Monday, May 22, 2017


DARK AND STORMY NIGHT 2 It was about a month after that "Night, of Heaven", when Stacey found me, walking in a park, and we shared an embrace, and a kiss, before she asked "Can we go somewhere, and talk." When I suggested "Name the place", Stacey whispered "MY place." I kissed her, whispering "Lets go." While I didn't dare HOPE for a repeat, of that "Night, in Heaven", I noticed that the topic, which Stacey wanted to discuss, was so "personal", she would only whisper, about it. And, NO, I did not mind, when, after each whisper, Stacey kissed my ear. Why should I? When Stacey was not complaining about my carressing her warm, soft, skin. What I, eventually, learned, from her whispers, was that her "boyfriend" was determined NOT to propose marriage, until Stacey changed her "flat chest", into some "major mounds". That, and the fact that her "boyfriend" wanted Stacey to get her rear "expanded". The only thing I could think of, in response, was to ask "Why? You are beautiful, as you are. WHY would he want to change such a beautiful angel?" After this, we discussed how her religion said that a womans "position", in life, was to see to her husbands happiness, and to raise a healthy family. Thankfully, before meeting Stacey, I had studied her as much as she had studied me. This is why I did not question her religions interpretations, of adults "roles, in life". This is, also, why I asked Stacey "What about your creative goal? Dont you WANT to become an artist?" I was surprised when Stacey kissed me, then said "What I want is to be a good wife, and a loving mother." When I promised Stacey that she did not need double, or triple D-size breasts, to be a good wife, and mother, Stacey mentioned "Baby, I am NOT a YOUNG woman, anymore." I gave Stacey a deep kiss, whispering "You are as beautiful as ever." When I noticed that Stacey was rubbing her breasts, I whispered "Let me do that, for you." In my personal opinion, I have no clue what her "boyfriend" was complaining about. I mean, Stacey retained most of her youthful beauty. Her mouth was a pure delight, to kiss. Her neck was so warm, and smooth, I could neck with her all day long. And Stacey's breasts. No amount, of praise, is adequate, for the beauty, which the lord blessed Stacey with. As for her womanhood, I could delight, in satisfying it, all day long. I even recall telling Stacey, honestly, from the first time that I loved her "I just want you to know that you OWN my heart, and soul." Stacey was, also, so beautifully practiced, at giving oral, that my only directions were "Its all yours. Enjoy yourself." No matter how many times, or how deeply, we made love, I could find no "fault", in Stacey's body. It was only after the fact, and when Stacey asked "Baby, do me a favor. Dont call me your "angel", any more." I agreed, on the following condition. "Angel, when you stop calling me your baby, I will stop, as well." While I would swear, on the Christian Bible, that the afternoon, when Stacey found me, in the park, was beautiful, sun-lit, and warm, by the time Stacey was snuggled, to my side, listening to my heart-beat, the beautiful day had turned into a thunderous night. This lead Stacey to remember a few nights earlier. In fact, the very night, when her "boyfriend" had demanded sex. Stacey had no idea of why, aside from the storm, that she felt un-comfortable. Still, Stacey gave her "boyfriend" what he wanted, even as lightning flashed, and thunder crashed, outside. For some reason, with him, Stacey felt "cold", and "alone", as if, instead of being in bed, with a lover, Stacey was standing outside, in the rain, wet and shivering. To Stacey's relief, her "boyfriend" passed out, after just a single time. Still, Stacey piled on her clothes, and even took his winter jacket. This, Stacey used to try to stay marginally warm, and dry, when she returned to her place. Stacey, already, planned to avoid the "Take my stuff, without asking" speech, by hiding the jacket in the rear, of her closet (and out of her sight). Why shouldn't she? After all, how MANY times had HE just grabbed her belongings, to sell, or pawn, for various reasons. If the "boyfriend" called, the following day, asking Stacey "Have you SEEN my jacket?' Stacey could, honestly, say "No, I dont see it." One, of the few, of the mans "belongings", which Stacey would, NEVER, take, was another jacket. This one, provided, to the man, by a charity. A top-quality jacket, which contained a lining which only the deepest part, of the Arctic, could penetrate. Since this had been a charity donation, Stacey would have considered it very UN-Christian, to swipe such a gift. What amazed Stacey, however, was how, during the night, after their "date", the crash, of thunder, and the sound, of heavy rain, made Stacey feel so chilled that she had to drink cup-after-cup, of hot tea, just to warm up. The next day, however, the sun was warm, and the day, beautiful, and Stacey was considering how beautiful it would have been, waking beside me, again. Stacey, then, reminded herself "Once was risky enough. Twice was just ASKING for trouble." Still, when Stacey went for a walk, to clear her head, as soon as she saw me, Stacey remembered my kiss, then decided "What the Hell. Its only a kiss." Stacey had slipped the discussion, since her "boyfriend" had done so, just before the man TOOK what he wanted. Now, with me, and after what Stacey considered wonderful sex, everytime Stacey tried to say "I am neither your woman, nor your lover, I am your friend." Stacey found herself, several times, slipping in the word "wife". No matter how much she apologized, I just kissed her, while whispering "Its okay. I dont mind." While Stacey and I awoke, to a sunny morning, the closer we came, to her kicking me out her front door, the more the rain returned, and the harder it poured. While Stacey meant to say "I dont care how wet you get, you are leaving, NOW!". What she ended up saying was "I dont care how much I love you, you are leaving, now." It was when a bit of lightning came dangerously close, to the rental units, followed by the crashing BOOM, of thunder, that Stacey went from pushing me away, to embracing me, as I carressed her. DID Stacey cause this weather? Had she caused the previous nights weather? A night, when she found comfort, support, and affection, in MY arms. While Stacey was determined NOT to re-live that night, destiny must have had other plans. This became evident as the rain became a deluge, and Stacey found herself whispering "Husband, why dont you stay awhile." Stacey had begun by suggesting we play video games, and music videos, until the rain stopped. That is, until what I thought was a triple lightning bolt, took out the power, for four, city, blocks. When Stacey said "No television, then." and gave me a crooked smile, as she suggested "Only one, other, thing I can think of." In her bedroom, Stacey noticed that, while removing her clothes, for me, the storm did not make her feel scared, cold, or threatened. In fact, as I joined her, in bed, our only thoughts were of one another. What Stacey could not figure out was WHY it was that, as we began loving one another, again, Stacey thought BACK, beyond our first meeting, and to a day, when her friends had made a joke, of my family name. While Stacey's own, family, name was so plain, and simple, that no one remembered it, Staceys friends had been surprised when Stacey took three, full, days, to learn the way MY family pronounced our name. As Stacey thought of what it would be like, being known as my "Mrs.", she realized that she was having some very powerful, almost Titanic, climaxes. While her intellect was taking her thoughts elsewhere, Stacey realized that her HEART had put her body into romantic "over-drive". By the time I passed out, a short time later, Stacey found she could not care, less, about the black-out. It could last a week, as far as she was concerned. Stacey was in the arms, of the man she wanted. Stacey was in no rush to be free of me. Sure, during the night, loud cracks, of thunder, awakened us, but Stacey found that she WANTED to soothe me, back into relaxation. With some tender kisses, and carresses, I was out, cold, again. For Stacey, my heart-beat, and steady breathing, were all of the "sleeping pill" she needed. I dont know why, but, come morning, Stacey KNEW, even as I did, what I needed. I was just surprised when Stacey smiled and whispered "Come to me, my love." The good news was that, beside the fact that I had an angel by my side, I was greatful, for the fact that the apartment buildings water heater was gas-fired, rather than electric. Stacey and I shared a beautiful shower, then dressed, only to have the electricity, FINALLY, flicker back to life, as we dressed. When I turned our phones back on, and Stacey saw how far OFF her electric alarm clock was, she agreed to start breakfast, if I would reset her clocks. Stacey even smiled as she told me "I dont have to ask what you want, for breakfast. I, already, know." While Stacey was preparing breakfast, she noticed that her home phone had a voice-mail message on it. When Stacey noticed it was from her mother, Stacey called her elder, saying, in a soothing voice "I'm fine. Just a black-out. No, I was not alone. Why waste cell-phone minutes, when there was no emergency?" I noticed how Stacey carressed her belly, and smiled at me, as she promised her mother "No, I'm not pregnant." After some more questions, Stacey would say "I love you, mom, goodbye." then Stacey hung up the phone. When I asked "Bad news?" Stacey would say "She's just being my mother. For some reason, no one, in my family, likes my "boyfriend". Then, there is the fact that, by mistake, I happened to mention, to her, that I love you. Now, mother is convinced that I will, soon, be YOUR wife, and mother of YOUR children." When I took Stacey into my arms, and carressed her, promising "It will work out." Stacey had no-sooner kissed me, when the cooking food "called" to her. Still, during the meal, Stacey and I agreed that it was ridiculous. There was no way, or reason, for such a beautiful woman to settle for a man, like me. Add in the fact that Stacey had her heart set, on becoming an artist, and I promised her that, with her looks, and youth, she could be a "super-model", easily. Then, there was me. What can I say, except that my experience, of "family life" left everything to be desired. When Stacey concluded breakfast, by asking "What do YOU think I should do?" I informed her "To ME, you are perfect, as you are. You just need to find someone, who not only wants your radiant beauty, but who WANTS a lifetime, with you. A man whom I, personally, will envy, to my dying day." I made sure that I left Stacey, with a LONG, DEEP, kiss, as well as sending a prayer, to the Lord, asking "Stacey deserves the very BEST. Make sure she gets it." I only hope that the Lord was not to busy, to listen to his messages.

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