Monday, May 15, 2017


THE HAUNTING PAST: MYSTERY OF THE GOLD Tami and I had just finished the mystery of the drag racers, and made our final report, to Mr. Brown, when Mr. Brown suggested we take some time to rest. After all, chasing down the drag racers, through history, had been a draining experience, for everyone involved. This is why Tami and I decided to take a walk, in a local park. We agreed that the air, and relaxation, would do us good. What we, never, expected was WHO we would see, inside the park. Namely, the spirit of His Holiness, Pope John Paul, Two. I, of course, did a deep BOW, while Tami gave a slow, deep, curtsey, before the pontiff. It was only AFTER John Paul 2 would place a hand, upon our heads, then say "Rise, my children." that Tami would ask "How may we be of service, to your grace?" To our surprise, John Paul 2 would state "It is I, who have come to serve you." When Tami and I would look at one another, asking "To serve us? Your grace?" The pontiff would say "The Chairman has granted me this opportunity to visit the world of man, and to bring you a word of caution." When Tami would ask "What would that be, your Grace?" The Pontiff would say "You are abut to enter a case, in which all will NOT be as it seems. While the Holy Scriptures instruct us to take things on faith, I caution you to let your deduction skills guide you, as well as your hearts. If you will follow these directions, then the Chairman, and myself, will be by your side, in the coming times." It was right when Tami was just about to ask the pontiff "What case are we about to embark upon?" When John Paul 2 would say "My time, at present, is at an end. The Lord be with you, in this quest", then, as gently as a breeze, the spirit, of Pope John Paul 2, would dissolve. Just moments later, Tami's phone would ring, with Mr. Brown saying "Both of you. In MY office. On the DOUBLE!" Wiith that, our boss cut the line. As fast as possible, Tami and I returned, to the Brown Agency offices, where we were rushed into the conference room, practically at "warp speed". Mr. Brown indicated our silence, as a team "swept" the room, for "bugs". Only after the techs would say "Sir, the room is clean." and the technicians left, followed by agency security guards, would Mr. Brown say "I apologize for all of this however the issue is THAT critical." Before Tami could ask "Whats up, boss?", Mr. Brown would say "The Vatican has called us in, on a matter which could not be more secret if it were the final location, of the Ark of the Covenant." When Tami would say "Go on." Mr. Brown would say "The Vatican has informed our agency that the current pope has been taken hostage. The reason why WE have been called in is not so much our dedication, to client privacy, as much as YOUR unique, skills set." When Tami would ask "Which of our skills sets would those be?" Mr. Brown would say "The fact that the two of you have dealt with MORE, of Earth's, deep, past, than anyone else. Such knowledge will be in-valuable, in this case." When Tami would say "So far, ALL that you have told us is that the pope has been kidnapped. HOW do WE fit into this? Have the kidnapers made any demands, yet?" Mr. Brown would say "As a matter of fact, they HAVE. Thats where you come in." When I would say "Sir, dont keep us in suspense. WHAT is it that the kidnappers want, in return for the pope?" Mr. Brown would hesitate, for a moment, before saying "The kidnappers have ordered the church to "come clean", both about some "City of gold", as well as some, supposed, place, where the living may speak, directly to the dead." Mr. Brown would add "It seems that the kidnappers are of the belief, that the Vatican is holding the secret, not only to vast riches, in gold, but of a way to access Heaven, directly." When Tami would ask "What is our assignment?" Mr. Brown would say "While the Vatican denies the existance, of either the gold, or the "route to Heaven", I have been requested to have you cofirm, or DENY, both of these legends." When I would ask "How soon do we leave?" Mr. Brown would say "As soon as you reach your plane. Remember. We are detectives. We search for facts." A short time later, when Tami and I arrived, at the airport, it seems that speed was considered "of the essence", since, no sooner were we seated, when G.S.2 had launch clearance. It was not until we were airborne that Tami asked me "Do you believe that stuff, about "talking, directly, with the dead, and a "city of gold?"" I would suggest "It does not matter what I believe. What matters is what the kidnappers believe. That, and I have to wonder. With the Swiss Guards, AND the Vatican police, watching over His Holiness, HOW could anyone have kidnapped the pope anyway?" While Tami would admit to a vague "memory", of the Reverend Jim Jones, and the Jonestown, Guyanna suicide cult, we, BOTH, remembered David Koresh, and his Branch Dividians. When Tami had asked me "Do people REALLY hold such psychotic beliefs?" I would remind my partner, of a video I had, once viewed, about conspiracies. A video in which, in one segment, it is claimed that one man was so obsessed, with the occult, that he purchased a piece, of Texas land. All because the man believed that, if he dived, into a pond, located on the property, he could swim right into Hades. When Tami would ask "Who would want to swim, into Hades?", I would counter with "Why did the Reverend Jim Jones have his followers practice suicide drills? Why was David Koresh so obsessed with some "Seventh Seal", of the book of Revelations?" By the time G.S.2 approached Italy, Tami and I had scoured hundreds of legends, of "cities of gold", as well as places, where the living speak to the dead. It would not, however, be until we landed, and were escorted, to the Papal Offices, that Tami and I were shown a video, of the pope. The "good" news was: The man was alive. The "bad" news: The man was being tortured, by his captors. In fact, one might say that the pope was receiving an "enhanced interrogation". The Great Elector would be present, in the Vatican, saying "No question. These people are rank amateurs." When Tami would ask "HOW do you know?" The Great Elector would say "Listen to their voices. They are trying to keep their Italian accents OUT of their voices. A terrible job, as well." When Tami would ask "Just HOW DID they get hold of the pope, to begin with?" A cardinal would say "His Holiness stepped into the Men's Room. The Swiss Guard "swept" the room, before His Holiness entered, then the Swiss Guard stood watch, outside the door, while the Vatican police watched the hatch, outside the building. We remain "in the dark" over HOW His Holiness could have been taken." When Tami would ask "Beyond the demands, have the kidnappers set a time frame?" The Great Elector would say "This is what stymies us. It seems that this "city of gold", and this place, regarding "speaking to the dead", seem more important than deadlines." When I would ask "How soon before the church declares the pope no-longer in power, and Conclave meets, to choose another pontiff?" A cardinal would inform me "As long as we have this proof, that His Holiness lives, Conclave will not be necessary." After meeting, with the cardinals, and departing the Vatican, Tami would ask me "WHY are these people so focused on this "place, where the living may speak to the dead?" I would suggest "They MAY think that the Vatican is hiding something. Something, which they WANT the public to know about." Tami would ask "Speaking with the dead? WE do that all the time." I would suggest "Remember the legend of the book, referred to as "The Witches Hammer"? Remember how many women were tortured, and executed, when the church FELT that the women had more power than the church?" Tami would ask "Your are not suggesting?" I would say "I THINK we MAY be dealing with people, who want to re-write human history. They MAY even think that speaking with spirits will direct them on their quest." While continuing on our stroll, and trying to comprehend how the concepts, of a "city of gold", and a "place, where the living speak with the dead", could combine, into a location, where the missing pope could be held, the one thing I will give the Vatican great praise for was its ability, to cover its "tracks". Desite the lack of security, on the internet, combined with the fact that the video, of the pope, was being sent via e-mail, Vatican staff did a marvelous job, of "covering" for the pope. While a rumor was being spread, that the pope was not being seen, in public, due to an illness, the Vatican police did an excellent job, of creating a FAKE video. One which appearred similar to the kidnappers video yet whose quality left much to be desired. This way, if anyone saw the "real" video, it would be assumed that it was nothing more than another fake. The problem Tami and I were left with, was researching tens of thousands, of legends. Legends of "cities, of gold". Legends of places, where the "living converse with the dead". Legends which tied the two, together. Since the college of cardinals was one of the last, remaining, places, on Earth, where women are NOT permitted, under any circumstances, I would be the one to report our slow progress, to the cardinals. What both Tami and I, noticed, however, was just how many cardinals were baffled, by the idea that the Vatican would "hide" information, pertaining to a "city of gold". As a few cardinals would inform Tami and I "IF we did have access, to such wealth, imagine how much GOOD we could do. How many souls we could give comfort to." I really think, however, that the reason why Tami and I had a "visitor", in the Vatican archives, was because Tami had thought that "Maybe, if we look at the art section, we can find some clues. Maybe someone made a model, of the "city", or this "place, of the dead"." We were just on our way, to review the art section, of the archives, when John Paul 2 would appear, again, this time informing us "My children, while you show wisdom, in seeking the past, might I re-direct your inquiries towards another section, of the archives." When Tami would inform the spirit "Holy Father, YOU are the expert, on this place. We will follow your lead." When the popes spirit would say "Bless you, my child", the spirit pope would lead us AWAY from the more modern sections, of the archives, and to a section, which appearred to originate from back in the days before the Vatican was a walled in city. Leading us into dust, dirt, and web-filled spaces, the pontiff would say "In this area rest those records, which the cardinals have not visited, in many centuries. Be gentle with Vatican property. These records cannot be replaced." When I would be foolish enough to ask "Holy Father, with so many volumes to digest, would your holiness be willing to POINT us in the right direction?" When John Paul 2 would wave his "hand" about a shelf, it might seem like magic, but seven, thick, volumes, floated from shelves, and rested on a table, before us. When Tami and I would say "Thank You, holy father." John Paul 2 would bow, then whisper "Neither I, nor the lord, will be far. Call upon us, at any time." When I looked at Tami, she would say "May be one of the "perks", of working for the Vatican. Spiritual help, practically on speed-dial." While the aid, and assistance, of the late pope did "narrow down" our search parameters, the problem was that the search was only narrowed, from 250,000 years, down to 1,000. A time when atleast two civilizations rose, prospered, and fell. Two civilizations, which made regular use, of gold, and both of whom had places, which they referred to as "places of communion, with the deceased". When Tami would ask me "How many, different places have WE spoken, with spirits, in, so far?" I would list "lets see. Castles. Pyramids, private homes, stadiums, ships, trains, skyscrapers. Any I have left out?" Tami would suggest "No, I think you have covered them, all. What baffles me is WHY the kidnappers think they must find ONE place, to "talk to the dead." When I would suggest "What of this "city of gold?" Could it, like the "Fountain of Youth" be nothing more than a metaphor?" Tami would add "In the first place, WHAT made the kidnappers think that the Vatican knows anything? Did a previous pope publish something?" I would suggest "Maybe a thesis? Maybe a paper, questioning whether material wealth was as important as eternal salvation?" It would be almost no time, at all, before Tami and I filled a flash drive, with DOZENS of possible variations, both of the definition, of a "city of gold", and the "place where the living speak to the dead". When Tami and I presented our questions, to the members of the College of Cardinals, atleast a dozen cardinals would admit that, in their homelands, there were rumors, both of golden cities, and places, where the dead, supposedly, speak to the living. In fact, when Tami brought forth a map, of the Earth, asking each cardinal "Please mark each location, where a rumor has been reported." While some cardinals marked various locations, it would seem that, while alive, John Paul 2 had visited several of these. According to Papal reports, the pope never found anything more than ruins. This is when a cardinal, from South America, would recall "Remember the time when His Holiness took the Swiss Guard, on a walk, to discover the source of a rumor?" When an African Cardinal would suggest "Did not His Holiness have some problems, with that adventure?" The South American would say "Yes, now I remember. His Holiness was told a story, about an alien space port. He wanted to learn, for himself, if the rumors were true." When the African would ask "Did some Swiss Guards fail to return, with the pontiff?" The South American would say "Yes, the advanced scout." The cardinals would explain that, just as the secret service proceeds the president, in all situations, so the Swiss Guard proceeds the pontiff. When Tami would ask "What happened, to the Swiss Guard?" The South American would say "An ancient trap. The legend said that ONLY the ENLIGHTENED might venture into the space port." When I would ask "Did the soldiers survive?" The cardinals would say "No, my son. The Swiss Guards, who lead the way, were impalled on some extremely sharp spears." When Tami would ask "What did the pope, eventually, find?" The South American would say "His Holiness reported finding nothing more than weeds, jungle, and broken pieces of marble." While we were discussing this, the Italian police would report "The criminals have been very careful. While they speak, with definite, Italian, accents, we have learned only that the video might have been sent from anywhere." Whhen Tami would ask "You mean, anywhere, in Italy?" The police would say "No. We mean, anywhere, in the WORLD." When Tami would ask the Great Elector "Your Emmence, you stated, earlier, that the kidnappers were doing a terrible job, of hiding their Italian accents." When the cardinal would say "Yes, I do remember saying that. Why do you ask?" I would suggest "Is there any, other, way, for a person to leave Italy? Maybe an UN-official way?" When a Russian cardinal would ask "HOW would a kidnapper sneak the pope out of Italy?" When I would suggest "Are there ANY otherr men, in Italy, who bear the same, general, resemblance, to the pope?" A German cardinal would state "The Vatican is "keeping tabs", on seven men, who bear a strong resemblance, to His Holiness. You should relax, however, since I have just completed a treacking estimate. All seven men are accounted for." When Tami would suggest "That is fine, however, has anyone reported, seeing the pope, maybe boarding a ship, or plane?" The German cardinal would say "If His Holiness boarded ANY transport, the Vatican would have been notified. After all, the pontiff's clothing is very hard to forget." This is when I would clarify the problem. "While, yes, it may be true, that no one viewed a man, dressed in Papal robes, who says the pope was dressed as the pope?" When the Great Elector would ask "What are you suggesting?" Tami would suggest "While WE continue searching for this "city", and this "conference pplace", we recommend that all units be on the look-out for any man RESEMBLING the pontiff." I would add "If we are correct, the pope is, well, outside of Italy." This left the question of HOW to alert law enforcement to search for the pontiff, but without notifyiing the media, as well. When Tami and I returned to the archives, to continue our search, John Paul 2 would pay us another visit. This time, the message was to be "My children, while you are displaying great resourcefulness, in pursuing this matter, I am only allowed to bring you this clue. Seek the shepherd among the angels." While even Tami and I knew what the "shepherd" reference was, Tami's question, to the spirit was "Which "angels" do we seek?" After all, to some humans, the "Angels" are a professional baseball team. To other people, angels are winged beings. To others, animals, such as birds, might be considered angels. Some, primitive societies consider the airplane to be an angel." When various members, of the college, of cardinals, would begin discussing this, among themselves, the college seemed divided, over what action to take. That is, until the next video arrived, via email. In this video, however, the pope was not being beaten. Instead, while a voice, making a terrible "masking", of an Italian accent, would speak, while the video showed what APPEARRED to be His Holiness having a thumb removed. After the Italian voice would say "This is proof, of our determination, to locate the sacred center, for "communications with the deceased". If the Vatican does not "come clean", soon, your precious pontiiff will lose other body parts." After the video ended, Tami requested some print out, of various parts. She HOPED she was wrong, but she wanted to "cover her bases". It would seem that the sight, of seeing an innocent person suffering, which lead several cardinals to challenge church doctrine, asking "What can WE do, to help?" Tami would state "First things first. I need someone, who knows the pontiff, well enough, to know things, which no one else would know. When German, Swiss, and even English, cardinals, would come forth, saying "I suppose WE were the closest, to the pontiff." Tami would suggest, to the video, internet/ controller "I need as much detail, as you can get, from these images." When asked "WHY? We know it is the pontiff." Tami would say "Humor me." While five cardinals would agree to wait for the images, ten more cardinals would join Tami, and I, as we returned to our research. For some reason neither Tami, nor I, could understand, when the living cardinals caught site, of John Paul 2, the cardinals gasped, then asked "What heresey is this?"" Since neither Tami, nor I, speak Latin, we can only guess what the spirit told the living cardinals. All that we knew was that, after John Paul 2 spoke, with the cardinals, the men seemed much more willing, to aid our efforts. In order to make the task easier, for the aging men, and to preserve the old records, Tami and I had been digitally scanning the records. This way, we could review them, at our leasure. Now, however, thanks to digital technology, the whole Vatican could review the same page, at the same time. This, since Tami had, simply requested some e-Readers, from headquarters (in case we needed translation assistance.) The problem was with the translations. It would seem that, during life, Pope John Paul 2 had been correct, to visit many places, where legend abounded. Maybe 75% of the places,, whiich the pontiiff had visitted, whhere places,, rumored to have been places, too "speak wiithh the dead". What John Paul 2 had discoverred, in his travels, were sites, whichh had been looted, over thhe past three hundrred years. "Any gold, or other treasure, which had been present, has, long-since, been removed." In follow up notes, the pontiff would state "While my escort, and I, have travelled to a multitude, of places, where the living are alledged to commune, with the dead, ALL that we have found is altar rooms." As for the cardinals, they had slightly better luck than we were. It would seem that age HAD produced wisdom, in these men. Between history, and memory, the cardinals ad reduced the number, of possible sites, by 75%. The other twenty-five percent were places where the pontiiff was not permitted to investigate. The reasons ranged everything from "death omens", to un-safe construction. It would not be until another video arrived. This one, showing the kidnappers removing one of the popes fingers. Tami began to wonder if, to safe-guard the pope, the Brown Agency should offer a ransom, for the safe return, of the pontiff. That is, until a cardinal found something, in the video. Something, which ONLY Vatican, medical, staff, and the popes closest associates knew about. It would seem that, while working on a home-construction site (As a show, of unity, between Catholics, and another religion, the pope had sliced his hand, on an un-treated piece of wood.) The scar would be neither deep, nor threatening, but it WOULD leave a scar behind. Most of the cardinals would, never, notice the scar, unless they shook hands, with the pontiff. In an enlargement, of the video, several photographs, clearly showed the HAND, yet NONE showed the scar. When Tami asked "Plastic appliance?" The Great Elector would suggest "His Holiness holds that the church shall be "open", and "transparent", to the flock. IF that were the pontiff's hand, the scar would be visible." Tami would, later that day, report to Mr. Brown "Although the popes whereabouts remain unknown,the kidnappers have made some terrible errors. Errorrs, which ANY ameteur would make. The college, of cardinals, however has requested that we continue our search, for the places the kidnappers want us to find." Not sure WHAT we will find, but, now, it seems that we have "won over" atleast a dozen cardinals, who are aiding the search. If either the "city of gold", or the "place, where the living may speak, directly, to the dead", actually exist, we should know, soon. Over the next two weeks, a number, of events occurred. The first was that the man, who had been "playing" the pope, in the kidnap videos, must have died, after his fingers were cut off, then his toes. This seemed logical since, one moment, the man was screaming, in pain, and, the next moment, the man went silent, and fell over, as though fainting. The fools, who were making the "enhanced interrogation" video, were stupid enough to leave the camera on, until after some person (maybe a medic) examined the body, saying "He's dead". Only then did another man look at the camera, asking "We are not live, are we?" When a voice, off-camera, would say "Yes, sir. Still recording." The man, who asked the question, then shot the camera operator, then ordered "turn it off." At the Vatican, no one spoke, as the picture went dark. It would be maybe two minutes, of silence, before the Great Elector would look at the Swiss Guard, saying "FIND THEM!" The ONLY thing, that both the Vatican, the Italian police, and the Brown Agency, had going, for us, was that, the Italians had the foresight to plan for such "events". The Italian man, who had been aiding the police, by "pretending" to be the pope, had, already filmed a murder scene. The Italian police had even been intelligent enough to add a threatening message, to the fake video. "We have kidnapped, tortured, and executed, your precious pope. If our demands continue NOT to be met, once Conclave chooses a new Holy Father, We WILL repeat this process, until the Vatican gives us what we want." Personally, if the decision were mine, I would have awarded the Italians atleast three Oscar's, for their video. It was so real, and life-like. It seems that the fake video even beat the real video, to the internet, since the Papal Offices received what must have been a very offensive e-mail. Problem was, it was written in the Latin language of Italy. When the Great Elector translated the message, to English, the cardinal would, when asked, say "The only words I have not translated, are the profanities. My son, you would not believe how much, of this message, is nothing but profanity." When Tami would suggest "That MIGHT be their next mistake." When the Great Elector would ask "How do you mean, my child?" Tami would suggest "What does the Roman-Catholic church say about the use, of profanity?" The Great Elector would say "While none of us is perfect, the church teaches that such matters shall be private, and with great restraint." When Tami would say "Precisely. You say this message is filled with profanity. What good, Roman-Catholic would use such language, in an "open forum", such as the internet?" The South American cardinal would say "Not even in the villages, which I represent, would such language be used, in public." Tami would say "Precisely." Then add "Your Emminence" indicating the Great Elector "I THINK that these kidnappers are American." When the German cardinal would ask "My child, what do you base that conclusion upon?" Tami would say "To my knowledge, America is the ONLY nation, in the world, where such profanity is part of everyday life. Far too often, Americans, especially those, of low, to no education, use profanity, as we use regular English. Add in the fact that the people seem to make a terrible job, of hiding their accents, and I believe that we are dealing NOT with European radicals, but with a set-up job." When the South American would ask "You are not considering..." I would ask the Cardinal "Why not, your Emminence? This would not be the first time such an event has been staged." When the German would ask "But, to what purpose?" I would propose "Remember those so called "Weapons of Mass Destruction"? Remember how much effort went into "creating" the "evidence"?" When an Italian cardinal would suggest "Even if the United States DID try to kidnap the pope, we have their bases covered, just as they have ours covered." Tami would suggest "Unless a civilian, or, perhaps, a private, airfield, were used." It was while Tami and I, again, returned to the research, that another event happened. While no one would ADMIT to having SEEN the body being dumped, into a major river, once the Papal robes were recognized, it seems that dozens, of locals flocked to aid the fallen pope. What astonished the locals was that, without his make-up, the man did not look very much like the pope. While the lack of fingers, and toes, meant that the M.E. would be required to use dental records, for identification, it would, eventually, be verified that the body was of a would-be actor. By the time the man was identified, Tami and I had narrowed the list, of the cities, to five. The German cardinal would observe "that is very odd." When Tami would ask "Your Emminence, how do you mean?" The German would say "If I recall, John Paul 2 had, actually, PLANNED to visit those very places, before his health deteriorated." When Tami and I asked "Why was this?" The German would say "My children, the pontiff received information. Information which claimed that, at one, or MORE, of these sites, were located not only cities, cast in gold, but of massive computers, the likes of which neither Bill Gates, nor Steve Jobs, ever considered. A French cardinal would add "Aye. I, now, recall His Holiness asking ME about information, which, a "source" said, was hidden inside the Louvre." When Tami asked "Did anyone try to verify the information?" The French cardinal would say "Humbly, my daughter, when the pope fell ill, his travels came to an end." When I asked "What about the College of Cardinals? Why did they not follow up?" The Great Elector would suggest "My son, the main duty, of the church, is to administer, to the needy. You will find no "Indiana Jones" types, within these hallowed walls." When Tami would ask "Mind if WE follow up?" The Great Elector would say "Go forth, with God's blessing." It would only be once back on-board G.S.2, that John Paul 2 would appear, to us, again. To our surprise, the pontiff would, first, say "The College, of Cardinals means well. They are, however, correct, that the churches job is to see to the needs of the people." When Tami would ask "Holy Father, while I am certain that our benefactor would permit some jet fuel, to complete this mission, I wonder if you might give us your insight. If you had the choice, of which location, to check, first, which would YOU choose." John Paul 2's first choice would be a community, within Germany. It did not take much of an imagination, to figure out WHY this would make a prime location. After all, it is well-known, that, early, in his feature film production life, Walt Disney had visited Germany. What was laughable was the thought that Walt Disney might have been a "closet" Nazi. This, for a pathetically stupid reason. The TRUTH, behind Walt Disneys trip, to Germany, was entertainment based, not political. The simple fact was that, prior to Mr. Disneys trip, to Germany, American film-makers were, still, using a century old system, for providing audio, for motion pictures. During the early years, of motion picture making, the reel-to-reel was nothing more than the visual part, of movies. This is why, in the "golden age" of cinema, before a movie started, the numbers "5,4,3,2,1,0" would flash on the motion picture screen. This count-down allowed operators time to "sync" up the recording turn-tables, to the movie. Yes, in the "goolden age", even if a projector worked, if the turn-table had problems, films had no sound. It was not until Walt Disney heard stories, that the Germans were applying sound, directly onto 35 mm film, that the movie maker travelled to Germany, to see for himself. Copying the German example, Walt Disney gave movie goers a new movie experience. One in which projectionist only had to start up one device. After this, Walt Disney would embark on bringing stereo sound to movie theaters. As to why John Paul 2 wanted US to travel to Germany, he would say "My children, the Chairman has permitted me to inform you that, prior to World War Two, that the Germans, Americans, Russians, and a few other nations, were working on a project, for creating the most advanced fighter plane, in the world. If you can imagine, planes without propellers. Planes, whose mass would not cause wind drag." When Tami would ask "Holy Father, HOW do motion pictures, and fighter planes, connect with "cities of gold", and "speaking to the dead?" John Paul would remind my partner "This time period was known as the "GOLDEN age", of motion pictures." When I would agree "Metaphorically, I agree. But what about this "Speaking to the dead"? John Paul 2 would suggest "The stories I was told stated that the designers referred, frequently, to the notes, journals, and designs, of those, who came before." Sure, even I would agree that the Germans have, always, been a highly innovative people. But, HOW could we convince the kidnappers that the "gold" which they sought was metaphorical, not real? When John Paul 2's second choice was deep in the forrests, of Europe, We had to unpack my Jeep, for part of the trip. While John Paul 2 DID lead the way, to an ancient settlement, anything, which HAD been there, was gone, millenia ago. When John Paul 2 suggested a trip, to the Amazon rain forrest, and rumors, of a "city of gold", and a "chamber, where the liviing converrse with the dead", our pilots filed ANOTHER flight plan, BACK to South America. On the way, we agreed to to giive the South American cardinal a "lift", both since it was on our way, anyway, but also because the cardinal suggested "I will encourage locals to aid your search, in return for God's blessing." While it was understandable, that the cardinals felt un-comfortable, flying about in what was, essentially, an American bomber, Tami would play "hostess", while promising the cardinals, both those who just visited the plane, and those, who flew, with us, that our gun-turrets were for the planes defense, ONLY. Tami would inform the visiting cardinals "ONLY our U.S. Air Force pilots, have the codes, for manual override. It would be impossible for anyone, to use our weapons, without permission." I think it was two days, after we landed, in South America, that Tami and I knew, as the cardinal did, that we were close to something, special. This, because of th sheer NUMBER, of traps, we encountered. Thankfully, our pilots had agreed to act as extra security, especially for the cardinal. (In private, all four of us had agreed that, if we brought either the cardinals, or the pope, himself, on any trips, that the air force would remain by our side. After all, NONE of us wanted to be the one to inform the Vatican that "Sorry, but your member fell prey to a booby trap".) Based upon the increasingly sophisticated natture, of the traps, we were discovering, our pilots began to presume that we might be heading for an American, Black Ops, camp. The problem was that there was no evidence, of foot-traffic, in front of us. Soon after this "revelation", both the air force retiree's, and the cardinal, would be surprised when the booby traps changed from primitive, jungle, fittings, into blocks of claymores, and mortar launchers. When the cardinal would ask "How is this possible? My flock are farmers, and hunters." Our pilot would, no-sooner, turn a corner, when the man would pull back, asking "How many farmers use block C-4 explosives?" When the cardinal looked puzzled, the pilot said "Thats what I thought." It was, maybe, 100 paces, beyond the C-4, when our pilots would confer on something neither had seen before. Atleast, not beyond the design board. 500 hundred feet ahead of us were weapons, the likes of which were known only in science fiction movies, and television. Our pilot would issue his first order, in several years: "While you are civilians, I am ORDERING you to stay BACK, until my partner, and I determine that the path is safe. Am I understood?" When the cardinal would say "Go, with God, my son". Our pilot would say "Thank you, father." Maybe fifteen minutes later, the pilots would return, saying "Listen, carefully. Step where I step, and not one word, until I give you the sign." As for the reason why we had not just used our hovercraft, the reason was simple. In this section, of the jungle, the vegetation was just too tightly packed, for other than human, and animal, passage. I, also, wont try to describe what KINDS of "weapons" we passed, on our way to our destination. Fact is, I had no idea what kinds of defenses these were. Neither did our pilots, which is why we were using the concept of "Let sleeping dogs lie." While the "city" we found must have been abandoned thousands of years ago, due to the evidence of the jungle growth, it was when the pilots aided the cardinal into three, of the buildings, that the cardinal found what he had, long, suspected. Over the passage, of THOUSANDS of years, the term must have changed, from "City of Treasure", to "City of Gold". This, due to mankinds GREED, for the beautiful substance. As the cardinal was happy to discover, the "treasure" would turn out to be countless books, of all kinds. While the cardinal could read a FEW, of the books, which seemed to be written in very OLD Latin, it seems that most, of the books did not appear to be written, in any language, which Tami and I had encouuntered, to date. When we asked the cardinal about if there was any information, about the living speaking to the dead, the cardinal would say "Patience, my son." While Tami, myself, and our pilots, would spend the next, several, hours, examining what were, obviously, the city's perimeter defenses, it would seem that the cardinal had been keeping busy, as well. When the man came forth, saying "I THINK I know what the kidnappers are referring to. Follow me." Our pilot would call out "Father, wait for us!" Rushing past two "temples", the cardinal would lead the way down some stone steps, through some passages, and past what LOOKED like security shield doors, before leading us into a chamber. "Here", the cardinal would announce "Is the place where the living may speak to the dead". In a manner of speaking, of course." When our co-pilot would ask "Father, what IS this place?" An un-seen vice would say "Intelligent question." When the air force men drew their weapons, saying "Come forward, and identify yourself." An image would appear, before us, saying "Welcome. What data do you seek?" Tami would ask "First of all, WHO are YOU?" The image would say "I am what you would call a hologram. My purpose is to direct your inquiries toward the correct research materials." Our pilot would ask "Does anyone else find it odd that this THING is using modern day terminology?" Our co-piot would add "Not to mention the fact that it is speaking English." The hologram would say "Relax, I have scanned your cerebral vocal cortexes, and chosen the one language, which you share." When our co-pilot would ask "What does all thhat mean?" I would say "In summary, this place has, somehow, done a brain-scan, on us, and chosen the language which we ALL use." When the cardinal would ask "How is this possible? We need massive computers. Machines, which fill whole rooms, for such functions." This is when I would look about the chamber, and suggest "I THINK we are INSIDE such a machine, right now." The hologram would say "Correct. Now, how may I assist your inquiry?" When Tami would take the chance, asking "Where is the location, where the living may speak to the dead?" When the hologram would ask "Please specify subject matter, for proper directions." When Tami would ask "Where, in this place, do we go, to speak with the spirits of the deceased." The hologram would say "With apologies, I have no information on that subject matter." It would be the cardinal would who suggest "Please present general table of contents, for review." The hologram would say "Confirmed. Presenting, in English language." As though watching a science fiction movie, we, humans, would watch as hidden projectors would present, before our eyes, what seemed like flat-screen televisions. The hologram would ask "Just let me know what subject matter you would like to review, when you are ready." To say that this place had the Chritian Bible outpaced, would be an understatement. Based upon menu's, and sub-menu's, we, soon, learned that this place held more, ancient, information, than every, written, religion, on Earth, combined. While the cardinal was busy, trying to understand even a tiny part, of what this place contained, Tami would whisper, to me "I THINK I know why this place is referred to as the place where the living speak with the dead." When I would suggest "I think I know, as well, but give me your best shot." Tami would say "I THINK this place was, at one time, a library. A place, where modern people could go, to READ, about, and learn from, the past. I think that, originally, it was referred to as a place, to review past events. This is where the legend of "speaking with the dead" came from. Just as we can review dead scholars, such as Beethoven, Bach, Mozart, and so on, I think that this place was, at on time, the very same thing." When I would admit "Makes sense, except for one thing." When Tami would ask "Whats that?" I would ask "WHY did it go out of use?" The hologram would answer that, when it re-appearred, saying "After millenia, of regular use, the people seemed to lose interest. Some moved on. Some left. I have spent MANY years, here, all alone." When Tami would ask "Do you remember how MANY years?" The hologram would use a unit, of measure, which was foreign, even to the cardinal. When Tami would ask for another reference point, such as Noah's flood, or the Roman Empire, the hologram would list names, dates, annd places, which even the cardinal had, never, heard of. When Tami would ask "Would you mind if some additional visitors came to view your wonderful library?" The hologram would say "I regret to inform you that you were, only, allowed entrance, since this unit verified that your intent was peaceful. This unit is programmed to defend this facility against any, and all, dangers. Once you depart, others will not be able to locate this facility. Not, atleast, until your race matures beyond the need to kill one another." Later, once we had departed the chamber, and were out, in the open air, I would ask the cardinal "What do you plan to report to the Vatican?" The cardinal would ask "WHAT is there, TO report? An abandoned city, full of books, which no one, alive, can read? A computer, which can read thoughts, and give informative answers? My son, if I reported this, to the Vatican, I would be dismissed, from the college of cardinals." When Tami would ask "What about the pope? Whhat can we tell the kidnappers?" A short time later, back on G.S.2, when the cardinal would contact the Vatican, he would be informed that the pope HAD been recoverred, by "Vatican Forces". No details. Nothing. This is when the cardinal would ask us "On your way, to America, would you drop me at my village." A short while later, another group, of awe-struck villagers, would watch, in amazement, as our plane landed, vertically, the cardinal walked off the plane, then we rose, into the sky, and flew from site. On our way home, the Vatican sent us a "Thank You" message, saying "With your assistance, and by the most merciful grace, of God, this task has been completed. His Holiness sends his thanks." When Tami would ask "I wonder why there is no mention, of the "city", or the "library"?" Pope John Paul 2 would appear, to inform us "My child, the world is not, yet, ready, for such information." When Tami would ask "WHO will decide when the world IS ready?" John Paul 2 would, only, say "When we mature, beyond the need to KILL, for politics, and religion. Only when we learn to live, in peace, and mutual acceptance, will the knowledge be allowed exposure to mankind. At present, mankind remains little more than "children". For now, my children, I want to express my gratitude, for your assistance. In time, the living will come to appreciate you, even as the dead do. In the meanwhile, may God lay his blessings on your travels." Shortly after Tami and I would say "Thank you, Holy father." the pontiff would dissolve. When Tami submitted our final report, on the case, Mr. Brown would say "Dont worry about the details, of the popes rescue. The Vatican will release no information. You have handled the case, well. Maybe a few days off, before the next case?" Tami KNEW that "Devilish" smile, on Mr. Brown's face. The boss had a case, in development. The question would be "WHAT would it be, THIS time?"

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