very next morning, and depite the fact that our cargo pane was not parked anywhere near the churh, Tami came to breakfast, that morning, with a deep blush in her cheeks. She would claim that her lover had been "debonair", and that his eyes, and his voice, were "hypnotic". I was thankful that she shared only the summary, of spending thje night with him. Then, come morning, just as Tami was trying to figure out how to explain the mans presense, on the plane, and in her room, that he, reportedly said "Goodbye, my love", then vanished, right before her eyes. Tami would only say "He felt so real! I mean real! I cant believe that it happened". I told her not to worry. It could happen to anyone. Shoot, if I hadn't been in that cemetary, and remembering what that ghost had done to those trespassers, I would, no-doubt, have had a similar tale to tell. When Tami went to the computer, and figured the distance, from the cemetary, to the airport, she asked me "Can ghosts travel that far?" In town, that day, Tami began concentrating on interviewing women, since Tami was un-sure, about the local men. She had, after all, just been seduced, by a ghost. As for me, I was off, to see the priest, who said he had some information. When I met, with the priest, and a young, beautiful, nun, the priest introduced her to me "Sister Christine, here, has brought something to my attention. Something I had not noticed, previously". When I asked, the priest said "The sister recalls that, each time the phantom nun has appearred, it is on a special occassion.. Times ike weddings, births, or deaths. When I asked "Was the nun a mid-wife, by any chance?" The priest said "Impossible to tell. These records were burned, in the fire". When I asked "Not in a fire-proof safe?", the priest reminded me "This is a church, not a bank. We never felt the need for more than file cabinets, since the church never held any valuables". I added "And the personnel file burned, along with the cabinets, in the fire?" The priest said "I am afraid so" This is when Sister Christine said "That is why I have sought, and received, permision, to copy all records, to both a hard drive, and to back up fash-drives. This way, in the future, there will be multiple copies, in case something does happen" When I asked "Is that how..." and the priest said "Exactly. The sister brought it to my attention. I thought it was worth providing to you". When I asked "Is there anything going on, soon?" Sister Christine asked "You mean, anything, which would attract the ghost?" I said "Precisely" The priest said "Nothing, major. Not to the outside world" Sister Christine asked "What about the cermony?" The priest said "Thats purely church business. Its not even public" When I asked "What ceremony?", the priest said "It is an annual chance, for the devoted to come forth, and pledge their lives to the church." When I asked "Something like Baptism?" The priest said "Much more than that. It is a time when young men may pledge themselves, to become monks, and young women can pledge, to join the convent". When I said "That sounds special", the priest said "Only to the heart, and soul. To those who prefer the forth of July, Thanksgiving, and Christmas, it would be a total bore". When I said "Still, keep it in mind. Any other events coming up?" Sister Christine said "Only the annual sobriety challenge". When I asked, Sister Christine said "Its just a local challenge, where alcoholics wager how long they can go without booze. Mostly, it is just people like spouse-beaters, and then, those who only get violent after having too much to drink. The rest are people who have lost "important" relationships, due to booze." When I said "That sounds interesting", the sister said "It CAN be. We try to provide alternatives, to booze, and strengthen the heart and soul." When I asked "How do people apply?", the priest said "Most are referrals, either from counselors, or the courts." "And the process?" The priest said "Families, neighbors, and co-workers, come together, in a show of support, for the addict. The addict makes their pledge, and offers prayer, unto the lord, then we go, from there". When I added "No dis-respect, but that sounds ideal, for a spirited ghost. Passion, love, support. Sounds like a real buffet, for such a ghost". This is when the priest admitted "This is what we fear will happen. If the nun shows up, with the newcomers being so "fragile", and while we are trying to assist the addicts, the entire experience MIGHT go "south"" This is when I suggested a discreet surveillance. The goal would be to place digital camera's, around the podium, and, maybe, catch the nun, and film what she was saying. The priest cautioned "Since this is a form of Alcoholics Anonymous, I MUST ask you to be incredibly discreet". I told the priest "No problem". While setting up the church surveillance, though, Tami and I received an "SOS" call, from in town. When Tami and I arrived, at the hardware store, we saw tools "flying" all over the pace, while a deep, gutteral, voice growled "Why is there no beer in the cooler?" Each time the clerk would say "This is a hardware store", the voice would growl "Where's the beer?", while throwing tools chests, and ladders, about. While Tami gestured the stricken, and terrified, worker, OUT of the store, I stepped in, asking "What makes you think this is a liquor store?" The voice said "I have bought beer, here, for decades. The owner is a friend. He can vouch for me. Now, wheres the beer?" While I questioned the ghost, asking "Is this how you treat a friends property?", Tami made some discreet inquiries, of the locals, and some, of the older men, verified that a previous owner HAD, at one time, operated a bar. But, that was "ages ago". What Tami asked the men what had happpened, Tami was told that the former owner had "passed on", and that his family had not wanted the bar, so they sold the property. Inside the hardware store, the invisible ghost seemed to calm down, enough to become visible. It seems that I was "talking him down", from his rage. As he went from being nothing, to being vapor, then beinbg transparent, I was amazed when he concluded his change, and became as solid as I was. This is when someone, outside the store, called "Grandpa? What are you doing here?" When the man said "Trying to get a drink", their relative said "You stopped drinking three years before you died". When the man asked "Before I died? What, in blazes, are you talking about? I am right here" I corrected the man, gently, saying "Your spirit is here. Your body is, no-doubt, in the cemetary." I was not at all surprised when the man growled "PROVE IT!" Tami, myself, and the mans living relative, joined the man in a walk to the cemetary. When we reached the mans grave, he stood over his grave, looking baffled, as he asked "What happened?" His living relative said "Doc says all those years, of drinking, and your liver was shot" This is when the man asked "Then, WHAT am I doing here?" THAT was the one question which no one could answer. The morning, of the day, when addicts were to commit themselves to God, and sobriety, Tami and I were set up, at the church, so we were surprised when another, silent "SOS" came to us. This time, from the local beauty parlor. This time, the "ghost" was a local woman, whom staff knew, well, from her long life. The woman was a well-known patroness, of the shop, and staff said she walked in, as though all was normal. Staff were just not sure of how to handle a ghost, as a customer. When Tami approached the ghost, and introduced herself, and started conversing, with the ghost, all present watched as the ghost materialized, into a fully solid body, even as the woman spoke with Tami. The woman even told Tami that the woman had a meeting, at city hall, and she wanted to look her very best. Although the salon staff came to rest, and accept the presense, of the ghost, the woman was reluctant to leave the salon, with Tami, until the salon manager said "Dont worry, we will save your chair for you". When Tami waked the woman to the cemetary, and the caretaker located the womans grave, the woman said "I dont understand. If this is not a joke, and I am there" the ghost said, while pointing at the grave "Them, what am I doing here?" Wonderful! This was becoming the question of the week. Spirits wanted to know what they were doing, among the living. Another shock was at hand, when the ghost nun DID show up, at the church. Although everyone expected that we would have to lip-read, later, what the ghost was saying, this time was different. This time, when the ghost nun appearred, she had "full audio", and started with an opening of "Hail Mary, full of Grace..." and, when I asked the priest, he whispered "The benediction. She is blessing the ceremony". After the benediction was given, I complimented the nun, then asked "Are you connected with the church?" The woman smiled as she said "Young man, I have been with the church since the year of our lord, 1872" When I asked the woman the current year, she said "Young man, you jest with me. This is not polite" This is when the priest came forward, and the nun recognized the age-old sybol, of the priesthood, and said "Good father, would you please inform this young man of the current year of our lord". When the priest said "Certainly, good sister", then told me the current year, the nun seemed shocked as she told the priest "Father! Our vows, to the Holy church. It is not right to speak of the future, in this way". This is when the priest asked the nun her name (Sister Christine had a computer "fired up", nearby, in case this nun was for "real") When the nun gave her name, and Sister Christine entered it into the database, the sister verified the woman, but not as a nun. The record showed that, upon her death, this woman had become a "Mother Superior", and had officiated many ceremonies. According to church records, the woman had died, three centuries ago, of one of the many diseases which, nowadays, can be cured, by a series of injections. In her own, day, though, the disease had been fatal. After Sister Christine verified the womans burial record, the sister, priest, and myself, escorted the Mother Superior to her final resting place, where the woman asked the same question that every other ghost had asked, so far. A question which none of us, among the living, had an answer for. Tami and I spent the next few weeks trying to understand why, during the full moon, the churches shadow changed into that of a Gothic Cathedral. What was the purpose behind this? Tami would mention that, at times, she, almost, wished these hauntings were more "recent". Atleast then we would know WHAT we were searching for. The problem was that the spirits had been seen, by the public, since locals could remember. Tami and I had only been called in, when the spirits began acting like living people. Athough Sister Christine assisted Tami, all that she was able to, the women just could not find anything, to account for the increased spirit activity. No curses. No potions. Nothing. Just that fire. A fire which had gutted the original church, so long ago. Problem was, as Tami and Christine admitted, record keeping, in those days, was little more than family Bibles. To this day, no one knew what caused the fire. Some say it was Arson Some say Accident. Some say a bolt of lightning. Rumors, legends, lore, and so on, but nothing solid. Tami began to wonder if this was another case, where the spirits WANTED us to solve the mystery. Question was: How? What Tami would say baffled her, was why the mother church had, originally, provided for the construction, of the Gothic church, yet had declined funds, for the later church. When Tami tried to find answers, among historic documents, al that she found was that even the original "blue-prints", for the Gothic church, were nothing more than drawings, on cloth. If anything HAD happened, back in those days, we would have no clue. Even the spirits, which we spoke with, had no idea what was going on. About the only news we received, that week, was the news, from Mr. Browns office, that our home state government was looking for a way to force Tami back under Psychiatric Control. This time, though, the state was searching for a way, which the agency could not interfere with. The secretary promised us that the firm was "on the case", and that we should take our time, and do a thorough investigation, on our current case. (What continued to amaze me was how fixated our state was, with Tami. I mean, I was listed as "Mentally Disabled", myself, yet I was only reviewed, in writing, every couple of YEARS. As were most other disabled people, whom I knew. Even those, who had payee's, were not under as much scrutiny as Tami was. The question was "WHY?") Even with Sister Christines aid, there were just "gaps" in history, which no one could fill (Not with anything beyond rumors, that is). It was just so un-fortunate that the fire had "taken out" the original church. Like Tami, Sister Christine liked the fact that, with computers, making multiple, back-up, copies, was simple as typing some keys. (Too bad that computers had not been invented 300 years earlier.) On a hunch, Sister Christine used her church passwords, to search the records, of other churches, from the general area. Her hunch was that, maybe a primitive form of "file-sharing" MIGHT have taken place. What shocked both Tami and I was how, just as Sister Christine was accessing church records, her passwords were shut down. The next thing we knew, the priest came, to tell Sister Christine to pack her bags. The sister was being transferred to another church. Our contact then came to say goodbye, to Tami and I, saying the case was closed. No reason given. Just "Services no longer needed". When Tami and I returned to our home town, Mr. Brown told Tami to "rest easy". Everytime the state tried to make a move, the agency was "on the spot", questioning the states reasons. When Tami and I reported what had happened, and when, Mr.. Brown verified that the "orders" had come from very high up. Still, Tami and I did not like the idea, of leaving a case un-resolved. Over the next two months, Tami and I reviewed cases, such as "phantom" cars, trains, boats. We reviewed each case, then submitted summaries, of suggested actions. Mr. Brown's secretary, discreetly, kept us up-to-date, on the church, and the cemetary. According to these updates, even more spirits were becoming active, yet no one, living or dead, knew why. As for stories, of the churches "shadow", reports got weirder, by the week. One of the weirdest was a story that said the churches shadow had taken on a life, of its own, with "burning, red eyes", and claws. Currently, the city council was trying to prevent a mass exodus, from draining the cities "life blood". Something was stirring the dead, but no one knew what, or why. Two weeks later, Mr. Brown would inform Tami and I that the town wanted an investigation, but it had to be on the towns terms. Tami and I would be allowed to continue our investigation, but we were not allowed to return to the town. The town wanted a "safe", long distance, investigation. Something even Mr. Brown thought would be impossible. Nevertheless, reports continued to flow into the firms hands.. When Tami and I were asked to continue reviewing the incoming reports, Tami's first question was to verify that these were not previous reports, from the gaming house case. Her reason was simple. The reports we were, now, receiving, were identical to the reports from the gaming house case. Stories of spooks, peeking into windows, opening doors, climbing through windows, and walking through homes. Tami continued to suspect fraud, until the secretary showed us the now sealed folder, for the gaming house case. When Tami checked the un-broken seals, she wondered if someone had called us in, on purpose. Maybe, someone connected with the previous case. I could not agree with my partner, more. As we reviewed reports, from this case, about the only thing which was different, from the gaming house case, were names, dates, and addresses. Right after I suggested a deeper background investigation, of our source, Tami suggested another alternative. Since we never really found a reason, for the gaming house ghosts to become active, and since local ghosts had no idea of what was going on, either, Tami suggested that someone was CALLING the ghosts forth. Could it be the same thing as the gaming house? The one group Tami and I, immediately, ruled out, for suspicion, was the church staff. No way would the church condone such actions, under any circumstances. In fact, if Tami's own knowledge, of the church, was correct, she figured that the punishment, for such acts would be worse than the Death Penalty. Still, Tami wondered and, since I could not dis-prove the thought, I wondered as well. Still, our hands remained "tied", and we could follow up, on nothing, without returning to the scene. Mr. Brown would tell us that this was, definitely, rulled out, since the town had noticed the increase, in hauntings, since our arrival, and investigation had started. This, despite the fact that the city was being "terrorized", in a way, and the only comfort, that the priests, and nuns, could give, was the hope that, "in time", things would quiet down. One day, though, Mr. Brown ended up in a shouting match, the likes of which the office staff had, never, seen, before. The secretary would tell Tami and I that Mr. Brown was in "tele-conference", yet he was shouting loud enough to be heard, practically over the whole wing, of the floor. When Tami and I listened in, Mr. Brown was saying "I already sent in my BEST tem, to investigate, and YOU threw them out!" A voice said "We had to. They were raising the dead." Mr. Brown, for the first time, that Tami and I knew of, used strong, profane, language, to tell the voice "My team did NOT conjure the ghosts. They investigated them" The voice said "The hauntings only increased AFTER your team came to town" "If that is so", Mr.. Brown asked "Then, WHY are you, now, asking for ANOTHER team? Shouldn't the town have quieted, after my team left?" The voice said "We had hoped so, but such is not the case. We need someone who can undo whatever the first "team" did" When Tami and I looked at one another, as if to ask "What DID we do?", we heard Mr. Brown say "You have, already, had my BEST team. You kicked them out, remember?" When the voice said "Sir, they were getting nowhere, fast" Mr. Brown defiantly said "Their reports indicate otherwise. My team was narrowing down the list, more, by determining who was NOT involved" The voice said "Sir, you dont understand. The ghosts were, never, this active, before" and Mr. Brown said "And my team were finding out why" It was true that Tami and I HAD been making progress, even if only by reducing the list of suspects. This had left the question of if we were coming "too close" to the "truth" Was THAT the reason why we were thrown out of town? After what seemed like an "eternity", Mr. Brown came out of the conference room, composing himself, then, seeing us, he said "How would the two of you like another trip? Full expense account" When Tami played "dumb", asking "Where to?", Mr. Brown smiled a devilish smile as he said "Guess" Before retreating back into his own office, though, Mr. Brown added "By the way, say Hello to Sister Christine, for me. She seemed quite helpful, before." Twelve hours later, our cargo plane was fueled, and we had departure clearance. Our cargo plane took fight, while Tami and I sat, belted into our seats. Still, on our private, headset, channel, Tami told me "No matter how many times I go over it, I just cant figure it out". When I asked "Whats that?", Tami said "Why haunt a cemetary, then the town. I could see it if it were for a land-grab, but this place? Nothing going on. Nothing in the works" I added "That we know of" I heard Tami murmur "Why bother?" That was becoming the $100 million question. Both the WHY, and the WHO. What was the point? By the time our cargo plane landed, the report had arrived, at the airport. A nun (no name given), had been physically attacked, but the problem was that witnesses claimed to not SEE the attacker. Tami and I called the church, fearing it was Sister Christine. The nun who had been transferred, for helping our investigation. Had someone harmed her, to prevent her from helping us, again? When we reached the church, I almost, didn't recognize the sister, not in those construction clothes. She had her hair in a simple pony-tail, the kind that blue collar women prefer, while working. (And, yes, I DID notice her figure, but that was not important). Sister Christine was helping with the clean up, following the attack, on ANOTHER nun. When Tami and I joined in, helping stack broken furniture, for repair, or removal, Sister Christine crossed herself as she said "I swear, I was in the room, with Sister Agnes, but whatever it was, was focused on Sister Agnes" When Tami asked "Why?", Sister Christine had no answer. All that Sister Christine, and two, other, helpers, saw was that objects rose, from the ground, hovered, for a moment, then crashed into Sister Agnes. By the time the church was, fairly clean, Tami and I had verified that Sister Agnes was, in fact, at the county hospital, in I.C.U. Not only had she been knocked un-conscoius, by flying furniture, but the attack lasted five minutes AFTER Sister Agnes was out, cold. According to the hospital, Sister Agnes had cracked ribs, and broken bones, as well as a concusion. Sister Agnes would not be "Doing the lords work", for some time to come. When Tami asked about Sister Agnes background, Sister Christine said that Sister Agnes, reportedly, had been ordered to marry, while stilll very young. "According to her file, Agnes stayed with her husband, whom many say enjoyed hitting her, until her child was raised. Her file says that, after the child was grown, Agnes knifed her husband, got a divorce, then embraced the church." When Tami asked "Did the husband live long?', Sister Christine said "Church records say he was forced to leave town, and was warned never to return". When Tami said "So he survived being stabbed?" Sister Christine said "Agnes stabbed him just enough to make it legal. Not fatal at all. When Agnes proceeded directly from the stabbing, to divorce, then to the church, the presiding judge decided that her nunnery was the best "sentence". No-sooner had Tami asked about the husband when the priest said "He lived on, long enough to abuse three, other, women. The final woman did finish Agnesses work. He has been dead these past years" When asked "he's not buried, here, by any chance, is he?" the priest seemed taken aback as he said "Heavens, no. After what he did, to Agnes. We didn't dare bring his body back" So, yet another mystery. An abused wife becomes a nun, then is attacked, by something. Yet, only AFTER her ex-husband is dead. HOW could all of this tie together? Spirits of nuns, workers, spouses, trades men, and so on. This case was looking more and more like a B-movie, all the time. During the next full moon, I secured access, to the church, to see what I could see, from inside the building. I never would have believed what I saw, had I not seen it, with my own eyes.. Climbing the stairs, to see what should have been the church attic, I noticed I was, actually in a shadowy space, which looked like the interior of a Gothic-style church. When I asked myself, in a whisper "What is the purpose?", the building seemed to whisper "Remember". After maybe 15 minutes, of observation, I heard what sounded like a crash, then the lower floor caught fire. Starngely enough, I could not find either a fire switch, nor a light switch. As the blaze grew higher, I noticed figures, running, below, and what looked like nuns, and priests, trying to push people towards the exists. The time, when I realized this was a residual haunting was when the flames reached my level, yet, even when I ran my hands through the flames, there was no heat. After awhile, the scene died out, and the church went dark, and cold, yet the Gothic "vision" remained. Before my very eyes, I watched the church come alive, with music, and singing, and I, also noticed something else. Workers were on a platform, and seemed to be cleaning the decorations, but with what I could not tell. Since this was a memory, I should have figured.. Just as the fire had no heat, the chemicals had no odor. The crash would be caused when the workers platform boards gave way, beneath them, sending the workers, the chemicals, crashing down, onto the congregation. The exlosion, and the fire, were caused when the cleaning chemicals blended with the fire, in a pit, and soaked the falling boards. Many were injured, but the church was evacuated. As the flames lept, again, I saw the priests, and nuns forms scurrying about, as they vanished into the flames. I left the church, now certain that the fire had been an accident. I just wish I knew why, suddenly, the place felt "lighter", as if "relaxed", and "at peace", as I departed.. When I informed Tami, and Sister Christine, of my experience, Sister Christine said "That fits with what we know" (I would never say that I was relieved to see the sister back in her habit, but, man, what she looked like, without it). When I asked, the ladies took turns teling me how, long ago, the church had been built. By the time of the fire, the place was centuries old, and in real need of repair. Now, the record could be amended to show the cause, of the destruction, was accidental. When Sister Christine, totally accidentally, stayed over, at the plane, working with us, over dinner, as we planned our next move. By the time we realized the time, Sister Christine would say the convent was closed for the night. When Tami said "No problem, stay with us", I added "Call the church, first. Let them know where you are. Remember that this is the 21st century, not the 17th. Nowadays, beautiful women disappear far too often". When Tami secured a hardline, the sister reported in, to the priests, while Tami and I made the sleeping arrangements. I did notice how Tami smied as she joked "I'm surprised you didn't offer to let her share your room" I smiled back as I reminded her "Sister Christine is a member of the church. I may not agree with church doctrine, but I respect it". Tami did caution me "You should can the compliments, though" When I asked "Did you see her, in those work clothes?" Tami said "Yes, and I saw your reaction" I told her "Exactly. And if I can think those things, just imagine what less ethical men might think" The next morning, Tami and I were surprised when we found Sister Christine hard at work, at the computer, even as WE "dragged" out of bed. She was in full habit, and everything. When Tami asked "Morning person?", Sister Christine said "Church schedule. Our days are very ordered." As Tami and I prepared to sit, to breakfast, Sister Christine informed us "I have spoken to the Mother Superior, at the hospital. Sister Agnes died of her injuries." When Tami asked "Details?", Sister Christine said "First, I must caution you, both, that this is "top secret", as far as the church goes. If you repeat it, I will denounce you" When Tami and I said, softly, "Understood", Sister Christine said "Mother Superior was checking on church members, in the hopsital wing, when she heard a mans voice, laughing. When she went, to demand that the man be silent, she entered Sister Agnes's room, where she saw a chair, hovering over a terrified Agnes. As the mans voice said "She's mine!", then let out a voicestrous belly laugh, a male visitor entered the room, to see about the commotion" The two witnessed Agnes making the sign, of the cross, then she was gone, as in dead" Thankfully, after the chair fell to the floor, Mother Superior acted quickly, and the man pretended to be the offender. This, even as Mother Superior made a quick explanation, to hospital security. The actor was lead away, so that other patients would see that the situation had been handled. The man was, then, escorted back to his family, for their own vigil." When Tami asked "What time did this happen?" Sister Christine said "About 4:30 am. Why?" Tami said "For the case log". This left us to wonder if spiteful spirits COULD come back, for the living. If so, WHY? Over the following days, Tami and Sister Christine "hit" cyber-space, and city streets, in their quest for more information. Although our pilot had reservations, about the matter, he agreed to allow Sister Christine full access, to the cargo plane, for the duration of the case. One reason for this was that, un-like nuns, our schedules do not start, at or before, sun-rise. Tami, though, was, much more the day person, while I was, by necessity, the night person. After all, ghosts do not keep bankers hours, so I had to keep the ghosts hours. To date, all the ghosts I had known of seemed to be most active between 11:00 pm (23:00) and 4:00 am (04:00). And, yes, one night, by accident, I did, quite by accident, walk in, on the sister, while she was changing. Sister Christine just took my stare in stride, saying "Yes, I am a woman. In service to the Lord, but still a woman" WHY I had to say "I'll say" is beyond me. In fact, I was stupid enough to stand there, staring at her, until she shooed me away, like a school boy. Once the sister was attired, I made a point of apologizing, to her. Then it hit me and I asked "How long have you been a nun?" Naturally, when she asked "Excuse me?", I asked "Have you been with the order long enough to know the other nuns, and priests?" When she reminded me that she was a "convert", and that she hadn't been long, with the order, then asked my reason for asking, I told her "I was hoping that, if you HAD been with the order, longer, you could tell Tami more about the priests, and nuns, backgrounds" Although I was grateful, to have Sister Christines help, with the investigation, I cursed my own, passing, thoughts, reminding myself "She's a nun, you idiot" Personally, I suspect that Sister Christine had worked, with computers, before becoming a nun. She was just too good, with computers, to be a "novice". In fact, it was thanks to her "hacking", of regional church records, that we discvered another part of the link. It would appear that the "dark forces" are not as "stupid", and "muscled", as history claims. Sister Christine found the "sealed" record of a priest named Zachariah. A man smart enough to protect his sorcery by becoming an ordained priest (Talk about Jekyll and Hyde). The record said that Zachariah hid his study, of the dark arts, behind church walls. For years, the man had practiced dark magic, while giving Sunday sermons, and Communion. His secret was well-hidden, until he made his fatal mistake. Using a sleep-walking spell, and something called a sleep-waking spell, the man had his "way", with several, local, girls. He "blew his cover", though, when he attempted to increase his power, by producing "offspring of evil". It seems that, when five, local, girls, turned up pregnant, at the same time, and no one, not even the girls, remembered the "how", or "When", the church got involved. When the infants were born, Zachariah was heard to proclaim that evil had taken flesh, and that was when Zachariah was taken, for considering himself "invincible", to church justice. The record said Zachariah was taken, and burned, at the stake, while the victimized girls, and their infants, were re-christened, to the church. When Tami asked "You dont suppose?" I suggested "Makes sense", then told Sister Christine "No offense, sister, but this just shows that even the church is not perfect." Tami then put the pieces together, even as she looked at the cemetary lay-out, and found the one, un-marked, grave, which bore a symbol, which was supposed to keep evil in its place. This was the moment when we, ALL, stopped in our tracks. We did so because, standing not ten feet in front of us was a man, dressed in dirty, sorcerers, robes. When the man noticed the three of us viewing his attire, he viewed his clothes, and said "I must apologize for my appearance. You see, I have been dead, for centuries, and housekeeping is impossible". When Tami whispered "Do you think?", tha man said "How rude of me. Let me introduce myself. I am Zachariah, and I have come to seek my revenge, on those who betrayed and burned me, so long ago. Oh, and by the way, if you are allowed to choose your method, of death, may I suggest you place "Burning at the stake" at the bottom of your list. Most un-pleasant, it is" When Tami asked "What do you want, here?", Zachariah said "Oh, my manners. You see, I am here to see to the resurrection of evil" When I asked "How, may I ask...", and Zachariah said "Simple", then looked at the nun, who was kissing her crucifix, and, calmly, said "Oh, child, put that trinket away. It willl not protect you". When Tami said "If you hurt her..." Zachariah put up a hand, saying "Please, little lady. Do not waste your breath. You see, I can see your thoughts, and I know that the child wants the man just as much as he wants her. I will, simply, facilitate the process" This is when I just hoped the sister remembered her vows, and our conversation, of a few days before. In comparing my own study, of Shaolin Buddhism, to her Christianity, we found both similarity, and difference. When the sister told us "Faith is in the heart", I corrected her, saying "Faith is in the heart AND soul. Faith is what makes us who we are. Belief is even what America is made of. Not the flag, nor Washington D.C.. America, like religion, exists in the heart and soul". To my surprise, the sister had agreed. Question was, now, did she believe it, herself? Although my actions were not visible, inside my mind, I activated my auric shield, even as I focused my thoughts on knowing I was in control of my body. I did, however, see the "priests" vision enter the nuns eyes, casting his spell. While I stood there, Tami watched as the nun, under hypnotic spell, removed her Crucifix, then her habit, then all except her panties, and bra. When the priest looked at ME, and said "You like?", I said "I respect the church" When Zachariah said "Come, come, this beautiful woman wants you. Why not enjoy it?" I told him "Sorry, Charlie, no joy in Muddville, tonight" When Zachariah used his gaze to make Sister Christine remove the last of her clothing, then said "Are you sure you dont want? Ah, yes, I see. I can see it, in your thoughts" Zachariah then looked back, at Christine, and said "My dear, why not rest, and be comfortable, on that table, just behind you" When Sisiter Christine followed the instrctions, I swear Zachariah was even more aroused than the emotions I was fighting down. When Zachariah had Christine touching herself, and giving me a beautiful smile, Tami said "Thats enough!" With enough power behind her voice to break Zachariah's spell. When Zachariah said "Demon witch! You dare challenge me?!" I told Zachariah "We both do". Joining hands, we told him "We are a TEAM. A UNIT. We are ONE" Suddenly, Zachariah semed to be in extreme pain, all over. He cried out, in pain, even as he doubled over, as though in mortal agony. Then, he was on fire, then a gutteral laugh sounded, as though from inside our plane. A laugh, full of spine-chiling evil. Then, Zachariah, and the flames, vanished. Moments later, the spell was broken, and Christine was blushing, from head to foot, as she asked "What happened?" Tami smiled as she said "Relax, you were solo, and so beautiful, but nothing happened" When the nun gathered her clothes, and followed Tami behind some head stones, to dress, Tami noticed how the nun was in no hurry to get dressed. When we returned to the plane, Sister Christine even looked at Tami's closet, for a moment. When Tami suggested "You can try on whatever you wish. I dont mind" The nun touched some of the dresses, and then tried them, before herself, in Tami's full length mirror. Christine then admitted why she had entered the nunnery "I just never could find the right man. Sure, plenty of men want youth, and beauty, but none seemed to want a home, and family. Atleast none I have met, so far. Plenty of "One Night" offers, but nothing more" The she asked what Tami was expecting her to ask "Tell me about him. He seems nice, proper, respectful. My question is What does he want, "Behind cosed doors?"" Tami found herself blushing, at the thought, even as she told Christine "He is my fellow team member. We work together." When Christine asked "Nothing else?", Tani said "Nothing else". When Christine left the plane, to return to the church, Tami had let her borrow a garment bag, for her habit, while Christine was wearing one of Tami's dresses. With her hair flowing, and her walk... It was only when Tami whispered "You can put your tongue back in your mouth, now", that I realized what I must have looked like. Inside the plane, Tami smiled as she joked "I KNOW what you wanted", to which I said "She belongs to the church.. END of discussion" Tami and I remained on-site, for about 14 more days, just until we verified that locall life was back to "normal". Just before we lifted off, to fly home, I received an e-mail, from Christine. It said "The church has suggested I take a sebatical, and re-examine my options. It seems that someone has sent the church materials, which suggest "im-proper activities" have taken place. I will let you know how it turns out. Love, Christine" Tami, briefly, remarked "Boy, did she have it bad, for you, just as you had it, bad, for her. Makes me wonder how much, control Zachariah really had, over her, and how much was her own fantasy" I didn't bother remarking. The report would show that, during the "event", the girl was hypnotized, and "Not in control of her actions". I wasn't about to question the girls motivations, or destroy her future, just because of an "isolated event". The final report would read that Zachariah had cast some sort of spell, prior to his "flame-broiling", and that this spell had affected not only his own body, but the entire cemetary. THIS is why the spirits had become so active. Zachariah had made his spell much too powerful. Now that Zachariah was "gone" (Hopefully, for good, this time), the town could get back to its normal life. On the flight back, Tami did ask "I wonder if there are others, like Zachariah, out there All just waiting for their wake-up calls" I didn't want to think about it. I was just ready for some peace, and quiet, and some rest, before our next, in-evitable, case.

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