Monday, June 29, 2015


NEW ADVENTURES OF ISIS (PART 2) Prelude: At the dawn, of the twenty-first century, an American college student is required to come to terms with her Egyptian heritage. Theresa Adams will be compelled to accept the knowledge that she is the latest, direct, decendent, of the powerful, Egyptian, goddess: Isis In the weeks, and months, following her first encounter, with Isis, Theresa Adams has been trying to reconcile the seemingly double life, which she, now, finds herself living. Although attempting to concentrate on her studies, Theresa, frequently finds herself being side-tracked by the need to aid those in need. Theresa is also trying to accept, and understand, the terrible power, which comes from uttering those ominous words: "Oh, mighty Isis". Although Theresa has been willing herself to avoid trouble, whenever possible, to the point of immersing herself in her studies, and translations, to the exclusion of all else, it would seem that trouble was, at times, determined to find HER. As a result of this, and as a reminder to retain control, Theresa would begin keeping a scrap book, of Isis activities, whenever on the "loose". Fortunately, no major damage would be reported, to date, and Isis has even delivered a few bound criminals to the police. Theresa's concern, though is the potential consequences, should Isis lose control. After all, Isis is from a time when gods had no limitations. She is new to our world. Theresa's concerns, over Isis self control, though, would take a "back seat", when news would reach the university. News of a construction project, taking place in the Amazon rain forests. It would be of enough concern if construction material were rolling into the prehistoric jungles, but what really concerned Theresa was when she learned that high-power electronics were to be used, to clear a path, of sunlight, into the dark forests. When Theresa attempted to make her concerns known, to the dean, the dean would only respond " I KNOW you have had a very trying experience, recently, however, this project is for the improvement of the Amazonian economy". Theresa's thought was: "A four lane highway, leading from the coast, to where?" For some reason, Theresa felt that she understood the needs of the wildlife, and fauna, all of which would be destroyed, by the development. The question was: What about the home Isis once kept, in the Amazon? A "home away from home", in Egypt. If the maps Theresa was viewing were accurate, Isis home was right in the path of construction, raising the danger of discovery, and destruction. After sending dozens of e-mails, pleading for an end, to the construction, all of which were replied to with: "With apologies, there is nothing to be done", Theresa decided that she had to act, even if this meant doing what she hoped she would not have to do. Finding a place, where she hoped she was alone, and would not be seen, or heard, Theresa would utter those ominous words: "Oh, mighy Isis!" The light then consumed Theresa Adams, and dissolved, leaving Isis in her place. Returning to Theresa's room, Isis would find the clippings Theresa would have left for her. (Theresa had to leave the clippings since Isis was not computer literate, yet). When university staff observed Isis, in Theresa's quarters, and called campus security, every witness would report the same thing, about the incident. The woman, in the Egyptian clothing, and jewelry, moved with the grace of a gazelle, and the speed of a cheetah, as she eluded security, then surprise student, and staff, observers, when she would take flight, after saying "Oh, mighty Horace, I fly with thee". Observers would watch as the woman rose from the ground, and flew off, to the south. Unbeknownst to either Theresa, or Isis, when the dean heard the report, of the woman, with the jewelry, he would travel to the security monitoring center, where he would send copies, of the camera's footage to his office, showing where this "intruder" lady had come from. Once he forwarded the copies, he returned to his office, where he would review the materials. When Isis reached South America, she would see where, and what, the problem was. A large cargo plane was showing a light at the ground, and the light was burning a path through her beloved forest. Even from the distance, Isis could hear the cries, of the forest animals, as they ran, swam, jumped, or climbed, to escape the moving beam. In the beams wake, Isis could see the thick clouds, of dark smoke, from the scorched land. When Isis flew in, closer, she could see how wide the beam was, and how it cut a path wide enough that the forest could not close up, behind it. Isis would consider using lightning, to down the plane, but she knew how the mortals would view such a gesture. They would, just send another plane. Besides, as a goddess, Isis code of ethics denied her the right to take life, except to protect life. This is why she looked about, chose the most reflective material she could find, then moved into the path of the beam. As the forest filled with the screams, of panic, pain, and desperation, Isis would stand her ground, as she aimed the reflector at the source of the beam. Sure enough, the reflected beam disabled its own source, leaving the wounded plane to fly back to its base, bruised, but not destroyed. As Isis observed the damage, around her, and considered the healing, which would be necessary, she would look skyward in time to see men, dressed in black, or even in camoflauge, descending ropes, from something Theresa would have called "helicopters". The men would be foolish enough to think that they could take Isis, with brute force. Atleast the first five men thought so. When Isis tossed the men aside, effortlessly, four "pop-bangs" sounded, around her, as bola-nets covered her with metal mesh. To the mens surprise, though, Isis stood, tall, under a weight which would have brought down a hefty man. When Isis said "I command you, release me!", and the group commander said "I dont think so", the men watched, in dis-belief, as Isis jewelry glowed, brightly, then went dark, as the metal nets fell to the ground, as if cut by wire-cutters. Moments later, the group commander barked "tazer!", and Isis found herself buckling under the electric shock, as the hand-held device sent thousands of volts through wires, to the electrodes, adhering to Isis skin. The tazer controller would voice his dis-belief that it would take seven shocks to bring the strange lady down. Later, when Isis was strapped down, to a stretcher, and the team tried to remove her jewelry, the commando's found that the jewelry would not release. As a result, the woman, and her jewelry, would make the trip to the coast, while work got back on schedule, for clearing the jungle. When Isis arrived, at the medical center, staff would swear they put the strange lady into an observation cell, yet, when the interrogators arrived, all would be surprised to find the powerful woman gone. In her place was the docile form of Theresa Adams. Ofcourse, Theresa was questioned, about Isis escape, but, when Theresa said they wouldn't believe her, the interrogators said "Try me". When Theresa said "Alright, I AM her. I AM Isis. Or, atleast one of her descendents". To this, the interrogators just chuckled, saying "So you are. A small thing, like you, is going to take on my crack troops. What do you take me for, little missy?" When Theresa said "Its the truth", the interrogator just laughed, stood up, and turned to leave, telling Theresa "We will talk, again, when you become hungry, and thirsty. You Americans, always like to talk, more, when your bellies are empty, and your mouths are dry" then added "I will return, then". With that, Theresa was left alone, in the cell, wondering what to do, next. This is when she fell into another of those "fainting" spells she had been having, since meeting Isis. In what looked like ancient Egypt, Isis would appear, and ask Theresa "What is that device, which shocks like Poseidons lightning?" Once Theresa gaved Isis some details, including the name "Tazer", and Theresa told Isis what the device did to its victims, Isis knew to stay clear of the device. Now that Isis knew what she was up against, she directed Theresa to return, saying "You will know what to do". When Theresa awakened, and called out, the soldiers, and medical staff members, all would say that, as they heard the words, calling out, the entire building had shaken. As "Oh, mighty Isis!", boomed through the corridors, the guard, at the cell, would peak inside the cell, and watch as the light engulfed Theresa, then dissdolve, leaving Isis in the cell. When the guard opened the cell door, tazer in hand, Isis would smile at him, even as he aimed, and fired. By the time the electrodes fired, the cheetah-like speed, of the goddess, would sprint her out of harms way. The electrodes would fall, harmlessly, to the floor. Faster than the guard could comprehend, Isis was behind him, pinching his neck, and rendering him un-conscious. Although alarms would sound, and other guards would come running, weapons in hand, none were prepared for the goddesses incredible speed, or her strength. From windows, overlooking the hospital entrance, doctors, and nurses would watch, in stunned dis-belief, as the woman called out "Oh, mighty Horace, I fly with thee", then she would rise into the sky, and be away. Back, in the forest, another plane had been brought in, to continue the work, and it was burning its way into the jungle, and dangerously close to Isis "fortress". When Isis was spotted, the beam was shut off, and the plane turned away, as the commando's prepared to subdue the woman, again. Although Isis stood her ground, she would not fall for the tazers, again. Her hearing located each unit, even as the commando leader said "Tazers". With a flash of speed, Isis eluded each of the tazers, as a few of the commandos accidentally tazered one another. When the commander drew his knife, and said "Okay, lady", then lunged at her, Isis just smiled, as she, effortlessly, flipped the man, while wrenching the knife from his hand, and throwing it away. When Isis heard the distinctive clicking, of weapons being cocked, her jewelry glowed, for a couple of seconds, then the commandos noticed that their weapons would not fire. When the men tried another tackle, Isis stepped aside, with grace, and let the men fall into one another. When the men realized that Isis could not be taken, by force, they took their leader, and withdrew. Once the men, and their machines, were gone, from the area, Isis would walk a short distance, into the jungle, and emerge on a patio. A patio which surrounded, and decorated, the home she had visited, so long ago. She was impressed at how well her followers had kept up the place, after she had been left inside the chamber. Inside one of the "derelict" buildings, Isis found what she considered to be the greatest treasure, of her life. A portrait of her father. She would need to arrange transport, of the painting, to the place where Theresa worked. If Theresa's memories were true, then modern mortals had ways of making the very old look new. All that Theresa knew was that a painting would appear, one day, in her lab, with a note, written in ancient Egytian. After reviewing the note, left with the painting, Theresa would answer the call, and report to the deans office. She just hoped Isis had done nothing very rash, during her freedom. After being shown into the deans office, Theresa noticed how the dean checked the door, windows, and so on, before sitting behind his desk, and, calmly, saying "Theresa, we need to talk. First, however, I have something to show you". When the dean opened up a computer file, marked "Security", Theresa was hoping she wouldn't see what she was about to see. Live, on video surveillance, Theresa could be seen, and heard, calling for Isis. The picture then flared, for a moment, as the light engulfed Theresa, then Isis emerged. Understanding that the dean had, already, viewed the material, Theresa sat back, looked at Isis, on the screen, then asked the dean "What do you want?" (She HOPED she would not have to "buy" his silence). When the dean said "Theresa, you mis-understand. It is not my intention, to blackmail you" When Theresa asked "Then, what?", the dean said "I want to help you. I want you to learn how to control this wonderful gift. Keep it from hurting anyone". As Theresa sat there, and said "Isis has not hurt anyone, yet", the dean walked past her, removed a volume from a shelf, then asked "Do you know who Isis was? Or is?" Theresa could only say "All I know is that she has been helpful, at times". When the dean asked "Do you know Isis history? Her past, as it were?" Theresa could only say "I know what I have read, and what I have been taught. Somehow, though, the Isis I am coming to know just doesn't fit the description we have, of her". The dean then handed Theresa the bound volume, indicated the tabs, on certain pages, then said "Read this, carefully. Then let me know if you have questions". When Theresa asked about the recording, the dean said not to worry. No one else need know. After leaving the deans office, with the volume, Theresa spent the next two days studying the contents, and trying to understand WHY she, of all people, had been chosen as Isis "vessel". According to the text, Isis was considered "evil", but only by those who opposed her. It seems that Isis had opposed several construction projects, which would have destroyed animal habitats. Isis also opposed some priests, whose greed knew no bounds. Finally, Theresa read how Isis opponents found some un-defined way, to trap the goddess. They had left her mortal form to perish, in the "fortress". None ever thought that, one day, Isis would return. Calling out, to the gods of the Egyptians, Isis asked to be freed of the mortal form. It seems the gods heard her prayers since, when the guards returned, to check her prison, they found her gown, but no body. According to the followers of Isis, though, the gods placed a condition upon Isis freedom. Isis was to remain in spirit form until another Egyptian, who was "pure of heart", called the goddess forth. When Theresa looked into her mirror, and asked "Isis, come to me", Isis face replaced her own, in the mirror. When Theresa asked "Is the volume true? Were you imprisoned, for battling the wicked?" Isis agreed. When Theresa asked "How did the dean know of the volume and the recording?", Isis said "I told him where to look, and what to look for. Take my advice, mortal, and do not follow my path, in acting, alone. Pride was my mistake, Pride that I thought I needed no one". When Theresa asked "But, WHY the dean?", Isis said "Wisdom, and experience. I have seen his heart, and it is as pure as your own. Together, we will make the world better". When Theresa returned the volume to the dean, and asked "Will you help me?", the dean agreed, but on condition that he be allowed to speak directly to the goddess. Hoping Isis was correct, in trusting the dean, Theresa took several steps back, then issued the command. The dean stood, spell-bound, as the light consumed Theresa, then dissolved, leaving Isis standing before the dean. When Isis saw the way the dean looked upon her, she asked "Do I appear so strange to one who has studied my history, so well?" The dean could only say "It is an honor to meet you", as he looked upon the goddess. When the dean asked if Isis powers were,truly "limited", Isis said "Only by need. I remain so long as I am needed". When the dean asked of Isis "Will you help me to help Theresa accept this gift?", Isis said "I will try. With your help, mortal, we may help one another". Isis then sat down, in a lounger, and complimented its softness. After that, she closed her eyes. The dean then watched as Isis dissolved, leaving Theresa behind. Later that day, the dean, and Theresa, saw the internet article, about the "trouble" in the Amazon jungle. They read about the army's plan to join the renewing effort, to continue the clearing work. When the dean said "We have work to do", Theresa was surprised when he turned to his books, and began reading. When Theresa asked "Why not just let Isis handle this, as she did, before?" The dean would say "There is a time, and a place, for action, and a time, and a place, for intelligence. Isis will need intelligence in order to combat the weapons of this new world of ours. The mind, Theresa. The most powerful weapon ever created". "Oh, mighty Isis"

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