Wednesday, May 31, 2017


THE NEW BRADY BUNCH #5 GREG'S NEW CAR While Mike, and Carol, Brady, would be the first to admit that Greg was no more an "angel", than any other high schooler, in any school, across America, Mike's agreement, with Greg, had been simple, and direct. Greg was allowed Driver's Ed, on the condtion that he maintained his other grades, at acceptable levels. Also, after Drivers Ed, Greg would be allowed to buy a car ONLY if he earned the money. Since Mike Brady was no fool, Mike also had Greg promise "I dont care WHAT the seller says, about a car being a "hot item", or "Other people are waiting, to see the car", or even "I cant guarantee the car will be here, if you need to talk to your folks, first." Unless you agree to let me LOOK at the car, before you buy, it will be "No deal". Understood?" Greg would say "Right, dad." Mike, and Carol, Brady never gave a second thought to the business, which had employed Greg. Since the job was just weekly deliveries, neither parent thought anything of the venture. This was, probably, atleast in part, to the fact that this was the THIRD business, in the community, to "resurrect" an old, established, company name. Sure, the "Pen Mens Shop" had, at one time, been a source, for drafting supplies (Back in the days when Mike Brady was, newly, married, to his FIRST wife). Now, the "Pen Man Shop" was a novelty store, selling all manner of writing instruments. Everything from office pens, to family heirlooms. Then, there was Wagners Market. A small, neighborhood, store, where kids could buy candy, soda, and ice cream, while adults could buy aspirin, soap, shave cream, and so on. What had made the Wagners shop so special was the stores "home delivery service." Thanks to the internet, however, "home delivery" was available, from any store. This is why the Wagners could neither compete, with the corporate chains, nor remain in business. The Wagners closed up shop, before the business failed, completely. (As a small, neighborhood, market, Wagners just could not compete with supermarket prices.) Recently, however, a group, of nostalgic retirees, had re-opened the shop, hoping to feel useful, and the preserve a "piece of the past". This is why, when Witmans Drugs re-opened, and Greg was offered a delivery job, no one thought, twice, about the company. After all, Witmans Drugs had been doing prescription work, for another neighborhood, for decades, and had only moved to the Brady's neighborhood after some corporation bought up the other sub-division, kicked the family's out, then turned the area into a commercial development, which only the super-rich could afford. Mike Brady was the first to understand the problem, since his firm had been declined the contract, to design, and build, the new development. Once Mike Brady knew that a five-star, international, firm, was being used, he understood what was coming. Since, even during his younger years, Mike Brady knew that Witmans Drugs was a small operation, Mike had been the one to, actually, suggest which building the Witmans could move into. A building the store would inhabit, for years, before taxes, and the internet, made neighborhood businesses all but obsolete. Now, sure, the new group was using a new location, for the store, but even the Brady's knew that stores move about, over the years. As for Greg's job, it would consist of picking up packages, and delivering the packages, to marked addresses. Once customers called the company, to verify delivery, Greg was paid for the trips. Once Greg had been working, for awhile, he found some decent cars, which he THOUGHT looked cool. In each case, however, Greg, and Mike Brady, ran into the same problem, time after time. Owners, who would be happy to allow purchasers, to test drive cars, but ONLY AFTER purchase was completed. At the first, two, stops, Mike Brady told sellers "No deal, without a test drive, before sale." When the owners said "Suit yourself. I have other buyers lined up." Mike Brady would say "Good day, then". Starting at number three, when owners would not even give Mike the ignition keys, to turn over the motors, Mike took Greg, by the collar, and lead his son away from the cars/sellers. Despite Mike's directions, however, Greg ended up placing a downpayment, on a car, located on a used car lot. This, Greg did, because the lot owner saw Greg's "interest", in a female customer, and offered Greg a "deal". The owner would tell Grreg "If you give me the downpayment, now, and sign the purchase contract, I will make sure her telephone number lands in your hands". After Greg signed the contract, and produced the cash, he returned home, both to inform his parents, of the deal, and to sign up for insurance. Mike Brady, however, was ready to "scalp" his son, when Greg brought the news home. When Mike put down his drafting tools, and joined Carol, in saying "Lets SEE this wonderful car, which our son has purchased." When Greg would say "No, dad, the car isn't here." When Mike would ask "Where is it?" Greg would say "Still on the lot. I haven't insured it, yet." Well, atleast Mike Brady was happy that his son remembered not to drive, without insurance. When Mike would suggest "WHy dont we hold off, on the insurance, until after I SEE the car, in action." When Mike drove Greg back, to the dealership, neither Mike, nor the dealer, seemed happy to see one another. While the dealer HAD moved Greg's choice off the "front row display", Mike was not as impressed, with the wax job, on the car body, as Greg was. While the cars interior looked as clean as the exterior, when Greg popped the hood, Mike's suspicion was how CLEAN the engine looked. (Mike wondered WHY the car was so clean.) When the dealer turned the keys over to Greg, saying "Go ahead. Turn her over." While the engine SOUNDED good, Mike would tell the dealer "We will be right back. I just want to see how it rides." When the dealer would say "Fine, by me", what Greg had missed, in his enthusiasm, for the girls phone number, was how this cars gears ground, as Greg shifted. While shifting OUT of PARK proved a bit of a challenge, Mike was not-at-all surprised when, in REVERSE, and in DRIVE, the car didn't even coast. When the dealer would say "Give it some gas, son. The gears are just a bit rusty." When Mike went to exit the car, Greg would call out "Let me put it in PARK, first." When the shifter would not move past REVERSE, Mike would say "I think I will "risk" getting out, now." When Greg tried to turn off the ignition, which would not dis-engage, while the car was in gear, the dealer slipped under the hood, banged on something, then told Greg "Now". When the car slipped into PARK, and Greg shut it off, the dealer would say "A swell car, isn't it." Mike looked like "sure". Greg would hop out of the car, reminding the dealer "You said you would get me that girls number." This is when Mike woulld place his hands on the door frame, asking "Greg, tell me you didn't fall for that one." Greg would ask "Fall for what? The dealer said that, if I bought this car, he would give me the girls phone number. Right sir?" The dealer would say "Thats correct, my boy. As soon as you finish making the payments, her number is all yours." Mike smilled, when Greg said "Buy that time, I will be too old to care." When the dealer would say "A deals a deal." Mike would say "May I SEE the contract?" The dealer would say "For $50.00 access fee, certainly." When Mike chuckled, saying "$50.00 access fee? We are talking about a piece of paper." The dealer would say "No, Mike. We are talking about a valid contract. Now, how soon do you want to remove YOUR car, from MY lot?" When Mike would tell Greg "Come on, lets go." When Greg would ask "What about the car?" Mike would say "Leave it. Its not going anywhere." The dealer would say "Not true. Any items left, beyond thirty days, go back into inventory." It would be just one week later, when Mrs. Brady's mini-van was being towed from a ditch, that Mike would agree to assist Greg in choosing a "sensible" car. Niether Carol, nor Mike, faulted Greg, for the tow, since a friend admitted that Greg had swerved, to avoid hitting a pre-schooler, who had wandered into the street. It was not until Greg saw the car, which Carol, and Mike, had chosen, for their son, that Greg went from feeling "high school", to feeling "senior citizen". Mike had, also, used his friend, in the District Attorneys office, to review the "car dealership". The dealer remained as clever as ever. He was, still, using paid actresses, to lure young men onto the dealership. Every, young, man, wanted the girls phone numbers, and the dealer saw this as a great way to make sales. Promise the boys the girls phone numbers, in return for automotive purchase contracts. Since the girls were, never, paid to do more than look interested, in the cars, the D.A.'s office decided not to file charges, against the actresses. When the state moved the dealers cars into test centers, it was found that, around 60% of the dealers inventory had to be towed in. The cars were in such shape, that they would not operate, on their own. By the time the state mechanics were finished inspecting the cars, the dealer had done what Mike Brady expected the man to do. Just as the man had done, twice before, the dealer "skipped" the state, to avoid prosecution. While Carol, and Mike, were happy, with Greg's new car, When Carol asked Greg "I thought you WANTED a car. You said you waanted the FREEDOM, right?" Greg would say "I wanted something HOT. Something SMOKING. Something with STYLE." This is when Carol would suggest "I suppose a four-door sedan does not fit the bill." Greg would say "I might as well be an honor roll geek. No girl will want to go out with any guy, in a sedan." When Marcia would pop in, saying "Nice sedan. Just like the one I..." then Marcia realized her mother was present, even as Carol would ask "Just like the one you WHAT?" When Marcia would say "Nothing, mom." then try to leave the kitchen, Carol would say "JUST one moment, YOUNG lady. WHAT did you mean by "Just like the one I...". When Marcia would say "Its nothing, mom." Carol would say "THATS the kind of "nothing" which bothers me." When Marcia would look at Greg, saying "A little help, here?" Greg would say "No chance. I wouldn't miss this..." When Carol looked at her son, and Greg would say "Sorry, mom." This is when Carol would ask Marcia "One more time. WHAT did you mean?" Marcia would say "Fine, mom. You remember that pizza party, for Michelle. Well, we "borrowed" Lucy's parents car, for the drive, to the pizza parlor, then back to their home." When Carol would ask Lucy's parents gave their permission, right?" then it occurred, to Carol "Lucy is only 14. WHERE did she get a drivers license?" Marcia would say "NO one was supposed to know. I'm sorry I mentioned it." Carol would say "I think you will be MORE sorry, when your father finds out." Before dinner, Mike Brady would discuss the matter, and the consequences, of the previous actions, with Marcia. This, even though the event, in question, had occurred almost two months before. Every time Mike would ask Marcia "Do you understand what would have happened, if..." Marcia would counter with "Nothing happened, dad. We were careful. No one even missed the car." To Marcia's horror, Mike would say "I think its time we, parents got together, on this matter." Marcia would think "Now, I will, REALLY, be known as a fink." At the parents meeting, Carol, and Mike, were surprised to find out that the other parents considered "borrowing" a car to be "small potatoes", compared to other problems. The Brady elders would, soon, find themselves facing another, more domestic, crisis. While Mike and Carol, were NOT in favor of Greg having the sedan painted, what concerned the parents, most, were the mounting bills, for the parts, which Greg was installing, in the sedan. While Mike was not "in favor" of Greg exchanging the sedans 14 inch, standard, wheels, with 18 inch, Mag, wheels, what concerned Mike, most, was the cost, of the modified, suspension, system, which the Mag wheels needed. When Mike asked Greg "How much, of your salary, are you saving, for other expenses?" Greg would ask "WHAT other expenses?" When Mike would suggest "Clothes, food, and shelter." Greg would say "Not to worry. By the time I leave home, this will be the hottest machine, on the road." It would seem that what Greg had not counted upon was needing more than a paint job, and Mag wheels, either to drag, or to impress the girls. That, and the fact that, while Greg heard rumors, that drivers dragged, for cash, it was not until Greg was ready to wager $500, to cover his first race, that the other draggers laughed, at Greg, saying "We dont drag, for money. We drag for car titles." When Greg watched the heavily-modified drag racers race down the road, then Greg's "friend" would say "How about a drag. Your car, versus mine." When Greg would say "Maybe later." the guys returned to the drag. When Greg made a list, of what his car would need, to compete, Greg was in for bad news. Any parts, commercially available, would have cost Greg half a years salary. The majority, of the parts, however, were only available, to professional drivers, and Hollywood stunt people. When Greg asked where his friends found their car parts, Greg was confused when one of his "friends" told Greg "Meet us at this address, at half past midnight." Greg was about to mention his parents rule, that, while living at home, Greg was to be IN-doors, by eleven P.M. That is, until his "friend" added "Unless you are afraid." That night, for the first time, in YEARS, Greg Brady would slip out, of the house, after hours. This, because Greg wanted to know WHERE his friends got their car parts. When the boys met up, at 12:15 A.M., at an old, storage, warehouse, Greg would ask "Why are we meeting, here?" His friend would say "You wanted to know WHERE we get our car parts." The boy pointed at the warehouse. When Greg would say "Thats a warehouse. What has this got to do with car parts?" His friend would say "Dont be naive." then add "It only LOOKS like a warehouse." When Greg, still, semed confused, his friend would whisper "Chop shop". Then add "Now, lets go. Security wont be back, until 1 A.M." When Greg said "I think I will stay here." his "friend" would say "Chicken.", then the other boys would move out, toward the warehouse. Because of the fact that his mother had married archtitect Mike Brady, Greg, Peter, and the rest of the family, could not help but "pick up" knowledge, of design. This included knowledge of security design. More, and more, of Mike Brady's designs, called for replacing simple keys, and pad locks, with key-pads and, even more often, with palm print analyzers. "Multiple-level security systems" Greg remembered Mike calling the security systems. Greg Brady was relieved, that he had stayed behind, after his "friend" walked up to a key-pad, entered a code, then the guys opened the fence. Once the guys were onto the property, Greg knew the trap was sprung, from the moment when Greg used a pair, of compact binoculars, to watch a steady, green, light, on the warehouse, turn to three, pulsating, green lights. Greg knew th boys had only five minutes, to deactivate the alarm, and prevent a police call. When Greg watched, as the laughing boys just strolled right past the REAL, security, key-pad, Greg KNEW it was time. The boys had just picked the pad-lock, on the door, and where "collecting" some car parts, when one of the boys saw flashing, blue, lights, through the warehouse windiows. When a voice called out "Put the parts DOWN." and one, of the boys asked "Who are you?" A muffled, pistol, shoot caused a very REAL stain, to appear, on the boys shirt sleeve. The other boys immediately dropped their loot, claiming "Honest, we didn't know anyone was here." When the voice asked "WHO told you, about this place?" the wounded boy decided to "save" himself, by saying "Greg Brady told us of this place." When the voice asked "WHERE is this Greg Brady?" The vandals would mention the hiding place. When someone walked out, of the warehouse, then returned, saying "Nobody there." The voice would say "Check on this Greg Brady. See if he actually exists. As for you three." The boys were lead from the warehouse, to what seemed like a most unusual sedan. With the amount of time it would take, for these "thugs" to locate high schooler Greg Brady, his "friend" was certain of one thing. Between the time, when the vandals tripped the alarm, and security arrived, Greg Brady had more than enough time to make a "Bee-line", for the Brady house. In fact, by the time the thugs sources called the police department, then woke the Brady's, asking to see Greg, the boy had been home, and asleep, for almost three hours, before being awakened. This is why the police would say "Sorry for the intrusion. Bad tip. Good night." Neither Mike, nor Carol, had to ask Greg if he had, really, been at home, all night. Greg's eyes were as blood-shot as his parents eyes were. What worried Greg was when his friends did not show up, for school, for a couple of days. When the boys DID appear, the gun-shot victims "patch" looked as though intentionally crude. (The school nurse would be required to report both the wound, and the patch.) What Greg found suspicious, beyond his friends bumps, bruises, and so on, was how the normally-arrogant, self-centered, and blustery, boys seemed silent, and withdrawn. Soon after the boys were returned, their families homes were ransaked, and their dragsters were stripped of all of the re-stolen parts. At each boys house, the message "Let this be a lesson." was left, in plain sight. While families had no idea what th words meant, the boys were silent, and humble. What Greg Brady found most difficult, to accept was having to make the CHOICE, between going on dates, OR paying record prices, for car parts. Then, there was the problem that, every time Greg replaced a part, with a racing part, this placed added stress on the remaining parts, causing older parts to fail, faster. As a result, while Greg, technically, had a "set of wheels", he was reduced to bicycling, in order to afford car parts. To make matters worse, when Greg asked Mike, and Carol, for "date" money, all his parents would do was ask "Greg, WHICH is more importannt? Your car, or your dates?" When his parents saw that Greg could not decide, both parents told their son "Take your time. Let us know what you decide." While Greg no-longer held the dream, of becoming a pro football star, in order to take the job, as a delivery boy, and pay for his car, Gregs quest, for stardom, remained beyond his reach. Greg wanted to be a REAL someone. Someone girls would swoon over. His dream, of building that sedan, into a drag racer. The problem was that Greg had to figure out how MUCH his dream was worth. For Greg, the big "let down" came the day when, after replacing the spark plugs, and spark plug wires, with racing units, the car revved up, seized up, then died. While none of the Brady's were mechanics, the family was fortunate to have a neighbor, who was a retired office worker, and certified mechanic. It was after the mechanic took a look, under the hood, that the mehcanic would inform Greg "Congratulations, my boy. You have blown the engine." When Mike Brady would ask the mechanic "How MUCH will it cost, to repair the engine?" The mechanic would say "Mike, you dont understand. Greg put racing parts on a cruiser engine." When Greg would ask "How much to re-build?" The mechanic would say "Cheaper to replace the car." Mike Brady was no fool, though. After thanking the mechanic, for the review, and sending the man on his way, Mike Brady would say "Greg, Peter, grab the tools. Remove everything we can salvage." When Bobby would ask "What about me, dad?" Mike would say "Bobby, I want you to make sure that everything we remove is set up for neat display. Not a pile of parts. A showcase." Alice would say "I will grab an old sheet, to collect the parts on." Carol would add "I will help Bobby sort the parts." The very next day, at Westdale High School, Greg never had a chance to follow the family motto, of informing customers of what condition an item was in, before selling the item. It would take Greg Brady all of ten minutes, to sell the sedan, to a group, of ball-players. It was only due to the fact that the players had practice, after school, that Greg was able to beat them to the Brady house. When Greg asked Carol "Mom, I know dad said "Always be upfront." about selling things." When Carol would say "That is true." Greg would ask "Mom, what if a buyer would not LET me tell them, about what they were buying? What if they offered me cash, and offered to take the car, as is?" While Carol was un-certain, Alice would chime in, saying "If the buyers wont let you explain, then its their loss." Carol would say "In that case, I agree with Alice. As long as you didn't TRY to withhold information, the loss is theirs." It was when the players showed up, to see the car, that the trouble erupted. While none, of the boys, noticed that the 18 inch Mag wheels were replaced with standard tires, the time, when the boys decided that Greg had defrauded them was when they popped the hood. When they found none of the racing parts, and were ready to attack Greg, that the boys were in for a surprise. Their own fathers would appear, among other neighbors, asking the potential attackers "DID Greg Brady offer to sell you a car, which was equipped, for racing?" When one, of the boys, said "Dad, we KNOW Greg put the parts on the car. He TOLD us how exensive the parts were." When a father would ask "Scott, when you BOUGHT the car, did you ASK Greg Brady what condition the car was in?" Scott would say "No, sir. We just assumed." Scott's father would say "You just assumed your friend would sell the car, with all the expensive parts, left inside." It was when Lionel would say "Greg gipped us. All the cars cool stuff has been removed." This is when Mike Brady would step forward, asking "Did you ASK my son if he left the racing parts on the engine?" Lionel would say "No, sir. We just asumed." This is when Lionels father agreed with Scott's father. The men would inform Mike Brady "We will have the car towed, as soon as possible. Please accept our apologies, for our sons actions." Mike would say "Since no harm was done, I agree." Before the last, of the boys, departed the Brady property, Brian asked "Greg, what DID you do, with all those parts?" Brians father would say "Never mind." While the parts were no-longer "factory new", the Brady's were able, with Mikes assistance, to find a web-site, where the parts could be sold. Greg would only receive 2/3 of parts value, however, as Mike said "Better luck next time." What would annoy Gregs high school friends was how much Greg had learned, from watching Mike Brady conduct business, in the time since his parents marriage. Un-like most people, who accepted projects, and purchases, at face value, Greg had noticed that Mike hade a regular habit, of asking detailed questions. Questions, which included "What kind of facade?", "What period?", "Window dressings?" door treatments, fireplace surrounds, and other questions. When Greg had asked "Dad, if YOU are the architect, WHY are you asking people what they want?" Mike had explained "Son, an architects job is to listen to clients, form their idea's, then come as close as possible, to what clients want." When Greg would say "I thought your job was just to design buildings." Mike had said "We are not talking about soap, toothpaste, or D.V.D.'s, here. Archtitects do not just put out items, and say "Take it or leave it." If we did, you would not have a bedroom, to sleep in, or food to eat. We ask questions, then give clients what they want." This is why, when Gregs "friends" would ask if Greg wanted to buy a "retired" dragster, Greg would ask "When can I look it over?" When his "friends" would ask "Dont you trust us?" Greg would follow Mike's advice, of "Never buy anything you have not seen." When Greg would ask "Why not take a look. This way, I KNOW what I am buying." Gregs eyes would have "sparkled", when he saw the shiny car. That is, until Greg remembered the used car lot. When Gregs "friends" would ask "What do you think? A hot deal?" Greg would say "Looks great. Lets look at the engine." When his "friends" stalled, asking "Dont you trust your own class-mates?" Greg would say "Sure, I trust you. I just want to look at the engine." When Gregs "closest friend" would say "You dont trust us." Greg would say "All I want to do is LOOK at the engine." It would seem that the auto shop teacher was listening in, since the man made an appearance, asking "Mr. Perkins. Mr. Brady, here, has asked to see the cars engine. Now, be kind enough to display your work." When Sam Perkins hesitated, the shop teacher would join Greg Brady, in saying "Lets look at the engine, together." When Sam Perkins, and the other students, tried to back away, the shop teacher would say "Mr. Perkins, Mr. Longmire, Mr. Livingston, you will remain where you are, until Mr. Brady, and I, examine the engine. Is that clear." When Gregs "friend" would place a hand on the car hood, saying "Engines fine." The shop teacher would say "Remove your hand." When the student did so, the shop teacher would say "Now, let us have a look at this..." and lifted the hood. The shop teacher would ask "Mr. Perkins. Is this a joke?" As Greg, and the teacher looked under the cars hood, only to find a toy, plastic, engine, along with a cardboard sign, glued to it, saying "Payback, Greg Brady." When the shop teacher would ask "WHERE is the REAL engine?" When the students did not answer, the shop teacher would say "I may be wrong, but I think the school principal will agree that this is felony fraud." When one, of the students would say "But, it was just a JOKE!" Sam Perkins would say "Besides, Greg never agreed to buy it. So, ALL you have us on is ATTEMPTED fraud. Maybe a months worth of detention. Big deal!" That is what Gregs "friends" thought, until they went before the new, school, principal. A woman, who had studied law, and was preparing to go into private practice, but only until the previous principal had resigned, over a combination of Sally's death, school reporting policies, and her objections, to Nevada's "No Contact" contract. Martha Donaldson had been focusing her legal studies, on home, and family, law, since her desire was to assist needy families with defining, and understanding, family, and childhood, law. After the princial had resigned, due to the "excessive exposure", caused by the schools "Rape/Sexual Harrassment" policy, Martha Donaldson was one, of several, lawyers, who agreed to advise the school board, on student matters. When Martha began to realize that the other six lawyers were just "sitting back", and answering questions, about what was "legal", Martha became more active, with laying out guidelines, for school policy. Martha was astounded when, as she came forth, defining problems, based upon the law, the other six lawyers "faded from view". Martha had hoped that her goal would be to direct/advise the school board, in adopting a simple, sane, policy. It was when Martha listened, as school board members just kept asking one another "HOW do we do this?" Martha realized that the school board, like the attorneys, all wanted "someone else" to take the liability, for new, school, policies. This is why Martha had drawn up three variations, based upon common sense regulations. (Martha had no idea that, when asked which plan might work, best, that she was being "baited") While Martha never claimed to having a teaching degree, she agreed to accept the challenge, of recruiting the new principal. Until this, new, person, was chosen, Martha Donaldson agreed to serve as "advisor", to Westdale High School. While her "tenure" was only a few months old, Martha had decided that, simply sitting in a room, for Detention, was not adequate punishment, for high schoolers. (For grade school children, yes. For young adults, no) For high school, which Martha Donaldson suggested should be "Final preparation, for adulthood", "Detention" took on a whole, new, meaning. Martha even asked a local womens sewing group to create some awfully bright colored vests, all labelled "Detention". Martha Donaldson had decided that "Detention" should mean "Benefit the community." As a result, each day, after school, volunteers, referred to as "Detention Monitors", kept watch, while trouble-makers bagged trash, cleared fallen tree limbs, and performed all manner, of community upkeep. When a group, of enraged parents, had written a "Letter to the Editor", stating that students were NOT "criminals", the local newspaper responded, with an article, saying "The neighborhood never looked better. Those, annoyingly squeeking swings, have, finally, been silenced. That draggy round-a-bout has not worked, so smoothly, in decades". While Martha Donaldson never, officially, accepted the role of principal, it seems her "advice" was altering students behavior. To avoid the new "Detention", Westdale students were acting more like students behaved, in the late 1800's, to mid-1900's. No-doubt, this is why, as the automotive teacher lead Gregs "friends", to Martha's office, the boys "envisioned" themselves, in those terrible vests. While Martha Donaldson made notes, covering everything, from Greg Brady's conversations, regarding purchasing car parts, to Gregs alleged "swindle", of selling the car, minus the parts, and concluding with the engine. Martha, then, made the schools position CLEAR. Martha would say "While you admit that Greg Brady informed you of his auto repair plans, my notes state that, at NO time, prior to your purchasing his auto, did you ASK Greg Brady if the car had been altered." When Sam asked "Whats that got to do with anything? Greg sold us a lemon." When Martha asked Sam "Did you ASK Greg Brady what condition the car was in, before you bought it?" The boys just looked at one another. When Martha would say "I thought so. You, simply, assumed the car was left in tact." Shortly after this, the boys agreed that the plastic engine WAS deliberate, on their part. For this reason, Martha would rule "Under the laws, of this state, I retain the right to charge you, each, with felony fraud. However, since this is your first, OFFICIAL, offense, a court of law would sentence you to 2-5 years. That, AND a permanent record, to "haunt" you, throughout your adult lives." When Bruce would say "My father would KILL me, if that happened. Whats the alternative?" No-sooner would Samuel Perkins say "Shut Up!" then look right at Martha, saying "Do your worst." This is when Sam's co-horts would say "Speak for yourself. Ms. Donaldson, HOW do WE avoid criminal records?" Ms. Donaldson would say "IF you are serious, I willl recommend leniency. to the board members. If they agree, you will join the Detention squad." While the board WOULD vote, to allow leniency, for the three co-horts, it would seem that not even the monied friends, of Samuel Jenkins father, were willing to defend the boy. (Not with Samuels past record) Samuel Jenkins would be sentenced to serve his remaining, school, years in juvenile detention. As for the Hot Rod, when the auto shop teacher asked Greg Brady what he wanted to do, Greg suggested "If we could locate another engine, I could drive it out of here." The teacher would say "The car can only remain, for five days. If you dont have an engine, by then, the school will have to sell the car, as scrap." Two days later, at the local junk yard, Peter would aid Greg, in pulling an engine, from a demolished dragster. When the auto shop teacher saw the engine, he looked at the class schedule, suggesting "Since re-building an engine was on next months "to do" list, anyway, the class now has two weeks to make this engine not only operational, but to prove that the car can be driven, under its own power." While it would take atleast a couple of days, just to clean the engine up, the teacher would have to instruct th students, on proper re-assembly, of sections. At the end of the two weeks, Greg's shiny, "new" dragster would purr out of the auto class shop. Deceitfully neither loud, nor menacing, yet with horse-power, to spare. At this point, Greg thought he had life "made in the shade". A delivery job, a new car. How much better could life get? That is, until the day Alice took a phone message, saying Greg was no-longer to report for work. When Greg would ask, Alice would say "They didn't leave a reason. The man just called, saying you no-longer work there." A short while after this, Jan was watching the news, she would call Greg, and the other children, to the television. On the T.V. screen, Whitman Drugs was being raided, by the D.E.A.. According to the on-screen reporters "The D.E.A. has received un-confirmed reports, that Whitman Drugs was processing illegal drugs, via its warehouse facility." When Mike would say "I dont believe it." Greg would say "Believe it. My boss said the company takes in drugs, from across America, and distribute the drugs to customers. I tought they meant prescriptions." When the reporter would mention "Cases, of Marijuana, and Cocaine, are being seized, as we speak." Mike Brady would, no-sooner, ask "WHAT do they expect pain relievers to be made of? Cotton candy?" When Greg would say "I guess I need to find another job. Mike would say "Until you do, THAT car, is sitting. Your mother, and I, can, barely, afford current expenses. Now, I want you to promise me, Greg. That car does not move, until you find a new job, and can afford insurance." Swell. Greg Brady, finally, had the car, of his dreams, but he wasn't allowed to drive, until he could afford insurance, and gas, money. What could, possibly, happen, next?

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