Monday, June 29, 2015


NEW ADVENTURES OF ISIS Having verified that the ancient painting was, safely, in the hands of the art restoration department, Theresa Adams would return to her own lab, where another, and most unusual slab, lay in wait. What made Theresa suspicious, of this slab, was that it was not really written in the ancient language. It appearred to be a more modern form, of the ancient writing. At one point, Theresa thought it looked as if it were written, by a modern hand. But, this was impossible. The ink was dated to pharonic times. For a moment, she thought she recognized the style of the writing, but, NO, that was impossible. Theresa Adams was not even BORN until the later 20th century. It couldn't be her handwriting. Still, the dean had asked her to work on the translation, in return for his continuing research, on the goddess. The deal was simple: the dean would track as many facts, as possible, about the goddess, Isis, in return for Theresa giving the translators a more active hand, with the Egyptian collection. More, than once, Theresa had been tempted to call upon the goddess, since Isis was much more fluent, in Egytian languages, than Theresa was. Finally, a break in the monotony came. The university was being allowed use of a highly compact, super-collission, device. Atleast, for a limited time, the university had access to the tech, for experiments. Although several departments wanted access, especially if "time travel" really became a possibility, the university regents declined such offers. A general memo was even sent out, dis-couraging talk about time experiments. There was never any intention of sending people into either the past, or the future. The priority goal would, at most, be to bring rocks, plants, and soil samples, from other times, for examination. (Provided the experiment worked, at all). As for Theresa, the regents made it clear that she was allowed access, due to her extensive knowledge, of the Egyptian language. Her knowledge might prove valuable, should any heiroglyths be recovered. Others were included, for similar reasons. This was no game, but serious research. Theresa was doubtful, of success, but, after spending months translating old tablets, she was ready for something new. During test number 300, though, something went terribly wrong. The device was supposed to send a simple rock into the distant past. Problem was, the device went into overload, and the automatic shutdowns failed. As a brilliant, white, light appearred, in the time/space portal, Theresa was ordered to cut the master breaker (Since she was closest to the breaker). As she turned toward the breaker, though, her co-workers watched, in shock, as Theresa was consumed by an "energy" ball of light. In response to this, someone threw a wrench at the master breaker, and cut the power. The lab was, then, plunged into total darkness, for a few moments, before the battery-powered emergency lights turned on. After this, a head count showed the lab down, by three members. Two of which would, soon, be found cowering just outside the lab door. The question, and the problem, was "What had happened to Theresa Adams?" When a thorough search, of the lab, turned up nothing, one of the techs recalled seeing Theresa advancing on the circuit breaker. After that, Theresa was gone. When the lab security tapes were reviewed, the team watched as Theresa "fell" into a brilliant light. This left the question of where/when had she gone? When the lead scientist saw everyone looking in his direction, he said "Dont look at me. The experiment was not supposed to contain a human element". Someone said "Guess what?". Somewhere, in the depths of time, Theresa found herself rocketting through a "tunnel" so slick that she felt like she was flying, at 100 miles per hour. Her thought was: "When/where will I land, if anywhere?" When an exit portal would open, it would, un-fortunately, open in the worst possible place. A palacial home, of the pharoah. What Theresa did not know was that, although her trip seemed to consume only moments of her time, in the outside world, it was quite different. To the Egyptian people, and to the goddess, Isis, herself, the portal would stand open, for hours, as the royal guards would come to shield the royal family, and servants. All-the-while, people would stare at the bright light, which had taken up residence, in their home. Isis, too, would attend the portal, as if drawn to whatever it might contain. Sometime after Isis showed up, Theresa would "fall" from the portal, onto the hard floor. At this point, Isis had only moments to react, as the palace guards moved in on the dis-oriented Theresa. Isis would have to scoop Theresa up, and soar to the sky, before the guards could react. Sometime later, back at Isis Egyptian home, Theresa's first questions were the obvious ones. Isis, however, did not understand why she was drawn to this mortal, until Theresa told the goddess about her family ancestry. Only then did the goddess understand. When Theresa looked about her, and realized she actually WAS in Egypt, she asked Isis, again, WHEN she was. If Isis was to be believed, then Theresa had travelled some 5,000, to 7,000 years, into the past. When Theresa pushed on some of the walls, hoping this was a bad joke, Isis watched, in calm tranquility. After Theresa threw a rock, at a wall section, then shouted "Leonard, you jerk. You weren't supposed to send a person. Stop this stupid joke". Isis asked who "Leonard" was. When Theresa tried to explain that Leonard was a computer programmer, and that HE was responsible for this mess, Isis could only say "We must find you a way back". This is when Theresa decided to try something. If it turned out that this was, all, a bad joke, Theresa would face "exposure", and ridicule. If not, maybe it could help. When Theresa called "Oh, mighty Isis" The call did not boom, with its normal, deep, bass, tint. Instead, it came out, normally, even as Isis said "I am here". Now, Theresa knew she was in way big trouble. She was WITH the LIVING goddess, and had no power to protect herself with. The mortal, and the goddess, then went on the "run", as Isis tried to find a place, in which to hide this "out of time" mortal. What made this so difficult was that, every time Isis found a spot, that damned, bright, light would appear, giving the duo away. Even worse was the fact that the two were being pursued, by palace guards. Isis was pretty sure of what they wanted, and it wasn't Theresa's autograph. After hours, of running, and hiding, Theresa was done for. She was tired, and hungry, and wanted to rest. This, ironically, is the moment when Theresa got the surprise of her day. Out of the pool of light came the dean, with a whimsical tone, as he said "We have been looking all over, for you. Are you ready to come home?" When Isis approached the dean, and asked "Who would you be, sir?" Theresa would say "This is the dean, of the university, where I study at". A moment later, another voice called out, asking "Dean, Are you there?". The dean responded with "Yes, I am here. Where else would I be?" The dean then turned to Theresa, who asked "Can you get me back?" The dean smiled as he said "Thats what we came for, after all.". A moment later, the light shifted a bit, then the voice said "We think we have it. Step on through". This would be Theresa's next big moment. Either she would return home, with the dean, or much worse. As they stepped up, to the light, Theresa felt herself tugged in, so she just let go, and "fell" into the "tunnel". Moments later, she was flung from the tunnel, again, but, this time, she hit a console. Then, she had hands helping her up. She was happiest, though, when she saw the deans face. When she asked the dean "How did you know where to look?", the dean showed Theresa an ancient text, about a mysterious visitor, who appearred, out of nowhere, then vanished, later. "It just made sense it was you", the dean said. Later, in a discreet location, the dean looked on, as Theresa uttered the call: "Oh, mighty Isis", and the call boomed like an overly-loud speaker, as the light consumed Theresa, and Isis emerged. Isis then told the dean "I want to thank you for helping save Theresa. She did not belong in my world. She is of this world" The dean would say "I was happy to be of service. I also want to thank YOU, for showing me where to look". Isis would respond in kind "Then, I too am happy to have been of service". With a quick observation, of the surroundings, and finding everything calm, Isis would sit on a chair, which the dean had provided for her use, and fade away, as Theresa returned. "Oh, mighty Isis", indeed.

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