Monday, May 22, 2017


It was a dark, and stormy, night, to be sure. I was walking Stacey home, after her "boyfriend" had failed to appear, to collect her, from a group gathering. While, to my line of thinking, NOTHING could diminish her beauty, Stacey scowled, each time I mentioned her beauty. The odd thing, about that night, was the fact that, when we, first, began our walk, to her place, the rainfall was, barely, a mist. It was only as we proceeded, towards Stacey's place, that the rain increased, in volume. Still, Stacey agreed that we should proceed. (Stacey KNEW that, if she did NOT call her mother, then the elder woman would assume that Stacey had taken a "new man", home. Thats just the way her mother was. Always hoping that Stacey would find a better man than her "boyfriend".) It was not until the thunder joined the rain, and Stacey cringed, that I wrapped an arm, around her, whispering "Dont worry. Thunder wont hurt you." As to WHY the lightning started striking, just as we were approaching Stacey's friends house, I have no clue. I did, however, follow Stacey's suggestion, that we enter the house, until the storm ended. I suppose the reason why I was surprised, that Stacey's friend had provided Stacey a key, to the friends home, is because their families respected PRIVACY. (Something my own family, nor some, of my former, landlords, cared about.) When Stacey saw that I was impressed, with her knowledge, of the homes floor-plan, Stacey gave me a weak smile, as she said "I dated her husband, for awhile.", then added "BEFORE they were married, of course." Stacey would say "He was so chaotic that, while I had a short-term hope, that he and I might have a future, together, I found out that HIS only concern was his next beer." When I asked "Bad break up?" Stacey would, softly, say "Prolonged" then added "After I broke it off, he got drunk, three times. Each time he got drunk, he forgot our break up." Stacey, then told me "Once he met my friend, however, he forgot all about me. At that point, I moved on, as well." While I think Stacey's plan, for that night, was to maintain our "distance", from one another, it seems that some lightning, and thunder, brought her to snuggle to my side. To me, Stacey's now-dry skin was so soft, warm, and fragrant, that I wanted to "move right into her embrace". This is when Stacey looked at me, asking "Would you like a drink?" I whispered "I have all I want, right here." While a bolt of lightning, and crash, of thunder, roared, just outside the house, I noticed that Stacey did not even flinch, when we shared a kiss. Even as the rain, outside, turned into a down-pour, Stacey whispered, to me "I am about to make the biggest mistake of my life." (Stacey forgot about calling her mother, as we shared a deep kiss.) When we parted, from the kiss, and Stacey observed that I was heading for her neck, Stacey whispered "Let me make us something to eat." (Like food was on my mind, at all.) When Stacey fixed us some scrambled eggs, toast, and juice, what I did not observe was how Stacey avoided allowing me to SEE the cabinets, and dishware. When Stacey mentioned "I hope you dont mind sharing a plate." I whispered "Fine, by me." I did find the excuse humorous, as Stacey claimed "I could only find one set, of silverware. I hope you dont mind sharing." While there were three, obvious, chairs, beside the counter, when Stacy served up the food, then leaned over, from another stool, I suggested "Try my stool. It may be more comfortable, for you." While Stacey knew she HAD to decline my offer, due to her "morals", and "values", these things went "out the window", as more thunder crashed, just outside the windows. This time, I am happy to say that the kiss was longer, and deeper, and I carressed her, more, before Stacey returned us to the subject of food. Passing silverware, and so on, between us, ended, quickly, and comically, as we fed one another. After Stacey placed the dishes to soaking, in the sink, Stacey took me on a tour of the house. Stacey even promised, as lightning flashed, outdoors, that the house had its own, back-up generator. When we came to the bathroom, I promised Stacey that I would re-pay the home-owners, for the toothbrush, and toothpaste, which I used. When Stacey followed my lead, we, soon, had fresh breath, to go with full bellies. After that, a long, tender, kiss, followed, so I thought Stacey was in the mood for some necking, as well. For a few moments, I THOUGHT Stacey was enjoying herself. This, because she held me, and moaned, as I necked with her. While I was surprised when Stacey whispered "baby, no.", I kissed her, and whispered "My angel." When Stacey, then, showed me the fully-equipped, childrens bedrooms, and the play room, Stacey whispered "The builder HOPED to have a large family. Un-fortunately, he want bankrupt, and the house was sold." When Stacey hesitated, by a door, whispering "I'm afraid", I whispered "Of what?". Stacey whispered "Of falling in love." When I asked Stacey "Whats behind that door? The nursery?" Stacey opened the door, almost reverently, and we stepped inside a beautiful, master, bedroom. When Stacey stared at the large bed, I asked "Angel, what is it?" While Stacey whispered "This is the special place. The place where they share their love." (Like a fool, I thought Stacey meant the home owner. If I had any Common Sense, I would have realized that Stacey was envisioning the two of us, loving one another, like newlyweds.) While I carressed her, and whispered "Angel, we are alone", Stacey, slowly, turned to me, and I kissed her, again. After that, I had Stacey show me the features, of the room, including the couples wedding day portrait. I really do not know if it was the weather, which only seemed to get WORSE, as the night wore on, or if Stacey was being haunted, by memories. What I DO know is that Stacey kept looking at THAT bed. I had no clue that Stacey was "envisioning" us, in bed. Stacey just stared, as she could not believe how happy her nude vision self seemed, as we loved one another, time-after-time. I didn't realize Stacey was having such a vision, until she whispered, to the bed "No, we shouldn't" and "I HAVE a "boyfriend". This guy is just my friend." Still, I said nothing, and waited for Stacey to say more. A moment later, Stacey turned to me, whispering "They want us to join them, baby." When I whispered "WHO is them?" Stacey smiled as she said "US". While I was a bit dis-appointed that Stacey wanted to blame a "vision", for what was to come, I was not about to say "No", to my angel. What left Stacey baffled was the fact that, once nude, in bed, and accepting my presense, Stacey noticed how different the storm seemed. The storm was, no-longer "crashing down", about us. Now, it seemed as distant as a neighboring city. Even the lightning no-longer scared her. All Stacey cared about, at that moment, was the beating, of my heart, and my breathing. The rest, of the world, melted away, as if into a dream. (While sex ed teaches that the "act" is an "invasion", of a womans body, on the night in question, and years after sex ed, Stacey did not feel like she was being "invaded". She felt more like she was being welcomed home.) I must admit that, as I began loving Stacey, the storm, which I pretended not to fear, for Stacey, now seemed so distant. Now, making Stacey happy was all that I cared about. After the first time, that I loved her, Stacey whispered an admission. "In the bathroom, I wasnt afraid of the necking. I was afraid I would enjoy it." When I took to necking, with her, Stacey let out such a beautiful moan. Later, while Stacey mounted me, Stacey did everything, except bite her lips, and tongue, off, as Stacey TRIED not to cry out, in passion, even as I nursed her beautiful breasts. (Staceys fear was that, if anyone found out how much my attention meant, to Stacey, she was afraid of being "branded". For YEARS, Stacey had HOPED that some high school athlete, who would turn pro, would take her on, as a "trophy" wife. Stacey hoped for the bragging rights of being "Mrs. Pro Athlete". If it was learned that Stacey spent a night, with ME, her dreams would go right down the drain.) Stacey was just relieved, and thankful, when I, eventually, passed out. (For the ten minutes, prior to this, Stacey had been choking back her desire to say "I love you." Now, that I was out, cold, she was relieved.) While Stacey had admitted, only to her mother, how much Stacey HATED the teeth marks, which her "boyfriend" left, covering her body, after their times, together, when Stacey left the bed, which WE had shared, and entered the master bath, Stacey did not know HOW to feel. On the one hand, the past, few, hours had been "pure Heaven", for her. As she examined her body, in the mirror, Stacey, still, felt my touch, all over her body. On the other hand, Stacey was both relieved, and sad, that I had left no marks, on her body. Stacey had all of the FEELING, but none of those, ugly, marks. When Stacey looked at her FACE, in the mirror, Stacey just hoped she could get RID of that "I'm in love", smile, before anyone noticed it. While Stacey was happy, when I awoke, during the night, relieved myself, then returned to bed, and loved her, some more, Stacey felt that the very BEST sex was when I made a point, of loving her, as the sun rose, and dawn was upon us. When I asked Stacey when the storm had cleared, she had no more idea than I did. When I noticed that the bedroom clocks were not operating, and I asked "Angel, I thought you said this house had its own generator." Stacey smiled, and kissed me, as she whispered "They do. Its right out back." When Stacey joined me, in the light, of a new morning, Stacey was amazed that, when we ventured outside the house, to the rear yard, I looked at the ground, but only until Stacey suggested "Baby, look up." While even I KNEW, from years, of watching "how to" shows, that no, good, contractor, would think of running emergency power lines anywhere except in an underground trench, Stacey would whisper, to me "Baby, my friend told me how much the trench would cost. This is why they decided to go with a reinforced cable, strung, from the generator, to the house." Well, now the owners would understand how much their "cost savings" would cost them. The power cable had acted as a lightning rod, and had not only DRAWN lightning, but been flame-broiled, in the storm. For reasons I will never understand, however, after Stacey and I shared a most romantic shower, Stacey slapped me, while whispering "Baby, this NEVER happened, undertstood?" While I was a bit confused, I agreed, just to avoid being slapped, again. After this, we put the house back, just as we had found it, then Stacey INSISTED upon walking home, alone. (It seems that, to Stacey, it was bad enough that she was as "radiant" as a new bride. Stacey did NOT want anyone knowing WHO put that smile, on her face.) It was three weeks later, when Stacey saw her friend (the home owners wife), and Stacey was shocked when the woman said "Im glad you, two, finally, did "IT"." When Stacey asked "Me, and Who?" When Stacey suggested her "boyfriend", her friend said "No, I mean your friend." It was when Stacey denied any knowledge, of such events, that her friend had said "I KNOW you two did it." When Stacey asked "Oh, really? HOW do you know?" Her friend would say "Simple". The woman then told Stacey how, when the womans husband was not at home, that, for the past few months, the woman had "watched" a "vision", of Stacey and I, loving one another so deeply, it was like we were celebrating our wedding night. When Stacey would ask "And just WHEN did these "visions" begin, and end?" Her friend would say "They began when you met him, and they ended as soon as you used my bed, to love him." Stacey thought "Swell". First, it was her mother, then it was both her sisters. All congratulating Stacey on, finally, finding love. Now, her own, best, friend, was "joining the band wagon". Stacey's life-long hope, of being a sports-stars "trophy" wife, were going down in flames. Sure, before the storm, Stacy had taken the time, to LEARN the truth, that I was not only into fitness, however, when some, of her friends heckled me, saying that "Only homosexuals, who cant "get it up", become writers." Stacey had investigated my writing, and reviewed several of my works. While Stacey admitted that I was no William Shakespeare, nor Edgar Allen Poe, Stacy found my writings to be relaxing reading. Stacey just did not WANT the ordinary, day-to-day, life, of being a writers wife. Stacey wanted the glamour, and glitter, of being a "trophy" wife. It seems that I did leave Stacey with something to consider. That was the question of "Would she, ever again, feel the way she had felt, on that stormy night?

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