Monday, June 29, 2015


THE NEW ADVENTURES OF ISIS #4 Over the past few months, since her previous adventure, Theresa Adams would be vastly relieved that Isis had kept her word, and not acted, without permission. This had allowed enough time to pass that the "strange woman, with the jewelry", would pass out of the headlines, and allow Theresa to return to her work, with translations. Although Theresa had been reading several articles, recently, about how low-income, dilapidated, housing, was being demolished, to make way for a new casino, and she was not happy, that people were losing the only "housing" that they had, she would resist calling upon Isis, for help. Besides, what could the ancient goddess do against city hall crews? Sure, Theresa was part of a group, calling for more accountability, from city hall, especially with the government announcing that $500 million was to be spent, on the new casino, at the same time that local populations were being told that there was no money to fix roads, bridges, or even sidewalks. No money, for public improvements, yet $500 million, for a casino? There was talk, of breaking into city hall, and stealing evidence, in order to coerce the city into making improvements, just as there was talk, of hacking city computers. There was even talk, of stealing construction materials, and making public repairs, without government permission. Theresa was opposed to each of these simply because her own background showed how badly things could turn out. Sure, Egypt had not been perfect either. Not all royalty had died, quietly, in their sleep. Many had been "assisted" by a variety of means. According to Adams family history, the ascention, to each throne, was not so simple, as western culture wanted the world to believe. Even the people, of Egypt, did not want the world to know how many battles had been fought, over thrones. How many battles had left the desert sands red, with blood, as heirs fought to keep royal rights, while others claimed to be more "qualified" to run the empire. Theresa's own parents had taught her about some of the blood, which Egypt had spilt, over the centuries. The cities, which had been wiped out, and families, which had been slain, just for being loyal to a ruler. Then, there was the modern world, where two world wars had done little more than to shift the balance of power about. How many people had died, just in the 20th century, and for what? Land? Religion? Government? What made Theresa sick, even today, was when she thought about the Middle East, and the peoples of Iraq, and Afghanistan. After centuries, of holy wars, then had come the years, of Soviet aggression. Not long after the Soviets realized that they could never "conquer" the Afghani's, then had come the continuing invasion, by the United States. For over 12 years, her kin had been working to free Afghanistan of the puppet government, imposed by America. Ofcourse, what good were revolvers, rifles, R.P.G.'s, and I.E.D.'s, against M1-A1 heavy battle tanks, Apache Attack Helicopters, and 50-caliber machine guns? All these centuries, and all this blood-shed. Theresa wept when she wondered where it would, all, end. Would her relatives ever be "free"? Ofcourse, when Theresa had tried being rational, and asking for peaceful intervention, she had been called a coward. Neither side wanted peace. All both sides cared about was killing one another. This is why, until the call came, Theresa had focused her attention on the translations, while monitoring the story, about low-income people being ordered out of their homes, and told to go "somewhere else", while bulldozers plowed out the housing. No one, either at university, nor in the city, was surprised when the housing came down, so easily. The managers had allowed the properties to deteriorate to such a point that even strong thunderstorms could have knocked the places down. What students, and the public, had found appalling was how the same city, which claimed there was no money, to re-hab the homes, was the exact same city, which "found" the $500 million, for the casino. Then came the "twist". The professor called Theresa to his office, one morning, and asked if she would like to do some consulting, with him. When she asked "Where?", the professor had said "Its at the construction site, for the casino. The crew says they have found something, but they dont know what to make of it." Although Theresa figured that this was just a gimmik, to try and grab some publicity, she agreed to join her mentor, in investigating the site. Who knows, maybe the contractors had found some evidence, that native Americans had lived in this area, as originally thought. What shocked both Theresa and the professor, was that, after he accepted the invitation, the two were informed that a helicopter was enroute, to collect them. When the professor asked the reason, he was told they would find out, later. An hour later, as the helicopter closed on the site, both passengers found out why they were being flown in. They could look down, from the helicopter, at the demonstrators, who were picketting the site. When the professor asked if that was the reason for the fly-in, all the "company man" would say was "You will see, soon enough". A few minutes later, the two saw what could not, possibly, be. After the helicopter set down, the financier came up to the pair, waived at what was before them, and said "This is why I asked you to come". There, standing before them, and huge enough to cover almost all of the lot, was a pyramid. An actual pyramid. When the professor asked where it came from, the professor, and Theresa, were taken to the security room, and shown video footage, from the night before, and that day. According to the footage, the pyramid had not been there, at 10 p.m., last night. It had "appearred", overnight. When Theresa asked if it was a hoax, maybe made of cardboard, the financier said "I wish it were that simple. If it were, I would have had it removed this morning." Upon closer examination, Theresa found an unusual cross between royal Egyptian, and religious Egyptian heiroglyths, on the pyramid. It was as if someone had created a brand new language, out of the previous languages. If so, why? What was the point? Officially, Egyptians had not started coming to the America's until the 1800's. There was no record, of any previous expeditions. More importantly, though, HOW had this thing been brought to this site, and erected, overnight? It was a historical fact that it would take even an experienced crew, with modern equipment, weeks, if not months, to build such a structure. If the video was to be believed, this thing had "appearred", overnight. It was the professor who, first, suspected a fraud, and suggested that Isis might shed some light on the subject. When Theresa asked "You suspect the financier? But, why?" The professor would point out that this project was being ridiculed, by the entire community. Why not try to generate sympathy, by claiming the site was tampered with? Theresa could see using graffitti, or vandalizing tools, or supplies, but to erect a pyramid? Wasn't that a bit "over-the-top"? The professor then slipped Theresa a note, asking to have Isis meet him close by, but out of sight. The professor thought that the priestess could shed some light, one way or the other, on this mystery. Not knowing she was being professionally surveilled, Theresa would go someplace where she thought she was alone, and spoke the words. When the light absorbed her, and Isis stepped forward, the surveillance master almost betrayed himself, as he looked upon the Amazonian woman. When Isis met with the professor, and was told what was found, Isis let the professor lead her to the pyramid. It was when he asked "Do you recognize this?", that another voice came up, saying "Yes, that is my question, as well". At the moment, when the two were turning, to see who was speaking, two pops sounded, and both Isis, and the professor, fell to the ground, as electric shocks stunned their muscles. Isis would pass out, as she recognized the weapons the men carried. While drifting in and out, of consciousness, Isis would hear voices saying "We have tried lasers, carbide bit drills, and so on, but no effect. That jewelry is not made of anything, of this Earth" Soon, Isis would feel herself being chained to a wall, while a voice said "make it tight. She has a reputation for breaking free". When Isis would say "Release me, I command you", the men, about her, would say "Not so fast. Lets have a chat, first". When Isis would say "I have nothing to say to you, mortal", the financier would say "Oh, really? I wonder what Theresa would have to say, about this?" When Isis would say "Do not threaten me, mortal", the financier would say "So, calling me a mortal. Tell me, does that mean you are IM-mortal?". Isis would say "I am eternal". The financier would say "I wonder if Theresa would say the same". After some more of this, Isis would ask "Just what is it that you want, mortal?", this is when the financier would say "I want you to transfer whatever you are, to one of MY workers. We will leave Theresa Adams, and her family, alone, IF you transfer her power over to one of my people". Isis would smile, and laugh, at this. When the financier would ask "Whats so funny?", Isis would proclaim "Only my true blood line can accept the power. It is foolish to try to seize what you can, never, have". After this, the financier would order Isis blood to be drawn. If she didn't give her power, willingly, it would be taken, forcably. The problem, with the blood test subjects, was the same, in every case. As the scientists had pointed out, Isis blood was not human. It was modified, to make her compatable, with Earths atmosphere, but not enough to make her human. Both male, and female, test subjects, suffered extremely adverse reactions, to injections, and there was no way to know why. As to the financiers hope, that sustained captivity, and even drug injections, would make Isis dissolve, leaving Theresa behind, to face him, was a failed hope. Isis stayed on. While test subjects were failing, Isis did ask a worker how they managed to erect a temple in a land her people had not, previously, visited. The worker brought in a scientist, with some scrolls, to see Isis. The scientist would show Isis the ancient documents, which showed that un-counted years ago, a settlement HAD been erected, on this site. As for how it was hidden, for so long, that was thought to be hidden in some text, on the document, which no one could read. When Isis would review the scroll, she realized just HOW the pyramid had arrived, overnight. Simple sorcery. Simple magic. She just wondered how long it would be before the people, of a foreign land, would realize that one of their pyramids was missing. The one thing Isis was confident of was that, so long as danger remained, she would remain, and Theresa Adams would be protected. Isis even smiled when she heard talk, fron beyond her cell, between the financier, and a doctor, who was giving Isis injections. As the financier would say "I dont care what it takes, put her under", the doctor would caution "We have given her enough, already, to kill ten people. She should not be alive" When the financier would say "Then, increase the dosage", the dotor would say "Sir, you dont understand. That woman is NOT human. We dont know what she is". When the financier would say "Details", the doctor would say "Facts". Isis was just happy to know that the professor, although heavily drugged, was not in any real danger. He was a victim of this, just as Theresa was. Isis just wondered how long it would be before both people were declared missing. Isis also wondered WHY the mortal would bother to "steal" a pyramid, and use it to block his own build site? Had that realy been his INTENT, or had he made an error, and was, now, hoping that Isis magic could "fix" the problem. Eventually, Isis would learn that the man had not intended for the pyramid to show up. While attempting what should have been a spell, to ward off the protesters, he had made a real mistake, in the translation, and ended with both protesters, AND the pyramid. When the doctor would admit, to Isis, "I know that you are not human, so, no threats. Just tell me. Do you know how to get rid of the pyramid?" Isis would say "No, I will not "get rid" of what has been stolen. I will only return it to its rightful owners". When the doctor asked "How?" Isis would say "Foolish mortal, do you not think that I know we are being observed? My price, for the information, is the release, of both the professor, and Theresa Adams, to safety." The doctor found this easy to agree to since he knew that the financier was rich enough to BUY "justice", and avoid prison. When Isis, the doctor, and the financier, as well as the professor, were standing before the pyramid, Isis looked upon the building, for a moment, as if pondering the mix of languages, on its facade. Was it really just graffitti? Upon closer examination, Isis realized what this pyramid was, and why it needed to be returned to its rightful place. When Isis closed her eyes, and began to concentrate, the financier asked the professor "What is she up to? A trap, perhaps?" The professor would whisper "Be silent! Isis is gathering her powers, to perform the requested task. Now, be silent!" (Isis would smile at the man, who dared reprimand a wealthy person) In time, her jewelry began to glow, brighter and brighter, then the jewelry would project an aura which would "consume" the pyramid. A short time later, the aura consumed the pyramid, then both vanished. After this, the professor went to Isis, asked her health, then suggested that the two leave the site. This is when the financier would say "Not so fast." as he levelled a fire-arm at the two. When the doctor said "We had a deal", a moment later, the doctor lay on the ground, a bullet in his chest. The financier then said "I WANT those powers. You wil give them to me, right NOW, or the professor dies". When Isis said "Very well, mortal", the professor would say "Dont do it. He wil kill you, anyway". The professor noticed how calm Isis was as she said "I think not". A short while later, while holding the med-team, at gun-point, as well, the man would demand that the sample, drawn from Isis be injected directly into his arm. When a technician warned against this, the tech saw the gun, aimed at them, and said "Very well". The tech then swabbed the financiers arm, and injected Isis blood, into his vein. Everyone then stood well back as, for a moment, the man said "Wow, I never felt so powerful, in my life", then, just as he was looking at Isis, and saying "As for you.." when a violent seizure overcame him, and everyone, including Isis, cleared the room, while the mans body went into even more violent spasms. He began destroying the room he was in. Moments later, the workers heard gagging sounds, and then a thunderous crash. When they re-entered the exam room, they found the mans body, lying, twisted in agony. But only for a moment. After that, storm clouds gathered overhead, the room went dark, and a mist surrounded the body which dissolved, with the mist. In the next moment, the storm clouds dissapated. When a tech asked Isis "What are you?" Isis would, only say "In time, you will learn". Later, Theresa Adams would consult, with the professor, about the bizarre happening. The professor would admit to being puzzled, by the entire situation. Neither of them could understand the rationale, behind the city's decision, either. After telling the displaced to, basically, "get lost", to make room for the casino, the city had, suddenly, decided to change its mind, and devote the "found money" to construction of replacement housing. Theresa Adams had to wonder how much this had to do with the kidnapping, and "enhanced interrogation", of Isis, as well as the illegal drugging, and shooting, of the professor. Was the city really just hoping to avoid negative publicity? That was the question.

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