Saturday, May 6, 2017


THE COMPETITION While I would, never, have admitted that the "rules", of the competition, were to be decided, BEFORE the actual event was decided upon, When the bets were made, I think that I shocked Stacey, with my choice, of wager. While Staceys boyfriend, Michael, was wagering $500 worth of coccaine, his friend, Roy, made a slightly more reasonable wager. Two 24-packs, of his favorite beer. Simon, the "compulsive" gambler, wagered $1,000. Three, other, men put up car titles, while two men put up truck titles. When it was my turn, to wager, I put up "One month, with Stacey". (Even Stacey was surprised, when Michael had said "You're on!). As for the details, of the competition, Stacey had mentioned (to me, in secret) what was being planned, a few days in advance. Simply put, in the days, since graduating high school, very FEW, of the groups classmates, had lead active, healthy, lifestyles. In fact, most had slipped into their own parents routines. The reason why I knew this was not just because I could see that the other men were developing LARGE bellies, but, also, because Stacey was surprised, at my own health. Stacey had informed me that she was impressed, with my health, since she was amazed that, un-like her own father (who was about my age), yet 150 pounds overweight, that I was as slim, and shapely, as guys who were just over 20 years old. In fact, one of my own doctors had praised my health, saying "IF more of my patients were in as good of health, as you are, I would be looking for another job". As for the rules, of the competition, these were simple. Each man was to do his best to return to being in "high school" condition. The one, who came closest, would win. When Daniel suggested a time-limit, I was the first, but not the last, to ask "WHY?" After all, we were not training, for the Olympics. As for when we stepped on the scale, in order to determine how FAR each of us had to go, to "win", atleast two 265 pound men cried "foul", when I weighed in, at just 188 pounds. It was when the objecting men were told "You can quit, if you want to.", that the men decided to stay in the wager. What concerned wives, and girlfriends, was the question of just how LONG each man would stay with the wager. (Another) Michaels wife, and Rogers girlfriend, had, both watched as men purchased health club memberships, which they let lapse, come sports season. Rodney had spent $5,000, on a home gym kit. He spent four months building the thing, in their garage. Rodney kept saying "When I am ready..." Since the kits completion, Rodney's family had used the gym as storage. These are just some of the reasons why the women were not to concerned, with the wager. They had watched their men START health improvement projects, only to return to sedentary lifestyles. The reason why Stacey was a bit concerned, over my wager, was the fact that, even PRIOR to the wager, she had watched me exercise, on a daily basis. When she had asked "Why?" I had told her "Since I broke my back, I have to exercise, daily, in order to keep the pain under control, until my back is fully healed." When Stacey asked "How LONG will that be?" I told her "Depends upon which doctor you speak to. Some say I could be healed, this year while others say I will be in "rehab", for YEARS to come. All I know is that, if I want to be free, of the pain, exercise is my primary option." My answer astounded Stacey, who was well aware, of dozens, of men, all of whom consumed MASSIVE amounts, of pain killers, while body parts healed. While we men put our competition agreement in writing, on one computer, then each signed the paper, the women drafted their own agreement, as to how LONG each man would remain with the competition. For the first, few, days, of the competition, maybe twenty men took part, in the exercise plan. By day four, however, five men had said they would handle weight loss, on their own. By the end of week number two, it seems that I was, still, the only man, who was working out. While Staceys friends all shared tales, of how mens "healthy eating" had gone by the side, after just a few days, Stacey was the only woman, to be able to say "My guy may be eating MORE than I do, but he IS maintaining the diet, and exercise." Her friends had come to understand that the term "my guy", referred to me, not Michael. This is when Stacey's friends would annoy her, by, repeatedly, stating "He's NOT a MAN!" and "He does not DESERVE a woman!". When Stacey just shrugged, at the women, one wooman grabbed Stacey's arm, asking "Dont you understand? He's (me) NOT a MAN! Dont waste your time, on him! He is not willing to KILL, for what he wants. He's NOT a REAL MAN!" Stacey, simply, reminded the woman "No one is asking YOU to date him." As Stacey walked away, from the woman, annd woman called out, to Stacey's back "You'll be sorry. He is NOT a MAN!" While I, never, quite reached my goal, of becoming as slim, as I had been, just out of high school, even Stacey admitted that I was becoming firm as a rock. In fact, when the time came, to move the exercise equipment, to make room, in Rodney's garage, Stacey was not one bit surprised when I handled most of the lifting. While Michael, Rodney, and the rest, stopped even keeping weight journals, after "slipping" from the competition, their women kept journals, primarily of the mens weight GAIN. Even when doctors warned, of the danger, of excess weight, the mens "universal" response was "I can drop the weight any time I feel like it." After each doctors appointment, the women watched as men exercised, for two, to four, days, before returning to regular habits. For Stacey, the biggest laugh, of her days, were the many times when, during exercise, I would joke "Staying healthy is going to kill me." Still, Stacey became impressed enough that she began sharing meals with me (to find out just how healthy my lifestyle actually was). While her friends "boasted" that their men could "pack away" three triple-cheese-burgers, super-size fries, and five beers, at one sitting, Stacey would admit that while she ate regular size salads, with grilled meat, that I ate triple size salads, and some extra, grilled meat. While it was, never, part of the deal, when a charity brought an "adult obstacle course" to town, with the mens section being able to win a choice, of prizes, either for themselves, or others, I was pleased when Stacey snuggled up, to me, whispering "I KNOW you can do it." When I turned out to be the first adult, to complete the course, I chose a ring, for Stacey. And why not? One of the things that few people knew about was what happened, when Stacey had told her mother, not only about the competition, but of how Stacey, still slim, and trim, was, no-doubt, in high school condition, herself. When mother had said "II'll bet your not." Stacey had questioned her mothers opinion, but only until her mother produced a $100 bill. When mother said "Its yours, IF you can do the same exercises, which you did, in high school." Since Stacey's high school days were not half as far behind her, as mine were, Stacey was certain that the money would be hers, easily. That is, until midway through the exercises, when Stacey had to stop, and rest. This, while mother would mention "When you were in school, you, never, needed a rest." It was after Stacey had required two additional rest periods, for the school exercises, that Stacey asked to join me, in my daily routine. Before she joined me, in my routine, however, Stacey had asked her doctor just how far out of shape she was. When her doctor would say "It will take you atleast six months, to get back in condition, once you start." Like the doctor had said "Slim, and trim, alone, are not proof of health. Exercising the muscles was important, as well. Result, for the past three months, leading up to the charity event, Stacey and I had become not only exercise partners, but I began sharing her walks, in the city's parks. This is why, when I had entered the obstacle course, Stacey had no doubt that I would finish. (Stacey just smiled at the men, who stood by, watching, as a man, twice their age, did what they could not). After the charity event, when Michael tried to rule the competition "in-valid", Stacey told him "No you dont!. You agreed to the challenge." Stacey could see, plainly, why Michael wanted to erase the challenge. In the months, since the challenge had started, Michael had gone from 255 pounds, to 260. His most recent weigh in was at 275. While his doctors had cautioned the man, about his weight, Michael, still, claimed "I can lose it anytime I want to." While most people thought it would be Stacey, who had said "PROVE IT!", it would, in fact, be Penny. Not only did Penny say this, to Michael, but she said it, to Roger, as well. For seven, whole, painful, days, both men tried exercise, but this ended when results did not come fast enough. When the women asked Stacey HOW she motivated ME, to exercise, daily, Stacey had started out with listing my back injury, but smiled as she said "He loves me." One thing several, of the women, found humorous, was how their men tried to "get around" physicals. The women came to know when their mens work physicals were due, since this was the ONE day, every six months, when the men ate a healthy breakfast, and started the day, with exercise. While the women said nothing, and just obeyed their mens wishes, the results, of the doctors visits were, always, the same. When the men went for check-ups, doctors would remind the men "Since your exercise, and diet, begin, and end, on exam day, you are wasting your time. Two days exercise, and dieting, per year, is NOT going to make you healthy." The men grumbled, but accepted the diagnosis. Prognosis: Obesity, and lack of exercise. Doctors would restrict what work the men could do. Stacey would tell me that Marcy had told her that Neil had scoffed, at his doctor, when, at 375 pounds, the doctor recommended a visit to an undertaker. Neil should get measured, for a coffin, and choose the unit he wanted to be buried in. When Neil had informed the doctor "I can take the weight off, any time I want to.", Neil had been surprised when the doctor had asked "Why not start, now? What are you waiting for?" When Neils next stop, after the doctors office, then giving Marcy what Neil called the "whacked out" results, Neil, then, proceeded to an "all you can eat buffet", telling Marcy "I am going to toast my last day, as a "free man". Tomorrow, I start on my diet." While Marcy had been ashamed, enough, to be seen, with the man, while he "celebrated", Marcy would tell Stacey that, once she got Neil home, she asked him for a weigh in. Marcy wanted to know what exact poundage Neil was, when he began his latest "diet". Even sitting, on the scale, Marcy reported that Neil had weighed in, at 405 pounds. Marcy "knew" what was going to happen, that night, but she knew she could not prevent it. When Neil did not even kiss her "good night", she knew. Marcy would, later, ask Stacey "Am I evil, for not trying to save his life?" Stacey would, only, say "Each of us must decide, for ourselves. You did the best that you could." Neil was the seventh member, to sign the competition statement, and the fifth to die, an early death. Thankfully, un-like some of the other men, Neil did not leave behind a family, for his woman to raise, by herself. Out of the twenty-five signators, to the competition document, only three, of us, survived to the age of forty. Shortly after Neil passed away, Michael wanted to prove that he was in much better shape, then even his doctor said he was. As a result, once at 385 pounds, Michael told Stacey, and I "I will PROVE that I am in the best condition, since high school." Michaels U.S. Marine-style exercise plan was designed for men, who were in far BETTER shape, than Michael. This is why his exercise program lasted three days. After just three days, of Marine Corps exercises, the 380 pound mans heart gave out. At his paupers funeral, attended only by his closest "friends", Stacey thought back to Michaels, and the other mens, obituaries, and wondered. While a FEW, of the men, left families behind, most of the men were represented, by nothing more than "date of birth", and "date of death". While I, personally, did not FEEL like a "winner", the women told me that, as last, surviving member, of the competition, I had "won", by default. The one thing Stacey knew was that, beyond my health maintenance, I would be remembered, for far MORE, than healthy living. She knew this since I had a large enough internet presense, with my fictions, that my obit would be five times the size, of the normal, half inch, obits. What neither Stacey, nor my doctors, could have forseen, was what was coming, next. Due to SOME condition, which I developed, and the treatment, for the condition being rather severe, I would, in fact, have to give up my "position", as the BIGGEST LOSER, when my recovery meant that, like performing artist Raymond Burr, my recovery left me to weak to feed myself. For eight weeks, Stacey had to actually FEED me, until I was strong enough to feed myself. And, YES, I did pack on the pounds, during recovery. The doctors cautioned that weight GAIN, under such circumstances, is, perfectly, normal. The doctors also, told the media "Due to the patients health records, we can predict, with full confidence, that the patient will shed the pounds, in "no time". While I did gain 40 pounds, in recovery, as soon as the doctor gave both Stacey and I the "go ahead", Stacey knew where my first stop would be. By the time it was my turn, to be laid to rest, it was a recorded FACT that I HAD, in fact, shed the recovery pounds. What impressed Stacey, however, was the fact that my obit was neither a one inch piece, nor confined, to the "Death notices" section. No, my notice became a feature piece, in city/state. A full list, of my stories accompanied. Stacey would be listed as my widow, and inheritor. Stacey would suppress a smile, when she learned that my funeral was over-shadowing that, of a senator, who was pushing for repeal, of all, social, services. His funeral was pushed to page two, while I "dominated" page one. Stacey did get her wish, though. Not in the way she had thought that she would. Her long-term plan was to be the widow, of someone special. In many ways, she achieved this goal. Her remaining question was: WHAT do I do, with the rest of MY life?

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