Monday, May 15, 2017


THE NEW BRADY BUNCH: It was a warm, sun-lit, afternoon, in the neighborhoood, when Marcia Brady would wander into the family home. It was the kind of day where most high schoolers would be thrilled to be "free" of school, for after-school activities. Both Carol Brady, and Alice Nelson, would be enjoying the day, while going about housekeeping duties, when Marcia would walk in. When Carol would ask Marcia "How was your day, honey?" Marcia would say nothing. When Carol would ask "Didn't the test go well?" Marcia would just walk out of the kitchen, after passing her mother her test results. When Alice would ask "Dont tell me she didin't pass. She was studying, for a whole WEEK." When Carol would pass Alice the school paper, Alice would say "I dont understand. She should be thrilled, with this score." Carrol would say "I dont know what it is, but I think its time I play "Sherlock Holmes". When Carol would join Marcia, in the girls room, Marcia would be staring out the window. When Carol would mention "Marcia, you look like you just lost your best friend. What happened?" Marcia would not answer. This is when Carol would pat her daughter, saying "When you want to talk, I will be downstairs, with Alice." By the time Carol returned to the kitchen, Greg would be coming in, looking as if his favorite pet had been run over. When Alice would mention "I have your football uniform all nice and pressed. All ready for you to get it all muddy, again." Carol, and Alice, would be surprised, when Greg would mention "fine. By the way, Alice would you find me a bag, big enough for the uniform, AND the helmet?" When Carol would mention "I THOUGHT you had a bag, at school, in the team locker room." Greg would say "yeah, right. Alice, find me that bag, would you?" Alice would say "Sure." After Greg slumped towards the dining room, then upstairs, Carol would call Mike, saying "Mike, we have a problem. No, I DONT know what it is. What I DO know is that both Greg, and Marcia, are "in the dumps". A moment later, Carol would tell Mike, "No, it wasn't the test. Marcia got a 97 on the test. This is something else." Carol, and Alice, KNEW something was wrong, when the other four kids came in, all looking like their world had come to an end. When Carol stopped the "caravan", saying "Okay, out with it. Something is going on. I want to know WHO, WHAT, WHEN, WHERE, and WHY." When Peter would begin, asking "If I knew of someone, who did something, wrong..." Jan would add "Very wrong." Peter would ask "Would it be snitching, or tattling, to tell someone what the person did?" When Carol would ask "Did someone get hurt?" Jan would say "More than that." To which Peter would scold his sister, saying "Shut up. I dont know..." When Carol would ask Jan "What is it that Peter is trying NOT to tell me?" Carol noticed that even Jan hesitated, as she said "There is word, going around school..." Peter would be quick to say "More like a rumor." When Carol realized that ALL of her children were stalling, she said "Alright, just wait until your father gets home." To Carols surprise, Peter would ask "Can we talk to him BFEORE dinner?" When Carol would ask "Is it THAT important?" Peter would say "Its like Mission Impossible important." This is when Carol would call Mike, saying "Mike, something is, definitely, up, yet the kids say its too important, for me. They want you to talk to them, when you get home. Get this, Peter even asked to talk to you BEFORE dinner." When Mike would say "Sounds serious." Carol would say "Peter even referenced Mission Impossible." Mike would say "Now, I KNOW its serious. I will be home, as soon as possible." While Michael Brady would wonder, on the way home, what could be so important that DINNER had to wait, the architect would have NO idea what he would be walking into. Maybe, it was another, school, fight, between Peter, and Bobby Hinton. Maybe, Marcia was caught, with lipstick, again. Maybe Greg used foul language, on a team mate. (Something most players do, when injured.) Michael Brady was prepared for most anything his six kids could "throw at him" (or, so he thought). It would not be until he stopped at the boys room, first, asking "Okay guys, WHAT is so important that FOOD can wait." Greg would ask "Dad, what if I knew of a guy, who did something, really, terrible, yet the school wont do anything about it." When Michael Brady would ask "Did it happen OFF of school property?" Greg would give an "un-fortunately" look, as he said "No, it was, definitely ON school grounds." When Mike Brady would ask "Did one student hurt another student, beyond sports injuries, I mean." Greg would say "Yeah.. You could say that." When Mike would ask "How bad, broken bones, bloody nose, dis-located shoulder?" When Greg would say "If only it were that simple." Mike would say "I am running out of things to guess at. Did a student hit someone?" Greg would say "You can say that." Mike would ask "How bad? Wheelchair bad?" Greg would say "I wish it were that simple." Mike would say "Okay, Gregory, OUT with it. What is it that you are trying NOT to tell me, or your mother?" Greg would say "Dad, what should happen if a student hurts a student, REAL bad, yet the school does not WANT to know about it?" Mike would say "Something happened, at school, yet you are willing to forgo dinner, to try and tell me what is happening." When Greg would say "I am quitting the football team." When Mike would ask "WHY? I thought you loved football." Greg would say "I do. or, atleast I did." When Mike would say "Now, we are getting somewhere. WHAT would make you want to leave the team." Greg would say "I thought they were just a bunch of guys, out for some fun, and sports." When Mike would ask "What changed?" Greg would say "A player did something. Something really bad. I dont want any part, of it." When Mike would say "Come on, it cant be THAT bad. Its not like a player committed murder." When Greg just looked at his elder, Mike would ask "No one murdered anyone, did they?" Greg would say "If it were only that simple." While Alice kept the dinner warm, Carol would wonder WHAT it was that Mike, and the kids were speaking about. What could be more important than dinner? It was not until Mike came down, to dinner, calling up, to the kids "Remember, wash up, before dinner." that Carol would ask "Mike Brady, WHAT is up, with the kids?" Once Mike Explained, Carol lost her appettite, then began calling her friends, in order to find out WHAT the facts were. While neither Mrs. Witherspoon, nor Mrs. Logan, nor Mrs. Longtree, had much more information, it would only be when Carol would telephone the Livingston's, that the situation became more clear. It was when Mrs. Livingston's neighbor would inform Carol "the family is at the hospital, with their daughter, Linda" that Carol would ask "What happned to Linda?" The woman, on the other end, would say "Not over the phone. If you want to know, the family is at the hospital." When Carol told Mike, about this, Mike Brady would announce "Lets find out what this is, REALLY, all about." While both Brady's drove to the hospital, in silence, each parent was "running 1,000 different scenarios" through their minds. It was only at the hospital, that the facts began to come to light. Facts, which both parents had HOPED were not true. From what hospital staff, and the girls parents, could "pump out" of Linda, it would seem that, following a rather successful, practice, game, Linda had thought her boyfriend had wanted a "success" kiss. When she found out what he REALLY wanted, Linda had declined. (Un-fortunately, the boy was not about to take NO for an answer) All that the trauma doctor would say was "it was multiple. No question." The full back, on the football team, had TAKEN what he wanted. Now, Linda would be left to "pick up the pieces". On the way home, Mike Brady would call the school, and arrange a meeting, for the next day. It would, not, however, be until Mike and Carol, returned home, that Greg, and Marcia, would remind their parents of school policy. When Greg would start out "Remember that school policy, which Las Vegas has?" Marcia would add "The one, which deals with assault, by having both parties sign a LAME, No Contact Contract." Carol would remind Mike "I remember hearing something, about that, but isn't that limited to bullying?" Carol was surprised when Greg would say "Boy, mom, are you behind the times". When Mike would ask "Greg, just WHAT does that mean?" Greg would say "You, REALLY, need to get up-to-date, and big time." Marcia would say "Just ask the principal. You wouldn't believe us, if we told you." The next morning, breakfast was so quiet that Alice would remark "You know, for a house, containing nine people, and enough action, to fill any newspaper, I get the feeling that, this morning, I am working in a graveyard." First Mike, then Carol, then the kids, would say "Sorry, Alice. Something else on our minds." Maybe an hour later, Carol, and Mike, Brady, would be in the principals office, hearing what they NEVER thought they would hear a school administrator saying. "Mr. and Mrs. Brady, you have to understand. With everything, which is going on, in schools, today, the school board HAD to take proactive action." When Carol would ask "What KIND of proactive action?" The principal would say "Following in the steps, of Nevada, we have instituted our own form of "sexual harrassment" policy." When Mike would ask "What form would that be?" The principal would say "Mr. Brady, it is all here, outlinned on section 325, sub-section 12, sub-paragraph A, as outlined, under Article 3117. As I will quote, Following any suspected act, of sexual violation, the victim has three hours to report such an attack to school administrators. This, of course, mirrors the sub-section, regarding in-appropriate touch, which must be reported, within one hour." When Carol would ask "You mean to say that, when a girl is...., she is required to come directly to the principals office and tell you "By the way, I was just..." The principal would say "Mrs. Brady, if you WONT SAY the word, then reporting would be useless. The victim MUST come forward, right after the "attack". Other wise, as far as the school is concerned, the "attack" never happened." When Mike would ask "Never happened? There is a girl, lying in a hospital bed, traumatized, by what you say "never happened." All the principal would do was say "While un-fortunate, such things DO happen, in life." When Carol would ask "Such things happen, in life?" The principal would say "Mrs. Brady, the simple fact is that no boy is an angel. Not even your own. Tell, me, WHAT would YOU do, if one of YOUR OWN boys committed this act?" Carol would, no-sooner say "The boy, who did this, would not LIVE to see his next birthday. THAT is my guarantee, about MY boys." Mike would go even further, telling the principal "If one, of OUR boys did something, like this, **I** guarantee the boy would not see the sun-rise, tomorrow." When the principal would say "Fine WORDS, both of you, but I have over 100 students, whose parents may feel differently." Mike Brady's final question, to the principal, would be "By the way, WHY is this the FIRST we are hearing, of this school policy?" The principal would say "Mr. Brady, it is NOT the districts responsibility, to make parents aware of every, single, rule, and regulation. It is YOUR duty, as parents, to ASK us. Now, good day." Later that day, while Carol, and Mike, Brady, would be discussing what could be done, about the attack, on the girl, Greg would come home, beaten, and bloody. When Carol saw her son, and asked "I thought you said you were quitting the team, because of what the full back did. How did this happen?" Greg would inform his mother "When I went to turn in my stuff, the full back asked my reason. When I told him, he made a remark, suggesting that the girl was a slut." When Mike would ask "Okay, what happened." Greg would say "Honest, dad, ALL I wanted to do was turn in my equipment. I never planned any of this." When Mike would ask "WHAT happened?" Greg would say "After the full back insulted my friend, he commented, suggesting that Marcia could be his next "victory". Thats when I taught him about threatening my family." When Carol asked "How did it turn out?" Greg would say "When the coach found us, and pulled us apart, and while the coach insisted upon talking to the full back, first, I just kicked my bag, told the coach I was quitting, and the next thing I know, the coach is telling me that I am suspended." When Carol would ask Greg "How can you be suspended, if you quit the team?" Greg would say "Not suspended, from sports. I am suspended, from SCHOOL." When Mike asked "WHY?" Greg would say "Coach says that **I** attacked, without provocation." When Carol would say "For defending your sister?" Greg would say "Thats right. Now, may I go to my room. I have some thinking to do." Mike would say "Of course. I will have Alice call you, when dinner is ready." No-sooner was Greg heading upstairs when Marcia burst into the house, saying "Gregory Brady, how could you!" When Carol would ask "What is it?" Marcia would say "Its all over school. Greg told the team to leave me, for HIM!" When Carol would ask "Your own brother?" Mike would ask Greg "Whats this all about?" Greg would say "Honest, I told you what happened." When Marcia would ask Greg "WHY?" Greg was just starting to tell Marcia the truth, when Jan came in, saying "Its all around the neighborhood. Greg is making a play, for his own sister." When Greg looked as confused, as his parents, Carol would say "I think its time for me to make some phone calls." Mike would say "You take the kitchen phone, and I will take the den. Its time to find out WHAT is going on, here." By the time Carol, and Mike, verified, a few dozen times over, that it was members, of the football team, who were spreading the incest rumors, that Marcia apologized, to her brother, saying "I should have known that you would never do such a thing." When Greg would say "Dont you forget it." Marcia would add "Besides, I KNOW who you want." This is when Greg would growl "MARCIA!". It would be perhaps a month later, when another girl was "attacked", that things reached a boiling point. This, when Greg, and Marcia, would march home, telling Carol "After Sally was attacked, and reported it, as the school insisted" Marcia would ask her mother "Do you KNOW what the principal did?" When Carol would say "I have no idea. Was the boy punished?" Marcia would say "Not the boy." Then Greg would fill in the gap, saying "The principal ordered an assembly, and, in front of the WHOLE, student, body, ASKED Sally "DID this player RAPE you? I mean, right in front of the whole school! The principal might as well have taken an ad out, in the Wall Street Journal." When Carol would ask "What happened, to Sally?" Marcia would say "She ran from the assembly hall, and away from the school grounds. NO one knows where she is." By this time, Alice was handing Carol her contacts book, saying "I will use the phone, in Mr. Brady's den." Not long after the calls began, Carol would receive a call, saying "Mrs. Brady, if possible, you, and Mr. Brady, are requested to join a special meeting, at the town hall, tonight." When Carol asked "Whats the reason?" The caller would say "To discuss the events, at Westmont High School, today." Carol would say "Mr. Brady and I will, denifitely, be there." After this, Carol would call Mike, who would, then, tell his boss "Family crisis. I have to leave, early, today." That evening, at the town hall, the principal would face a very hostile audience, for his actions, that afternoon. While the administrator would plead "You have it all wrong. I was TRYING to make the student admit to what happened, so that the boy could be, PUBLICLY, disciplined." When Mrs. Livingston would ask "By parading the girl, before the entire student body, like some FREAK, then asking her if a boy attacked her? Like some television FREAK show?" The principal would say "I felt it best, to make a PUBLIC show, NOT to humiliate the girl, but to set an example, for the boys." When Mr. Silverspoon would ask "What KIND of example? That girls could be humiliated OUT of reporting attacks?" The principal would say "Just the opposite. I had hoped to SHAME the BOYS OUT of "attacking" more girls." Mrs. Chester would say "Well, sir, you really BLEW it, didn't you." All the principal would say was "In order for the school to take action, all the girl has to do is return to school, face her attacker, and make the public charge. We can, then, press charges." When Carol would ask "Are you insane? Make the girl stand before the public and say "Yes, he did it!?" The principal would say "Mrs. Brady, this is the ONLY way to put a stop, to such activity. The girl MUST go public. this is school policy." Shortly after this, the Town Hall would empty, as enraged parents would depart, wondering how to protect their daughters, NOT from athletes, and students, but from this "monster", who called himself an administrator. Not only on the drive home, but inside the house, Carol, and Mike, Brady, would continue to ponder the problem. How could schools be so in favor of things like the Nevada No Contact Contract. Were such agreements even "enforceable"? Even architect Mike Brady had no idea how to solve this problem. The next day, and to the schools annoyance, when Sally's body was dragged from the local river, the media made a point of stating the primary reason for the tragedy. The girl had given a note, to a friend, for her parents, asking their forgiveness, for her not being "perfect". She just could not face having to admit to the crime, in a public setting. Even while the principal was preparing a condolence speech, for the girls family, the principals office would be "flooded" with petitions, all of which stated "Either the rules, and the principal, goes, or we remove our daughters, from this school." When the principal would inform the press "This is NOT how this is to be handled." The principal "got the message" when, after his wife received a call, saying that one, of her children, was injured, at a public play area, and that her other children needed her. After the woman was, safely, away from the property, the home was burned to the ground, with effigies, of the principal, staked into the lawn. The principal, FINALLY, "got the message". Un-like Nevavda, however, this principal submitted his resignation, while suggesting a "review" of the school district rule, about "exposing crime". By this time, however, with the girls suicide note, the full back would be arrested and, over his parents objections, would be sentenced to prison. (As an adult). VERY shortly after this, the sports team members, suddenly, became very modest, in their actions. Maybe this had something to do with a team member being imprisoned for the commission of a crime? All anyone knew was that Westdale High School would be banned, from school events, for the next two years. Would Nevada learn a lesson, from this????

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