Monday, May 15, 2017


THE NEW BRADY BUNCH: THE PLAYGROUND PROBLEM While, for nearly a century, the children, of Clinton Avenue, had grown up playing at a local park. A place, which had been donated, to the city, maybe 150 (+) years ago, and where children, and teens, of ALL ages, could enjoy the heavy duty playground equipment, with slides, swings, monkey bars (jungle gyms?), and teeter-totters, all built out of what was, presumably, considered left over construction debris, from a building. A building which, itself, had been condemned, due to vastly out-of-date lead paint, and so many other issues. Even architect Mike Brady saw the wisdom, in checking everyting, built, of these materials, for toxic chemicals. There was just one problem. After the firm, which employed Mike Brady, was retained to check for any locations, where the toxics might have been put to use, Mike Brady FOUND atleast one location, where lead was found to be at near-toxic levels. Before Mike Brady would issue the bad news, he made certain of his findings. Every reading was triple-checked. Still, the evidence was clear. Every part, of the park, from sliding boards, to swing sets, monkey bars, and so on, were not only coated, in lead paint, but test samples PROVED that the equipment was BUILT of lead pipes. When Mike would inform Carol, and Carol would ask "Where will the children play?" Mike would inform his wife "Its not my decision. There is enough lead, in that park, to poison every child, within 100 miles. I dont like it, any better, than you but the lead MUST be dealt, with, according to the LAW." Even as Carol,and Michael, Brady, were meeting with local parents, to discuss the future, of the park, the towns mayor would make a public announcement. The mayor would be televised, saying "Friends, and Neighbors, I want to promise you that this park, which has served our community, through several generations, will NOT go the way, of the dinosaur. No, in fact, your community has, already sought funding, for replacement playground equipment. The park will remain open, with ONLY the playground being closed, until new, safe, equipment, can be installed. That is your mayors promise, to those, who elected me to office." While as many as 100 people turned out, to watch the old playground being torn out, and the park being levelled, and graded, to increase safety, what no one could have expected was what happened, next. While the mayor held another, news, conference, to announce the re-opening, of the park playground, it was not long before the Brady's, and other families found severe FAULT, with the new playground. When Carol went to investigate the problem, she found that her children were correct. There were, very definite, signs, posted, warning that "Only children, under the age of ten", were allowed to use the playground. When Carol asked Mike, about the age restriction, Mike suggested "Let me talk, to the mayor. Maybe I can find out something. Who knows, maybe the cheap stuff is only until regular use equipment can be installed." When Mike DID speak, to the mayor, however, he was in for some very BAD news. As the mayor would explain, "Mike, we have known one another, for a very long time. You know I would not "snow-job" you, right?" Mike would say "Of course. Thats why I wanted to ask you about the new playground equipment. How soon will the temporary stuff be removed, and replaced, with the same quality, which we had, before?" The mayor would say "Mike, I hate to tell you this, but, the current equipment is ALL that the state, and federal, governments, would allow funding for." When Mike would ask "What do you mean? I thought that the state just approved the construction, of three, brand new, GAMBLING casinoes. If the state can afford more gambling..." The mayor would say "I have been informed that GAMBLING means potential REVENUE. A playground is considered "Not a priority", since a play area does NOT produce revenue". When Mike would ask "What about the frederal government? Washington D.C. has been sending hundreds of billions, of dollars, per year, on the "War on Terror". Surely, they can spare a couple of million, for a proper playground, for our children." The mayor would say "Mike, dont you think I thought of that?" When Mike would ask "Tell me, old friend, What DID Washington D.C. tell you?" The mayor would say "The Office, of Management, and Budget told me that Congress remains convinced that reducing/eleminating taxation, of the super-rich, is far more important, than a safe playground." Mike Brady would say "The same, old, rhetoric. Cut taxes, on the super-rich, NOW, and EVENTUALLY, SOME-day, th super-rich MIGHT, POSSIBLY, consider re-investing in the American economy." The mayor would say "Sorry, Mike, but that is the "bottom line. I even had to BEG a child-welfare group, for the funds, for what is, currently, in place. Without child-welfare funds, there would be nothing, at all." While Mike Brady would shake his old friends hand, saying "I do appreciate your taking the time to meet with me. I will inform my family." The mayor would say "Not at all. We should visit more often." Mike Brady would smile as he said "A wife, six kids, and a housekeeper, keep me VERY busy." At the Brady household, when Mike called a family meeting, Carol would be the first to ask "Are you saying that the government thinks that GAMBLING, and blowing up other nations, is more important than OUR childrens welfare?" Mike would say "Thats about it. That, and further tax-cuts, for the super-rich?" When Greg would ask "Why do the super-rich need tax-cuts? Even our teachers, in school, say that the super-rich control 99.9%, of America's money. What do the super-rich need even MORE money for?" How was Mike Brady to answer that kind of "Common Sense" question. Instead, Mike Brady would issue his family a challenge. "Instead of complaining, about what we DONT have, why not place our efforts, and energy, into finding a positive solution, to the problem." When Peter would ask "Like what? Build the new playground, ourselves?" When Greg would say "Dont be a dufus. We cant afford the construction permits, alone. Let alone the price, of the equipment." Mike would suggest "Peter DOES have a point, Greg. Now, while our family, alone, might not have enough money, for the entire project, what is to prevent us from engaging our neighbors, friends, even your class-mates? When Carol wuld suggest "Like a fund drive?" Mike would say "Exactly. get people involved. Show them how the park has, and will, benefit, the community." When Bobby would say "I hope the new park has a play-station." Greg would say "Bobby, playgrounds are a place to exercise, and relax. Not to play electronic games." Mike would say "thats enough Greg. Now, the question is: How MANY of us are "IN"?" Carol, and the girls, would be first to say "We're in". The boys would follow up, saying "Yeah, us too." As for Mike Brady, he KNEW what his part would be. As part, of the work, of an architect, is to obtain price quotes, for various jobs, Mike Brady, already, knew the prices, of YOUNG childrens playgrounds. This is why Mike Brady did not bother with the normal, childrens, "play-stations". When Mike Brady, instead, visited a sporting goods store, for price quotes, on equipment, designed to withstand anything a teen could "throw at it", Mike was in for "sticker-shock", when he saw the prices. Mike Brady was wondering if he would be paying, for the equipment, OR the brand name. This is why Mike Brady would turn to his creative side. If he could not find reasonable prices, on what he sought, he would do the same thing, for his family, and neighbors, as he did, for his clients. He would "re-purpose" materials, for park use. When Carol hosted a community gathering, on the Brady's property, one of the first questions, which Mike Brady would be faced with was "Since the current playground equipment has a weight limit, of sixty pounds, HOW will this affect your plans?" Mike Brady would make a joke,with his friend, and neighbor, saying "As long as you weigh less than a ton, my plan will accomodate your weight." This met with laughter, all around. It was when Mike laid out the plan, which included using construction piping, as framing, and tow chains, on things, like the swing sets, as well as "re-purposing" other construction materials, friends, and neighbors, all agreed to "think about it." Later, to Mikes surprise, the mayor would approach Mike, at the construction firm, saying "Mike, word, around town, is that you plan a new park, for your neighborhood." When Mike would say "I wouldn't call it "new". Just replacing what was there, before." When the mayor would ask "With SAFER materials, I hope." Mike would say "Trust me. This, new, place will last, for another century." The mayor would say "I HOPE so. I am committing myself to SUPPORTING this project. Dont let me down, okay?" Mike would say "As an architect, you have my word. No shoddy workmanship." Before the mayor would depart, he would suggest "Mike, in case your idea DOES work, WHAT does your family plan to do, with the equipment, which is, already, on-site?" Mike would say "We haven't discussed that, yet." The mayor would say "Good. If your project works, I have an offer, to SELL the current playground equipment to a pre-school center." Mike would, then ask the mayor "Sir, about building permits." The mayor would ask "What about them?" Mike would say "We will be re-placing the old with the new." The mayor would suggest "As far as I know, your plan is simply to update some aging equipment. Unless you plan to BUILD something, like a community center, I dont see where a permit would be needed." When Mike would say "Thank you, sir." The mayor would say "Anytime." While it WAS true, that Mike Brady DID adhere to the basic plan, of the original park, about the only thing he did "differently", was to add on some extra parts. For example: According to some "ancient blue-prints" Mike found, in the Hall of Records, it would seem thatt the reason why the original playground had only twelve swings, two slides, and four teetter-totters, was because there were only eight families, living in what was, at that time, mostly wilderness. What local government had FAILED to do, over the years, since World War Two had ended, was to "upgrade" the park, as more veterans moved in, and started families. The same, tiny, playground, which had been fine, for the use, of a handful of families, had become a "sore-spot", as the community grew, while "leaving the park behind". While Mike Brady, never, had any intention of becoming the "leader" of the renovation, Mike,, successfully, rallied friends, and neighbors, to accept that an ENLARGED park would suit the community, better. Before cutting down any of the tree's, in the park, however, Mike Brady made certain thatt, when the tree's health was examined, that the choice, of examiner, as well as the examination, itself, were public knowledge. As the "ancient" tree's were cut down, Carol performed the job of "tour guide", showing those, who were interested, the health, of the tree's. Carol did not have to say, or do, much, since the gathering watched the sampples being brought down, and the rotted, and hollow, interiors, of the tree trunks "said it all". In fact, it was a good thing that the tree trimmers tied off the tree's, prior to cutting. This because, with atleast three tree's, no-sooner did chain saws go to work, when the vibrations caused the tree's to split, into sections, which fell to the ground. By the time Mike, and Carol, Brady, were asked "WHAT do we replace them with?", Mike would place three proposals, before his neighbors. While the people were deciding upon what kind of "shelter" they wanted, from the elements, Mike found himself not just overseeing the construction, but, it seems, doing so, on payroll. It would seem that the mayor had made a point of informing various, civic-improvement, groups of what the Brady's were doing. As a result, money began being gathered, to aid the construction process, as well as to make architect Mike Brady the OFFICIAL head of the effort. Soon, A-frames, and cross-members, were being assembled, to hold new groups, of swings. Sheet metal was being formed into sliding boards, and a local, demolition, crew even "donated" several tons, of flat iron (Which the crew would have had to PAY, to send to a dump, anyway). Once sliced into strips, sanded smooth, then covered with heat-resistant paint (For those who remember burning "backsides", during hot, summer days, when wooden teeter-totters surfaces got so hot that "bottoms", and legs got burned.), the strips would be turned into eight teeter-totters. When the Brady's neighbors would ask how they could make "special contributions", to the park, Carol Brady had suggested "Why not donate a sitting bench, or part of the picnic shelter?" In fact, the only, REAL, "complaint", about thee whole project, would be when the Brady kids would be informed that, since it was the KIDS, who started the project, it would be the kids, who would be in charge of trash collection, landscaping, and so on. When Peter would say "Thats not fair! Why should WE have to clean up, after everyone else?" Carol would ask "WHO was it who wanted to SAVE the park?" Greg would sigh and say "We get the picture. WE wanted the park, and now WE get to PAY for it." Mike would say "Thats right. Remember. Everything, in life, comes at a PRICE. There are NO "free rides"." When Bobby would add "Except for little kids. They get everything, for free." Carol would correct her son, saying "Parents are responsible for paying for children." While Mike, and Carol, Brady, would have been happy, to let th mayor take all of the credit, for both the effort, and the Grand RE-Opening", of the park, it would seem that Mike, and Carol, Brady, would be called upon to say a few words, in honor of the occassion. Both, of the Brady parents, would agree to give the credit to those who had helped. "Without the combined efforts, of this community, this project would, never, have come about. Thank You, one and all." While the mayor DID sell the playground equipment, to a day care center, no one cared about this. What made the Brady family, their neighbors, and friends, happy was that, as it had been more than a century before, the park was, now, large enough for ALL of the local kids to enjoy themselves. No matter how OLD the kids were, or how heavy the kids might be. THIS playground had NO height, weight, or age, restrictions. Life was back to "normal", for the "Brady Bunch". Atleast until the kids next caper...

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